www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.71.11.25
How to Cite:
Levitskaia, A. (2023). The impact of digital technologies on the effectiveness of english language learning by medical
students. Amazonia Investiga, 12(71), 284-292. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.71.11.25
The impact of digital technologies on the effectiveness of english
language learning by medical students
Вплив Цифрових Технологій на Ефективність Вивчення Англійської Мови
Received: October 18, 2023 Accepted: November 28, 2023
Written by:
Anna Levitskaia1
Globalization and increasing demands on
specialists determined the need to learn a foreign
language in the modern world. Consequently,
higher education institutions need to improve the
educational programme for the preparation of
future specialists for professional activities. The
aim of this research was to determine the
effectiveness of the use of modern digital
technologies during the study of a foreign
language by medical students. The research
employed the methods of expert evaluation, pre-
and post-testing (CEFR), a survey with the
inclusion of a technology perception model.
Cronbach’s alpha was used to check the
reliability of the used questionnaires. Cohen’s
kappa coefficient and Pearson’s chi-squared test
were used for statistical processing of the results.
The study found that students of the experimental
group who studied using different digital
technologies showed significantly more success
in improving foreign language skills after the
final test than students of the control group. The
novelty of this study is that the study of English
by medical students was carried out using digital
technologies that were chosen according to the
age, profession and foreign language proficiency
level of the experimental sample of students.
Prospects for further research may be to
determine the effectiveness of artificial
intelligence during foreign language learning by
medical students.
Keywords: foreign language training,
independent learning, language learning, medical
HEI, technologies.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Bioethics and Foreign Languages, Odessa National
Medical University, Odesa, Ukraine.
Levitskaia, A. / Volume 12 - Issue 71: 284-292 / November, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Globalization has created an opportunity for
specialists from any field to work around the
world, and companies have adopted innovative
technologies to facilitate work. In this context,
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) must
qualitatively prepare specialists to their future
work in the company. The need arises for a new
educational system, Education 4.0, to improve
the training of students (Dhivya et al., 2023).
This modern approach to teaching and learning
English becomes crucial, especially when faced
with common complications and difficulties, as
noted by Srivani, Hariharasudan, Nawaz, and
Ratajczak (2022), due to the use of traditional
educational methods that affect students' learning
motivation and effectiveness. In this context,
Various studies, such as that of Desta, Workie,
Yemer, Denku and Berhanu (2021), have shown
that the implementation of digital technologies in
the education of medical students has a positive
impact on their English proficiency. The present
study aimed to analyze the level of English
language proficiency of medical students,
identify the best digital technologies and
implement them, determine and analyze the
results obtained after the introduction of these
technologies, and conduct a survey to know the
attitude of students toward these innovations.
The aim involved the fulfilment of the following
research objectives:
1. Analyse the level of English language
proficiency of medical students before
starting the research;
2. Identify the best digital technologies and
implement them in the educational process;
3. Determine and analyse the obtained results
of the foreign language proficiency level of
medical students after the introduction of
digital technologies;
4. Conduct a survey of students to determine
their personal attitude to the proposed digital
Literature Review
The global pandemic caused a rapid
transformation of education, which became the
impetus for a dynamic transition to online
learning using digital technologies, namely:
online platforms, web conferences, electronic
diaries, etc. (Cachia et al., 2021; Pratiwi &
Waluyo, 2023). This made it possible to continue
the educational process with minimal impact on
the quality and convenience of teaching for both
teachers and students of educational institutions
(Mustapha et al., 2021; Zalite & Zvirbule, 2020).
Researchers were quite interested in the impact
and effectiveness of digital learning, an overview
of which is given below.
Yan and Li (2023) focused on analysing the
impact of digital technologies on the cognitive
abilities of secondary school students. For the
experimental part, the researchers surveyed
20,000 students to determine their logical
thinking and problem-solving skills after using
technologies such as the Internet and Personal
websites were chosen. However, the researchers
noted that the study needs further observations of
the impact of digital technologies during
education, as digital educational technologies are
included as a tool for other educational methods.
Jeong (2022) decided to investigate the impact of
using digital technologies mobile applications
to help students improve efficiency and
support independent foreign language learning
while developing digital literacy and
technological competence. To conduct the study,
the researcher conducted a pre-test and a post-test
using the shortened version of the TOEIC and a
questionnaire. However, the study had a
limitation due to the analysis of only mobile
applications on the involvement of students in
learning a foreign language.
