Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.74.02.10
How to Cite:
Palshkov, K., Shetelya, N., Khlus, N., Vakulyk, I., & Khyzhniak, I. (2024). Impact of mobile apps in higher education: Evidence on
learning. Amazonia Investiga, 13(74), 115-128. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.74.02.10
Impact of mobile apps in higher education: Evidence on learning
Вплив мобільних додатків на вищу освіту: дані про навчання
Received: January 5, 2024 Accepted: February 22, 2024
Written by:
Kostiantyn Palshkov1
Natalia Shetelya2
Nataliia Khlus3
Iryna Vakulyk4
Inna Khyzhniak5
The article reveals the main advantages of using
mobile applications in the educational process
and shows their significance in increasing the
level of knowledge and skills of higher education
students; elements of the content of mobile
learning are revealed; didactic principles are
singled out and factors that educational mobile
applications must meet are grouped; didactic
features of mobile applications are shown in the
educational process of a higher school. The
methodological basis of the study is the general
theoretical and methodological provisions of
philosophy regarding the relationship between
theory and practice of the Impact of mobile
applications on higher education. The results of
the conducted research testify to the fact that the
use of mobile applications in the educational
process to increase the level of knowledge and
skills of students has a positive effect on
increasing the level of skills and motivation of
students to study, significantly facilitates the
Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Odessa State
University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: GOP-3100-2022
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Rector, Communal Institution of Higher Education "Academy of Culture and Arts" of
the Transcarpathian Regional Council, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: JGM-6737-2023
Ph.D. in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor, Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education, Oleksandr
Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: ABH-7748-2022
Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor, Department of Journalism and Linguistic Communication, National University of Life and
Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAH-1600-2020
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Primary, Technological and Vocational Education, SHEI “Donbas
State Pedagogical University”, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: D-4454-2018
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
educational process based on the implementation
of a personalized approach outside classroom
time, allows you to organize productive
independent work in higher education.
Keywords: mobile applications, educational
process, increasing the level of knowledge and
skills of students, institutions of higher
education, mobile learning.
The development of mobile communication
technologies and the global Internet (3G, 4G, and
5G) opens up new perspectives for the
educational sector. In the organization of the
educational sector, in the process of training
future specialists, significant changes are taking
place, new methods and forms are being added to
the traditional methods of education, which are
based on the use of mobile Internet, information,
and communication technologies, and distance
The widespread use and availability of mobile
devices create the possibility of using them for all
participants of the educational space as a means
of learning in mobile learning.
One of the essential forms of educational space
organization for education is mobile learning (m-
learning), which is related to distance and
electronic learning (e-learning). Its characteristic
feature is the use of mobile devices (Plakhotnik
et al., 2023).
The use of mobile devices in the educational
process contributes to increasing the level of
knowledge and skills of higher education
students, forming research skills, overcoming the
communication barrier, developing thinking, and
increasing motivation to master life skills and use
them in professional activities.
Mobile technologies in the educational process
have firmly entered the lives of all people, and
even modern preschool children learn to work
with a mobile phone, tablet, and computer with
ease, at the level of their own needs. Every
student, to increase the level of knowledge and
skills in the educational process, is ready to use
and uses a mobile phone in education, even if the
teacher does not promote the use of new
technical means of education. Access to the
Internet makes it possible to change the
organization of the educational process using a
mobile phone.
Taking into account the current trends in the
development of education, the current state of
technological progress, and the financial security
of higher education students to have a mobile
phone at the level of a smartphone, the use of
mobile technologies is already mandatory in the
process of obtaining an education. Some teachers
use them from time to time, and others use them
purposefully and constantly, however, in the
educational process, the number of participants
in mobile learning is constantly increasing to
improve the level of knowledge and skills of
students (Pudova, 2018). Modern global
information and communication networks,
modern computer technology, software products,
etc. form a new innovative environment for
students of higher education and teachers, which
increases the overall educational effect and
complements the possibilities of digital and
traditional learning, allowing using mobile
applications in the educational process to
increase the level of knowledge and skills. With
this approach, the successful organization of the
educational process to increase the level of
knowledge and skills of students requires the
scientific and pedagogical staff to implement and
search for methods, new forms, and means of
teaching, with the aim of changes in the theory,
methodology, and practice of teaching.
Shortly, the role of artificial intelligence will
grow in STEM education. And this is not just a
fashion trend. By leveraging AI, teachers can
tailor curricula to each student's teaching style
and learning pace. Moving from a one-size-fits-
all approach to a more individualized educational
experience improves learning outcomes and
allows students to maximize their potential. In
addition, AI's ability to analyze vast amounts of
educational data means that STEM curricula can
be continually improved and optimized. This
leads to the creation of flexible and dynamic
learning plans that can be adapted in real-time to
the needs of students.
