www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.71.11.11
How to Cite:
Dinevich, I.A., Ivanova, A.S., & Kunovski, M.N. (2023). Didactic potential of MOOCs in teaching Russian as a foreign
language. Amazonia Investiga, 12(71), 126-137. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.71.11.11
Didactic potential of MOOCs in teaching Russian as a foreign
Дидактический потенциал MOOCs в обучении русскому языку как иностранному
Received: June 26, 2023 Accepted: September 14, 2023
Written by:
Irina A. Dinevich1
Anna S. Ivanova2
Marina N. Kunovski3
The article is devoted to the description of mass
open online courses «Read. Listen. Speak» and
«Verbs of motion in Russian language», intended
for foreign students at the pre-university stage of
training. The article presents an analysis of the
lexical and grammatical content of presentation
and video materials of the proposed training
courses, presents a system of tasks from basic to
advanced levels, and also offers practical
recommendations on the use of various
methodological techniques in teaching Russian
as a foreign language to foreign students. The
authors analyzed the forms of organization of the
activities of all subjects of the distance learning
process, revealed the didactic potential of mass
open online courses as promising distance
technologies in teaching Russian as a foreign
Keywords: foreign students, communicative
competence, mass open online course, Russian as
a foreign language.
PhD, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of the Russian Language Department No.2, Russian Language Institute, Peoples'
Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russian Federation. WoS Researcher ID: JDD-0917-2023
PhD, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of the Russian Language Department No.2, Russian Language Institute, Peoples'
Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russian Federation. WoS Researcher ID: JDD-1113-2023
PhD, Assistant Professor, Head of the Russian Language Department No.2, Russian Language Institute, Peoples' Friendship
University of Russia (RUDN University), Russian Federation. WoS Researcher ID: AAC-4740-2019
Dinevich, I.A., Ivanova, A.S., Kunovski, M.N. / Volume 12 - Issue 71: 126-137 / November, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Due to the change in the structure and content of
higher professional education caused by
transformations in the social, political and
economic spheres of society, the approach to
teaching Russian as a foreign language (RCT)
has also changed.
The Russian language has become fully realized
as a means of communication, mutual
understanding and interaction of people, a means
of familiarization with Russian national culture.
Russian as a foreign language is the main goal of
teaching a foreign student to master the Russian
language fully and fluently. RCT specialists see
the solution to this problem in the formation of a
high level of communicative competence among
foreign students, which will allow them to
communicate in various situations. The
formation of students' communicative
competence at different stages of learning
involves the use of a variety of didactic tools,
among which computer-based learning tools
occupy a special place.
Since the beginning of the XXI century,
e-learning technologies implemented in an open
educational space have become widespread in
the world and Russian education system. One of
the most popular and widespread types of
e-learning is massive open online courses
(MOOCs), vividly illustrating the emergence of
a fundamentally new method of education in all
its spheres, including in the field of Russian as a
foreign language.
In 2014 MOOCs are named by UNESCO among
30 promising trends in the development of
education until 2028, as they contribute to the
creation of free educational resources, as well as
eliminate territorial and temporary barriers,
allowing foreign students to communicate with
teachers and other students at thematic forums.
Currently, mass open online courses as modern
distance learning technologies play an important
role in the process of teaching RCT, being a
powerful factor in the formation of the
communicative competence of foreign students.
As a result, foreign students develop speech
skills, the ability to communicate by language
means in Russian and to assimilate a certain
amount of language material (phonetic, lexical,
This problem seems relevant due to the fact that
it is connected with the training of foreign
citizens in fluent command of the Russian
language. Language learners will not only easily
enter the Russian social and cultural space, but
also carry out their activities in the educational,
professional and professional spheres of
communication. The formed skills and abilities
in speech activity on the linguistic basis of socio-
cultural and socio-everyday spheres of
communication will allow them to easily enter
the Russian social and cultural space, but to carry
out their activities in the educational,
professional and professional spheres of
The relevance of the study is due to a number of
1) the need to develop the communicative
competence of foreign students in all types
of speech activity;
2) the introduction of e-learning, including
MOOCs in the process of training foreign
3) the development of social communication
processes in which the ability to
communicate using technical means
becomes the most important.
