Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.70.10.21
How to Cite:
Boichenko, M., Churychkanych, I., Kulichenko, A., Shramko, R., & Rakhno, M. (2023). Mind maps to boost the learning of
English as L2 at higher education institutions in Ukraine. Amazonia Investiga, 12(70), 229-240.
Mind maps to boost the learning of English as L2 at higher education
institutions in Ukraine
Ментальне картографування у стимулюванні вивчення англійської мови як
іноземної в закладах вищої освіти України
Received: September 10, 2023 Accepted: October 20, 2023
Written by:
Maryna Boichenko1
Iryna Churychkanych2
Alla Kulichenko3
Ruslana Shramko4
Mykhailo Rakhno5
Mind mapping is a powerful tool for teaching
English as a foreign language, particularly in the
context of learning and mastering English as a
second language (L2). Visualizing the content
contributes to a more effective memorization and
error-free reproduction, even after some time. In
the Ukrainian pedagogy, the didactic potential of
“cognitive graphics” and specific means of its
implementation calls for deeper studies and
systemic representation as the concept itself is a
multi-disciplinary phenomenon on the
intersection of neuro-/psycholinguistics,
psychology, theory of language communication,
cognitivism, and web-design. That is why the
aim of this work is to ascertain the essence of
mind mapping as powerful means of teaching
and learning English, to show its relations with
ICT in designing an effective set of academic
tasks and stimulating the student’s digital
competence. The innovative character benefits
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head at the Department of Pedagogics, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after
A. S. Makarenko, Sumy, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: B-8776-2019
Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages, Sumy State Pedagogical University
named after A. S. Makarenko, Sumy, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: IQV-7838-2023
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign languages, Zaporizhzhia
State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAA-1386-2019
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of English and German Philology,
Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, Poltava, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: HMP-2698-2023
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of English and German Philology,
Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, Poltava, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: HLH-1615-2023
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the perception, and thus, the interiorization of the
course content, increases the academic
performance of students and their confidence in
their abilities providing internal motivation for
further work. As a result, the student’s self-
assessment receives additional clarity,
communication in L2 gets extra motivation,
critical analysis skills and soft skills develop
better creating a sturdy foundation set of skills
for a highly professional graduate from a
Ukrainian university.
Keywords: associative scheme, interactive tool,
cognitive graphics, mind mapping, Ukrainian
higher education institutions (HEI).
The post 2000-s higher education sphere in
Ukraine has been significantly determined by the
impact of digital technologies due to immense
volume of the course content as well as
increasing requirements to the Ukrainian
university graduate (Rakhno & Shramko, 2021)
and a future specialist (Kulichenko &
Polyezhayev, 2020). In the age of intense
information flow, when the amount of data
obtained grows exponentially and the core
problem is to master it effectively, not everyone
is able to manage the proper work with insights
and grapple with a problem of the content
overload. The issue is particularly acute for
students of the Ukrainian higher education
institutions, whereas they are the contingent that
need as much new information as possible for
self-development and self-assessment on the way
of becoming a highly qualified specialist,
sharpening their skills of critical analysis,
deepening the ability to navigate the continually
variable world of science correctly and quickly.
The purpose of the given research is to make
deep analysis of mind mapping as an innovative
method of teaching and learning English as L2 in
Ukrainian tertiary education institutions. It aims
to outline its connection to human’s ability to
visualise the information due to ensure better
The described aim involves implementing the
following tasks:
to describe the specific features of mind
mapping as a special way of structuring
information by the human brain;
to specify the concept of “cognitive
graphics” and types of its implementation
for learning tasks;
to outline how visualization affects
perception of learning material;
to describe the impact of implementing the
method of mind mapping in teaching
English as a foreign language at the
Ukrainian higher education institutions.
Theoretical Framework
Learning English as L2 within the cognitive
theory must be a consciousness-based and
reasoned thinking process. Students acquire a
whole set of data via L2, i.e., encode details to be
processed and relate it to knowledge in memory,
store new data and retrieve it when needed
(Schunk, 2012). University students as
Boichenko, M., Churychkanych, I., Kulichenko, A., Shramko, R., Rakhno, M. / Volume 12 - Issue 70: 229-240 / October, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
information handlers in L2 face challenges on the
problem how to make interlinks between
intellectual and emotional concepts in native and
foreign languages. Nowadays the innovative
methods use several new tools helping to
simplify processing the information in the brain.
