Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.74.02.20
How to Cite:
Deichakivska, O. (2024). Predicative adjectives in the composition of expressions as tactics of positive and negative politeness
strategies. Amazonia Investiga, 13(74), 239-247. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.74.02.20
Predicative adjectives in the composition of expressions as tactics of
positive and negative politeness strategies
Предикативні прикметники у складі експресивів як тактики стратегій позитивної і
негативної ввічливості
Received: January 11, 2024 Accepted: February 20, 2024
Written by:
Oleksandra Deichakivska1
The present research focuses on analyzing the
mechanisms of politeness and the role of
adjectives in interpersonal relationships,
considering them as important tools for
expressing attitudes, emotions, and cultural
values. Based on the research results, it has been
established that politeness strategies and the use
of adjectives vary significantly depending on
cultural contexts, underscoring the need for a
deeper understanding of linguistic norms and
variations. Special attention has been paid to the
role of adjectives, which serve not only as
descriptive elements but also as means of
expressing evaluations and emotions, thus,
playing a significant role in intercultural
interaction. The research conclusions underscore
the importance of integrating intercultural
understanding into the process of linguistic
interaction. It has been revealed that successful
intercultural communication requires not only
language proficiency but also a deep
understanding of cultural differences in
politeness strategies. The research also points to
the need for further exploration in this field, in
particular, in developing practical
recommendations for enhancing intercultural
communication. In this context, knowledge and
application of relevant linguistic strategies can
contribute to better understanding and respect
among representatives of different cultures.
Keywords: politeness strategies, intercultural
communication, use of adjectives, language
norms, cultural differences, speech interaction,
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of English Philology, Faculty of
Foreign Languages, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Within the contemporary linguistic landscape,
special attention is given to studying linguistic
mechanisms of interaction and communicative
strategies, among which politeness tactics
occupy a prominent place. These tactics, being an
integral part of interpersonal communication,
play a crucial role in the formation and
maintenance of social bonds. In the context of
this topic outlined, predicative adjectives as part
of expressions serve as a means of implementing
strategies of positive and negative politeness,
allowing speakers to express attitudes, emotions,
and intentions with a high degree of precision
and variability.
The present academic paper aims to investigate
how predicative adjectives function within the
context of expressions as instruments of
linguistic politeness and how they contribute to
the implementation of positive and negative
politeness strategies in various communicative
situations. Significant attention is devoted to the
analysis of linguistic expressions containing
predicative adjectives in order to identify their
expressive and evaluative functions within the
dynamics of interpersonal communication.
Special emphasis is placed on how speakers
utilize these expressions to achieve
communicative goals such as forming a positive
social image, demonstrating respect, sympathy,
as well as for implementing negative politeness
tactics, including criticism, irony, or sarcasm.
In the analysis process, theoretical frameworks
from sociolinguistics, pragmatics, and politeness
theory will be applied to unfold a
multidimensional perspective on predicative
adjectives within expressions. This research aims
to significantly advance our understanding of the
universal and cultural aspects of linguistic
politeness through a thorough analysis of
examples from a variety of languages and
cultures. Additionally, we hope to shed light on
the potential use of predicative adjectives as an
effective tool in politeness strategies.
Literature review
The richness of scientific materials from all over
the world makes the task of selecting literature
very difficult; consequently, we will briefly
analyze the main studies that, in our opinion, are
of the greatest interest within the chosen research
For instance, Algiovan (2022) in her article
focuses on the politeness strategies used by
teachers and students during virtual research
supervision. This study emphasizes the
importance of adapting politeness to the distance
learning format, which is especially relevant in
modern educational processes.
The scientific work of Abudayeh and Dubbati
(2021), who in their study analyze politeness
strategies in translating Donald Trump’s
offensive language into Arabic, is extremely
interesting. This study reveals the difficulty of
balancing the accuracy of the message with the
need to adapt to cultural norms of politeness. The
importance of cultural context in politeness
strategies is further revealed in the publications
of AlAfnan and MohdZuki (2023), where they
investigate positive and negative politeness in the
context of nonverbal communication, in
particular, the behavior of drivers in Europe.