Liu, Hua and Zhang (2022) and Hoppin et al.,
(2023) tested the effectiveness of virtual
language learning instructions. Salem (2022)
studied the impact of online digital storytelling
on the development of students’ argumentative
writing skills and its impact on improving
independent learning skills and overall
independence of students in learning a foreign
language. Dağdeler and Demiröz (2022) also
tested the teachers’ attitudes towards using
digital technologies during foreign language
learning. Therefore, it can be concluded that
traditional education, especially related to the
study of foreign languages, is gradually moving
into the online environment with the involvement
of various digital tools. Also, the conducted
review part of the study gives reasons to claim
that there is a limited number of studies on the
use of digital technologies during foreign
language learning by students of narrow fields of
study, namely future doctors. This fact makes it
possible to study in more detail and conduct a
corresponding study.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The experimental part of the study was
conducted during the 2022/2023 academic year
and included the following stages.
Summative stage. This stage involved an
assessment of the level of English language
proficiency of medical students. After that, the
students were divided into homogeneous groups
for conducting the experiment. This stage also
included the selection of digital technologies
according to the students’ age and their language
proficiency level. Digital technologies were
chosen by analysing the following variables: the
possibility of free use (or the availability of a
demo version), appropriateness to the students’
age, the possibility of changing or adding
educational material. The digital technologies
were selected by analysing international rankings
and academic articles. Duration (November-
December 2022).
Research stage. Conducting the experimental
part of the research. Implementation of an
additional programme for classroom and
independent study of a foreign language by
medical students using digital technologies
(Figure 1). Conducting final testing and
interviews with students and teachers to
determine the effectiveness and personal
relationship to the implemented digital
technologies. Duration (January-June 2023)
Analytical stage. Statistical processing of the
obtained results. Summing up. Duration (June-
July 2023).
Figure 1. The scheme of implementation of digital technologies in the educational environment of medical
students during foreign language learning.
A thorough study was conducted in this research
to collect, evaluate, and summarize empirical
evidence related to the research items. The study
involved 198 medical students of the 2nd-3rd year
of undergraduate studies. Three of them were
absent during the testing, so they were excluded
from the sample. The gender distribution was (m
= 23%, f = 77%). The average age of the students
was 21.4 years. Six teachers were also involved
in the experiment for expert evaluation. The
general experience of teachers was 29 years. The
students were divided into homogeneous groups
by random selection for conducting the
experiment. The experimental group (EG)
consisted of 97 students who studied a foreign
language using digital technologies. The control
group (CG) consisted of 98 participants and
studied using a traditional programme. The
experimental part of the study was conducted at
Odessa Medical University.
Data collection
The research was conducted using a mixed
method and followed a sequential explanatory
design (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011). In the
conducted experiment, the quantitative results
indicate the use of digital technologies for
various educational tasks during foreign
language learning. The qualitative results
provide descriptive data on participant
motivation related to competence, autonomy, and
relationship. The students were also interviewed
about problems during learning a foreign
language with the help of digital technologies.
Quantitative data were collected using a
questionnaire before and after the experiment.
The proposed questionnaire included 10
questions that were divided into sections: a
motivational block for learning a foreign
language and a second block for determining
language skills. After the experiment, the
technology acceptance model (TAM) was
incorporated into the survey (Davis et al., 2023).
Implementation of multimedia resources to engage students while learning a new
topic. Use of audio and video materials for the purpose of developing foreign
language skills and better results during listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
The use of VR and 3D models during lectures to build students' sociocultural
competence and broaden their horizons.
Free mobile applications Memrise, LingoDeer and Duolingo were offered to
improve linguistic skills (vocabulary, grammar, etc.) during independent study of
a foreign language.
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
A total of 25 elements divided into dimensions
were selected in this model (Figure 2). It was
decided to apply TAM to determine students
personal attitude to the use of digital technologies
during education.
Figure 2. Organization of elements included in the perception model.
Qualitative analysis included the methods of
observation, testing and expert evaluation for the
diagnostics of foreign language competence
criteria. The evaluation was made according to
the scale:
0 (point) not developed;
1 (point) minimum level of development;
2 (point) developed, but there are certain gaps;
3 (point) sufficient level of development.
The initial and final testing to determine the
impact of digital technologies during English
language learning was conducted according to
the Common European Framework of
Reference (CEFR) methodology (Council of
Europe, 2023) using the EF Standard English
Test (EF SE) service (EF SET, 2023). The results
obtained at the end of the test were distributed
and compared to the foreign language
proficiency level corresponding to other
gradations (Table 1).
Table 1.
Grading of English language proficiency levels in accordance
with the international assessment methodology
English Scale
Total Score
Scale of
< A1
10 -1
99 -80
A1 Beginner
30 -11
119 -100
220 -120
29 -22
A2 Elementary
40 -31
139 -120
545 -225
42 -30
B1 Intermediate
50 -41
5.0 -4.0
159 -140
71 -42
780 -550
58 -43
B2 Upper
60 -51
6.0 -5.5
179 -160
94 -72
940 -785
75 -59
C1 Advanced
70 -61
7.5 -6.5
199 -180
120 -95
990 -945
84 -76
C2 Proficient
100 -71
9.0 -8.0
230 -200
90 -85
So, an appropriate methodological framework
was formed for carrying out this study with the
aim of refuting or confirming the hypothesis that
supplementing traditional classes on learning a
foreign language by the use of digital
technologies will be effective in obtaining the
appropriate qualification levels in the knowledge
of the English language.
