Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.71.11.13
How to Cite:
Mamchur, L., Shuppe, L., Barkasi, V., Bykova, M., & Bodnaruk, I. (2023). The essence and specifics of organizing the teachers
training for children with disabilities. Amazonia Investiga, 12(71), 149-161. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.71.11.13
The essence and specifics of organizing the teachers training for
children with disabilities
Сутність та специфіка організації підготовки педагогів з дітьми з обмеженими можливостями
Received: August 15, 2023 Accepted: October 19, 2023
Written by:
Lidia Mamchur1
Liudmyla Shuppe2
Viktoriya Barkasi3
Mariia Bykova4
Iryna Bodnaruk5
In the article, to research the place of inclusive
competence in the professional training of future
teachers, the ways of forming inclusive
competence in the professional training of future
teachers, and the development of pedagogical
conditions for the formation of inclusive
competence, we found out the state of inclusive
readiness of future students for inclusive
activities among students. The results of the
ascertainment experiment showed the need for
the formation of inclusive competence in future
teachers as early as possible and to continue
throughout their lives with the aim of high-
quality inclusive education of students. For the
formation of inclusive competence of future
teachers, we identified the components of
inclusive competence, clarified the place of
inclusive competence in society and the teacher's
professional activity, revealed the content of
axiological, anthropological, holistic, personal,
activity, differentiated, competence approaches,
clarified important principles and developed and
implemented pedagogical conditions for the
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Training Technologies, Labor and Design, Bila Tserkva
Institute of Continuous Professional Education, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: JRW-8034-2023
Ph.D., Associated Professor, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic. WoS Researcher ID: JQI-2417-2023
Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor (Docent) of German Philology Department (Philology Faculty),
V.O. Sukhomlynsky Mykolayiv National University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: JNS-8678-2023
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: IWU-4403-2023
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Music, Yuriy Fedkovych
Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: ITV-0015-2023
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formation of inclusive competence with the aim
of quality inclusive education of students. As a
result of the conducted research, we observe a
higher formation of inclusive competence in the
experimental groups than in the control groups.
Keywords: inclusive competence, professional
training of future teachers, components of
inclusive competence, teacher's professional
activity, pedagogical conditions.
In the context of the tolerant attitude of the
universe to the problems of comprehensive
development of people with mental, physical,
social, and emotional health disabilities, the
gradual educational spatial position of the
worldview paradigm of society has been changed
Shevchenko (2023). In particular, we are
observing a change in the attitude of society and
the entire world community to the problems of
people with health disabilities and a new
approach to realizing the need for their broad
integration into society. (Klochko et al., 2022).
The development of an inclusive educational
system requires the determination of
methodological principles for the training of
psychological and pedagogical specialists who
take a direct part in the organization and ensuring
the effective functioning of an inclusive
educational environment based on the formation
of the professional ability to perform the
functions of a mentor, tutor, moderator and
determine the individual educational trajectory of
a child with special educational needs
(Voloshyna & Dmytrenko, 2016).
At the same time, as practice shows, the
readiness of psychological and pedagogical
specialists to work in an inclusive educational
environment is extremely insufficient. One of the
obvious reasons is the lack of systematic training
of psychological and pedagogical personnel in
institutions of higher education to work with
children with disabilities.
The relevance of training and retraining of
psychological and pedagogical personnel to work
with children with disabilities is determined, in
particular, by the following factors: accelerated
implementation of inclusive education in recent
years; insufficient awareness of specialists with
methodological principles for working with
children with disabilities, technological and
methodical means of implementing inclusive
education; increasing the academic component in
the formation of students' practical professional
competencies necessary for working with
children with disabilities; insufficient awareness
of the professorial staff of higher education
institutions of the significance, features and
content of the activities of psychological and
pedagogical personnel in the conditions of an
inclusive educational environment (Bondar,
Summarizing the experience of implementing an
inclusive model of education in the pedagogical
practice of preschool and general secondary
education institutions made it possible to
determine the theoretical problems of training
personnel for inclusive education in the form of
the following contradictions:
at the socio-pedagogical level: between the
social order to introduce an inclusive model
of education into modern pedagogical
practice and the insufficient number of
qualified psychological and pedagogical
personnel capable of working with children
with disabilities;
at the scientific and theoretical level:
between the need to train specialists for
children with disabilities and the lack of an
effective system of such training and
theoretical justification of its content;
at the practical-methodical level: between
the need to implement inclusive practice and
personnel training and the lack of
programmatic-methodical materials to
ensure the development of professional
competencies of relevant specialists.