Brown’s (2022) study offers a theoretical
overview of the concepts of linguistic politeness,
which serves as a foundation for understanding
the practical aspects of using politeness strategies
in different cultural and linguistic contexts.
Deychakivska (2018) analyzes the pragmatic
features of adjectives in the function of
predicates in her study, which allows us to better
understand how these linguistic units can
influence the implementation of politeness
The next link in this chain is the research of
Diyani and Putra (2023), which focuses on the
politeness strategies used by teachers in
preschool education, emphasizing the
importance of linguistic adaptation to the age
characteristics of the audience. It should also be
noted that Erkinovna’s research (2021) on
negative politeness helps better understand the
mechanisms of conflict prevention and reduction
of direct criticism through politeness in
interpersonal interaction.
Following up the review, Gaglia (2023) in her
study draws attention to hybrid agreement in
polite forms of address, demonstrating the
variability of language tools depending on the
context and interlocutor. This study
complements the theoretical framework created
by previous authors by expanding the
understanding of the mechanisms of language
adaptation in the process of communication.
An important contribution to the theory of
politeness was made by Haverkate (1988), who
proposed a typology of politeness strategies in
Deichakivska, O. / Volume 13 - Issue 74: 239-247 / February, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
communicative interaction. His scientific work
lays the foundations for much further research in
this area, including the analysis of specific
linguistic devices such as the use of adjectives.
The study by Hollmann (2021) examines the
“noun” essence of attributive adjectives and the
“verb” essence of predicative adjectives based on
phonological data. This analysis makes a
significant contribution to the understanding of
the structural and functional aspects of adjectives
in language, which is essential for apprehending
their role in expressing politeness.
Hutahaean et al. (2021) analyze the politeness
strategies found in the show “Pesbukers”,
pointing out the specifics of using language in
entertainment programs. Their findings
demonstrate how media content can serve as a
source for learning language politeness. Isabella
et al. (2022) explore how politeness can be
learned through film by analyzing Brown and
Levinson’s politeness strategies. This study
emphasizes the importance of media resources in
teaching socially acceptable forms of interaction.
Kristyaningsih and Arifin (2022) extend the
theme of using media content to analyze
politeness by focusing on politeness strategies in
the movie “Freedom Writers”. Their scientific
work demonstrates how cinema can serve as a
powerful tool for exploring language politeness.
Kučerová and Szczegielniak (2021) study Polish
politeness markers, considering them as a
window into the world of assessing personal
attributes. This study makes an important
contribution to the comprehension of the
linguistic specificity of politeness, allowing for a
deeper understanding of how language reflects
cultural norms and values.
Lenardič and De Maiti (2023) turned their
attention to the grammatical and pragmatic
aspects of Slovenian modality in socially
unacceptable comments on Facebook,
highlighting how modality influences the
expression of politeness in online discourse. This
study provides a valuable contribution to the
understanding of language behavior on social
media, expanding the horizons of language
politeness. Mubarak and Rhaif (2022) analyze
politeness strategies in the motivational
storytelling of American graduation speeches.
Their publication emphasizes the importance of
politeness strategies in public speaking,
demonstrating how speakers use language to
establish a positive connection with the audience.
Naghia and Mulatsih (2021) examine politeness
strategies used by characters in the TV series
“Brooklyn Nine-Nine”, providing examples of
politeness in media content. This study illustrates
how politeness can be integrated into artistic
narrative structure, reflecting interpersonal
communication realities. Njuki and Ireri (2021)
focus on strategies of positive and negative
politeness used by members of the Kenyan
National Assembly. Their research makes a
significant contribution to understanding the
cultural nuances of politeness in political
Nurmalasari et al. (2021) explore the use of
nonverbal communication in implementing
Brown and Levinson’s politeness strategies. This
study underscores the importance of nonverbal
cues in supporting polite communication,
expanding understanding of politeness
mechanisms. Pompeu (2021) analyzes politeness
strategies in a scene from the series “The
Crown”, demonstrating how highly contextual
media products can reflect complex interactions
of linguistic politeness and social hierarchies.
