Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.71.11.10
How to Cite:
Reznik, E.A. (2023). On the ways of product quality fixation from the perspective of consumption psychology theory. Amazonia
Investiga, 12(71), 117-125. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.71.11.10
On the ways of product quality fixation from the perspective of
consumption psychology theory
Received: June 9, 2023 Accepted: October 10, 2023
Written by:
Reznik Elena Anatolyevna1
The notions of product quality fixation ways are
characterized in the given paper. It also contains
opinions of different authors on the consumption
psychology characteristics and specifies the
importance of personal features of consumers
and peculiarities of marketing communications
for study. The article gives the notion of
marketing communications and substantiates that
quality management systems (QMS) are
marketing communications. It also demonstrates
that ISO standards in the sphere of quality
management are aimed at developing effective
models of business communications.
The author of the paper focuses on the fact that
certificates and standards lose importance, to
some extent, due to the invention and
development of “bypasses” for standardization
and certification of both the products themselves
and business management systems that results in
the formality and inefficiency of such tools,
which give only the appearance of the qualitative
The conclusions are made that branding, as an
alternative market tool, which can comprise both
quality standards and conformance certificates, is
such a tool of the marketing communication,
which is formed based on a consumer’s demand
and product market characteristics; branding is
competitive and it is attractive from the
investment point to more extent.
Keywords: product quality, fixation ways,
marketing practice, branding, consumer,
voluntary certification, disappoint expectations
of consumers, certificate.
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Higher School of Finance and Management of the Russian Presidential
Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow, Russia, WoS Researcher ID: IWU-7500-2023
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Brand, standard or conformance proof by the
quality certificate are the ways of product quality
fixation mostly appropriate with the organization
strategy pointed out in scientific literature.
The issue of selecting the preference of the
abovementioned ways, despite all seeming
simplicity and artificiality, is one of the key ones
in marketing and management practice and is
especially relevant in Russian reality in the light
of such circumstance that manufacturers do not
understand why they should undergo voluntary
certification and pay for the audit of own
company if they feel themselves quite
comfortably at the market in the current situation.
The issue of branding and its comparison with
other quality fixation ways of products is very
relevant as brand is a more unique and individual
quality fixation tool, therefore, it should be more
carefully studied in comparison with standards
and certification of product quality conformance.
Branding issues are investigated well in the brand
as a strategic marketing toolby such authors as
Е.А. Bubenok (Bubenok, 2013),
I.V. Gvozdetskaya (Gvozdetskaya, 2009),
I.А. Zakharova (Zakharova, 2007), I.V. Ilyina
(Ilyina, 2007), V.V. Fominykh (Fominykh,
2010) and others.
The definition of brand and branding is diverse.
There are many approaches to the notion of
brand, which touch upon its different aspects and
We, indeed, are interested in those brand
properties, which would connect it with the
quality of products presented by it and
individualize the manufacturer of such products,
i.e. we are interested in the brand as a strategic
marketing. Such approach is mentioned in
Mc Donald’s definition: “Brand is the name or
symbol, which identify the product. Successful
brand identifies the product, which has the
undeniable competitive advantage” (Mc Donald,
Literature Review
To sum up the principal concepts of the “brand”,
we can determine that brand as the the following
set of perceptions in consumer’s eyes (Feldwick,
2002). A consumer often perceives brand at the
psychological and cognitive level when it is
enough to hear about the brand and a consumer
receives all the information about the goods.
Consumer psychology is also a certain section of
psychology and the brand awareness, “capture”
by eyes, what is the most important property of
the branded product. Therefore, manufacturers
and sellers struggle severely for certain places in
shop-windows and shelves of supermarkets since
this is the competition for “capture”, struggle for
the coverage of potential consumer audience, and
brand, in this sense, surpasses in many times both
certificates and standards by marketing
Brand can comprise all those marketing tools, it
can be, sort of, “focus” of marketing tools,
including all the combination from QMS to the
voluntary certification by ISO. But it can also not
contain, and in the competitive struggle the brand
not containing such tools can unexpectedly
appear more successful and profitable than
carefully adjusted and selected standards and
certificates. For example, one company can
introduce QMS by ISO 9001 standards onto its
production, it voluntarily certified all its
products, however, it did not develop its personal
individual brand. And such company can easily
lose in the competitive struggle to the company,
which did not introduce QMS into its production,
did not receive voluntary certificates but
developed and launched a successful visually
attractive brand. This is the first type of the
marketing strategy.