Therefore, the insufficient development of the
problem of training specialists to work with
children with special educational needs in the
conditions of an inclusive educational
Mamchur, L., Shuppe, L., Barkasi, V., Bykova, M., Bodnaruk, I. / Volume 12 - Issue 71: 149-161 / November, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
environment led to the choice of the topic of the
In order to determine the problem of organizing
the training of teachers with children with
disabilities, in the article we identified the
following issues: the actualization of teacher
training for the formation of inclusive
competence in his professional training was
determined; the state of inclusive competence of
1st-2nd year students for inclusive activities has
been clarified; the components of inclusive
competence are defined; approaches and
principles that contribute to the successful
formation of teacher training to work with
children with disabilities; the state of formation
of the inclusive competence of future teachers
(3-4 years) for inclusive activities was clarified;
an experiment was conducted to determine the
problem of organizing the training of teachers
with children with disabilities
Literature Review
The essence of the concept of "inclusive
competence" is interpreted in the works of
various scientists. In particular, inclusive
competence is considered "the level of
knowledge and skills necessary for the
performance of professional functions in the
conditions of inclusive education" (Maksymyuk,
2005); as "an integral characteristic of a
pedagogue (teacher, assistant), which affects the
ability to solve professional tasks in the
conditions of an inclusive approach to
educational activity" (Pyatakov, 2012); as "the
necessary amount of knowledge and skills
embodied in the ability to perform professional
functions, taking into account the special needs
of youth with health disabilities, and to integrate
them into the environment of a general
educational institution, creating conditions for
development and self-development" (Solovei &
Tchaikovsky, 2013). Bondar (2014)
characterized the essence of the concepts
"professional competence", "competence",
"inclusive competence". The connection between
the components of professional competence and
inclusive competence is shown. The author
focused in detail on the analysis and clarification
of the essence of each component of inclusive
competence. The need to include professional
competencies and key (vital) inclusive
competence as a special competence is
emphasized. Shevchenko (2023) considers the
problem of forming the inclusive competence of
future physical education teachers. The concept
of "inclusion" has an innovative content, in
particular: "a complex and systematic process of
ensuring equal access to quality education (at all
levels) for children with special educational
needs by constructing a system of their education
in institutions of general secondary education on
the basis of person-oriented teaching methods,
taking into account the individual characteristics
of the educational and cognitive activities of such
students. But scientists Lazarenko, &
Pylypenko (2022) consider the essence of not
only the concept of "inclusive competence", but
also "volunteer", "volunteer activity", "volunteer
assistance", "volunteer movement",
"volunteership", and formulate the definition of
"inclusive competence of future volunteer
teachers" as "a complex system of abilities of
future teachers for volunteering in the conditions
of an inclusive educational environment, which
is manifested in their value attitude to inclusive
education and implies the presence of emotional
and volitional, empathetic, socionomic,
communicative skills in working with people
with disabilities special educational needs".
Zobenko (2022) examines the professional
readiness of the future primary school teacher in
the conditions of inclusive education, in
particular, substantiates and analyzes the
theoretical aspects within the framework of a
higher education institution. The author raises
questions in institutions of higher education
about the possibility of updating the conditions
for the entire system of training of pedagogical
personnel, special education, and restructuring of
professional training of teachers.
Great importance is attached to research on the
professional training of future teachers of the
basics of health, who must develop inclusive
competence and readiness for professional
activity in the conditions of inclusive education.
Boychuk, Borodina, & Mykytiuk (2015) raise
this problem in their research. In their works, the
scientists show the result of preparing the future
teacher of the basics of health for professional
activity in the conditions of inclusive education.
The structural components of the inclusive
competence (cognitive-operational,
motivational-valuable, reflective-evaluative) of
the future teacher of the basics of health and its
functions (analytical-corrective, educational-
educational, constructive-communicative) have
been reasonably developed.
Voloshyna & Dmytrenko (2016) deals with
issues of work in inclusive classes of future
foreign language teachers, their professional
training, and the organization of inclusive
education at school, clarifying the role of the
teacher in the process of introducing inclusion.
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The scientist researched not only the theoretical
basis but also the methodological basis of
training a future foreign language teacher,
substantiated the need for separate approaches in
the professional training of teachers to work in
inclusive classes (anthropological, axiological,
personally oriented, holistic, differentiated,
competence-based, activity-based). Pedagogical
conditions for the formation of inclusive
competence of the future foreign language
teacher have been developed.
