Volume 13 - Issue 73
/ January 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2024.73.01.17
How to Cite:
Opryshko, N., Novik, K., Smolinska, O., Burmakina, N., & Aizikova, L. (2024). Web-based applications in higher education:
revolutionising language learning in the digital age. Amazonia Investiga, 13(73), 209-219.
Web-based applications in higher education: revolutionising
language learning in the digital age
Aplicaciones basadas en la web en la educación superior: Revolucionando el aprendizaje de idiomas
en la era digital
Received: December 28, 2023 Accepted: January 27, 2024
Written by:
Natalia Opryshko1
Kristina Novik2
Olesia Smolinska3
Nataliia Burmakina4
Lidiia Aizikova5
This research article aimed to examine the
utilisation of web applications in higher
education, specifically focusing on their
presentation and usage. Methodology: a mixed
approach was used in the study. The results
showed that by analysing how these applications
are used and discussing user perspectives, the
study shed light on the interplay between
technical functionality and social engagement in
information and communication technologies.
Students in higher education view educational
web applications as supplementary resources,
utilising them for tasks such as translation and
pronunciation practice. It can be concluded that
the active and productive use of educational
mobile applications by students in Ukraine has
notably increased, particularly in the context of
war. The key benefits reported by students
included the accessibility and convenience of
Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the Department of Philology and Linguistic Didactics, Faculty of Foreign
Citizens' Training, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Kharkiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: JNE-6935-2023
Master of Arts, English Teacher, Private Tutor in Online Education. WoS Researcher ID: JXW-8126-2024
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy and Pedagogy, Faculty of Social Development
and Health, Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: I-3223-2017
Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Economics and
Management, Polissia National University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: B-6906-2018
Lecturer of the Department of Germanic Philology, Philological Faculty, V. O. Sukhomlynskyi Mykolaiv National University,
Mykolaiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: ACQ-1867-2022
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
web-based educational tools. These applications
serve as both learning aids and motivational
tools, addressing challenges such as remote
learning and limited English-language materials.
The widespread use of web applications during
times of war has proven instrumental in
maintaining educational access and quality in
Keywords: application, user, technical and
social aspect, information and communication
technologies, social and learning context.
The spread of information and communication
technologies (ICTs) in higher education has led
to significant transformations. The aim of ICT in
higher education has been to improve the
outcomes and performance of teachers and
students (Muftah, 2023). The popularity of web-
based applications lies in the fact that they can be
accessed via smartphones, hence the growing
number of users. While information and
communication technologies play an important
role in learning, it is still common to see that the
mobile devices through which students use web
applications are subject to prejudice from certain
members of the education system (Gonçalves et
al., 2022). Although new education is actively
introducing ICTs into learning, with mobile
devices as the main tool, the internal rules and
regulations of some educational institutions are
very unfavourable for the effective
implementation of digital technologies. These
institutions are characterised by an environment
where the carrying and use of mobile phones is
prohibited (Chen et al., 2019). However, in
relation to higher education institutions and
among students, there is an active use of
applications such as Learning English and Duo
linguo, Tubidy MP3 Music, and Videmate
outside the classroom on smartphones
(Garvasiuk & Namestiuk, 2022). From this
perspective, the problematic of the presented
work is the question of how students learn
English in their own cultural context and how
they use web applications?
Web-based applications in the context of higher
education have indeed changed and transformed
the way foreign languages are learnt in the digital
age. Traditional approaches to language learning,
such as classroom or one-to-one tuition, are still
important, but new technologies provide students
with more opportunities for self-directed learning
and language practice. In addition, in the context
of the war in Ukraine, active hostilities, shelling,
and military operations have damaged and
destroyed infrastructures, including schools and
universities (Sherman et al., 2022). Most of the
affected institutions (both public and private)
were left without basic educational tools and
staff. Libraries and laboratories in most of these
universities have also been destroyed. So, what
can be done to improve the level of foreign
language teaching and learning in a time of war?