Literature Review
A review of modern literature shows that most
Russian and foreign researchers consider
MOOCs as a global trend in the development of
an open educational space (Capuano & Caballe,
2015; El Khadiri et al., 2019).
A number of scientific papers present the features
of mass open online courses in the didactic
aspect, reveal the problems associated with their
use in teaching Russian as a foreign language
(Azimov, 2014; Vlasova et al., 2018), indicate
the prospects for using MOOCs (Bugaichuk,
2013; Vyushkina, 2015; Lebedeva, 2015;
Sherman, 2018), organizational and pedagogical
characteristics of Russian open educational
resources and mass open distance (online)
courses are given (Andreev, 2014).
Analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of
using MOOCs in the general education system,
scientists come to interesting conclusions. In
particular, U.S. Zakharova and K.I. Tanasenko
write that «... the advantages of MOOCs, from
the point of view of teachers, are to provide an
opportunity to better organize the educational
process, accessibility and mobility of learning,
the realization of professional and personal goals
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of the teacher, as well as resource efficiency»
(Zakharova, & Tanasenko, 2019, 176). The
researchers attribute the disadvantages of
MOOCs «to the pedagogical imperfection of the
format, special requirements for the educational
system, resource consumption and professional
risks for the teacher» (Zakharova, & Tanasenko,
2019, 176).
The article «Demand for mass open online
courses (MOOCs): the experience of Russian
education», based on the survey data conducted
as part of the Monitoring of the Education
Economy in 2016, determines the determinants
of demand for MOOCs from teachers and
students of Russian universities and concludes
that «... the probability of studying at MOOCs or
striving for This is higher among active and high-
achieving students, as well as among teachers
engaged in scientific research and who received
additional training in summer schools»
(Roschina et al., 2018, 174).
Modern approaches to the evaluation of mass
open online courses and their implementation on
the example of Russian language courses are
described by a number of Russian scientists
(Maltseva et al., 2019).
An important and significant aspect in the
disclosure of this topic is the analysis of two
actively used MOOCs models: traditional
xMOOC and connectivist CMOS (Downes,
According to a number of researchers, traditional
mass open online courses (xMOOC) are created
on the basis of a cognitive-behaviorist approach,
which is headed by the principles of
centralization and attitude to the learner as an
object of educational activity. «HMOs are open
courses of large international universities. They
are based on an institutional model of the
educational process: the course content is
developed by professional teachers and experts
in a certain subject area, a clear schedule of the
educational process is presented, the course
contains specific tasks, certification of
participants is provided» (Chichilanova et al.,
2015, 57).
Connectivist online courses (SMOS) use a
connectivist approach based on the principles of
self-learning and decentralization. The course
content is created by the participants of the
educational process themselves, using open
educational resources (bull content), and the role
of the course authors is to manage the
educational process. The models of interaction of
participants in the CMOS concept are described
in a number of foreign works (Parr, 2013;
Sambell, 2010; Yuan, & Powell, 2013;
Mozhaeva, 2015).
Marijuan S., Sanz C. It is noted that educational
trajectories are changing under the influence of
new technologies (MOOCs, online courses), but
the practice of teaching a foreign language in a
language environment must necessarily take into
account the peculiarities of language
development and the factors that influence this
development (Marijuan, & Sanz, 2018).
The urgent urgent need to study and implement
interesting methodological solutions offered in
various educational resources, in full-time and
distance learning in Russian universities,
encourages discussion of this issue through the
prism of the specifics of RCT training.
