www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.71.11.21
How to Cite:
Ridei, N., Tytova, N., Sydorenko, T., Tsymbal, S., & Liashenko, M. (2023). Changes in the semantic profile to evaluate the quality
and safety of life. Amazonia Investiga, 12(71), 242-251. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.71.11.21
Changes in the semantic profile to evaluate the quality and safety of
Зміни семантичного профілю для оцінки якості та безпеки життя
Received: October 5, 2023 Accepted: November 28, 2023
Written by:
Nataliia Ridei1
Nataliia Tytova2
Tetiana Sydorenko3
Svitlana Tsymbal4
Maryna Liashenko5
The purpose of the article is to highlight the
specifics of changing the parameters of the
semantic profile in determining the indicators of
quality and safety of life. Modern civilizational
development is characterized by dynamism and
flexibility, which directly affects human and
social life and requires new algorithms for
determining the level of quality and security in
both the existential and institutional, as well as in
the value and functional dimensions. The
purpose of the research is to determine the
relationship between socio-cultural factors that
have dynamic characteristics with constant
constants of the semantic differential. The
research methodology focuses on the use of
general scientific (primarily analytical) methods
and philosophical and methodological
synergistic principles. The results of the study
indicate that there are three formats of this
interaction: changing profile parameters under
the influence of socio-cultural activity;
preservation of profile constants regardless of
socio-cultural realities; synergistic mutual
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Ecology, Mykhailo Dragomanov State University of Ukraine, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: K-9259-2018
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Mykhailo Dragomanov State University of Ukraine, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, State University of Information and Communication Technology, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: ACV-4910-2022
PhD in Philosophy, Mykhailo Dragomanov State University of Ukraine, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: ABF-8152-2020
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Mykhailo Dragomanov State University of Ukraine, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: AAY-5342-2021
Ridei, N., Tytova, N., Sydorenko, T., Tsymbal, S., Liashenko, M. / Volume 12 - Issue 71: 242-251 / November, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
transformation of indicators of socio-cultural life
and the semantic profile of its assessment. The
scientific novelty of the work is focused on the
introduction of a dynamic dimension to the
impact assessment and measurement of the
parameters of quality and safety of life using a
semantic profile. Thus, the problem of quality
and safety of life in both the theoretical and
ideological and practice-oriented dimensions
receives new mechanisms and tools for assessing
and measuring the level of viability in modern
civilisational progress. The semantic profile is no
longer a stable format for assessing the quality
and safety of life, but a dynamic method that is
able to operate with variable data, transforming
its own parameters.
Keywords: Semantic profile, quality of life,
safety parameters, differential indicators, socio-
cultural impact.
Quality and safety of life are dynamic concepts
that depend on sociocultural factors. Therefore, it
is important to update the characteristics of these
concepts in the semantic profile to improve the
accuracy of the assessment of the level of quality
and safety of life.
Quality and security of life are unique concepts
in the socio-cultural sense. On the one hand, they
are fundamental components of the social order
that define human existence in the civilization
dimension; on the other hand, they are dynamic
elements determined by permanent variables that
depend on external local and global factors.
Based on this dichotomy of sustainability and
dynamism, assessing the level of quality and
security of life is a rather difficult task for the
scientific and sociological space. Today, there
are many methods for determining the level of
quality of life and human security parameters.
One of the key algorithms used in such
assessments is the semantic profile, which forms
a corresponding scale of positive and negative
aspects. At the same time, the semantic profile
updates the constants - elements that have a
reference dimension and determine the reference
point or dimension of the scale (parameter) of
improvement or deterioration of the
humanitarian cluster.
The purpose of the research is to highlight the
need to update the characteristics of quality and
safety of life in the semantic profile. The
objectives of the article are to form a clear
interaction (synergy) of the socio-cultural factors
that determine the level of quality and safety of
life with the parameters for assessing this level
(differential scale).
The research problem is focused on finding
effective tools that will make it possible to
change or adjust the scale of the semantic
differential since the profile format is quite
difficult to transform. Therefore, the parameters
that are included in the semantic structure should
form a synergistic integrity with the
characteristics of quality and safety of life.
