www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.74.02.15
How to Cite:
Knysh, I., Palshkova, I., Balalaieva, O., Kobernyk, H., & Tiahur, V. (2024). Augmented reality in higher school as a tool for
implementation of STEM education. Amazonia Investiga, 13(74), 180-192. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.74.02.15
Augmented reality in higher school as a tool for implementation of
STEM education
Доповненa реальність у вищій школі як засіб реалізації STEM-освіти
Received: January 9, 2024 Accepted: February 28, 2024
Written by:
Inna Knysh1
Iryna Palshkova2
Olena Balalaieva3
Halyna Kobernyk4
Vasyl Tiahur5
The article provides a meaningful definition of
the concepts of STEM technology, STEM
education, STEM approach, and STEM training;
the meaning and main ways of using elements of
augmented and virtual reality for higher
education as a means of implementing STEM
education are revealed. The purpose of the article
is to show the importance and necessity of using
elements of augmented reality in higher
education as a means of implementing STEM
education. As a result, an experimental study was
conducted to clarify the state of development and
the use of modern innovative technologies in
education, clarifying the question of to what
extent modern technologies can effectively
organize distance learning, and STEM education
in higher education when using elements of
augmented reality, which are provided to
messengers preference of educators, which
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and Foreign
Languages, National Academy of Management, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: ADA-5230-2022
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pedagogical Technologies of Primary Education, South Ukrainian
National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: IFK-3962-2023
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Journalism and Linguistic Communication, National
University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: H-8629-2018
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Theory of Primary Education, Pavlo Tychyna Uman
State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: E-3890-2019
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Primary, Preschool Education and
Management of Educational Institutions, Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: ADB-7206-2022
Knysh, I., Palshkova, I., Balalaieva, O., Kobernyk, H., Tiahur, V. / Volume 13 - Issue 74: 180-192 / February, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
platforms are used by teachers in working with
students of higher education during quarantine,
etc. The conclusions summarize the most
effective modern technologies for preparing and
conducting practical online classes in higher
education as a means of implementing STEM
education and highlight the most important
condition for creating a STEM environment in
higher education.
Keywords: elements of augmented reality,
higher school, STEM education, students of
higher education, modern innovative
technologies in education.
The growing demand for competent specialists in
high-tech industries who can creatively approach
complex professional scientific activities and the
innovative latest processes of socio-economic
development of society contributed to the
development and formation of the pedagogical
innovation of the 21st century the educational
direction of STEM education, the
implementation of which began in 2009 in the
USA on at the state level from the "Educate to
Innovate" program. Throughout the world, the
ideas of the STEM approach in the field of
education are supported by many educational
systems in different countries (Polikhun et al.,
In the field of education, one of the main factors
of innovative activity, one of the priorities of the
renewal of education is the strengthening of the
role in the training of STEM-education
specialists, which is an integral part of the state
policy of any country to increase the
development of human capital, the level of
competitiveness of specialists who can
implement qualitatively state innovations
through continuous work in the field of
education, own professional development and
the national economy, which meets the needs of
society and the demands of the economy
(Drokina, 2023).
The use of modern technologies is one of the
main principles of the development of STEM
education. Augmented and virtual reality
technology, artificial intelligence, virtual
assistants, 3D printers, holograms, etc., are the
technologies of the future, which now cover the
educational sector, and are increasingly
becoming the subject of scientific research. In the
last century, these technologies were used in
special scientific laboratories and were
considered science fiction, but today they
gradually fill all spheres of human life
(Honcharova, 2021). Nowadays, virtual reality
devices have become more common and
available, and the task of pedagogy and science
has become the search for ways to effectively use
this technology. Therefore, the use of elements of
augmented reality in higher education as a means
of implementing STEM education is relevant,
timely, and necessary, which is what our research
is aimed at.
The advantages of STEM education are:
1. Integrated training. STEM combines a
project-based and interdisciplinary approach
that is currently recognized as the best by
teachers around the world.
2. Application of acquired knowledge in real
life. STEM demonstrates how children can
use the information they receive in life.
Students will study not just abstract data,
they will study a concrete project, and then
they will create their own project of a certain
3. Development of critical thinking.
Schoolchildren should learn to navigate
independently even in difficult situations
and solve problems without outside help,
based on the experience gained, analogies,
and generalizations.