The purpose and objectives of the proposed
Present your own experience of creating and
using MOOCs «Read. Listen. Speak» and
«Verbs of motion in Russian language» in
the process of teaching Russian as a foreign
language at the pre-university stage of
Describe the lexical and grammatical
content of the presentation and video
materials of the proposed training courses,
To characterize the forms of organization of
the activities of all subjects of the distance
learning process,
To offer practical recommendations on the
use of various methodological techniques in
teaching RCT to foreign students,
To analyze the didactic potential of MOOCs
as promising distance technologies in
teaching Russian as a foreign language.
The research material was of MOOCs «Read.
Listen. Speak» and «Verbs of motion in Russian
language». Taking into account the critical
analysis of existing research approaches and
pedagogical practices for the creation of mass
open online courses, it is possible to identify the
novelty of the proposed online training courses:
The innovative nature of MOOCs «Read.
Listen. Speak» it is to create a MOOC
language course-a format that relies on video
and multimedia as the main learning
resource from the zero level of language
proficiency and is focused on the active
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
involvement of the student in the educational
The innovative nature of MOOC «Verbs of
motion in Russian language» it is concluded
in a comprehensive and multidimensional
explanation of the formation and use of
verbs of movement, as well as in the use of
proverbs, sayings and phraseological units
of the Russian language as illustrative
material, which allows foreign students to
get acquainted with oral folk art and learn
the national identity and culture of the
Russian people.
General logical and general scientific methods
were used to analyze the linguistic material and
structure of the presented MOOCs:
The method of complex theoretical analysis
of the studied problem (analysis of modern
scientific literature on the development and
use of mass open online courses in the
practice of higher education);
Descriptive method (analysis of the lexical
and grammatical content of the video
materials of the proposed training courses);
A method of analyzing the educational
potential of mass open online courses as
promising distance learning technologies in
teaching Russian as a foreign language.
Results and Discussion
At the Institute of the Russian Language the
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia has
created several MOOCs aimed at the formation
and development of foreign students' skills and
abilities to use lexical units and grammatical
constructions of the Russian language in their
speech practice in various communication
situations. Depending on the level of Russian
language proficiency (Elementary / Basic / First
Certification levels), MOOCs have different
goals and objectives of implementation in the
educational process of RCT.
The initial stage of learning any foreign
language, including RCT, is particularly difficult
due to the presence of a certain communicative
barrier among language learners. The specifics of
the initial stage of training is due to the fact that
it is the study of the Russian language from
scratch, therefore, students lack any language
stock, as well as the skills and abilities of using
the Russian language in the communication
process. In this regard, the most important task
facing each RCT teacher is the formation of the
communicative competence of foreign students,
while both the language material and the speech
skills and skills of the initial stage should be
"basic", forming the foundation of Russian
language proficiency in the volume determined
by the final goals. The subsequent stages of the
RCT study are focused on the development and
deepening of the skills and abilities of using one's
lexical and grammatical stock in speech practice.
MOOC «Read. Listen. Speak» developed by the
team of the author under the leadership of
A.S. Ivanova, is intended for distance learning of
foreign citizens who speak Russian at the
elementary level (A1), preparing for admission to
Russian universities, as well as for everyone who
wants to improve their skills in mastering
Russian as a foreign language.
The main purpose of the online course is to study
the grammatical and lexical material of the
Russian language corresponding to the basic
level A2, the assimilation of an elementary set of
vocabulary that will allow the student to get
involved in the real sphere of communication in
Russian in the shortest possible time.
The objectives of the course include:
The formation of practical language skills
and speech skills for their subsequent
implementation in the process of generation
and perception of speech utterances during
communication in contacts with native
speakers of the Russian language both in
Russia and in other countries, as well as with
persons for whom the Russian language is an
intermediary language;
Formation of language competence within
the framework of the situational-thematic
minimum of level A2;
Development and improvement of language
competence in accordance with the
requirements for level A2;
Expansion of cultural ideas about Russia.
