Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.74.02.7
How to Cite:
Seredina, I., Bazyl. L., Orlov, V., Klymenko, M., & Spitsyna, A. (2024). Development of entrepreneurial competence among future
specialists in the face of social changes. Amazonia Investiga, 13(74), 81-89. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.74.02.7
Development of entrepreneurial competence among future specialists
in the face of social changes
Розвиток підприємницької компетентності майбутніх фахівців в умовах соціальних змін
Received: December 17, 2023 Accepted: January 26, 2024
Written by:
Inna Seredina1
Liudmyla Bazyl2
Valerii Orlov3
Maryna Klymenko4
Anhelina Spitsyna5
The article focuses on developing the
entrepreneurial competence of vocational
education students in the era of crises in public
life. The relevance of the current study arises
from the fact that the dynamics of the traditional
methodological approach, given the global
trends, determines the priority of focusing on the
competence approach. The aim is to analyze the
possibilities of innovative technologies for the
development of entrepreneurial competence of
vocational education students during the period
of societal transformation and crises.
Substantiated the structure of the entrepreneurial
competence of future specialists, which
synergizes professional and personal
components. The identified vectors for
improving the educational process aimed at
forming information, digital, communication,
and intercultural competence in vocational
education students as essential components of
PhD, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Philosopy and Pedagogy, Faculty of Economics and Law, National Transport University,
Kyiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: KCK-0546-2024
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associated Professor, Leading Researcher, Institute for Vocational Education of the NAES of
Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: ABC-7955-2021
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Professional Career, Institute of Vocational
Education of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AFE-7989-2022
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Pedagogy, National Transport University,
Kyiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: KCK-2450-2024
PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, National Transport University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: ABC-4736-2020
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
their overall professionalism. Established that the
need to actualize the phenomenon of
entrepreneurial competence is caused by the
specific requirements of today's professional
qualities of a specialist, characterized by specific
content and a specific focus on professional
activity. Found that digital literacy, logical
thinking, and effective communication skills are
among the promising areas for forming students'
entrepreneurial competence. They have outlined
the basic principles of implementation and
development of interdisciplinary integration of
the educational process through innovative
Keywords: vocational education,
entrepreneurship, business project, career,
entrepreneurial education, competence, thinking,
business activity, creation of new jobs,
counseling, training, entrepreneurship for youth.
Professional training of vocational education
students is seen as a pedagogical process. This
process is expected to result in the formation of a
holistic professional competence of a specialist.
Innovative technologies for the development of
entrepreneurial competence of vocational
education students during societal transformation
and crises are seen as promising tools for the
formation of professional competence of future
specialists. It identifies entrepreneurial
competence as an essential feature of
professional activity that synthesizes its
integrative abilities, competencies, and personal
Recently, in the national educational space, great
attention has been paid to the problem of forming
the entrepreneurial competence of vocational
education students in the context of a
competency-based approach involving
innovative technologies. In this regard, the
concept of entrepreneurial competence of future
specialists is considered a complex integrative
feature. It represents a system of knowledge,
skills, abilities, values, and personal qualities of
specialists, which form the basis for their goals
and ability to implement professional and social
functions in the direction of effective
entrepreneurial activity.
Many relevant interdisciplinary academic
studies are devoted to the problems of forming
and improving the entrepreneurial competence
of future professionals in the context of crises
and instability. Some modern scientists (Kraus
& Kraus, 2021; Panchenko, s.f) are studying the
peculiarities of transforming targeted strategies
of the educational process of developing
entrepreneurial competence in the context of
global digitalization. Some scholars (Maslich,
& Yermolenko, 2023; Radkevych, 2022;
Zavgorodnia, 2020) reflect the issues of
introducing innovative tools into the
educational professional environment. They
aim to develop effective communication skills
in students and meet the requirements of
digitalizing socio-economic processes.
Other scholars (Bazyl, 2022; Alieksieieva et al.,
2020; Titova, 2020) note that in the context of
political, economic and financial instability and
crisis social phenomena, it is imperative to study
the mechanisms of forming entrepreneurial
competence by elaborating adaptive
development strategies in the context of
transforming the socio-economic environment.
It should be noted that, as of today, very little
attention has been paid to identifying the
functionality of the structural components of the
Seredina, I., Bazyl. L., Orlov, V., Klymenko, M., Spitsyna, A. / Volume 13 - Issue 74: 81-89 / February, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
entrepreneurial competence of vocational
education students. Most developed world
countries prioritize the democratization and
informatization of society. This contributes to the
formation of qualitatively new approaches in the
field of economic education (Markova et al.,
2019; Banit, 2019).
Future specialists should be prepared to work
effectively both in the national economic
environment and in a globally integrated
financial hub. For this reason, the professional
targeted educational activities of professional
educational institutions should be based on
competence-based principles.