Mind mapping is among the most powerful ones,
functioning as a graphical information transfer
tool used in the process of thinking presented in
a convenient perception form of association
schemes. It also might come as a multi-coloured
and image-centred radial diagram (Eppler, 2006)
that hierarchically represents semantic or other
connections between parcels of learned material.
The essence of mind map approach primarily was
introduced in the “Use your head” research by T.
Buzan (Buzan, 1984) which once made him one
of the brilliant students at the University of
British Columbia. Those students with whom this
scientist optionally studied also gained
remarkable results, whereas those who were
lagging, noteworthily fostered their academic
performance after implementing the cognitive
cards approach.
In the digital era mind map is profoundly
embedded into the investigation of intelligent
agents based on cognitive architectures, serving
a pre-requisite to a cognitive systems’ toolkit.
Such cognitive architectures contribute to
understanding the interaction mechanism of
cognitive processes, constituting “a special niche
in the development of AI systems, endowed with
mental capabilities, such as perception, attention,
memory, reasoning, learning” (Marques et al.,
2022). Therefore, mind map appears to be an
effective tool of cognitive graphics underlying, f.
i., scientific visualization that “merge
information and graphics to produce appealing
images of data that boost a person’s ability to
quickly consume and understand content”
(Smiciklas, 2012). Nowadays cognitive graphics
presents a new branch of human acquisition,
integrating “cognitive science, computer
graphics, psychology, graphic design, education,
science and many others depending on a sphere
of application” (InfoScipedia, 2023). Cognitive
visualization within the theory of multimedia
learning performs a complex process that
includes some mental activities, whereas the
process of learning (Mayer, 2002) in turn
consists of three subsequent stages. First and
foremost, visual images are perceived by the
eyes. Secondly, students deal with some aspects
of the visual image in working memory.
Following the construction of series of mental
images, they arrange the set of images into a
coherent mental representation called a pictorial
model. The latter involves selection, organization
and integration of figures and is commonly
referred to as visual-spatial thinking. The
mentioned above theory of multimedia learning
is related to a constructivist epistemology of
learning, under which students diligently develop
their own understanding of the world, rather than
get such understanding delivered to them. Such
an outlook requires students to be active
participants in the learning process rather than to
merely absorb information entirely presented to
them (Mnguni, 2014).
Cognitive visualization as an utterly multi-
dimensional function of human consciousness
plays a vital role in formation and activation of
personal potential in learning subjects. Within a
visualization which makes the meaning visible a
student has to mobilize resources of figurative
and logical complex thinking as well as the
aesthetic-cultural artistic feature and other
important personality traits and qualities.
Up-to-date visualization objects have become
scientific formulas, logic-symbolic models,
technical functional and structural schemes as
well as a range of didactic tools, allowing to
manipulate the properties of objects in the
internal and external extents. To create
visualization products, the evidence of external
prototypes might not be necessary due to the
autonomy of internal images related to the object.
Reflection of visualization process has its base in
abstract imagination which formalize the original
image. The cognitive visualization results in an
image formed by the conscious thought that
defines an unknown object / phenomenon and
represents in the external plan of the educational
activity. Therefore, the key tasks of cognitive
visualization become development of ways and
means of purposefully creating thought images
within the educational process.