Literature Review
The scientific discourse has responded promptly
to the need to transform the semantic profile in
matters of quality and safety of life. The studies
propose various algorithms for making changes
to the differential scales that will meet the
challenges of the times and become an
appropriate response to natural, technological,
and social factors of socio-cultural influence on
human life activity.
The dynamic scale of the semantic differential
(Akroyd et al., 2021) is currently hypothetical, as
it is not possible to make changes to the profile
online in an intuitive sense. The assessment of
well-being is based on the principles of
orderliness, so adding new indicators of
components is a complex process. However, the
conceptual dimensions of quality and security of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
life are now being updated in the context of their
structural and semantic analysis:
the concept of adapting profile elements to
external influences (Defila & Di Giulio,
the concept of verification of proposed
changes and adjustments (Poschmann et al.,
the concept of semantic compatibility
(Adamczyk et al., 2020);
the concept of semantic profile
systematisation (Rhayem et al., 2020);
the concept of a single semantic paradigm
(Umbrico et al., 2020);
the concept of the semantic trajectory
(Arslan et al., 2019).
Changes and adjustments to the scale of the
semantic differential should be accompanied and
supported by appropriate methodological
algorithms and tools for practical
implementation: intellectual potential
(Bannikova, 2022; Sirichanya & Kraisak, 2021);
technological and digital resources (Buriak et al.,
2022; Ghazal et al., 2020; Levchenko et al.,
2022); format and design (Karana et al., 2020),
behavioural and other human activity
(Gevorgyan & Baghdasaryan, 2021; Fang et al.,
The scientific discourse assigns a distinct role to
methodological works concerning the variability
of the semantic profile. A notable example of
employing the semantic profile methodology to
alter parameters is the use of the Likert scale
(Jebb et al., 2021), which involves characterizing
psychological factors that influence (or
sometimes determine) the level of quality and
safety of life.
The findings of the current research can be
utilized when there is a need for incorporating
and implementing changes to the semantic
profile of quality and safety of life. Similar
studies have already proven their relevance,
serving as scientific justification for the necessity
of modifying specific elements of the semantic
differential scale, particularly gaining popularity
in the field of medicine (Poudel et al., 2021).
The research methodology is based on the use of
general scientific analytical methods. Factor
analysis provides an understanding of the basic
constants of quality and safety of life, which
serve as guidelines for further construction of the
semantic profile. The method of principal
components, which also forms the key
parameters of the semantic profile, is close to
factor analysis. Clusters of semantic differentials
are provided through comparative analysis and
In addition to general scientific research
methods, philosophical and scientific principles
are actively used in scientific research.
Synergistic and dialectical approaches allow us
to assess the level of influence (scale, intensity,
direction) of socio-cultural factors on the quality
and safety of life. The dialectical vector is
designed to form dichotomous dimensions of the
semantic differential scales. The synergistic
cluster provides an understanding of the
ambiguity of the nature of all processes and
phenomena that affect the assessment of the
semantic profile.
The methodology could be more specific in
describing the methods and techniques used. For
example, the author could provide more details
about how the methods and techniques were
applied in the study.
The methodology could include a more detailed
discussion of the limitations of the study. For
example, the author could discuss how the
study's findings could be influenced by external
Results and Discussion
The modern socio-cultural space requires the
transformation of existing paradigms for
assessing the level of quality and safety of life.
One of the methods actively used by the
scientific community to determine security
parameters is the semantic profile. However, the
realities of our time require changes and
adjustments to the scale of the differential, which
will lead to a transformation of the understanding
of the structure of life quality and security.
The expansion of the range of semantic
parameters (Jiang et al., 2023) has allowed for
the inclusion of more characteristics of quality
and safety of life. The semantic profile
parameters are often laid down at the planning
stage of a certain socio-cultural activity (Yap et
al., 2023), forming the main aspects of quality
and safety. However, in the course of project
implementation or development, there is an
urgent need to change the semantic
characteristic. It is clear that with the expansion
of the material or spiritual component, the object
of the semantic profile is replenished with new
characteristics, which should be reflected in its
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
essential or functional quality characteristics. It
is noted that it is the qualitative indicators that
have a delayed effect, which forms a certain
algorithm for transforming the semantic profile
(see Figure 1).
Figure 1. Algorithm for transforming semantic profile in the context of socio-cultural influence.
Source: authors' own development.
