Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.71.11.24
How to Cite:
Kondratska, H., Grigorieva, N., Kugai, K., Vyshnevska, M., & Sapozhnykov, S. (2023). European experience of dual education for
future teachers in Ukraine. Amazonia Investiga, 12(71), 271-283. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.71.11.24
European experience of dual education for future teachers in Ukraine
Європейський досвід дуальної освіти в україні для майбутніх педагогів
Received: October 6, 2023 Accepted: November 28, 2023
Written by:
Halyna Kondratska1
Natalya Grigorieva2
Kseniia Kugai3
Maryna Vyshnevska4
Stanislav Sapozhnykov5
The aim of the research is to determine the
effectiveness of the European experience of dual
education in Ukraine for future teachers. The aim
was achieved through the use of comparison,
SWOT analysis, calculation of selectivity factor,
effectiveness, correlation index. The comparison
of dual education systems in Germany, Austria,
Switzerland, Poland was used to determine their
impact on the effectiveness of education and
employment. It was established that the
experience of Germany is the most effective for
acquiring the necessary practical skills
(f_c=14.2). The dual system of Switzerland is the
most favourable for employment (14.5), as it is
aimed at adopting the practical experience of the
most competitive institutions. It was established
that the experience of Germany can be the most
positive dual system for Ukrainian education
(f_c=14.4) and Poland (f_c=14.2). SWOT
analysis was applied to establish that the dual
education system has greater advantages
compared to traditional education. The practical
significance of the research is the possibility of
providing a dual system during the teachers’
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the , Department of Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Health, Faculty
of Human Health and Natural Sciences, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, Drohobych, Ukraine.
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Preschool Education, Faculty of Preschool, Special and Social Education, Berdyansk State
Pedagogical University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
Associate Professor of the Department of Philology and Translation, Institute of Law and Modern Technologies, Kyiv National
University of Technologies and Design, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Associate Professor of the Department of Philology and Translation, Institute of Law and Modern Technologies, Kyiv National
University of Technologies and Design, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Science, Professor of the Department of Innovative Technologies in Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work,
Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
training as a result of focusing on the favourable
experience of Germany and Poland. The
prospects for further research may be related to
the comparison of dual education experience of
European countries, America for Ukraine.
Keywords: educational standards, English
language, practical skills, preschool education,
professional level, SWOT analysis.
Achieving a high professional level is one of the
main tasks of modern education. The
development of practical skills is given the
greatest attention, as it allows to ensure all the
necessary educational processes. A developed
form of education is the interaction of students
directly with employers, which motivates
students to obtain a higher level of practical
experience. Therefore, the relevance of the
research is the increasing popularity of dual
Dual education is a type of education that
provides for the study of theoretical information
during classes, and the practical consolidation of
knowledge in the classroom (Juan Rubio &
García Conesa, 2018). It should be taken into
account that practical classes do not only involve
training practical skills in the dual system. And
they are related to their real study as a result of
the training of other students by students
studying to become future teachers. The dual
approach for future teachers helps to understand
all educational approaches, methods of
presenting material, assessment of students
knowledge, etc (Konotop et al., 2021). The dual
approach allows for a higher rate of student
employment than during the traditional education
system (Hu et al., 2022; Varela-Losada et al.,
2022). Dual education allows for the training of
competitive specialists who are able to perform
professional tasks (Salas-Velasco, 2022).
The dual form of education was first used in
Germany in the 70’s of the 20th century (Rustico
et al., 2020). Later, dual education was spread in
other European countries (Switzerland, France,
Great Britain, Austria). The European experience
of this education system involves the creation of
specialized educational centres aimed at
acquiring a high level of practical knowledge
(Rustico et al., 2020). A common approach of
dual education in Europe is to study theory
during offline classes for three months. The
practical skills are acquired directly in the field,
in the organization. The approach aims to earn
wages by students together with employees
(Wibowo et al., 2022). Another approach is also
common, which involves taking the first course
of training directly in organizations to acquire
practical skills (Brankovic & Cantwell, 2022;
Rott et al., 2022). After acquiring practical skills,
the study of theory begins in classrooms. This
approach contributes to better memorization of
the necessary information, as there is already a
visual example, understanding of specific
professional processes. Focusing on the dual
system of education of European countries in
Ukraine allows to reduce the difference between
theory and practice. This directly reflects in the
professionalism of future specialists (Pastore et
al., 2022).