4. Confidence in one's own capabilities. The
practical implementation of an idea provides
moral satisfaction and increases the child's
5. Work in a team. Schoolchildren work
together, express their ideas and proposals,
discuss, justify their positions, and come to
certain conclusions together
6. Increasing interest in technical disciplines.
Students will see that being an engineer or a
mathematician is not boring at all, but rather
fun and interesting.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
7. Innovativeness. This is a special approach
that allows you to study and apply
technologies and sciences at the same time.
8. The direct path from education to career.
Shortly, the demand for specialists in such
specialties as chemical engineers, computer
systems analysts, robotics engineers, nuclear
medicine engineers, architects of underwater
structures, etc. is expected to increase.
9. Preparation for rapid technical development.
One of the main tasks of modern education
is to create conditions for the comprehensive
development of schoolchildren, taking into
account the capabilities of everyone, then
STEM education is an ideal option.
STEM education is aimed at maintaining a
constant interest and encouraging students to
pursue a career and their own research in a
certain field. In the article, we highlighted the
main aspects of this problem: a meaningful
definition of STEM technology, STEM
education, STEM approach, and STEM learning;
the importance of using elements of augmented
and virtual reality in higher education as a means
of implementing STEM education; the main
ways of using augmented reality in higher
education as a means of implementing STEM
education; modern technologies for preparing
and conducting practical online classes in higher
education as a means of implementing STEM
education; the most important condition for
creating a STEM environment in higher
education; the use of elements of augmented
reality in higher education as a means of
implementing basic competencies in the
formation of a STEM specialist.
Literature review
With the transition to new indicators of the
quality of maritime education, by which
competencies are recognized, the problems of
strengthening the practical orientation of
professional education, organizing productive
independent work, and using modern digital
technologies in the educational process. In the
system of higher education, the search for new
directed professional practice-oriented forms of
education has begun, the purpose of which is to
effectively ensure the formation of professional
competencies of future maritime specialists on
principles of electronic, blended learning,
continuous education, use of simulation
technologies, simulators of augmented, mixed
and virtual reality, etc.
The essence, structure, and significance of the
competence approach in the system of modern
maritime education, and the peculiarities of the
formation of professional competencies in future
shipmasters are highlighted in the works of many
Modern works of scientists are aimed at using the
latest technologies in the field of education.
Thus, with the aim of quality training of future
teachers of STEM disciplines, M. Mintii (2023)
improved the content of the professional training
of specialists and theoretically substantiated the
identified pedagogical conditions of preparation
for the application of augmented reality
technologies in the professional activity of future
teachers of STEM disciplines. A. Drokina (2023)
will prove that immersive technologies are a
powerful tool for the implementation of STEM
education, in particular augmented reality
technologies, which make the educational
process interactive and exciting, and the use of
augmented reality technologies contributes to the
intensive search for knowledge in students of
education and the formation of cognitive interest
in learning and provides the possibility of an
effective means of introducing STEM education
by future specialists, already during practice,
involving them in scientific and technical
creativity, stimulating their curiosity.
Dulce-Salcedo, O. V., Maldonado, D., &
Sanchez, F. (2022). analyzes the relationship
between being exposed to female STEM teachers
during secondary education and female
graduates' enrollment in tertiary STEM
Buitrago, L. M., Laverde, G. M., Amaya, L. Y.,
& Hernández, . S. I. (2022). emphasize on the
results of the reflection shows that: a. in addition
to computational thinking, STEM strategies
allow the development of 21st-century skills, b.
students with disabilities respond in an assertive
and motivated way, c. Peer work enriches own
and collective learning, d. the greater the number
of teachers linked, the more coverage the project
Bascopé, M., & Reiss, K. (2021) analyze STEM
projects conducted in eight schools with children
from 4 to 10 years old in southern Chile. The
main purpose of the study was to describe and
analyze how these projects can affect students’
and educators’ attitudes and create community
capacities to tackle local socioecological
Macías, W., Rodríguez, K.,
Arosemena-Burbano, F., & Zhangallimbay, D.
(2023) show that the purpose of this study was to
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
evaluate whether the variables that reside in the
consumer's mind, such as brand awareness,
associations, and evaluation of choice
determinants, are significant in explaining the
intention to enroll and recommend a higher
education institution.