The semantic profile is used to formulate
strategies (Jiang et al., 2019) for humanitarian
policy and the human security paradigm, which
requires an up-to-date picture of the quality of
life. The semantic differential focuses on the
characteristics of a single object, but in today's
global integrated world, it is almost impossible to
isolate oneself to achieve accurate indicators.
One of the spaces that directly affects the change
in the parameters of the semantic differential
scale is public space (Vukmirovic et al., 2019),
which often initiates the revision of the principles
of quality and safety of life. To achieve this
relevance of the semantic profile, it is proposed
to use an adapted differential scale (Defila & Di
Giulio, 2020) that will correspond to socio-
cultural changes.
A special role in the semantic profile is played by
the reference point or reference value from which
positive and negative quality of life or safety
characteristics diverge in vectors. Many
assessments and calculations are involved in
determining this “zero” value. However, this
indicator is influenced not only by internal
quality and safety factors. The external element,
which is the natural, man-made, and socio-
cultural space, plays an equally important role in
shaping the constants of value and subjective and
practical significance.
One of these external factors is social
sustainability (Lee & Jung, 2019). It is noted that
all indicators included in the differential scale are
based on the principles of social well-being,
which are relatively stable. At the same time,
social resilience allows for dynamism in this
structure. The ability of an individual or society
to respond differently to danger and the different
ability to counteract threatening manifestations
determine the variability of the parameters of the
structural differential. When studying the
problem of quality of life, it is necessary to take
into account the subjectivity of the concept of
well-being (González-Díaz et al., 2021), which
determines the complexity of building the
parameters of the semantic profile. Therefore,
changes made to the semantic profile parameters
must be verified (Poschmann et al., 2021).
These socio-cultural changes require adjustments
to the semantic profile in the context of the
problem of quality indicators of human life and
public security. The scientific community is
faced with the question of the procedure for
making changes to the semantic profile. It is
obvious that innovative mechanisms are being
actualised that allow the designing new
algorithms for assessing human living space and
including them as constants and parameters in the
structural differential. Thus, one of the options
for innovative construction of the semantic
profile is the use of digitalisation. The “digital
twin” (Boje et al., 2020) is an actual reflection of
a person, but with coverage of all realised or
potential elements of quality of life. It is clear that
to process such an array of information, it is
necessary to operate with big data and perform
complex calculations. The digital world has
demonstrated the ability to manage such
characteristics, which allows for the dynamism
of semantic profile indicators.
All the parameters of quality and safety of life
that form the scales of the semantic profile need
to be systematised. The standardisation of the
semantic profile is a specific process that is
streamlined by innovative technologies, in
Fundamental level -
basic parameters of
the semantic profile
of quality and safety
of life
Dynamic level -
introduction of
indicators of
quantitative changes
at a high level of
impact on the object
of the profile and
adjustment of the
parameters of the
differential scales
Synergistic level -
verification of data
variables and their
integration into the
cluster of basic
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
particular, semantic web technologies (Rhayem
et al., 2020). This positioning of characteristics
also complicates the process of adjusting profile
parameters. The semantic structure has its own
format for any conceptual characteristics. The
semantic profile of quality and safety of life has
the predominant characteristics of biodesign
(Karana et al., 2020) and anthropocentrism, as
the key object of assessment is a person. The
environmental influence (Benabdellah et al.,
2021) on the parameters of the semantic profile
in the quality of life cluster is increasingly
established in the societal and individual
Social mobility (Min et al., 2021) is currently the
most powerful factor shaping the variability of
quality-of-life indicators. The individual and
social movement has significantly intensified in
a globally integrated environment. Therefore, the
parameters of quality of life may be different for
one person in different places. And the ability of
a person to change their place of residence
immediately introduces a variable component to
the semantic profile.
The study proposes several formats of the
relationship between the semantic profile and the
influence of socio-cultural factors (see Figure 2).
Figure 2. Formats of interrelation of semantic profile with the influence of socio-cultural factors
Source: authors' own development.
