www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.74.02.6
How to Cite:
Seheda , N., Pashchenko, I., Chervonska, L., Tereshchenko, S., & Vrubel, H. (2024). The health-restoring potential of musical art in
the postwar period. Amazonia Investiga, 13(74), 72-80. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.74.02.6
The health-restoring potential of musical art in the postwar period
Здоровя Відновлювальний Потенціал Музичного Мистецтва у Післявоєнний Час
Received: December 14, 2023 Accepted: January 27, 2024
Written by:
Natalia Seheda1
Inna Pashchenko2
Liliia Chervonska3
Svitlana Tereshchenko4
Hanna Vrubel5
The academic paper explores the prospects of
using music therapy for people who have
participated in hostilities or have been in the
epicentre of military operations and have
experienced post-traumatic stress disorder. The
present research encompasses the historical
documentation of attempts to apply music
therapy during the First and Second World Wars,
the evolution of music therapy in the latter part
of the XX century, and the potential for growth
in the context of contemporary conflicts, in
particular, the ongoing Russian aggression
against Ukraine since 2014. Three main types of
music therapy practices have been identified:
perceptual, motor practices, and music-making.
It has been revealed that the positive impact of
music therapy practices is not only noted by the
patients themselves but also measured
instrumentally, which gives objective grounds to
emphasize the importance of the health-restoring
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and Methods of Music Education and Choreography,
Educational and Scientific Institute of Socio-Pedagogical and Artistic Education, Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical
University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: KCJ-7468-2024
PhD, Associate Professor, Educational and Scientific Institute of Socio-Pedagogical and Artistic Education, Bohdan Khmelnytsky
Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: JLK-9045-2023
Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor, Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University,
Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: KCJ-7608-2024
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Theory and Methodology of Musical Education and
Choreography, Educational and Scientific Institute of Social, Pedagogical and Artistic Education, Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol
State Pedagogical University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: KCJ-8180-2024
Concertmaster, Department of Theory and Methods of Music Education and Choreography, Educational and Scientific Institute of
Socio-Pedagogical and Artistic Education, Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
Seheda , N., Pashchenko, I., Chervonska, L., Tereshchenko, S., Vrubel, H. / Volume 13 - Issue 74: 72-80 / February, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
potential of musical art. At the same time, the
analysis of publications shows that music therapy
practices are not widespread, but rather sporadic
initiatives of individual rehabilitation centers and
volunteer organizations. In addition, the attempt
to find out which musical works should be used
for music therapy practices also brings no results
due to the lack of relevant studies.
Keywords: music therapy, post-traumatic stress
disorder, rehabilitation, interdisciplinary.
The use of musical art for therapeutic purposes is
of increasing interest to both psychologists and
musicologists. Music therapy becomes a part of
art therapy a science that studies the health-
restoring capabilities of art.
The formation of music therapy as a separate
science dates back to the beginning of the XX
century and is related to the studies of
James L. Corning and V. Behterev. Some
references to the use of music therapy methods
are also known during World War I.
The development of music therapy in the period
after World War II is associated with the
contributions of Margaret Anderton, Isa Maud Ilsen,
and Harriet Ayer Seymou At that time, music
therapy was officially recognized in some military
institutions; in particular, in 1945, the use of music
for rehabilitation in military hospitals was regulated
in the U.S. War Department Technical Bulletin 187.
The actualization of interest in music therapy in
recent years is related to the ongoing modern
wars. In particular, Russia’s aggression against
Ukraine began in 2014, and at the time of writing
the present academic paper, it has already killed
hundreds of thousands of people. This war is not
expected to be finished soon raising a range of
issues for world science that would help to
effectively counter the aggressor. In addition to
innovations in the sphere of military technologies,
which are regularly covered in scientific
discourse, the issue of rehabilitation of people
who have experienced trauma and psychological
shocks in the combat zone is also significant.
This issue is also regularly covered in the
medical and social literature, which we will
partially refer to in our research to the extent that
they address the use of music therapy as a
complementary therapeutic method.
The specifics of music therapy involve a
multidisciplinary approach that takes into
account the achievements of both musicology
and medicine. From a medical point of view, art
therapy tries to find out how art can influence not
only a person’s mood but also to normalize blood
pressure, heart rate, stimulate memory, improve
respiratory function, articulation and other
aspects of physical and mental health, as well as
to develop relevant effective methods of art
therapy. Moreover, these can be both receptive
methods (listening to music) and active methods
playing musical instruments, singing,
performing special exercises to music, exercises
for developing speech to music, listening to
music with subsequent discussion.
