www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.71.11.14
How to Cite:
Leleka, V., Khrolenko, M., Kushnir, A., Protsenko, I., & Petriv, A. (2023). Theoretical and methodological approaches to the
educational potential of students in higher education institutions. Amazonia Investiga, 12(71), 162-174.
Theoretical and methodological approaches to the educational
potential of students in higher education institutions
Теоретико-методологічні підходи виховного потенціалу студентів у закладах вищої освіти
Received: September 5, 2023 Accepted: October 26, 2023
Written by:
Vitaliі Leleka1
Maryna Khrolenko2
Antonina Kushnir3
Iryna Protsenko4
Andrii Petriv5
The article examines the effective aspects of the
identified necessary theoretical and methodological
approaches that are most important for the theory of
development and the process of personality
education in institutions of higher education
ontological, anthropological, valuable, axiological,
regional, acmeological, cultural, competence,
humanistic, synergistic, environmental,
praxeological, systemic, personal approaches. In
the context of the formation of theoretical and
methodological humanitarian approaches to
upbringing and education, there is a revival of the
value attitude to upbringing, actualization of the
human-creating function. An exploratory and
experimental study was conducted, the purpose of
which was to identify and verify the effectiveness
of theoretical and methodological approaches in the
institution of higher education to the process of
education, which contribute to dynamic changes in
the field of education on a global scale, occurring in
the life of mankind and in all spheres of
professional activity of modern specialists and
Doctor of Philosophy in the field of Education, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, V. О.
Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: IWU-4464-2023
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biology, Human Health and Science Methods, Oleksandr
Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAS-9646-2021
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy, Professional Education and Management of
Educational Institutions, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: IRZ-1584-2023
Postgraduate Student, Department of Pedagogy, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: JKI-7378-2023
Leleka, V., Khrolenko, M., Kushnir, A., Protsenko, I., Petriv, A. / Volume 12 - Issue 71: 162-174 / November, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
require changes in the educational paradigm for
innovative professional training of specialists. The
experiment showed that the developed educational
and pedagogical foundations of the interaction of
teachers and students, ways of forming professional
educational influences based on the effective
theoretical and methodological approaches to the
education process that we identified, increase the
quality of professional training of future specialists.
Keywords: educational process, theoretical and
methodological approaches, institutions of higher
education, students, educational paradigm.
New challenges of civilization caused by the
development of the scientific field and
information technologies in education; radical
changes taking place in the modern information
society; the magnitude of the tasks facing the
educational sector require a new way of thinking,
a new quality of innovative activity (Kolomiets
& Lazarenko, 2016).
Dynamic changes occurring in all areas of
professional activity of modern specialists
require the determination of methodological
approaches and changes in the educational
paradigm in institutions of higher education for
innovative professional training of specialists
and education of leadership qualities in
specialists (Cherkashyn, 2019).
One of the oldest and most important tasks for
the development of an "intelligent" society is
personality education. When training specialists
in the field of education at the current stage of
education development, various theoretical and
methodological approaches should be used as a
priority. For the future specialist, the integration
of theoretical and methodological approaches
contributes to the optimization of the
mechanisms of his professional formation and
the development of the pedagogical sphere in
general, the process of nurturing a valuable
attitude to life and society of future specialists, in
particular (Molchaniuk, 2018).
Literature Review
H. Tarasenko & T. Halych (2022) substantiated
the new educational priorities of education from
a methodological perspective; analyzed the
peculiarities of reforming the educational sector,
showed the importance of education based on a
cultural approach. The methodology of the
research of the education process is based on the
use of activity, competence, cultural, axiological
approaches in the study of educational
phenomena. It shows the ways in the modern
educational process of the cultural paradigm,
which is based on a number of such dominant
axiology, which are consonant with human
universal values. Ensuring the technological and
axiological culture of the educational process in
the individual during the acquisition of education
will allow raising education and society to the
appropriate level of competence, which will meet
the standards of world education.
