Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.70.10.17
How to Cite:
Alhulail, H.N., & Singh, H.P. (2023). Impact of multimedia technology on university students learning agility and
creativity. Amazonia Investiga, 12(70), 189-199. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.70.10.17
Impact of multimedia technology on university students learning
agility and creativity
Received: September 5, 2023 Accepted: October 27, 2023
Written by:
Hilal Nafil Alhulail1
Harman Preet Singh2
Multimedia technology is argued in the literature to play a critical role in enhancing students' learning
agility and creativity. Nevertheless, only a few studies have empirically investigated the same, particularly
among university students. This is especially vital for Saudi Arabia's higher education sector, where
significant resources have been invested under the Vision 2030 program. Recently, multimedia technology
has included upcoming technologies such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and virtual reality.
This study empirically investigates the impact of multimedia technology on the development of university
students' learning agility and creativity. In this study, we employed a quantitative methodology. We
surveyed 318 university students to accomplish the research objectives. The study's findings underscore
that availableness and multimedia technology deployment are vital to developing university students'
learning agility and creativity. The study contributes to the literature regarding technology adoption and
skill enhancement. Additionally, the findings of the study aid in the achievement of Saudi Vision 2030 by
increasing awareness of multimedia technology use to foster university students learning agility and
Keywords: Multimedia technology, learning agility, creativity, students, Saudi Arabia, Vision 2030.
 :           
Department of Management and Information Systems, College of Business Administration, University of Ha'il, Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia. WoS Researcher ID: GPT-5074-2022
Department of Management and Information Systems, College of Business Administration, University of Ha'il, Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia. WoS Researcher ID: B-7160-2012
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
In recent years, cultivating students' learning
agility and creativity has become a primary
educational objective worldwide, owing to their
considerable financial, social, and individual
benefits (Vincent-Lancrin et al., 2019).
Technology plays a significant role in the
classroom environment (Singh et al., 2013).
Multimedia technology has the potential to
greatly enhance students' learning agility and
creativity via the provision of novel tools and
environments (Pun, 2013; Glaveanu et al., 2019).
Multimedia technology can play an essential role
in advancing the human capital of a nation (Singh
mind (Singh & Agarwal, 2011). Therefore,
academicians in several nations also believe
multimedia technology can foster students
learning agility and creativity (Park et al., 2019).
In the last decade, multimedia technology has
been integrated into education (Alam et al.,
2022). LCD or DLP projectors, smartboards,
digital cameras, classroom response systems, and
document cameras were previous instances of
this technology in the classroom (Singh &
Chand, 2012). Recently, technologies like
augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (AR), and
artificial intelligence (AI) have been integrated
with multimedia technology to deliver interactive
education to students in the classroom (Saddik,
2018). In the twenty-first century, internet
resources and multimedia technology-based
applications aid instructors in imparting more
advanced learning degrees while maintaining
academic integrity (Callet & Niebur, 2013).
It provides students with beneficial tools for
honing their critical thinking and problem-
solving abilities (Neo & Neo, 2009; Alhamuddin
et al., 2023).
Multimedia technology learning tools are
distinctive in facilitating student engagement
with authentic situations. It makes the study
interesting for the students, which is important
for continuing their education (Singh &
Alhamad, 2022b). Furthermore, the educational
benefits of simulation and visualization cannot
be replicated in a textbook or other written
materials (Singh et al., 2011a; Guo et al., 2020).
Consequently, multimedia technology in
educational settings effectively engages and
sustains students' interest (Shi & Liang, 2012).
The classroom's use of multimedia technology
can catalyze students' critical thinking and
expose their creativity (Sabzian et al., 2013).
However, the results of more current and earlier
meta-analyses and reviews indicate that only
limited research has examined the impact of
learning interventions augmented with
multimedia technology on students' learning
agility and creativity (Valgeirsdottir &
Onarheim, 2017), especially university students.
This is especially critical in the Saudi Arabian
higher education sector, where advanced
technologies have been integrated into the higher
education sector under the Vision 2030 program
     
Al-Shammari, 2023; Beyari & Alrusaini, 2023).
Further, instructors teach university students in
Saudi Arabia through multimedia tools such as
video conferencing (Alquhaif et al., 2023).