Rababah et al. (2021) investigate politeness
strategies in hotel service in Jordan, particularly
in giving directives. This study provides a unique
perspective on using politeness in professional
interactions, highlighting the cultural specificity
of communication in the service industry.
Santoso and Julianti (2022) study politeness
strategies in the process of teaching English as a
foreign language, emphasizing the importance of
politeness in the pedagogical process. Their
findings demonstrate how instructors can utilize
linguistic strategies to create a positive learning
environment. Selgas (2022) examines politeness
strategies in students’ responses to online
announcements by instructors, revealing the
importance of adequate linguistic etiquette in
digital academic communication. This research
emphasizes the significance of politeness in
electronic communication between educators
and students.
Sikhite et al. (2021) focus on politeness strategies
used by presidential candidates in Indonesia
during the 2019 debates. The analysis shows how
politeness can serve as a tool for shaping a
positive image within political discourse and
reducing conflict in communication. Surjowati
(2021) investigates politeness strategies applied
by students with a regional multicultural
background, highlighting the diversity of
approaches to politeness depending on cultural
and regional origins. This research underscores
the importance of cultural specificity in
politeness strategies.
Suyono and Andriyanti (2021) analyze negative
politeness strategies in the television show
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
“What Would You Do?”, demonstrating how
complex moral and ethical dilemmas are
reflected through politeness in media content.
Terada et al. (2021) explore the impact of
politeness strategies in dialogue on negotiation
outcomes, showing how linguistic politeness can
influence consensus-building and satisfaction
among parties.
Van Olmen et al. (2023) examine innate
linguistic impoliteness using the offensive
expression “you + NP” in Dutch, English, and
Polish languages, elucidating mechanisms of
verbal aggression. Wechsler and Hahm (2011)
study “polite plurals” and adjective agreement,
analyzing how grammatical structures in
language reflect politeness and social relations.
Xafizovna (2022) conducts discourse analysis of
politeness strategies in a literary work, studying
speech acts and politeness strategies, allowing
for a deeper understanding of the correlation
between literature and speech pragmatics.
An and Abeillé (2022) examine the agreement of
the nearest attributive adjective, demonstrating
the importance of grammatical structures in
expressing politeness and other social meanings.
Betti (2022.) offers a deep analysis of using
adjectives and adverbs in the English in his
online resource, revealing their role in forming
polite and effective linguistic constructions.
Bybee and Thompson (2021) focus on
interaction and grammar, analyzing
constructions with predicative adjectives in
English spoken language, indicating their
importance in creating informal and polite
interaction. Enwere et al. (2021) conduct a
contrastive analysis of adjectives in English and
Nkoroo languages, revealing linguistic and
cultural features in the use of adjectives in these
languages. This research contributes to
understanding interlinguistic differences and
Hollmann (2021) studies the “nouniness” of
attributive adjectives and the “verbiness” of
predicative adjectives, based on phonological
data. This study reveals important grammatical
and phonological features of adjectives, which
are significant for understanding their role in
linguistic structure. Jaratjarungkiat et al. (2022)
analyze predicative adjectives in the Thai
language, focusing on diachronic changes over
the past century. This work sheds light on
language evolution and changes in linguistic
expression, which are crucial for linguistic
Karunakaran and Ang (2023) offer a comparative
analysis of adjective types and their functions in
print media, analyzing headlines from “The Star”
newspaper and “Reader’s Digest” magazine.