N. Todosiienko & T. Marynchuk (2020) devoted
their research to the current problems of
educating younger schoolchildren, substantiated
the possible ways of aesthetic perception in
primary school children and revealed their
methodological approaches, showed the
peculiarities of their implementation in the
educational process of the modern school. In
order to use the creative potential of the students
of education, the testing and selection of a set of
innovative methods for activating the perception
of society in primary school children was carried
out as much as possible. In the context of the
formation of a highly spiritual, creative
personality, a complex of cultural arts is applied
with the aim of aesthetic perception by the
individual of the educational space and mastering
the system of holistic knowledge about art in
H. Lialiuk (2020) studied the problem of raising
orphaned children during their stay in state care
institutions. In the conditions of transformational
changes, the need to strengthen the relevance of
personal support for the growth of orphans is
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
shown. In the context of the personal paradigm,
the theoretical and methodological principles of
the educational process of orphans are
substantiated. Methodological approaches
(personal-active, personal, subjective,
humanistic, synergistic) necessary for organizing
the education of orphans were analyzed. In the
context of the personal paradigm, the strategy of
humanistic education of the acquirer of the
educational space determines the load of
humanistic technological means of its
implementation, while characteristic important
features are pedagogical support and assistance;
dialogicity, empathic attitude towards the child
as an individual, etc.
A. Kolomiets, & N. Lazarenko (2016) concluded
about the importance and necessity of a new
pedagogical methodology of professional
education based on the analysis of changes in the
innovative society. The methodological basis of
the organization of activities of higher education
institutions is disclosed; the process of symbiosis
of various methodological approaches is shown
in the organization of the educational process.
The main methodological approaches that
require the implementation of a holistic
educational process in institutions of higher
education (synergistic, systemic, activity,
personal, axiological, competence, cultural) are
defined. Scientists have proven by examples that
a graduate of a modern innovative higher school,
on the basis of acquired knowledge and values,
should be ready to construct their own behavioral
programs, possess information flows, be ready
for personal life and self-realization in society, be
able to analyze life-practical situations.
A. Cherkashyn (2019) shows the main
methodological approaches in institutions of
higher education regarding the formation of the
personality of future specialists-leaders. In all
spheres of professional activity, the dynamism of
changes of modern specialists has been proven,
which require changes in the educational
paradigm and the definition of innovative,
methodological approaches with the aim of
educating leading specialists and quality
professional training in higher education
institutions. The ways that ensure the functioning
and organization of social production of a
competitive specialist and the formation of the
phenomenon of leadership, which is one of the
main system-forming factors in society, are
shown. It has been proven that in order to
promote the formation of a high level of
professionalism in higher education institutions,
it is necessary to take into account approaches
(personal, cultural, axiological, activity,
synergistic, systemic, competence).
O. Molchaniuk (2018) revealed and proved the
significance of the methodology; substantiated
methodological approaches for the educational
and educational field: axiological (value),
ecopsychological, competence, cultural,
noospheric, etc.; revealed the content of the
conceptual development of the foundations of
upbringing and education. The paradigm of
personal education is presented by the researcher
as one that affirms and declares the child as the
highest value in life, implies the recognition of
his originality, individuality, self-worth. The
student is presented as an individual who can
independently choose such a path and direction
of education and upbringing, which will help the
individual achieve the best significant results.
L. Butenko (2015) presented, as a component of
methodological support, the essence of the
regional approach to the study of the problem of
the educational process in the socio-cultural
modern conditions of the educational space. The
importance for the educational space of the
interdisciplinary context of the definition of the
basic theoretical foundations for the regional
approach has been revealed and proven. The
author's developed complex of concepts
representing the scientific innovative core of the
regional approach for the educational space is
presented. The relationship between the concepts
of "regionalization" and "globalization" is
highlighted in the scientific and pedagogical
discourse. The main principles and conditions of
use in scientific and pedagogical research of the
regional approach in general and in the study of
the problems of the educational process in
particular are characterized.
N. Dira (2020) revealed the essence of the
methodology; considered the main methodical
approaches of secondary school students to the
education of a valuable attitude to nature;
substantiated the content of education of
ecological culture in secondary school students,
showed ways of forming a valuable attitude to
living nature as a separate component that should
be used, focusing on modern methodological
approaches, in particular cultural, competence,
noospheric, ecopsychological, valuable
(axiological), etc.; noted that the level of
ecological culture lies in the improvement of
human qualities. She proved that the educational
sector is the main influential instrument on
human consciousness.
So, our analysis of the sources testifies to various
aspects of the ways to the formation of the
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
educational phenomenon. The main substantive
dominants of the education of future specialists
in the educational process of the higher school
are shown; the significance of the methodology
is proven; a conclusion is made about the
importance and necessity of a new methodology
of professional education based on the analysis
of changes in the innovative society. But the
theoretical and methodological approaches to the
educational process in the higher education
institution have not been considered enough.
The aim of the study. To consider and single out
theoretical and methodological approaches in
institutions of higher education to the process of
education, which require dynamic changes in the
world that occur in all spheres of professional
activity of modern specialists and require
changes in the educational paradigm for
innovative professional training of specialists.