Laurens-Arredondo, L.A. (2022) evaluates the
use of m-learning in university students for
STEM learning, in times of pandemic, through
the use of a mobile application, which was used
by students to determine kinematic variables.
The research of N. V. Horbachenko (2021)
showed the need for virtual reality in education
to increase its level through immersion and
integration with academic disciplines.
S. Semerikov, S. Lytvynova & M. Mintii (2020)
also analyzed the experience of using augmented
reality technology in the educational space;
conducted an overview of augmented and virtual
reality tools, and showed the expediency of
sharing the Unity environment, the Visual Studio
programming environment, for visual design,
augmented (Vuforia or other) and virtual
(Google VR or other) reality platforms related to
STEM disciplines. Valuable is the research of
S. Lytvynova (2022), who in the field of
education identified the key directions of VR
research, described the main components
characterizing virtual reality (immersion,
involvement, interaction) that are characteristic
of this technology, in particular: features of
conducting practical and laboratory work, which
in it is impossible to carry out traditional learning
conditions, the development of multisensory
learning, the development of the spatial
imagination of students of higher education, the
improvement of the quality of STEM education.
O. Pinchuk & L. Luparenko (2022) revealed
ways of practical application of augmented and
virtual reality technologies in production,
corporate training, and business. In particular, the
scientists showed the features of the application
of augmented reality technology in the
educational process: the application of Khan's
generalized model of electronic education; based
on augmented reality technology educational
digital content; augmented reality technologies
and game activity; with the support of augmented
reality technology a review of educational
mobile applications.
So, summing up the use of information and
communication technologies in the modern
educational process, we can say that an important
trend is the use of virtual reality technologies.
Modern works of scientists are aimed at using the
latest technologies in the field of education.
Thus, the content of the professional training of
specialists has been improved and the
pedagogical conditions of training for the
application of augmented reality technologies in
the professional activity of future teachers of
STEM disciplines have been theoretically
substantiated; the possibilities of applying
augmented reality applications during distance
learning in the educational process are described,
the possibilities of virtual reality applications are
highlighted to form the necessary skills for a
career in STEM professions.
As a result of the analysis of practical experience,
in the preparation of future teachers for the use of
Augmented Reality in higher education as a
means of implementing STEM education several
contradictions between:
the need for higher education institutions for
teachers who are ready to use Augmented
Reality in higher education, and the
insufficient level of development of the
theoretical and methodological aspects of
the application of these innovations;
the need to intensify the process of using
Augmented Reality in higher education and
the lack of theoretically grounded
pedagogical conditions for its
the need for methodical support of the
process of using Augmented Reality in
higher education and the unsatisfactory state
of program content and organizational-
methodological support in the practice of
higher education institutions;
the presence of the potential means of using
Augmented Reality in higher education and
the insufficient level of provision of
pedagogical conditions.
The relevance and significance of the problem,
the lack of its theoretical and methodical
treatment, the need to find practical mechanisms
for the use of Augmented Reality in higher
education, and the possibility of resolving these
contradictions determined the choice of the topic
of our article.
The purpose of the article is to show the
importance and necessity of using elements of
augmented reality in higher education as a means
of implementing STEM education.
The systematic method was singled out by the
general scientific method, which we applied for
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
a comprehensive study of the features of the use
of augmented reality elements in higher
education as a means of implementing STEM
Theoretical methods were used: comparative-
historical to evaluate the historical-social
prerequisites for the formation of a system of
using elements of augmented reality in higher
education as a means of implementing STEM
education; structural to identify the factors of
qualitative changes in the use of elements of
augmented reality as a means of implementing
STEM education in the conditions of graduate
education; classification and systematization of
data to analyze the structure and content of
elements of augmented reality in higher
education as a means of implementing STEM
education; empirical conducting research and
experimental work; analysis of the results of
educational activities of higher education
applicants and teaching activities; surveys,
questionnaires of respondents; expert
assessment; observing the activities of teachers
and students regarding the use of elements of
augmented reality in higher education as a means
of implementing STEM education; statistical
processing of experimental data obtained for the
purpose of quantitative and qualitative analysis
of experimental research results.
We conducted a study in 2022-2023 to find out:
the state of development and use of modern
innovative technologies in education, to what
extent modern technologies can effectively
organize distance learning, in particular STEM-
learning in higher education using elements of
augmented reality, which messengers educators
prefer, which platforms are used by teachers in
working with students of higher education during
quarantine, etc.
