www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.71.11.22
How to Cite:
Vasina, A., Monastyrskyi, G., Ivanova, V., Maistrenko, K., & Tsal-Tsalko, Y. (2023). Concepts of sustainable public
administration: perspectives and challenges. Amazonia Investiga, 12(71), 252-262. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.71.11.22
Concepts of sustainable public administration: perspectives and
Conceptos de administración pública sostenible: perspectivas y retos
Received: October 9, 2023 Accepted: November 29, 2023
Written by:
Alla Vasina1
Grygorii Monastyrskyi2
Viktoriia Ivanova3
Kateryna Maistrenko4
Yuzef Tsal-Tsalko5
The purpose of the study: a comprehensive
analysis of the aspects of the implementation of
the public administration mechanism in the
context of sustainable development,
identification of the main issues of the
management paradigm, and variations of ways to
solve them. Research methodology: logical and
structural analysis, induction and deduction,
comparison, abstraction, specification,
generalisation, formalisation, tabular and
graphical interpretation of theoretical
information. Results: the main aspects of public
administration based on sustainable development
as an important basis for the implementation of
domestic policy are formed. The main problems,
challenges, and achievements of the process of
transformation of socio-economic processes
based on public management are considered. The
experience of developed countries in public
administration of the processes of society's life,
its public administration, legal and organisational
aspects are studied. Scientific novelty: the main
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Department of Management, Public Administration and Personnel Faculty of Economics
and Management West Ukrainian National University, Ternopil, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: G-1542-2018
Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Management, Public Administration and Personal, Faculty of Economics and
Management, West Ukrainian National University, Ternopil, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: K-5438-2017
Doctor of Sciences of Public Administration, Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher
ID: ADG-7645-2022
Recipient of the Scientific Degree of Doctor of Sciences in the specialty “Public management and administration”, Interregional
Academy of Personnel Management, Kyiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: GSJ-3683-2022
Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Management, Business and Marketing Technologies, Faculty of Business and
Services, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: W-3023-2017
Vasina, A., Monastyrskyi, G., Ivanova, V., Maistrenko, K., Tsal-Tsalko, Y. / Volume 12 - Issue 71: 252-262 / November, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
directions of strategic planning for the
development of the public administration system
based on sustainable development in the context
of globalisation are determined. Conclusions: the
results of the study are of practical value for the
process of formation or improvement of the
modern management system based on publicity
and balanced development, as well as in the
formation of state management programmes in
various areas of socio-economic activity.
Keywords: globalisation, efficiency of
functioning, administration, optimisation,
The intensification of globalisation and
integration processes leads to the emergence of
new challenges that require appropriate dynamic
adaptive changes on the part of both national
structures and local authorities. The concept of
sustainable development, fully implemented
possible in the public administration system, is
positioned as the most socially effective socially
oriented trend. It is aimed at ensuring the balance
of various areas of society's development and
involves the development of a set of
organisational foundations, effective means of
implementation, and monitoring, which together
aim to optimise socio-economic processes of life
(Vinuesa et al., 2020). Such a concept guarantees
the protection of the interests of future
generations, optimisation of resource use, and
synergistic development of various areas of
The issue of public administration in the context
of sustainable development is considered by
Ukrainian and foreign researchers in various
scientific fields, including political science,
sociology, and administrative law. Some works
of modern scholars are devoted to the study of
the functioning of public administration
mechanisms in the context of globalisation and
the research of practical projects for their
For example, modern Ukrainian scholars Masuk
(2023) and Pastuch (2022) study the concept of
public administration from the perspective of the
complexity and complexity of the issue.
Considering the essence of public administration,
scholars Vasilyeva, Vasilyeva, and Prylipko
(2020) divide it into certain areas, which include
the goal, means, and communication between the
participants in the process. At the same time, the
researchers emphasise that the potential and
capabilities of public administration are fully
revealed only through the harmonisation of the
main factors - social, economic, and
environmental, which is the basis of the concept
of sustainable development. Volska (2020)
defines the content of the economic aspect of
public administration as the peculiarities of the
concept, its meaning, and functions in the system
of public communications, and the prospects for
implementation in the context of the formation of
a market economy.
