Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.74.02.1
How to Cite:
Akansu, V., & Kaya, N. (2024). The conversion of the reinforced concrete post-war brownfield sites into greenfields: Green line
buffer zone of Cyprus. Amazonia Investiga, 13(74), 9-21. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.74.02.1
The conversion of the reinforced concrete post-war brownfield sites
into greenfields: Green line buffer zone of Cyprus
Savaş Sonrası Betonarme Kahverengi Alanların Yeşil Alanlara Dönüştürülmesi: Kıbrısın Yil Hat
Tampon Bölgesi
Received: January 5, 2024 Accepted: February 25, 2024
Written by:
Vedia Akansu1
Nehir Kaya2
Brownfield areas are hazardous areas that arise as a
result of the disuse of industrial, commercial, and
residential buildings, which pose an obstacle to
planning and decision-making mechanisms for the
regions in which they are located in terms of
environment and energy, and are a global problem
for settlements. In planning studies where
sustainability principles are taken into account, both
abandoned reinforced concrete structures and
abandoned traditional structures that contribute to
natural life should be considered together.
Brown field structures built with traditional and
reinforced concrete materials can be seen in the
green line region of the island of Cyprus.
Converting abandoned building areas built from
concrete material remaining in the unused buffer
zone after the war on the island into green corridors
is important to ensure sustainability.
In this context, the study was evaluated in line with
the Wheeler Sustainability Principles, the weight of
each marker was determined in line with the
literature review and local expert reports, and a road
map that could be used to transform brown areas
into green areas was created. This study both
contributes to the limited existing literature and
reveals the effects of energy and environmental
sustainability in abandoned areas.
Keywords: Brownfield, greenfield, renewable-
energy, environment, green-line, Cyprus.
Ph.D. in Architecture, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of the Department of Architecture, Near East University,
Turkey. WoS Researcher ID: HKO-8911-2023
Postgraduate student at the Near East University, Department of Architecture, Turkey. WoS Researcher ID: KEJ-1475-2024
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Brownfield areas negatively affect rural and
urban living spaces and create a lot of pressure
on living spaces in terms of decreasing
environmental resources (Dubey & Narayanan,
2010). Therefore, it is revealed through literature
research that globalization and modernization
trends that started in the last century brought
serious environmental disasters in settlements
(Asilsoy et al., 2017; Yıldırım et al., 2020;
Akansu & Karaman, 2023). At this point, the
concept of brownfield emerges as an
environmental disaster experienced in
settlements during deindustrialization and
suburbanization processes (Tang & Nathanail,
2012). Brownfields are defined by the US
Environmental Protection Agency (1997) as
“abandoned, idle, or underutilized industrial and
commercial facilities where expansion or
redevelopment is complicated by actual or
perceived environmental pollution” (Alker et al.,
2000). Additionally, brownfields in legislation
may also reflect the approaches used by
countries. European countries with higher
population densities promote the efficiency of
land recycling, while countries with lower
population densities focus on cleaning (Oliver et
al., 2005).
Accordingly, the increase in abandoned
construction sites in recent years has damaged
energy and environmental sustainability. There
are many abandoned concrete structures on the
Cyprus Green Line, which has been under UN
control since 1974, negatively affecting the
environment and human health. This study aims
to evaluate the feasibility of transforming these
areas into green corridors and analyze their
effects on energy and environmental values.
Accordingly, the increase in abandoned
construction sites in recent years has damaged
energy and environmental sustainability. There
are many abandoned concrete structures on the
Cyprus Green Line, which has been under UN
control since 1974, negatively affecting the
environment and human health. This study aims
to evaluate the feasibility of transforming these
areas into green corridors and analyze their
effects on energy and environmental values.
Abandoned buildings on the island of Cyprus
emerge as a result of war, affect cities and rural
settlements in terms of energy recovery, and
reduce the quality of life by negatively affecting
environmental parameters such as soil, air and
Research conducted in this context reveals that
traditional structures provide the formation of
habitats necessary for the protection of biological
diversity (Francis, 2010). However, the damage
that reinforced concrete structures, especially
abandoned structures, cause to nature is
indisputable. The materials used in these
structures do not allow the protection of flora and
fauna, on the contrary, they fill the land
unnecessarily (Akansu & Gertik, 2018).