This article aims to study the potential of
innovative technologies for the development of
entrepreneurial competence of vocational
education students during the period of societal
transformation and crises.
Literature review
The results of analyzing the scientific developments
of the sociological, pedagogical, cultural, and
economic vectors of modern research indicate a
significant interest in the problem of forming
entrepreneurial competence among scientists. This
topic has gained particular relevance during the
socio-economic transformation in Ukraine.
In particular, modern Ukrainian scholars focus their
attention on the issues of forming the
competitiveness of modern specialists in the
context of educational diversification (Bazyl,
Klymenko, & Orlov, 2019; Spitsyna, 2020) and the
development of entrepreneurial competence skills
(Seredina, 2021; Seredina, 2022; Klymenko et al.,
From various scientific perspectives, the problem
and its various aspects have been reflected in
numerous research studies (Skakovska & Kotyk,
2020; Dembitskaya, Kobylyansky, & Pugach, 2021;
Kopniak, 2020). Specifically, contemporary research
illuminates the structural elements of entrepreneurial
competence among vocational education students
(Chernenko, 2021; Dzwigol et al., 2020; Orlov,
2010). The scholars analyze the process of forming
professional qualities of future managers (Sinambela
et al., 2020). They also study specific types of
entrepreneurial competence (Cebrián, Junyent,
Mulà, 2020; Spitsyna, 2006) and socio-cultural
competence (Reis, Fleury, Carvalho, 2021; Bazyl,
Fursa, Оruzha, 2021). Modern researchers explore
the culture of professional communication and
communicative competence of future specialists in
finance and economics (Bratianu, Hadad, &
Bejinaru, 2020).
At the same time, some scholars have
generalized the issues of forming the structure of
entrepreneurial competence among vocational
education students during periods of societal
transformation and crises (Eizaguirre, García-
Feijoo, & Laka, 2019). Also, in some recent
studies, the paradigm of investigated phenomena
in the context of students' personal maturity and
engagement of interdisciplinary integration
functionality is seen as a priority for the
development of the vocational educational
process (Baird & Parayitam, 2019).
Consequently, most contemporary scholars
interpret the formation of entrepreneurial
competence as the value basis for the
professional activity of a future specialist. At the
same time, the issues of functional aspects of the
structural components of forming entrepreneurial
competence of students, as well as the analysis of
opportunities to improve the structural and
functional model of this process using innovative
technologies, are mostly ignored by modern
scientists or are understudied. This actualizes the
need for an expanded study of the research
Materials and methods
The article is an analytical study conducted by
the principles of comprehensiveness and
systematicity of scientific research. This
approach made it possible to analyze the research
object as a whole system with multiple
interrelationships and interdependencies.
The research was conducted using the following
methodology. In the first stage, a critical analysis
of theoretical concepts was carried out. Several
scientific works and publications related to the
studied discourse were elaborated, and the main
principles of theoretical definitions were
systematized and outlined. Based on critical
analysis, it was possible to analyze the support of
thesis arguments by modern scientists regarding
opinions on one or another issue.
The methods of analysis and synthesis were used
to identify the main factors in forming a set of
structural components of future specialists'
entrepreneurial competence. The inductive
method was used to formulate prognostic
directions for the development of the studied
process. The deductive method was employed to
identify the direction of forming an innovative
educational concept in vocational education.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The next stage of the research methodology
provided for the identification of the features of
innovative technologies for the development of
entrepreneurial competence of vocational
education students in the period of
transformation and crisis.
The method of abstraction was used to highlight
theoretical generalizations, identify the main
categories and concepts, as well as to formulate
conclusions about the priority vectors of
development on the formation of entrepreneurial
competence. The comparison method was
applied to identify the specific features of the
modern innovative paradigm in the sector of
entrepreneurial competence development among
vocational education students using modern
educational technologies, compared to
traditional approaches to training.
During the final stage of the research, the main
aspects of the use of innovative technologies for
the development of entrepreneurial competence
of vocational education students were revealed,
their influence during the period of
transformation and crises was revealed; further
research prospects are determined.
Special attention is paid to the functioning of
innovative technologies for the development of
entrepreneurial competence in modern
educational institutions of professional
education. In conclusion, based on the proposed
research methodology, it is possible to present
the results obtained as a result of the conducted
The problem of forming developed entrepreneurial
competence among future specialists is a top
priority in the context of active transformation of
the socio-economic environment and the priority of
development intensification. The modern dynamics
of social processes predetermine innovative
requirements for vocational education students,
their communication and functional interaction
with society, their awareness of rights and
responsibilities, the ability to make correct
decisions independently, and the most effective
exercise of their abilities.