It could be mentioned that in the first section, the
theoretical framework is presented, in the second
section the methodology of the study is
Palshkov, K., Shetelya, N., Khlus, N., Vakulyk, I., Khyzhniak, I. / Volume 13 - Issue 74: 115-128 / February, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
described, in the third section the results are
presented and in the fourth section, the
conclusions are discussed.
The following aspects are also considered in the
1. The importance and main advantages of
using mobile applications in the educational
process are to improve the level of
knowledge and skills of students.
2. Didactic principles and factors that
educational mobile applications
3. Didactic features of mobile applications in
the educational process of a higher school.
4. The most effective design platforms for
creating mobile applications.
5. The importance of using QR codes in the
educational process of a higher school.
6. Experimental confirmation of the need to use
mobile applications in the educational
process to improve the level of knowledge
and skills of students.
Literature review
Informatization of education, modern global
information and communication networks,
possibilities of computer technology, software
products, and various aspects of the use of
computer and telecommunication technologies
and tools are being studied by many researchers
nowadays. It could be mentioned that there is a
growing amount of research on the use of mobile
applications in education, but there are still few
studies that focus on the context of higher
We are interested in researching the possibilities
of creating a new innovative environment for
students of higher education and teachers, that
complements the possibilities of digital and
traditional learning, and increases the overall
educational effect, allowing using mobile
applications in the educational process for
quality professional education of each individual.
K. Policarpo & J. Bergmann, (2021). In their
work, they investigate the problem of aplicativos
móveis como recursos didáticos digitais: um
mapeamento na educação formal.
In turn, the authors M. Prado Ortega, R. Paucar
Córdova, J. Valarezo Castro, M. Acosta Yela &
K. Guaicha Soriano (2023) point out that the
benefits that the students evidenced from block
programming through mobile learning are the
ease of use of the application, portability on your
mobile device, easy to learn, drag and drop
features, connectivity, and storage, tracking in
real-time by executing an educational robot and
facility for error detection.
Scientists S. Criollo-C, D. Abad-Vásquez,
M. Martic-Nieto, F.Velásquez-G, J. Pérez-
Medina & S. Luján-Mora (2021) in their article
they emphasize that with the rise of information
technology and digitization, education has been
faced with the need to adopt new learning models
using technology to create innovative
educational methodologies. Therefore, this paper
focuses on describing the effect of an augmented
reality mobile application (NetAR) that was
developed for engineering students as a
complement to traditional education. The
usability results show that users are satisfied with
NetAR, and the statistical data from the control
group indicate that the application positively
affects learning.
Investigating the problem of the relevance of
mobile applications in the learning of physical
education L. Vega-Ramírez, R.Notario &
M. Ávalos-Ramos (2020) emphasize that mobile
telephony has developed exponentially, offering
a multitude of services that could be optimal for
the educational field of physical and sports
activity (PSA). With all this, the mobile phone
could be an educational tool that awakens interest
in teenagers and teachers.
L. Gorbatiuk, N. Kravchenko, H. Alekseeva &
T. Rozumna (2019) substantiated the relevance
and necessity of using mobile devices and mobile
technologies to increase the qualitative level of
linguistic competence in the process of foreign
language learning of students. Mobile learning is
defined as an innovative direction of electronic
learning that has a significant advantage over
traditional learning methods due to increased
cognitive activity and learning motivation,
individualization of learning, and intensification
of independent activity. An analysis of mobile
applications for learning a foreign language was
carried out. The theoretical and methodological
conditions of the formation of students' foreign
language lexical competence were considered
using mobile applications; the functionality,
design, and structure of a mobile application for
learning English were developed. To form
English-language linguistic competence, a
mobile application for the Android operating
system was developed using the integrated
Android Studio mobile application development
environment. Methodical recommendations were
developed by O. Bazeliuk, S. Kravets,
L. Maiboroda, et al. (2019), which highlighted
the practical and theoretical aspects of using
mobile Internet tools in the training of future
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
specialists, described modern technologies of
mobile Internet access, showed the effectiveness
of the main trends of mobile learning,
perspectives in the context of distance learning,
provided practical tips for developing content for
mobile learning, using it for distance learning.
The effectiveness of using mobile applications
during education was analyzed by O. Dyshko,
V. Kovalchuk & N. Tabak (2022). Scientists
have proven that mobile applications in the
context of the introduction of ICT are an
important tool for the educational process of
face-to-face and remote forms; described the
advantages of mobile applications; examples
showed the possibilities of using mobile
applications as a means of visualization to
increase the effectiveness of training: activation
of mutual learning, diversification of classes,
increase of productivity, dynamism, etc. The
most important mobile technologies for
education have been determined, which allow
optimization of study time, and are the most
effective and in demand for the study of
professional disciplines by future specialists.