The process of studying the online course is
aimed at the formation of the following
Possession of socio-cultural and
intercultural communication skills that
ensure the adequacy of social and
professional contacts;
Possession of a system of linguistic
knowledge, which includes knowledge of
the basic phonetic, lexical, grammatical,
word-formation phenomena and patterns of
functioning of the studied foreign language;
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The ability to freely express their thoughts,
adequately use a variety of language tools in
order to highlight relevant information;
Willingness to carry out intercultural
dialogue in the general sphere of
Ability to use etiquette formulas in oral
Knowledge of the norms of etiquette
adopted in various situations of intercultural
The content of the online course includes
presentation and explanation of the grammatical
content of the A2 level, a system of exercises
aimed at fixing grammatical material, a corpus of
text materials designed to teach listening, reading
and speaking.
The online course is designed for 36 academic
hours and consists of 9 modules, in each of which
the lexical and grammatical material of the A2
level is presented, trained and fixed. Each
module contains an explanatory part (lecture) of
a certain grammatical aspect, a series of training
exercises, dialogical and textual material
designed to form the skills of understanding,
reading and speaking. The last module is a
control one: it presents tasks to check the
assimilation of the material of the completed
modules (Table 1).
Table 1.
Content of online course modules
Topic name
Brief description (content) of the modules
Topic 1. Prepositional
The meaning of the case. Forms of nouns, adjectives, ordinal numerals, personal and
possessive pronouns in the prepositional singular and plural. The corpus of grammatical exercises. A corpus of texts for listening and reading. Control tasks for the content of the module.
Topic 2. Accusative
The meaning of the case. Forms of nouns, adjectives, ordinal numerals, personal and
possessive pronouns in the Accusative singular and plural. The corpus of grammatical exercises. A corpus of texts for listening and reading. Control tasks for the content of the module.
Topic 3. Dative case
The meaning of the case. Forms of nouns, adjectives, ordinal numerals, personal and
possessive pronouns in the Dative singular and plural. The corpus of grammatical exercises. A corpus of texts for listening and reading. Control tasks for the content of the module.
Topic 4. Genitive case
The meaning of the case. Forms of nouns, adjectives, ordinal numerals, personal and
possessive pronouns in the Genitive singular and plural. The corpus of grammatical exercises. A corpus of texts for listening and reading. Control tasks for the content of the module.
Topic 5. Creative case
The meaning of the case. Forms of nouns, adjectives, ordinal numerals, personal and
possessive pronouns in the Creative case of singular and plural. The corpus of grammatical exercises. A corpus of texts for listening and reading. Control tasks for the content of the module.
Topic 6. The pronoun "your"
The meaning and forms of the pronoun "own" in the singular and plural in indirect cases. The corpus of grammatical exercises. A corpus of texts for listening and reading. Control tasks for the content of the module.
Topic 7. The word "which" in
different cases
The meaning and forms of the word "which" in the singular and plural in all cases. The corpus of grammatical exercises. A corpus of texts for listening and reading. Control tasks for the content of the module.
Topic 8. The expression of time
in different cases
Grammatical ways of expressing time using different cases. The corpus of grammatical exercises. A corpus of texts for listening and reading. Control tasks for the content of the module.
Topic 9. Knowledge
Control tasks for: - grammatical content of the course; - testing of listening skills; - checking the skills of understanding the text.
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
After completing this online course, students will
be able to
Use the studied language and speech
material when constructing an utterance;
To formalize a speech utterance in
accordance with the norms of the modern
Russian language;
Create a monologue and dialogical utterance
in oral or written form (in accordance with
the topic or situation of communication);
Determine the topic and basic information of
the read /listened text;
Adequately interpret the main content of the
dialogues and the communicative intentions
of the interlocutor, as well as give an
adequate response to the interlocutor's
The educational activities of students are
organized in accordance with the types of speech
activity. To consolidate the lexical and
grammatical norms of the Russian language, the
training course presents an extensive system of
lexical and grammatical tasks and exercises
provided for independent work and aimed at
working out and controlling the assimilation of
the studied material. Lexical and grammatical
material is fixed by performing intermediate tests
after each module.