Cognitive visualization has certain properties
that significantly affect the degree of activation,
increase dynamism of mental systems and
educational activities on processing and
assimilation of knowledge. The first property of
cognitive visualization lies in a quality of
knowledge concentration. Being the core of
intensification of the educational process, it
suggests an increase in the density and saturation
of information presented to students. In a
diachronic plane, visualization, especially
cognitive, has been “an integral part of man’s
investigation of the world” which significantly
contributed “to invention and discovery”, while
modelling functions as a “flexible, recursive
process which is dependent on the individual
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
practitioner, the practitioner’s skill level, and the
modelling task” (Crapo et al., 2000). Therefore,
they are of the utmost value in the educational
process in the tertiary education institutions. We
can attribute to enlargement of didactic units of
such an educational activity as an integration of
specific approaches to learning which is
implemented in reliance on an associative
The quality of cognitive visualization to
knowledge concentration is embodied in
compression learning, a technological method of
educational activity, a solution to the issue of
educational content accelerating increase. It
allows lecturers to blend “the most critical
learning concepts in each individual course and
boost their relevancy and comprehension for the
student without losing any of their relevant
qualities” (Allard, 2013) by means of teamwork,
brainstorming, as well as integration of new
courses (f.i., ethnography, anthropology,
psychology, sociology) into the educational
The essence of compression learning can be
exemplified by a brief excerpt that presents a
visualization constructed by replacing text data
with reference signals, ranging the details via the
method of associative information coding. It is
highly valuable in mastering L2, though tends to
be a challenge among students who experienced
“confusion, frustration and stress” (Allard,
2013), solved by careful lecturer-student
The second property of cognitive visualization is
generalization of knowledge, performed as
reduction of the essential semantic core, revealed
in details, which helps to optimize huge amounts
of data in a short period of time. Operating basic
methods of analysis and synthesis, student can
perform content reduction, highlighting the core
concepts of the given material, and reveal inner
interlinks between the latter as a theoretical
image via mental operations. As a result, it
deepens students’ ability to quickly evaluate the
content on the course, promoting rapid task
understanding, but, simultaneously, lowering the
limits of quantity of exercises performed,
therefore “multitasking limits are the price we
pay for behavioural flexibility(Garner & Dux,
The defragmentation of the given data also
derives from analysis and synthesis as an ability
of human brain to parcel structures on the
logical-semantic as well as on syntactic levels of
speech organization, resetting the item in reverse.
Working out the excerpt consequently leads to
the possibility to unfold the information,
reflected in specific images. It also opens the
perspective to a student to interpret content and
establish associative links. A special function of
human abstract thinking is construction of a
semantic research space providing the possibility
of experimenting with arbitrary formation of
conceptually figurative constructs of the model
of an investigated object. At the same time
formalization of the results of thinking is
displayed in exact concepts and statements,
thanks to which information has been provided
on the core of the object and its structure /
properties. The task of forming a logical idea of
the studied concept in the form of a semantically
connected system, effectively perceived, and
fixed by brain, finds its realization due to a
certain design, the table of the structurally logical
scheme, radially concentrated graphics.
According to C. Carter and H. Hamilton (Carter
& Hamilton, 1995), knowledge generalization
refers to “the replacement of specific attribute
values found in the data with more general
concepts” from concepts hierarchy, defined by
the user.
Thus, optical visualization of data marks an
ultimately powerful cognitive means, which
broadens human abilities. Computer-based
representations gained popularity because they
provide peculiar computer-human
interconnection (Steichen & Fu, 2020).
Simulation, a particularly efficient interactive
tool, reveals potential of didactic transformation
under the study terms, forming changeable
settings like reality. It can be defined as “the
representation of an object, a natural or social
phenomenon by software” (Bellou, 2009), that
outlines feedback and therefore motivates
students to self-assessment and self-
Desire to soften the statistic character of most
didactic visualization tools necessitated the study
of achievements of neurophysiology. According
to the data analysis in the field of world
perception by visual organs, the eye, particularly
its retina, picks up an object when it is in a
moving state or when it is changing. The
dynamic phenomena are tracked easily and do
not require special explanations. To maintain the
statistics and dynamics of the object in
consciousness, the nature created a particularly
active organic mechanism that made the organ of
vision mobile, or rather the specific structure that
makes it up.
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Due to the associative mechanism, the human
psyche works better if the system of visual means
of representing external information is supported
by the entire range of expressiveness and
pictoriality means. In this case information has
been enriched and visual channel can translate
this increment to the brain adequately and
quickly in comparison to the verbal channels.
Building a system of visually conceptual
aesthetic and emotionally coloured coding will
contribute to improving interaction between
internal and external plans, as well as supporting
and enhancing students’ learning activities.
Thus, a mind map is a “powerful graphic
technique which provides a universal key to
unlocking the potential of the brain” (Buzan &
Buzan, 1996). Based on a hierarchy and
classification of information, mind map
represents the way of thinking. According to the
researchers, there are four essential
characteristics to be mentioned as follows:
the subject of attention is visualized in the
central image;
the main themes of the subject radiate from
the central image as branches;
branches comprise a key image or key word
printed on an associated line. Less important
topics are also represented as branches
attached to higher level branches;
the branches form a connected nodal
structure (Buzan & Buzan, 1996).