At various stages of scientific work, we used a
set of methods of scientific and pedagogical
research: general scientific: analysis of
monographic studies of experts on the theoretical
component of education, sociological,
philosophical, psychological, pedagogical
literature on the problems of globalization,
reforming education to determine the main
approaches to the process of education in
institutions of higher education; synthesis and
analysis of educational materials to achieve a
holistic understanding of theoretical and
methodological approaches to the process of
education as a pedagogical phenomenon;
specification and generalization of theoretical
provisions to determine the research
methodology of the education process in
institutions of higher education; deduction and
induction to establish the ratio of specific and
general in the process of education,
substantiation of trends in personality
development in institutions of higher education;
concrete-scientific: terminological analysis
with the aim of studying educational sources that
report on the activities of higher education
institutions in the process of improving the
education process, with the aim of comparing the
content of educational concepts and terms;
comparative-typological method with the
purpose of explaining the identity of processes
and phenomena of theoretical-methodological
approaches to education in institutions of higher
education; comparative-comparative method to
identify the nature of heterogeneous objects in
the process of education in higher education
institutions; exploratory and experimental with
the aim of checking the effective aspects of the
necessary theoretical and methodological
approaches identified by us, which are the most
important for the theory of development and the
process of personality education in institutions of
higher education.
Pedagogical research covered three stages of
scientific research:
1) analytical-methodological the evolution of
theoretical-methodological approaches to
the education process was studied in
institutions of higher education; the source
base of the research was formed;
sociological, philosophical, pedagogical
scientific literature was analyzed;
methodological principles were theoretically
substantiated; research problem;
2) evaluative and summarizing researched
sources; a comparative-typological,
comparative-historical, comparative-
comparative analysis of the main concepts
and ideas was carried out; specific and
general characteristics of the educational
process in institutions of higher education,
problems of the functioning of the
educational process, trends in the
development of theoretical and
methodological approaches to the
educational process in institutions of higher
education were determined;
3) result-prognostic the results of the study of
pedagogical theory and practice were
summarized; perspectives of theoretical and
methodological approaches to the process of
education in higher education institutions
were revealed.
We considered the effective aspects of the
identified necessary theoretical and
methodological approaches, which are most
important for the theory of development and the
process of personality education in institutions of
higher education.
Our scientific and experimental work was aimed
at checking the effectiveness of theoretical and
methodological approaches to the organization of
the educational process in a higher educational
institution. The experiment took place in several
stages. Students of 3-4 years participated in it.
The experiment was conducted at several
universities: V. O. Sukhomlynskyi National
University of Mykolaiv; Oleksandr Dovzhenko
Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University;
National University of Life and Environmental
Sciences of Ukraine. Permission to conduct the
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
experiment was approved by the academic
councils of these universities and considered by
the ethics committee of these educational
To assess the homogeneity of experimental and
control data, statistical processing was performed
using MS Excel and SPSS (Statistical Package
for Social Science).
The purpose of the experimental study was to
check the effectiveness of theoretical and
methodological approaches of a higher
educational institution to the learning process,
which contribute to dynamic changes in the field
of education on a global scale that occur in life.
humanity and in all spheres of professional
activity of modern specialists and require
changes in the educational paradigms of
innovative professional training of specialists.
The research was planned and conducted in
accordance with the main approaches to the
organization of a pedagogical experiment and
covered three stages of scientific research:
analytical and methodical; evaluative and
generalizing; result-prognostic, which are
disclosed above. It should be noted that this
division was quite conditional. Specific tasks
were developed for each stage, which determined
its content.
As part of our research, we have planned:
ascertaining (preparatory) and formative
(educational) stages of the experiment.
To evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed
methodology, a comparative experiment was
conducted, which involves the formation of
experimental and control groups. Groups of 22-
24 students each (about 50 people in total)
participated in the experiment.
Having analyzed the variety of approaches to
determining the criteria for the effectiveness of
educational methods, it was found that:
the level of assimilation of the process of
theoretical and methodological approaches
in the higher educational institution to the
learning process or the quality of their
level of formation of educational skills.
A comparison of the results in the experimental
and control groups makes it possible to assert that
the effective theoretical and methodological
approaches to the learning process proposed in
the study and identified by us, their use in higher
education institutions contribute to improving
the quality of educational and professional
training of students.