In the conditions of an inclusive educational
environment, Chupakhina, Potapchuk, &
Liakisheva (2022) deal with the issues of training
future speech therapists for pedagogical activity.
The researchers singled out significant
approaches to the training of specialists in the
field of speech therapy and special education. In
the conditions of the inclusive environment of the
educational institution, the main aspects of the
training of future speech therapist teachers for
pedagogical activities were revealed. In the
research, professional competencies are
considered by the authors through the prism of
inclusive educational processes.
We see that the essence of the concept of
"inclusive competence" is revealed in the works
of various scientists. Many scientists deal with
issues of work in inclusive classes of future
teachers, their professional training, and the
organization of inclusive education at school,
clarifying the role of the teacher in the process of
introducing inclusion and identifying the reasons
that inhibit the introduction of inclusive
education. There is a need to investigate the place
of inclusive competence in the professional
training of future teachers.
The aim of the study. To distinguish the
components of inclusive competence, to find out
the place of inclusive competence in society and
the professional activity of a teacher, to reveal the
content of approaches, principles and to develop,
implement, and test the effectiveness of
pedagogical conditions for the formation of
inclusive competence of teachers for high-quality
inclusive education of students.
To achieve the goal, research methods were used:
theoretical study and analysis of psychological-
pedagogical, philosophical, methodical literature
to delineate the conceptual boundaries of
teachers' inclusive competence; classification,
system analysis, induction, analogy, deduction,
generalization of data to determine pedagogical
conditions for the formation of inclusive
competence of future teachers; comparison of the
obtained data to clarify the connections;
empirical questionnaires, observations, surveys
to find out the effectiveness of the
implementation of pedagogical conditions; a
pedagogical experiment (declarative, formative)
to determine the levels of formation of the
inclusive competence of future teachers and to
check the effectiveness of the developed
pedagogical conditions.
The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the
pedagogical conditions for the formation of
inclusive competence of students have been
developed, implemented and experimentally
tested for the purpose of high-quality inclusive
education of students.
In order to implement the pedagogical conditions
for the formation of students' inclusive
competence for the purpose of high-quality
inclusive education of students, we have built a
system for evaluating the levels of formation of
students' inclusive competence.
In our opinion, during the educational process,
the formation of students' inclusive competence
occurs at four levels: low, medium, sufficient and
Let's take a closer look at all four levels of
formation of students' inclusive competence.
Let's list the signs of a low level of formation of
students' inclusive competence: lack of
motivation to study theory and take part in
activities; fragmentary assimilation of
knowledge about the theory of inclusive
education; lack of ability to perform the simplest
tasks in the inclusive field, performing them only
with the help of a teacher; inability to plan,
control one's own work related to inclusive
activities; does not show responsibility and does
not conduct introspection.
The formation of students' inclusive competence
at the secondary level can be characterized as:
insufficient motivation to study the theory and
take part in students' inclusive activities; partial
assimilation of knowledge about inclusive
human education; the ability to perform
elementary tasks related to inclusive activities by
example; partial ability to plan, monitor one's
own work related to inclusive activities and carry
out introspection.
Signs of a sufficient level of formation of
inclusive competence of students are: the
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
presence of motivation to study the theory of
inclusive competence of students and acceptance
of participation in inclusive activities; systematic
assimilation of knowledge about inclusion; the
ability to perform tasks related to inclusive
activities; the ability to plan, monitor one's own
work related to inclusive activities, show
responsibility and carry out introspection.
Future specialists with a high level of inclusive
competence development show the following
indicators: the presence of constant motivation to
study the theory of inclusion and active
participation in inclusive activities; have a high
level of independence in the systematic
assimilation of knowledge about inclusion; the
ability to perform tasks related to inclusive
activities in conditions of uncertainty, great
complexity or limited time; the ability to
systematically plan, monitor one's own work
related to inclusive activities, show
responsibility, carry out self-analysis and
constantly look for ways to improve.
We also distributed the limits of evaluations of
the levels of formation of inclusive competence
of higher education students (Table 1).
Table 1.
Limits of assessments of the levels of formation of inclusive competence of future specialists.
Limits of integral estimates
The level of formation of inclusive competence of future specialists
4,20 5,00
I (high)
3,60 4,19
II (sufficient)
3,00 3,59
III (average)
1,00 2,99
IV (low)
The implementation of the pedagogical
experiment was carried out in three stages:
preparatory, main and final.
At the preparatory stage, the purpose and tasks of
the research were determined, the experimental
plan was developed, methods of measurement
and processing of results were selected, control
and experimental groups were selected, and their
homogeneity was checked.