Former industrial areas appear as settlements
with degraded ecological and natural areas and
low livable limits. These areas can only be
accepted into society if they are considered as a
whole within the settlements. For this purpose,
ecological sustainability can be achieved by
using non-industrial areas together with the
natural and architectural environment, climate
characteristics, biodiversity (flora-fauna),
topographic structure and natural resources.
Ecological, cultural, social and economic
resources of the areas to be restored are important
factors in non-industrial regional area planning
studies (Akansu & Gertik, 2018).
At this point, energy and environmental values
are evaluated in terms of ecosystem life of living
things and human health through Wheeler's
Sustainability Principles (Wheeler, 1998). For
this reason, Wheeler's Sustainability Principles
will be used to measure the impact of brownfield
conversion in the continuity of work. It is hoped
that this study will contribute to the revitalization
of these places and thus to the search for a
solution to the political and ethnic conflict in
The research questions that will guide the study
How does the conversion of unused construction
areas on the Cyprus Green Line into green
corridors affect energy and environmental
What benefits and challenges does transforming
abandoned spaces into green corridors present?
The methodology of the study includes the
evaluation of environmental and energy
indicators, as well as the socioeconomic analysis
of the region. The expected results are the
creation of a road map for the transformation of
abandoned areas into green corridors and
recommendations for the implementation of
Akansu, V., Kaya, N. / Volume 13 - Issue 74: 9-21 / February, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
public policies that promote sustainability in the
What makes Cyprus Green Line a worthy and
important case to examine within the concept of
a brownfield site is that the studies such as this
one are promising in contributing to the revival
of these sites and furthermore, to the resolution
of the political and ethnic conflict that has been
going on for more than 40 decades.
A critical evaluation has been put forward by
discussing the benefits and drawbacks of
converting unused concrete fields into
completely green corridors on Cyprus Green
Line which is designated as the study area. The
potential environmental and energy impact of
transforming and redesigning unused brownfield
sites into greenfield sites has been discussed in
this study
This study is an important contribution to the
urban transformation and environmental
sustainability literature. Its results are expected to
be beneficial to local governments,
environmental organizations, and society in
Theoretical framework of study
The method of the study was an important factor
in the formation of the theoretical framework. In
this context, brownfield-greenfield sites,
ecological green corridors, and sustainability
concepts are important for the theoretical aspect
of this study.
The Brownfield concept is used as the opposite
terminology of greenfield, which describes
uncontaminated or undeveloped rural lands.
These sites are dangerous areas that mostly result
from the non-use of industrial, commercial, and
residential buildings (Maczulak, 2009). They are
identified as crucial areas which pose a threat to
the sustainability of energy and the environment.
Sustainable approaches evidenced the associated
issues, problems, and potentials of brownfield
sites and also helped all stakeholders to
understand the importance of this issue (Beer &
Higgins, 2000). It is important to transform these
concrete, abandoned sites which became unused
after the war, into green corridors to ensure the
sustainability of the habitat and to provide them
for the use of society.
The ecological green corridors, which are
transformed from being reinforced concrete sites
to a greenfield sites, contribute to protect the
environment and providing quality living space
for people. Furthermore, it helps to protect the
habitats of the flora and fauna living in that
region. New planning approaches such as;
ecological corridors, green infrastructure and
green roads, serve with a protective aim through
directing urban development, controlling
erosion and surface flows, reducing
environmental pollutants, regulating
microclimate, and providing habitats for wildlife
(Yaman & Doygun, 2014).
Thus, while forming green corridors,
implementation of suitable renewable energy
resources (solar, wind, hydraulic, geothermal,
biomass, and sea and ocean energy) has
inevitable effects on the sustainability of a
habitat’s environmental values, its energy gains
and human health.
Wheeler’s Sustainability Principles are very
crucial in guiding the applicability and
development of sustainable environments and
sustainable energy of areas that are left unused
after a war. In line with these principles, the
energy gains and environmental values are as
1. It demonstrates its use for the protection of
flora and fauna in ecosystems in compact
and balanced land use. Brownfield sites
represent areas with unused, abandoned
buildings and their surroundings, and these
sites are problematic in terms of utilisation
of the land because they do not contain green
spaces that would allow the development of
ecosystem flora and fauna.
