Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.70.10.22
How to Cite:
Kulyk, N., Masliuk, R., Kyselov, V., Voropai, S., & Koycheva, T. (2023). Formation of ICT competence in future specialists of
physical education and sports in the conditions of distance learning. Amazonia Investiga, 12(70), 241-254.
Formation of ICT competence in future specialists of physical
education and sports in the conditions of distance learning
Формування ІКТ-компетентності у майбутніх фахівців фізичної культури та спорту
в умовах дистанційного навчання
Received: September 10, 2023 Accepted: October 18, 2023
Written by:
Nina Kulyk1
Ruslan Masliuk2
Valerii Kyselov3
Serhii Voropai4
Tetyana Koycheva5
The article clarifies the peculiarities of the
professional training of future specialists in
physical culture and sports in institutions of
higher education in the conditions of distance
learning; the specifics of professional training of
future specialists are considered; the types of
distance learning, which differ in communication
strategy and means of information transmission,
are revealed; the features of remote and
electronic learning methods for quality training
of future specialists have been proven. The
purpose of the article is to find out the basics of
the formation of ICT competence among future
specialists in physical culture and sports in the
conditions of distance learning. The
methodological basis of the article is a systematic
combination of system-forming interrelated
factors (goals, forms, and methods of
pedagogical influence, principles, subjects, and
conditions of the educational process, means of
Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S.
Makarenko, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: IQX-1647-2023
PhD in Education, Associate Professor, Head of Sport Subjects Department, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University,
Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: F-3325-2019
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of the Тheories and Methods of Sports, Sumy State
Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: АСР-6653-2022
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, profesor, professor of the department of theory and methods of Olympic and professional sports,
Central Ukrainian State University named after Volodymyr Vinnichenko, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: HTQ-0049-2023
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Full Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, State Institution “South Ukrainian
National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: S-26661-2018
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
education, and content of education). The
pedagogical conditions for the formation of ICT
competence among future specialists in physical
culture and sports for the effective and rational
application of distance learning technologies are
Keywords: professional training, future
specialists in physical culture and sports, higher
education institutions, distance learning, types of
distance learning.
In connection with the dominance of the Internet
in the world, and the constant growth of its
communication and information capabilities,
distance education is developing at a rapid pace.
The use of distance education in the educational
process of a higher school requires a qualitative
analysis of the priorities of factors, a qualitative
modernization of innovative technologies, the
development of knowledge acquisition methods,
consideration of other mechanisms that
effectively affect the acquisition of knowledge
by students and the work of teachers in a distance
format (Tsybulko & Hloba, 2021).
The formation of the information society
involves the preparation of citizens for life in the
conditions of the growth of information
processes and the globalization of the
information space, which increases the
requirements for the quality of educational
training of modern specialists in the field of the
use of information and communication
technologies (ICT) in professional activities the
formation of their information competence
(Ladyka et al., 2015).
The idea of continuous education finds its
practical embodiment in all spheres of education
and the professional education of physical
culture and sports specialists. In the conditions of
the creation of the European space, at the current
stage of higher physical education, the main
development for the quality of an individual's life
is the improvement of the quality of training of
competitive specialists in physical culture and
sports with a high level of professionalism,
professional knowledge, and competitiveness.
Open distance education is one of the effective
forms of high-quality higher education aimed at
meeting the educational needs of young people,
and the development of online courses is
facilitated by the availability of the Internet
(Chukhlantseva, 2017).
All this poses fundamentally new tasks for the
teaching staff and presents increased
requirements for material, technical, and
methodical support of the educational process,
forms, and methods of training future specialists
in physical culture and sports. Therefore, at the
current stage, special attention should be paid to
the quality organization of the educational
process in institutions of higher education, in
particular, to the implementation of distance
learning in the training of future specialists in
physical culture and sports.
Literature Review
According to the leading experts in the field of
informatization of education, today the
capabilities of information technologies
significantly outstrip the practice of their
effective use in the educational process. If there
is already some experience in certain disciplines
(economics, physical-mathematical, technical,
and informatics), the results of applying the
achievements of modern ICT in humanitarian
specialties, including physical culture and sports,
look significantly more modest or are absent at
all. This is because teachers and students in the
specified subject areas do not know the tools and
methods of informatics well enough and do not
imagine its rapidly growing possibilities.