The purpose of the work is to study and
generalize the effectiveness of the European
experience of dual education in Ukraine for
future teachers. The aim was achieved through
the fulfilment of the following research
conduct a comparative analysis of the dual
education system in Germany, Austria,
Switzerland, Poland and determine the most
effective approach for education and
identify the experience of European
countries most favourable for Ukraine for
the introduction of dual education and
determine the elements that will contribute
to this the most;
determine the level of theoretical and
practical knowledge among future preschool
teachers and foreign language teachers who
studied according to the dual system or the
traditional one;
determine the level of children’s satisfaction
(preschoolers and fifth-graders) with classes
conducted by students;
Kondratska, H., Grigorieva, N., Kugai, K., Vyshnevska, M., Sapozhnykov, S. / Volume 12 - Issue 71: 271-283 / November,
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
determine advantages and disadvantages,
opportunities and threats from the
introduction of a dual education system and
a traditional one in educational institutions.
Literature Review
Studying in higher education institutions (HEIs)
contributes to the provision of a new paradigm in
the sustainable development of an individual
country. First, it is connected with the possibility
of training future teachers who have a high level
of professional skills. This affects the
improvement of the learning efficiency of other
students. The dual education system promotes
practical training of future teachers under the
daily impact of professional tasks, which
promotes thinking development. This affects the
expansion of students’ knowledge and values
based on the skills developed by future teachers
(Bugallo-Rodríguez & Vega-Marcote, 2020).
The effectiveness of learning a second language
was influenced by new pedagogical approaches,
in particular, the dual education system. This
made it possible to ensure the use of innovative
principles of teaching foreign languages as a
result of focusing on one’s own experience. Dual
education has become one of the most popular
pedagogical approaches, allowing for a dual
vision of teaching opportunities (Rubio, &
Conesa, 2023). The dual education system
enables meeting the employers’ expectations,
which contributes to the training of highly
qualified personnel. It is necessary to ensure the
preparation of theoretical materials that meet the
needs of basic qualifications in accordance with
the employers’ expectations during the
development of the dual education system
(Juhasz et al., 2022).
Dual education facilitates a complex
interpretation system for acquiring high practical
skills. In Italy, this approach allows for greater
flexibility in developing professional skills. This
approach ensures the demand for specialists with
appropriate qualifications and promotes
students’ learning motivation. However,
theoretical and practical material must be
interconnected and meet the requirements of
highly qualified activities (Pastore, 2019). The
reform of higher education contributes to the
diversity of the educational process, which also
affects academic mobility. One of the directions
of such an approach can be a dual system of
education, which should be connected with
preparing the curriculum. Also, by understanding
the specifics of the professional direction,
including the cultural nature, Standardization of
the educational process should consist in
understanding the educational load for students'
most effective perception of information (Cheng,
Professional training of future specialists can be
implemented as a result of orientation towards a
dual education system. The task of the dual
education system is to eliminate the
shortcomings of the traditional education system.
Bridging the gap between theory and practice
should also be ensured. The educational process
should be interconnected with the main
professional processes. For this purpose, the
development of professional and social
opportunities, the interaction of the legislative
framework must be ensured. At the same time,
monitoring of the process of development of
students’ practical skills should be ensured,
which corresponds to updated educational
standards (Kalenskyi et al., 2023). Improvement
of the education system can be achieved due to
the use of innovativeness and orientation to
market mechanisms. A high level of organization
of the educational process should be ensured,
which will be aimed at meeting the students’
needs and will provide for their autonomy. This
approach will allow developing the leadership
qualities of future teachers, which will be
reflected in the competence and acquisition of
practical skills (Balasi et al., 2023).
Dual education is a clear correlate of high-quality
professional training and adjustment of the
professional career of education recipients
(Findeisen et al., 2023). The use of a dual model
of practical professional-pedagogical training of
the future specialist makes it possible to achieve
a high level of practical skills for education
seekers, to attract the best experience, to establish
a balance between the educational needs of
young people, the requirements of the labour
market and educational opportunities. (Turchyn
et al., 2022).