2. Vehicle use and easy access is a
sustainability principle which demonstrates
that driving a motorised personal vehicle
would cause air pollution, thus supporting
the use of bicycle, battery-powered vehicles
or walking. The areas that are currently
defined as brownfields and are closed for
public use are problematic regions because
they adversely affect sustainable energy and
environmental value.
3. It supports rational use of resources, waste
reduction, prevention of environmental
pollution, minimised use of non-renewable
energy resources and to support the use of
renewable energy resources which protect
the environment.
4. The restoration of natural systems lead to
renewal and protection of open areas,
valleys, canals, creeks, green corridors,
topographic features of natural structure of
the environment It supports the development
of post-war from brownfield to green spaces.
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5. It is an approach that supports the
preservation of good housing and living
environments, traditional building areas and
natural building values. In the brownfield
areas, good housing and living environments
are replaced by waste sites and hampering
the preservation of environmental values.
6. Healthy social ecology is a principle that
aims to ensure social equality, meet the basic
needs of people, create adequate jobs and
conditions for social life. Sites that are
closed to the public after a war, are
problematic regions in terms of healthy
social ecological values.
7. Sustainable economy is put forward through
creating conditions in which future
generations will not have difficulties to use
resources, produce policies and distribute
social welfare equally. Brownfield areas are
also problematic in terms of healthy
sustainable economic values.
8. Public participation is one of the principles
which supports the public to have a say in
the production of policies that will ensure
equality, equal distribution of resources and
welfare to all. Areas that are closed for
public use are also problematic in terms of
environmental sustainable values.
9. It supports the preservation of local culture
and social values, agricultural production,
natural resources and texture of local
architecture. Brownfield settlements pose
problems in development of local
architectural texture, and the protection of
local values and social values, natural
resources and agricultural production.
Accordingly, the need for brownfield regions,
which impact negatively on energy resources and
environmental parameters, to be converted to
green areas and the need for further studies in this
field is put forward.
The study method consists of revising the
existing approaches in the literature to determine
the context; the documentary analysis included
reports prepared by public officials and experts
within this field. Visual data was also employed
which included maps and photographs. Maps
were derived through satellite views secondary
data on abandoned sites were derived through
photographs taken by others and content analysis
was applied.
Within the context of energy and environmental
sustainability, the conceptual framework is
formed through the use of renewable energy
concepts proposed in Wheeler’s Sustainability
Principles and through concepts developed on
brownfield sites as well as literature on the use of
renewable energy in ecological green corridors.
Besides, the research was conducted in the last
quarter of 2022 by reportage (questions and
answers) to participants consisting of 50 experts
(architects, engineers, urban planners,
environmental scientists, non-society
organizations). When preparing questions from
participants within the framework of 9 principles
published by wheller in 1998:
1. Compact, balanced land use
2. Vehicle use and easy Access
3. Rational use of resources, reducing waste,
preventing environmental pollution
4. Restoration of natural systems
5. Good housing and living environment
6. Healthy social ecology.
7. Sustainable economy
8. Community involvement
9. Preservation of local culture and social
values. Brownfield asked for opinions from
the sample regions on energy and
environmental values.
Moreover, to conduct an assessment of the
current state of the region, the reports and
publications prepared by city and regional
planners, architects, engineers and individuals
who have been actively working for many years
in North Cyprus, have been analysed.
The life of ecosystem-living beings and human
health data cross-assessment matrix was created
from data derived from this study in accordance
with Wheeler’s Sustainability Principles in line
with the study of energy and environmental
values. The advantages and disadvantages of
renewable energy resource utilisation and the
conversion of the existing concrete structures
into completely ecological green corridors were
evaluated through this matrix.
Results and discussion
Island of Cyprus Green Line Formation,
Development and Assessment of the Current
Cyprus has been home to various civilizations
such as Catholic, Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic,
Roman, Byzantine, Arab Navy, Frankish,
Lusignan, Genoese, Venetian, Ottoman, and
British administrations. It is still an island where
political, social, cultural, and architectural
differences are being experienced. Cyprus was
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
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under British rule during 1878-1960. After the
establishment of the Republic of Cyprus, the
Island was co-administered by Turkish and
Greek Cypriots. However, due to political
conflicts, it was divided into two regions in 1974.
The line that divides the Island into two parts is
called the Green Line. (Figure 1) The United
Nation controlled Green Line occupies
approximately %3 of the landmass of the Island
of Cyprus (Grichting, 2010a). Frozen in a
military status quo for the past 43 years, this strip
of land swallows up abandoned settlements.