The question of the use of a mobile phone in the
educational process when studying various
disciplines was highlighted by S. Pudova (2018);
attention is focused on the experience of different
countries in using a mobile phone; examples of
the use of a mobile learning tool common to all
disciplines (working on the Internet, video
recording, photography, sound recording, etc.)
and software are highlighted; examples of
computer programs developed for mobile phones
that can be used in the study of various
disciplines are given; the possibilities of using
mobile phone sensors are shown.
N. Morse et al. (2021) presented the main ways
of introducing innovative approaches and digital
technologies in the educational process in the
conditions of educational transformation. To
ensure the quality of education, a high level of
digital competence of an educator was identified
as a key requirement.
So, we can see that nowadays interest in the
integration of mobile applications in education is
growing rapidly. Scientists have proven that
mobile applications in the context of the
introduction of ICT are an important tool for the
educational process of face-to-face and distance
learning. Therefore, in the educational process of
a higher school, such teaching methods are
needed that would facilitate and accelerate the
transfer of knowledge to students, activate the
process of their assimilation of knowledge, and
increase the productivity of educational work and
the work of the teacher. Such methods of
educational space based on the use of mobile
information technologies in education can be
The use of mobile applications in the educational
process to increase the level of knowledge and
skills of students can make the learning process
more interesting, which meets the requirements
of today, providing the right information at the
right time.
But despite the availability of mobile phones
among students and their use in education,
mobile learning is not widespread enough in
higher education institutions.
The prospect of a scientific analysis of the
process of the impact of mobile applications on
higher education in higher education institutions
is strengthened by the presence at the current
stage of their digital and information-
communication development of several
contradictions, in particular between:
the rapid development of the information
society and insufficient preparation of future
specialists for the performance of
professional duties in the conditions of
the need to increase the level of digital
literacy of future specialists and the level of
ICT engagement required to perform their
professional tasks;
standardization of the formation of ICT
competence of future specialists and
improper development of the methodology
of its formation, educational and
methodological, and material and technical
The necessity of leveling the mentioned
contradictions is pedagogical the importance of
the problem, as well as its insufficient reflection
among scientists and researchers, and the lack of
a justified methodical system of its formation in
institutions of higher education determined the
choice of the topic of the article.
Goal. To experimentally confirm the necessity of
using mobile applications in the educational
process to improve the level of knowledge and
skills of students.
The methodological basis of the study is the
general theoretical and methodological
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
provisions of philosophy regarding the
relationship between theory and practice of the
Impact of mobile applications on higher
Based on the analysis of the positions of
scientists regarding the essence of the use of
mobile applications in the educational process to
improve the level of knowledge and skills of
students, we are convinced of their focus on
improving the traditional educational process
through the use of mobile means of
communication, smartphones, and tablets, etc. in
the context of a combination with information
and communication technologies.
To solve the tasks, by the logic of the research,
research methods were used: the analysis of
scientific and methodical literature, which made
it possible to identify the possibilities of using
information technologies in professional
training; analysis of regulatory documents,
methodical literature, study and generalization of
advanced pedagogical experience and others that
regulate requirements for the level of
assimilation of professional skills, knowledge,
and skills of specialists; diagnostic methods
(questionnaires, observations, conversations,
interviews, self-assessment); experimental
methods for identifying and analyzing the
obtained results, as well as individual
characteristics of the specialist's personality.
The experimental test included two sections:
ascertaining and formative. During the
experiment, the ascertainment cut revealed
approximately the same professional level of
both groups, which was determined with the help
of input control.
When determining the sample of subjects, the
general specificity of the subject of the study was
taken into account. The total sample size is 40
subjects. When forming the sample, the criteria
of meaningfulness, representativeness, and
equivalence were taken into account. The sample
was formed by random selection using the
technical procedure for calculating the selection
The experiment continued during the academic
year. The students were divided into two groups:
control (CG 22 people) and experimental (EG
21 people).
The level of professional skills of the respondents
was evaluated according to the following scale:
60-73 points (satisfactory level), 74-82 (average
level), 82-89 points (good level), and 100-90
points (excellent level).
The students of the experimental group had the
English LioDuo, Lingvaleo, EnglishDom,
Lingvist, and Ewa applications downloaded to
their mobile phones, which they actively used
during the academic year. The students of higher
education who were in the control group worked
without using such applications. The results of
the formative stage of the experiment showed a
significant increase in the success level of EG
students compared to the control stage.
The scientific novelty of the research: the
importance of education of the use of mobile
applications to increase the level of knowledge
and skills of students, which are used in
education with the help of information
technologies, was identified and substantiated,
and the dynamics of their changes were analyzed.
The results of the experimental study confirmed
the applicability, optimality, and effectiveness of
the proposed pedagogical conditions for the
formation of an environmental culture of an
ecologist in the process of professional training.
The implementation of the pedagogical
experiment was carried out in three stages:
preparatory, main, and final.
At the preparatory stage, the purpose and tasks of
the research were determined, the experimental
plan was developed, methods of measurement
and processing of results were selected, control
and experimental groups were selected, and their
homogeneity was checked.