Scientific studies emphasize the effectiveness of
dual education. However, this efficiency is
considered when training workers, specialists in
the production sphere. The experience of using
dual education in the context of training future
teachers remains overlooked. This necessitates a
thorough analysis of the effectiveness of dual
education for training specialists in pedagogical
A review of the existing literature identified the
advantages of the dual education system, which
were considered either in a separate country or in
general. Therefore, the limitations and gaps of
these studies are related to the lack of comparison
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of the experience of the dual education system
between different countries.
Research design
The first stage of the research involved the
determination of the most developed system of
dual education in European countries. The most
influential countries with a developed system of
dual education were selected for the study, which
were determined on the basis of academic
materials (Miller et al., 2022; Fassbender, 2022;
Barraza & Rodríguez, 2023; Fan, 2023; Jacobs &
Perez, 2023). The authors selected efficiency for
education and efficiency for employment among
the countries selected for the study (Germany,
Austria, Switzerland, Poland). At the first stage
of the research, it was also determined which
country’s dual education system could be
introduced in Ukraine. This contributed to the
definition of specific elements of the dual system
of European countries that can be used in
The second stage of the study included a
comparison of the traditional and dual education
systems. The results were obtained for four
groups of students, which made it possible to
determine the level of theoretical and practical
skills. The groups were distributed as follows:
students of Groups 1 (preschool education)
and 2 (English language) studied according
to the dual system;
students of Groups 3 (preschool education)
and 4 (English language) studied according
to the traditional system.
The dual system provided a mixed type of
education, combined with the acquisition of
practical skills in preschool and school
institutions. Theoretical knowledge was acquired
by students directly during offline classes.
During the dual education system, students
studied theoretical materials for 2 days and spent
3 days in other educational institutions. Students
of Group 1 provided preparation and
organization of classes for preschool children. It
was necessary to provide students with education
and entertainment. Students of Group 2 had to
develop a curriculum for learning English for
fifth-graders. In accordance with the developed
programme, classes were to be held in looking
for approaches to students’ assimilation of the
necessary information, excluding the uniformity
of presentation.
The traditional education system for students of
Groups 3 and 4 provided for offline classes
during the research period only. The training
involved lectures and practical work with the
completion of various assignments, the
construction of situational models. During the
traditional education system, practical classes in
other educational institutions were excluded. It
was intended to provide education for preschool
children and fifth-graders to learn English.
The training took place during 3 months (March
2023 - May 2023), after which it was possible to
determine the level of theoretical and practical
The third stage of the study involved determining
the schoolchildren’s satisfaction with teaching by
students of Groups 1 and 2. The schoolchildren
who determined the level of satisfaction with the
presentation of information by students were
represented by preschoolers and fifth-graders
who studied English. The education of
preschoolers involved comprehensive
development of personality. At the third stage of
the research, the authors of the article identified
strengths, weaknesses, as well as opportunities
and threats of various education systems. A dual
system and a traditional training system were
selected for comparison by using a SWOT
analysis (Li et al., 2022).
The conditions of the study were to include
several groups of respondents to understand the
advantages of the dual education system. The
research involved a total of 256 students who
were studying to become future preschool
teachers and English language teachers. The
sample was formed based on the restrictions on
the year of study of students. It was intended to
involve first-year students for the study. Since
they have already familiarized themselves with
the system of education in educational
institutions, but do not have sufficient
professional knowledge to ensure teaching
activities. Students studied at Kyiv National
University of Technology and Design (the
Department of Philology and Translation),
Berdyansk State Pedagogical University (the
Department of Preschool Education). The
students were randomly divided into 4 groups.
The students were distributed using the Random
Number Generator application separately among
future preschool teachers and English teachers.
Group 1 included 64 students who were studying
to be future preschool teachers, but acquired
skills with the help of a dual education system.
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Students of Group 3 (64 people) obtained the
same specialization, but were trained using the
traditional system. Students of Group 2 were
trained as future English teachers using a dual
education system. The students of Group 4
obtained the appropriate specialization but were
trained according to the traditional system. The
study also involved 150 preschoolers and 170
fifth-graders who were learning English. All
participants studied for 5 days a week according
to the approved training system.
The study covered 256 students, 150 children of
preschool age, 170 students in the fifth grade.