Respondents were scientists, teachers of higher
education institutions, administrators of
educational institutions, and methodologists.
The survey of respondents was carried out by
online filling in Google forms, anonymously.
The total volume of the sample is 62 subjects.
When forming the sample, the criteria of
meaningfulness, representativeness, and
equivalence were taken into account. The sample
was formed by random selection using the
technical procedure for calculating the selection
The implementation of the pedagogical
experiment was carried out in three stages:
preparatory, main, and final.
At the preparatory stage, the purpose and tasks of
the research were determined, the experimental
plan was developed, methods of measurement
and processing of results were selected, control
and experimental groups were selected, and their
homogeneity was checked.
At the main stage, an experiment was conducted.
At the final stage, the results of the experiment
were analyzed, their reliability was confirmed,
and conclusions were drawn about the
pedagogical effect of the experiment.
The reliability and validity of the obtained
results, and the objectivity of their assessment
were ensured by the methodological soundness
of the initial positions and the qualitative
mechanism for evaluating the quality under
study, the use of a complex of complementary
research methods, and the involvement of a
group of respondents from a higher educational
institution in the analysis of its results.
To assess the homogeneity of experimental and
control data, statistical processing was performed
using MS Excel and SPSS (Statistical Package
for Social Science).
Research relies heavily on the accuracy and
reliability of the data. In research work, the
quality of data collection and analysis not only
adds weight to the research but also contributes
to the formation of sound conclusions, which is
the key to academic success.
The following digital data collection tools were
useful in the study:
Google Forms - a simple tool for creating
surveys that allows you to collect data from
respondents, create different types of
questions, and collect answers in
SurveyMonkey - a modern survey tool that
offers a wide range of customization options
and analytical tools for analyzing the
collected data.
JSTOR, Google Scholar, and other academic
search engines provide access to scholarly
articles, books, and other academic
resources that may be useful for literature
review and theoretical data collection.
Zotero or Mendeley - bibliography
management programs that help organize
research materials, store references, and
format bibliographies and citations
according to different citation styles.
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets -
spreadsheets are useful for organizing and
analyzing collected data when working with
quantitative data.
SPSS, R, or Python for more advanced data
analysis, statistical analysis, and processing
of volumes of data.
The results of the experimental study confirmed
the applicability, optimality, and effectiveness of
the proposed pedagogical conditions for the
formation of an environmental culture of an
ecologist in the process of professional training.
Results and discussion
A meaningful definition of STEM technology,
STEM education, STEM approach, and
STEM learning.
STEM education is defined as the educational
activity of the subjects of the pedagogical process
aimed at improving or forming relevant
competencies in higher education seekers. The
concept of "STEM technology" is interpreted as
modern technological and instrumental-technical
means that ensure the mastery of higher
education students with scientific research,
primary engineering-technological skills, and
knowledge, as well as the formation of the values
of STEM education in them (Valko, 2020). The
origin of the abbreviation STEM from Science,
Mathematics, Engineering, Technology (science,
engineering, technology, mathematics). New
versions of this concept based on STEM have
also appeared, the most common of which are:
STEAM (technology, science, art, engineering,
mathematics), STREAM (robotics, technology,
science, engineering, mathematics, art) (Drokina,
In STEM education, the approach is based on the
construction of individual didactic elements, and
educational disciplines on an interdisciplinary
basis (according to certain topics integrated
learning, not individual disciplines) with the use
of the latest innovative educational technologies:
social, cognitive and knowledge transfer
(Stryzhak et al., 2017).
Immersive technologies are effective means of
implementing modern STEM education (eng.
immersive to immerse) various types of
mixing of augmented, virtual, and real reality or
technology of partial or full immersion in the
virtual world. Immersive technologies are also
called augmented reality technologies. They
provide the effect of partial or full presence in an
alternative space and change the experience in
completely different areas intended for the user.
These technologies combine Augmented Reality
(AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) or partial or full
immersion in the virtual world.