Figure 1. Cyprus Buffer Zone (Collet, 2023)
The present boundaries of the Green Line was
determined in 1974 by the Cyprus Peace
Operation. It is used to determine the region
which separates the Turkish Republic of
Northern Cyprus (de facto) and the Greek
Cypriot Administration in Cyprus. It was first
introduced in 1964 by Peter Young, commander
of the United Nations “peacekeeping forces”.
General Young, who sent his forces to different
parts of Nicosia, drew a line on the map with a
green pencil. This line is then called the “Green
Line” and determines the borders between the
North and the South (Borowiec, 2000). Initially,
the Green Line was under British control which
later on was controlled by the military of the
United Nations (Christofides, 2007). Assuming
Nicosia as the center, the area that the line that
divides through the East and the West regions,
truly reflects Cyprus in terms of ecological
values and landscape.
From the river deltas and sandy beaches of the
East Coast (Famagusta-Varosha), it connects
with the rocky shores of the West Coast
(Kokkina Enclave), passing through wetlands,
fertile plains, and hills, and following the crest of
mountains, it stops in Troodos (Grichting,
2010a). Investigations into the unexpected
flourishing of nature on the Green Line (flowers,
birds, insects, and mammals) were undertaken by
scientists from both Turkish and Greek Cypriot
communities confirmed that the so-called ‘Dead
Zone’ of Cyprus was in fact, a thriving landscape
of biodiversity (Gucel et. al, 2008).
However, many structures are not used within the
region that is known as the Buffer Zone which is
under the United Nations administration.
Although parts of these structures that are built
with traditional materials help preserve and
develop biological diversity, it is observed that
there are problems in the areas constructed with
reinforced concrete materials. These problematic
constructions, which are referred to as
brownfields, have a negative impact not only on
people visually but also in terms of the
sustainability of energy and the environment.
The area of the Green Line is similar to other
military buffer zones around the world as in the
examples of the Korean Demilitarised Zone. This
is because, due to its isolation, the Green Line
became really green and it has become a haven
of biodiversity (Grichting, 2010b).
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Cyprus green line brownfield site study
Part of the areas within the borders of Cyprus
Green Line consists of greenfield areas.
Assuming Nicosia is the center, greenfield areas
are mostly observed on the western part of the
Island, from the hills of Lefka to the hills of
Troodos Mountain. There are some greenfield
areas to the east of Nicosia. This area extends to
the village of Pyla, the British Sovereign Bases,
and Varosha city known as the ghost city.
The investigation conducted for this study
suggested that the density of the brownfield areas
increases in Nicosia, the industrial areas of Lefka
Cyprus Mine Corporation, and Varosha. In this
respect, this study focuses on;
Settlements in the Nicosia region,
Varosha Region in the East of Nicosia, and
Unused area of CMC in the West region of
Settlements in the Nicosia region
Besides traditional material and concrete
buildings and commercial areas, one of the
biggest airports of its time, Nicosia International
Airport is also in The Green Line region in
Nicosia. Historic Nicosia center is 5 km away
from the abandoned airport, which constitutes
one of its widest sections. (Figure 2)
Figure 2. Nicosia Green Line and Important Brownfield Areas (by Authors)
Nicosia International Airport was built in 1939
from reinforced concrete material and after 1947
it became the only international airport on the
island (Milliyet Newspaper, 2014). Despite its
active use during 1947-1974, it still causes a
problem in terms of energy and environment as it
occupies thousands of acres of land (Figure 3).
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 3. Present Day Nicosia International Airport Left Unused (Milliyet Newspaper, 2014)
Varosha region in the east of Nicosia
Varosha, one of the settlements of Famagusta
once was a trade and tourism center.
However, this situation has only been
sustained for 15 years. From time to time,
political and economic factors can create changes
in cities and the Varosha region is one of the
examples that experienced the change (Akansu
& Duman, 2022). In other words, Varosha
evidences the contradicting political desires
and economic expectations and it is involved in
negotiations for political reconciliation in
Cyprus (Pyla & Phokaides, 2020). The situation
is not very different in Varosha.