As a result of research and experimental work,
the effective aspects of the necessary theoretical
and methodological approaches, which are the
most important for the theory of development
and the process of personality education in higher
education institutions, have been determined -
ontological, anthropological, value, axiological,
regional, acmeological, cultural, competence,
humanistic - proven synergistic, environmental ,
praxeological, systemic, personal approaches.
So, in the context of the formation of theoretical
and methodological humanitarian approaches to
upbringing and education, there is a revival of the
value attitude to upbringing, actualization of the
human-creating function.
Results and Discussion
Taking into account the most important trends in
the development of educational work in the
institution of higher education, we are guided by
the main effective and weighty approaches in the
development, education, training of the
individual (Polishchuk et al., 2022).
Let's consider the effective aspects of the
identified necessary theoretical and
methodological approaches, which are most
important for the theory of development and the
process of personality education in institutions of
higher education (Bekh, 2018).
The ontological approach from the point of view
of the logic of being a pupil and an educator
examines the problems of education in the
temporal space and is closely related to
anthropological and existential research methods
(Ponomaryova, 2014).
The anthropological approach substantiates the
ontology (methodology) of understanding, which
makes it possible to consider approaches for the
purpose of studying the processes of upbringing
and the educational influence on the personality
on the basis of interpretationism. This implies the
inclusion of the entire integrity of the subject's
mental and spiritual life in the process of
understanding the spiritual personal reality
(Zhuravel et al., 2022).
The anthropological approach aims at a specific
humanistic, philosophical orientation as a
methodological and worldview preparation for
the research activity of a specialist, the practical
activity of an educator, and as a general
orientation of the individual. This is the
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
peculiarity of the anthropological approach.
Therefore, the subject, the value of education and
its purpose from the point of view of an
anthropological approach is Personality and its
existence in the world space (Chymak et al.,
An important theoretical-methodological
approach to the process of education in a higher
education institution is the value approach, which
directs researchers to obtain values as the
meaning-making basis of the education of higher
education seekers, which are understood as
examples of a dignified, cultural life of society
and man; which makes it possible to understand
the examples of a person's personal culture
approved by society and passed down from
generation to generation, the values of education,
its cultural content, reflected in the examples of
educational relations, the spiritual manifestation
of a person, in educational theories, technologies,
systems (Ponomaryova, 2014).
In the educational activity of a modern institution
of higher education, the axiological approach
allows recognizing the vital and personally
significant needs of the individual as the self-
development of the subjects of the educational
process, as the highest value of human
development, as the value of education and
upbringing; in the process of education in a
higher education institution, the axiological
approach warns against the danger of intuitive
ideas about human values, orients to the
identification of various connections of human
self-realization. The axiological approach
defines a person as the end in itself of social
development and education, the highest goal of
society; orients interaction on national, universal,
professional values as an extended reproduction
of socio-cultural experience (Kolomiets &
Lazarenko, 2016).
In a modern institution of higher education, the
axiological approach fulfills the role of a
connecting link between a practical and cognitive
attitude to the world and educational influences
(theory and practice), since the content of
educational, effective, evaluation and goal
aspects of the life of a student of higher education
is determined by the orientation of the activity of
the student of education to actualization,
recognition , understanding and creation of
material and spiritual educational values
(Molchaniuk, 2018).
In studies of educational problems, the regional
approach is associated with the study of the
content, methods, forms of patriotic, aesthetic,
moral, and other directions of educational
influence on education seekers at the regional
level; improvement of education management,
development of regional education systems, use
of regional ethno-cultural traditions, formation of
ethno-pedagogical culture of future specialists,
etc (Bialyk, 2017).
The regional theoretical-methodological
approach in the system of higher education
involves taking into account ethno-cultural,
sociological, political, psychological scientific
research, taking into account the specifics of the
region; involves a transition to the disclosure of
the functional potential of various elements of the
socio-cultural space from the declarative and
descriptive aspects of the study of education
problems; in the solution of regional problems of
education and the process of upbringing,
involves the implementation of social
partnership. The regional approach acquires
special importance in the space of practice and
theory of patriotic education of higher education
students (Butenko, 2015).
The next theoretical and methodological
approach to the process of education in a higher
education institution is the acmeological
approach, which consists in reproducing the
integrity of the subject, in a comprehensive
The essence of the acmeological approach
consists in carrying out research that is
comprehensive for the formation of the integrity
of the subject who is passing the degree of
maturity, in the study of his subject-activity and
personal characteristics, which are studied in all
relationships, in unity, with the aim of
contributing to the achievement high levels of
personal development, which can be reached by
every student in a higher education institution
(Ponomaryova, 2014).