The importance of using elements of
augmented and virtual reality in higher
education as a means of implementing STEM
The use of elements of augmented reality in
higher education as a means of implementing
STEM education allows combining various types
of digital data (video, text, graphics) with objects
of the real environment displayed on the screen
of gadgets, which provides opportunities for
creating an effective innovative educational
space. Speaking about the importance and
considering the essence of MixedReality, it can
be argued that it is a way of embedding non-
existent virtual objects into our usual
environment, a complex combination of
augmented reality and virtual (Oleksiuk &
Oleksiuk, 2021). Nowadays, immersive
technologies are not systematically implemented
in educational practice, but they are only at the
stage of selection, design, the approbation of the
user environment, and the development of
methods for using such an environment
(Lytvynova, 2023).
The main ways of using augmented reality in
higher education as a means of implementing
STEM education.
Let's highlight the main methods of using
augmented reality for training students of higher
material visualization;
interactive activities;
maximum productivity and efficiency;
method of cooperation;
transparent and fair monitoring of results
(Aleksov & Didyk, 2023).
We believe that this classification is the most
productive in higher education. It is she who
reveals the possibilities of implementing AR in
the educational process of higher education
The diverse spectrum of AR technologies that
exist today requires the future specialist not only
to practice their skills well but also to master the
methods of their application well in their
professional activities.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
In any form of STEM education (project, class,
quest, hackathon, etc.), the use of augmented
reality technologies contributes to the successful
implementation of new professional roles by a
modern specialist. With this approach, the
mentor's role is completely changed to a mentor,
facilitator, innovator, and tutor, and higher
education students turn into innovators and
researchers. A teacher who observes the progress
of scientific research introduces innovations into
the educational intellectual activity of pupils,
inspires and supports them through pedagogical
interaction, identifies educational requests,
stimulates them to conclusions, helps eliminate
shortcomings, and understands their cause.
During STEM classes, students implement a
wide variety of ideas, generating them, based on
the available materials and the set goal plan
their activities. The features of this approach
optimize the educational process as much as
possible, allowing the teacher to successfully
solve educational tasks of a professional
STEM projects, which involve integrated
research activities of students of higher
education: contribute to the critical evaluation of
the obtained results, the search for ways to solve
problems, the formation of a scientific worldview
in students, and the provision of a favorable
psychological-pedagogical atmosphere for
collective discussions. Students of higher
education learn to interact in a team, actively
express their opinions, and are not afraid to
present their results. The creation of a STEM
project involves innovation and multi-subjects
since students of higher education
comprehensively apply knowledge of
engineering, mathematics, etc., using digital
technologies (Drokina, 2023).
Modern technologies for preparing and
conducting practical online classes in higher
education as a means of implementing STEM
Let's consider the most important modern
technologies for conducting and preparing
practical online classes.
Automated, remote access laboratory workshops
using network technologies: synthesis of virtual
reality, multimedia technologies, and
presentations. The value of laboratory
practicums is the ability to simulate the work of
stand-alone unique equipment of real operating
factories, the ability to organize the practical part
of the educational process online, to get rid of the
insufficient material base of educational
institutions, as problems of individual villages,
regions, problems of institutions where there are
no large manufacturing enterprises (Plakhotnik et
al., 2023).
Smart Virtual Classroom technology enables
the teacher to display drawings, text,
presentations, and graphics, create a joint
educational product, use the electronic notebook
of a student of higher education, monitor
knowledge, etc. on an interactive whiteboard.
Game-based learning technology provides
continuous learning that uses the principles of
game organization, simulates a real situation, and
provides an opportunity to establish a connection
between real life and the theoretical material of
Organizing classes in the virtual classroom and
creating a program requires the use of modern
means of the educational process (Shetelya et al.,
Let's consider some of them.
Web Whiteboard a white web board that
facilitates the creation of graphic content in a
team, the organization of "brainstorming",
provides an opportunity for several participants
to draw diagrams at the same time, and can
connect remote participants.
Trello is an online manager that is convenient
and greatly simplifies the organization of joint
work in a group; provides an opportunity to
monitor compliance with the calendar schedule,
create tasks by project, comment, attach files,
highlight priority tasks with the desired color,
create projects and add as many participants as
you like.
Breakout rooms are virtual rooms for the
organization of simultaneous studies in small
groups of higher education seekers. The resource
uses modern information and communication
technologies for joint work with text and video
For education, Google services include an ad-
free and free set of tools for teachers and students
to effectively and successfully interact, learn, and
Google Google Docs internet services text
editors that provide an opportunity to make
marks on the downloaded image, build a
diagram, and quickly draw a block diagram
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
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without leaving the browser. Based on these
tables, charts are created that interact with other
Google services and are stored in the Google
Google services are separate web applications
that are interconnected by a repository of all
information and a single account, but a browser
and an Internet connection are required to access
the information.