At this stage of training (A2), various tasks aimed
at supporting the level of formation of
communication skills are used to practice
writing, reading, listening, and speaking skills.
The presence of links between reading, writing
and language development is noted by
researchers K. Paesani, R. Salataci (Paesani,
2016; Salataci, 2002).
The language content of the task options includes
vocabulary that corresponds to the A2 lexical
level and unfamiliar words. The inclusion of
unfamiliar words in the content of tasks solves
the problem of forming the transfer of a skill to a
new language material and teaches the student to
work with unfamiliar vocabulary.
At this stage, much attention is paid to the
formation of the skill of comprehending what has
been listened/ read, storing it in operational or
long-term memory.
Types of listening tasks
Task 1. Listen to the beginning of the sentences and finish them.
The student sees:
The student hears:
A) forest
1. Yesterday we were in ....
B) forest
2. Tourists came to ....
3. Children walked for a long time on ....
4. In autumn we like to walk in …
Task 2. Listen to the dialogue. Complete the
tasks. Please note: the dialog sounds twice.
Hi, Anna! What are you doing tonight?
Hi, Katya. I'll be home after work today.
Do you want to go to the cinema with me
tonight at 8 pm?
Good idea.
I want to watch a movie about Anna
What is this movie about?
This film tells about her life: how difficult it
was for her to study at ballet school, how she
worked hard, and how she loved Russian
ballet. There's a lot of great music there. She
was a great ballerina. She was known all
over the world. She performed in the best
"I've heard of her! Have you seen this movie yet?
Yes, and I liked it so much that I want to
watch it again.
You are so interesting to talk about this
movie! I'm going too.
Okay, then I'll be waiting for you at 7 o'clock
at the bus stop near your work.
Yes, agreed.
Tasks 3. A. Choose the correct answer.
1. Friends decided to go to the cinema. yes/no
2. They want to watch a film about ballet
school. yes/no
3. Anna Pavlova was a musician. yes/no
4. Anna Pavlova performed in various theaters.
5. Friends will meet in the office. yes/no
Types of reading tasks
Task 4. Read the phrases and find pairs of
synonyms. You have 10 minutes.
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1) deceive
A) explore
2) work hard
B) lie
3) study
C) report
4) tell
D) work
5) ask
E) beg
6) ask a question
F) ask
7) love
G) adore
Task 5. Read the sentences.
Find and underline the words that answer the
following questions. You have 10 minutes.
Option 1. Which one?
1. This is a new novel.
2. This is the magazine "Science and Life".
3. This is a story about love.
4. This is our music teacher.
5. We watched this movie on TV.
6. She dreams of great love.
7. There was no music today.
8. Here is tea with lemon.
9. We listened to the report with interest.
Keys: 1) new; 2) Science and life; 3) about love;
4) music; 5) this one; 8) with lemon.
Task 6. Read the adjectives. From the list, select
nouns that can be combined with these
adjectives. You have 5 minutes.
A. economic:
B. economical:
C. economical:
Words: person, reform, crisis, parents, car,
faculty, wife, engine, refrigerator.
Task. Read the text. Find and underline the same-
root words.
You have 5 minutes.
My brother is a pilot. He went to flight school.
As a child, he loved to watch the flight of
migratory birds. Today, planes do not fly because
the runway is icy due to severe frost.
Keys: pilot, flight, flight, flight, planes, fly,
Thus, the presented online course allows a
foreign student to form primary ideas about the
grammatical structure of the Russian language
and contributes to the assimilation of an
elementary set of vocabulary necessary to
eliminate the language barrier and successful
communication in various communication
The MOOC «Verbs of motion in Russian
language», developed by I.A. Dinevich, contains
a lexico-semantic and grammatical explanation
of the features of education and use of movement
verbs of imperfect and perfect form and is aimed
at forming a speech base for students necessary
for successful communication in a language
environment using a certain set of language tools,
providing the possibility of adequate
communication in various communication
MOOC implementation tasks:
Development of system knowledge in the
field of communicative grammar of the
Russian language;
Enriching the vocabulary of foreign
Correction and development of
communication skills in the use of
movement verbs of imperfect and perfect
Formation of an idea about the language
system of the Russian language, about the
rules of functioning of language units in
speech and the ability to use this system
orally and in writing;
Formation of an idea about the national and
cultural peculiarities of the social and speech
behavior of native speakers of the Russian
language: their customs, etiquette, social
stereotypes, history and culture of the
Increasing the availability of education
regardless of the location of students.