I. Samokhvalova, & S. Kharchenko (2022)
summarized scientific research in the field of
physical culture and sports, determining the
peculiarities of motor activity, physical capacity,
the necessary level of physical health of future
specialists in physical culture and sports, and
proved the influence of the direction of future
professional activity on the development of
motor skills of students; showed the importance
of developing the endurance strength of
education seekers.
I. Kryventsova (2020) devoted her research to the
search for effective ways and methods of
Kulyk, N., Masliuk, R., Kyselov, V., Voropai, S., Koycheva, T. / Volume 12 - Issue 70: 241-254 / October, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
engaging students in distance education to
physical exercises; outlined the forms and topics
of distance learning in physical culture and
sports, assessed the activity of education seekers
during distance and face-to-face learning;
determined the place, role, and distance learning
opportunities in physical education and sports for
students and teachers.
N. Terentieva (2019) analyzed the current state
of distance education in the process of
professional training of specialists in Physical
Culture and Sports and Secondary Education
(Physical Culture); for professional training of
future specialists presented the negative and
positive aspects of the implementation of
distance education, taking into account the
specifics of the region and the characteristics of
the student contingent.
S. Lazorenko (2021), a solution to the problem of
forming an information and digital culture for
future specialists in physical education and sports
was proposed in the conditions of distance and
mixed learning; in the conditions of distance and
mixed learning, the practical issues and
theoretical foundations of the formation of the
information and digital culture of the future
specialist are substantiated.
L. Tsybulko, & H. Hloba (2021) highlights the
features of distance learning and shows the
features of the organization of the educational
process of future physical culture and sports
specialists in the conditions of quarantine and
certain restrictions regarding the full-fledged
educational process in higher education
institutions; emphasis is placed on mobility,
flexibility of education, adequacy of analysis and
adaptation to new situations, and use of existing
skills, abilities, and knowledge with modern
information technologies.
O. Dubovoi, V. Babych, V. Dubovoi, V. Zaitsev,
S. Haliuza, P. Hordienko, & Ya. Malkova (2021),
based on a systematic approach, devoted their
research to the professional training of physical
culture and sports specialists in the conditions of
distance learning. It is noted that the professional
training of specialists in institutions of higher
education in the conditions of distance learning
is an extremely urgent problem.
N. Byshevets, N. Honcharova, & M. Rodionenko
(2020) found out the peculiarities of training
students in physical culture and sports and the
conditions of distance education; emphasizing
the importance of increasing the applied and
scientific potential of higher education, which
ensures professional orientation; in the process of
forming computer modeling skills, the ways of
improving didactic electronic support, future
specialists are outlined.
At the same time, the analysis of research in
modern pedagogical science shows that there are
certain theoretical prerequisites for solving the
task of developing a methodology for the
formation of information competence in distance
education: numerous studies have been
conducted devoted to the pedagogical aspects of
the formation of information competence of
specialists; conducted research dedicated to the
training of future physical culture specialists in
the conditions of informatization of education,
information provision of physical culture for
students of educational institutions, increasing
the level of professional competence based on the
use of information tools in distance learning,
pedagogical design of professional training of
physical culture specialists using information
At the same time, taking into account the
significant number of studies on the problems of
forming ICT competence among future
specialists in physical culture and sports in the
conditions of distance learning, the problem of
forming their professional competence in the
process of pedagogical practice, which,
combining theory and practical activity, provides
preparation for future teaching activities in
conditions as close as possible to professional
ones. In modern conditions, when determining
and increasing the level of physical fitness of the
population of Ukraine, creating appropriate
conditions for the physical development of
various groups of the population, and improving
their health are recognized as important tasks of
the state and society, the structure of
informational competence of physical culture
specialists, criteria and level of its formation,
requires theoretical substantiation and practical
verification of ways of forming the professional
competence of future teachers of physical culture
in the conditions of pedagogical practice.
The purpose of the study: is to find out the
basics of the formation of ICT competence
among future specialists in physical culture and
sports in the conditions of distance learning.