At the main stage, an experiment was conducted.
At the final stage, the results of the experiment
were analyzed, their reliability was confirmed,
and conclusions were drawn about the
pedagogical effect of the experiment.
The reliability and validity of the obtained
results, and the objectivity of their assessment
were ensured by the methodological soundness
of the initial positions and the qualitative
mechanism for evaluating the quality under
study, the use of a complex of complementary
research methods, and the involvement of a
group of respondents from a higher educational
institution in the analysis of its results.
To assess the homogeneity of experimental and
control data, statistical processing was performed
using MS Excel and SPSS (Statistical Package
for Social Science).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Results and discussion
1. The importance and main advantages of
using mobile applications in the
educational process to improve the level
of knowledge and skills of students.
To date, the prospects of mobile technologies,
which are considered a promising innovative
means of implementing educational activities,
have been proven (Polishchuk et al., 2022). The
emergence of M-learning as one of the forms of
E-learning is based on the development of the
Internet, the requirements of the information
society, and the improvement of digital gadgets.
The modern standard of living makes it possible
for all students of higher education to have a
mobile phone (smartphone); almost all of them
have access to mobile Internet.
In recent years, there has been an increased
demand for the use of mobile applications in
various fields, including education.
The main advantages of using mobile
applications in the educational process to
increase the level of knowledge and skills of
students are small volume, free distribution, fast
download process, etc.
Mobile applications are indispensable assistants
in the organization of the organization of joint
work of students, testing, development of
sketches and quick prototypes, the performance
of practical tasks, involvement in the discussion
of lecture material, etc. (Borysenko, 2018).
Accessibility and flexibility of learning,
openness and autonomy for lifelong education,
implementation of an individual approach, etc.
can be attributed to mobile learning, and its
characteristics that determine the implementation
of important educational functions (Bazeliuk et
al., 2019). Ease of use, modernity, and portability
are also among the main advantages of mobile
gadgets (Stratan-Artyshkova et al., 2022), the
possibility of scanning QR codes, etc.
Various functionalities of mobile applications in
the educational process allow students not only
to complete the educational task but also to
effectively solve social, household, and
professional issues and communicate with each
other to increase their level of knowledge and
From the point of view of the use of mobile
applications in the educational process to
increase the level of knowledge and skills of
students, it is possible to pay attention to the
capabilities of smartphones, such as video and
voice communication, which allow students to
communicate with each other innovatively. To
send messages, students, with the help of mobile
applications, can react emotionally through the
use of gif animations, and emojis, exchange
information, and thus solve many urgent issues
that require a quick response (Tereshchuk, 2016).
The use of mobile phones by curators of
academic groups allows them to be an
intermediate chain between management,
teachers, and students. S. Sharov developed a
mobile application for the curator of the
academic group, which stores information about
students of higher education, their social status,
parents, participation in clubs, etc. (Sharov,
2018). The software tool, developed for the
Android mobile OS and installed on a
smartphone, has a simple user interface filled
with the necessary information and is useful for
curators of academic groups who will have
instant access to their students (Sharov, 2020).
Therefore, mobile technologies, in particular, the
use of mobile applications in the educational
process is a promising direction to increase the
level of knowledge and skills of students, the
quality of the educational process, and the
development of professional competence of
students of higher education.
Content and elements of mobile learning. In the
educational process, the term "mobile learning"
(mobile learning) refers to the use of mobile and
portable IT devices, in particular smartphones,
mobile phones, and tablet PCs that support work
in mobile networks and Wi-Fi technology and
operate under the control of the operating system
(Android, iOS) (Bilous, 2018).
With the help of mobile devices, you can create
and open multimedia files, get access through the
Internet to specialized sites, adapt reference and
educational resources that contain practical tasks,
and online tests, allow you to exchange
information for educational purposes, etc.
The popularity of various mobile applications is
growing along with the spread of mobile
"devices". A mobile application is an
"autonomous software product designed
specifically for mobile devices to optimize the
solution of some problem or task in the user's life.
A mobile application is developed specifically
for a given platform (Android or iOS),
distributed through special application stores
(Apple App Store, Google Play), and installed on
the device just like a computer program (Bilous,
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Undoubtedly, the use of mobile applications in
the educational process is a promising direction
for the development of the educational industry.
Scientists define them in different ways. Let's
group the main ones.
"A mobile application is an autonomous software
product designed specifically for mobile devices
to optimize the solution of some problem or task
in the user's life" (Bilous, 2017).
"A mobile application is a stand-alone software
product designed specifically for mobile devices
to optimize the solution of some problem or task
in the user's life" (Blazhko et al., 2020а).
"A mobile application is an information
technology software artifact specially designed
for mobile operating systems installed on
portable devices such as smartphones or tablet
computers" (Hoehle & Venkatesh, 2015).
