Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.74.02.9
How to Cite:
Guk, O., Mokhonko, G., Darmits, R., Karpii, O., & Mykhailyk, N. (2024). Digital transformation: Driving innovation and projects
in companies. Amazonia Investiga, 13(74), 103-114. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.74.02.9
Digital transformation: Driving innovation and projects in companies
Transformación digital: Impulsando la innovación y los proyectos en las empresas
Received: January 4, 2024 Accepted: February 24, 2024
Written by:
Olga Guk1
Ganna Mokhonko2
Rostyslav Darmits3
Olena Karpii4
Nataliia Mykhailyk5
The main purpose of the article is to present a
modern approach to making and implementing
management decisions on innovations and
projects in an enterprise. The object of the study
is the system of innovative activity of a modern
enterprise. The scientific task involves modeling
the system for making and implementing
management decisions on innovations and
projects at the enterprise. The research
methodology involves the use of the modern
IDEF0 functional modeling method. As a result,
two IDEF0 models were built. The
innovativeness of the results lies in the proposed
approach to modeling the adoption and
implementation of management decisions on
innovations and projects at the enterprise. The
peculiarity of the article is that two IDEF0
models were presented at once, one for making
management decisions, and the other for their
implementation. The study is limited by
considering only enterprise innovation.
Department of Management of Enterprises, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”,
Kyiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: GPG-0903-2022
Department of Management of Enterprises, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”,
Kyiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: I-2760-2018
Department of Management and International Entrepreneurship, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: S-2306-2017
Department of Marketing and Logistics, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
Department of Marketing and Logistics, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Prospects for further research are aimed at taking
into account the innovative security of the
Keywords: marketing, business planning,
project management, innovation, management,
Currently, innovation is the basic element of the
development of modern companies. It is
innovation that has become the basis for
increasing the level of their competitiveness and
long-term success in the modern market
environment. In the context of doing business,
innovation has long ceased to concern
exclusively the issue of product production.
Modern innovations may concern new
production processes, business models, and
methods of attracting new customers. Overall,
this acts as a multi-faceted concept that can cause
a company's success and inclusion in the market.
The importance of innovation stems from the
ability to create significant value. Thus, the
constant search and adaptation of innovations
allows the company to remain relevant in a
market environment characterized by dynamism.
This adaptation allows the enterprise to quickly
adjust its activities to changes in the external and
internal environment. The search and
implementation of innovations also allow the
company not only to maintain and develop its
own positions in established markets, but also
provide resources and opportunities to enter new
The management system plays a key role in
developing a culture of innovation. Thus, an
effective and optimized management system in a
company is a factor in creating an internal
environment where the search for new ideas and
solutions, as well as the use of creative thinking,
is encouraged and rewarded. The implementation
of such a management vector involves not only
the allocation of the necessary resources for
innovation, but also the constant encouragement
of creative approaches to solving problems. At
the same time, the management system must be
open to changes and adjustments, adapting to
external and internal changes. Thus, any
effective management system includes structured
innovation management processes. The structure
of these processes includes measures to identify
innovations, assess their potential benefits and
costs of implementation. In addition, risk
management measures are an important element
of modern management systems, since not all
innovative ideas can lead to success or have
exclusively positive consequences.
In the context of the formation and
implementation of new projects, innovation acts
as a catalyst for development and growth. It is the
generation of innovative ideas that subsequently
leads to the formation of new projects, through
which the company will be able to open new
markets and gain more profit. The generation of
new projects based on innovation can open up
ways for a company to more optimized
interaction with customers, reduce production
costs, logistics and optimize other areas of its
activities. The implementation of innovations in
projects can lead to the formation of a culture of
continuous education within the enterprise and
the improvement of human resources. Company
employees who actively participate in the
development of projects based on innovative
ideas develop new skills and competencies,
thereby further increasing the company's
innovative potential. Creating such an
environment within the company will lead to
increased adaptability of the company and
distinguish it from others in the market.