To achieve the goal of the research, a set of
methods was used:
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
general scientific (analysis, generalization,
comparison, synthesis) to study the state of
training in institutions of higher education of
future specialists in physical culture and
sports in the conditions of distance learning,
experience in the theory and practice of
organizing a quality educational process;
historical-chronological to determine the
periods of formation and prerequisites for
the training of future specialists in physical
culture and sports in the conditions of
distance learning;
empirical (analytical, comparative for
pedagogical and historical analysis of
literature; search and bibliographic for
systematization of printed sources, library
catalogs, periodicals);
historical and comparative to compare the
content of the training of future specialists in
physical culture and sports in the conditions
of distance learning from the point of view
of teachers and scientists.
historical-retrospective to reveal patterns of
development of historical events, cause and
effect relationships, to highlight trends and
characteristic features of training future
specialists in physical education and sports
in conditions of distance learning;
methods of mathematical and statistical
processing of the obtained experimental
We will single out the methodological principles
of the study of the training of future specialists in
physical culture and sports in institutions of
higher education in the conditions of distance
The philosophical level of the research
methodology is characterized by an existential
(an important factor in the success of the
professional training of future specialists in
physical culture and sports in higher education
institutions in the conditions of distance learning
is the creation of conditions to form in the
students of education their system of motives and
meanings) approach and a dialectical (conditions
the need for awareness, identifying, overcoming
internal and external contradictions) approach.
The general scientific level of the methodology
is manifested in the systemic approach because it
involves a systematic combination of system-
creating interrelated factors (goals, forms, and
methods of pedagogical influence, principles,
subjects, and conditions of the educational
process, means of education, the content of
The concrete-scientific level of the methodology
requires the involvement of activity,
professional, innovative, personal, reductive,
healing, bio-sociocultural, and gender
approaches to the training of future specialists in
physical culture and sports in higher education
institutions in the conditions of distance learning.
The technological level of the methodology is
determined by teaching methods in the
conditions of distance education during the
professional training of future specialists in
physical education and sports in institutions of
higher education.
In higher education institutions, for various
conditions of training specialists in physical
culture and sports, the problem of clarifying
specific scientific methodology remains open
distance learning, mixed learning, mobile
learning, etc.
Results and Discussion
The professional training of future specialists in
physical culture and sports in higher education
institutions is most often associated with long
and repeated absences by students of academic
classes, which occur during trips to educational
and training meetings, intense educational and
training activities, participation, and preparation
in competitions. For such education seekers, a
special form of educational process is needed,
which would not be inferior to the traditional
form of education in terms of efficiency.
Distance education is one of those forms that, in
connection with the spread of the most modern
information technologies, for example,
multimedia and network hypermedia, received a
powerful development impulse. The specificity
of training future specialists in physical culture
and sports in institutions of higher education
makes this issue even more relevant (Choi et al.,
The above-mentioned changes are manifested
most concentratedly in the distance education
system, which is an organization at a distance of
the educational process, when the teacher and
students are geographically or physically distant,
which is education through the Internet and other
computer and communication channels, which
can be characterized as modern, at a distance, a
form of education using multimedia systems,
new information technologies, which makes it
possible to eliminate the shortcomings of the
traditional correspondence form of education;
ensures a close and intensive two-way exchange
of information between the teacher and students.
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The use of online conversations (chat), and video
conferences expands the scope of interactive
interaction and creates the effect of presence
(Ladyka et al., 2015).
We will reveal two types of distance learning for
future specialists in physical culture and sports
in institutions of higher education, which differ
in communicative strategy and means of
information transmission.
The first type includes traditional distance
The second type is electronic distance learning.
When preparing future specialists in physical
education and sports in institutions of higher
education, the participants of the educational
process interact using various means: in the first
type of distance learning, pedagogical
communication is implemented using the mobile
communication system and mail, in the second
type based on Internet communications.
At the same time, the technology of electronic
and distance learning is a mandatory component
of mixed learning, and operates a system of
innovative methods, to implement a targeted set
of pedagogical influences.
Peculiarities of distance and electronic learning
methods for quality training of future
specialists in physical culture and sports are
determined, first of all, by the specifics of their
implementation in an informational and
educational environment and a computer-
oriented environment. Such a
telecommunications software environment
ensures the organization of the educational
process and provides high-quality informational
support for education seekers with the help of
special technological means and methods.
Distance and electronic learning methods
include the following: exploratory,
informational, receptive, algorithmic,
reproductive, and heuristic, correlated with the
methods of face-to-face traditional education.
Let's emphasize the logical sequence of use: at
the stage of processing a certain amount of
material by students, it is worth using methods:
algorithmic, receptive, informational, and
reproductive, during the involvement of students
in cognitive independent activity and
assimilation of the studied material heuristic
and research (Plakhotnik et al., 2023).