Students are students of pedagogical specialties
(preschool education, foreign language).
The authors first used a general theoretical
comparison method to determine the advantages
of dual education systems in European countries.
The features of dual education in Germany,
Austria, Switzerland, and Poland were studied
for comparison. Understanding these features
makes it possible to use the experience of
European countries in the dual education system
of Ukraine. The selection coefficient was
calculated after establishing the features of the
dual education system in five countries. The
coefficient made it possible to assess the overall
importance of the dual education system, as well
as the possibilities of its use in the Ukrainian
higher education system. The formula was
proposed by the authors of the article.
 (1)
 overall effectiveness of the dual
education system of a particular country;
the efficiency of the dual education system
for acquiring theoretical skills;
the efficiency of the dual education system
for the development of practical skills;
 an indicator of the possibility of
achieving the required level of knowledge in the
specified terms of study;
a coefficient that indicates the possibility of
employment after dual education (it can be equal
to 0.01 to 0.2, where 0.2 is the maximum value).
Determining the level of theoretical and practical
skills of students of four groups involved
calculations of the effectiveness ratio. The
coefficient was developed by the authors of the
article to determine the level of acquired
knowledge of the corresponding group.
󰇛󰇜 , (2)
a score for acquired theoretical/practical
 assessment for the possibility of using the
obtained theoretical/practical knowledge to solve
non-standard problems;
the total number of participants in one group.
A high level was achieved if the calculated value
ranged within 0.68 0.8; average level 0.50
- 0.65; low level below 0.49.
The level of schoolchildren’s satisfaction in
education was determined among preschoolers
and fifth-graders. A questionnaire survey was
conducted among them to determine the quality
of classes held by students of Groups 1 and 2.
The students of Groups 1 and 2 were selected for
the study, who studied according to the dual
education system and conducted practical
classes. The survey was conducted in written
form under the parents’ supervision. The
schoolchildren should have determined the level
of satisfaction with learning as a result of the
division into high, medium, and low levels. The
use of e-mail enabled data collection, which
eliminated errors in schoolchildren’s responses.
The survey took place for 4 hours and
additionally included a brief description of the
advantages and disadvantages of such training.
The SWOT analysis used to compare the dual
and traditional education system provided for a
well-founded determination of the strengths and
weaknesses of different education systems. It
was also intended to identify the threats and
opportunities that could arise from providing
such a training approach. SWOT analysis is a
method that takes into account the opinion of one
party, which is based on confirmed values, but
excludes mathematical calculations. The SWOT
analysis was focused on the established features
of the experience of dual education in different
European countries.
Data analysis
Data analysis included the possibility of
conducting additional statistical calculations
aimed at eliminating possible errors. The
correlation index was calculated in the work
(Juan Rubio & García Conesa, 2018). The
correlation index indicates the degree of
correspondence of established factors that have
equivalent initial conditions. Calculating the
correlation index allows for greater correctness
of the presented calculation data due to the
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
availability of stable indicators for calculation.
The correlation index was calculated to confirm
the obtained data on the importance of dual
education in different countries and also to
compare the effectiveness of the traditional and
dual education system between different student
groups. The correlation index was also used to
compare schoolchildren’s satisfaction with
󰇜, (3)
dynamic indicators for calculation;
the average value of indicators for
a theoretical estimate of the most significant
Ethical criteria
Ethical regulations were followed in accordance
with the Guidelines for Research Ethics
(The Norwegian National Committee for
Research Ethics in Science and Technology,
2016). Ethical regulations provided for equality
of conditions for all research participants. The
voluntary participation of respondents in the
study was ensured. The authors confirm that they
received written consent for the participation of
students of Groups 1, 2, 3, 4. Permits to
participate in the study of preschoolers and fifth-
graders will also be obtained.
The dual system in different European countries
has its own features, which were introduced in it
and contributed to the acquisition of professional
knowledge. A comparison was made between
Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Poland to
determine the country that promotes the most
effective process of providing a dual education
system. The results were obtained through the
use of the selectivity factor (Table 1).
Table 1.
Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the dual system of European countries for education and for
Effectiveness for learning
Effectiveness for employment
Correlation index
The experience of Germany in the dual education
system involves the interaction of theoretical
information with practical classes as a result of
the preliminary study of theoretical information.