Therefore, this research addresses the impact of
multimedia technology in developing university
students learning agility and creativity.
Study Objectives
The current study objectives are:
1. To investigate the impact of multimedia
technology in developing university
students learning agility and creativity.
2. To suggest strategies for developing the
learning agility and creativity of university
3. To acknowldge the contribution of the study
to the technology adoption and skill
development literature.
Literature Review
The learning agility of university students is
considered a critical factor for their fruitful
educational attainment in the current technology-
driven environment (Singh, 2017). Learning
agility in a technological environment is defined
toward new technologies (De Meuse et al.,
2010). Learning agility is considered an essential
skill        
technology-driven marketplace (Hwangbo et al.,
2019; Singh et al., 2011b). Learning agility
allows students to learn technology-related skills
in an educational environment and later apply the
skills they learned in their work environment
(Singh et al., 2011c; Dries et al., 2012).
Creativity is widely referred to as a process by
which an individual or group generates
something that is both innovative or original and
practical or suitable for a given social setting.
Many personal and environmental variables
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
impact creativity (Plucker et al., 2004;
Richardson & Mishra, 2018). Various studies
have established that students' creativity can be
enhanced and identified numerous factors
influencing creative development. While
intervention studies have shown that creativity
may be fostered in academic and non-academic
contexts from kindergarten to adulthood, no
widely acknowledged formulae or sets of
instructions ensure success (Lai et al., 2018).
A multimedia learning environment entails
presenting information via multiple channels,
such as auditory and visual (Jiang & Benbasat,
2007; Takács et al., 2015; Michalski et al., 2016).
Educational technology researchers have
historically examined multimedia technology
(Donnelly et al., 2010; Yu, 2021). The primary
focus of the majority of researchers is the
enhancement of teacher-student interactions
using multimedia technologies. Numerous
published works have theorized on multimedia
technology to foster learning agility and
creativity (Loveless, 2007; Anseel, 2017;
Glaveanu et al., 2019). For instance, Loveless
(2007) suggests that the interplay between the
characteristics of digital technologies, the ability
of learners to express elements of higher-order
thinking through technology, and creative
processes gives rise to activities that emphasize
creativity in the context of new technologies.
According to Anseel (2017), multimedia
technology is important for young learners'
learning, skill-building, and creative potential in
a technology-driven environment. Glaveanu et
al. (2019) suggest that multimedia technology
can be a nurturing medium, facilitating an
atmosphere that promotes learning agility and
Some researchers examine the influence of
digital technology on developing creativity and
learning agility by focusing on the dynamics of
human-computer interaction. Lubart (2005) and
Glaveanu et al. (2019) had four possible societal
functions for computers in the context of learning
agility and creative activity. The first function is
that of a "nanny computer", which means
technology's ability to help the learning agility
and creativity by offering a nurturing atmosphere
and mentality. The second function of
technology is to serve as a pen pal, enabling
learners to exchange ideas and enhance
communication and cooperation throughout the
creative and learning process. The third role
pertains to the "computer as coach," whereby
computers function as expert systems that
enhance students' learning and creativity by
providing academic materials that strengthen
cognitive processes, methods, and approaches
associated with creativity. The fourth function is
"computer as a collaborator," which means that
computers may actively contribute to the
production, assessment, and refining of ideas in
collaboration with learners throughout the
learning and creative process.
Although the correlation between technology,
learning agility, and creativity is often discussed
in the field of education, limited studies have
examined the impact of multimedia technology
on students' learning agility and creativity,
according to previous literature reviews and
meta-analyses (Valgeirsdottir & Onarheim,
Thus, the literature review suggests that
Multimedia technology presents the
potential to foster student learning agility
and creativity.
There is a paucity of studies that have
  
impact on student learning agility and
Accordingly, this study will create knowledge to
utilize the potential of multimedia technology to
foster student learning agility and creativity.
Moreover, it would fill the identified research
voids in the existing body of literature.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 1. Model of Multimedia Technology Impact on Students' Learning Agility and Creativity
(Authors design)
The model used in this study is illustrated in
Figure 1. The model illustrates multimedia
technologies' effect on developing students'
learning agility and creativity. The research
included a control variable: students' age.
The hypotheses of research are presented as
H1: Multimedia technology positively impacts
the learning agility of university students.
