Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.71.11.17
How to Cite:
Babalich, V., Sobko, N., Maleniuk, T., Sobko, S., Kovalova, Y. (2023). Modern trends of physical education and sports in the
education system of Ukraine. Amazonia Investiga, 12(71), 199-213. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.71.11.17
Modern trends of physical education and sports in the education
system of Ukraine
України освіти системі в спорту і виховання фізичного тенденції Сучасні
Received: August 17, 2023 Accepted: October 21, 2023
Written by:
Viktoriya Babalich1
Nataliya Sobko2
Tetiana Maleniuk3
Serhiy Sobko4
Yuliia Kovalova5
The article examines issues of modern trends in
physical education and sports in the education
system of Ukraine. The role of video materials in
the innovative provision of the educational and
training process is shown, which became
possible for use with the appearance of special
programs for processing digital video
information, and digital video cameras that allow
the output of video information on various
media. In the educational process of training
future specialists in physical culture and sports,
the following options for innovation policy are
defined: the policy of "innovative push", "market
orientation", "social orientation", and "direction
for change". The multifaceted nature of
innovative educational innovations is shown. For
high-quality professional training of future
specialists in physical culture and sports, a
methodological basis is described to use
innovative types of motor activity. The
conducted experimental research makes it
Ph.D. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Olimpic and Professional Sport,
Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: HPE-4390-2023
Candidate of Science of Physical Culture and Sport, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and
Methodology of Olympic and Professional Sports, Volodymyr Vynnychenco Central Ukrainian State University, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: IAP-2989-2023
Ph.D. in Physical and Sport, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Olimpic and Professional Sport,
Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: HTQ-0787-2023
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education and Health-
Recreational Work, Volodymyr Vynnychenco Central Ukrainian State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: HTQ-0538-2023
Ph.D. (Pedagogy), Senior Instructor (Lecturer) of the Department of Physical Education and Health-Recreational work, Volodymyr
Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: IAM-5845-2023
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
possible to conclude positive qualitative changes
in the formation of the readiness of future
physical culture and sports specialists to use
innovative educational technologies in
educational and professional activities, which
indicates the effectiveness of the proposed
method of applying innovative educational
technologies in institutions of higher education to
form future specialists of multimedia
Keywords: professional training, physical
culture and sports specialists, innovative
educational technologies, informatization of
education, institutions of higher education.
The integration of domestic professional training
into the pan-European and global context begins
with the awareness of the basics and principles of
modern continuous professional training, and the
search for ways of its practical implementation.
Therefore, it is relevant to determine the current
trends in physical education and sports in the
education system of Ukraine.
Physical education and sports a priori play an
important role in a person's life and cover all age
groups of the population. Considering the
multifunctional character of physical culture and
sports, it determines the development of
physical, aesthetic, and moral qualities of the
individual, enriches the leisure time of the
population, performs a preventive function
concerning diseases, promotes physical and
psycho-emotional rehabilitation and
communication, helps in the education of the
younger generation.
Modern students of higher education quickly
respond to changes in the digital world, easily
perceive technological innovations, and readily
find out issues of leisure organization and
household issues with the help of advanced
software and technical tools. The experience of
training future specialists shows that they lack
the skills to use technological innovations in non-
standard situations and their limited perception
of the possibilities of using innovative
technologies in providing a system of physical
education and sports. Despite the rapid
development of technology and science as part of
the integral development of today's society, the
applied orientation of education in the field of
innovative information technologies is not fully
implemented, which hinders the further
professional development of future specialists in
physical culture and sports (Byshevets et al.,
Nowadays, physical culture and sports are
considered the main components of society's
culture, the mastery of which affects the totality
of society's achievements in the rational use and
creation of special methods, means, and
conditions for the purposeful spiritual and
physical improvement of the personality of its
physical and motor qualities, on the improvement
of people's skills. Competitive, high-quality
professional training of physical culture and
sports specialists within the framework of the
multifaceted specificity of educational
innovations is gaining great importance today
(Petrenko, 2018).
All these positions require new approaches to the
introduction of educational innovations into the
educational process of the higher school and the
development of forms, content, and methods of
professional training of specialists of the new
formation. Let's consider the study of the
multifaceted specificity of educational
innovations in the professional training of future
specialists in physical education and sports.
Literature Review
Modern pedagogical technologies focus the
system of higher physical education on the
preparation of graduates who possess
professional competence and the ability to
navigate the labor market, present themselves
favorably, and withstand competition with other
applicants for jobs. Therefore, one of the tasks of
a higher school is to create conditions for training
a graduate who can compete in the labor market.