The settlement which is located within the
borders of Famagusta city was left in the Green
Line region after 1974 and is not being used ever
since except for a couple of buildings (Figure 4)
Figure 4. Varosha brownfield settlement within the borders of Famagusta city (BY Authors)
Varosha was a very popular holiday destination
until 1974, thus it harbors many touristic
facilities and commercial buildings that became
brownfield areas today. This area is observed as
a problematic area in terms of energy and
environmental destruction (Figure 5).
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Figure 5. Varosha Brownfield's view (NTV, 2020)
Unused area of CMC in the west region of Nicosia
Besides the aforementioned settlements, part of
Cyprus Mining Corporation (CMC) settlements
passes through the Green Line. During the
industrialization period, CMC was one of the
first industrial examples located in Lefka which
is on the west of Nicosia. This area is not only
known to be an environmental problem for the
Mediterranean but also it is among the areas that
pose an environmental problem because it is
unused. (Figure 6)
Figure 6. Brownfield settlement of CMC in Lefka (By Authors)
Part of Nicosia, CMC settlements, and Varosha
are observed as brownfield areas after 1974 due
to political reasons. As a result of studies
conducted, it can be said that these settlements
are problematic in terms of visual, energy and
environmental sustainability.
Varosha, CMC settlement area in Lefka and part
of Nicosia city are considered as after-war
brownfield areas resulting from political reasons.
It is observed that these unused settlements were
concluded as problematic sites not only visually
but also in terms of sustainability of energy and
The Evaluation of Energy and Environment of
Brownfield Site
The buildings in brownfield sites were built by
reinforced concrete material, which was widely
started to be used on the Island during the 1950s.
Studies have shown that reinforced concrete
structures, which are not in use today, increase
carbon emission and adversely affect the living
life in the environment by increasing greenhouse
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
effect and disrupt the balance of the ecosystem.
In this respect, these buildings in the buffer zone
were evaluated through Wheeler’s Sustainability
Principles in order to determine the current state
of energy and environment. Also assessments
and recommendations were also made on the
ecosystem, life of living and human health on the
presented table (Table 1).
Table 1.
Energy and Environment Evaluation of Wheeler’s Sustainability Principles in Brownfield Assessment.
Recommendation-Assessment Ecosystem, Living-life and
Human Health
1. Compact,
balanced land use
Unused concrete
materials increase the
greenhouse effect and it
does not allow the land
to be used in order to
provide an opportunity
to use renewable energy
Unused buildings, situated
on these lands cause
irregularity of green area
formation which would have
provided an opportunity for
the development of flora and
It is not possible to observe
this principle in brownfield
areas. These areas pose a threat to
ecosystem-living life and human
health. Brownfield areas should
be re-introduced to the usage of
the society by taking into
account the environmental and
energy values.
2. Vehicle use and
easy access
The fact that the region
is closed to public
access constitutes an
obstacle in making
decisions regarding the
use of renewable
energy sources.
It is observed that today,
plants grow irregularly and
unhealthily through buildings
and transportation axes.
It is not possible to observe
this principle in brownfield
areas. Unhealthy development of flora
and fauna led to the loss of
pedestrian and vehicle axles.
Visually, this impacts on human
psychology negatively.
3. Wise use of the
sources, reduction
of wastes,
prevention of
The region should be
put into use in order to
be able to propose
nature protecting
renewable energy
The prevention of
environmental pollution
caused by unused structures
in the region is possible
through regional planning
towards the utilisation of the
It is not possible to observe
this principle in brownfield
areas. In order to ensure human health
and ecosystem diversity, the
region should be freed from
environmentally polluting
brownfields, and planning
efforts that support renewable
energy resources should be put
into practice.
4. The restoration
of natural systems
Natural building areas
that may be suitable for
the use of renewable
energy sources are not
Topographical features, open
spaces, valleys, canals,
creeks, and green corridors in
the natural structure of the
environment have
In brownfields, this principle
irregularly develops in inside
and outside of buildings. Topographical features in the
natural structure of the
environment, open spaces,
valleys, canals, creeks, and
green corridors should be
identified and a planning system
which supports environmental
and energy sustainability should
be established.
5. Good housing
and living
The use of renewable
energy systems is
important for the
creation of good living
spaces and
The conversion of unused
buildings into natural areas
has a great importance for
the local community.