A striking and successful example of
implementing projects based on innovation is the
implementation of automated inventory
management systems, which are used by many
successful enterprises. Such systems have
already proven their effectiveness due to the fact
that they can significantly reduce the time for
processing orders. In addition, such systems have
significantly reduced the error rate due to the
elimination of the human factor from a large
number of processes. Another example is the
active use of artificial intelligence technologies
in personalizing offers to customers, which
increases the level of service and, accordingly,
customer satisfaction.
But while considering the success of such
projects, we must not forget that the
implementation of each of them was
accompanied by a complex management and
control system. Thus, the innovation
management system is a key element of their
Guk, O., Mokhonko, G., Darmits, R., Karpii, O., Mykhailyk, N. / Volume 13 - Issue 74: 103-114 / February, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
implementation, especially in the field of
innovation in new projects.
Thus, the main goal of the article is to form a new
approach to making and implementing
management decisions in the context of
innovations and company projects. The object of
the study is the system of innovative activity of a
modern enterprise. In the process of conducting
the research, a modern methodological approach
will be formed, which will increase the efficiency
and adaptability of the company’s activities in
the market.
The structure of the article includes a number of
sections: a literature review highlighting key
scientific vectors for the development of this
topic and gaps in existing research; section on
methodology, results and discussion, and
Literature review
The importance of this literature review for the
current study is that it not only highlights key
aspects of innovation development and project
management in the context of digital
transformation, but highlights the relevance of
the topic to modern business practices. Due to the
identified gaps and trends, this review provides a
foundation for our research to explore specific
strategies and mechanisms that can be used by
enterprises to enhance their innovation
capabilities and project management in a
dynamic digital environment. This allows our
research to make an important contribution to the
theory and practice of innovation management,
providing companies with recommendations
based on the latest scientific developments and
empirical evidence.
This review delves into various studies that shed
light on the evolving nature of innovation and
project management in the era of digital
Abdi et al. (2018) and Al-Hajj and Zraunig
(2018) highlight the relationship between project
management, organizational culture, and
organizational learning with innovativeness in
successful project completion. At the same time,
the authors note the importance of internal
resources and culture for promoting innovation.
This perspective reflects the need for an
integrated approach to modeling management
decisions in the field of innovation, as proposed
in the article using the IDEF0 method.
Carvalho et al. (2013) examine the determinants
of innovation in small open economies, offering
a multidimensional view of innovation
processes. This indicates the importance of the
external environment and its influence on the
innovative activity of enterprises, which is
consistent with the emphasis of our study on
modeling a system of management decisions in a
dynamic external environment. Frolova et al.
(2021) provide a model for assessing
opportunities to enhance enterprise innovation
activity. Their work aligns closely with the theme
of innovation management, offering a structured
approach to identifying and leveraging
opportunities for innovation within enterprises,
an aspect critical in the digital age. Wendra et al.
(2019) explore the relationship between dynamic
capabilities, intellectual capital, and innovation
performance, emphasizing the role of internal
resources and capabilities in driving innovation.
Popelo et al. (2023) discuss the influence of
digitalization on the innovative strategies of
industrial enterprises. Their findings highlight
how digital technologies reshape strategic
approaches to innovation, echoing the primary
focus of the current article on digitalization's
impact on innovation management.
Carvalho et al. (2013) examine the determinants
of innovation in small open economies, offering
a multidimensional view of innovation
processes. This indicates the importance of the
external environment and its influence on the
innovative activity of enterprises, which is
consistent with the emphasis of our study on
modeling a system of management decisions in a
dynamic external environment.
Sylkin et al. (2021) and Nosan (2022) study
economic and financial security issues in the
context of a dynamic external environment and a
post-pandemic space, respectively. Their work
points to the need to strengthen the economic
security of enterprises as a key aspect of
innovation and project management.