It is important for effective professional training
Babalich, V., Sobko, N., Maleniuk, T., Sobko, S., Kovalova, Y. / Volume 12 - Issue 71: 199-213 / November, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of the future of specialists in physical education
and sports to have the quality of higher physical
education, which determines the degree of their
readiness for various activities, as well as
personal, worldview, and civic development. A
scientist L. Denysova (2017) analyzed the ways
of using information and communication
technologies and characterized the modern view
and trends of introducing the latest technologies
in the professional training of future masters of
physical culture and sports. The scientist
concluded the need to implement modern
information technologies based on cloud
computing to solve the issues of providing
information resources for higher education and
the development of IT infrastructure in
educational institutions.
Innovative approaches to high-quality training of
future specialists in physical culture and sports
were analyzed by O. Sohokon, Ye. Shostak, &
O. Donets (2021). They characterized the content
of modernization of education, which primarily
forms a specialist of high competence and
quality, capable in the conditions of continuous
integration into the European educational space
to innovatively search for ways of self-
realization. The importance of a competitive
specialist in physical culture and sports is shown,
which depends on providing a differentiated
approach to children of different ages,
strengthening the health potential of young
people, and motivating and predicting their needs
for self-improvement and physical development.
In the modern training of a future specialist in
physical culture and sports, the ways of
implementing socio-economic, professional,
humanitarian, and practical training are revealed.
Many works are devoted to various aspects of
physical education and sports in the education
system of Ukraine. Thus, the theoretical and
methodological principles of the formation of the
system of sports for all in Ukraine were reflected
in the scientific work of V. Pylnenkyi (2021). He
considered innovations that can be used in
institutions of higher education and modern
technologies in physical culture and sports,
which are used in the training of future athletes.
It has been proven that innovative education is
one of the ways to improve the educational
process and an important factor in the entry of the
education system of each country into the
common European educational space. The
necessity of using innovative technologies in the
training of future athletes and contributing to the
formation of sustainable motivation to maintain
physical development, health, and physical
training has been proven; the importance of
scientific developments, new technologies in
education, and the improvement of sports
equipment is shown, penetrating all aspects of
education and life, allowing to achieve positive
educational and practical results, offering
equipment and high-tech equipment.
The basis of the study of the problem of
professional training of the future scientific
works of specialists in physical education and
sports. O. Savonova (2019) singled out the
features of the use of mixed learning
technologies and named the advantages of
implementing the professional training of future
specialists in physical education and sports.
S. Shynkariov & S. Kostenko (2016) considered
the types of innovative technologies; the
importance of innovative technologies for quality
training of physical culture and sports teachers is
revealed; ways of effective use of innovative
technologies in the educational process are
determined; the integration foundations of the
higher education system have been established,
which provide for the introduction of innovative
technologies in the process of professional
training of a teacher of physical culture and
sports under the condition of the development
and preservation of the traditions and
achievements of the higher school.
The researches of modern scientists highlight the
problems of improving the professional
orientation of the process of physical training of
future specialists of various profiles in
institutions of higher education. S. Lazorenko
(2020) focused attention on the quality training
of future specialists in physical culture and sports
for the implementation of digital technologies in
their professional activities. The scientist
emphasized the need for a sufficient modern
level of information competence, technological
readiness, and digital literacy of physical culture
and sports specialists who can find ways to solve
professional problems, orient themselves in
problematic situations, and be competitive in the
labor market.
The methodical and theoretical aspects of the
professional training of future specialists in
physical culture and sports in institutions of
higher education, which is based on holistic,
systemic, person-oriented, competence-based,
activity-based, reflective, and other approaches,
were studied; ideas of synergy; on the provisions
of the humanistic paradigm of education; takes
into account the development trends of the field
of physical culture and sports, the structure of the
professional and pedagogical competence of
specialist N. Stepanchenko (2017). The author
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
created and proved the effectiveness of the
developed concept of professional training of
specialists, and substantiated the conditions for
improving the professional training of future
specialists in physical education and sports.
In general, the problem of physical education and
sports in the education system of Ukraine
remains understudied.
At the same time, the peculiarities of training
future specialists in institutions of higher
education in the field of physical culture and
sports are even less studied. Despite the
pedagogical orientation of these institutions, the
current system of professional training is aimed
more at the development of sports skills and the
general scientific component of the education of
future physical education specialists, which does
not provide graduates with the level of
pedagogical competence by social demand.
Therefore, despite the importance of scientific
research, the problem of professional training of
future physical education specialists in higher
educational institutions has not been sufficiently
studied in the theoretical and methodological
aspects, and the traditional education system is
not able to ensure the organic entry of a new
generation of specialists into the complex and
rapidly changing field of diverse needs of
educational activity in modern higher education.
The defined range of scientific and practical tasks
for the development of higher education in
Ukraine, together with the current problems of
modern science, determined the choice of the
topic of our article.
The purpose of the research: to find out the
main effective modern trends of physical
education and sports in the education system of
Ukraine and propose ways of their use in the
process of professional training of future
specialists in physical culture and sports and
experimentally verify their effectiveness.