The possibilities of the electronic educational
environment make it possible to include in the
MOOC a comprehensive and multidimensional
explanation of the formation and use of verbs of
movement, to attract phraseological units with
verbs of movement not only as illustrative
material, but also material for the development of
types of speech activity. Such an approach in the
organization of the MOOC content allows
developing both linguistic and socio-cultural
competencies of foreign students.
The format of MOOC assignments allows course
users to choose a convenient mode of classes,
monitor their educational activities, and consult
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
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with the author of the course. Undoubtedly, the
methodological advantage of the online course is
that the material of the content part meets the
requirements for the First certification level B1,
the materials presented in the offline format in
the textbook (Pomortseva, & Dinevich, 2019)
and described in this study.
The MOOC «Verbs of motion in Russian
language» is designed for 16 academic hours and
includes seven topics: six video lectures and one
video tutorial presented as a practical lesson.
The basis of MOOC are video lectures conducted
by one lecturer (to a greater extent, only the
lecturer's voice is heard against the background
of the presentation). Video lectures and video
tutorials are clearly structured and logically
interconnected. The sequence of presentation of
the lecture material of this online course is
arranged in accordance with the study of this
topic at the preparatory faculty of the Institute of
the Russian Language (Table 2).
Table 2.
Content of the online course topics
Topic name
Brief description (content) of the topics
Topic 1. Verbs of movement in the Russian
language. Verbs of unidirectional and multidirectional
movement. Questions to verbs of
movement without prefixes. Formation and meaning of prefixed verbs
of imperfect and perfect form.
Characteristics of the verbs of unidirectional movement and verbs
of multidirectional movement. Prepositional-case forms of nouns, adjectives and pronouns used
after verbs of movement. Features of the use of verbs of movement with prefixes. Rules for the formation of verbal nouns. The corpus of grammatical exercises. Control tasks on the content of the topic.
Topic 2. The main meanings of verbs of
movement in the Russian language. The use
of verbs of movement with prefixes.
The main meanings of the verbs of unidirectional movement and
verbs of multi directional movement. Characteristics of the use of verbs of movement with various
prefixes in the Russian language. The corpus of grammatical exercises. Control tasks on the content of the topic.
Topic 3. Types of verbs of movement.
Transitive verbs of movement.
Features of the formation of specific pairs of verbs of movement. Situations of using transitive verbs of movement.
Topic 4. The meanings of verbs of
movement with prefixes in- (in-), you-, vz-
(vzo-), vs-, before- for-, from- (from-), is-,
on- imperfect and perfect. The use of verbs
of movement in a figurative sense and in
phraseological units.
Verbs of movement with prefixes in- (in-), you-, vz- (vzo-), vs-,
before-for-, from- (from-), is-, on- imperfect and perfect. Semantic
characteristics of the use of these verbs of movement in a
figurative sense and in phraseological units. The corpus of
grammatical exercises. Control tasks on the content of the topic.
Topic 5. The meanings of verbs of
movement with prefixes o- (about-), ot-
(ot-), under- (under-), over-, under-
imperfect and perfect. The use of verbs of
movement in a figurative sense and in
phraseological units.
Verbs of movement with the prefixes o- (ob-), ot- (ot-), under-
(under-), over-, under- imperfect and perfect. Semantic
characteristics of the use of these verbs of movement in a
figurative sense and in phraseological units. The corpus of grammatical exercises. Control tasks on the content of the topic.