Mobile applications are developed specifically
for a certain platform (Android, iOS) and are
installed on the device in the same way as a
computer program. Mobile applications are
distributed through application stores:
AppleAppStore, GooglePlay, etc.
Today, there are many free or paid mobile
applications designed for learning, which
provide interactivity with assimilation and
verification of the received information, and
display of the information itself. A student of
higher education can download any program on
a modern tablet or smartphone.
It is necessary to consider in which modes they
work (interactive (online) when selecting mobile
applications and downloading them, or offline,
and whether the technical characteristics of the
mobile device allow the operation of the
downloaded application.
1. Interactive, dialog mode of working with the
system in the network. In this mode, the user
sends requests to the system (computer on
the network, server, web server) and along
the same line receives back fragments of
information prepared for him.
2. Network session, including the Internet.
Status when connected to the Network,
which characterizes two-way data exchange
between the user and the corresponding
Internet service. It is used as an adjective and
describes various activities of users on the
Internet, for example, online chat (online
communication on the Internet), online
shopping (online purchase of goods), online
games (online games), online searching
(online search), online communities (online
community). etc. Also means the user's
mode of connection to a network or system
slightly larger than the one he was using
before the current connection (Policarpo &
Bergmann, 2021).
The main elements of mobile learning were
highlighted by Nigel Payne а member of the
International Advisory Board (University of
Pennsylvania in Philadelphia). They are:
mobile applications must be synchronized
with mobile learning tools available on the
mobile applications should be activated
from the place where work was interrupted
and should be compact;
mobile learning provides an opportunity to
use free time (Prado Ortega et al., 2023).
2. Didactic principles and factors that
educational mobile applications should
Mobile applications in the educational process
must comply with the following didactic
principles to improve the level of knowledge and
skills of students:
1) independence and activity (the ability to
complete training at a convenient time on
your own, in the process of group training to
show initiative with other subjects);
2) individual approach (selection of the level of
difficulty of tasks taking into account the
interests of higher education seekers and the
content of education);
3) accessibility (free access to programs and
educational information using mobile
4) systematicity and purposefulness (review of
goals after their achievement, setting of
short-term positively formulated goals)
(Vega-Ramírez, Notario & Ávalos-Ramos,
Taking into account such didactic principles, the
development of the methodological component
of the educational mobile application should be
carried out in the following directions to study
professional disciplines in universities:
graphic interpretation of theoretical concepts
and estimated models;
support for independent work;
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
automation of calculations;
generation of educational tasks (Ichanska,
For users, an important factor of an attractive and
unique mobile product is its functionality:
availability of hints regarding interaction
with functionality;
intuitive graphic interface;
personal user profile (statistics display);
searching for a specific material;
automatic saving of progress;
work with multimedia materials (different
types of them);
sending comments and reviews;
the ability to communicate with friends in
the chat, and the invitation to the friends
application through social networks
(Blazhko et al., 2020b).
3. Didactic features of mobile applications in
the educational process of a higher school.
To increase the level of students' skills and
knowledge, we will highlight the didactic
features of mobile applications in the educational
facilitating learning of educational material;
subject orientation (the content of the mobile
application corresponds to the content of
individual educational topics, modules, or
educational disciplines);
availability of ready-made applications;
availability of smartphones on which it is
possible to install applications and their wide
popularity for every student of higher
the possibility of working with different
types of information (graphical, symbolic,
textual, or their hybrid forms);
"speed of entry" (possibility of performing a
practical task, ease of mastering based on the
experience of studying other programs by
the method of intuitive involvement of
the possibility of using feedback for
educational assistance;
the possibility of evaluating the activity of a
higher education applicant using the control
the possibility of aggregation (combining
several simple in one application, for
example, applications of smart tools that
combine, measuring, tools);
the possibility of a group form of
involvement of students of higher education
when performing a practical task in the
application, etc. (Borysenko, 2018).
Examples of the most popular applications,
which are recommended for use in the
professional training of specialists in higher
education institutions.
Mobile applications can be used in education in
general and in the professional training of
specialists, in particular: reference books,
translators, dictionaries, professional calculators,
calculators, applications with professional
games, quizzes, etc.
Duolingo is a free app that helps you learn
foreign languages. In addition to English,
German, French, and Spanish, there are quite rare
ones (Irish, Hungarian). The application is
available for iOS and Android platforms.
A characteristic feature of the Lingvaleo
application is a large selection of modern
methods aimed at studying the theoretical
foundations of the English language and is free
content; personalization (the educational
program of English proficiency is formed taking
into account the interests of students, language
level, and target orientation.
English LioDuo has about 80 classes of
different orientations, combines sound and
image, British and American transcriptions, and
selection by different meanings of words
(selected, complex words, obsolete, etc.).
The smart application Lingvist provides the
possibility of taking into account the personal
requests of those seeking education, analyzing
the way of learning a language, containing a
language recognition mode, various thematic
areas, and tracking personal successes in the
educational space (Krasulia & Shumylo, 2020).