Theoretical research methods were used in order
to identify factors influencing the professional
training of future physical culture and sports
specialists; aimed at obtaining conclusions and
objective data for the specifics of the research
subject: generalization of results and
systematization of research in the field of
education to characterize the state of
development of the problem of training future
specialists in physical culture and sports for the
use of innovative types of motor activity in their
professional activities; extrapolation and analysis
of research results obtained during the study of
pedagogic, sociological, psychological, scientific
literature, for substantiation and determination of
practical and theoretical principles of training
future specialists in physical culture and sports to
use the methodological basis of research,
innovative types of motor activity in professional
activity; to carry out a comparative analysis, with
the aim of comparing the theoretical approaches
available in the literature to the definition and
justification of the qualitative professional
training of future physical culture and sports
specialists with the use of information
technologies in institutions of higher education,
and a pedagogical experiment (declarative,
formative) to determine qualitative changes in
the formation of readiness future specialists in
physical culture and sports to the use of
innovative educational technologies in
educational and professional activities.
The study of finding out the main effective
innovative educational technologies and
proposing ways of their use in the process of
professional training of future physical culture
and sports specialists was carried out based on
activity, system, personal, and competence
A methodological basis was developed for the
high-quality professional training of future
physical culture and sports specialists to use
innovative types of motor activity: at the
philosophical level of the methodology; at the
general scientific level of the methodology; at the
concrete-scientific level of the methodology; at
the technological level of methodology.
The implementation of the pedagogical
experiment was carried out in three stages:
preparatory, main, and final.
At the preparatory stage, the purpose and tasks of
the research were determined, the experimental
plan was developed, methods of measurement
and processing of results were selected, control
and experimental groups were selected, and their
homogeneity was checked.
At the main stage, an experiment was conducted.
At the final stage, the results of the experiment
were analyzed, their reliability was confirmed,
and conclusions were drawn about the
pedagogical effect of the experiment.
The experiment was conducted at several
universities: Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Ukrainian State University. Permission to
conduct the experiment was approved by the
academic councils of these universities and
considered by the ethics.
The choice of the methodology for diagnosing
the formation of individual indicators of physical
education and sports in the education system of
Ukraine was determined by their compliance
with such principles as validity, reliability,
accessibility, informativeness in use, relative
ease of processing empirical data, and the
possibility of frontal application. By validity, we
mean the indicator of suitability of certain
research methods, and quality assessment, used
under certain conditions in a specific situation. In
this way, it is possible to assess how applicable
and effective the chosen methods are and how
their effectiveness has been verified.
We assume that conducting an experiment with
the help of selected methods in the conditions of
the traditional system of professional training
will allow us to determine the main approaches
to the implementation of the conditions for the
formation of physical education and sports in the
education system of Ukraine.
In the experimental methodology during the
experiment, we show the role of video materials
in the innovative provision of the educational and
training process. In the educational process of
training future specialists in physical culture and
sports, the following options of innovation policy
are used: the policy of "innovation push",
"market orientation", "social orientation", and
"direction for changes". For high-quality
professional training of future specialists in
physical culture and sports, methodical bases for
the use of innovative types of motor activity have
been developed.
The purpose of the experiment was to check the
effectiveness of the implementation of the
proposed method of applying innovative
educational technologies in classes in higher
educational institutions for the formation of
multimedia competence of future specialists.
The inspection of the quality of assimilation by
future specialists of physical culture and sports of
educational topics from professional disciplines
confirmed the improvement of the results of
assimilation of the presented material with the
help of innovative educational technologies.
The analysis of the results showed minor changes
in the control group, but we can see a significant
increase in the quantitative indicators of the
criteria in the experimental group.
In particular, the personal and motivational
attitude of future physical culture and sports
specialists in educational activities increased by
28.1% in the experimental groups, by 5.6% in the
control groups; in the experimental groups, the
formation of general information literacy
increased by 30%, in the control groups - by
3.1%; the formation of the application of
innovative educational technologies and
multimedia-creative literacy in the experimental
groups increased by 30.6%, in the control groups
- by 2.6%.
So, as a result of the experiment, directions for
improving the training of future physical culture
and sports specialists using innovative
educational technologies were determined:
purposeful reflection of existing innovative
technologies in the training programs of
professional disciplines; close connection with
the school (experience of innovative teachers,
leading specialists in the field of physical culture
and sports), use of creative tasks and various
pedagogical situations, etc.
To assess the homogeneity of experimental and
control data, statistical processing was performed
using MS Excel and SPSS (Statistical Package
for Social Science).