This research reveals the specificity of adjective
usage in media discourse. Putra (2023) conducts
a comparison between Indonesian and English
adjectives based on their basic forms, exploring
grammatical and semantic features in the context
of the two languages. This study contributes to a
better understanding of cross-linguistic
differences. Ritchie (2021) focuses on
essentialism-based conclusions in language,
examining how linguistic structures are used to
form generalized perceptions of people and
groups. This research makes an important
contribution to understanding language as a tool
of social perception and identification.
The analyzed studies represent a highly
significant contribution to the issue under study.
However, the aforementioned illustrates that
predicative adjectives’ function in politeness
techniques is still somewhat of a “blank spot”,
which further emphasizes the topic’s importance.
The purpose of the present research is to analyze
and comparatively study politeness strategies,
the use of adjectives, and their functions in
various linguistic and cultural contexts, including
political debates, media content, online
communication, and literary works. This will
allow for a deeper understanding of the
mechanisms of linguistic politeness and their
impact on intercultural communication, as well
as reveal the peculiarities of adjectives usage in
the structure of language and ways of their
adaptation to different communicative needs.
Research methodology
The methodology of the present research is based
on a comprehensive approach, which includes
analysis, comparative analysis, and synthesis.
The analysis of linguistic expressions involves a
detailed study of specific examples of using
adjectives and politeness strategies in practical
speech. This includes examining texts,
transcripts of communication, media materials,
and literary works, allowing for a deeper
understanding of linguistic nuances and their
impact on communication. The application of
comparative analysis aims to identify similarities
and differences in politeness strategies and the
use of adjectives across different languages and
cultural contexts. Finally, synthesis is applied to
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
formulate new knowledge and patterns, which
are reflected in the conclusions of the proposed
academic paper.
A comparative analysis was conducted to
identify the features of adjectives within
expressions as tactics for positive and negative
politeness strategies. It primarily involved
studying the factors that govern a person's speech
behavior, including the relationship between
verbal and non-verbal actions of speakers, the
link between speech and the speech situation, the
social conditioning of the choice of speech
means, the relationship between actual speech
practice and the standard (norm); the
differentiation of speech, its units and means
according to age, gender, professional,
educational, and other characteristics.
Discourse analysis was implemented as a
structural-semiotic study of texts, with the
identification of hidden meanings of the text, the
context of its creation, and plausible
interpretations by the reader. Words were
analyzed and divided into subgroups for
comparison, correlation, analysis, and
identifying specific patterns.
Results and discussion
First and foremost, we will focus on defining key
concepts underlying politeness strategies and the
role of adjectives in speech, paying attention to
the theoretical frameworks that shape our
understanding of these phenomena. Politeness
strategies and the use of adjectives are typically
studied through the lens of sociolinguistics,
pragmatics, and politeness theory, which enables
a more thorough comprehension of their
relevance in language and cultural contexts.
Politeness strategies play a crucial role in
interpersonal communication, allowing speakers
to mitigate potential conflicts, express respect,
and consider the emotional state of the
interlocutor. They encompass a wide range of
linguistic resources and tactics aimed at fostering
positive social relations. Brown and Levinson’s
politeness theory distinguishes between positive
and negative politeness, where positive
politeness is aimed at acknowledging the
individual’s desires for approval within society,
while negative politeness recognizes his right to
independence and personal space.
Adjectives are integral parts of speech that serve
various functions, from describing object
characteristics to expressing evaluations and
emotions. They have the power to amplify or
change the meaning of the nouns they alter,
which affects how the message is perceived by
the audience. When using adjectives in a polite
manner, one might consider cultural norms and
audience expectations and use them to either
strengthen or soften words.
The comparative analysis proposed below is
based on the examination of literary sources,
linguistic corpora, and the analysis of real
communicative acts aimed at identifying
similarities and differences in using politeness
strategies and adjectives. We take into account
such aspects as cultural norms of politeness,
contextual factors influencing the choice of
linguistic means, and the role of adjectives in
shaping expressions.