In light of this question, two working hypotheses
have been put forward: the use of web-based
applications is a lifesaver for Ukrainian
education in times of war; the use of web-based
applications is linked to the social, cultural, and
technological context of higher education
institutions and students.
In this context a specific research question were
proposed: How do students in Ukrainian higher
education institutions utilise web-based
applications for learning English in the context of
the ongoing war in Ukraine?
Theoretical framework or literature review
Despite the valuable insights provided by
previous studies on the impact of web-based
applications in language learning, there are
several limitations that need to be addressed.
Firstly, the methodology used in some described
studies are limited in scope and not clearly
defined how web-based applications impact
language learning. Thus, one of the main ways
that web-based applications impact language
learning is through access to a variety of online
resources and self-study programmes. Students
can use these resources to learn grammar, words,
and phrases, as well as to gain skills in
pronunciation and comprehension. Web-based
Opryshko, N., Novik, K., Smolinska, O., Burmakina, N., Aizikova, L. / Volume 13 - Issue 73: 209-219 / January, 2024
Volume 13 - Issue 73
/ January 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
applications also provide opportunities to interact
with other students and teachers from different
countries, which helps to develop language skills
and cultural understanding. The generalisability
of results from previous studies are limited due
to the specific contexts in which they were
conducted. Factors such as the cultural
background of participants, the language being
studied, and the specific web-based applications
being used restricted the results and limited their
applicability to different settings. So, in order to
develop the presented research approach, the
paper focuses on theories of representation, on
the one hand, and theoretical models that study
the social integration of web applications and
(mobile) technical devices in education, on the
other. According to Maciej (2023), three
theoretical models shed light on the social
“attachment” of society to technical devices: the
diffusion model, the broadcast model, and the
circulation model. To these three models, we
should add the sociology of use, which we
consider indispensable, especially in the context
of the war in Ukraine.
Social studies of ICT use have gone through a
series of assessments and perspectives, partly
updated by the emergence of modern digital
media (mobile internet, social networks, mobile
applications, etc.). Weber, Dettmer, Schurz &
Thelen (2022) describe the contributions and
limitations of sociological approaches to ICT use
in education.
Studies conducted within the sociological
perspective reveal gaps between the use
envisaged by the creators of a sociotechnical
device and the actual use by users (Dahal, 2022).
Related research analyses the relationship
between technical innovation and social
innovation, the interaction between humans and
technology (Vandebroeck, 2022). The author
takes into account both social and technical use
of information and communication technologies.
For many years, scholars have been trying to
comprehend the diversity of processes associated
with the social appropriation of ICTs, while
avoiding any critical logic. Without fitting into
any of the different models, we consider the
circulation model to be appropriate and
important for studying how students represent
themselves and use educational mobile and web-
based applications for learning a foreign
language. Legemaate, Grol, Huisman,
Oolbekkink-Marchand & Nieuwenhuis (2022)
appeal to the notion of a socio-technical frame of
reference, which is defined as the union of a
framework of functioning and a framework of
use. For the authors, the central question is how
does it work and how is it used?
According to Rosa, Villanueva, Miguel & Quinto
(2022), a technical device cannot be studied and
understood separately from the social context in
which it is integrated. Ultimately, the socio-
technical approach to technical devices
simultaneously encompasses four dimensions:
the structural characteristics of platforms, user
use, and the trajectory and functions of the device
itself (Krymets, 2022).
The notion of cognitive, individual, and
collective representations plays a crucial role in
the design, acceptance, or rejection of a
sociotechnical device. Indeed, the idea of social
representations is a way of interpreting the world
and everyday reality in the form of social
knowledge, which an individual constructs more
or less consciously based on subjective
considerations (Dobrovolska et al., 2021).
In his work, Sofilkanych (2022) demonstrates the
two processes that make up social
representations: objectification and attachment.