Results and Discussion
In the field of physical culture and sports, the
following are characteristic features in the field
of public services: popularization of innovative
non-traditional forms of physical activity (slide
aerobics, aqua aerobics, step aerobics, body
combat, spin bike aerobics, body pump, fitball
gymnastics, zumba, stretching, jumping, bossa,
fly -fitness, kango jump, etc.); the emergence of
modern forms of motor activity (windsurfing,
freestyle, etc.); spread of healing systems
(qigong, hatha yoga, taijiquan, etc.) of the ancient
East; development of innovative forms of sports,
physical culture and rehabilitation, sports, and
mass work; revision for the field of physical
culture and sports of the content of "traditional"
professions (physical education teacher, trainer)
and the appearance of new ones (sports manager,
instructor-coach, sports, and mass work
instructor, commercial type of activity instructor,
etc.). The above indicates a demand for
specialists in the field of physical culture and
sports who teach different, innovative types of
motor activity; popularize, master, spread, and
demand a solution to the problem of high-quality
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
professional training based on the use of
innovative technologies and a methodological
base. Innovative technologies, which are used for
the training of future specialists in physical
culture and sports in the educational process,
strengthen the realization of intellectual
opportunities in the information society and
increase the quality of the educational process. A
large volume of theoretical material is included
in the training of specialists in physical culture
and sports, but the minimum number of training
hours is allocated to it, so the use of modern
innovative technologies is necessary for an
effective solution to this problem (Petrenko,
Every day there are more and more discoveries
that allow a person to create new innovative
techniques, set new records, and master new
approaches to training. For example, in athletics,
the use of poles made of synthetic materials
qualitatively improved their properties and
allowed athletes to raise the jump bar from 5 to 6
meters and change the jumping technique
altogether. Improvements in the arena of surfaces
allowed to change the technique and speed of
running, the rhythm of runners, and allowed them
to develop great speed. The materials from which
bicycles are made have significantly improved,
their design and management in cycling have
changed, and they have become much faster and
lighter than their predecessors. Such innovative
technologies affected all types of sports (Bida et
al., 2018).
Diagnostic equipment is also constantly being
improved, which makes it possible to manage the
future athlete's condition during training. The use
of systems and devices is simply necessary to
analyze information about the athlete during
exercise. Today, with the innovative use of video
recording devices for multiple reproductions of
the image of the athlete's movements, for further
adjustment of training, their analysis and
technique practice are mandatory. Tensometric
devices, which are widely used in the educational
and professional space, received an innovative
approach and registered the support reaction
when performing various exercises. Recently, to
conduct research in real-time during training and
competition, scientists have developed portable
devices; automated systems are actively used to
control athlete actions in team sports
(Shevchenko et al., 2022).
With the help of diagnostic equipment, data are
collected that allow optimization of the activities
of physical culture and sports specialists,
allowing the use of the best methods and means
of restoring and increasing sports performance,
systematic assessment of the level of physical
condition of students who attend sections of
swimming, athletics, basketball, football,
volleyball, handball, triathlon, etc. Innovative
development makes the structure of physical
education and sports in universities innovative
(Zakharova & Petrenko, 2017).
Video materials play an important role in the
innovative provision of the educational and
training process, which allows for providing
innovative information related to dynamic
processes (when conducting cultural and mass
sports events, teaching students motor actions,
analysis of tactical actions, biomechanical
characteristics, etc. Such materials can be
components of innovative programs and
pedagogical tools and can be used independently
in the form of a separate thematic video film
(Dróżdż et al., 2022).
With the appearance of special programs for
processing digital video information (Adobe
Premiere, Windows Movie Maker, etc.), digital
video cameras that allow the output of video
information to various media, editing, the work
of creating innovative materials with the
inclusion of video information has become much
easier (Ladyka et al., 2019). For example,
innovations in sports tourism are the creation of
new tourist routes and their meaningful
development, the selection of service
technologies with the use of new innovative
tourist resources, basic products, types of
tourism, information technologies, modern
achievements of science and technology, the
implementation of which allows improving the
tourist image of the country, economic
development of tourist enterprises. When
preparing sports tourist trips, and routes,
organizing orienteering competitions, and
training future physical culture and sports
specialists, it is advisable to use innovative
modern technologies, which during the
preparatory work allow you to save time,
increase the efficiency of planning tours, increase
the safety and comfort of sports tourist trips, and
make innovative training of future physical
culture and sports specialists (Pylnenkyi, 2021).
To analyze the state of implementation of
innovative educational technologies and video
materials in the innovative provision of the
educational and training process, which became
possible for use with the appearance of special
programs for processing digital video
information, digital video cameras that allow the
output of video information to various media, the
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
definition of different options for innovative
policy (policy of "innovative impetus", "market
orientation", "social orientation", "direction for
change") and clarification of the multifaceted
specificity of innovative educational
innovations, an ascertaining experiment was
At this stage of the experimental work, the
following methods were used: research of
students' creative works, questionnaires,
interviews, pedagogical observation, student
self-assessment, teachers' expert assessment,
generalization, and analysis.
In our opinion, the use of innovative educational
technologies and video materials in the
innovative provision of the educational and
training process, which are possible for use with
the appearance of special programs for
processing digital video information, digital
video cameras that allow the output of video
information on various media, the definition of
various options for innovative policies, the
multifaceted specificity of innovative
educational innovations contribute to the
formation of multimedia competence of students
of higher education institutions. We invited the
respondents to express their opinions on certain
judgments to find out the availability of skills to
work in the telecommunications environment of
education and the attitude of students to the use
of innovative educational technologies in the
educational process.