The theoretical-methodological cultural
approach to the process of education in a higher
education institution considers education as a
culture-creating process that contributes to the
value-meaning development of an individual and
takes place in a certain cultural and informational
In the educational field of higher education, the
cultural approach is the basis of humanistic
pedagogy. It contributes to the formation of
personality in the modern historical and cultural
conditions of life, which includes education and
upbringing (Gumennykova et al., 2022).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
From the point of view of the cultural approach,
the main subject of research is the personality in
the system of value relations to others, to the
world, to oneself, which is oriented to humanistic
ideals; it has inherent values that are provided by
an axiological approach (creativity, morality,
intellectual personal potential) and with the help
of which a person in a higher education
institution is capable of self-correction of his
activity, his self-regulation and self-analysis.
There is an interaction with this approach to
educational activity: between a practical and
theoretical attitude to the world and a direction
not only towards the understanding and
recognition of spiritual values, but also the
motivation to create them (Dira, 2020).
The value of the cultural approach in the
educational process of a higher education
institution is studied as a part of culture, while the
following basic functions are performed:
integration of people, organization of life
activities of the disabled, establishment of
communications in the community, enabling of
intergenerational ties, development, preservation
and changes of the value system, creation of
conditions for the self-development of a person
and his creative self-realization, designing
samples of a person's cultural life, etc. In
institutions of higher education, the cultural
approach is a system of appropriate methods and
forms aimed at the formation of cultural values
and the appropriate behavior of each specialist
(Cherkashyn, 2019).
The theoretical-methodological competence
approach to the education process means the
reorientation of the leading educational paradigm
in the institution of higher education with the
formation of skills and the gradual predominant
translation of knowledge, the creation of
conditions with the aim of mastering a complex
of competencies, which include the ability of the
student of higher education to survive and apply
sustainable life activities, the renewal of
educational potential in the conditions of the
modern market-economic, socio-political
saturated space (Molchaniuk, 2018).
The humanistic theoretical-methodological
approach to the process of education in a higher
education institution is an educational scientific-
practical modern strategy, where the center is a
concrete personality, an individual, his creative
self-expression and opportunities (Vekova,
2023). The educational process under such a
strategy becomes a tool for solving life's
problems, a space for a full-fledged life and
personal growth. Relying on a person's ability to
develop, on the positive in the individual, trust
and confidentiality in cooperation with the
student, respect for his rights the principles of
implementing such an approach in the context of
the personal paradigm, in the education of the
individual. Taking into account the basic needs
of the individual, when carrying out pedagogical
activities, the educator must carefully monitor
the changes that occur in the personal qualities of
a person: promptly adjust the process of
education, direct life plans to the orientation of a
person to meet personal needs, distinguish value
orientations, monitor behavior (Oseredchuk et
al., 2022).
The humanistic theoretical and methodological
approach is based on recognition, understanding,
acceptance of the pet, a positive, kind-hearted
attitude towards the person, the desire to help
(Lialiuk, 2020).
One of the important aspects in education is the
theoretical and methodological synergistic
approach, which is related to the adaptation of a
person in the field of his education, the theory of
synergy as the acquisition of knowledge about
the self-organization of dynamic nonlinear
environments, as well as the recognition of
education as an open two-way process (Kuchai et
al., 2017).
In the field of education, with the involvement of
the main provisions of synergy, it is possible to
consider the characteristics of the educational
phenomenon, such as the interaction of the
process, activity, disparate parts of the
educational system; instability of the education
system, frankness and non-linearity; recognition
of a possible priority over the state of reality of
the entire educational system; accounting, as a
natural state, of external and internal fluctuations
of the educational system; the presence of
dynamic quantitative and qualitative changes of
subjects and the educational process involved in
it; emergence of spatio-temporal and functional
structures of education; identifying new qualities
of the educational system. Thus, in the process of
education and upbringing, ideas of synergy are
used as a method of managing the educational
process and as a method of researching the
pedagogical process and as a method of
cognition; in the modernization of education as
a means of implementing the ideas of integration
and humanitarianization, as a pedagogical means
of forming cultural values in the individual and a
synergistic style of development of the
individual's thinking (Ponomaryova, 2014).
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The theoretical-methodological environmental
approach creates a part of the general socio-
cultural environment in higher education,
therefore it contributes to the establishment of
links of interaction with the environment,
harmonization of place, role, functions in society
(Voropayeva et al., 2022).