To understand how mind map works the features
of human brain functioning should be analysed.
Thinking is associative by its nature. When new
information is presented to us, associative neural
connections arise. Our brain relates existing
knowledge to what we have just received and
connects it; brick by brick builds a unique path
from the already known to the new knowledge
(Buzan, 1986). When a person thinks, they
engage the entire branched neural network. We
work with information nonlinearly, associatively
because of our brain structure. Cognitive maps
resemble the brain itself in its structure.
Information consists of various chains,
associative links.
Some researchers (Genesee, 2000; Jensen, 2008)
argue that foreign language learning involves
two hemispheres of the brain. The right
hemisphere is responsible for imagination,
colour, mindset, and holistic perception. The left
hemisphere operates with numbers, being
engaged in logical tasks, analysis, speech
generation. Consequently, when any cognitive
maps are created, the information is depicted so
that both hemispheres work, which makes
thinking process more efficient. Numbers, verbal
information has closely been intertwined with
pictures, various colours. Any idea of radiant
human thinking can develop almost indefinitely.
The process of mind mapping begins with a
central idea a key problem, which, as a rule, has
its location in the centre or at the top of the sheet.
After brainstorming you become aware which of
the discussed categories are key and most
directly related to the underlying problem. If the
categories seem too abstract, you are
recommended to attach an image to them, which
will help to make the categories more specific. At
the second level, development of the basic idea
takes place. There are ramifications and
numerous connections. The problem unfolds,
presenting its essence. The third, generally the
final, level gets its creation precisely after the
whole completion of the second one. Here is the
widest scope for creativity. For a sufficient
specification of ideas, they recommend using
additional means of mind mapping: notes,
callouts, inter-element pointers (Buzan, 1984).
In fact, the mind mapping changes boring
information, intended to be memorized, into a
colourful and clearly organized picture, helping
to raise “bridge” between new and already
known data. Generating a mind map, a set of
instructions is to be followed in succession:
a sheet of paper is put horizontally;
the basic idea lies in the main question to
the branches of the diagram become thinner
as you move away from the central problem;
each branch should be signed with a
keyword that would help to memorise a
whole scheme after a certain period;
any mind map is focused on the result:
solving the core problem (Buzan, 2005).
To create a diagram, one should arm themselves
with paper and markers. However, if a classroom
is sufficiently computerized, it is more
appropriate to use diverse applications (such as
MindApp, MindMeister, XMind, Pro3,
MindView, SpiderScribe etc.) when structuring
thoughts. They allow to share charts with other
students in a group, to add new items and move
them with the help of a single mouse click on the
computer. If written correctly, mind map
becomes one of the most powerful tools a
lecturer uses to achieve creative success. Some of
modern infographic designers propose a new
advanced idea of computer mind mapping
organic mind mapping and give some valuable
pieces of advice as for making the mind map on
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the computer screen. The operation of mind
mapping generation involves seven steps.
Step 1. Start your mind map with an eye-catching
core idea image. Using specific image will
stimulate different associations and make it more
Step 2. The branches of your mind map are to be
curvilinear and organic. They will draw the
students’ attention faster compared to traditional
branches because organic lines reflect our natural
process of thinking.
Step 3. Modify your colour scheme to suit your
ideas and tasks. Try to combine colour, style and
mode of your mind map in a successful
integration so that you can find any branch
without difficulties. Don’t forget that your
creativity should not interfere with clarity of
content, but rather should enhance understanding
of the subject.
Step 4. Your mind map will gain more brightness
and clarity if you add felicitous images to it.
Images aid your cortical skills, automatically
boosting your memory and creative thinking
power whilst helping you represent key themes
and spark ideas.
Step 5. Scientists insist on using only one pivotal
idea per branch and avoiding long phrases or
sentences for it will work as a “little supernova”
of ideas. Such an approach stimulates the
appearance of new thoughts so that the stream of
creative thinking will be almost unlimited.
Step 6. The technical facet of the issue. A
developer of the mind map can vote for the most
valuable and successful ideas by hitting the
thumbs on the icon. If you share your key ideas
with others, they can easily assist you in
highlighting the brightest of them and eluding
those ones which are too much of a good thing.