Google Sites is a simple site builder, available for
games to test knowledge, publishing test
materials, provides informational material for
laboratory work, classes, etc.
Google Forms is an online service that provides
various quizzes and surveys, feedback, creation
of tests, and questionnaires. The user configures
the questionnaire with the required fields, sends
a link to it to the participants of the educational
process, and receives, based on the answers
received, access to statistics. The forms are
designed with images and videos to your own
taste. A Google table is automatically created
when creating a form, in which the results of
filling out the form are stored and accumulated.
The table serves as a convenient storage and
processing of the collected data.
Google Disk is necessary for creating backup
copies of your files in the cloud storage and
accessing them both from a computer and mobile
Google Mars is an important service for
Google Alerts is a service for notification and
detection of content changes.
Google Body is a visualization of an anatomical
3D model of the human body.
Among the educational community of higher
education institutions, Google services are also in
Google Calendar an online calendar;
Gmail free e-mail;
Google Docs online office;
Google Sites free hosting that uses wiki
YouTube video hosting;
Google Translate is a translator.
All the Google services mentioned above provide
tools for students of higher education and
teachers of an educational institution, which are
necessary for joint work and effective
communication. Scientific and research virtual
sites ensure the creation of a STEM environment
in a higher education institution, network
interaction of subjects, and mutual learning
(Polikhun et al., 2019).
In the educational process of higher school,
today, modern technological devices iPhone,
iPad, etc. are increasingly used, which provide
remote work with online resources through the
use of applications Epson, Android, Projection,
etc., using wireless technology. These devices
make it possible to conveniently and easily
receive all the advantages of using modern
technologies in the organization of the
educational process: seminars, video
conferences, presentations, remote classes,
control of learning results, etc. Computer-
mediated interaction is an advantage. It became
popular when the following social networks
appeared: Facebook, MySpace, media sites
YouTube, Flickr, commercial sites eBay. These
Internet projects are well-known and have the
following common characteristics: service-
oriented design, open APIs, and the possibility of
remote hosting of media files and data.
In higher education, devices with the support of
virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) are
increasingly popular, which assist in simulating
comfortable conditions for acquiring knowledge,
while creating with the effect of involvement an
innovative environment that the student of higher
education perceives through the senses (mobile
VR/AR-enabled and software applications,
virtual helmets, etc.).
The most important condition for creating a
STEM environment in higher education.
A hardware module with software is the most
important condition for creating a STEM
environment. It consists of:
software for automating the activities of
various services (personnel accounting,
accounting of subjects of the information
environment, library automation,
performance monitoring, etc.);
general purpose software (spreadsheets,
graphic and text editors, etc.);
information resources of the educational
institution (multimedia educational
developments, educational and methodical
data banks, website, unified databases,
document storage, etc.);
software and methodological support
(electronic guides, developmental and
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
educational computer programs, multimedia
encyclopedias, etc.) (Polikhun et al., 2019).
The use of elements of augmented reality in
higher education as a means of implementing
basic competencies in the formation of a
STEM specialist.
The main signs of the formation of digital
competence are the ability to manage
information, protect data, content, and digital
identities; program, access, use, evaluate, filter,
create, and distribute digital content; to
effectively work with artificial intelligence,
devices, programs, and robots.
With a projection on the educational STEM
environment, we highlight the main
characteristics of a specialist's competence:
update and distribution of digital content; critical
thinking; combination of methods of activity,
classification; and creativity in use.
Working with digital technologies and their
content requires a higher education student to
have a safe, ethical, responsible approach to the
use of innovative tools; and a critical and
reflective, open, inquisitive, and perspective
attitude towards their development. Therefore,
the main competencies in the formation of a
STEM specialist are goals; business; creativity;
communication; promotional activity; IT
(ability); development of interests; self-
controlling orientation; awareness of needs;
epistemological, informational, knowledge
orientation; critical thinking; distribution of
digital content, its updating; creativity in use,
combination of methods of activity.