Primarily, the second marketing strategy will be
more advantageous and then the product quality
factor will come in. And here the selection of
marketing strategy will tackle everything
because the first company could select the long-
term strategy of entering the market, and the
second one only wanted to cream off the market
and leave. We studied also this type of strategy
in our work.
Describing the brand psychologism, G. Dowling
insists on the use of the marketing tool of
promoting the product. Brand is the combination
of the name and other symbols used to identify
the product and “promise” given to the customer
(Dowling, 2006). The customer really wants not
only to obtain qualitative products under the
notion of brand at present, right now, but expects
that the product quality will not get worse in
future, to say the least. Probably, in this sense the
notion of brand is more psychological and
marketing than the certificate, which guarantees
the product quality but it is still not unique to the
same degree as the brand. The strong marketing
side of the brand is the fact that it creates the
Reznik, E.A. / Volume 12 - Issue 71: 117-125 / November, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
name not only for the products themselves but
also for their manufacturer.
Some experts, I. Kretov and N. Karyagin repeat
the same thesis in their brand definition, saying
that «the trademark is, in some way, the promise
that the offered product has a set of positive
qualities and will not disappoint the customers’
expectations» (Kretov & Karyagin, 2005).
Another important psychological and marketing
moment is the moment of motivation, which is
one of the key notions in marketing. As it was
defined by F. Jones, «Brand is the product
meeting the functional needs of some consumers
and providing them with some additional value
able to satisfy certain psychological needs and
induce them to buy» (Jones, 2005).
The incentive to buy one or another product is the
most important notion of consumer psychology.
Scientists and marketers conduct expensive
researches trying to understand what forces a
consumer to buy one or another product a
spontaneous desire or such probability can be
increased. Obviously, the brand and trademark,
together with the qualitative products, will be the
best incentives to buy rather than just All-Union
State Standard (GOST) mark on the product. At
present, it is impossible to surprise anyone by
GOST mark availability since the threshold
levels of the market are such that the products
manufactured not according to the standards do
not practically have chances to hit store shelves.
But brand is also the essence of the product
marketability, it is the combination of many
characteristics targeted at the consumer’s
psychological motives. Motivation in
consumption psychology is the notion of
intellectual, volitional and emotional scope.
According to N.P. Ketova, motivation in
marketing is the combination of interests,
inquiries, considerations, which the consumer is
driven by making the decision on the
practicability of buying the product and
preference of selecting the product among others.
In the scientist’s opinion, motivation can be
influenced by the following factors: consumer’s
interest, self-esteem.
To sum up the said above, we determined the
following factors of the consumer decision to
obtain any brand (Design 1).
Design 1. The factors of the consumer decision to obtain a brand
As we see, motivation is divided into external
and internal. An internal motivation does not
require encouragements and incentives for the
individual who is driven by internal motives.
Such motives can exist both at conscious and
unconscious levels.
An external motivation requires public
recognition and reaction. Motivation is
connected with the need to exercise own
personality; however, external motivation can
have the opposite expression, especially in the
consumption sphere. The consumer can buy
products only because all the others buy them.
The massiveness of consumption seems to be the
best marker of the product quality but it is not
always so.
Motivation by N.P. Ketova is initiated by the
interest, self-perception, commitment and
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
possession. Self-perception is a subjective
psychological process revealed in marketing in
such a way that the consumer is motivated to buy
those products, which he or she bought before
and the experience indicates that these products
are qualitative. In such case, at self-perception
the brand importance increases since the brand
allows the product not to be lost in the variety of
other goods and products.
Interest (involvement) indicates the product
significance to the consumer and its importance
for a certain consumer. A commitment, by
Ketova (2009) is the consumer’s stable and
developed attitude to the trademark formed
during the consumption process. Commitment is
obviously based on self-perception.
Design 2. The factors of the product significance for the consumer
So, the trademark or brand are extremely
important for commitment.
There are several theories of motivation in
marketing, which are worked out by general
psychology. The same theories are also applied
to study the consumer behavior. We have already
met one of such motivational theories in the
work. This is the theory of motive hierarchy by
А. Maslow (Design 3).