Need to say that, Yuryk et al. (2021) delve into
the intricate balance between the right to medical
secrecy and the employer's right to access
employee health information within the
digitalized workspace. Their study highlights the
critical need for businesses to navigate privacy
concerns and legal frameworks effectively to
foster a secure and trustful environment, which is
essential for innovative and agile project
management. Petroye et al. (2020) examine the
impact of information security and innovations
on a country's image from a governance
perspective. Their findings underscore the
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
importance of digital security measures in
enhancing a nation's reputation, which in turn can
attract innovative projects and investments. This
study suggests that digitalization, when aligned
with robust security protocols, can significantly
influence the perception and success of business
activities on a global scale. In other hand,
Kopytko et al. (2023) present a sustainable socio-
economic system model that leverages agile
management technologies to foster innovations.
Their research advocates for the adoption of agile
methodologies in the development and
management of projects, emphasizing the role of
digital tools in enhancing flexibility,
responsiveness, and sustainability in the
innovation process. This approach is critical in
today's fast-paced and ever-evolving business
landscape. Clauss et al. (2019) explore the
relationship between strategic agility, business
model innovation, and firm performance. This
study highlights the necessity for enterprises to
embrace digital transformation to remain
competitive and innovative in the modern
economy. Okoń-Horodyńska et al. (2020)
introduce a new approach to creating more
effective teams in the innovation process within
enterprises. They argue for the strategic
integration of digital tools and platforms to
facilitate collaboration, knowledge sharing, and
creativity among team members.
Ilyash et al. (2018) and Mamatova (2018)
examine the role of innovation in industrial
revenue generation and the development of
innovative activities in international contexts.
These studies provide a broader perspective on
the economic implications of innovation,
relevant to understanding the financial aspects of
managing innovations at enterprises. Domljan
and Domljan (2021) discuss enterprise-based
support for innovative activities, offering a
viewpoint on how businesses can internally
foster and support innovation. This perspective is
vital for understanding the internal mechanisms
necessary for nurturing innovation in a digital
context. Alazzam et al. (2023)’s work on
developing an information model for E-
Commerce platforms highlights the significance
of adapting to digitalization in modern socio-
economic systems. This research is particularly
pertinent to the current study as it reflects on the
practical aspects of digital transformation in
commerce. Lets see main gaps in literature
Figure 1. T The main crucial to identify key gaps in the existing literature (formed by authors)
The main gaps
Existing literature often focuses separately on either the decision-
making aspect or the implementation phase of innovation management,
rarely addressing both comprehensively. This leads to a fragmented
understanding of the innovation process
There is a noticeable scarcity in the literature regarding the use of
functional modeling methods, like IDEF0, specifically tailored for
managing innovations and projects in enterprises. Most studies focus on
theoretical or abstract models, lacking practical, detailed methodologies
A significant portion of existing research on innovation management in
the context of digitalization tends to concentrate on specific aspects,
such as digital tools, e-commerce, or digital marketing. However, there
is a lack of studies exploring the broader impact of digitalization on the
overall system of innovation management at enterprises
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Reviewing existing research, it becomes clear
that there is a need for a deeper understanding of
the relationships between digital transformation
and innovation processes in companies. Despite
the significant literature on this topic, there are
gaps in the study of specific digital innovation
management strategies and their impact on
organizational performance. This review
highlights the need for more research to help
understand how companies can effectively
integrate emerging technologies to drive
innovation and project management.
The reviewed literature collectively emphasizes
the multifaceted nature of innovation and project
management in the digital era. It highlights the
need for a structured approach to innovation, the
importance of internal capabilities and resources,
and the transformative impact of digital
technologies on business strategies and
operations. This comprehensive review sets the
stage for a deeper exploration of how enterprises
can effectively manage innovations and projects
in an increasingly digital business environment.
The IDEF (Integrated Definition Methods) suite
of modeling methods was developed in the late
1970s and early 1980s, primarily for
manufacturing and systems engineering. It
originated as part of the U.S. Air Force's
Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing
(ICAM) project. The primary goal of IDEF was
to promote effective communication between
various stakeholders, including engineers,
designers, and managers, and to provide a
standardized approach to analyzing and
documenting functional processes.