The obtained data were statistically processed
using IBM SPSS Statistics 22, Cohen’s cappa
coefficient and Pearson’s chi-squared test were
used for statistical analysis of the obtained
The reliability of the questionnaire was checked
by using Cronbach’s alpha. The obtained data of
the questionnaire survey results showed a
reliability coefficient of 0.76, which exceeds the
threshold value of 0.70 for acceptable reliability
of the questions.
Ethical criteria
Participation of students and teachers was
voluntary. The research was based on the
principles of impartiality and objectivity in the
course of the research. Before the experiment,
each participant signed an informed consent for
the processing of the obtained results. Personal
information of respondents is confidential and
not subject to disclosure.
Before and after the experiment, medical
students were tested to determine the level of
motivation and personal assessment of the
foreign language proficiency level. Table 2
provides a comparison of the obtained results.
Perceived ease of
use (PEU) Perceived
usefulness (PU) Intention to use (IU) Actual use (AU)
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 2.
Distribution of responses of EG and CG respondents
before and after the experiment (%)
Every educated person should know at least one
foreign language
Knowledge of a foreign language is required for
further employment
A foreign language is a means of satisfying one’s own
extracurricular interests
The study of a foreign language is required as a
compulsory subject only, in which they want to have a
good grade or credit
Do you study English outside the university?
Possession of foreign language
In your opinion, does your level of a foreign language
proficiency meet the necessary requirements for
studying abroad?
Is the knowledge of the English language that you
receive at the higher education institution sufficient for
your future professional activity?
Do you use foreign language resources to find the
necessary specialized information?
Do you use professional information obtained from
foreign sources when preparing for lectures?
Does your knowledge of a foreign language help you
deepen your knowledge of your major?
Source: Developed by the authors
The obtained results of the questionnaire survey
before and after the experiment provide quite
clear information about the impact of digital
technologies during learning a foreign language.
A wide scatter of students’ answers is observed
in questions about the use of a foreign language
to deepen professional knowledge (R=63%), as
well as the use of foreign sources to prepare for
classes (R=41%). In general, the answers of the
EG students are 18.5% on average higher than
the answers of the CG students who studied using
traditional educational methods. However, it is
worth noting that there are answers that did not
have a sufficient difference between EG and CG.
The introduction of digital technologies did not
have a significant impact on the assessment of
students’ foreign language preparation for
professional activities. The results obtained
among the CG and the EG students increased
uniformly (𝑅𝐸𝐺 = 5%; 𝑅𝐶𝐺 = 7%). The students
also had the same tendency to increase the
percentage of positive answers regarding the
need for a high level of a foreign language
proficiency for studying abroad (𝑅𝐸𝐺= 7%; 𝑅𝐶𝐺 =
After completing the questionnaire survey, the
CG and EG students took pre- and post-testing in
accordance with the international methodology
for assessing the foreign language proficiency
level. Table 3 provides the obtained results.
Table 3.
Test results according to the Common European Framework of Reference
for Languages (Council of Europe,) before and after the experiment
Calculated values
Mean square
Control group (CG)
Experimental group (EG)
Source: Developed by the authors
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
As Table 3 shows, the test results of the CG
students remained almost unchanged (R=0.9).
According to the international evaluation
methodology, the majority of CG students, after
completing the 2nd semester, were able to pass to
the B1 level, which corresponds to the
curriculum. However, this indicates that the
students were not motivated to study an
additional foreign language in order to obtain
better results, which is not the case for EG. The
difference before and after the introduction of
digital technologies is quite noticeable (R=6.07)
and almost corresponds to Level B2. This gives
grounds to conclude that students were
additionally engaged in studying a foreign
language in extracurricular hours. After passing
the test, the expert group assessed the level of
students’ foreign language competence after the
experiment (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Distribution of expert assessment for the control and experimental groups regarding the formation
of foreign language competence after the experiment.
Source: Developed by the authors
The obtained results in Figure 3 indicate that the
EG students have sufficiently developed foreign
language competences compared to EG. All EG
students have basic foreign language skills,
which is evidenced by the absence of 0 points. In
our opinion, the students understood the
presented information better thanks to the
interactivity and interest of the implemented
digital technologies, due to which the final
results became higher than the CG results. The
TAM model was applied in order to determine
the students’ personal perception of the
implemented technologies. The results are shown
in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Assessment of students’ perception of implemented digital technologies according to the TAM
model after the experiment.