With the penetration of elements of distance
learning into the traditional pedagogical practice,
their mutual enrichment and integration are
observed. Therefore, the combination of
computer-oriented methods and traditional
teaching methods can be successful in the mixed
training of future specialists in physical culture
and sports in higher education institutions in the
process of professional training (Tsybulko &
Hloba, 2021).
Within distance learning, in addition to all
existing traditional didactic principles, new
innovative principles are implemented (the
principle of ensuring the security of information
that exists during distance learning; the principle
of mobility of learning; the principle of
pedagogical expediency of using new
information technologies; the principle of
compliance with innovative learning
technologies) that are possible when using
modern information technologies. With this
approach, distance courses created based on
traditional and innovative principles are aimed at
individualizing the education of students of
higher education, their creative self-realization,
modern quality education, and the formation of a
spatial worldview (Stefanenko, 2002).
The professional training of future specialists
in physical culture and sports in institutions of
higher education in the conditions of distance
learning is carried out with the help of various
forms of distance learning, in particular:
Adaptive learning, the educational process is
aimed at adapting methods and educational
materials to the needs of the student of
E-learning, this form of education is
conducted on the Internet with the help of
electronic mass media;
Blended learning combines face-to-face
and online learning, which provides a higher
level of independence in the learning
Flipped classroom uses a model of the
educational process in which students of
higher education are directed to independent
work at home, a form of education where the
student actively cooperates with a teacher
and other students in an interactive
educational space): watching video lectures,
master classes, etc.;
MOOCs are open Internet online courses
that are freely available to all students of
education and include open educational
materials for cooperation and interaction
between students of education;
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOCC such joint open educational courses
in which teachers at a higher education
institution have the opportunity to create
their own educational version of the course
have the opportunity to develop additional
materials for their students for cooperation
in the network;
SPOC Internet courses used as blended
Open source software (OSS) open
educational resources (OER), where any
Internet material is available and free;
Open Educational Resources (OER) the
openness of part of the content of the
educational space or data, for their free use
by education seekers, for storage and
distribution (Lishchynska, 2017).
In higher education institutions, working with
information in the "Cloud" is of great
importance for high-quality professional and
innovative training of future specialists in
physical culture and sports in the conditions of
distance learning.
Consider the structure of working with
information in the "Cloud", which is represented
in the form of a pyramid, the base of which is the
"infrastructure" as a set of physical devices (hard
drives, servers, etc.), above it there is a
"platform" that builds a set of services and the
top, which outlines software that is affordable
and meets the demand of education seekers
(Chao, 2012).
For the high-quality application of cloud
technologies in the educational process, we will
highlight the following innovative models of
providing educational services:
a form of PaaS cloud services Platform as
a Service provides a development
environment as a service (the teacher is
provided with an integrated interactive
platform for deployment, testing,
development, and support of distance
courses located on the "cloud"
a type of SaaS cloud service, software as a
service uses a multi-subscriber architecture:
an unlimited number of students can access
a separate application through a browser,
which is of greatest interest to educational
institutions, as it does not require upfront
investments in the server or software
licensing. Then the data and related
programs are stored in the "cloud", and
students need only a web browser for quality
Valuable for the professional innovative
training of future specialists in physical culture
and sports in the conditions of distance learning
are the developments of the Google
Corporation, which provides various services
and applications with free access to the window
of any browser with an Internet connection
(Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft
Edge, Opera, etc.). The most used in higher
education institutions are Google services:
Google Translate translator, Google Maps set
of maps, Gmail free e-mail, Google Docs
online office, Google Knol wiki-encyclopedia,
YouTube video hosting, Google Sites free
hosting, which uses wiki technology (Shor,
2011). A special place among the services is
occupied by the free package for institutions of
higher education, Google Apps Education
Edition, which includes all the features of the
professional package. Google Apps Education
Edition provides cloud-based web applications
that provide educators and educators with the
tools they need to collaborate and communicate
effectively (Koval et al., 2023).
We conducted an experimental study to check the
effectiveness of the formation of ICT
competence among future specialists in physical
culture and sports in the conditions of distance
learning. In the process of research, the main
stages of the formation of ICT competence of
students of higher education institutions are
highlighted. We will describe the main stages of
forming students' ICT competence within the
framework of distance learning.
The first stage is motivational. This stage
involves the formation, mainly, of the
motivational and value components of students'
ICT competence. At this stage, activities were
carried out aimed at forming students' attitudes to
mastering and understanding knowledge and
skills in the field of ICT, and digital technologies;
the formation of value orientations among
students; to diagnosing the level of formation of
the components of ICT competence of future
specialists in physical education and sports.