To do this, we developed a questionnaire
consisting of questions divided into two blocks.
The first block included questions aimed at
identifying the state of application of innovative
educational technologies in the educational
The questionnaire was prepared for both students
and teachers. As a result of the analysis of the
answers, we concluded that (72%) of the
majority of respondents consider it mandatory to
use innovative educational technologies in
education during the study of projects. This
increases the scope of the educational process
and provides a practical direction.
In the educational process, increasing the
motivation of students in higher education
creates conditions for their successful self-
realization in the future. At the same time, half of
the respondents (57%) are fluent in innovative
computer technologies.
To the question: "Do you use innovative
information technologies in the educational
process?" 38% of respondents answered "yes".
The next question was: "Do you use multimedia
technologies in the educational process?". Here,
59% of respondents gave a positive answer.
The questions of the second block were aimed at
studying the state of training of future physical
culture and sports specialists to work in an
innovative educational environment and their
participation in international programs and
29% of respondents can work in an innovative
telecommunications educational environment of
a higher education institution. Only 9% know
international programs.
Regarding the development of methodological
materials for participation in projects of
innovative educational technologies and their use
during the training of future physical culture and
sports specialists, 17% gave a positive answer.
Having analyzed all the answers of first-year
students, it can be stated that the majority of
future specialists in physical education and sports
are not ready to use innovative multimedia
We have determined the criteria for diagnosing
the formed and existing readiness of future
physical culture and sports specialists to use
innovative means of education in educational
activities (personal-motivational, multimedia-
creative literacy, general information literacy)
and their indicators.
Levels of readiness of future specialists in
physical culture and sports to use innovative
multimedia educational tools in educational
activities have been established based on the
analysis of defined criteria: low, medium, and
A low level is characteristic of future specialists
in physical culture and sports at the level of
computer user knowledge, students lack creative
imagination, show weak initiative in learning, are
unable to analyze and select material in
electronic form, work independently with a
multimedia product, do not show interest to
classes with the use of innovative technologies,
do not know how to perceive educational
information in electronic form.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The average level is characteristic of future
specialists in physical culture and sports, who are
aware of the need to use information
technologies in professional activities, know how
to select and analyze innovative products; they
have the basics of working with a computer, they
show episodic interest in multimedia learning,
they do not show creative approaches when using
innovative learning tools.
A high level is typical for future physical culture
and sports specialists who have the skills and
ability to operate information in electronic form;
have a persistent and purposeful attitude to the
educational process with the aim of perfect
preparation for their professional specialty; show
creative approaches to the development of
lessons with multimedia elements; have a
persistent need for further self-improvement,
self-discovery, a rich professional imagination;
show a sustained long-term interest in learning
with the use of innovative means of education;
actively perceive information in electronic form;
they are characterized by the use with the
appearance of special programs for processing
digital video information, digital video cameras
that allow the output of video information on
various media, the definition of various options
for innovation policy (the policy of "innovation
push", "market orientation", "social orientation",
"direction for change") and elucidation of the
multifaceted nature of innovative educational
We have determined the criteria for determining
the formation of multimedia competence of
future physical culture and sports specialists to
analyze the state of implementation of innovative
educational technologies and video materials in
the innovative provision of the educational and
training process: personal and motivational,
multimedia and creative literacy, general
information literacy.
The personal and motivational criterion is
characterized by the fact that future specialists in
physical culture and sports show interest in the
use of innovative educational technologies in
classes, and have a persistent need for the
development of computer literacy, and self-
The criterion of multimedia and creative literacy
is characterized by the fact that future physical
culture and sports specialists show creative
approaches to the development of classes with
elements of innovative educational technologies;
can create their own multimedia presentations
when studying educational material and master
the basic knowledge of working with the
Microsoft PowerPoint program for future
physical culture and sports specialists to create
their own educational multimedia products, i.e.
acquisition of future physical culture and sports
specialists competence in the field of application
of innovative educational technologies.
The criterion of general information literacy is
characterized by the fact that future specialists in
physical culture and sports have the skills and
ability to operate information in electronic form
and show a long-term stable interest in education
with the use of innovative educational
The confirmatory experiment made it possible to
identify the following levels in future physical
culture and sports specialists:
high level of readiness of future physical
culture and sports specialists to use
innovative educational technologies in
educational activities is inherent in a small
number of respondents (a high level was
found in 10.2% of future physical culture
and sports specialists);
average level of readiness of future physical
culture and sports specialists is 34.4%;
low level of readiness of future physical
culture and sports specialists 55.4%.