More generally, entrepreneurial competence
ensures a form of specialist activity where their
professional activity is carried out at a
sufficiently high level. Such activity is marked
by tangible economic results of work and the
realization of personal potential. At the same
time, it should be noted that the entrepreneurial
inclinations of specialists are determined by the
ratio of their professional skills as well as
professional and psychological qualities.
Entrepreneurial competence implies the
existence of a psychological condition of
specialists, allowing them to act independently,
possessing the ability and skill to perform certain
labor functions and be responsible for their
consequences. Thus, it can be argued that the
main essence of entrepreneurial competence is an
integral psychological quality of a personality. It
is manifested in the effective implementation of
new ideas, motivated by the ability to creatively
search, which allows for solving several
problematic situations in social and professional
The basis for the formation of entrepreneurial
competence of a vocational education student
requires a combination of traditional teaching
principles. These principles include a scientific
approach, awareness and purposefulness of the
learning process, proactivity, thoroughness and
independence in learning, adherence to the
principle of linking learning with practical
activities and realities of life, and innovative
ones. The latter principle includes intensification
of the learning process, the use of interactive
learning and creative development opportunities,
and innovative visualization (Figure 1).
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 1. Innovative principles for the development of entrepreneurial competence of vocational
education students.
Based on Figure 1, it is worth noting that the
principle of scientificity requires compliance of
educational discipline content in the professional
training curriculum with modern scientific
achievements. Vocational education applicants
should receive detailed and systematized latest
scientific achievements that introduce them to
the conceptual foundations of entrepreneurship,
the categorical and conceptual apparatus of
entrepreneurial activity, and the laws of the
market economy. They should also understand
their cause-and-effect relationships concerning
the needs of modern society (Chernenko, 2021;
Dzwigol et al., 2020).
The principle of consciousness and commitment
within the framework of innovative technologies
for the development of entrepreneurial
competence is characterized by a positive
motivation for educational activities and an
understanding of the goals and objectives of the
entrepreneurial component of professional
training. The implementation of this principle
should facilitate conscious decision-making on
the use of knowledge of entrepreneurship basics
in further professional activities. The principle of
proactivity and independence contributes to the
formation of students' initiative and prevents
indifference and rigidity. This principle is
realized in the organization of students'
independent work.
The principle of linking learning with practical
activities and the realities of social processes is
based on the approach where theoretical material
offered for study should be fixed in the practical
field. The principle of visibility stimulates the
intensification of emotional impact on students,
as well as the growth in the level of educational
material accessibility. Both verbal and object-
based visualization are used during the study and
analysis of economic phenomena. The principle
of thoroughness implements a consistent
progression from the acquired knowledge and
skills to new ones. It helps to establish effective
cause-and-effect relationships between them and
systematize the known, as well as to actively use
it in practice.
The principle of intensification within the
framework of innovative educational
technologies implements a personality-oriented
approach, effective communication, and
collective interaction. It stimulates the
motivation of students, the use of educational and
cognitive, problem-solving and creative tasks,
and the use of modern information and computer
technologies. The principle of interactive
learning promotes cooperation, collaboration,
and dialogue, often through the use of active role-
playing and training tools. At the same time,
students are involved in creativity for creative
interaction. The application of this principle
allows us to intensify the learning process and
make it more effective. Finally, the principle of
creative development allows for the
intensification of the effectiveness of
entrepreneurial thinking and promotes the
adoption of non-standard solutions. It will enable
students to realize self-expression during
Principle of interactive learning
Intensification Creative development
Principle of linking learning with practical activities
Visibility Thoroughness
Principle of scientificity
Consciousness and commitment Proactivity and independence
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
professional activities (Skakovska & Kotyk,
2020; Dembitskaya, Kobylyansky, & Pugach,
2021; Kopniak, 2020).
It should be noted that within the framework of
professional training, the level of entrepreneurial
competence is significantly influenced by certain
structural and functional components. Their
mastery, to a large extent, identifies the
competitiveness of a modern specialist (Dzwigol
et al., 2020; Sinambela et al., 2020).
It is worth noting that entrepreneurial
competence is inseparable from the ability to
interact, communicate, and organize joint
activities. Therefore, it is necessary to develop
the relevant skills in future specialists. It is
evident that the structure of the entrepreneurial
competence notion of vocational education
during crises and the instability of social
processes is a dynamic phenomenon. It depends
on the dynamics of socio-economic development
and labor market features (Nikolova, & Cnossen,
The motivational and value component of
innovative technologies for the development of
entrepreneurial competence of vocational
education students during societal transformation
and crises provides adequate prerequisites for the
implementation of other structural components.
It also determines a positive attitude to the
occupation, intensifies the level of awareness of
the value of knowledge for personal and
professional development, and is seen as an
essential characteristic of readiness for
professional activity.