The general problems of public administration in
the context of sustainable development have
been studied in the works of contemporary
scholars Roieva, Oneshko, Sulima, Saienk &
Makurin (2023), Bannikova (2022), Gevorgyan
& Baghdasaryan (2021). Certain conceptual
issues are reflected in the works of Dooranov,
Orozonova & Alamanova (2022), Levchenko,
Tsizhma, Slobodian & Nehoda (2022), Buriak,
Nechyporenko, Chychun, Polianko & Milman
(2022). Despite the scientific value of the
published works, many issues in the research
area remain unresolved. The issues related to the
analysis of the algorithm for the successful
implementation of modern public administration
capabilities in the context of global challenges
and crises of our time, as well as the use of
digitalisation opportunities in the process, remain
insufficiently researched today, requiring further
scientific consideration.
Research Aim
The aim of the study is to identify the main
directions of strategic planning for the
development of the public administration system
based on sustainable development in the context
of globalisation.
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Research Questions
The main objectives of the study were to analyse
modern models of public administration in the
context of sustainable development, to study the
dynamics of conceptual priorities in the current
crisis conditions, and to form a universal
approach to public administration in the context
of sustainable development.
Research hypotheses
Hypothesis 1. An effective public administration
algorithm can intensify the processes of
implementing the principles of sustainable
development in any initial conditions.
Hypothesis 2: Digital optimisation is an
effective tool in the public administration system.
Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
The scientific and methodological basis for the
study was laid by researchers whose work
focuses on aspects of implementing the
principles of public administration in the context
of sustainable development, the problems of
transforming social processes in this direction,
and finding ways to solve them. There are
numerous publications in scientific journals on
the topics studied in this paper. Some elements of
public administration mechanisms in the context
of sustainable development are considered in the
studies of modern scientists Noja et al., (2019),
Esposito & Dicorato (2020). In their articles,
scientists see the search for the most effective
model of public administration in the context of
sustainable development as a priority, which will
maximise the efficiency of management
processes, strengthen the status of greening
economic processes, and strengthen the role of
local development in the process of a global
transformation. In their publications, scientists in
the relevant scientific fields Shandryk, Zhebelev,
Deliatynchuk, Maksymov & Shelest (2023),
Bouilloud, Pérezts, Viale & Schaepelynck (2019)
argue that one of the most effective means of
optimising the functioning of the sphere of socio-
economic processes is the active use of
digitalisation tools in the public administration
system. The main goal of the digital
transformation process, according to scientists, is
the synergy of data sets for optimal use. This goal
can be achieved through various effective
algorithms. The authors emphasise that the
process of digital optimisation is influenced by
several factors, including time constraints,
financial capabilities, and the level of intellectual
resources. It should be noted that digitalisation
requires careful selection of individual methods
and approaches, as well as ensuring the security
of the process of accumulation, transfer, and
processing of personal information. Modern
scientists Kankanhalli, Charalabidis & Mellouli
(2019) also consider digitalisation to be the most
promising direction for the development of the
public administration system in the context of
sustainable development. In their study, the
researchers emphasise that today only a small
number of areas of socio-economic processes are
consumers of innovative technological and
managerial solutions. In this regard, it can be
argued that insufficient access to modern
technologies and unwillingness to implement
them in practice are the most significant factors
limiting the potential of digital transformation
within the public administration system. Thus,
the realisation of digital optimisation
opportunities requires proper training of
personnel, reformatting approaches to
understanding the principles of management
processes, as well as awareness of the priority of
sustainable development principles in all areas of
social and economic processes. The scientific
research of modern scientists Trondal (2021) and
Magliacani (2023) forms the belief that public
administration in the context of sustainable
development requires, first, ensuring economic
development based on the principles of rational
environmental management, as well as
increasing the effectiveness of interaction
between different levels of government, society,
and business on the principles of democratic
balanced growth. Such an approach, as outlined
in the articles of the above-mentioned scholars,
will allow to accelerate the qualitative positive
dynamics of the process of society
transformation towards a sustainable approach to
all areas of life, ensure ecological reproduction of
resource potential, and make it possible to
achieve financial stability of socio-economic
Thus, despite the significance of scientific and
practical achievements of scientists on the issues
under study, it is necessary to note the need to
develop scientific research in the aspects of the
outlined issues in order to ensure the
sustainability of positive dynamics and
preventive response to new challenges in the
field of public administration in the context of
sustainable development.