Topic 6. Meanings of verbs of movement
with prefixes u-, pro-raz-, (razo-), ras-, s-
(co-) of imperfect and perfect form. The use
of verbs of movement in a figurative sense
and in phraseological units.
Verbs of movement with prefixes u-, pro-raz-, (razo-), ras-, s- (co-)
of imperfect and perfect form. Semantic characteristics of the use
of these verbs of movement in a figurative sense and in
phraseological units. The corpus of grammatical exercises. Control tasks on the content of the topic.
Topic 7 - video tutorial. The use of verbs of
movement of an imperfect and perfect kind.
Control tasks for: - grammatical content of the course; - testing of listening skills; - checking the skills of understanding the text.
In addition to video lectures, the MOOC includes
additional educational materials that can be used
both in the classroom and as an independent
work of the listener: presentations, annotated
lectures, test tasks, a corpus of generalizing and
checking grammatical tasks, lexico-grammatical
tests designed to form the skills of understanding,
reading and speaking.
The organization of educational activities of
students is built in accordance with the types of
speech activity. To consolidate the lexical and
grammatical norms of the Russian language,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
followed by active production in speech practice,
this online course presents a clear system of
presenting grammatical material: from
considering the features of education and the use
of non-prepositional verbs of movement to the
formation and use of verbs with various prefixes
in direct and figurative meanings, as well as in
phraseological units (To back down, to drive by
the nose, carry on your hands, carry on yourself
and under.).
The lexical and grammatical tasks of the training
course are aimed at working out the studied
material. Thus, tasks for substituting missing
grammatical forms of verbs of movement
contribute to the formation and automation of the
skill of using these grammatical forms in the
speech practice of students. For example:
Task 1. Instead of dots, put the appropriate verb
of movement in the desired form, using words for
Words for reference: come, run, lead, come, ride,
carry, bring, go, fly, go, come, drive, go.
1. My friend's father was a pilot. He often goes
to London and other European cities. 2. On
Sunday, the children are all day ... at the
Task 2. Write sentences using the verbs to come
to come, to leave to leave, to come to come,
to leave - to leave.
2. Every day students go to the university at 9
o'clock, and ... from the university at 3
o'clock. 2. Every day this student... goes to
the chemical laboratory.
A special role in the online course is assigned to
the consideration of the use of verbs of
movement in proverbs and phraseological units
as an important component of Russian culture
and folk wisdom, which contributes to the
enrichment of the linguistic and cultural level of
foreign students.
In the MOOC video lectures, when describing
the use of verbs of movement in a figurative
sense and in phraseological units, students'
attention is focused on the fact that the pairing of
the verbs of unidirectional and non-directional
movement is lost, and the meaning of movement
in a figurative sense is formed from the original
meaning of the verbs (human movement in one
direction or another): the train is running; the
clock is running; it is snowing; time flies;
thoughts fly. Quite often in the Russian language,
verbs of movement are used in figurative
meanings relating to the physical and mental
states of a person: to come to oneself, to get out
of oneself.
The author of the course gives numerous
examples of proverbs and sayings in which verbs
of movement are used without prefixes (to be
afraid of wolves, not to go into the forest. If you
drive more quietly, you will continue. When you
read a book, you fly on wings. If you like to ride,
love to carry sleds) and with various prefixes
(The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out you
will not catch it. Appetite comes with eating. To
live a life is not a field to cross). It is interesting
and useful for foreign students to learn the
meaning of proverbs and sayings in Russian and
compare them with the meaning in their native
language, which allows them to see the
similarities and distinctive features of the two
language pictures of the world.
To consolidate the use of verbs of movement in
a figurative meaning and in phraseological units,
the author of the course uses tasks in a test form.