At the main stage, an experiment was conducted.
At the final stage, the results of the experiment
were analyzed, their reliability was confirmed,
and conclusions were drawn about the
pedagogical effect of the experiment.
During the ascertainment experiment, the state of
inclusive competence of future students for
inclusive activities among students of the 1st and
2nd years was clarified. The diagnosis of the
levels of inclusive competence described in the
ascertainment experiment was carried out using
the method of generalization of independent
To form the inclusive competence of higher
education students, during the experimental
work, we identified the components of inclusive
competence, clarified the place of inclusive
competence in society and the professional
activity of the teacher, revealed the content of
axiological, anthropological, holistic,
personality-oriented, activity, differentiated,
competence approaches, effective principles
were clarified and pedagogical conditions for the
formation of inclusive competence were
developed and implemented for high-quality
inclusive education of students.
The purpose of the formative experiment was to
find out the state of formation of inclusive
competence of future teachers (3rd and 4th-year
students) for inclusive activities. As a result of
the conducted research, we claim that the
formation of inclusive competence through the
implementation of developed pedagogical
conditions in the experimental groups is higher
than in the control groups.
To improve the quality of education, we
surveyed the formation of inclusive competence
in the professional training of future teachers
with the help of separate pedagogical conditions.
a survey among students of higher education
showed that 80% of students claim that the
implementation of pedagogical conditions is
effective and necessary, and meets the
requirements of education; 11% believe that it
"completely corresponds" and 9% of respondents
are inclined to the opinion that it "does not
correspond at all".
Students' opinions on ensuring equal access to
quality education for children with special
educational problems in educational institutions
were interesting. They were distributed as
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
follows: yes 75%, no 5%, partially 20%.
In institutions of higher education, respondents
propose to improve inclusive education: the
creation of all necessary innovative conditions
for education (61%), comprehensive
development of this area (24%), and recognition
of the rights of children with special educational
problems (20%).
To assess the homogeneity of experimental and
control data, statistical processing was performed
using MS Excel and SPSS (Statistical Package
for Social Science).
Results and Discussion
Updating the professional training of the
future teacher to form inclusive competence in
his professional training
In the context of the innovative development of
education in institutions of higher education, the
actualization of the professional training of the
future teacher, the formation of inclusive
competence in his professional training, that is,
the training of such a specialist who can
effectively work with children who have special
educational needs in the conditions of a general
education environment, comes to the fore
(Kuchai et al., 2019). Taking into account the
innovative changes in various spheres of the
social life of mankind, to successfully introduce
inclusive education in educational institutions, it
is the higher education of the world format that
should optimize the transition of the educational
sector to a new innovative paradigm of
education, according to which the training of
teachers, the formation of inclusive competence
in them in the process of professional training
will allow to implement tasks of inclusive
content based on competence (Bondar, 2014).
The training of the teacher, the formation of his
inclusive competence becomes dominant, allows
him to go beyond the limits of his educational
subject, to realize professional knowledge in the
system of culture, to make interdisciplinary
connections, and realize the tasks of inclusive
content (Bakhmat et al., 2022). The teacher's
ability to engage the personal resources of
students and organize the educational process as
a social interaction is important for solving life-
creating tasks. The teacher as an educator and
organizer of the educational process, realizing
the humanitarian nature of his profession,
stimulates the personal achievements of children,
does not limit himself to the assessment of
students' learning, while sharing responsibility
for the results of cooperation with the child, and
not controlling his activities (Voloshyna, &
Dmytrenko, 2016).
Confirmatory experiment. Finding out the
state of inclusive competence of future
teachers (1st and 2nd-year students) for
inclusive activities
To study the place of inclusive competence in the
professional training of future teachers, the ways
of forming inclusive competence in the
professional training of future teachers, and the
development of pedagogical conditions for the
formation of inclusive competence, we found out
the state of inclusive readiness of future students
for inclusive activities among students of the 1st
and 2nd years. For this purpose, we conducted a
survey. The questionnaire included the following
1. What do you mean by the term "Inclusion"?
2. To reveal the meaning of the concept
"Children with special educational needs"?
3. Express your opinion: Is it necessary to
introduce inclusive education in all general
education institutions?
4. Is the implementation of inclusive education
justified worldwide?
5. Are you familiar with forms and methods of
work in an inclusive class?
6. Are you ready to work in an inclusive class?
The results of the study indicate insufficient
informational knowledge of students about
inclusive education and not all students of higher
education are familiar with the basic provisions
of inclusive education, with the forms and
methods of work in an inclusive class, are not
ready to work in it, and cannot provide arguments
in support of the implementation of inclusive
education in all the world.