Objectification is based on cultural and
normative criteria. The attachment is related to
the institution. The objectification itself is
formed in such a way that it makes it possible to
appropriate and integrate knowledge about a
particular subject. For students, objectification is
a tried-and-tested activity, as they a priori belong
to cultural groups and are exposed to institutional
norms and standards during their studies. As for
attachment, it encompasses the incorporation and
social rooting of representation in the subject's
value system (Jalilbayli, 2022a).
In the research presented here, objectification
involves the examination of cultural and
normative criteria, while embedding highlights
the way in which educational web or mobile
applications are given meaning on an individual
level. In this respect, the processes described are
inextricably linked to mediation.
The concept of mediation is more complex than
one might imagine. It goes beyond everyday
exchanges of information (Afrilyasanti,
Basthomi & Zen, 2022). The act of mediation
necessarily encompasses the following three
dimensions: technical substrate (what devices?),
political and professional procedures (which
actors, which professions), and cultural and
social meaning (what values, what principles?).
As for the term “web-based learning device”, it
is considered in this paper as a technical set of
practices, a way of thinking (habitus) that
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
facilitates learning (Damayanto et al., 2022). The
digital mediation of web-based devices rather
focuses on a process that results in learning, but
also in the dissemination of knowledge. It is also
seen as a means of mobilising and responding to
the cognitive needs of any society, taking into
account the social and cultural factors of that
society (Jalilbayli, 2022b).
The digital knowledge mediation approach raises
the issue of the loss of individual autonomy.
Therefore, the approach involves going beyond
the mere transfer of information and considering
the way in which links are made between
information needs and information use in the
transformation of information into knowledge
(Puebla et al., 2022).
Despite the fact that the introduction and use of
web and mobile applications in foreign language
learning is part of the usage, they have received
very little attention in the educational
environment. Among students, digital
educational applications are perceived as mere
learning tools rather than as hypothetical
mainstream learning tool. This indicates that
digital learning cannot automatically “win” over
traditional learning (Jie & Sunze, 2023).
The use of technology in non-educational
environments offers opportunities for language
learning in different situations (Alrikabi et al.,
2022). A study conducted by Alenezi (2023) on
students' perceptions of web-based applications
showed that the use of technology affects the
quality of learning. Learning seems to be more
interesting and creative. This is particularly true
of mobile technologies, which provide
portability, social interactivity, individuality,
sensitivity, and contextual connectivity
(Martín-Sómer et al., 2021). It is visible that the
lack of attention to the potential loss of individual
autonomy in the digital knowledge mediation
approach is a critical limitation. Understanding
how technology can empower learners while also
recognising the risks of dependence on digital
tools is essential for effective language learning
strategies. While previous research has laid a
foundation for understanding the impact of web-
based applications in language learning, there is
a need for more comprehensive and
interdisciplinary study that addresses the
limitations mentioned above. By addressing
these limitations, it is possible providing a more
nuanced and holistic understanding of how web-
based applications can enhance language
learning outcomes.
Consequently, a review of the scientific literature
on the use of web-based applications for foreign
language learning suggests that there is a
relationship between the growing use of portable
devices such as smartphones, MP3 players, and
personal digital assistants. The next finding
relates to the importance of web-based
applications in foreign language learning. It is
not only about the ubiquitous nature of learning
but also about the various functionalities of the
software, such as automatic speech recognition
and mobile social networks. The third and final
aspect concerns the attributes of the technical
device. This is how we see the use of a foreign
language learning app. Students report improved
language proficiency, especially in vocabulary,
reading, writing, grammar, and translation
exercises, thanks to the use of web-based
applications on mobile devices.
In summary, the review of previous studies
highlights the impact of web-based applications
on language learning, focusing on access to
online resources, interaction with other students
and teachers, and cultural understanding.
However, limitations in methodology and
generalisability of results suggest the need for a
more comprehensive and interdisciplinary
approach. The current study aims to address
these limitations by focusing on the socio-
technical framework and social representations
of web-based applications in language learning.