The majority of future specialists in physical
culture and sports do not have the skills and
abilities to operate information in electronic
form, do not know how to rationally organize
their study time when working with innovative
educational technologies, and do not see the need
to apply innovative educational technologies in
their activities.
Therefore, the study of the levels of knowledge
formation of future physical culture and sports
specialists showed that today's students are not
sufficiently prepared to work with innovative
educational technologies, during their training,
the main attention is paid to the formation of
basic knowledge, they have not developed
multimedia competence.
Therefore, we in the experimental groups worked
on improving the implementation of innovative
educational technologies and video materials in
the provision of the educational and training
process, which became possible for use with the
appearance of special programs for processing
digital video information, digital video cameras
that allow the output of video information on
various media, the definition of various options
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
innovation policy (the policy of "innovative
push", "market orientation", "social orientation",
"direction for change") and showing the
advantages of the multifaceted specificity of
innovative educational innovations and the
formation of multimedia competence of students.
In the educational process of training future
specialists in physical culture and sports, the
following options for innovation policy are
defined: the policy of "innovative push", "market
orientation", "social orientation", and "direction
for change".
The unity of the three components of the
innovation process is emphasized in the
methodology of innovation: creation,
development, and implementation of innovations
and is the object of study in pedagogical
The subject of pedagogical innovation includes a
system of relationships that are created in
educational innovation activity, which is aimed
at the formation of the personality of subjects in
the process of training future specialists in
physical culture and sports.
Innovations are characterized by quality
improvement of the training process of future
physical culture and sports specialists, novelty,
and results and are reflected in innovative,
improved, or new components (content, purpose,
methods, forms, means, structure, results),
educational technologies (didactic, managerial,
educational), scientific developments, innovative
technical means, etc.
We will show the multifaceted nature of
innovative educational innovations:
have a mandatory influence on subjects in
the process of training future specialists in
physical culture and sports;
are carried out through the interaction of
subjects of pedagogical interaction;
their main driving force is not the motive of
introducing profit.
Innovation must comply with the principles
according to the characteristics of
innovation processes:
creation of a new innovative system of
training future specialists in physical
education and sports;perception of all
innovative things by the social and
pedagogical community;
the application of pedagogical innovations
(a system of recommendations for practical
and theoretical application, knowledge of
innovative educational processes of training
future specialists in physical culture and
sports and their management) (Voloshyna,
Analyzing traditional and innovative learning
technologies in the conditions of informatization
of education in institutions of higher education,
we will emphasize the importance and necessity
of the existence of forms of distance learning in
the world, in particular: Adaptive learning;
Blended learning; E-learning (Lishchynska,
The use of multimedia presentations significantly
increases the quality of training of future
specialists in physical culture and sports, and
makes the educational process more innovative,
richer, more dynamic, and more vivid, since the
coverage of various directions of theoretical
issues can be visually directly demonstrated.
Practical assimilation of educational material by
future physical culture and sports specialists
using a computer workshop provides an
opportunity to gain new knowledge using
innovative methods, promote health
preservation, improve movement programs, and
contribute to the creation of safety conditions
when performing sports and coaching work, in
the process of physical education culture at
school, during physical rehabilitation of patients
and athletes (Skydan et al., 2017).
When training future specialists in physical
culture and sports, information technologies
provide opportunities to more efficiently train
specialists with the help of information support
for application during consideration of
theoretical issues, since students can prepare
their reports using official websites within the
limits of advance tasks (Petrenko, 2018).
The use of blended learning in modern conditions
of education modernization in the professional
training of future physical culture and sports
specialists is a promising and urgent issue within
the framework of the organization of the
innovative educational process of higher
education institutions (Savonova, 2019).
In the process of training future specialists in
physical culture and sports in institutions of
higher education, cloud technologies, which
were initially used in the application of free
hosting of postal services, as virtual postal
services, became necessary. In connection with
the fact that in the scientific literature, there were
no theoretical and practical data on the use of
cloud technologies, other cloud services were
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
practically not used for educational purposes, and
there were no skills of education seekers
regarding the practical use of cloud technologies.
And in recent years, students and teachers have
begun to value innovative IT applications
(Vakaliuk, 2016). The main problems of
introducing cloud technologies into the
educational process of professional training of
future specialists in physical culture and sports
include problems with the transfer of specialized
software to the "cloud", data security, the need
for a high-quality permanent connection to the
Internet, the imperfection of the legal framework
that defines the duties and the rights of all parties
to educational activity (Denysova, 2017).