Based on the results of the conducted research,
we have developed the levels of formation of
inclusive competence of future students for their
inclusive activities.
Low level of formation of inclusive competence.
Students with a low level of inclusive
competence exclude children with special
educational needs in a general educational
institution but show interest in the problem of
integration into society of children with
Average level of formation of inclusive
competence. Students who have mastered the
average level of formation of inclusive
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
competence recognize the possibility of
including children with special educational needs
in a general educational institution, show interest
in the problem of accessible education for this
category of children, but looking at the
psychophysical development of children and
taking into account the level of deviation of
children. Students of this level recognize the
importance of obtaining systematized knowledge
of inclusive pedagogy at a higher education
institution and know the specifics of working in
the conditions of inclusive education with
different categories of children.
High level of formation of inclusive competence.
Students with a high level of formation of
inclusive competence are aware of the
importance of inclusive education, the
importance of including children with special
educational needs in society, and the need for
socialization of children in the life of society,
they clearly show the position of employment in
an inclusive school, even though they have
insufficient systematic knowledge of inclusive
According to the results of the experiment, we
note that 87% of first-year students have a low
level of formed inclusive competence, 13% of
students have an average level, and not a single
student showed a high level at all. In the second
year, students showed the following results: low
level in 75% of students, average level in 20% of
students, and high level in 5% of students
(Graph 1). The results of the ascertainment
experiment showed the need for the formation of
inclusive competence in future teachers as early
as possible and to continue throughout their lives
with the aim of high-quality inclusive education
of students.
Graph 1. The state of inclusive readiness of future students for inclusive activities among students of the
1st and 2nd years
Therefore, we conclude that to form the inclusive
competence of future teachers, it is necessary to
distinguish the components of inclusive
competence, to find out the place of inclusive
competence in society and the teacher's
professional activity, to reveal the content of
axiological, anthropological, holistic, personal,
activity, differentiated, competence approaches,
with to clarify important principles and develop
and implement pedagogical conditions for the
formation of inclusive competence for high-
quality inclusive education of students.
Components of inclusive competence
We will highlight the main components of
inclusive competence of future teachers with the
aim of quality inclusive education of students.
The motivational component of inclusive
competence provides educational activities in the
conditions of inclusion of children with special
needs in the environment of healthy peers, which
promotes their social adaptation; focuses on
humanistic value orientations, a system of needs,
motives (personal development, social,
professional, cognitive, self-affirmation, etc.),
values of the teacher's personality aimed at the
process of inclusion and is a determinant of
professional competence and ensures its
successful formation. The student's motivation is
formed, its high level implies a positive
13% 20%
0% 5%
first-year students second-year students
low level average level high level
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
orientation towards the totality of human motives
and affects the development of all other
components of inclusive competence.
The operational component of inclusive
competence provides resolution of socio-
pedagogical situations; application of successful
experience and methods of promoting the
process of inclusion of children with special
needs in the society of an educational institution;
the ability to perform specific professional tasks
of socio-pedagogical activity; using techniques
of independent work to perform professional
tasks; search and research activities.
The cognitive component of the future teacher's
inclusive competence activates cognitive work,
contributes to holistic ideas about professional
activity, and contributes to the enrichment and
development of cognitive experience. It is this
component that gives teachers the ability to
mentally process and perceive the material, store
it in memory and, if necessary, reproduce
information at the right time to solve both
theoretical and practical tasks. The cognitive
component of inclusive competence is based on
professional scientific knowledge about the
foundations of socio-pedagogical influence on
the process of children's self-development;
basics of personality development; innovations
in the education of people with special needs;
age, anatomophysiological, individual, and
psychological features of healthy children and
children with developmental disorders;
stimulation of positive self-realization of a
person in all possible spheres of activity; patterns
of interaction between society and individuals
with special needs.
The reflective component of inclusive
competence promotes self-knowledge, self-
control, the ability to be aware of professional
activity, own self-development during which
future teachers rethink and evaluate their
personal achievements and abilities; self-
regulation, analysis of real situations, and control
of the results of professional actions. "In the
system of inclusive competence, reflection is
interpreted as the ability to analyze in the process
of professional activity, which is aimed at the
inclusion of children and youth with special
needs in the society of a general educational
institution and involves the analysis of the state
of implementation of the ideas of the inclusion
process, one's own experience and the experience
of colleagues in achieving the inclusion of
children and youth with special needs in the
society of a comprehensive educational
institution in the process of professional activity,
choosing the optimal option for solving various
socio-pedagogical situations in the process of
inclusion; adequate evaluation of the results of
one's socio-pedagogical activity, the ability to
recognize one's own mistakes and the ability to
overcome them; need for professional and
personal growth and increasing the level of
inclusive competence" (Solovei & Tchaikovsky,
The methodological component of inclusive
competence contributes to the formation of
students' understanding of special pedagogy and
its methodological problems.