IDEF comprises several modeling techniques,
each serving a specific purpose. Among them,
IDEF0, a method designed for modeling the
decisions, actions, and activities of an
organization or system, is particularly relevant to
this study. The IDEF0 method is grounded in the
principles of functional modeling, aiming to
capture the functions of a system or process, their
relationships, and the data flow among them.
The IDEF0 model utilizes a series of diagrams
and symbols to represent the functions and sub-
functions of a system. At its core, each diagram
in IDEF0 consists of boxes and arrows. The
boxes, also known as activity blocks, depict the
functions or processes. These are linked by
arrows that illustrate the inputs, outputs, controls,
and mechanisms of each function. Inputs
represent the data or resources necessary for a
function, outputs are the results of the function,
controls guide the operation of the function, and
mechanisms are the means by which the function
is performed.
The methodological approach used in the study
is mixed, combining both quantitative and
qualitative methods of analysis. This allows for a
deeper understanding of innovation and project
management processes while providing the
ability to test theoretical concepts through
statistical data analysis.
In this study, the IDEF0 method was employed
to construct two distinct models for managing
innovations and projects at enterprises. The first
model focuses on the decision-making process
involved in selecting and prioritizing innovations
and projects. It delineates the various inputs,
controls, and mechanisms influencing decision-
making and the resulting outputs.
Figure 2 shows a schematic diagramming
framework for the models used in this study.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Stage name
The mechanisms
Control elements
Figure 2. A schematic diagramming framework for the models used in this study (formed by authors)
The second IDEF0 model developed in this
research addresses the implementation phase.
This model captures the sequential activities and
processes required to execute the selected
innovations and projects, detailing the necessary
inputs, the controls governing the
implementation, and the mechanisms facilitating
By utilizing IDEF0, the study achieves a clear,
systematic, and replicable framework for
understanding and improving the management of
innovations and projects in the digital era. This
methodology is particularly suited for the study's
objectives due to its structured approach, ease of
interpretation, and ability to capture complex
processes comprehensively. It facilitates the
visualization of the decision-making and
implementation processes in a manner that is
both analytically rigorous and practically
applicable, thus contributing significantly to the
field of innovation and project management.
The source of data for building the models were
interviews with experts in the field of project and
innovation management, as well as analysis of
documentation from leading companies that
implement advanced innovative projects. This
made it possible to collect diverse information
reflecting real business processes and approaches
to managing them.
Several measures have been taken to ensure the
reliability and validity of the models. First of all,
data triangulation was carried out, including
comparison and analysis of information obtained
from different sources and using different data
collection methods. Also, expert assessment of
the models was carried out by involving
independent experts from relevant industries to
check the logic and practical applicability of the
developed models. In addition, the use of IDEF0
as a recognized and standardized modeling
method provides additional validity, as the
methodology is generally accepted in academic
and professional circles.
Results and discussion
The IDEF0 method, a functional modeling
methodology used for modeling the decisions,
actions, and activities of an organization or
system, utilizes "tree goals" to ensure a
comprehensive and structured approach. When
discussing the necessity of these goals in the
context of IDEF0, it's important to consider the
overall objectives of the methodology. IDEF0 is
designed to model the functions (processes) of a
system and their relationships to each other. It's a
way to create a clear, high-level map of a
workflow or process. The use of "tree goals" in
this context refers to the hierarchical structuring
of these functions and their objectives (Fig.3).
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Effective management decision-making in the field of innovations and projects at a modern
Resource Allocation and
Strategic Planning and Analysis Project Evaluation and Selection
Figure 3. The tree goal for first model (formed by authors)
Each of these sub-functions (A1, A2, A3) plays a
vital role in supporting the overall decision-
making process in the context of innovations and
projects at a modern enterprise. They are
interrelated, where the output of one process
often serves as input for another, creating a
cohesive framework for effective management
and decision-making (Fig.4).