By integrating theories of representation and
models of technology use in education, the study
seeks to enhance understanding of how students
engage with and benefit from web-based
language learning applications. Ultimately, the
study aims to contribute to the broader
conversation on the role of technology in
language learning and explore the potential for
empowering learners while also recognizing the
risks of dependence on digital tools. Through a
nuanced and holistic examination of the impact
of web-based applications, the current study aims
to provide valuable insights for improving
language learning outcomes and informing future
research in the field.
The study used a mixed approach that combined
quantitative and qualitative methods. Data
triangulation, a key aspect of the mixed
approach, allowed diverse perspectives on the
study topic to be gathered and increased the
reliability and validity of the findings.
A survey was conducted among 150 English
students from National Polissia and National VO
Volume 13 - Issue 73
/ January 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Sukhomlynskyi Mykolaiv universities between
September 7 and December 30, 2023. The
questionnaire, which contained closed and open
questions, was distributed online and focused on
perceptions and use of web applications on
In-depth interviews were conducted with 20
students selected through purposive sampling.
This method was used to ensure that participants
had experience using digital educational web
applications for English language learning. The
interviews were based on mutual trust and were
recorded for later transcription and analysis.
To minimize bias in participant selection,
specific criteria were defined. Participants had to
be English learners who:
They regularly used digital educational web
They had experience with different types of
digital educational web applications.
They were willing to share their experiences and
opinions on using web applications.
The interviews were transcribed and managed
using Advene software, and lexical and semantic
analysis was performed using NooJ software.
The survey data were analyzed using descriptive
statistical techniques.
Limitations of the study
It is important to note that the sample size in this
study was relatively small, with only 150
students participating in the questionnaire survey
and 20 students participating in the in-depth
interviews. This limited sample size may affect
the generalizability of the findings to a larger
Additionally, the use of purposive sampling may
introduce bias into the study, as participants were
selected based on specific criteria.
Analysis of data
Analysis of the survey data was carried out using
descriptive statistical techniques, such as
frequency of responses, mean, median and
standard deviation. Data from the in-depth
interviews were analyzed using a content
analysis approach, which allowed for the
identification and understanding of emerging
themes and patterns in participants' responses.
**Overall, the mixed methodology used in this
study provided valuable information about the
perceptions and use of web applications in
Results and discussion
The main results of the presented work, which
directly relate to the working hypotheses of the
study, indicate that the use of web-based
applications by students in higher education for
learning foreign languages is not a natural
phenomenon, but is socially constructed and that
it is related to the social, cultural and
technological context of the studied higher
education institutions.
For 61% of students, a mobile device is an
information and communication device. For 47%
of students, it is a device for academic learning
(Fig. 1):
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
A mobile device
for your own use A device for
and information
A device for
entertainment A device that
allows you to
A device that can
cause harm
Students' representations of mobile devices
A mobile device for your own use
A device for communication and information
A device for entertainment
A device that allows you to learn
A device that can cause harm
Source : author's own development
For 91.9% of students, educational web
applications are a learning tool. At the same time,
for 41.9% of students, the use of educational web
applications was motivated by learning and
educational realities (mainly distance learning,
lack of documents in English, most teachers
teach the material in digital format) (Fig. 2):
Source : author's own development.
According to students' responses, the two most
widely used educational mobile apps are
Duolingo (34.7%) and LingApp (26.6%). The
majority of students (48%) have been using
educational mobile web applications for two
years or more. 35.2% of them used educational
mobile educational mobile web applications for
the first time.
For most students, the main activity they perform
in educational mobile web applications is
0,00% 10,00% 20,00% 30,00% 40,00% 50,00% 60,00% 70,00% 80,00% 90,00% 100,00%
Student representations of educational web
Other Device for entertainment Device for learning
Volume 13 - Issue 73
/ January 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
translation (46%). It should be noted that
pronunciation/phonetics comes in second place.
The study shows that in many ways, students -
whether they are regular users or not - have
formed social representations of mobile web
applications that include a sense of identity and
capabilities that are likely to facilitate and help
their English language learning. For example,
most students said that “it is easy to practice
English even at home” (students 8, 13, 18), while
others stated that “the mobile web app helps to
express themselves more easily and corrects
mistakes” (student 18).