The psychological component of inclusive
competence provides an opportunity for
personality development and contributes to the
formation of psychological, and moral
capabilities and qualities of future teachers.
The scientific and theoretical component of
inclusive competence provides professional
theoretical knowledge.
Practical contributes to the acquisition by
students in the educational space of the ability to
professionally use corrective and pedagogical
methods and techniques that will be important in
the professional life of a teacher.
The special component of inclusive competence
provides an opportunity for professional mastery
of skills and knowledge of special pedagogy.
The methodological component of inclusive
competence provides future teachers with the
necessary knowledge of effective and modern
technologies and methods of inclusive education.
The personal component of inclusive
competence provides a reflective attitude, a
motivational orientation of the will,
consciousness, and feelings of the future teacher
towards the inclusive education of children.
The creative component of inclusive competence
gives the teacher personal qualities and creative
activity that allows them to create new spiritual
and material values, develop the creative
potential of children with special psychophysical
development, and take into account their
The active component of inclusive competence
includes a system of professional and
pedagogical knowledge about the problem
(Zobenko, 2022).
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The place of inclusive competence in society
and the teacher's professional activity
To train a new generation of specialists, it is
necessary to update the system of training of
pedagogical personnel. All the work of a teacher
of a higher educational institution should be
aimed at training a teacher capable of working in
an inclusive educational environment, and this
needs to be included in the professional
competence of a teacher, precisely inclusive
competence (Verovkina, et al., 2023). Therefore,
we see the logic of supplementing the list of
subtypes of professional competence with
inclusive competence. In the conditions of an
inclusive environment, the system of
components of professional competence should
contain the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities,
and the ability to implement professional
functions, and it is also necessary to ensure the
appropriate level of readiness of the participant
in the educational process to carry out
professional activities in the conditions of an
inclusive educational environment. Professional
competence, as well as its structure, in all
members of the team of an educational
institution, recognizes the need for the formation
of inclusive competence, intensifies the process
of creating an inclusive educational environment,
is a dynamic educational phenomenon that
involves constant updating of technologies and
content to implement tasks at all stages of
personality development (Bondar, 2014).
Approaches that contribute to the successful
formation of inclusive competence
We will single out the most effective approaches
for preparing a future teacher to work in the
conditions of inclusive education. The
methodological and theoretical basis of
innovative pedagogical work is competence,
axiological, holistic, personal, anthropological,
activity, and differentiated approaches.
The competence approach that contributes to the
successful formation of the teacher's inclusive
competence is represented by a system of socio-
personal, professional, and academic
competencies, which determine the readiness and
ability to successfully implement the
achievement of educational results and
professional-pedagogical activities, taking into
account the needs of all subjects of the inclusive
educational space (Stepanova et al., 2020).
The methodological basis of the educational and
social position is the axiological approach. It
allows you to determine the value position of the
future teacher, defines a system of pedagogical
views based on the affirmation and
understanding of the value of human life, makes
it possible to influence the student's value
position, and helps to prevent negative attitudes
towards children with special needs.
A holistic approach is related to a personal
approach and contributes to the establishment of
integrative system-forming relations and
connections in the educational system, the
formation and study of permanent, variable,
main, and secondary in the education system. It
involves finding out, as a systemic whole, the
contribution of individual component processes
to the development of the individual.
The personal approach takes into account the
individual and age characteristics of children in
the conditions of inclusive education, contributes
to the disclosure of the possibilities and abilities
of the individual, the creation of conditions for
the personal development of the child, the
education of his willpower, etc.
The anthropological approach systematically
presents the data of human sciences as a subject
of inclusive education and takes them into
account in the implementation and organization
of activities in the conditions of inclusion.
Physiology, anatomy, human pathology, logic,
philosophy, psychology, etc. can be attributed to
the sciences that help the teacher in inclusive
activities (Kolbina et al.,2023).
An active approach allows you to study the
content of readiness in the conditions of inclusive
education of the future teacher to work with
students; to optimize methods of its development
and formation of inclusive competence; to
determine the ways of practical improvement of
the teacher and is a theoretical and
methodological strategy of the educational space
(Hordiichuk et al., 2022).