EnglishDom is an application aimed at
expanding vocabulary and learning English
vocabulary: it provides listening, composing
words from individual letters, choosing the
correct translation option, printing words; to
facilitate memorization, selecting graphic images
according to the principle of associative thinking;
a translation and the possibility of listening to the
correct pronunciation and transcription of each
word are provided; monitors the progress of the
educational process, evaluates the success of the
student of higher education in the study of the
English language.
The Ewa application is personalized and the
learner can choose the level of training that
corresponds to his level of preparation and
capabilities, as well as with the involvement of a
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
choice of methods for learning a foreign
language, it provides a wide range of
opportunities: listening to his favorite music,
reading books, watching videos and films, clips.
To create mobile applications today, there are
affordable and not complicated programs that do
not require programming experience and special
knowledge. Having a willingness to spend a
small amount of time and money, and the desire
to learn, you can use one of the platforms to
manage your own mobile site or application.
So, while using these applications for
smartphones, students of higher education gained
the opportunity to improve their grammatical
skills, independently expand their vocabulary,
understand and assimilate what they read or
heard, etc. When learning a foreign language,
this approach aroused interest, reduced
emotional tension, and increased the cognitive
interest of students of higher education in
4. The most effective design platforms for
creating mobile applications.
In our research, we used several builder
platforms to create mobile applications (Krol,
1) For Android or iOS, there's Appery, a fairly
easy-to-use cloud-based mobile app builder
that supports Ionic, jQuery Mobile, and
Apache Cordova (Phone Gap) with access to
their built-in components. The product does
not require any additional software
downloads, working in the cloud, there is a
visual editor that uses drag-and-drop
components to create the intended interface.
Appery automatically generates code for any
components a developer uploads. It is
possible to instantly add a server and a cloud
database to your application, connect to any
REST API, and use it in your application if
there is a need to save data. In particular, you
can use the Appery plugin catalog or create
your own. Real-time team collaboration on
the application is easily implemented.
2) Mobile Roadie is an application designer
that allows you to manage and create your
Android or iOS application in which the
development process takes place in a visual
format. All types of media are supported by
the platform, automatically importing
keywords from Google News or RSS,
Twitter, as well as automatically updating
the fan wall for real-time communication
with users. The function of the appearance
of the application through the eyes of the
user and the function of previewing the
application are supported. Mobile Roadie
checks the quality of the content and carries
out the review process in the App Store. This
software product allows you to send push
notifications from your site or the platform
itself. In general, the platform is language-
independent and provides data transfer in
various formats, including JSON, XML,
CSV, PHP, and HTML. The developer is
offered, at the very beginning, several
options for layouts that can be customized.
3) TheAppBuilder is a platform that offers a
group of apps for different users, supports
iPad, iPhone, and Android, creates event
apps, and mobile brochures, and integrates
YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook videos,
calendars, photo galleries, and more.
Updating the content of the application and
its structure is activated within 60 seconds
after making changes, it is easy. You can
make changes and publish to multiple
mobile platforms even after the application
has been published. The designer has two
approaches: with the help of an online
application creation tool or TheAppBuilder
itself to fill the application with content and
establish its structure and the platform with
which the developer is going to work.
4) Good Barber provides a platform for
creating applications for Android and
iPhone, as well as for optimized web
applications. Control is supported for every
detail of the application for any of the
platforms without writing a single line of
code. At the beginning, a selection of design
templates, access to Google Fonts, and many
icons are offered. Data from web
applications can replace the current site
because they can be optimized for mobile
devices, desktop computers, and tablets. The
user receives quick visual feedback every
time any parameters are adjusted in their
5) Appy Pie is a cloud-based product for
creating do-it-yourself mobile applications
that allow users without programming skills
to create their own mobile applications
online. There is no need for any download or
installation, just drag and drop the pages.
The work is carried out with the ability to
send push notifications online, integrate
social network channels, track and view
location analytics using GPS, websites,
blogs, video, audio, etc. When using this
platform, there is a meeting scheduling tool,
and various topics are offered to the user.
6) AppMachine the platform is designed to
create professional mobile applications for
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Android and iOS and is easy to use. The user
can combine different blocks that offer
different functions: photo, text, app
integration with Facebook, Twitter, video,
etc., using a drag-and-drop interface, create
your design by choosing a color, navigation,
icons, fonts, and layout control and
monitoring progress with the Previewer.
This platform allows you to scan a website
for key content that can be transferred to an
Android or iOS app. It is published and
promoted after the application is ready and
tested for operation, and user data is
analyzed. AppMachine takes care of the app
to appear on Google Play and the App Store.
5. The importance of using QR codes in the
educational process of a higher school.
In the educational process, the use of QR codes,
which teachers have recently been actively using
in the educational process, is of great importance.