From the musicological point of view, the issue
of what kind of music has the best healing
capabilities is of the greatest practical interest,
what kind of works can be recommended to
doctors for a course of therapy. Furthermore, art
therapy can give composers an answer to the
question of what kind of music should be written
to be used in medical and rehabilitation
institutions, what kind of music can help
overcome post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
The purpose of our research is to analyze the
achievements of music therapy in this area.
Literature review
The analysis of publications shows that a wide
range of issues related to the impact of music on
human health are studied. The authors of recent
monographs include Hans-Helmut Decker-Voigt,
Kenneth E. Bruscia, Karen Goodman,
David Aldridge, Tony Wigram, Even Ruud,
K.D. Goodman, Alison Levinge,
William B. Davis, Kate E. Gfeller, etc.
A general overview of music therapy studies is
given in the scientific work of O. Lvov (2019),
who describes five significant models of music
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
therapy that were presented at the World
Congress of Music Therapy in Washington, DC
(the USA): GIM (Guided Imagery Method in
Music, Helen L. Woppu), Analytical Music
Therapy (Mary Priestley), Creative Music
Therapy (authors Paul Nordoff & Clive
Robbins), Music Therapy of Benenzon
(Rolando Benenzon), Behavioral Music Therapy
(Clifford K. Madsen), Free Improvisation
Therapy (Juliette Alvin).
Shabutin, Khmil & Shabutin (2008) examine the
therapeutic properties of certain musical styles:
Gregorian chant, sign chant, baroque, rococo,
classicism, impressionism, folklore, and, more
specifically, Indian music. The scholars list about
30 pieces of music that can be recommended for
therapeutic purposes.
Landis-Shack, Heinz & Bonn-Miller (2017)
analyzed the literature on music therapy and
concluded that music activates brain regions
associated with pleasure and stress reduction,
promoting the release of endorphins and
increasing positive emotions. Music therapy has
proven to be effective in combination with other
therapies, helping to improve the patient’s
physical and psychological condition, as well as
their integration into society.
The publications of military researchers
describing the rehabilitation activities that
military personnel undergo are of great interest to
our research. In particular, after the beginning of
the Russian aggression in 2014, Kolesnychenko
(2019), Gavlovsky, Golovanova, and
Kharchenko (2019), Makarenko (2018), Stebluk
et al., (2020), Safin and Yakymchuk (2019),
Gulbs & Kobets (2021), Hordiienko (2021),
Vasylenko (2020) have explored and studied
rehabilitation measures.
A separate group of publications describes the
experience of incorporating music therapy into
university and school education. The researchers
note that music therapy "stimulates the emotional
sphere of the subjects of the educational process"
(Dobrovolska, 2023), "helps to neutralize
neuropsychic overload, restore a positive
emotional and energy tone" (Burnazova &
Kostievych, 2020), contributes to the creation of
a "positive emotional communicative
environment" reduces neuropsychic stress,
stabilizes the functional state of students, and
includes reflexive mechanisms for activating
cognitive activity (Pavlenko, 2019;
Reschke-Hernandez, 2014). In addition, the use
of music therapy in music schools contributes to
"increasing the effectiveness of music education,
preserving and improving children's health,
activating their interest and interest in music
classes and lessons, developing their musical
abilities, imagination and fantasy, enhancing
their creative activity, harmonizing the sensual
sphere, solving problems of interpersonal and
creative communication against the background
of health" (Malashevska, 2017).
The analysis of music therapy publications
makes it possible to point to the prevalence of
three research methodologies: sociological,
analytical, and generalizing-analytical.
The sociological method involves a
questionnaire survey of a group of people who
receive music therapy, followed by processing
the results. In particular, this method was applied
in the studies by Davis, Mulvaney-Day, Larson,
Hoover & Mauch (2014), Akelma, Altınsoy,
Arslan, & Ergil (2020). In some studies, like
Maleki & Youseflu (2023), the questionnaire was
supplemented by recording physiological
indicators, which allowed for more objective
indicators of the impact of music therapy on
patients. The analytical approach involves
studying the history of a particular patient who
received music therapy treatment (for example,
in the study by Vaudreuil et al., 2019) or
examining the work of certain organizations or
groups of specialists who have implemented
music therapy treatment (Pezzin et al., 2018;
Thompson & Neimeyer, 2014). The
generalizing-analytical approach involves
studying and identifying disparate data collected
and published by researchers. A similar approach
was used earlier in the scientific works of
Landis-Shack, Heinz & Bonn-Miller (2017),
Lvov (2019), Davis (2012) etc.