One of the ways to solve educational tasks,
taking into account the socio-psychological
characteristics of children with special
educational needs, is a differentiated approach to
education and training. It is this approach that
optimizes the educational activities of the teacher
and determines the forms and content of the
educational process not for every child (which is
impossible in the conditions of large classes), but
for students of a certain category (Voloshyna &
Dmytrenko, 2016).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Principles that are important in the formation
of inclusive competence
It is important in the teacher’s work to observe
the following principles: an individual approach,
active inclusion of all participants in the
educational process, support for the independent
activity of the child, the principle of an
interdisciplinary approach, the principle of
partnership with the family, the principle of
variability in the organization of learning and
upbringing processes in the formation of
inclusive competence (Myronova, 2016).
Formative experiment. Finding out the state
of formation of inclusive competence of future
teachers (3rd and 4th year students) for
inclusive activities
To form the inclusive competence of higher
education students, we identified the components
of inclusive competence, clarified the place of
inclusive competence in society and the
professional activity of the teacher, revealed the
content of axiological, anthropological, holistic,
personal, activity, differentiated, competence
approaches, clarified effective principles and
pedagogical conditions for the formation of
inclusive competence were developed and
implemented for high-quality inclusive
education of students (Knysh et al., 2022).
In the process of experimental training of future
teachers (students of the 3rd and 4th years), the
following was introduced:
a complex of educational training "Inclusive
Education" for work in the conditions of
inclusive education, which includes the
following main components: study of the
"Inclusive Education" course; pedagogical
practice in institutions of various types; use
of socio-psychological training and
innovative learning technologies during
practical classes;
during the study of mandatory disciplines by
future teachers, it is taken into account that
the formation of inclusive competence
involves adaptation to the needs of a child
with special educational needs in the
educational space. Therefore, differentiating
the educational process of a higher school is
a mandatory task. Therefore, students were
taught to select appropriate educational and
didactic support for each student of the
inclusive class, to develop an individual
curriculum for each child, and to use the
latest and most effective learning
technologies. A methodical approach to the
training of future teachers along with the
mastery of pedagogical technologies was
carried out in combination with the
formation of inclusive competence in future
teachers, knowledge of creative techniques
used to overcome children's speech
disorders, production of visual aids for
working with such techniques; practical
skills; mastering corrective and
developmental technologies. During
practical classes, future teachers organized
work in a complex manner in the following
areas: work with facial expressions; training
the child to breathe properly; improvement
of phonemic hearing; development of
general motor skills and fine motor skills;
performance of articulation exercises;
formation of coherent speech, etc.;
formation of inclusive competence in
working with children with speech disorders
was facilitated by the study of selective
disciplines. Each student took into account
the peculiarities and needs of each student of
the inclusive class, ensured the further
development of the child, prevented the
increase in health disorders of students with
special educational needs, and made the
educational process successful and effective.
The study of subjects of free choice was
aimed at the formation of inclusive
competence of students of higher education.
Systematic significant and systematic work
is carried out in this direction. The goal was
to study the disciplines, to form students'
ability to develop the processes and
functions of cognitive activity in students
with speech disorders; sensorimotor
working memory, and speech functions;
students' ability to perform logical
operations (establishing cause-and-effect
relationships, synthesis, analysis); visual and
figurative and verbal and logical speech and
thinking. Therefore, in the classes, students
of higher education mastered the diagnosis
of children's speech disorders, got
acquainted with sand animation, and
breathing exercises, analyzed lessons in an
exclusive environment, developed mental
maps in an inclusive class based on video
plots, etc. During practice in an inclusive
educational environment, future teachers
worked with children with speech disorders,
as teacher assistants. Students voluntarily
worked as volunteers in inclusive classes, as
child assistants (tutors), and communicated
with families of children with special needs.
Among higher education seekers, great
importance was attached to means of organizing
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
educational work (online meetings with
specialists in special education and inclusive
education, webinars, curatorial hours,
participation in volunteer projects, etc.).
The verification of the developed and
implemented pedagogical conditions for the
formation of inclusive competence for high-
quality inclusive education of students was
carried out experimentally. 98 students of the 3rd
and 4th years at the first (bachelor's) level were
involved in the experiment. In the experimental
groups, where pedagogical conditions were
implemented, we relied on the components of
inclusive competence that we singled out, the
content of axiological, anthropological, holistic,
and personal, activity, differentiated,
competence approaches, and effective principles
to form the inclusive competence of teachers.