The interaction of the environment and education
is manifested in the following aspects: personal
growth (self-development, self-determination,
self-realization); raising the level of culture (that
is, the degree of quality and value expression of
the content) of individual educational systems,
processes, communities and institutions of higher
education; as changes in the socio-cultural
context of education, the field as a whole, growth
in the development and level of education culture
in the process of education in higher education
(Ponomaryova, 2014).
The theoretical-methodological praxeological
approach in the activity of a teacher of a higher
education institution is possible under the
following conditions: openness of pedagogical
activity, manifestation of initiative, striving for
self-realization, self-improvement, orientation of
the pedagogical system on the goals of student
development, changes in interpersonal
relationships between students and teachers, etc.
For this, an environment should be created in the
institution of higher education, which will
provide opportunities for the individual to realize
his creative potential (Kolomiets & Lazarenko,
The theoretical-methodological systemic
approach can reproduce a holistic picture of
education and consists in the knowledge and
transformation of reality, to its objects as
systemic ones (Nevřelová & Ružičková, 2019).
The systematic approach arose as a reaction to
the long-term dominance of analytical methods
of research, allows to consider various social and
natural objects from a certain general point of
view, and aims to provide an explanation for
those processes and phenomena that have not yet
received a rational interpretation within the limits
of the experimental approach (Ponomaryova,
The theoretical-methodological personal
approach is "a consistent attitude of the teacher
towards the pupil as an individual, as a self-aware
responsible subject of his own development and
as a subject of educational interaction". I. Bekh
(2018), claims that the personal approach "...is a
kind of methodological toolkit, the basis of
which is a set of initial conceptual ideas, target
attitudes, methods of psychodiagnostic and
psychological-technological means that provide
a deeper, holistic understanding of the cognition
of the personality, its development". The basis of
the personal approach is: a deep holistic
understanding of a person and the harmonious
development of personal knowledge
(Cherkashyn, 2019).
Our research and experimental work was
aimed at checking the effectiveness of
theoretical and methodological approaches to
the educational process in a higher education
institution. The experiment took place in
several stages. Students of 3-4 years
participated in it.
The purpose of the experimental research was
to identify and verify the effectiveness of
theoretical and methodological approaches in
the institution of higher education to the
process of education, which contribute to
dynamic changes in the field of education on a
global scale, which occur in the life of
mankind and in all spheres of professional
activity of modern specialists and require
changes in the educational paradigms for
innovative professional training of specialists.
The research was planned and conducted in
accordance with the main approaches to the
organization of a pedagogical experiment and
covered three stages of scientific research:
analytical and methodological; evaluative and
generalizing; result-prognostic, which are
disclosed above in research methods. It should
be noted that this division was quite
conditional. Specific tasks were developed for
each stage, which determined its content.
As part of our research, we planned:
ascertaining (preparatory) and formative
(educational) stages of the experiment.
The 1st stage of the experiment
ascertainment (preparatory) was aimed at the
analysis of scientific and methodical literature
on this topic, consideration of advanced
professional experience in the use of effective
theoretical and methodological approaches in
the institution of higher education to the
process of education in the conditions of the
modern educational system, the possibilities of
using materials were revealed , obtained
during the research. The collection of data was
carried out, which made it possible to establish
the level of formation of education among
specialists. These data, the results of the
analysis of psychological-pedagogical and
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
methodical literature served as the basis for the
formation of the intermediate research goal of
the first stage of the study.
The purpose of the first stage of the
experimental study was:
to analyze the problems of formation of
educational potential in the preparation of
future specialists.
to check the knowledge and skills of
students in the application of theoretical
and methodological approaches in the
institution of higher education to the
process of education.
At this stage of the experiment, such research
methods as observation, conversation, and
questionnaires were used.
In order to find out and analyze the problems
of education formation of future specialists, a
questionnaire (initial cut) of teachers and
students was conducted.
2nd stage formative (educational).
The main task of the formative experiment was
to evaluate the effectiveness of the educational
impact on students with the introduction of an
experimental factor, i.e. a certain method of
conducting practical and laboratory classes,
educational extracurricular work in the
experimental group and without the
introduction of an experimental factor in the
control group.
The effectiveness of the process of personality
education is a rather complex concept, both
from the point of view of definition and from
the point of view of measurement, that in any
experiment it is necessary to determine the
qualitative and quantitative parameters of the
learning goals, i.e. future result. There are
different approaches in determining the criteria
for the effectiveness of research into the
process of personality education.
To evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed
method of implementation during educational
activities and extracurricular time of
theoretical and methodological approaches to
the educational process in a higher education
institution, a comparative experiment was
conducted, which involves the formation of
experimental and control groups. Groups of
3rd-year students of 22-24 people each (about
50 people in total) took part in the experiment.
In order to distinguish the control and
experimental groups, a ascertainment
experiment was conducted, during which the
initial level of upbringing of the students of the
4th year was revealed. At the same time,
assessments of the educational impact during
the educational process in institutions of
higher education and assessments of student
behavior during educational activities and the
quality of their educational activities were
taken into account. Several preliminary
sections were conducted, which included both
the identification of theoretical knowledge
(test, survey) and practical work skills during
educational activities.
According to the results of the initial stage of
the formative experiment, control and
experimental groups were formed,
approximately the same in terms of the level of
initial training. The group of each type
continued educational work in classroom
classes according to the previous scenario of
educational work.
In the course of the formative experiment, a
current verification of the educational effects
of theoretical and methodological approaches
in the institution of higher education to the
educational process was carried out by testing
students on the level of familiarity with the
theory and conducting control of the ability to
solve typical and atypical educational tasks. In
order to diagnose various learning parameters,
the following methods were used: testing,
surveying, etc.
We have developed levels of assimilation of
educational influences of theoretical and
methodological approaches in a higher
education institution to the process of
education or the coefficient of the quality of
knowledge. By the level of assimilation, we
understand the degree of mastery of
educational activities achieved by students as
a result of the educational process and in
extracurricular activities.
For the preliminary assessment of knowledge
during the ascertainment experiment, students
were offered tests of the first two levels of
learning. There are no significant differences
in the assimilation of educational influences of
theoretical and methodological approaches in
the institution of higher education to the
process of education at these levels between
the students of the control and experimental
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
To determine the indicators of assimilation
during the formative experiment, we once
again turned to the level of assimilation of
educational influences of the effective
theoretical and methodological approaches
identified by us in the institution of higher
education to the process of education.
In the course of the experiment, the students
had to reach the third and fourth levels of
assimilation of educational influences on the
They were offered a task of 4 levels of
complexity (test-stairs), which provides
relatively objective material about the level of
knowledge and allows the application of a
rating scale for the quantitative characteristics
of the education process. The content of multi-
level tests was formed from complex tasks
reflecting interdisciplinary connections in the
process of personality education.
Test tasks were offered according to the level
of assimilation of the given educational
The first level tests are recognition tests. These
tests contained both a task and an answer (or
answer options). Test takers only had to find
out and choose the correct answer (or answers)
from those offered.
Tests of the second level of assimilation of
educational influences tested the student's
ability to reproduce learned educational
information positions from memory. At this
level, the experimental and control groups
were asked to answer a number of theoretical
questions and solve tasks that required them to
reproduce known educational actions.
Tests of the third level are non-typical
educational tasks that usually require heuristic
activity and the search for additional data to
bring the educational task under a typical
algorithm. Students performed the tasks of this
level more successfully if the arguments for
choosing a solution were based on theoretical
knowledge about the essence of theoretical and
methodological approaches.
The students of the experimental group, where
the method of educational influences provided
for the development of knowledge and skills
regarding the use and creation of educational
situations, coped more successfully with the
tests of the third level.
Fourth-level tests are creative educational
tasks that students had to solve during
educational situations proposed by the teacher,
but these educational tasks are not applicable
to all students. In the educational environment
and extracurricular work, these were pseudo-
tests of the fourth level. Already solved
educational problems, but clearly unknown to
students, were used as such tests and standards
for them. In order to successfully perform the
assigned tasks at the fourth level, students need
to have a wider range of knowledge and be able
to apply educational influences than the
educational program provides. The creation of
an electronic "Portfolio" was proposed as the
task of clarifying the readiness of students at
the fourth level of mastering the essence of the
main theoretical and methodological
approaches we identified. During these works,
students of the experimental and control
groups developed separate modules for
educational disciplines and extracurricular
The processing of the information obtained
during the testing was carried out taking into
account the methodology using the methods of
mathematical statistics, which turns out to be
true only if the measure of assessment of
educational influences is objective. The
criteria for assigning points based on the
results of the tasks corresponded to the level of
learning and were determined on a twelve-
point scale.
On the basis of the conducted control sections,
data were obtained on the successful
assimilation of the main theoretical and
methodological approaches identified by us by
The method of obtaining the final grade was to
calculate the average score within each level.
If the average score obtained by the student
was lower than the minimum possible value of
the given level, we considered that the student
did not master the content of the main
theoretical and methodological approaches
identified by us at the given level.