Effective management decision-making in
the field of innovations and projects at a
modern enterprise
Control system Monitoring system
Information for management
Financial and material,
technical, personnel,
legal resources A0
Safety and security
Information support for the implementation
of the response
Figure 4. Black box for first model (formed by authors)
A1. Strategic Planning and Analysis. This
process involves the identification of strategic
goals related to innovations and projects,
assessing market trends, and performing SWOT
(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
analysis. It is crucial for aligning the decision-
making process with the enterprise's long-term
objectives and external environment.
A2. Resource Allocation and Management. This
function focuses on the effective allocation and
management of resources (financial, human,
technical) for innovation and project initiatives.
It ensures that the necessary resources are
available and optimally utilized to support the
chosen strategies and projects.
A3. Project Evaluation and Selection. This
process involves evaluating various project
proposals and innovation ideas based on
predefined criteria, such as feasibility, return on
investment (ROI), alignment with strategic goals,
and resource availability. It includes the selection
of the most promising projects for
implementation (Fig.5).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Information about
the progress of the
stage A2
Information about the
progress of the stage
Strategic Planning and Analysis
Resource Allocation and
Project Evaluation and
Control over the progress of the
Control over the progress of
the stage
Control over the
progress of the
C1 C2
Information about the
progress of the stage A1
Figure 5. Model IDEF0 for effective management decision-making in the field of innovations and projects
at a modern enterprise (formed by authors)
For the IDEF0 model with the top-level function
(A0) defined as "Implementation of management
decisions in the field of innovations and projects
at the enterprise," the following sub-functions
(A1, A2, A3) could be key components of this
process. These sub-functions represent the major
activities or steps necessary to effectively
implement management decisions regarding
innovations and projects within an enterprise
Implementation of management decisions in the field of innovations and projects at the
Resource Mobilization and
Project Planning and Design Execution and Monitoring
Figure 6. The tree goal for second model (formed by authors)
Each of these sub-functions (A1, A2, A3, A4)
plays a crucial role in the effective
implementation of management decisions in the
area of innovations and projects at an enterprise.
They ensure that strategic decisions are not only
executed but also monitored, evaluated, and
refined, leading to continuous improvement in
project management and innovation processes
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Implementation of management decisions
in the field of innovations and projects at
the enterprise
Control system Monitoring system
Information for management
Financial and material,
technical, personnel,
legal resources A0
Safety and security
Information support for the implementation
of the response
Figure 7. Black box for second model (formed by authors)
Now, lets build second model (Fig.8).
Information about
the progress of the
stage A2
Information about the
progress of the stage
Project Planning and Design
Resource Mobilization and
Execution and
Control over the progress of the
Control over the progress of
the stage
Control over the
progress of the
C1 C2
Information about the
progress of the stage A1
Figure 8. Model IDEF0 for implementation of management decisions in the field of innovations and
projects at the enterprise (formed by authors)
A1. Project Planning and Design. This stage
involves translating management decisions and
strategies into detailed project plans. It
encompasses the design of the project's structure,
setting timelines, defining deliverables, and
planning for the resources required. Effective
project planning is essential to ensure that the
implementation aligns with the strategic
decisions made.
A2. Resource Mobilization and Coordination.
This function focuses on mobilizing and
coordinating the resources necessary for the
execution of projects. It includes acquiring
financial resources, technology, and human
capital, as well as ensuring these resources are
effectively aligned and utilized throughout the
project's lifecycle.
A3. Execution and Monitoring. This critical
phase involves the actual execution of project
plans and continuous monitoring of project
progress. It includes overseeing day-to-day
operations, ensuring adherence to the plan,
identifying and resolving issues, and making
necessary adjustments based on ongoing
performance and feedback.
The utilization of the IDEF0 functional modeling
method, as highlighted in the study, aligns with
the growing emphasis on structured and
systematic approaches to innovation
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
management, especially in the digital era. This is
evidenced by the work of Nikonenko et al.
(2020), who underscore the importance of
methodological rigor in assessing institutional
dynamics and economic freedom in the context
of regional development and governance
improvement, respectively. The application of
IDEF0 in the current study extends this notion by
providing a practical and replicable model for
managing innovation and project decisions at the
enterprise level.