In the present research, we will rely on a
generalizing-analytical approach and analyze
two categories of publications publications by
authors from different countries that contain
“music therapy” and “combat” in the keywords
and publications by Ukrainian authors devoted to
the rehabilitation of military personnel who
participated in the defense of the country against
Russian aggression. The purpose of the analysis
is to identify music therapy practices and assess
their health-restoring potential.
This study conducted a systematic review and
analysis of the potential of musical art to restore
health in the concept of post-war rehabilitation
and recovery.
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
In the research process, several general scientific
methods were used, in particular - analysis and
synthesis (to research current theoretical
concepts and scientific developments regarding
the potential of musical art in post-war
personality regeneration); comparison (for the
systematization of conceptual approaches to the
definition of basic concepts and criteria,
clarification of the terminological apparatus);
structural-logical method (to develop proposals
for improving the paradigm of music therapy).
The work on the research was implemented
based on the principles of complexity and
systematicity of scientific research, which made
it possible to analyze the object of research as a
complete system with several interrelationships
and interdependencies.
Results and discussions
The analysis of publications focusing on the
health-restoring potential of musical art for
people who have had traumatic experiences in
the combat zone allows us to identify the
following areas of research: the study of the
impact of music therapy on a particular patient
with a detailed examination of the anamnesis and
the impact of music therapy on a group of
patients using surveys. The vast majority fall into
the second category.
Individual experiences are most fully described
in the scientific work of Vaudreuil, Avila, Bradt,
& Pasquina (2019). The scientists studied the
experience of Luis Avila, a U.S. soldier who took
part in combat operations in Afghanistan in 2011
and was seriously injured. According to the case
report, Luis Alvia was in a coma for 40 days and
“Avila’s wife was informed that it was unlikely
that he would regain consciousness and the
discontinuation of life support was recommended.
Mrs. Avila elected to continue life support and
attempted to establish contact with CPT Avila by
playing his favorite music (e.g., Help, Ode to Joy,
The Army Song, and God Bless America). She
also played video/audio recordings of their
family and children (Vaudreuil et al., 2019;
Collie et al., 2006). Further use of music therapy
involved 60-minute sessions three times a week,
combining listening to music with speech
language pathology [SLP], physical therapy [PT]
and occupational therapy [OT]. According to the
researchers, the sessions made it possible to “(1)
access pre-injury memories through musical
reminiscence, (2) acknowledge and process
events of the attack through songwriting,
(3) address his personal loss of limb, vision,
communication, and mobility through successes
in music-based rehabilitation associated with
post-traumatic growth, (4) express gratitude to
his family and friends through self-selected
songs or creating his own music, and (5) honor
the lives of his fellow and fallen soldiers through
musical performance”.
Studies of music therapy that have been applied
to different groups of people allow us to
distinguish three groups of music therapy
practices: perceptual (patients listen to music),
motor (patients perform various physical
exercises to music) and creative (patients play
musical instruments, sing or create music)
(Ambler et al., 2023).
Perceptual practices involve offering patients to
listen to music. Unfortunately, most studies, with
the exception of the one cited above, do not
specify which compositions the patients listened
to. Some studies contain only general
For instance, the study of Maleki & Youseflu
(2023) suggested listening to “Turkish music,
pop music, piano music at 70 bpm”. In the study
by Uğraş, G.A., Yıldırım, G., ksel, S.,
Özrkçü, Y., Kuzdere, M., & Öztekin, S.D. (2018),
patients were offered to listen to “classical,
Turkish music and nature sounds”. The research
by Akelma, Altınsoy, Arslan, & Ergil (2020)
refers to “favorite” music (without any
specification). Most studies do not provide any
The role of perceptual music therapy is positively
assessed in most studies. For instance, Maleki &
Youseflu (2023) used music therapy in maternity
hospitals in order to reduce short-term
postpartum episiotomy pain. In the researchers
opinion, “music-based interventions can reduce
the 1.60-unit of episiotomy pain score in both
primiparous and multiparous than the control
group. The highest and lowest effect of music on
reducing the pain was at two and 48 h after
episiotomy repair respectively”.
Akelma, Altınsoy, Arslan, & Ergil (2020)
explored the effect of listening to music on
patients preparing for surgery. Surveys with
methods for determining the level of anxiety
(STAI-1 and STAI-2) and pain (NRS) showed
that “listening to patient-preferred favorite music
preoperatively reduced anxiety, regulated
hemodynamic parameters, and improved
postoperative patient satisfaction”.
raş, G.A., lrım, G., Yüksel, S., Öztürkçü, Y.,
Kuzdere, M., & Öztekin, S.D. (2018) measured
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
patients’ anxiety levels (STAI-S), systolic blood
pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP),
heart rate (HR) and revealed that “all types of
music” reduced anxiety levels, as well as blood
pressure and cortisol levels. Natural sounds
additionally reduced diastolic blood pressure;
classical Turkish music also reduced diastolic
blood pressure and heart rate.