For example:
Task 3. Find the meaning of each stable expression (phraseology)
1. Enter the head
a) to make someone very angry, angry
2. Enter/bring up to date
b) to be in a hopeless situation
3. Lose your temper
c) to commit some great deed
4. Get out/get away with it
d) to reveal the truth, to expose
5. Bring to the surface
e) to remain unpunished
6. Slipped my mind
f) to figure out the issue
7. Bring to a white heat
on their own g) to arise in consciousness
8. Walk with your mind
h) to forget about something
9. Come to a dead end
and) to acquaint with something
10. Bypass the mountain
k) lose your temper
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The lexical and grammatical material of the
online course is fixed by performing intermediate
tests after studying each topic. The final
certification provides for the completion of the
final test, which checks the formation of students'
knowledge of the Russian language at the A2
B1 level.
Undoubtedly, the methodological advantage of
the online course is that students of the course
independently choose a convenient mode of
classes for themselves and have the opportunity
to perform intermediate and final tests an
unlimited number of times, see and analyze their
mistakes, as well as ask questions to the author
of the training course on the thematic forum of
the online platform or during classes on various
educational platforms (Teams, Zoom).
The main form of pedagogical management of
students' learning activities is quality control of
completed distance assignments and control of
the process of passing intermediate and final
certification of students, as well as the timely
completion of the online training course by
Despite the different content and target setting of
the MOOCs data, we will highlight the main
points of the educational model:
1. Familiarization with the theoretical material
presented in the form of video lectures with
a parallel demonstration of slides with
infographics and various methodological
2. Study of annotated lectures for each
3. Performing tasks for independent work and
intermediate tests after each video lecture;
4. Performing mandatory final testing at the
end of the training course;
5. Consultation of students by e-mail, on an
interactive forum within the framework of
an online course, on various educational
The consideration of the features of the
development and use of mass open online
courses in the process of teaching Russian as a
foreign language shows that MOOC has already
become an alternative interactive source of
knowledge for foreign students, allowing them to
improve their knowledge of the Russian
language. At the same time, the problem of
teacher interaction with students studying
educational materials in an interactive form is
one of the most important problems of the
As practical recommendations for teachers of
Russian as a foreign language on the use of
remote materials of these online courses in their
practical work, examples of various models of
interaction can be given:
1. Organization of discussion of the material
passed (listened to, read and completed) in
groups of listeners in the classroom and on
various educational platforms: Zoom,
Teams, Pruffme, etc.
2. Quality control of completed distance tasks:
analysis of errors made during the
performance of various tasks and lexico-
grammatical tests with a parallel explanation
of the teacher.
3. Control of the process of passing the
intermediate and final certification of
students and the timely completion of the
online training course by students.
4. Development of students' interest in the
study of mass open online courses through
the expansion of knowledge in the field of
communicative grammar of the Russian
language and the formation of an idea of the
national and cultural characteristics of native
speakers of the Russian language.
5. Study and implementation of interesting
methodological solutions in full-time and
distance learning in Russian universities,
Use of specialized interactive technologies
and learning tools,
The use of various methods of visualization
and digital design of teaching materials,
Creation of an educational (within the
framework of an online course) community
and a feedback system,
Use of various elements of encouragement
aimed at forming a student's rating (points,
Thus, the methodological advantage of these
online courses is that independent study of
various aspects of the Russian language in the
format of mass open online courses allows
foreign students
It is better to assimilate and consolidate the
studied lexical and grammatical material due
to an unlimited number of watching video
lectures and performing intermediate and
final tests,
To replenish your vocabulary and expand
your knowledge in the field of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
communicative grammar of the Russian
Russian speakers should form an idea of the
national and cultural peculiarities of native
speakers of the Russian language and the
peculiarities of Russian culture,
To master new innovative methods of
distance learning,
To receive training in open and free access
in a convenient mode: according to the
place, time and pace of classes, having the
opportunity to dose training based on their
individual capabilities,
Communicate on thematic forums with
teachers and other students, since MOOC is
the optimal platform for educational
interethnic communication,
Get an official certificate upon completion
of the online course.
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