The second stage is updating. This stage involves
the actualization of knowledge and skills in the
field of informatics and ICT, obtained earlier
when studying the disciplines of informatics and
ICT in professional activity; the study was aimed
at the predominant formation of the general user
component of ICT competence. At this stage,
activities aimed at forming knowledge, skills,
and personal attitudes for working with modern
information, communication, and digital
technologies were carried out; use of digital
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
resources, databases, and local and global
computer networks; for interaction in IOS; to
ensure information security and compliance with
medical and sanitary norms and rules. The stage
is aimed at the systematic use of existing skills in
everyday and professional contexts (context of
future professional activity).
The third stage is the main one. The purpose of
this stage was the formation of general
pedagogical, subject-pedagogical components of
ICT competence. During the formation of the
general pedagogical component of ICT
competence, students were trained to solve
professional pedagogical tasks related to the use
of ICT tools. The formation of the subject-
pedagogical component of ICT competence is
aimed at expanding and deepening the formed
knowledge, skills, and personal attitudes of
students, taking into account the specifics of
educationally significant digital technologies.
The fourth stage is summarizing. The main goal
of this stage is the expansion, deepening, and
generalization of the formed knowledge, skills,
and personal attitudes of future specialists in
physical culture and sports, taking into account
the specifics of professional activity with the use
of information and communication and
educationally significant digital technologies,
diagnosis of the formation of all components of
ICT competence in their interconnection.
At all four stages, it was mandatory to use special
didactic tools that ensure the purposeful
formation of students' ICT competence.
Let's consider in more detail the stages of
students' ICT competence formation, which are
implemented by the sections of the IT courses.
The goal of the motivational stage is the
formation of the mainly motivational and value
components of students' ICT competence.
In the class, students need to demonstrate the
prepared master classes and involve others
studying in this activity for each student to
independently practice exercises with office
programs and information systems (Nekrasov et
al., 2023). Students should be invited to consider
the types of teacher activities in which it is
necessary to use these technologies and to
discuss the advantages of using office
technologies and information systems for solving
professional tasks by the teacher.
The seminar session (scientific and practical
seminar) "Digital Technologies in the Field of
Education" provides for the active inclusion of
students in the discussion of digital technologies
used in the field of education, specifying the
goals of using various educationally significant
digital technologies in institutions of higher
education. It was suggested to the students to
carry out an overview of the ICT technical means
used at the current stage, to discuss the safety
rules when working with these technical means.
For such a lesson, students prepared material in a
short abstract form with multimedia support
(presentation, video presentation, video clip,
infographic, etc.) on the stated topic. At the
seminar (under distance learning conditions),
future specialists in physical culture and sports
presented the prepared material and discussed it.
Exemplary topics for speeches in this class were:
"Digital services in professional activity",
"Interactive equipment in a higher education
institution", "Cyber security in working with
digital technologies", "Mobile technologies in
the professional activity of a specialist" and
At the laboratory-practical session "Designing a
didactic game on ICT equipment for students",
students were offered the activity of developing
and designing a didactic game on ICT equipment
(according to the proposed topics) in various
directions (social-communicative development,
cognitive development, speech development,
artistic aesthetic development, physical
development). During the performance of this
work, project activities were organized with
To perform the project activity, the students had
to: choose a project topic from the list of
proposed topics, formulate the project problem;
determine the purpose of the project by the
chosen subject area; and formulate project tasks
to achieve the set goal; develop a project plan;
determine sources of information for obtaining
project materials; prepare basic and additional
equipment for project implementation; build a
model or diagram of the project result;
implement the project and receive project
products; prepare a report, justify the design
process, explain the obtained results; present the
project and defend its results.
In this lesson, students were offered the
following ICT equipment with the appropriate
software or digital service: IQ Board interactive
board (IQ Board Software), SMART SPNL 6025
interactive panel, UTSKids interactive table
(ALMA), iMO-LEARN interactive cubes. This
interactive equipment is located in the
laboratories of the institution of higher education.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
After choosing one of the devices, the students
performed an interactive didactic task in a game
form. This made it possible to find out the basics,
criteria, and requirements for the development,
maintenance, and use of didactic games on ICT
in the educational process.