This is confirmed directly and in the place of
delivering practical classes during the training of
other students. This approach is aimed at
ensuring a high level of responsibility of
institutions for carrying out the practical part of
assignments. Dual education is aimed at the
inseparable interaction of educational and
practical spheres.
The Austrian system of dual education provides
for giving preference to practical training directly
in the institution for 4 years. This involves
establishing an agreement between the
educational institution and another institution in
which the student will acquire practical skills.
After the end of the agreement, it is planned to
ensure admission to an educational institution or
search for a new job. Education according to the
dual system includes more than 200 areas of
training. In Austria, individual, double, group
training can be provided under the dual system.
At the same time, 20% of training takes place
directly in the educational institution and 80% is
allocated to practical classes.
Switzerland adheres to three principles for the
development of practical skills knowledge,
understanding, action. This is related to the
combination of European aspects of the dual
system and our own. During training, students
are offered modern theoretical materials that
correspond to the existing labour market. This
approach enables providing serious professional
training, which contributes to employment in
different companies.
In Poland, practical training is provided, which
was proposed by the employer based on the
theoretical material that was studied in the
education system. The Polish system of dual
education provides for 3 years of study, which is
aimed at the study of theoretical material and its
further consolidation in the relevant
organization. The most common system is the
ratio of 3 days of practical classes with 2 days of
training in educational institutions.
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Further, the work provided for determining
which country’s experience is the most
favourable for Ukrainian education. The results
were obtained through calculations of the
selectivity factor (Figure 1).
Figure 1. The experience of dual education in European countries which is the most favourable for
Ukrainian education.
The results of the study revealed that the
experience of Germany is the most favourable
dual system for adaptation in Ukraine. This is due
to the maximum combination of theoretical and
practical material, which ensures training
directly during the training of other students.
Training can take several forms. The first
provides an opportunity for training with partner
companies, which helps to take into account the
need to create additional training and laboratory
classes. training can also take place under a
contract, which involves the provision of
necessary services for conducting practical
classes outside the main educational institution.
Based on the experience of Germany, it is
possible to develop regulatory provisions aimed
at the implementation of a dual education system.
The authors believe that the experience of Poland
may be the second most important, as the
learning process primarily consists in the study
of theoretical material, which is the basis for
understanding the specifics of educational
qualifications. The Polish system also provides
alternating studies at a university (academy) and
conducting practical classes in the relevant
organization. The experience of Austria will
ensure the search for the most favourable
conditions for the development of practical skills.
Such an approach to dual education will ensure
understanding of the processes of lesson
organization, presentation of educational
materials to students, etc.
The experience of Switzerland has the least
importance of the dual world, which is connected
with its high requirements. It is not always
possible to provide the opportunity to teach in the
most rated secondary education institutions.
However, the advantage of the Swiss system is to
ensure the study of the most up-to-date
theoretical material that meets the needs of the
labour market.
When focusing on the experience of European
countries, the following elements can be included
in the dual system of Ukraine (Figure 2).
Further, the dynamics of student learning will be
determined using a comparison of the
effectiveness of traditional and dual education.
The results were obtained be calculating the
effectiveness ratio (Table 2).
The results showed that students of Groups 1 and
2, who were taught using the dual system, gained
a higher level of practical skills. This is related to
the consolidation of theoretical material in
practice. The results showed that Group 1
received a higher level of practical skills. This is
related to the search for interesting approaches to
delivering materials to students (using games,
modern technologies). It was also related to the
correctness of the material used and the approach
to its presentation. The level of theoretical
knowledge among the participants of Group 1
was lower than the acquired practical skills. This
12,8 13 13,2 13,4 13,6 13,8 14 14,2 14,4
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
is due to the understanding of the main
educational processes, but the lack of a sufficient number of offline classes aimed at understanding
the theoretical material.
Figure 2. Elements of the dual system of European countries that can be used in Ukraine for future teachers.
Table 2.