The research's focus on innovative activity
within enterprises resonates with the discussions
by Rushchyshyn et al. (2022), emphasizing the
regulatory and practical aspects of economic
security in business. The IDEF0 models
developed in this study contribute to this
discourse by offering a roadmap for enterprises
to navigate the complex terrain of innovation
amidst regulatory and economic challenges.
Doroshkevych et al. (2021) further illustrate the
significance of strategic and anti-crisis
management in the context of innovative
development and financial security. The findings
of this study provide a complementary
perspective, showcasing how structured
decision-making and implementation processes
can be instrumental in steering enterprises
through periods of crisis and innovation-driven
Borowski’s (2020) insights into the role of new
technologies and innovative solutions in the
development strategies of energy enterprises
echo the relevance of the current study's
approach to digitalization in business activities.
The IDEF0 models serve as a testament to the
increasing need for enterprises to adopt
innovative and technologically driven strategies
for sustainable development. Novykova et al.
(2022) and Sylkin et al. (2018) bring attention to
the adaptability of management systems in the
innovative activity of construction and
engineering enterprises, highlighting the
dynamic nature of financial security
management. The present study extends this
understanding by demonstrating how adaptable
and robust management systems, as represented
by the IDEF0 models, are crucial in managing
innovation and projects in the digital age.
In conclusion, the discussion of the study’s
findings against the backdrop of existing
literature emphasizes the critical role of
structured and adaptable management systems in
driving innovation and project management in
enterprises. The proposed IDEF0 models not
only align with current academic discourse but
also offer practical insights for enterprises
grappling with the challenges and opportunities
presented by digitalization. The study
underscores the necessity for continuous
innovation and adaptability in management
practices to stay competitive and resilient in the
ever-evolving business landscape.
The study successfully presents a modern
approach to the management of innovations and
projects within enterprises, emphasizing the
importance of effective decision-making in the
rapidly evolving digital business landscape. The
primary contribution of this article is the
development and presentation of two distinct
IDEF0 models, which collectively offer a
comprehensive framework for both making and
implementing management decisions in the
realm of enterprise innovation and project
management. The first IDEF0 model, focused on
decision-making, illustrates the systematic
process involved in evaluating and selecting
innovative projects and initiatives. This model
serves as a valuable tool for managers and
decision-makers, providing a structured
approach to navigate the complex and often
multifaceted aspects of innovation management.
It emphasizes the need for a strategic and
informed approach to decision-making, ensuring
that the chosen innovations align with the
enterprise's overall objectives and market
dynamics. The second IDEF0 model addresses
the implementation aspect, detailing the steps
necessary to successfully execute the chosen
innovations and projects. This model
underscores the importance of meticulous
planning, resource allocation, and execution in
bringing innovative ideas to fruition. It highlights
the pivotal role of effective project management
in translating strategic decisions into tangible
outcomes and achieving the desired impact on
the enterprise's operations and market position.
The innovative aspect of this research lies in the
proposed approach to modeling the adoption and
implementation of management decisions on
innovations and projects. By employing the
modern IDEF0 functional modeling method, the
study offers a clear, systematic, and replicable
approach to managing innovation in the digital
age. This methodology is particularly pertinent
given the increasing complexity and speed of
change in today’s digital business environment.
However, the study acknowledges its limitation
in focusing solely on enterprise innovation,
suggesting the scope for future research to
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
incorporate aspects of innovative security. This
expansion is crucial as it can provide a more
holistic understanding of innovation
management, considering not just the
opportunities but also the risks and challenges
associated with enterprise innovation.
In conclusion, the article makes a significant
contribution to the field of enterprise innovation
and project management in the digital era. The
development and presentation of two IDEF0
models for decision-making and implementation
provide a valuable framework for practitioners
and scholars alike. The research paves the way
for future studies to explore broader dimensions
of innovation, including its security aspects,
thereby enriching the discourse and practice of
innovation management in the digital age.
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