The theoretical framework allowed us to identify
social representations and their influence on the
pedagogical integration of web applications in
higher education.
For the students surveyed, educational mobile
applications are primarily a learning tool.
In their opinion, educational web applications
refer to the idea of access. Only one student noted
that “web applications are useful because you can
study even if you don't have the money to buy a
textbook or dictionaries” (student 13). Another
added that: “It's like a second teacher because it
helps to deepen our knowledge” (student 1).
Finally, it is worth commenting on the lexical and
semantic field of words used by the students in
relation to the term 'web application': (course,
important, deepen, and knowledge). In this
context (student 7) noted: “The educational web
application allows me to deepen my knowledge
of English and to understand words or
expressions that I did not understand”. Similarly,
“It is useful in the sense that it helps us to better
understand a number of concepts that we were
not aware of before. It also makes it easy for us
to study because we always have our phone with
the web application at hand” (student 12).
The following table clearly demonstrates the
lexical and semantic meaning of "educational
web application" for the focus group (Table 1):
Table 1.
Lexical and semantic meaning of the concept “educational web application”
Source : authors' own development
The first factor that motivates the use of
educational web applications is related to
educational realities. According to Achkan, V.
V., Vlasenko, K. V., Lovianova, I.,
Rovenska, O. H., Sitak, I. V., Chumak, O. O.,
Semerikov, S., (2022), modern education
requires students to be more actively involved in
the learning process, to be independent, and to be
creative in solving problems. Web-based
applications provide an opportunity to develop
these skills, help to acquire new knowledge and
skills, support them in the learning process, and
contribute to its effective assimilation. In the
same context, Iyamuremye, Mukiza, Nsabayezu,
Ukobizaba, & Ndihokubwayo (2021) note that
educational web applications provide access to a
wide range of diverse learning material that can
be used for self-directed learning and knowledge
improvement. They make learning more
interesting and engage students in active forms of
work, such as completing tasks, playing games,
interacting with peers and teachers in a virtual
environment. Also, the use of educational web
applications increases the accessibility of
education, especially for those students who are
unable to attend traditional educational
institutions and study remotely due to active
hostilities (Kozlova & Polyezhayev, 2022). They
allow for education anywhere and anytime,
providing flexible conditions for learning and
In a related qualitative study, Hinze,
Vanderschantz, Timpany, Cunningham,
Saravani & Wilkinson (2023) highlighted the
idea that educational web applications stimulate
motivation to learn, facilitate access to learning
resources, and provide an interactive and
effective form of learning. They are an integral
part of the educational process in the modern
world and meet the needs of modern education.
It should also be added that the individual
presentation of the surveyed students also turned
out to be social, as most students were told about
web applications by their friends: “All students
use these applications, so I wanted to try it
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
myself, and I have been using them ever since”
(student 6). In this context, the topic of personal
involvement of the student should also be
touched upon, as evidenced by the expressions
“myself” and “curiosity”: “I myself had
problems with some of the English exercises,
being curious by nature, I went to the opera and
found learning English easy” (student 1).
In a similar study, Bashori, van Hout, Strik &
Cucchiarini (2022) emphasise the role of social
and academic context in the use of educational
web applications.
Students in Ukraine use educational web
applications as “facilitating” educational
resources in the context of higher education.
They regularly use them even before entering
higher education. Only 20.8% of them use
applications very rarely. According to the
category of students who use web applications
frequently, they are influenced by the social
context consisting of other students, and above
all their friends who are already regular and
regular users, they actively translate texts and
practice pronunciation/phonetics.
The use of educational mobile applications by
students in higher education institutions in
Ukraine is a completely constructed fact. In fact,
the realities of war have greatly contributed to the
use of educational web applications for learning
a foreign language. Some of the main advantages
of using educational web applications for
students in higher education institutions in
Ukraine include accessibility and convenience.
Most students own smartphones, so they can
easily download educational web applications to
their devices and access learning material
anytime and anywhere.