It is not possible to observe
this principle in brownfield
areas. Green Line harbours unused
buildings and is environmentally
problematic for those living in
the North and the South of this
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
6. Healthy social
People’s negative feelings
caused by abandoned and
unused areas, adversely
affect the formation of a
healthy social life.
It is not possible to observe
this principle in brownfield
areas. In order to create healthy social
areas and positive human
psychology, the region should
be cleansed from unused areas.
7. Sustainable
The required budget
should be provided so
that necessary
renewable energy
systems can be used in
order to be able to
maintain sustainability.
It is necessary to create
conditions and develop
policies in which future
generations will not have
difficulties to use resources.
It is not possible to observe
this principle in brownfield
areas. The programmes which provide
necessary economic support to
increase ecological diversity and
healthier development of future
generations, through the use of
renewable energy, should be
8. Community
Ensuring the equal
distribution of
renewable energy
resources to be used in
converting the
abandoned areas for
society use.
Necessity to get the opinion
of experts and the public
when decisions are made on
abandoned areas and related
environmental problems.
It is not possible to observe
this principle in brownfield
areas. To support planning decisions
which would encourage public
say on decisions that are related
with human health and
9.Protection of the
local culture and
social values
Brownfield settlements
adversely affect the
necessary environmental
development in the
preservation of local culture
and social values.
It is not possible to observe
this principle in brownfield
areas. To support planning activities
on abandoned areas in terms of
development of human health,
and preservation of ecosystem,
local culture and social values.
(Created as a table By Authors)
Within the context of this study, when Wheeler’s
Sustainability Principles are assessed, since the
abandoned areas and the living areas around
them are not used actively, the renovation of
these areas will be possible only through large
economic investments. However, by doing so,
would also lead to the loss of biodiversity that
currently exists around traditional abandoned
structures. Evaluating the overall benefits it
would provide, it is suggested as appropriate to
form ecological green corridors which are
thought to be beneficial for the settlement areas
in North and South in the Green Line region and
also to take action for planning on renewable
energy sources.
The study and the observations conducted reveal
that it is necessary to carry out planning studies
for the conversion of abandoned areas to green
areas. In this study, the approach that supports
the use of renewable energy sources in the
process of converting the existing green areas
into green corridors along with the abandoned
areas has been put forward. In this respect, the
advantages and disadvantages of the unused
areas on the Green Line in Cyprus are determined
as follows (Table:2).
As a result of the assessments and observations,
it is concluded that there is a need to have
planning activities towards transformation of
abandoned sites into green areas. In this study, it
is suggested that use of renewable energy
resources is supported by transforming
brownfield sites into greenfield sites and
considering them as integrated with greenfield
sites which exist both in the North and in the
South. In this respect, the benefits and the
drawbacks of the current situation in the unused
areas that exist on the Green Line have been
discussed in Table 2.
Volume 13 - Issue 74
/ February 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 2.
Benefits and Drawbacks of the Current Situation of the Green Line
The presence of both brownfield and greenfield
areas on the Green Line border.
Brownfield areas' coverage has a negative impact on
sustainability of energy and environment.
That the Green Line runs through both the sea and
mountain slopes.
The dense existence of abandoned structures in areas with
special importance.
The existence of natural habitat between the divided
North and South Cyprus. Particularly observed in
areas without any structures or in areas with only
abandoned traditional structures.
Although reinforced concrete structures in the Green Line
region are not used, along with the developing settlements
outside the buffer zone, there is an increased greenhouse
Excluding brownfield sites, observation of normal
development of fauna and flora in greenfield areas
where there is no settlement.
Brownfield areas poses an impediment against the normal
development of flora and fauna.
Within the context of planning activities, greenfield
sites can turn into green areas and proposes a
potential renewable energy.
The need for some improvements in transforming the
brownfield areas into green areas.
(Created as a table By Authors)
Furthermore; it has been demonstrated that the
environmental values in the area are suitable for
ecology, environmental sustainability, and the use
of renewable resources. Harboring lands with
different features at sea and mountain levels played
an important factor when this argument was put
forward. Another important detail is the fact that the
areas outside the identified abandoned areas on the
Green Line are greenfield areas, which are
considered to be an important opportunity. The
benefits and drawbacks of decontamination of the
concrete area and its conversion to a completely
green area are presented in Table 3.
Table 3.