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
General Background
In the course of the research, a set of general
scientific methods of cognition was applied,
including methods of abstract and logical and
comparative analysis, abstraction, induction, and
deduction, as well as methods of specification
and formalisation, tabular and graphical
interpretation of theoretical information. The
theoretical and methodological basis of the work
was formed considering the priority principles of
conducting comprehensive research, based on a
systematic approach. The principle of
complexity made it possible to analyse the object
and subject of study as a system, with a
corresponding set of interrelations.
Data Analysis
The methods of analysis and synthesis were used
to identify the factors and stages of development
of the object under study, as well as its defining
elements. The method of comparison was used
during the study to determine the specifics of
development and features of public
administration models in the context of
sustainable development. The deduction was
used in the development of proposals for
optimising management processes in various
areas of socio-economic life. The inductive
method was used in the process of forecasting
indicators of future development. The abstract-
logical and dialectical methods of scientific
knowledge, as well as the method of scientific
abstraction, were used in the study to formulate
theoretical generalisations, clarify the conceptual
apparatus, identify the main concepts and
categories, formulate the conclusions of the
study, and to form the concept of an integral
process of the management system in the context
of sustainable development. The method of
formalisation was applied during the study at the
stage of identification of priority vectors of
optimisation of the public administration system
based on sustainable development, as well as in
the process of forming the results of scientific
research aimed at active practical use in the
process of establishing an effective public
administration system. Thus, this method was
used to structure the principles, functions, tasks,
and priorities of public administration in the
context of sustainable development. The general
scientific method of the specification was used to
position the effectiveness and expediency of
enhancing the role of public administration in the
process of socio-economic reforms, as well as to
identify optimal solutions and conditions for
optimising the public administration system
based on sustainable development. Among the
data collection tools used in the research process,
secondary methods of collecting informative data
prevailed, with the priority use of external
sources. These include publications in
specialized journals, monographs, and reference
books that somehow reflect the essence of the
problem under study. For the most efficient
process, we used analysis of variance, cluster
analysis, and synthesis.
Results and Discussion
Modern models of public administration, as one
of the first prerequisites for effective
implementation, provide for clear coordination
of the activities of authorities at different levels.
The search for consensus between the subjects of
public administration is positioned as a priority
vector of the concept of modern public
administration of socio-economic processes.
Currently, a systematic approach to the subject of
this study is generally accepted, according to
which three main areas of public administration
are distinguished from the standpoint of
sustainable development: financial and economic
development, social transformation, and
environmental safety guarantees. At the same
time, the formation of a new management system
involves taking into account the existing
potential, the top priority of guaranteeing decent
conditions for the life of society, taking into
account changes, adaptability, and promising
growth, as well as the synergy of national
priorities and interests of local communities
regarding the goals and means of development. It
is worth noting that the term “public
administration” has gained considerable
popularity relatively recently. It refers to the
synergy of activities of state and local authorities,
the private sector, and society in identifying and
implementing management decisions of public
importance, within the powers and functionality
defined by law (Bisogno et al., 2023). In general,
public management covers the stages of
planning, organising, and controlling the
implementation of management decisions, using
the capabilities of modern information systems
and digitalisation tools, as well as regular
performance monitoring (Voyer et al., 2020).
The main opportunities offered by an effective
public management system for modern society
include depoliticisation, prioritisation of the
interests of service users, systematic quality
monitoring, and continuous improvement. The
partnership approach, which is positioned by the
public administration system, where the state and
citizens are equal participants in the relationship,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
is worth special attention (Lewallen, 2021). By
analysing international experience in this area, it
is possible to draw certain conclusions about the
benefits, risks, and challenges of each of them. In
general, it can be argued that public
administration systems in the context of the
priority of sustainable development in developed
countries are characterised by a consumer
orientation and a solidarity-corporate approach to
management in various socio-economic areas
(Guarini, Mori & Zuffada, 2022). These
principles are primarily manifested in
decentralisation, democracy, and adaptability to
the needs of society (Table 1).
Table 1.