During the classes, the students were given the
following tasks:
1. Prepare the necessary information and
communication equipment (Lego Education
Wedo constructors, laptops, video content,
interactive whiteboard or interactive panel,
mobile planetarium, etc.) and toolboxes
(office supplies, paper, cardboard, etc.).
2. Develop notes from lectures using robotics.
3. Prepare forms with objective and subjective
experts' evaluation criteria for the
competitive task.
At the updating stage, the organization of
students' activities in lectures, seminars, and
laboratory-practical classes, aimed at updating
the basic knowledge and skills acquired earlier,
was foreseen.
To update and deepen the theoretical material,
blended learning technology was used, since the
training contains theoretical material that can be
studied remotely, thus, more time was allocated
to practicing practical skills. Thus, students were
offered an online micro-course "Computer as a
means of automating information processes" (the
micro-course developed by the students was
created on the Stepik.org platform, which is an
educational platform and designer of online
courses), which contains theoretical material,
presentations, test tasks. Students independently
studied theoretical material, concepts, and
information, performed test tasks from the
studied material.
Also, at the actualization stage of students' ICT
competence formation, e-learning technology
was applied, one of the features of which is that
students worked independently in an interactive
mode with educational materials, such as video
classes, multimedia presentations, audio files,
etc., and then performed tasks for the studied
topics underwent current and control testing.
55 students, 22 teachers, and 15 employers took
part in the experiment at its various stages
(declarative, exploratory, formative).
In the process of experimental work on the
approbation of the system of forming students'
ICT competence, various methods were used:
questionnaires and testing of students;
conversations with teachers, students; expert
assessment of the content of classes by students
and teachers; studying the products of student
activity; experimental teaching; application of
adapted methods.
By the objectives of the ascertainment stage of
the experiment, students, teachers, and
employers were offered questionnaires and tests
developed by us, including questions of various
types, and a conversation was held. We will
describe and analyze the obtained results.
According to the objectives of the first stage of
the experiment, it was necessary to find out the
opinion of third-year students regarding the role
of ICT in their future professional activities.
Students were asked to express their opinions on
the statements proposed in the questionnaire and
rate them on a 10-point scale.
Conditionally proposed statements can be
divided into four categories: Category I
statements about the general importance of ICT
competence for a modern specialist; Category II
statements regarding the use of ICT in
professional activities; Category III statements
about the use of ICT, which promotes the
development of intellectual, creative abilities,
visual thinking; creates conditions for modeling
life situations, enables the use of educational and
developmental computer games; Category IV
statements regarding the use of ICT in working
with students who have limited health
The analysis of the obtained results showed that
when evaluating the statements of the 1st
category, the majority of respondents (76%) note
the importance of ICT competence for a modern
specialist, while only 47% of students highly
appreciate the need to use ICT at work.
Evaluating statements of the II category, the
majority of students (65% and 59%) emphasize
the need to use ICT in formal activities and the
methodical work of a specialist. Fewer students
(47%) emphasize the need to use ICT in higher
education institutions. At the same time,
evaluating the statements of the III category,
23% of respondents underestimated the
possibilities of ICT for modeling life situations
that cannot or are difficult to show and see in
everyday life. 18% of students do not sufficiently
understand the possibilities of using ICT for the
development of intellectual and creative abilities,
the ability to independently acquire new
knowledge. Evaluating statements of category
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
IV, the majority of respondents (65%) highly
evaluate ICT capabilities, while 23% of students
set low scores for evaluating this category of
At the ascertaining stage of the experiment,
students were tested, which was aimed at
determining the residual knowledge of
informatics and ICT. It was found that no work
was completed for grade 5 (excellent), about
22% of students completed grade 4 (good), most
respondents (about 60%) completed grade 3
(satisfactory), for grade 2 (unsatisfactory)
approximately 18% of works (Table 1).
Table 1.
The results of testing students to determine the residual knowledge of informatics and ICT
As a result of the research, it turned out that the
majority of students (more than 90%) do not
know the rules and stages of building websites.
The majority of students do not know enough
types of text formatting, and more than 70%
incorrectly establish the correspondence between
types of formatting and their characteristics.
Students do not know how to work with the MS
Excel program well enough, they do not have the
terminology specific to this program. Students do
not sufficiently understand the principles of
database operation and do not know the
terminology and concepts of databases and
DBMS (database management system).
During the classes, it was found that students do
not have a good enough command of safety rules,
sanitary-epidemiological rules, and regulatory
documents when working with ICT technical
means in distance learning conditions. For
example, students do not comply with the
requirement "The distance from the eyes to the
monitor screen should be at least 50 cm."