Translated from English, the abbreviation QR
(quick response) means "quick response". This is
a matrix code (two-dimensional barcode), which
was developed by the Japanese company "Denso
Wave" in 1994, which provides 2953 bytes of
information in one small square, i.e. 1817
hieroglyphs or 4296 letters or 7089 numbers (1-
2 pages of text in A4 format). The advantage of
a QR code is that it can be easily recognized by a
mobile phone camera or scanning equipment.
Today, such codes are relevant in education, they
are used in any catalog, and in museums near
paintings or exhibits for educational information
about the exhibit, its author, etc. The QR code
allows you to quickly read, decode, and encode:
texts, active links for downloading information,
URLs of various sites, etc.; it allows you to go
easily and quickly to the website to download
files on a mobile device. For educational reading,
QR scanners and QR codes are attractive ways to
use mobile phones (Bazeliuk et al., 2019).
So, the mobile application in the educational
process provides an opportunity to view courses
offline and online, to record the progress of a
student of higher education, provide the means of
simplified interaction with course teachers and
authors, etc. to improve the level of knowledge
and skills of students.
A smartphone, a tablet, a laptop, and a personal
computer allow every student of higher
education to get the most out of their studies and
always stay in touch with the teacher. To a large
extent, mobile technologies facilitate the
education process, because, using a tablet or
smartphone, every student of higher education
can complete their tasks anywhere and anytime.
There are many applications for the development
of electronic courses that are available under an
open-source license. Every student of higher
education has the opportunity to update his
application to the latest version without losing
the already existing progress from the previous
6. Experimental confirmation of the need to
use mobile applications in the educational
process to improve the level of knowledge
and skills of students.
Before experimenting, it was assumed that the
use of mobile applications in the educational
process during the study of professional
disciplines by students of higher education would
contribute to the formation of professional
competence among students.
To confirm the proposed hypothesis, the
following tasks were solved during the
the initial level of formation of students'
professional competence is determined;
experimental training using mobile
applications was conducted;
an analysis of its results was carried out.
The experimental test included two sections:
ascertaining and formative. During the
experiment, the ascertainment cut revealed
approximately the same professional level of
both groups, which was determined with the help
of input control.
40 students of higher education who had
approximately the same level of knowledge were
involved in the pedagogical experiment. The
experiment continued during the academic year.
The students were divided into two groups:
control (CG 22 people) and experimental (EG
21 people).
The level of professional skills of the respondents
was evaluated according to the following scale:
60-73 points (satisfactory level), 74-82 (average
level), 82-89 points (good level), and 100-90
points (excellent level).
The students of the experimental group had the
English LioDuo, Lingvaleo, EnglishDom,
Lingvist, and Ewa applications downloaded to
their mobile phones, which they actively used
during the academic year. The students of higher
education who were in the control group worked
without using such applications. The results of
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the formative stage of the experiment showed a
significant increase in the success level of EG
students compared to the control stage. In
addition, EG students, thanks to the self-
assessment method, showed an increase in the
level of cognitive interest in studying at a higher
education institution and in learning English, in
particular, at the same time, students preferred
the following applications: EnglishDom,
Lingvaleo English LioDuo. So, the results of the
conducted research confirmed the conclusions
about the effectiveness of using mobile
applications in the educational process to
increase the level of knowledge and skills of
students, in particular, in learning English.
At the stage of the formative experiment, the
students of the experimental group were offered
training using mobile applications. According to
the results of the test control of the level of
formation of professional competence, the
average quality of knowledge of the respondents
of the control groups was 62.3%, of the
experimental groups 85.2%. The data of the
experiment confirm the effectiveness of using
mobile applications for the formation of
professional competence.
So, the results of the experimental test proved
that the higher education students of the
experimental group demonstrated a higher level
of professional skills than the students of the
control group. This testifies to the effectiveness
of using mobile applications in the educational
process of a higher school to increase the level of
knowledge and skills of students. In particular,
the use of applications allows you to
independently and more freely improve skills
and abilities outside the classroom.
The second part of the experiment aimed to use
smartphone applications to identify the impact of
the gamification method not only on increasing
the level of professional training, and English
language proficiency of students, but also on
changing the motivation of respondents to study
professional disciplines at a higher education
institution. The use of applications increases
interest in learning thanks to interactive and
bright content and gives the opportunity to freely
study any discipline at any convenient time.
After completing the experiment, students of
higher education were asked to take part in a
survey and determine the impact of the used
applications on the cognitive interest in studying
professional disciplines using a self-assessment
method on a 10-point scale. At the same time: the
highest score is 10, and the lowest is 0. The
effectiveness of independent work was taken into
account according to the criteria of influence on
professional communication skills, correct
pronunciation, knowledge and compliance with
rules, increase in vocabulary, etc.
The results of the survey of respondents were as
English LioDuo 8 points;
Lingvaleo 7 points;
EnglishDom 7 points;
Lingvist 7 points;
Ewa 5 points.