The students of the control group worked
according to the usual program, and for the
respondents of the experimental group, we
developed an experimental program that
included the above activities.
The diagnosis of the levels of inclusive
competence described in the ascertainment
experiment was carried out using the method of
generalization of independent characteristics.
We observe the following results. The number of
CG students who were found to have a high level
increased by 2%, in EG the number of such
students increased by 18%; the number of
students with an average level in CG increased
by 4%, and in EG the number of students with
this level increased by 28%; the number of
students who were found to have a low level of
formation of inclusive competence regarding
activities in the conditions of an inclusive
educational environment decreased by 6% in CG,
and the number of respondents decreased by 29%
in EG.
As a result of the conducted research, we claim
that the formation of inclusive competence in the
experimental groups is higher than in the control
groups. The formation of inclusive competence
should be carried out by the components of
inclusive competence that we have identified, the
content of axiological, anthropological, holistic,
personal, activity, differentiated, competence-
based approaches, effective principles that
provide the ability to communicate with different
categories of children, the ability to build an
educational process taking into account the
differences of children; the ability to design
situations that contribute to the child's emotional
and value sphere; maintain a friendly, business
atmosphere in the children's team.
To improve the quality of education, we
surveyed the formation of inclusive competence
in the professional training of future teachers
with the help of separate pedagogical conditions.
a survey among students of higher education
showed that 80% of students claim that the
implementation of pedagogical conditions is
effective and necessary, and meets the
requirements of education; 11% believe that it
"completely corresponds" and 9% of respondents
are inclined to the opinion that it "does not
correspond at all".
Students' opinions on ensuring equal access to
quality education for children with special
educational problems in educational institutions
were interesting. They were distributed as
follows: yes 75%, no 5%, partially 20%.
In institutions of higher education, respondents
propose to improve inclusive education: the
creation of all necessary innovative conditions
for education (61%), comprehensive
development of this area (24%), and recognition
of the rights of children with special educational
problems (20%).
We fully share the opinion of H. Vasylieva, who
states that "it is the organization of the process of
learning about professional activity by future
teachers of the inclusive form of education at the
pedagogical university that depends on the
effectiveness of the formation of the methodical
competence of the teacher", which is: a
significant factor of influence on the process of
educating young people, a component of
professional competence; "an integrative
professional and personal characteristic that
ensures the ability to perform methodical
functions in the system of inclusive education by
the teacher's professional standard" (Vasylieva,
So, for the formation of inclusive competence of
future teachers, we identified the components of
inclusive competence, clarified the place of
inclusive competence in society and in the
teacher's professional activity, revealed the
content of axiological, anthropological, holistic,
personal, activity, differentiated, competence
approaches, clarified important principles and
pedagogical conditions for the formation of
inclusive competence of future teachers who,
with high-quality professional training, will be
able to conduct high-quality inclusive education
of students, have been developed and
implemented. As a result of the conducted
research, we observe a higher formation of
inclusive competence in the experimental groups
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
than in the control groups.
As a result of the conducted experimental
research, we deliberately conducted an
experiment with future teachers, on whom
depends not only the education of children with
disabilities, but also their entire life path.
To study the place of inclusive competence in the
professional training of future teachers, the ways
of forming inclusive competence in the
professional training of future teachers, and the
development of pedagogical conditions for the
formation of inclusive competence, we found out
the state of inclusive readiness of future students
for inclusive activities among students. The
results of the ascertainment experiment showed
the need for the formation of inclusive
competence in future teachers as early as possible
and to continue throughout their lives with the
aim of high-quality inclusive education of
For the formation of inclusive competence of
future teachers, we identified the components of
inclusive competence, clarified the place of
inclusive competence in society and the teacher's
professional activity, revealed the content of
axiological, anthropological, holistic, personal,
activity, differentiated, competence approaches,
clarified important principles and developed and
implemented pedagogical conditions for the
formation of inclusive competence with the aim
of quality inclusive education of students.
As a result of the conducted research, we observe
a higher formation of inclusive competence in the
experimental groups than in the control groups.
As a result of the experiment, we found out the
state of formation of inclusive competence of
future teachers (students of 3-4 years) to work
with children with disabilities. As a result of the
conducted research, we determined the
improvement of the formation of inclusive
competence through the implementation of
developed pedagogical conditions in
experimental groups for quality education of
children with disabilities.
Further research will be aimed at clarifying the
principles that are important for the formation of
inclusive competence for high-quality inclusive
education of students.
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