Thus, the results of the students' testing made it
possible to reveal the insufficient level of
knowledge and skills of students in informatics
and ICT, which may be needed when using ICT
in their future professional activities.
A conversation was held with teachers of various
disciplines and interdisciplinary courses
regarding the importance of ICT competence for
a future teacher, which made it possible to find
out that teachers highly appreciate the
importance of ICT competence of a modern
specialist and the need to develop ICT
competence in the conditions of distance
The analysis of the results of our survey of
employers showed that a modern employer needs
a specialist in distance learning conditions to
have the ability to: 1) organize classes using
digital technologies in distance learning
conditions; 2) organize various methods using
modern digital technologies; 3) analyze the
process and results of the organization of various
types of activities using technical means of ICT
and mobile technologies in the conditions of
distance learning; 4) develop and prepare
methodical and didactic materials using a PC in
the conditions of distance learning.
Thus, the results of the ascertaining stage of the
experiment allow us to conclude the need to
increase the level of students' ICT competence,
taking into account all its structural components:
value-motivational, general-purpose, general
educational, and subject-specialist.
The exploratory stage of the experiment made it
possible to determine another way that allows
you to check the quality of training of physical
culture and sports specialists in the conditions of
distance learning, and the level of development
of their professional competencies this is
participation in the WorldSkills championships.
The experts were asked to highlight the methods,
forms, means of learning, and technologies:
project method, simulation game, design
thinking, mobile technologies, distance learning,
gamification, multimedia equipment (MM
equipment), electronic UMK, and electronic
educational resources (EER). Most of the
experts- teachers (60%) liked mobile
technologies. These technologies turned out to be
interesting, as they are a new and relevant
direction of modern education.
The next stage was carried out based on a set of
diagnostic methods and included an assessment of
the dynamics of the formation of components of
ICT competence of students in physical culture and
sports in the conditions of distance learning.
To diagnose the formation of the motivational and
value component of the ICT competence of future
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
specialists in physical education and sports in the
conditions of distance learning, the methods of
assessing the educational motivation of students in
the field of ICT, assessing the student's value
orientations in the field of informatics and ICT were
Assessment of students' educational motivation in
the field of ICT was carried out at the initial and
final stages of the experiment. The results of the
analysis of students' answers are presented in Fig.
Fig. 1. The results of the analysis of the answers of future specialists in physical culture and sports in the
conditions of distance learning.
The analysis of the obtained results showed that,
after the end of the educational stage of the
experiment, professional motives for the use of
IT and digital technologies began to dominate in
the majority of students, positive dynamics of
changes in prestige motives and broad social
motives for the use of IT and digital technologies,
creative self-realization using IT and digital
technologies in the conditions distance learning.
At the same time, one can name the negative
dynamics of motives for avoiding the failure of
using IT and digital technologies.
An author's questionnaire including 5 statements
was used to assess students' value orientations in
future professional activities using ICT and
digital technologies. Students were asked to
express their opinions about these statements and
rate them on a 10-point scale. The questionnaire
was offered to students before and after the
educational experiment.
The above allows us to state that the proposed
version of the implementation of the ICT
competence formation system of students
sufficiently influenced the positive dynamics of
the formation of the motivational and value
component of the ICT competence of physical
culture and sports specialists in the conditions of
distance learning.
Let's consider the methods created to identify the
dynamics of the formation of the general
education component of students' ICT
competence in the conditions of distance
Diagnostics of the formation of the commonly
used component of ICT competence was carried
out: based on current control during laboratory-
practical work and final control based on the
students' performance of general control work;
using a questionnaire.
In fig. 2 shows the results of the analysis of the
questionnaire filled out by students at the
beginning of the 3rd year and the end of the 4th
year. The histogram reflects the level of
formation of theoretical knowledge and practical
skills in the use of computer technology.
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Fig. 2. Diagnostics of the formation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the use of computer
technology to form students' ICT competence
The analysis of the obtained data showed that the
number of students who studied according to the
experimental method expressed their agreement
with the proposed statements, and their level of
ICT competence formation significantly
increased at the end of the experiment.
These maps were proposed by students at the
beginning of the educational stage of the
experiment and the end of the educational stage
of the experiment (during the period of
pedagogical practice in the 4th year).