The structuring of the parameters of human life
quality and safety is complicated by the inclusion
of many factors of new dimensions of the modern
ecosystem (Mishra & Chakraborty, 2020), which
includes human, natural, and technological
The active use of information technology
potential contributes to the expansion of sources
of data for the semantic profile. In particular,
continuous quantification is becoming more
relevant (Huckvale, Venkatesh, & Christensen,
2019). The variety of digital devices that are
constantly with a person and are actively used by
him or her contributes to obtaining operational
data on his or her life. It is worth noting that today
the issue of the passive status of these devices is
relevant. However, with the development of
technological progress, digital elements will
become an active participant in human life.
Under such conditions, we can predict changes in
the organisation and updating of the structure of
individual and social characteristics in the
semantic profile.
Under such conditions, the differential scale will
finally lose its tie to the established norms,
forming an online update mode. It is clear that it
is extremely difficult to achieve such a level of
assessment of the quality and safety of life, but
the guidelines for such a prospect have already
been outlined.
Any changes in the formation of the semantic
characteristic paradigm should be accompanied
by appropriate support tools. It is noted that
innovative technological and digital (Ghazal et
al., 2020) elements have all the possibilities to
provide information, targeted, functional support
for changes to the semantic profile.
profile constants
regardless of
Change in profile
parameters under
the influence of
of indicators of
life and the
semantic profile
of its assessment
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Using the everyday example of the technological
dimension of home security, we can trace
changes in the inclusion of indicators in the
semantic profile. In the modern technological
context, security issues are focused on
automating solutions (Zhong et al., 2020).
Threats are classified into categories.
This structure is common for the formation of
semantic differential scales. At the same time, to
build an adequate semantic profile on security, a
clear taxonomic correspondence at the level of
the threat-parameter of the scale is required.
Automation allows for the generation of big data
to reconcile these indicators. Innovative elements
(Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Internet
of Things (Philip et al., 2021), Big Data, etc.)
allow for accurate expression of real and
potential danger in the characteristics of the
semantic security structure. It is also worth
adding that the semantic profile can be filled with
indicators from remote access (Rhayem et al.,
Traditional sustainable sources that fill the
semantic profile paradigm are concentrated in
statistical elements. An example is the
International Classification of Diseases, which
clearly defines human states: illness-recovery
(Harrison et al., 2021). Such indicators can be
used as a characteristic of semantic profile scales,
which indicate the dichotomy of the state of
illness and the state of human health.
For a comprehensive understanding of the
algorithm for modifying the semantic profile
scale in the cluster of quality and safety of life, it
is advisable to consider specific examples of the
impact of these changes on research and practice.
The COVID-19 pandemic period vividly
demonstrated the variations in the semantic
profile of the medical-social issue. The global
nature of the event contributed to the scaling of
the problem, manifested in the diversity of
variable parameters introduced into the scale to
determine the quality of life under the specific
circumstances of the pandemic.
Poudel et al., (2021), for instance, in assessing
the quality of life of older adults during the
pandemic, incorporated variable characteristics
related to pandemic restrictions (social element)
and health risks (medical element). The research
results were influenced by several crucial factors
accompanying scientific exploration - the scale
and intensity of the event (COVID-19), which
produced changes to the semantic profile of
quality of life assessment. As a result, the authors
concluded that the impact on the semantic profile
depends not only on the conceptual nature of the
factors but also on the dynamics of their
Further research should take into account the
scale and intensity of conceptual factors that
induce changes in the semantic profile. This, in
turn, will ensure the dynamism of semantic scale
changes and avoid excessive stability. Such
positioning aligns with the requirements of the
modern, rapidly evolving global sociocultural
The expediency of changes to the parameters of
the semantic differential scales is a debatable
aspect. The validity of transformations of
existing models of semantic differentials and the
initiation of new formats should be in demand in
the scientific and sociological sense. Wu et al.,
(2021) point out the need for constant
management monitoring of the changes made to
the semantic profile.
Making adjustments to the structural elements of
the semantic profile should be primarily
intellectually supported (Sirichanya & Kraisak,
2021). In this context, it is important that changes
are not made without rational justification, but
are guided by other approaches (emotional,
moral and ethical, etc.).
One of the ways to make changes to the semantic
profile is the deep object-oriented semantic
change detection framework (ChangeOS)
(Zheng et al., 2021). This technique is effectively
used in assessing humanitarian threats to the
urban environment. The peculiarity of this
approach is the inclusion of both global impact
factors and local means of countering
humanitarian threats in the parameters of the
differential scale.