Source: Developed by the authors
not developed (0
points) minimum level of
development (1
developed, but there
are certain gaps (2
sufficient level of
development (3
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The obtained results confirm the previous
conclusions that the use of digital technologies
during the educational process is perceived by
students better than the usual traditional methods.
This is the reason why the final results of
checking foreign language proficiency level are
higher than those of CG students. Figure 4 shows
that students plan to continue using digital
technologies for independent learning. It is also
important that it was easy for students to switch
to learning a foreign language with the help of
digital technologies.
The statistical analysis using the Pearson’s chi-
squared test determined that the values of EG
obtained during the study are greater than those
of CG. Therefore, it can be stated that there is a
certain connection between the organization of
the programme of classes with the use of digital
technologies. When calculating Cohen’s kappa
coefficient, a value from 0.8 to 1.17 was
obtained. This indicates a high effect of the use
of the proposed digital technologies. In the CG
trained using traditional methods, the Cohen’s
kappa coefficient was 0.5, indicating a medium
The obtained results indicate that the use of
digital technologies is an effective tool both for
conducting educational classes and for
independent learning of a foreign language.
Upon completion of the experimental course, the
EG students almost reached the B2 (Upper
Intermediate) level in learning a foreign
language. The CG students could not show such
bright results. In our opinion, this is explained by
the fact that the experimental group was involved
in independent, additional learning of a foreign
language with the help of mobile applications.
The obtained results confirm the results of
researchers regarding the effectiveness of mobile
applications in independent foreign language
learning (Rintaningrum, 2023; Konotop et al.,
2021; Maszkowska, 2017). Putra et al., (2020)
determined that students who had used Hello
English for more than three months felt the effect
of this application on their communicative
competence better than those who had used it for
less than three months. Moreover, experienced
users also show a higher intention to use Hello
English to learn English in the future. The
conducted research also confirmed that EG
students plan to use digital technologies to learn
a foreign language even after the experiment.
It was determined that digital literacy is required
for working with new technologies, which is an
important condition for further professional
growth (Spurava & Kotilainen, 2023; Spante et
al., 2018). A study conducted among medical
students using digital technologies during their
studies proved that the digital literacy of the EG
students significantly improved with the help of
additional digital tools. However, Waemusa and
Jongwattanapaiboon (2023) showed a difference
in mobile phone use between young students’
daily life and schooling. It was confirmed that
using mobile phones to develop digital literacy in
school did not have a positive impact during
learning. We believe that the difference in the
obtained results can be caused by a different age
sample. In our study involved students of the
medical HEI. They were also motivated for
learning a foreign language to improve
professional competencies (Semaan &
Yamazaki, 2015; Kryshko et al., 2020).
The conducted research confirms that students
must take responsibility for their motivation to
continue learning and improving English (Rashid
& Howard, 2023). They should take an active
part in group classes, conversation clubs and
English language assignments. Communicating
in English with the teacher and classmates can
improve foreign language competence and
enhance motivation and self-confidence (Li,
2017). Considering that students were born in the
era of digitalization, they should be able to find
and use available online opportunities for the
development of professional competencies. For
example, multimodal online interaction with
different people in English (acquaintances,
friends, native speakers) can be used.
Research limitations
The study's main limitations are a convenient
sample of students who studied in the 2nd-3rd year
of one HEI. This fact may limit the results
obtained and the conclusions drawn. The limited
number of used digital technologies does not
enable students to state the effectiveness of all
digital technologies during foreign language
learning. However, it is worth noting that the
conducted research was able to provide empirical
evidence of the effectiveness of certain digital
technologies when learning a foreign language in
medical HEIs. The obtained results can be used
during the curriculum development for foreign
language subjects.
A random sample shall be chosen for further
research, as well as other digital technologies to
confirm the obtained results.
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The relevance of the conducted research as well
as the obtained results is confirmed by the fact
that knowledge of a foreign language and its
further improvement is an important skill both in
professional life and for personal needs. The
results confirmed the advanced hypothesis that
the use of digital technologies when learning a
foreign language is more interesting, motivating,
and effective in learning than traditional
methods. The study found that the EG students
trained using various digital technologies
(mobile applications, 3D visualization, multi-
projectors, etc.) after the final test showed
significantly progress in improving their foreign
language skills than the CG students. It is also
worth noting that EG students were more
motivated to use digital technologies after the
experiment. Most EG students were motivated by
the fact that they need a foreign language for
professional development and the possibility of
using foreign sources to find and use professional
information. The novelty of this research is that
the study of English by medical students was
carried out using digital technologies chosen
according to the experimental sample of students'
age, profession and foreign language proficiency
level. Future research may include determining
the effectiveness of artificial intelligence during
foreign language learning by medical students.
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