Effectiveness of acquired theoretical and practical knowledge by different groups of students
Group number
Theoretical knowledge
Practical experience
Correlation index
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
It was established that the participants of Group
2, who studied to become English teachers,
achieved almost the same level of theoretical and
practical knowledge. The same results were
associated with the consolidation of theoretical
laws, which are applied in the English language,
in practice. Students were able to achieve high
results, because they followed the developed
student training programme and systemically
consolidated new words, rules and exceptions in
Students of Group 3, who studied according to
the traditional system to become future preschool
teachers were able to achieve a high level of
theoretical knowledge. Practical skills were
achieved at a lower level. This is due to a detailed
approach to the study of all theoretical aspects,
knowledge testing, conducting seminars.
However, practical classes were connected with
theoretical classes, which precluded the
possibility of students conducting classes
directly in educational institutions.
Equivalence of practical and theoretical skills
was achieved in Group 4, which is associated
with memorizing a large amount of information.
However, during memorization, students did not
always use a meaningful approach, which was
reflected in the variation of the received
The quality of acquired practical skills in
education was determined among the students of
Group 1 and Group 2. For this purpose, the level
of schoolchildren’s satisfaction with education
was determined by students of two groups
(Figure 3).
Provide an emphasis on practical classes
Adapt theoretical materials to modern needs of the profession,
which is coordinated with the practical plan
Provide the possibility of choosing educational programmes
Ensure the possibility of independent preparation of classes by
students, which will allow them to develop a sense of
responsibility for their own actions
Ensure the control of the HEI over the acquisition of practical
skills by the student
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 3. The level of schoolchildren’s satisfaction with teaching by students of Groups 1 and 2
It was established that the highest level of
schoolchildren’s satisfaction is observed during
teaching by students of Group 1. The teaching
was game-based, which eliminated the difficulty
in assimilating information. Students were able
to provide a personal approach to the
development of preschoolers during teaching.
This ensured the development of spiritual values,
to develop creative abilities. A slightly lower
level of schoolchildren’s satisfaction was
observed during the teaching of English by
students of Group 2. The results are related to the
difficulty of memorizing a large amount of
information to master new words and language
The final stage of the study provide for
determining the advantages of the dual system
and the traditional system of education. The
comparison was made using SWOT analysis
(Figures 4, 5).
Figure 4. SWOT analysis of dual education systems
010 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Level of satisfaction
Group №2, J_r=1,187 Group №1, J_r=1,241
- the possibility of employment after
- the possibility of developing practical
skills in accordance with market needs;
- the possibility of training highly
qualified teachers;
- contributes to the training of a
specialists who are purposefully aimed at
working in their professional field
- contributes to ensuring the balance
between demand and supply for the
training of teachers of the relevant
- obtaining new opportunities to ensure
practical activities;
- increasing the competitiveness of
educational institutions;
- the possibility of providing the latest
approaches in education;
- the possibility of ensuring the study of
theoretical information in accordance
with the practical needs of the institution.
- the possibility of cancellation of
agreements on the interaction of
educational institutions and institutions
for the acquisition of practical skills by
- stopping the work process as a result of
studying the theory, clarifying individual
processes for the possibility of
conducting practical classes.
- lack of opportunity to conduct training
for all specialties;
- the possibility of transition of students
to the working process, excluding the
learning process.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The SWOT analysis was followed by
establishing that the dual system has more
advantages and opportunities than the traditional
system. The dual system helps to prepare a highly
qualified specialist who is interested in
continuing to acquire professional skills after
graduating from an educational institution. The
dual system also allows training the necessary
number of specialists for a particular institution.
Figure 5. SWOT analysis of traditional education systems
The dual education system should be based on
theoretical, methodological, didactic principles.
This will ensure the preparation of competitive
specialists during the practical training of future
preschool teachers. The experience of the EU
countries reveals the opportunities for ensuring
the innovation of education that meets social,
pedagogical, and economic criteria. This
approach affects the professional development of
future teachers (Melnyk et al., 2019; Sheremet et
al., 2021). Teaching in accordance with the dual
system should include a reasonable examination
of students’ knowledge and providing feedback.
During student training, the approach can be
implemented by using special software. When
writing works on the English language, the
software will enable checking the correctness of
the content and the sentences. This approach will
contribute to reducing the number of lexical
errors and will facilitate the interaction of future
teachers and computer technologies (Echitchi,
2019; Chacón-Beltrán, & Echitchi, 2022). The
published works present the possibility of using
innovative technologies for education. In this
article, the emphasis is on determining the
features of dual education in Germany, Austria,
Switzerland, and Poland. The possibility of using
their experience for training and employment is
also determined.