Potential benefits and drawbacks of future transformation of brownfield areas to greenfield areas on the
Green Line
Brownfield site
1.Restoration of
natural System 2. Wise use of
sources, reduction
of wastes,
prevention of
Flora and fauna is
expected to show a
development in terms
of biological
diversity in the
coming years.
It is expected to take
some time for the area to
be purified from
abandoned buildings and
to be transformed into
green areas, and for
nature to adapt itself
within a period of time.
By purifying the area
from brownfields, the
amount of oxygen will
increase, the amount
of carbon dioxide will
decrease; thus the
greenhouse effect will
decrease accordingly.
Studies will be made
towards the usage of
renewable energy
resources by
determining the
natural resources of
the area.
The fact that the unused
buildings and the area
are furnished with
unrenewable energy that
cannot be renewed.
The abandoned areas
which are proposed to
be transformed are
suitable for
positioning wind
turbines and solar
energy panels that can
be used by both North
and South Cyprus.
An arrangement
taking renewable
energy resources into
account, which
would make it
possible to transform
abandoned areas into
an area jointly used
by both South and
North settlements.
It will be insufficient to
apply Wheeler’s
Sustainability Principles
only on the abandoned
buildings on the Green
A large amount of
financial support is
needed to introduce
regulations and
planning which would
encourage the use of
renewable energy
resources or to re-
utilise abandoned
areas within the
(Created as a table By Authors)
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
According to the findings, it is argued that the
abandoned buildings on the Green Line can be
successfully re-used with a planning approach
that would be developed in line with Wheeler’s
Sustainability Principles and keeping the whole
Island of Cyprus in focus, and not only the Green
Line region. This can be achieved by allocating a
certain budget and joint action by two
communities. When the current socio-political
situation is considered it is suggested that it
would be beneficial to plan the transformation of
abandoned concrete areas into green areas which
would allow the protection of biological diversity
given the fact that;
Majority of the Green Line is made up of
The necessary conditions for renewable
energy and
It would be easily applicable under the
control of the United Nations.
Suitable renewable energy sources for the
region’s conditions should be identified (i.e.:
solar and wind energy) and used. Thus, the area
which is currently problematic in terms of energy
and environment will contribute to human health
and living beings through the use of
environmentally friendly renewable energy.
Brownfields are a global problem that poses an
obstacle to planning and decision-making for the
regions in which they are located in terms of
environment and energy. A conceptual approach
is needed to make this controllable and
manageable. Restoration works that take
sustainability principles into account lead to the
destruction of biological diversity; Because in
such planning studies, both abandoned
reinforced concrete structures and abandoned
traditional buildings that contribute to natural life
need to work together.
However, the situation in Cyprus is that the
Green Line (Settlements in the Nicosia region,
Varosha Region in the East of Nicosia, and
Unused area of CMC in the West region of
Nicosia.) is closed to the public and has been
under the administration of the United Nations
since the post-war period. Therefore, it requires
the development of different approaches. Thus,
since there is no evidence of biodiversity in
abandoned, reinforced concrete structures, they
can be transformed into an ecological green
corridor that includes green areas.
In this context, a planning approach is proposed
that will provide the opportunity to create an
ecological green corridor where solar and wind
energy sources from renewable sources that may
be especially suitable for Cyprus can be
implemented. To ensure the applicability of the
planning approach, firstly after the cleaning of
the brownfield areas in the region.
Solar energy panels and wind roses are
recommended to be installed in the region. In
addition to this, designing pedestrian and bicycle
axles in the revival of the area without users is
another important suggestion.
Thus, it is expected to contribute to the protection
of biodiversity as well as energy production by
using renewable resources that can be used by
both Northern and Southern Cyprus.
Accordingly, these benefits are expected to be
achieved by transforming unused building areas
into ecological green corridors;
Cleaning the area from abandoned concrete
structures that create environmental
Reducing the greenhouse effect,
Elimination of psychological pressure
caused by visual impact,
Emergence of lands suitable for the use of
renewable energy resources.
Cleaning the area that prevents the
development of flora and fauna,
There is an expectation that environmental
and energy values will increase, biodiversity
will increase, and positive effects will be
provided to human health and living things.
In this study, the importance of using renewable
energy and using ecological corridors for human
health and the continuation of the ecosystem by
benefiting from existing biological diversity and
bringing lost ecological features to abandoned
and reinforced areas is discussed. by cleaning
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