Web-based educational applications also provide
students with the opportunity to learn material at
their own pace. They can repeat material that
they find difficult to understand or move faster
through material they have already mastered
(Tabassum et al., 2022). This allows students to
tailor their learning to their individual needs and
enables more effective learning. In his study,
Kharitonenko (2022) concludes that web-based
educational applications can be interactive,
allowing students to complete exercises and tests,
receive instant feedback, and check their
progress. This promotes active participation of
students in their own learning process and helps
them to learn more effectively.
Thus, these factors make educational web
applications popular among students in higher
education institutions in Ukraine. They have
become essential tools to support student
learning and development, and their importance
and use may continue to grow in the future.
This study aimed to explore Ukrainian students'
perceptions of web-based educational
applications and how they utilise them in the
context of higher education, particularly
considering the impact of contextual factors such
as the effects of war and the prevalence of
smartphones. The deployment of information
and communication technologies (ICTs) in
higher education in Ukraine has undoubtedly
generated excitement among all social strata,
especially students. Web-based applications
have made it possible to show that there is
another opportunity in education that aims to
help and assist students in their quest for
knowledge and learning. These web-based
applications used in education remain an
indispensable means of promoting integration
into the digital society.
Today, the topic of ICT and digital
representations remains open for discussion and
polemics in the Ukrainian context. So is the use
of educational web applications. This is all the
more true as it is reinforced by the place, context,
and technical device used for information and
communication, i.e. the choice of a smartphone
(which is cheaper and easily accessible to
everyone) as opposed to a computer. Ukrainian
students' perceptions of web-based applications
are related to contextual factors, in particular, the
effects of war. Faced with these realities, students
use educational web applications as a means of
facilitating their learning. There are uses for
translation, pronunciation, and phonetics. These
uses, which are rooted in socio-cultural and
academic realities, contribute to the deployment
of technology in the digital age. While this study
reveals the logic behind the use of educational
web applications in higher education, there are
limitations. The main limitation of the study is
that it was conducted only among a limited group
of students, which may limit the universality of
the results and make it possible to apply them
only in specific contexts. Furthermore, the study
did not delve into the specific types of web-based
educational applications that students were
using, which could have provided more insights
into how these tools are being utilized in higher
education. Additionally, the study did not
explore the effectiveness of these web-based
applications in enhancing students' learning
experiences or academic performance, which
Volume 13 - Issue 73
/ January 2024
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
could have provided more concrete evidence of
their impact. It also did not consider the
perspectives of educators or administrators, who
play a crucial role in implementing and
supporting the use of web-based educational
applications in higher education. Understanding
their perspectives could have provided a more
comprehensive view of the challenges and
opportunities associated with the integration of
ICTs in higher education in Ukraine.
In conclusion, while the study provides valuable
insights into Ukrainian students' perceptions of
web-based educational applications, there are
several limitations that should be addressed in
future research to provide a more holistic
understanding of the topic. By considering these
limitations, future studies can build upon the
findings of this study and contribute to the
ongoing discourse on the use of ICTs in higher
It should also be borne in mind that the study
presented depended on students' responses about
their use of educational web applications, and
that web applications are developing rapidly, so
the study may be relevant only for a certain
period of time.
Prospects for future research are to gain a more
complete understanding of the topic under study.
Thus, other factors such as the availability of the
Internet or computer equipment, the type of
educational institution, the level of technological
equipment of the educational institution, etc. can
also be taken into account in the future.
Exploring the specific types of web-based
educational applications that students are using
in higher education and examine how these tools
are being utilized in different academic
disciplines could be of interest in order to gain
more insights into their impact on learning
outcomes. The investigation of the effectiveness
of web-based educational applications in
enhancing students' learning experiences and
academic performance by collecting data on
students' academic achievements, retention rates,
and overall satisfaction with these tools is
Including the perspectives of educators and
administrators in future research to understand
their roles and challenges in implementing and
supporting the use of web-based educational
applications in higher education is also a
beneficial perspective.
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