Krout (2007) justifies the use of music therapy to
facilitate relaxation, as a means of masking
unnecessary environmental stimuli, and as a
distraction from stress or physical pain. The
correlation between music and several facets of
psychoneuroimmunology, the limbic system’s
function in emotional and physiological reactions
to music, and the autonomic nervous system’s
function in hormone release are also discussed.
The study of Steiner-Brett (2023) suggests that
“music therapy is presented as an effective non-
pharmacological approach for addressing
psychosocial needs, particularly, for informal
caregivers”. The study clearly demonstrates that
music therapy benefits patients as well as
caregivers, including physicians and relatives.
We conditionally refer to various practices in
which music is used as an accompaniment for
various motor or speech exercises to motor
practices. In most cases, scholars do not specify
what kind of music was used, limiting only to a
superficial description of the practices applied.
For instance, Bronson, Vaudreuil, and Bradt
(2018) describe a slow-tempo movement
accompanied by music, during which the music
therapist creates a dynamic melodic contour on
the piano, cello, or other melodic instruments,
aligned with the body scan trajectory. Roy,
Bellini, Kruger, Haight & Vermetten (2022) used
a “walk and talk” cognitive therapy procedure for
patients with PTSD. The music was used as part
of the “Motion-Assisted, Multi-Modal Memory
Desensitization and Reconsolidation (3MDR)”
procedure. In both cases, scientists assess the
results of music therapy as positive; however,
they emphasize the need for further studies.
Active forms of music therapy are mentioned in
educational practice. For example, Pavlenko
(2019, p. 139) describes such a technique as a
"joint performance of a well-known song for one
of the group members to celebrate his/her
achievements or congratulate him/her", which,
according to the author, "evokes positive
emotions, a sense of cohesion".
Music-making practices are described in at least
two studies. For instance, in the above-
mentioned study by Bronson, Vaudreuil & Bradt,
(2018), 60-minute sessions are held with group
instrument playing and songwriting, with
songwriting based on the 12-bar blues pattern.
According to the researchers viewpoint, “the
therapist facilitates the group in playing the blues
by accompanying on a strong rhythmic
instrument (drums/percussion, bass, or rhythm
guitar). Song lyrics can be added to the music,
either spoken or sung by patients or the music
therapist» (p. 201).
The experience of the Guitars for Vets, the
volunteer project, aiming to provide free guitar
lessons to veterans, which, according to the
initiators, should help restore psychological
balance, is equally interesting. Pezzin, Larson,
Lorber, McGinley & Dillingham (2018) reported
a moderate positive effect of lessons for those
who agreed to participate in the project.
In several articles, researchers avoid specifying
the nature of the music therapy practices used;
however, they note their positive effects.
In particular, Davis, Mulvaney-Day, Larson,
Hoover & Mauch (2014) tried to investigate the
effectiveness of alternative and complementary
medicine, which included music therapy along
with chiropractic, herbs, massage, megavitamins,
movement therapy, and relaxation.
Hasanović, Sinanovi, Pajević, Avdibegović,
Sutović (2006) describe the issue of innovation
in the health care system in Bosnia and
Herzegovina, with a special focus on mental
health care.
Prospects for applying music therapy in modern
conditions also encourage the study of the
Ukrainian experience. Consequently, let us
highlight several studies by Ukrainian authors
published after Russia’s occupation of the
Crimean peninsula and Donbas.
Safin & Yakymchuk (2019) consider
psychological tools for conducting rehabilitation
activities with combat veterans in combination
with pharmacocorrection methods with
psychotropic drugs, adaptogens, biostimulants,
physiotherapy and psychotherapy methods, etc.
The researcher mentions music therapy as one of
the methods of psychotherapeutic rehabilitation
(along with “bibliotherapy, imagery therapy, art
therapy”), which “is widely used in foreign
armed forces” (p. 240); however, he does not
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
highlight the specifics of its application in
Lytvynenko (2015) mentions the use of “art
therapy” and “therapy with art and creative
expression” along with Gestalt therapy and body-
oriented psychotherapy, although the specifics of
this therapy are not revealed. Gavlovsky,
Golovanova, & Kharchenko (2019) mention art
therapy, namely “the work of an artist”, among
the programs of the Kremenchuk Regional
Hospital for War Veterans; however, they do not
mention any practices related to music.