Principles of public administration in the context of sustainable development
No s/n
Increasing the role of public decision-making in the process of
public administration
Possibility of dynamic changes in the process of implementing
strategic management under the influence of external and internal
factors, based on sustainable development
Decentralisation of management systems, financial autonomy of
economic processes, and investment
Priority is given to the long-term development of the organisation
in the future
Regular review of targets based on an assessment of the
effectiveness of public administration measures and compliance
with the principles of sustainable development
Systematic approach
The balance between state regulation of the sector and market-
based financing mechanisms
Source - authors' development
In general, sustainable development implies
economically, socially, and environmentally
balanced growth aimed at the coordinated
functioning of socio-economic processes based
on rational use of all types of resources and
environmental safety (Pastuch, 2022). Currently,
there are countries with a high level of
sustainable development (Japan, the United
States, and the European Union), countries that
are just beginning the path of transformation
towards sustainable development, and those that
have no experience of such socio-economic
transformations (Zuiderwijk, Chen & Salem,
2021). The experience of developed countries is
representative for the formation of a strategy for
the development of public administration in the
context of sustainable development of Ukraine,
in terms of maximising the use of adaptive
capabilities and preventive testing in pilot
regional projects. After all, the concept of
sustainable development is currently the only
alternative to the paradigm of extensive
economic development, which has devastating
consequences for the environment. The
processes of globalisation that are characteristic
of today involve worldwide economic, cultural,
and political integration, covering all areas of
social life, creating a system of interconnections
and interdependencies (Tichenor e al., 2022).
This inevitably leads to changes in the
governance system, decentralisation of
management processes, and an increase in the
role of science and intellect (Yunita et al., 2022).
At the same time, the phenomenon of
globalisation carries a certain destructive burden
on society, which is manifested in the excessive
acceleration of urbanisation processes,
disruption of natural ecosystems, and an increase
in resource consumption. In such circumstances,
the principles of sustainable development are no
longer advisory but should become an integral
prerequisite for the development of any modern
country. The need to transform economic
development models and reformat economic
processes requires the introduction of
fundamentally new approaches to global
governance. Sustainable development implies a
transition from a consumer economy to a
commons economy, striking a balance between
meeting needs and ensuring a safe environment
for future generations (Volska, 2020). Taken
together, these dynamics will make it possible to
ensure high quality of life, as well as to
significantly optimise and develop the public.
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/ November 2023
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Figure 1. Algorithm of the public administration process in the context of sustainable development.
Source: author's development
The concept of sustainable development
excludes the dominance of any sphere of life -
economic, social, or natural, and therefore an
important issue in the process of establishing
public administration is to guarantee
transparency, reliability, and relevance of
informative data (Marques et al., 2021). To
simplify and autonomise processes, the best
option for communication in the system of
modern public administration is digitalisation as
a key factor in optimising management
mechanisms (Lewallen, 2021). Electronic
information systems provide quick access to
reference and statistical information, collection,
and consolidation of the necessary data. It should
be noted that the active implementation of such
systems in different countries as a central
component of the transformation of public
administration of socio-economic processes has
highlighted a number of risks: the complexity of
standardisation and unification of documentation
in different areas and organisations, staff
resistance to innovation, passive participation of
the population in the process, lack of software of
appropriate quality, security of personalisation
and data transfer (Massey, 2022). Today, there is
a need to develop a perfect digitalisation product
that can guarantee a more convenient and secure
format of communication in various areas of
social processes (Krafft et al., 2022). This issue
is extremely relevant and requires priority
attention, as a wide range of communications, as
well as the process of introducing effective
financial and administrative models into the
socio-economic processes of society, depend on
digital transformation.
The implementation of the principles of modern
effective public administration will contribute to
the sustainable development of both individual
local territories and communities and the global
community in the context of globalisation.
Ukraine is currently implementing several
reforms aimed at transitioning from the concept
of state administration to the concept of public
administration. It is noteworthy that the
democratisation of governance processes is
based on the formation of a wide range of public
self-government. The most optimal approach is
the synergy of management processes with the
possibilities of self-regulation of society
(Benzaken et. al., 2022).
Many modern scholars see public management
of socio-economic processes as the basis for the
transformation of the world community towards
sustainable development.
Scientists consider an effective human resource
as a prerequisite for the successful
implementation of public administration policy.
According to the researchers, “human capital is a
stock of knowledge, skills, and motivations
available to each person, and for a company, the
human capital of each employee is a resource that
forms its economic potential” (Dooranov et.al.,
2022). Scientists emphasise that “the
effectiveness of human resource management
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
often determines the performance of the entire
company, so training of human resource
management specialists is one of the
fundamental tasks of training for business as a
whole” (Dooranov et al., 2022).