A methodological basis was developed for the
high-quality professional training of future
physical culture and sports specialists to use
innovative types of motor activity:
1) at the philosophical level of the methodology
the dialectical law of unity and the struggle
of opposites, existential and dialectical
approaches, which determines the need for
awareness, identification, and overcoming
of internal and external contradictions that
are revealed in the course of the educational
process (between personal resources and the
requirements placed on a person); in the
implementation of the professional activity
of physical culture and sports specialists
(between the market and pedagogical
aspects of the activity of physical culture and
sports specialists);
2) at the general scientific level of the
methodology, we will highlight the
importance of a systemic approach, which
allows us to consider the professional
training of future physical culture and sports
specialists in a higher education institution
as a pedagogical innovative open system,
which includes the following interrelated
components: principles, systemic factors,
purpose, the content of education, subjects,
and conditions of the innovative educational
process, forms, and methods of the
innovative process, means of education,
criteria for the effectiveness of the
innovative educational process;
3) at the concrete-scientific level of the
methodology, we distinguish the main
innovative, reductionist, professional-
personal, activity-based, health-improving,
bio-socio-cultural, and gender approaches;
4) at the technological level of methodology
teaching methods (Atamaniuk, 2022).
To find out the main effective innovative
educational technologies in the process of
professional training of future physical culture
and sports specialists, we tested their
effectiveness experimentally. The meaning of
innovation was revealed and innovative
technologies were presented as necessary for
today's education (Semenikhina et al., 2022).
In the experimental methodology, during the
formative experiment, we show the role of video
materials in the innovative provision of the
educational and training process. In the
educational process of training future specialists
in physical culture and sports, the following
options of innovation policy are applied: the
policy of "innovative push", "market
orientation", "social orientation", and "direction
for change". The multifaceted nature of
innovative educational innovations is shown, and
the importance and necessity of the existence of
forms of innovative education, the use of
multimedia presentations, mixed and distance
learning, and cloud technologies are proven. For
high-quality professional training of future
specialists in physical culture and sports, a
methodological basis was written to use
innovative types of motor activity.
The purpose of the formative experiment was to
check the effectiveness of implementing such a
proposed method of applying innovative
educational technologies in classes in higher
education institutions to form multimedia
competence in future specialists.
The inspection of the quality of mastering
educational topics from professional disciplines
by future specialists in physical culture and
sports confirmed the improvement of the results
of mastering the material taught with the help of
innovative educational technologies.
When checking the quality of learning the
material and mastering technologies, we used the
Student's t-test. At all stages of calculations, it
turned out that tcalc. > ttable, assuming the
possibility of the risk of making false conclusions
in five cases out of a hundred ( 0,05).
Therefore, the null hypothesis (H0) that the use
of innovative educational technologies in the
study of professional topics does not improve the
assimilation of educational material, that is, the
difference between the old and new methods of
the educational process of future physical culture
and sports specialists is equal to zero, is rejected,
and the alternative hypothesis is accepted (H1),
in particular, that the study of educational topics
offered to future specialists in physical culture
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
and sports with the help of innovative
educational technologies contributes to the
improvement of the results of assimilation of the
material, which speaks of the significant
advantages of such experimental training.
After the completion of the formative
experiment, future specialists in physical culture
and sports in educational activities were
diagnosed with the level of readiness for the use
of innovative educational technologies with the
help of defined criteria.
The analysis of the results showed minor changes
in the control group, but we can see a significant
increase in the quantitative indicators of the
criteria in the experimental group.
In particular, the personal and motivational
attitude of future physical culture and sports
specialists to the use of innovative educational
technologies in educational activities increased
by 28.1% in the experimental groups, and by
5.6% in the control groups; in the experimental
groups, the formation of general information
literacy increased by 30%, in the control groups
by 3.1%; the formation of the application of
innovative educational technologies and
multimedia-creative literacy in the experimental
groups increased by 30.6%, in the control groups
by 2.6%. The readiness of future physical
culture and sports specialists of the experimental
and control groups to use innovative educational
technologies in educational activities before and
after the formative experiment is presented in the
table. 1.
Table 1.
The dynamics of readiness of future physical culture and sports specialists of the experimental and control
groups to use innovative educational technologies before and after the experiment.
Experimental group
Control group
before (%)
after (%)
before (%)
after (%)
Therefore, the use of innovative educational
technologies in experimental groups during the
teaching of professional disciplines contributed
to the creation of a positive mood in class, the
diversification of forms of educational activity,
and the formation of new skills and abilities, as a
result of which the respondents of the
experimental groups showed better results in
terms of their readiness to use innovative
educational technologies (Fig. 1, Fig. 2).
Figure. 1. Levels of readiness of EG and CG to use innovative educational technologies in the educational
activities of future physical culture and sports specialists before the start of the experiment.
High Average Low
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure. 2. Levels of readiness of EG and CG to use innovative educational technologies in the educational
activities of future physical culture and sports specialists after conducting the experiment.
It should be noted that the analysis of the results
of the formative experiment allows us to talk
about a significant improvement in the results of
assimilation by future physical culture and sports
specialists of the professional material studied
with the help of innovative educational
technologies, and this contributed to increasing
the level of readiness of future physical culture
and sports specialists to use innovative
educational technologies in educational activities
(the number of future physical culture and sports
specialists with a high level of readiness
increased by 14.6% and the number of future
physical culture and sports specialists with an
average level of readiness increased by 17.2%).