In the structure of the entrepreneurial competence
of a vocational education student, an important
role is assigned to the cognitive component. This
component is considered in terms of knowledge of
professional terminology, principles, and
concepts, accumulation of systematic professional
knowledge, and interdisciplinary connections. In
turn, it forms the theoretical and methodological
basis for the effective professional activity of a
future specialist. Cognitive intelligence is defined
as the ability to set goals, teach, plan, and analyze
the course of personal thinking (Hernandez-de-
Menendez, Morales-Menendez, & Escobar,
The analysis of existing theoretical approaches
within the framework of innovative technologies
for the development of entrepreneurial
competence of vocational education students
during societal transformation and crises allows
us to distinguish certain functional groups of
methods and tools depending on the expected
effectiveness. They include methodologies based
on critical thinking, analytical, factual, and
evaluation processes, such as brainstorming,
SWOT analysis, etc. Also, the methods based on
emotions, imagination (modeling, role-playing),
and technologies for forming responsibility and
implementing and evaluating decisions are
considered effective (Reis, Fleury, & Carvalho,
The possibilities of educational process
digitalization and the involvement of interactive
technologies and digitalization tools allow for the
intensification of the process of developing
entrepreneurial competence of vocational
education students. They help to adapt students
to the peculiarities of professional expression and
effective self-realization in the context of societal
transformation and crises.
It is necessary to take into account the research
findings of scientists on key competencies in
order to achieve the effectiveness of studying the
potential of innovative technologies for the
development of entrepreneurial competence of
vocational education students during societal
transformation and crises. It should be noted that
the multifactorial process of developing the
structure of entrepreneurial competence has led
to differences in approaches to the classification
of its structure.
In particular, one of the leading approaches to
optimizing the process of forming
entrepreneurial competence includes the concept
of its identification as a systemic phenomenon. It
combines professionally essential personal
qualities that stimulate the proper
implementation of professional functionality
(Gorski et al., 2023). Some scientists consider
entrepreneurial competence to be a hub of
personal and professional characteristics in a
creative way. Its basic components include the
professional-content, professional-action, and
professional-personal functionalities
(Hernandez-de-Menendez, Morales-Menendez,
& Escobar, 2020). Instead, representatives of
another scientific school emphasize
communication and integration competence in
the structure of entrepreneurial competence
(Abad-Segura & González-Zamar, 2021).
Some modern scholars identify among the main
prerequisites for the formation and effective
development of entrepreneurial competence those
that characterize a person as a subject of
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
professional activity and reflect interaction with
other people. According to scholars, these
competencies are characterized by motivational and
semantic relations, regulatory components,
cognitive components, and experience (Silveyra,
Herrero, & Pérez, 2021).
Among the modern approaches to the structure of
entrepreneurial competence of vocational
education applicants, there is also a component
approach that identifies motivational and
volitional, functional, communicative, and
reflective components (Lv et al., 2021). They are
integrated into one synthesized formation the
communicative and functional component of
entrepreneurial competence, which is an
integrative quality of the personality of a future
The research findings and the analysis of
scientific approaches convincingly show that the
structure of a student's entrepreneurial
competence should be positioned as one of the
priority formative factors in the professional
competence of economists. The proposed
approach to the development of entrepreneurial
competence of future specialists based on the
involvement of innovative technologies
guarantees an appropriate prognostic level of
their competitiveness and professional self-
According to the study, the authors have
identified the peculiarities of developing the
entrepreneurial competence of vocational
education students during societal transformation
and crises. During the study, the authors have
formed the conviction that the priority directions
of vocational education development towards the
development of entrepreneurial competence of
future specialists include the integration of
communication, intercultural as well as
informational and digital competence, taking into
account the trend of integration of the
educational space into the European community.
The proposed concept reflects the basic
principles of modern innovative technologies for
the development of entrepreneurial competence
under challenging conditions of uncertainty,
crisis, socio-economic phenomena, and social
It was found that the entrepreneurial competence
of vocational education students is currently seen
as an essential feature of a specialist's activity
and its main integrative quality. This is the result
of the synthesis of professional competencies and
personal, professionally crucial qualities.
The obtained results of the study allowed the
authors to develop a basic algorithm for the
formation of the structure of entrepreneurial
competence of future specialists. The proposed
synergistic approach represents a system of
innovative methodological approaches to
professional training. The research proves that
the development of entrepreneurial competence
allows the implementation of the concept of
optimal synchronization of resources and the
effective implementation of innovative solutions.
It is evident that the factor of entrepreneurial
competence is closely related to personal
qualities, in particular, leadership skills, conflict
resistance, and the ability to make decisions
under conditions of uncertainty.
Given the trend of globalization of economic
processes and the intensification of social crises,
a promising direction for future research on this
topic is seen in advanced research on the
possibilities of digitalized optimization of the
professional education process in terms of
developing entrepreneurial competence.
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