Step 7. The most progressive step in a set. An
idea remains an idea until actioned. So, you
should provide an appropriate task or some
assignments within each branch. Students will be
able to show the level of their understanding in
Appropriate usage of the specialized applications
in the educational process, f.i., at higher
education institutions, “takes your mind map to
the next level by turning your idea directly into
actionable tasks that you can track and manage
from start to finish, from collaborating with your
team on ideas to grouping related ideas into
categories. It boosts memory, improves
productivity and expands creativity (AYOA,
Another valuable point of this educational
method implementation is forming a deeply
profound “bank of ideas” via a specialised digital
tool, particularly, one can use Organic Mind
Map. It accumulates the creator’s “stray
thoughts” and doubtful ideas and allows sharing
them with other participants / colleagues as well
as transferring any of them into an active mind
map to the branch which seems highly applicable
to the moment. Scientists suggest systematizing
mind map by creating categories around each
branch via singling out the key spheres of the
map, defining the analogies and interconnections
between crucial themes and thoughts.
Inspired by the hand-drawn Mind Map, Organic
Mind Maps <…> use curvilinear branches to
support your natural thinking processes. A
natural way of organising information, Organic
Mind Mapping allows you to capture and expand
on your ideas for infinite and unrestricted
creative thinking (AYOA, 2023b), thus
stimulating one of the essential skills of up-to-
date university graduates.
It is also a strong recommendation to add some
files, comprising interesting documents on the
discussed topic and audio links. The step will
brighten the mind map, make it deeper and
memorable for every student. Supplementing
different notes and detailed comments to each
branch serves a useful technique whereas it helps
to understand the key questions and their
discussion clearly. It results in feedback from the
lecturer and sharing the ideas between him and
students. Using autohide is not less important and
convenient. The function helps students to
concentrate their mind on points by hiding away
other parts of the mind map which are of minor
importance at the moment. Its significant value
appears in case if it concerns large complicated
mind maps, thus providing an opportunity to
focus on the branches needed.
Mind map developer can also apply mind map
links to show ideas to other students and
lecturers. It is also possible to connect branches
from various mind maps which makes the
creating easier and much faster. The mentioned
above platform of organic mind mapping has the
“show creators’ function” which demonstrates
whose ideas are shown or the branch of the mind
map by displaying their avatar. Such a function
tends to be helpful if you are eager to expand
ideas. You can also export your mind map as a
whole product or some separate group of specific
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
branches to a PDF image. Students are supposed
to print it and send to co-workers, lecturers or just
friends: “You can share your mind maps with
anyone and everyone. Simply invite an email
address to your mind map and they will receive
an email invitation. Depending on the
permissions you’ve granted them, they’ll be able
to view, edit, comment, and add branches to your
mind map. You can also export your mind map
as an image to share with others” (AYOA,
Purpose of the Study
The current research was conducted to identify
the effect and frequency of mind mapping in
university students who learn English as L2.
Assessing the students’ views on the factors of
creativity and the process of thinking, clear
answers have been provided to the following
questions: 1) How did the use of mind maps
affect the attitude of the students towards English
classes? 2) Does mind mapping stimulate
creative thinking and activity of the students?
The following hypotheses were tested:
the usage of mind maps has positive
influence on the students’ interest in English
as a subject;
students believe that they become really
active and motivated due to mind mapping;
using mind maps makes students’ minds
creative and bright.
Research Design
Determining the effect of mind mapping for
learning English as L2 by University students was
conducted in the framework of the experimental
research design. In the acquisition one group of
students was chosen as an experimental group
and in the process of learning English as L2 they
were proposed to use mind maps. The other
group of students was chosen as a control group
to compare the results with the experimental
The participants of the study consisted of the
first-year students of two departments of Sumy
State Pedagogical University named after
A. S. Makarenko: Foreign Languages
Department and Biology Department. The study
was performed during the autumn semester of the
20222023 academic year. A total of 40 students
participated in research. Random sampling was
applied to identify the experiment and control
groups. The control group consisted of
20 students (10 females and 10 males). There
were 20 students in the experimental group as
well (9 females and 11 males). The average age
of the students was 17 in both groups
(experimental and control ones). All students had
English seminars twice a week.