The implementation of the STEM education
model process in the educational process of a
higher school using elements of augmented
reality will allow students to develop such STEM
competencies as the ability to:
pose a problem;
regarding the solution of certain problems,
understand the possibility of other points of
to formulate and determine the ways of
solving the research task;
apply knowledge in different situations;
to develop interdisciplinary projects in the
field of STEM education;
originally solve the problem;
to monitor and forecast needs that can be
realized using STEM;
apply thinking skills at a high level.
teach using project method technology, case
studies, etc. (Rakhmanina et al., 2022).
Key aspects of the STEM approach in higher
education when using elements of augmented
integration into a single paradigm of the
methodology and content of sciences, and
modern technologies, in particular,
engineering design, information, and
mathematical tools;
by certain topics, and not individual
disciplines of the application of integrated
designing programs and curricula on an
interdisciplinary basis;
application of social technologies and
cognitive technologies, knowledge transfer;
training on real technical and technological,
socially significant, and economic problems;
emphasis on the formation of complex
engineering and scientific thinking.
The peculiarity and main components of the
STEM educational environment. STEM
education is based on the use of equipment and
modern tools related to electrical engineering,
computing, scientific research in the field of
energy-saving technologies, energy, technical
modeling, informatics, multimedia technologies,
automation, robotics, telemechanics, intelligent
systems, radio electronics, radio engineering,
cosmonautics, aviation, aerospace engineering,
etc. In the educational environment, innovations
in STEM education relate to all its components
informational and technological, spatial and
material, social and personal.
The main components of the STEM education
environment are:
elective courses, integrated training
programs focused on the formation of
competencies (educators and specialists
from certain fields of knowledge must be
involved in the creation of creative content,
as well as representatives of business and
practice-oriented training within STEM
disciplines and beyond them;
interdisciplinary principles of education,
which solve real practical tasks in conditions
of shortage of academic knowledge;
emphasis on team, project, and group work
of students of higher education; dominant
organizational forms are integrated classes,
projects, quests, excursions, cases, thematic
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
days, scientific exhibitions, competitions,
hackathons, festivals of engineering
projects, etc.;
zones of activity in the audience:
presentation zone, zones of development and
interaction, research and creativity, etc.;
modern teaching aids, containing
educational robots-constructors (LEGO
Mindstorms, LEGO, Cubelets, MakeBlock,
LittleBits, etc.), which create learning in a
game form, allow putting forward your own
ideas, familiarize yourself with electronics,
the basics of robotics, programming,
mechanics, with using various sensors for
navigation to create complex designs and
implement them in practice,
microprocessors and programming, digital
measuring complexes, network and remote
tools of project management and
cooperation, which ensure the principle of
equal access to quality education for
students of higher education and their
special needs;
interaction with parents;
cooperation and attraction of resources
between external participants and
educational teams: academic research
institutions, institutions of higher education,
research laboratories, centers, museums,
business structures, enterprises, public
organizations, etc.;
systematic monitoring of the results of
educational activities (Polikhun et al., 2019).
Experimental research aimed at clarifying the
state of development and use of modern
innovative technologies in education.
We conducted a study in 2022-2023 to find out:
the state of development and use of modern
innovative technologies in education, to what
extent modern technologies can effectively
organize distance learning, in particular STEM-
learning in higher education using elements of
augmented reality, which messengers educators
prefer, which platforms are used by teachers in
working with students of higher education during
quarantine, etc.
Respondents were scientists, teachers of higher
education institutions, administrators of
educational institutions, and methodologists.
The survey of respondents was carried out by
online filling in Google forms, anonymously.
The questionnaire questions were as follows.
1. "Do modern technologies in higher
education, when using elements of
augmented reality, make it possible to
effectively organize STEM training and
distance learning?" The respondents gave
the following answers:
"Yes" 55.8%,
"Partly" 40.5%;
"No" 2.5%;
"Difficult to answer" 1.2%.
2. "Which platforms in quarantine do you
prefer when communicating online with
students of higher education?" Respondents'
answers to questionnaire questions showed
that most specialists use it in their work
Zoom (65%);
Google Meet (64%);
Google Classroom (63.5%);
Skype (10%);
Cisco Webex (1.3%).
Therefore, specialists use Google Meet and
Zoom services the most for conducting online
meetings. Each of these services has its own
disadvantages and advantages, so specialists
choose one or the other, depending on goals,
wishes, financial capabilities, preferences.
3. "Which messengers do you prefer in
professional activities?". The answers to this
question were interesting:
Viber 93%,
Telegram 58%,
Messenger 39.5%,
WhatsApp used by 30% of respondents.