The following works are devoted to the issues of
psychological rehabilitation of military
personnel; however, they do not contain any
mention of music therapy. Along with this, the
following methods are mentioned:
“psycho-diagnostics, debriefing, trainings on
optimization of internal potential and restoration
of psychological security of a person, game
activities, psychological lectures, training in
self-regulation; watching movies, recreation
(swimming, sauna, jacuzzi, karaoke, fishing),
massage, individual consultations, walks, gym
classes, etc.” (Kolesnychenko, 2019);
“medical examination; psychological
diagnostics (screening); psychological
education (pro-education); psycho-
emotional relief and restoration of
psychological security of the individual;
psychophysiological relief; social
rehabilitation” (Vasylenko, 2020);
“non-hospital therapy, individual and group
psychotherapy; family counseling;
relaxation and biofeedback techniques;
physiotherapy, pharmacotherapy” (Safin and
Yakymchuk, 2019);
providing emotional, meaningful and
existential support to a person or society in
situations of difficulty arising in the course of
their personal and social existence”
(Makarenko, 2018).
The obtained results indicate a limited use of
music therapy, primarily as a complementary
measure. Although researchers have noted the
positive effects of music therapy on patients’
conditions, which are detected not only by
patient surveys but also measured instrumentally,
there is a lack of detailed explanations of the
features of music used, as well as explanations of
the mechanisms of music’s effect on patients.
These issues are considered to be insufficiently
Music therapy has also become the subject of a
large number of journalistic articles and websites,
as well as videos on YouTube, which, according
to their authors, allegedly have healing properties.
However, we should be especially cautious
regarding these sources of information. In
particular, videos that form a distorted view of
music therapy are being shared on the YouTube
video platform. For instance, videos titled
“Healing music” with the “frequency” of 432 Hz
or 732 Hz are very popular (up to 40 million
views or more). However, it should be borne in
mind that the recordings presented on them are
not signals of the declared frequency, but, as a
rule, slow-tempo musical compositions based on
classical harmony, which is known to use
complex harmonies consisting of sounds with
fundamental frequencies from 30-50 Hz to 2-4
The content side of musical works that can be
used in the process of music therapy is still out of
the researchers’ attention. The content side,
which is determined by its intonational nature
and, for music combined with poetry, also by the
verbal range, can be an important factor in the
psychological impact of music, both positive, if
the piece of music is among the patient’s favorite
compositions, as well as negative. The negative
impact can be manifested clearly if, for example,
the song is sung in the language of the state, or
glorifies the values of the state in hostilities
against which the person, to whom the music is
imposed, participated. This circumstance, in
particular, is one of the important reasons for the
restrictive measures against Russian music
introduced in Ukraine with the beginning of the
large-scale phase of the Russian invasion in 2022.
Published studies show the significant health-
restoring potential of music for veterans of
hostilities. In particular, listening to music, doing
exercises accompanied by music, and making
music (singing, playing musical instruments) can
help improve human health, including
normalizing blood pressure, heart rate, reducing
anxiety, stimulating memory, etc. At the same
time, the application of music therapy in real
medical practice is currently used only
sporadically and only in certain rehabilitation
centers as supplementary to other types of
The scientific work explores the prospects of
using music therapy for people who have
participated in hostilities or were at the epicentre
of hostilities and experienced post-traumatic
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
stress disorder. In the course of the work, a
retrospective analysis of historical
documentation was implemented regarding
attempts to use music therapy during the First
and Second World Wars, the evolution of music
therapy in the second half of the 20th century, and
the potential for growth in the context of modern
conflicts, in particular, the Russian aggression
against Ukraine, which has been ongoing since
2014. p.
In the process of research, three main types of
music therapy practices were identified:
perceptual, motor practices and music making. It
was found that the positive impact of music
therapy practices is not only noted by the patients
themselves but also measured instrumentally,
which provides objective grounds for
emphasizing the importance of the healing
potential of musical art. At the same time, it was
proven that music therapy practices are not mass,
but sporadic initiatives of individual
rehabilitation centres and volunteer
From a musicological point of view, the greatest
practical interest for future research in this
direction is the question of which music has the
best therapeutic potential, and which works can
be recommended to doctors for conducting a
therapeutic course. In addition, art therapy can
give composers an answer to the question of what
music should be written for use in medical and
rehabilitation institutions, and what music can
help overcome post-traumatic stress disorder,
which is an invaluable resource for the recovery
of both military personnel and the public in the
post-war period of personal regeneration -
psychological resource potential.
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Volume 13 - Issue 74
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