Table 1 shows that students in the control and
experimental groups had been studying the
English language for the same period (11 years at
institutions of comprehensive secondary
education and 5 months at the University).
Table 1.
Characteristics of participants
Control group
Experimental group
Males / Females
Average age
Experience of learning English as
11 years 5 month
11 years 5 month
Source: (Own authorship, 2023).
Research Instruments and Procedures
The research took place between
September 2022 January 2023 involving
experimental and control groups, based on two
groups of two separate departments at the same
University. Both groups learnt the same material
and did the same assignments. The lecturer asked
students of both groups to fulfil anonymous
questionnaires before and after the research. The
anonymous questionnaires integrated all the
aspects of the study. The preliminary test had its
focus on collecting general information about
each student (age, gender, years of learning
English, studying favourite subjects). The
research was carried out with a five-level Likert
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
scale questionnaire with 30 statements; answers
were used to control the students’ interest
towards mind mapping and the predictable
results of using it during English classes.
Further investigation took place in January 2023
and revealed students’ grades of the first
semester and their own considerations
concerning degree of their creativity and
motivation level. The January research was
carried out with the help of a six-level Likert
Data Analysis
For analysing the effects of mind mapping on the
students’ motivation and creativity, three sets of
variables from the questionnaire were
considered. Data analysis was done with the help
of IBM SPSS v 20 software.
Sets of variables used in the research were those:
analysing positive influence” data, based
on the categorization methodology of Szeto
(Szeto & Hung, 2009);
activity and motivation question unit;
creativity question unit.
Data reduction methodology was used on
variables of activity and motivation question unit
as well as the creativity question unit. The
maximum likelihood algorithm was employed to
separate 3 factors with 10 variables altogether,
which made possible to keep 59.17 % of their
original information. The factors were assessed
according to a 5-level scale where 5 was an
absolute agreement with the following statement.
1. I’ve become more interested in English after
using mind mapping.
I feel the need to study English deeper after
using mind mapping;
English is one of the most interesting
subjects for me due to mind mapping;
Mind mapping stimulates communicative
activity at English seminars;
Mind mapping adds to my creativity at the
English language seminars.
2. The facilitating effect of mind mapping
(those students who think that mind mapping
facilitates learning English as L2 will score
high for this factor, close to 5). This very
factor consists of the following attitude
When I study English, I often use mind
mapping to revise the material;
Using mind maps helps me to make the
process of a new topic learning easier.
3. The debilitating effect of mind mapping
(students who consider mind mapping to be
a waste of time will score high for this factor,
close to 5). The following factor consists of
such attitude statements:
I would like to use mind maps as little as
Mind mapping is a very time-consuming
process for me because I need to spend too
much time creating mind maps.
Examining answers on the first question (“How
did the use of mind maps affect the attitude of the
group towards the English language?”) the
difference between students’ responses provided
for the preliminary test (the end of
September 2022) and the post-test (the beginning
of January 2023) questionnaires in both groups
was analysed, after using data reduction method
with the help of questions devoted to students
attitudes towards the English language.
The results of the conducted survey showed that
in both groups almost more than one tenth of the
students chose the English language as favourite
subject (13 % 11 %) (Figure 1).
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 1. The most favourite subjects for the students (two groups: experimental and control ones)
Source: (Own authorship, 2023).
Thus, the difference between the September and
December data is much more significant in the
experimental group. Nevertheless, after using
mind mapping, students’ attitude towards the
necessity of the English language as a subject
became much more positive (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Average factor values in September and December in two groups (experimental and control)
Source: (Own authorship, 2023).
The second factor was focused on students’
activity and motivation. If to follow changes in
the averages of the experimental and control
groups, it could be seen that there is a positive
shift in the first and the second groups.
The third factor summarizes the level of students
creativity. There is a minimum decrease in the
experimental group. It means that a small number
of students considered during post-test than
during pre-test on the point that mind mapping
has no effect on their creativity. But in the control
group the increase compared to the first value
could be traced.
M. Gómez and G. King consider that “students
have different learning styles and different
proficiency levels. Thus, students need a logical
sequence of learning in the classroom. In other
words, the instruction needs to follow steps to
have a sense of coherence and flow” (Gómez &
King, 2014). The authors continue the discussion
pointing out that the diversity of learning styles
is not solely determined by students
intelligence; rather, it hinges on the extent to
which the educational environment
accommodates and nurtures those specific
learning styles, ultimately fostering a
comprehensive understanding of the material
(Gómez & King, 2014).