An example of conducting various remote
activities, using elements of augmented reality in
higher education among the STEM community is
the permanent festival "STEM Education
Higher School" organized by institutions of
higher education.
Each institution of higher education has the
opportunity to share the experience of
introducing elements of STEM education in the
educational space and to present their projects,
developments, and ideas.
We believe that, despite the obstacles in the use
of modern technologies and elements of
augmented reality in higher education as a means
of implementing STEM education (a large
amount of time spent on mastering new material,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the lack of an appropriate method of using
elements of augmented reality in higher
education as a means of implementing STEM
education, lack of technical support, etc.),
educators manage to implement quality
Analysis of the challenges of implementing
STEM education with augmented reality
With the development of STEM education and
the strengthening of the practical component
based on the use of digital technologies, the
development of STEM centers and laboratories,
and the improvement of the qualifications of
teachers, the problem of continuous updating and
development of methods of using the latest
technologies and teaching aids, in particular
digital ones such as augmented reality, remains
Augmented reality promotes creativity, critical
thinking, data management, and analysis. The
use of immersive technologies in a STEM-
oriented environment contributes to the
improvement of the quality of education, and the
use of forms and methods implemented on the
principles of active, purposeful learning - the
assimilation of educational material and a greater
understanding of the content of education.
Recommendations for teachers who want to
implement the implementation of STEM
education with augmented reality in their
development of scientific and methodical
foundations for the implementation of
STEM education;
promoting the development of STEM
education: analysis of the effectiveness of
the process and the dynamics of
development, ways to increase the efficiency
of the implementation of innovations,
identifying problems and forecasting future
trends in the development of STEM
organizing and conducting educational
events aimed at popularizing STEM
education, and career guidance work among
young people;
dissemination of experience and
achievements in the field of STEM
education through publications, and
presentations during educational events of
various levels;
initiation, fundraising, and coordination of
innovative educational projects;
increasing the level of professional skills of
scientific and pedagogical workers and
presentation of pedagogical work
experience, in particular, within the
framework of a STEM school.
Specific examples of how elements of STEM
education with augmented reality have been
used to enhance student learning.
The educational process using STEM is a new
education system. Students of education receive
an individual task, compile a list of sources of
information, obtain them, filter them for
reliability, compare numbers and opinions, select
the necessary ones, and start constructing new
knowledge. Having received the result, they
present it to society (the teacher), having earned
a multi-vector assessment in the form of an index
of their own personal achievements. According
to this STEM methodology, the focus is on a
practical task or problem of a research nature,
which is significantly different from traditional
tasks. Research tasks are formulated in such a
way that students do not see an obvious answer,
but find it on their own and justify it through trial
and error. The task is formulated in the direction
of: "investigate", "it's true that if..., then",
"analyze"... There is a gradual increase in the
independent activity of the students of education:
from research works based on the program
material, experimentation with topics that go
beyond the boundaries of the program to
conducting scientific research.
The concepts of STEM technology, STEM
education, STEM approach, and STEM
training are defined. The importance of using
elements of augmented and virtual reality in
higher education as a means of implementing
STEM education is shown and the main
methods of its use are prescribed. Modern
technologies for preparing and conducting
practical online classes in higher education as
a means of implementing STEM education are
The key aspects of the STEM approach in
higher education when using elements of
augmented reality, features, and main
components of the STEM educational
environment are named.
We conducted an experimental study to find
out: the state of development and use of
modern innovative technologies in education,
to what extent modern technologies can
effectively organize distance learning, in
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
particular STEM-learning in higher education
when using elements of augmented reality,
which messengers are preferred by educators,
which platforms are used by teachers in
working with students of higher education
during quarantine, etc.
Experimental research aimed at clarifying the
state of development and use of modern
innovative technologies in education has been
Recommendations have been developed for
teachers who want to implement augmented
reality in their work.
Therefore, the use of elements of augmented
reality in higher education as a means of
implementing STEM education is an effective
tool of the educational space, which contains a
huge potential for solving the tasks of the
educational process. The perspective of the new
educational space of the higher school is the mass
introduction of augmented reality technologies in
education, as well as the development of
methodical and didactic materials for their
effective use.
The issue of the organization of distance
learning, which is relevant nowadays, needs
further research.
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