Usually, semantic differentials were compiled
separately to determine the level of quality and
safety of life at the local (state, regional) level
and separately for the global dimension of these
parameters. However, modern innovative models
of scientific and sociological assessment allow
for the integration of indicators of a local group
into the global scale and vice versa. Such activity
is ensured through the use of information
technology tools that allow modelling the
situation not in the institutional-linear, but in the
functional dimension.
An integral part of the semantic structure of
security is human life activity. Hazardous human
behaviour (Fang et al., 2021) forms the same
security parameters as external threats (natural or
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
technological). Human behaviour contributes to
the formation of the so-called “semantic
trajectory” (Arslan et al., 2019), which forms a
corresponding profile dedicated to security
concepts. Human activity is multidimensional,
which makes it difficult to assess it in the context
of quality and safety of life. It is difficult to
include such dimensions as creativity or moral
and volitional qualities in the parameters of a
semantic profile. At the same time, without these
indicators, the overall structure of a person's life
activity will be lost.
The semantic focus on the institutional structure
of the concepts of quality and safety of life is
gradually losing weight in the scientific and
practical discourse, giving way to the principle of
the activity of the ecosystem of life activity
(Bader et al., 2020). Corresponding changes are
expected in the semantic profile methodology.
The structure around individual elements
(quality, safety, rights) is being replaced by a
structure around the holistic life cycle of a
person, in which all characteristics of their
essence and being are interconnected and form a
single space. With such initial data, the
completeness of the parameters of the semantic
profile, which will be formed by unified
universals, changes.
The concept of semantic compatibility
(Adamczyk et al., 2020) involves the correlation
of the principles of differentiation of semantic
profile scales. That is, each new level of the
semantic profile scale should have a clear set of
distinctive characteristics while maintaining the
compatibility of common indicators (negative or
positive manifestations). Given the subjectivity
of the concept of human well-being, the semantic
profile in this regard is mostly strategic in nature
(Pomytkina et al., 2020). When the notion of
making changes is actualised, it is dominated by
the subjective and practical operational nature.
Such a structural transformation will involve
other mechanisms for changing the principles
and approaches to semantic profile parameters.
The profile scales will lose their dominant
dichotomous orientation, focusing on the
synergistic characteristics of the interaction. In
fact, the zero value (or benchmark) will no longer
be considered a reference point for positive and
negative manifestations of human quality of life.
And these parameters themselves will acquire the
ability to interchange and intersect, which is
impossible in the structural sense of a semantic
In order to avoid contradictions between the
ontological dimension of life activity and the
practical and everyday segment of quality of life,
it is proposed to reconcile these parameters in a
single paradigm (Umbrico et al., 2020). Only
after these components have been streamlined
can they be represented as parameters of the
semantic profile. The modern sociocultural space
is characterised by dynamic development, which
leads to “concept creep”, which causes the
semantic expansion of concepts, processes, and
phenomena (Haslam et al., 2020). The expansion
of life activity deepens the polarisation of
semantic indicators of positive and negative
manifestations of life well-being. At the same
time, expanding human potential promotes
understanding between the key principles of
quality of life. This, in turn, will be a prerequisite
for improving the process of making adjustments
to the structure of the semantic profile.
Thus, the rapid socio-cultural progress creates
preconditions for the dynamism of the
parameters of life quality and safety. The
assessment of life activity is carried out with the
help of a semantic profile, the differential scale
of which includes various parameters that
determine the zero indicator and the positive and
negative dimensions that are formed from it. The
algorithm for transforming the semantic profile
in the context of socio-cultural influence has
several levels: fundamental, dynamic,
synergistic, which allows us to consider the
problem of quality and safety of life in both a
stable (mainly institutional) and dynamic (mostly
functional) format.
We offer several formats for further use of the
semantic profile for assessing life activity:
preservation of the existing stable parameters of
the differential scale; introduction of dynamic
indicators; approval of a synergistic model of the
relationship between indicators of living
standards in the socio-cultural space and their
measurement in the context of the semantic
profile. The consequences of changes in the
semantic profile determine new characteristics in
various spheres of societal activity. Specifically,
in the medical field, the scale and intensity of the
COVID-19 pandemic have led to alterations in
social and medical parameters that define the
level of quality and safety of life.
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