Dual education makes it possible to meet the
needs of students and ensure better success in
higher education, as well as to develop practical
skills according to the chosen specialization.
Such an approach will also contribute to meeting
market needs during graduate studies. The dual
education system provides a mechanism of two-
level attention. This is the result of the control of
- the ratio of theory and practice, which
contributes to the timely consolidation
of acquired skills;
- an opportunity to master various
specialized areas.
- the possibility of combining with other
training systems;
- the possibility of providing new
learning mechanisms.
- inconsistency of theoretical
information with real practical skills;
- lack of independence of students to
develop creative skills;
- formation of stereotyped thinking;
- use of outdated information.
- lack of active involvement in the
realization of practical skills, directly
during the work process;
- lack of necessary practical experience
after graduation, which affects the
difficulty of employment;
- inconsistency between the training of
students of the same major in different
educational institutions, which can
affect the acquisition of practical skills;
- absence of dynamic changes.
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
teachers and managers allocated during the
development of practical skills. At the same time,
the organization of training should be thought
out, pre-processed, which contributes to the
improvement of professional activity. Dual
education eliminates the gaps in the traditional
education system and provides the relationship
between theory and practice (Zhu, 2021). The
reviewed studies omitted the aspects of the
transformation of education using the dual
system and teacher control. This study identified
the level of effectiveness of dual education based
on the practical and theoretical knowledge
gained by students of different groups.
The dual education system promotes interaction
between educational departments and
professional institutions. Such a system of
education provides real opportunities for
professional activity and helps to identify
problems to ensure students’ learning, focusing
on the acquired theoretical knowledge and the
generation of creative skills. This affects the
development of students’ thinking and an in-
depth approach to acquiring professional
knowledge, which will be reflected in the
avoidance of routine learning (Hu et al., 2020).
We determined the features of dual education in
Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, and
considered the possibility of using their
experience to train and employ Ukrainian
students. The key research direction is the study
of practical skills students acquire during dual
education. We found that dual education
improves the level of knowledge acquisition,
acquisition of skills and abilities of future
preschool education and foreign language
teachers compared to traditional education.
The study's main limitation is that it covers
students of only two specialties (preschool
education, foreign language). In the future, it is
expedient to study the influence of dual
education on the quality of professional training
of students of all pedagogical specialties.
The aim of the work was achieved, as a parallel
was drawn between determining the
effectiveness of dual and traditional education
among students of different groups. The
advantages of dual education were also
determined using a SWOT analysis.
The comparison of dual education in European
countries established that the experience of
Germany (14.2) and Austria (13.9) have the
greatest importance for ensuring the educational
process. In Germany, there is a strong
interrelation between theoretical and practical
knowledge, while in Austria there is an emphasis
on practical skills, which provides 80% of
training. For employment, the experience of the
dual system of Switzerland has the greatest
effectiveness (14.5), which ensures employment
in the most developed companies. The study
established that the experience of Germany
(14.4) and Poland (14.2) is the most favourable
for Ukraine to spread dual education. This is due
to the correct distribution of theoretical and
practical classes.
The authors found that the dual education system
has higher opportunities for acquiring practical
skills. These data were established as a result of
comparing the acquired knowledge of students
who studied according to the dual system of
education and the traditional one. Therefore, the
practical skills of students of Groups 1 (future
preschool teachers) and 2 (future English
teachers) were related to the direct conduct of
classes in educational institutions. Theoretical
knowledge was mastered the most by students of
Group 3, who studied according to the traditional
system to become future preschool teachers. It
became possible to achieve this as a result of
attending theoretical seminars.
It was established that schoolchildren for whom
future teachers conducted classes were the most
satisfied with students of Group 1. This is
explained by the provision of a game-based
approach to the education of preschool children.
Conducting a SWOT analysis determined the
possibilities of dual education, which consisted
in increasing the competitiveness of educational
institutions and future teachers during the job
The practical significance of the work is the
possibility of determining the advantages of dual
education in different European countries, which
can be implemented in Ukrainian education as
well. Prospects for research may be related to
determining the effectiveness of the dual system
of Europe and America.
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