Future specialists in physical culture and sports
receive and improve the ability to create their
own multimedia projects, independent work with
innovative educational technologies, acquire
skills and abilities to operate with information in
electronic form, organize their study time while
working with an innovative product, the ability
to use innovative educational technologies in
independent activities, learned to develop classes
with elements of innovative educational
technologies. This contributed to the formation
of the personality of a creative future specialist in
physical culture and sports, who has a constant
need for further self-improvement, self-
discovery, and a rich creative imagination.
The comparison of the obtained results makes it
possible to conclude positive qualitative changes
in the formation of the readiness of future
physical culture and sports specialists to use
innovative educational technologies in
educational and professional activities, which
indicates the effectiveness of the proposed
method of applying innovative educational
technologies in classes in institutions of higher
education to form multimedia competence in
future specialists.
So, as a result, we will determine directions in
improving the training of future specialists in
physical culture and sports using innovative
educational technologies: purposeful reflection
of existing innovative technologies in training
programs of professional disciplines; close
relationship with the school (experience of
innovative teachers, leading experts in the field
of physical culture and sports), use of creative
tasks and various pedagogical situations, etc.
A modern specialist in physical culture and
sports should know:
1) content of innovative Ossetian technologies;
2) forms, principles, and methods of organizing
innovative training in the field of physical
culture and sports;
3) psychological-pedagogical, medical-
biological, and sociocultural foundations of
innovative educational technologies in the
field of physical education and sports.
Thus, it was established that the modern system
of higher education provides for the introduction
High Average Low
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of innovative educational technologies in the
professional training of future specialists in
physical education and sports under the condition
of the development and preservation of traditions
and achievements of higher education. Holistic
and essential constant updating of educational
theory and practice in the field of physical culture
and sports teacher training will be provided by
physical culture and health and psychological
and pedagogical innovative educational
technologies (Shynkariov & Kostenko, 2016).
Therefore, the use of innovative educational
technologies in the professional training of future
physical culture and sports specialists is
constantly being improved in connection with the
acceleration of scientific and technical progress,
new innovative educational technologies that
penetrate all aspects of human life, while opening
new horizons for achieving positive educational
and professional results, offering high-tech
equipment and equipment for educational and
professional activities.
The use of innovative educational technologies,
which are implemented during the professional
training of future physical culture and sports
specialists, contributes to the formation of
sustainable motivation for physical development,
health preservation, physical training, forms
practical skills for independent physical
exercises, expands movement experience, helps
the development of a creative personality,
contributes to the improvement and increase of
personal results, conducting active recreation,
ensures the effective formation of positive
motivation for a healthy lifestyle in young people
(Pylnenkyi, 2021).
As a result of the analysis of literary sources,
we found out the insufficiency of scientific
research on the problem of modern trends in
physical education and sports in the education
system of Ukraine, the insufficiently studied
traditional education system, which is unable
to ensure the organic entry of a new generation
of specialists into the complex and rapidly
changing sphere of various educational needs
activities of modern higher education.
Therefore, we conducted an experimental
verification of the effectiveness of the
implementation of the method of applying
innovative educational technologies in classes
at higher educational institutions for the
formation of multimedia competence of future
In the process of professional training of future
specialists in physical culture and sports, the
main effective innovative educational
technologies were clarified and ways of their
use were proposed.
The content of innovation (the process by
which a new potential for actions is developed
or new assets are created, i.e. it is the process
of creating new things with the help of creative
thinking and technologically necessary
channels) is revealed and innovative
technologies are presented as necessary for
education today.
The role of video materials in innovative
provision of the educational and training
process is shown, which became possible for
use with the appearance of special programs
for processing digital video information
(Adobe Premiere, Windows Movie Maker,
etc.), digital video cameras that allow the
output of video information on various media.
In the educational process of training future
specialists in physical culture and sports, the
main options for innovative policy are defined.
The multifaceted nature of innovative
educational innovations is shown.
Analyzing traditional and innovative learning
technologies in conditions of informatization
of education in institutions of higher
education, they emphasized the importance
and necessity of the existence in the world of
forms of distance learning, the use of
multimedia presentations, mixed learning, and
cloud technologies.
For high-quality professional training of future
specialists in physical culture and sports, a
methodological basis is described to use
innovative types of motor activity.
An experimental study was conducted, the
results of which allow concluding positive
changes in the formation of the readiness of
future physical culture and sports specialists to
use innovative educational technologies in
educational and professional activities, which
indicates the effectiveness of the proposed
method of applying innovative educational
technologies in classes in institutions of higher
education to form multimedia competence in
future specialists.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Directions in improving the training of future
specialists in physical culture and sports using
innovative educational technologies have been
We consider further research to be the
implementation of the issues of introducing
into the educational process of professional
training of future physical culture and sports
specialists the technologies of contextual
learning, the organization of distance learning,
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