Design 3. Maslow's hierarchy of needs (Mcleod, 2023)
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
According to this hierarchy, people successively
satisfy the needs most important for them at the moment and these needs become the incentive
for them and motive of behavior (Design 4).
Design 4. The process of actualization of needs according the hierarchy of Maslow.
We see that the physiological needs are
prevailing meanwhile a self-actualization needs
are undergoing.
The second important for the given work theory
is S. Freud’s theory, which divides all motives
into conscious and unconscious. In marketing the
big is bet on unconscious motives of
consumption when the person cannot even
answer the question why he or she bought this
product and what he was driven by in the process
of its selection. It is obvious that the unconscious
motives of consumption behavior are much more
powerful in forming buying capacity of the goods
and no standards and certificates can be
compared with such motives (Ganti, 2020).
It is not important for the consumer what QMS
and according to which standard is installed by
this manufacturer and how it helped him or her to
produce this product. The consumer may not
know at first who is the manufacturer but he or
she buys the product and seems to do it
spontaneously but the unconscious motives
consist in it. The concept of brand, product
appearance, packing and other external features
all these can contain unconscious motives to
buy the product, and exactly such motives to buy
the products define such “spontaneous”
We see that according the Freudian theory the
motivation is based on the unconscious
psychological forces, such as hidden desires and
motives, shape an individual's behavior, like their
purchasing patterns.
According to the key moments of S. Freud’s
motivation theory, unconscious psychological
forces, such as hidden wishes and motives, form
a human’s behavior as well as his or her model
of purchases. Freud’s motivation theory treats the
purchasing process as the combination of
meeting conscious and unconscious needs of a
consumer. That is, the probability of buying the
detergent of a certain trademark and certain
brand will be much greater, if the consumer was
primarily driven by such conscious motive but
not came to the store to buy the dog food and
suddenly, affected by some spontaneous factors,
decided to buy the detergent as well. It is obvious
that in the second case no unconscious motives
will force the consumer to buy such product even
though it is manufactured according to
international ISO standards.
These ideas can help market researchers to find
out why the consumer made one or another
purchase paying attention to his or her conscious
and unconscious motives, as well as to the weight
of social expectations (Financial Encyclopedia,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
But, in any case, as applicable to the topic of our
research it can be surely said that the factor of
availability of conformance signs to quality
standards, conformance certificates can be the
conscious motive to buy one or another product.
The existence of the product brand, its popularity
for the consumer, and experience in using this
brand can be a stable conscious motive for the
At present, there are also modern psychological
motivation theories in the marketing science.
Based on one of them, Kotler’s theory,
consumers buy not the products but the way to
meet their needs. The availability of needs, as the
guiding motive of the consumer activity, defines
branding and marketing strategies of product
promotion (Kotler, 2004).
Another important approach in marketing is the
one according to which the orientation should be
switched from selling the goods to the
consumer’s personality. Such approach is rather
innovative since the consumer psychology basis,
in general, is the massiveness. The consumption
ideology is aimed at masses and the total mass of
people are the impersonal consumers. However,
apparently, this concept reached its limits and, in
this regard, marketers together with
psychologists focused on the consumer’s
personality. According to one of the leading
management theorists P. Drucker: «Marketing
aim is to make useless the efforts of household
activities. Its aim is to get to know and
understand the client well, that the product or
service will definitely suit the latter and sell
themselves» (Drucker, 1973). That is, we speak
of some existence independency of the model
«manufacturer-product-consumer». To the
known extent of recognition the manufacturer
should perform the marketing strategy to
promote own product to the market. After the
consumer recognized this product, the model
should transfer to the autonomous state and the
selling function itself is not required.
It is useful to compare the method proposed by
P. Drucker to the method of company existence
independence when the number of vertical links
in the company decreases and horizontal ones
replace them. When the whole production system
shifts to the independent mode of existence
becoming the closed system, the management
should control only the input and output and
finally it’s complete matching is achieved.
Therefore, we can conclude that the focus on the
consumer and his personality is the modern
marketing method is prevailing nowadays. This
type of marketing focalization significantly
improve competitiveness.
Results and Discussion
Thus, the formation of personality markets
becomes the new direction in marketing when the
consumer’s personality is studied, his or her
needs are examined and the market is formed
based on them.