We have analyzed students’ learning styles
(visual, kinaesthetic, auditory, and mixed) in
relation to three factors facilitating factors for
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
mind mapping, debilitating factors for mind
mapping, and the significance of the English
language. This comparison aims to unveil the
correlations among these items, as illustrated in
Table 2.
Table 2.
The connection between factors according to the students’ learning styles
Students’ style of
Number of
Mind Map
facilitating factor
Mind Map
Importance of the
English language
Visual Kinaesthetic Auditory Mixed
20 2 4 14
3.80 2.57 2.55 2.50
1.72 1.94 2.77 1.83
2.85 2.70 2.45 2.55
Source: (Own authorship, 2023).
The key purpose of our research was to reveal
and to make a comparison of the mind mapping
effects on the students’ motivation and creativity
between two groups of students with the same
curriculum. After four months’ period of mind
mapping application in the process of learning
English as L2 in the experimental group, the post-
data analysis exposed that a significant number
of students consider the English language more
interesting and useful subject than they used to
think before the experiment.
The first hypothesis was proved by the data. It
affirms that the use of mind maps has a positive
influence on the students’ interest in the English
language. According to the given research we
can also observe that the level of students’
activity and motivation increased in both
experimental and control groups if to compare
September and December results of the
experiment (3.52 in the control group / 1.902.14
in the experimental group).
Concerning the third hypothesis we can’t but
admit that at the end of the experimental period
the experimental group showed a lower
debilitating effect compared to the control one
(2.552.54 for the experimental group / 2.50
2.57 for the control one). The debilitating effect
was not very significant, nevertheless. We see
much more evident positive shift in the control
group. This can prove the third hypothesis
connected with the creativity factor.
Considering the joint analysis of three factors
suggested in the research we can confirm that
using mind maps positively deals with the
following aspects:
the attitude of the students towards English
seminars. Interactivity and visualization
with mind maps make the educational
process more engaging and help students
dive more actively into the material. An
increase in interest leads to a more positive
attitude towards the mentioned seminars;
creative thinking. Mind maps help to
stimulate students’ creative thinking. The
process of creating mind maps requires them
to have an analytical and creative approach
to solving problems. This develops their
creative abilities and helps them turn
abstract language concepts into certain
interesting illustrations;
activity of the student. Mind maps activate
the participation of students in the
educational process. As an active learning
tool, mind mapping allows students to
participate in creating their own learning
experiences. This promotes greater personal
responsibility for learning and makes classes
more interactive.
Furthermore, it is important to delve into the
implications of the findings for educational
practices, specifically exploring how the
integration of mind maps can contribute to the
improvement of English learning in a classroom.
Several essential points should be mentioned:
vocabulary. Creating mind maps for
different categories of words and adding
related words and synonyms to each branch
helps organize and expand vocabulary;
grammar rules and structures. Mind maps
can have several branches with different
grammar concepts as well as with sub-
branches containing examples and
writing. Mind maps can show how to
structure thoughts before starting to write a
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
communication. Mind maps can represent
different aspects of the speech, which will
help students systematize and express their
ideas clearly;
cooperation. Students can work together to
create mind maps. It promotes teamwork
and sharing of ideas;
exam preparation. Mind maps can serve as
an effective tool for preparing and revising
important material.
Thus, our research proved mind mapping
progressive enough to motivate students in
learning the English language, to make them
more active and interested at seminars and to
promote their creativity in general. Four months
of mind mapping contributed to the importance
of the English language learning factor and the
factors of students’ creativity.
Taking into account the data analysis and the
discussion the conclusions can be as follows:
a) mind mapping should be used more
frequently at seminars to meet the demands
of the students in more creative and
interesting lessons;
b) mind mapping usage stimulates students’
activity while learning English as L2;
c) mind mapping makes the process of learning
easier and clearer, thus promoting the
positive academic results of all the students.
The general outcome of the activity under the
thorough examination is the growth of students’
accurate self-assessment of their skills and
abilities. As a result, they show progress in self-
development. Further investigation in this area is
welcomed to provide larger and more deep
research of statistical significance.
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