The expert assessment card included 10 items
that allow checking students' theoretical
knowledge and practical skills in the field of ICT
use (which is necessary for the formation of ICT
competence), which the expert could evaluate on
a 4-point scale (0 knowledge/skills not formed,
1 low level of knowledge/skill formation, 2
medium level of knowledge/skill formation, 3
high level of knowledge/skill formation).
The final value of the level of formation of
theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the
field of using ICT to form ICT competence in the
conditions of distance learning was determined
by the sum of the scored points: <15 low level
of formation; 15-20 average level of formation;
>20 high level of formation. The analysis of the
obtained results at the end of the educational
stage of the experiment showed that most
students have a high level of theoretical
knowledge and practical skills in the field of ICT
The results of the experiment allow us to
conclude the positive dynamics of the levels of
formation of ICT competence of future
specialists in physical culture and sports in the
conditions of distance learning (Dzhym et al.,
Thus, the results of the experimental verification
of the implementation of the methodology for the
formation of ICT competence of future
specialists in physical culture and sports in the
conditions of distance learning confirm its
effectiveness and prove its impact on the positive
change in the levels of the formation of
components of ICT competence, confirming the
purpose of the study.
It should be noted that during the training of
future specialists in physical culture and sports in
the conditions of distance learning, special
attention is paid to the organization of the
educational process, the effectiveness and quality
of which depends on the specific competencies
of the teacher (Chukhlantseva, 2017).
As a result of the study, the pedagogical
conditions necessary for the effective and
rational use of distance learning technologies in
the training of future specialists in physical
culture and sports were identified:
the duality of the nature of distance learning
technologies for education seekers (they are
technologies used in the educational process,
and at the same time technologies that are
the object of study and mastery);
adaptation of educational material under the
condition of increasing the share of
independent work during distance learning
should be mandatory in the modern
educational space, therefore, the content of
distance learning should be formed with the
help of systematic didactic design;
60% 63%
20% 25%
95% 95% 89% 97% 95% 98% 89% 91%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3rd year 4th year
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the formation of cognitive experience of
future physical culture and sports specialists
in the process of distance learning,
experience of creative activity, mastering the
means of activity, in the new conditions of
the use of information technologies,
personal attitudes;
the basis for the organization of productive
activities of education seekers when
organizing distance learning should be in the
course of solving educational problems;
students and teachers possessing the skills of
organizing independent study;
preparation of students and teachers for the
formation of innovative specific skills and
abilities in the use of distance learning
technologies (development of a distance
course and support for distance learning)
(Mazur, 2022).
Active implementation of the distance form of
education for future physical culture and sports
specialists is impossible without solving the
problem of creating the material and technical
basis of higher education institutions; problems
of the lack of software and methodological
support of the educational space and independent
work of education seekers; insufficient
informational preparation of professors and
teaching staff of higher education institutions;
problems of creating an informational
environment for physical education (Ladyka,
2015; Sokoliuk, 2013).
Therefore, high-quality and modern training of
future physical culture and sports specialists is
impossible during the educational process
without active use of the potential of electronic
resources and platforms. Therefore, it is
necessary to popularize and increase learning in
a distance electronic format, the introduction of
online courses, the improvement of technologies,
new programs, and platforms that contribute to
the creation of a convenient virtual universal
environment for the perception and use of
The peculiarities of the professional training of
future specialists in physical culture and sports in
higher education institutions in the conditions of
distance learning have been clarified.
Two types of distance learning of future
specialists in physical culture and sports in
institutions of higher education, which differ in
communicative strategy and means of
information transmission, are revealed.
Peculiarities of remote and electronic learning
methods for quality training of future specialists
have been proven.
Within distance learning, the main new
innovative principles and forms are highlighted.
In terms of distance learning, the features of
working with information in the "Cloud" are
Innovative models of providing educational
services are characterized by high-quality
application of cloud technologies in the
educational process.
The need for professional innovative training of
future specialists in physical culture and sports in
the conditions of distance learning developed by
the Google Corporation is substantiated, by the
main advantages of the Google Apps Education
Edition package in the conditions of distance
learning according to the description of the
developers are named, the main online services
based on cloud computing provided by Google
are considered.
Effective pedagogical conditions are listed for
the effective and rational application of distance
learning technologies in the training of future
physical culture and sports specialists.
An experimental study was conducted to check
the effectiveness of the formation of ICT
competence among future specialists in physical
culture and sports in the conditions of distance
We will continue further research to improve the
educational space of future specialists in physical
education and sports.
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