In this case, such social and economic tools as
marketing communications acquire significant
importance for investigation of such personal
peculiarities of consumers.
In general, marketing communications are the
process of data transfer from the manufacturer to
consumer. This is a crucial marketing tool, which
significantly differs from all other types and
kinds of communications. At the same time,
communications, in the general sense of this
notion, are the means of personal interaction and
information transfer, which can be transmitted
verbally, lexically, graphically by all ways
existing for information transfer.
The distinctive feature of marketing
communications is the fact that they transfer not
ordinary information but economically important
and significant one about the properties and
characteristics of goods, which allow selling
them better. Can the national or international
standard refer to marketing communications?
Yes, if it is transferred from the manufacturer to
the consumer in the form of information
accessible for recognition. The same can be also
said about any information connected with the
quality of products it can have the designation
of marketing communication since it improves
the marketability of goods. The information
about QMS introduced according to ISO
standards, which was transferred from the
manufacturer to consumer, will surely be the
marketing communication.
Brand is the important marketing communication
of integrated value since brand is the means of
product promotion and it is also the way of
communication between the manufacturer and
consumer. The manufacturer forms the brand as
the quality mark, as the trademark counting
exactly on the fact that the consumer will
memorize the brand and will further identify the
products of this manufacturer by the brand. And
the consumer associates psychological
expectations of the qualitative products exactly
with the brand and the brand, in many cases, is
also the powerful conscious motivation.
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Thus, the specific feature of marketing
communications is the fact that the consumer and
the manufacturer do not only communicate and
transfer information through them but do it
indirectly. That is, the manufacturer and the
consumer do not meet personally each time and
do not discuss the properties and quality of the
products. At the marketing and economic level
all this is done by the brand as an important tool
of marketing communication. It is obvious that
standards do not have such marketing
communication scope as the brand. Standards
are the weaker tool of marketing communication;
certificates also do not have such marketing
communication essence.
The kind and form of psychological and
intellectual scope of marketing communication
methods are important. This is not just verbal,
lexical, graphical and other visual scope as the
method of information transfer. This is the form
of transferring consumer motivation, consumer’s
expectations, hopes for qualitative product, on
the one hand, but also from the manufacturer’s
side this is the whole set of marketing wishes and
volitional messages hope for the product
purchase, message about qualitative products,
appeal to buy exactly this product, form and
method of competitive struggle.
Brand as a marketing tool is the most important
intellectual, moral-psychological and economic
method and form of marketing communication
between the manufacturer and consumer; it has
the primary marketing, economic, market-
oriented, psychological-communicative and
simply social information in compact and pre-
prepared form. Neither standards for quality
conformance certificates can be compared with
such marketing tool as brand by its
communicative ability.
Thus, both standard and conformance certificates
are essentially inferior in marketing and
communicative sense to such promotion tool as
brand. Brand significantly improves the
competitiveness of products.
Marketers also developed many definitions and
approaches to the notion of marketing
communications. In our opinion, this is defined
by the same vast economic and marketing
essence of such notion as brand.
A.P. Pankrukhin considers them as the
combination of means and certain actions to
search, analyze, generate and distribute the
information important for the subjects of
marketing relations (Pankrukhin, 2006).
J. Burnett and S. Moriarty consider marketing
communications as the process of transferring
information about the product to the target
audience (Burnett, & Moriarty, 2007).
N.D. Eriashvili and A.V. Korotkov explain the
notion of marketing communications as the
combination of signals send by the companies to
different audiences, complex effect of the
company on marketing environment to create
favorable conditions for successful and profitable
activity on the market (Eriashvili, Korotkov, &
Sinyayeva, 2017).
E.E. Tarasova and Y.M. Voronin gives the
following definition of marketing
communications this is a complex system of
market interaction of the company with public
circles connected with goods flow, exchange of
information, technologies, knowledge,
experience. The complex of marketing
communications consists in the development and
integration of the company actions to achieve its
sales goals (Tarasova, & Voronin, 2008).