Therefore, in English, adjectives are often used
to express respect or admiration. For example, in
the phrase ‘You made an excellent choice!’ the
word excellent not only characterizes the
choice but also conveys the speaker’s positive
attitude and recognition of the interlocutor’s
decision. In this case, the use of the adjective
excellent serves as a strategy of positive
politeness, demonstrating acknowledgment and
approval of the interlocutor’s choice. This
reinforces positive interpersonal relationships.
It’s interesting to note that various levels of
politeness are often used in Japanese, which are
expressed through word choice and forms. For
instance, one can say ‘You must be tired, aren’t
you?’ (
?), thereby
using a more polite form instead of directly
asking ‘Are you tired?’ (
?). Such an
approach reflects the strategy of negative
politeness, which aims to minimize imposition
and consider the interlocutor’s personal space.
Using a more polite form ensures the
preservation of harmony in relationships.
For comparison, euphemisms may be used in
Ukrainian to soften direct criticism. For example,
one can say ‘It seems like this is not the best idea’
(Схоже, це не найкраща ідея) instead of saying
directly This is a bad idea’ (Це погана ідея).
The use of the phrase not the best idea is an
example of the strategy of negative politeness,
aimed at reducing potential negative reactions.
Such word choice allows expressing one’s
opinion softly without causing offense to the
In French, to express concern or care, softening
can be achieved with the use of adjectives. For
example, one can say ‘Maybe you are driving a
little fast, aren’t you?’ (Peut-être que tu conduis
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
un peu vite, n'est-ce pas?) instead of ‘You are
driving too fast’ (Tu conduis trop vite). This
expression uses the strategy of negative
politeness, where the inclusion of un peu
(a little) and the interrogative form make the
statement less categorical and allow the
interlocutor to save face by reducing the
directness of criticism.
Contrary to the aforementioned, adjectives that
intensify emotional load can be used in Spanish
to express deep gratitude. For example, the
phrase muchas gracias por tu amable
invitación (thank you very much for your kind
invitation) is used, where amable (kind) not
only describes the invitation but also reinforces
the gratitude. The use of the adjective amable
in this context is an example of the positive
politeness strategy, which reflects recognition
and appreciation of the interlocutor’s kindness,
fostering positive interpersonal interaction.
Finally, etiquette and politeness are often
conveyed through the use of special expressions
and formulations in the Chinese language. For
instance, it is desirable and more polite to say ‘I
would like this, if possible’ (
- Rúguǒ kěyǐ de huà, xiǎng yào
zhège) instead of saying directly ‘I want this’ (
- yào zhège). The phrase
(if possible) is a negative politeness
strategy indicating a desire not to impose one’s
will and to consider the agreement of the
interlocutor, thereby ensuring mutual respect and
reducing potential pressure.
These examples illustrate how the choice and use
of adjectives in combination with politeness
strategies can influence intercultural
communication, allowing speakers to adapt to
social norms and expectations in different
cultural contexts. It should be noted that
adjectives are often used to provide evaluation,
express attitudes, or emotions, which can be
crucial in shaping positive interpersonal
relationships. For example, adjectives may serve
to enhance the positive image of a person or idea
in public speaking, while they may be used to
show respect or sympathy towards the
interlocutor in everyday communication.
The analysis of speech acts in different situations
reveals that politeness strategies are often
manifested through the choice of specific
adjectives and linguistic constructions. For
example, the use of mitigating expressions or
euphemisms helps reduce the potential negative
reaction of the interlocutor to criticism or refusal.
These strategies play a crucial role in
intercultural communication ensuring smooth
and effective information exchange.
The above analysis of specific examples of using
adjectives and politeness strategies in practical
speech allows for a deeper understanding of the
mechanisms of linguistic interaction as well as
reveals the specificity of their application in
different communicative contexts. Our analysis
underscores the importance of considering
contextual and cultural factors in choosing
linguistic means to achieve communicative goals
while ensuring polite and respectful
The multifaceted nature of the topic under study
could not but reflect the contentiousness of its
individual aspects. Therefore, let us first consider
the debate regarding the universality and cultural
specificity of politeness strategies. Some
researchers believe that politeness strategies are
universal since they are based on fundamental
human needs for respect and social harmony,
which are not dependent on cultural boundaries.