Thus, the most effective application for
smartphones according to EG students, which not
only increases the level of knowledge but also
stimulates cognitive interest in learning
disciplines through the creation of game content,
is the EnglishDom application.
The results of the conducted research testify to
the fact that the use of mobile applications in the
educational process to increase the level of
knowledge and skills of students has a positive
effect on increasing the level of skills and
motivation of students to study, significantly
facilitates the educational process based on the
implementation of a personalized approach
outside classroom time, allows you to organize
productive independent work in higher
For a high-quality educational process, to
implement the specified innovative technologies
and methods, it is advisable to train teachers in
the use of mobile applications in the educational
process to increase the level of knowledge and
skills of students.
For this purpose, the developed questionnaire
offered questions related to the assessment of the
importance of using mobile applications in
professional activities.
The analysis of the research results showed that
both students and teachers are interested in the
ability to effectively use in the educational
process and in the ability to own digital tools,
which were grouped by purpose. Respondents
had to give each mobile application one of the
levels of relevance to increase the level of
knowledge and skills of students: low, medium,
and high.
So, to identify the effectiveness of using mobile
applications in the educational process to
improve the level of knowledge and skills of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
students, we organized testing among students
(25 test questions and 25 visual recognition test
tasks). For this, the interviewees were divided
into two groups: control (n=31 people) training
took place according to the traditional scheme,
and experimental (n=30 people), training process
involved the introduction of mobile applications.
The total number of points determined the level
of respondents' mastery of professional
knowledge (high, average, low). Having chosen
the correct answer, the respondents had to give
answers to the test tasks. As a result of the study,
it was found that at the beginning of the
experiment, there were no significant differences
between the respondents of the experimental and
control groups regarding the mastery of
professional knowledge, which indicates their
homogeneity. After the end of the experiment,
changes were observed regarding the results of
the questions in the tests:
with a low level of mastery of professional
knowledge, the number of respondents
decreased in the control group by 24.4%,
in the experimental group by 33.7%;
the number of respondents with an average
level increased in the control group by
13.3%, in the experimental group by 6.8%;
the number of respondents with a high level
increased in the control group by 10.0%,
and in the experimental group by 24.2%.
At the end of the experiment regarding the use of
mobile applications in the educational process to
increase the level of knowledge and skills of
students, better dynamics were observed in the
experimental group. So, the data of the
experiment confirm the effectiveness of using
mobile applications during the training of future
The obtained results indicate that students of
higher education are more interested in using
mobile applications in the educational process
than teachers. It is obvious that students of higher
education need to use the presented resources in
the educational process, in particular, the most
relevant for them is the use of mobile
applications in the educational process for
obtaining digital content, discussion,
communication, and evaluation. In turn, teachers
are more motivated to master the tools for
working with electronic documents, which
indicates their readiness to use electronic
document management.
the development of new teaching methods,
provide a large number of educational
multimedia materials and allow you to fully
communicate with students and study their
cognitive interests. The use of mobile
applications for students of higher education
contributes to the development of skills:
searching for information on a certain topic
and purpose, making a comparative analysis,
public presentation of work results, grouping
of information and monitoring, etc.
The importance and main advantages of using
mobile applications in the educational process
to increase the level of knowledge and skills of
students are shown; the content and elements
of mobile learning are disclosed; the didactic
principles and factors to which educational
mobile applications must comply are singled
out; didactic features of mobile applications in
the educational process of a higher school are
shown. Examples of the most popular
applications, which are recommended to be
used in the professional training of specialists
in higher education institutions, are given, the
most effective designer platforms for creating
mobile applications are analyzed and the
importance of using QR codes in the
educational process of higher education is
shown. The necessity of using mobile
applications in the educational process to
increase the level of knowledge and skills of
students has been experimentally confirmed.
The results of the conducted research testify to
the fact that the use of mobile applications in
the educational process to increase the level of
knowledge and skills of students has a positive
effect on increasing the level of skills and
motivation of students to study, significantly
facilitates the educational process based on the
implementation of a personalized approach
outside classroom time, allows you to organize
productive independent work in higher
To ensure the optimal mode of formation of the
Impact of mobile applications on higher
education, it is recommended to practice such
organizational forms of classes as collective
work on the use of mobile applications in the
computer class; a subject office with a
multimedia board; online classes; virtual tour;
Internet project, etc.; pair or group activity of
students using mobile applications computer
class, subject office; individual activity of
students using mobile applications: remote
training (for maintaining or organizing the
educational process, organization
consultations for students); use of online
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
conferences (forums, chats).
The main contribution of the study to
knowledge about the use of mobile
applications in education is the identification
and substantiation of the importance of
teaching the use of mobile applications to
increase the level of knowledge and skills of
students, which are used in education with the
help of information technologies, as well as the
dynamics of their changes were analyzed.
Consideration of the readiness of higher school
teachers to use electronic document
management requires further research.
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