If we assume that the quality management
systems (hereinafter - QMS) according
international ISO 9000 standards are the vast
accumulated experience, which was transferred
through these standards from European and
American market community to Russian
companies and market, then it turns out that
quality management systems are also marketing
communications. However, they are not aimed at
transferring information on certain good or
products. Due to their universal character these
systems and standards are the means of
transferring the experience in managing business
forms to organize effective business
communications. That is, ISO standards in QMS
sphere are aimed at constructing effective models
of business communications, therefore, they can
also be acknowledged, to some extent, as the
tools of marketing communication, as the tools to
exchange the accumulated experience between
two or several markets and business management
ISO standards are aimed at training, therefore,
they, by their nature, are the forms of
communication, however, their orientation not
between the manufacturer and consumer but
between one manufacturer or a group of
manufacturers having the accumulated
experience and inexperienced manufacturers
who want to organize their own business
management system in the image and likeness of
more experienced colleagues.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
As D.R. Amirova and A.I. Khramova indicate in
their paper, all marketing communications have
the same goal stimulation of buyers to purchase
their goods and services (Amirova, & Khramova,
2019). However, in such case, the unavoidable
question about individualization arises since
marketing communications should answer the
question “whose specifically their”. This means
that marketing communications should simply
and easily identify certain products with their
manufacturer. That is, marketing
communications, despite the fact that they are the
means of information transfer from the
manufacturer to consumer, are definitely more
advantageous for the manufacturer; therefore, the
manufacturer is the source of origin of marketing
In such case, if we speak about the product
competitiveness improvement, the products from
the manufacturer as the goods purchased by the
consumer have several target designations. They
should not only satisfy the buyer’s needs and be
qualitative but they should also be the means and
method of marketing communication with the
consumer, i.e. through his or her products the
manufacturer transfers the important marketing
information to the consumer. This indicates that
modern economic marketing and consumer
relations become more and more complicated
since the goods or products are not simply the
qualitative goods anymore aimed at meeting the
consumer’s needs. They also fulfill an important
target function of transferring and distributing
the marketing information, i.e. the products are
the most important means and form of marketing
communication. In essence, the manufacturer has
the economic and marketing dialog with the
buyer through own products.
Branding as the marketing communication is
close by its properties, features and designation
to standardization and certification. As indicated
in Y.S. Menyailo’s work, branding tasks are the
competitiveness improvement, improvement of
the efficiency of marketing solutions that
contributes to the attraction of investments to
support the brand (Menyailo, 2019).
Thus, branding is also aimed at improvement of
investment attractiveness and competitiveness
improvement, consequently, it possesses all
marketing features and properties of standard and
quality certificate.
As О.А. Kuzmina points out, the market
participants in Russia acknowledged the
importance of brands for the consumer long ago.
The manufacturers of consumer goods are keen
to create brands out of their trademarks
guarantying quality, reliability of the products,
high status, prestige value of purchase and use to
the consumer, and to the manufacturer
additional profit and share of the product market
(Kuzmina, 2008).
At the same time, it should be pointed out that
certification of product quality conformance, as
we indicated in previous paragraphs, is aimed at
becoming the quality guarantee and quality
conformance necessary for the standard or
specified level. One of certification designations
is the creation of trustful relations between the
manufacturer and consumer at the market, i.e.
certification is one of marketing guarantees of
product quality. In contrast to the brand,
certification is more widespread and is controlled
by the state by creating certain vertically
integrated system.
In the given article, the notions of product quality
fixation ways were characterized. We have
expressed the different opinions on the
consumption psychology characteristics. The
importance of personal features of consumers
and peculiarities of marketing communications
were specyfied. The work gives the notion of
marketing communications and substantiates that
quality management systems (QMS) are
marketing communications. The ISO standards
in the sphere of quality management are aimed at
developing effective models of business
We focus our research on the fact that certificates
and standards lose importance. Due to the
invention and development of “bypasses” for
standardization and certification of both the
products themselves and business management
systems that results in the formality and
inefficiency of such tools, which give only the
appearance of the qualitative products.
Were stated the following thesis:
1. Branding can be substituted an alternative
market tool, which can comprise both
quality standards and conformance
2. A tool of the marketing communication is
formed on a consumer’s demand and
product market characteristics.
3. Branding is a competitive device and it is
attractive from the investment point of view.
4. Brand is more beneficial because the
consumer focuses on own experience
Volume 12 - Issue 71
/ November 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
already and for the manufacturer it is only
important to initially interest the buyer for
him or her to purchase the product for the
first time
5. As soon as the experience results in further
purchases and the brand starts existing
independently, the same happens with QMS.
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