The final grade was determined by the average
score of the highest level successfully
completed by the student.
The level of formation of students'
professional educational skills of the main
theoretical and methodological approaches
identified by us as a means of forming
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
professional skills was determined by a certain
toolkit for measuring the levels of
development of professional skills of future
specialists. For the assessment of skills,
criteria were introduced, based on which
students' level of upbringing and its influence
on professional skills was determined.
In order to assess the level of formation of
professional educational skills among students
of the main theoretical and methodological
approaches identified by us, as a means of
forming professional skills in them, the
method of group expert evaluations was used
in the 4th year, where experts were asked to
evaluate the level of education of students for
the presence of a block of professional skills.
The first group of skills is associated with
functions that are reflected in the mastery of
organizational and management skills. The
experts were asked the following questions:
whether students know how to organize
educational work;
whether students know how to organize
extracurricular educational activities;
whether students are able to work with
parents and exercise educational influence
if necessary;
do students know how to keep
whether students are able to exercise strict
control over academic performance and
whether students are able to organize
creative educational affairs;
whether students know how to cooperate
with institutions in solving educational
Each expert was offered a questionnaire, where
it was necessary for the future specialist to put
the coefficient of the level of the
corresponding skill formed.
The results of the questionnaire are shown in
Table 1.
Table 1.
The distribution of students of the experimental and control groups according to the levels of formation
of organizational and management skills as a result of assimilation of the educational influences of
the effective theoretical and methodological approaches identified by us in the institution of higher
education to the process of education.
Control group
Experimental group
Number of people
Number of people
As can be seen from Table 1, the level of
formed organizational and management skills
as a result of assimilation of the educational
influences of the effective theoretical and
methodological approaches identified by us in
the institution of higher education to the
process of education in the experimental group
is higher than in the control group, which
confirms the positive dynamics: learning and
educational influences on students during
classroom and extracurricular work;
development of students' readiness to use
theoretical and methodological approaches to
the process of education in professional
A comparison of the results in the experimental
and control groups allows us to state that the
effective theoretical and methodological
approaches proposed in the study and
identified by us in the institution of higher
education to the process of education, their
use, contributes to the improvement of the
quality of educational and professional
training of students.
As a result of the research and experimental
work, the effective aspects of the identified
necessary theoretical and methodological
approaches, which are the most important for
the theory of development and the process of
personality education in institutions of higher
education ontological, anthropological,
valuable, axiological, regional, acmeological,
cultural, competence, humanistic have been
proven , synergistic, environmental,
praxeological, systemic, personal approaches.
So, in the context of the formation of
theoretical and methodological humanitarian
approaches to upbringing and education, there
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
is a revival of the value attitude to upbringing,
actualization of the human-creating function.
The analysis of tasks completed by students,
the results of questionnaires obtained as a
result of using the method of group expert
evaluations, allow us to conclude about the
readiness of future specialists to use the
effective theoretical and methodological
approaches identified by us in the institution of
higher education to the process of education in
learning and solving various professional
tasks. The experiment showed that the
developed educational and pedagogical
foundations of the interaction of teachers and
students, ways of forming professional
educational influences based on the effective
theoretical and methodological approaches to
the education process that we identified,
increase the quality of professional training of
future specialists, ensure their education in
further professional activities and further life.
Effective aspects of the identified necessary
theoretical and methodological approaches,
which are most important for the theory of
development and the process of personality
education in institutions of higher education
ontological, anthropological, valuable,
axiological, regional, acmeological, cultural,
competence, humanistic, synergistic,
environmental, praxeological, systemic,
personal approach. In the context of the
formation of theoretical and methodological
humanitarian approaches to upbringing and
education, there is a revival of the value
attitude to upbringing, actualization of the
human-creating function.
An exploratory and experimental study was
conducted, the purpose of which was to
identify and verify the effectiveness of
theoretical and methodological approaches in
the institution of higher education to the
process of education, which contribute to
dynamic changes in the field of education on a
global scale, occurring in the life of mankind
and in all spheres of professional activity of
modern specialists and require changes in the
educational paradigm for innovative
professional training of specialists.
The experiment showed that the developed
educational and pedagogical foundations of
the interaction of teachers and students, ways
of forming professional educational influences
based on the effective theoretical and
methodological approaches to the education
process that we identified, increase the quality
of professional training of future specialists,
ensure their education in further professional
activities and further life.
A detailed consideration of dynamic changes
in the educational field on a global scale
requires further research.
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