Prylypko (2023) sees the primary need to
“reform the education system, taking into
account the realities of today and the new
challenges facing humanity”. At the same time,
“the very idea, essence, and purpose of legal
education is that every person has a legal status
and is a member of society, and therefore is
endowed with a certain range of rights and
obligations” (Prylypko, 2023). And this
approach should be the basis for the formation of
a new society of sustainable development, where
every citizen is a direct participant in the public
administration of socio-economic processes.
At the same time, Bannikova (2022) believes that
“the main trends of the coming decades for
Ukrainians are the formation of a global
economic system, which will lead to competition
in the labour market for the best and the best
companies for employees. Global thinking and
skills will be the basis for successful employees
in the near future”. It is hard to disagree with the
Scientists, analysing the principles of
organisation and planning of enterprises of the
future, emphasise that “planning of the
enterprise's activities should be focused on the
goals of globalisation and implementation of
sustainable development, environmental and
economic measures to improve the quality of life,
and restore resources(Levchenko et al., 2022).
At the same time, “the choice of the legal status
of the enterprise of the future should contribute
to the achievement of these goals”, and
“enterprises in the future cannot remain outside
the social sector of life” (Levchenko et al., 2022).
Contemporary researchers Buriak et al., (2022)
focus on trends in the development of
management and business technologies in the
formation of the modern Ukrainian economy.
The researchers argue that “improving the
management process as part of its adaptation to
the digitalisation of Ukraine's economy cannot be
carried out according to a single template due to
the different levels of readiness of the internal
environment of organisations for such a
transformation”. Scientists “have identified
factors that indicate both readiness for the digital
transformation of an organisation's management
system and those that hinder its development”.
According to them, “for enterprises, institutions
and organisations in Ukraine, medium and low
potential for transformation in the context of the
introduction of the digital economy and the
introduction of remote work and the widespread
use of information and communication
technologies creates ... risks” (Buriak et al.,
2022). The scientists see the solution to the
problem in “the organisation of an internal
corporate system for improving the digital
literacy of employees” (Buriak et al., 2022).
Gevorgyan & Baghdasaryan (2021), studying
“the possibilities of new disclosure of labour
potential”, believe that “further research is
needed on the ways of introducing technological
innovations, their legal regulation and
justification”. According to scientists, “the
modern information society faces open
challenges with hidden opportunities and risks of
further evolution” (Gevorgyan & Baghdasaryan,
2021). At the same time, “we are talking about
the penetration of digital technologies into all
areas of life, robotisation of production
processes, medicine, the development of
biotechnology and genetic engineering, which
are already capable of making certain
improvements to the human genome at the
current level” (Gevorgyan and Baghdasaryan,
Roieva et al. (2023), studying the identification
of digitalisation as a direction of innovative
development, argue that “the lack of state
involvement in the process of digitalisation at
enterprises is also confirmed by the reduction in
state funding for innovation activities of
enterprises”. They also note “the problem of a
decrease in the investment attractiveness of
enterprises, which is caused by a number of crisis
phenomena that have befallen Ukraine in recent
years” (Roieva et al., 2023).
Some researchers, in particular, van Wynsberghe
(2021), Meier (2023), believe that modern public
administration using digital methods is mainly an
activity that is practical and advisory in nature
and helps the service consumer to achieve goals
and objectives by finding solutions to problems
of a different nature, identifying new
opportunities, implementing changes and
coaching. At the same time, scientists (Hutsaliuk
et al., 2020) identify specific prerequisites for the
formation of an effective public administration
system in the context of sustainable
development, among which the main ones are the
availability of an appropriate resource base and
the readiness of society for dynamic change. The
researchers substantiate that such conditions are
an important component of the algorithm for
implementing public administration in various
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
areas of socio-economic life, and it is difficult to
disagree with them.
Among the array of results of researchers'
scientific searches about the study, it is necessary
to highlight the works of Bisogno et al., (2023),
which fundamentally substantiate the principles
of effective implementation of public
administration in the context of modern global
challenges of a sustainable economy. At the same
time, Deslatte & Stokan (2020) draw attention to
the complexity of implementing certain elements
of public administration in modern society.
Researchers Guarini et al., (2022) have formed
the basic conceptual foundations of an effective
public administration system, and Strelcow et al.,
(2023) highlights the need for active
implementation of digitalisation and electronic
document management in most areas of social
and economic life.