However, another viewpoint prevails, suggesting
that politeness strategies are deeply rooted in
cultural norms and values, making them
distinctly culturally specific. They emphasize
that what is considered polite in one culture may
be perceived as impolite or inappropriate in
We believe that both standpoints have their
merits; however, the reality of linguistic
communication likely lies somewhere in the
middle: while there are some general principles
of politeness, such as the necessity to mitigate
direct conflict, the specific expressions of these
principles vary significantly across cultures.
Thus, a deep understanding of the cultural
specificity of the interlocutor is necessary in one
way or another for effective intercultural
The impact of technological advancements on
civility practices is another controversial issue.
One viewpoint contends that when
communication becomes more remote and
anonymous online, more direct and impolite
interactions may occur, undermining the
significance of conventional politeness
techniques. In contrast, it is contended that
digitization provides new opportunities for
politeness through the use of emojis, stickers, and
other non-verbal means to convey tones and
nuances that may be lost in textual
communication. We believe that digitization
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
indeed transforms the ways we communicate,
presenting both challenges and opportunities for
politeness. New digital communication tools
require the development of additional skills for
the effective use of politeness strategies in the
online environment. Thus, digitization does not
diminish the importance of politeness but rather
reformulates its expression.
Finally, we would like to address the role of
adjectives in politeness strategies. While it is
often believed that adjectives play a marginal
role in politeness strategies since the main focus
is on choosing polite formulations and
constructions, there is an opposing viewpoint that
adjectives are key elements in politeness
strategies. This perspective argues that adjectives
allow speakers to precisely regulate the intensity
of their expressions, provide emotional coloring,
and express attitudes with great accuracy. In our
opinion, adjectives indeed play an important role
in politeness strategies since they enable
speakers to finely tune their expressions,
adapting them to the context and communication
needs. They are a crucial tool for achieving the
desired level of formality, emotionality, and
politeness, making them indispensable in
complex interpersonal interactions.
Concluding this brief investigation dedicated to
the analysis of politeness strategies and the use of
adjectives in intercultural linguistic spaces, it is
worthwhile to summarize the ideas that,
seemingly, open up new perspectives for further
linguistic inquiries.
First and foremost, the extensive analysis of
politeness strategies in various cultural contexts
underscores their fundamental significance both
for maintaining social harmony and for
navigating complex interpersonal relationships.
It has been established that despite the universal
need for politeness, the specific manifestations of
this phenomenon are deeply rooted in cultural
traditions and norms, requiring speakers to
possess not only knowledge of their own
language but also a deep understanding of the
cultural peculiarities of their interlocutors.
The comparative analysis of using adjectives has
revealed their indispensable role in the structure
of linguistic politeness strategies. Adjectives, due
to their ability to nuance and emotionally color
expressions, become instruments for conveying
subtle nuances of attitude and emotions, which is
particularly important in intercultural
Examining specific examples of using adjectives
and politeness strategies in practical speech not
only illustrates theoretical principles but also
reveals practical aspects of their application.
This, in turn, contributes to a better
understanding of the mechanisms of linguistic
adaptation and strategies for minimizing
linguistic conflict.
Therefore, the research underscores the
importance of an integrated approach to studying
linguistic phenomena, where theoretical
conclusions are verified and supplemented
through the analysis of real speech acts. It also
emphasizes the necessity for further development
of interdisciplinary studies that combine
linguistics with cultural studies, sociology, and
psychology to delve deeper into the essence of
linguistic politeness and its impact on
intercultural interaction.
Ultimately, the present research lays the
groundwork for further exploration in the field of
intercultural communication, offering new
directions for analyzing and studying language
strategies in the context of a globalized world,
where understanding and respect for linguistic
and cultural diversity become crucial factors in
successful interaction.
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