The forecast of the trend of increasing
importance of the principles of sustainable
development policy shows that the current
industry requirements in the future will
increasingly depend on the system of
management decisions, for which the principle of
publicity should be a top priority (König et al.,
2023). Based on the above conclusions of
researchers, as well as the results of the current
study, it can be argued that public administration
in the context of sustainable development has
significantly expanded its scope of functioning
today, becoming a basic element of the system
for ensuring the balance between economic,
social, and environmental development (Massey,
2022). The algorithm of the modern public
administration system is shown in detail in Fig. 1
above. It is worth noting that the effectiveness of
implementing the principles of balanced
development based on optimal public
administration involves the gradual and effective
achievement of goals (Meuleman, 2021).
Based on the above, we can predict an increase
in the role of public administration in
implementing the principles of sustainable
development, which will significantly increase
its productivity in terms of economic efficiency
and minimising environmental impact, through
the introduction of innovative technological
solutions and digital optimisation opportunities.
Limitations of the study
The limitations of this study can be characterised,
first, as qualitative, and quantitative. In the first
case, we are talking about eliminating low-
influence and secondary factors that affect the
process of obtaining the most reliable result to
prove the significance of new scientific
developments. Quantitative limitations are
primarily based on the assumption that certain
norms and standards are fixed. They are relevant
for the statistical component of the study. In
addition, this study is characterised by subject
and semantic limitations. The paper investigates
the issues of efficiency of the public
administration system in the context of
sustainable development and its relevance in
view of the challenges of today. At the same
time, the study was developing the specifics of
the subject matter, which significantly limited the
scope of the object of study, but at the same time
gave meaning to the work and allowed to achieve
the original purpose of the study. In addition,
given the complexity of practical testing of the
research results due to the scale and requirements
for the duration of the necessary observations,
the impracticability of experimental research and
hypothesis testing can also be considered one of
the vectors of limitation of this study.
The article defines that public administration
occupies one of the key positions in the system
of implementation of the concept of sustainable
development of modern society. It is established
that only the synergy of a professional approach,
a stable position, and stable principles of forming
strategic priorities for the transformation of
socio-economic processes, considering global
digitalisation and proper control by the State and
society, allows to fully and in a short time to
introduce an effective system of public
administration in the context of sustainable
As a result of the study, it was possible to analyse
the multifactorial nature of the modern model of
public administration, to assess its role and place
in the system of current management approaches
based on the principles of sustainable
development. The study found that the
development of the growth of openness and
publicity factors plays a significant role in
improving the quality and accessibility of
services, strengthening the position of the
management system as an active participant in
the system of modern social communications,
and optimising the process of providing services
to all segments of the population without
Particular attention was paid to the basic
principles and mechanisms of the public
administration concept. The essence of such
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
principles as customer focus, efficiency and
effectiveness is revealed. It is established that the
concept is based on the idea that public
organizations should function with the
involvement of business sector strategies and
tools, and the activities of public organizations
should be aimed at achieving measurable results
and efficient resource use through
decentralization and effective quality
The concept proposed in the study promotes
greater flexibility and responsiveness to
customer needs and ensures greater
responsibility of local governments, which will
enable them to meet the needs of public service
consumers more effectively and increase trust in
government organizations. In addition, e-
governance contributes to the convenience and
speed of interaction between government
agencies and citizens, as well as increases the
level of accessibility and quality of public
Based on the results obtained in this paper, the
authors proposes priority vectors for further
research on the topic and argues for the need to
organise accessibility and systematisation of
practical information on the subject matter of the
An effective approach to public administration in
the context of sustainable development will
ensure the successful adaptation of society to the
necessary socio-economic transformations. It
should be based on the implementation of a
development strategy formed on the principle of
unimpeded access to information in a convenient
format. At present, it is considered a priority to
find the most effective model for the practical
implementation of the public administration
strategy in the context of sustainable
development using the wide capabilities of
digital tools, which will maximise the efficiency
and accessibility of information resources,
strengthen the priority status of transformations
based on sustainable development in all areas of
socio-economic life. Further research in this area
should be aimed at a detailed identification of the
conditions for systemic integration of
digitalisation tools, considering the current
capabilities of the existing electronic and
communication base of management systems.
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