H2: Multimedia technology positively impacts
the creativity of university students.
A quantitative research method was implemented
to accomplish the research goals. Now we
explain the research components, including the
sampling, data gathering methods, variables,
regression model, and analytic approaches.
This research gathered primary data by
employing questionnaires. Surveys were given at
the University of Ha'il (Saudi Arabia) to evaluate
the effect of multimedia technology on the
learning agility and creativity of university
students. Non-probabilistic sampling was
utilized to obtain responses from 318 university
students. The features of the sample utilized in
this investigated study are presented in Table 1.
Table 1.
Features of the Study Sample
Study Year
Age Group
Student Gender
Questionnaire Development and Distribution
We developed a survey to collect the primary
data, The survey employed a five-point Likert
scale (ranging from strongly agree to strongly
disagree) to get student perspectives on the
influence of multimedia technology on learning
agility and creativity. The survey questions were
translated into Arabic to augment the students'
understanding and involvement. We were able to
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
survey several students while minimizing
possible bias using the online distribution and
collection of surveys (Singh & Alwaqaa, 2023).
Before soliciting their participation, students
were provided with a comprehensive explanation
of the research objectives and informed that their
answers would remain confidential. The students
who provided their permission participated in the
Table 2 presents the variables utilized in the
current research and their definitions.
Table 2.
Study Variables and Definitions
Dependent Variable(s)
Agility (LAG) Learning
al., 2010)
Creativity (CTY)
A process by which an individual or group generates something that is both
(Plucker et suitable for a given social settinginnovative or original and practical or
Richardson & Mishra, 2018)al., 2004;
Independent Variable(s)
Availableness (ALS)
The availableness of various forms of multimedia technology (such as VR, AR, AI,
niversity students (Sabzian et al., 2013)interactive learning activities, etc.) to u
Deployment (DPY)
Effective deployment of multimedia technology by students for educational
objectives (such as assignments, class discussions, exam evaluations, etc.)
et al., 2020) Abdulrahaman(
Control Variable
Singh & Alodaynan, 2023)
This study's dependent variables are the students'
learning agility (LAG) and creativity (CRE).
Deployment (DPY) and availability (ALS) of
multimedia technologies are two independent
variables. As the age of students may influence
their propensity to acquire learning agility and
innovation in the classroom, we controlled age
(SAG) in the model.
Study Models
We examined the regression models for
university students learning agility and
LAGt = 0 + 1 ALSt + 2 DPYt + 3 SAGt + t
CTYt = 0 + 1 ALSt + 2 DPYt + 3 SAGt + t
LAG Learning Agility
CTY Creativity
ALS Availableness
DPY Deployment
SAG 
Error term
Data Analysis Method
The present investigation used ordinary least
squares (OLS) regression analysis to assess the
influence of multimedia technology on the
learning agility and creativity of university
students. Linear regression coefficient estimation
is the primary aim of OLS regression analysis,
with the consequence of minimizing the
discrepancy between estimated and actual values
(Hosman et al, 2010; Singh et al., 2023). This
research used the OLS regression approach
because of its successful alignment with the
investigation's aims.
Analyses and Results
Descriptive Data and Correlation Coefficients
Table 3 shows the descriptive data of the
variables. The presented data includes the mean
values for the following variables: the student's
age (25.27), the availability of multimedia
technology (3.99), creativity (4.06), and the
successful deployment of multimedia technology
(4.01). Variance in data is quantified in terms of
the coefficient of variation (CV) concerning a
reference population (Singh et al., 2022a). Each
variable in the research has a low CV (Table 3).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 3.
Descriptive Data
Std. Dev.
Coeff. of Variation
Learning Agility (LAG)
Creativity (CTY)
Availableness (ALS)
Deployment (DPY)
Students Age (SAG)
The Pearson correlation coefficients for every
variable in the research are shown in Table 4. If
the explanatory variables have a significant
bilateral correlation, there may be worries about
multicollinearity (Singh et al., 2022b). In the
presence of multicollinearity among independent
variables, p-values will fail to accurately predict
the significance of the variables, resulting in less
precise coefficients (Alhamad & Singh, 2021;
Jiehong et al., 2022). The absence of substantial
relationships among the explanatory factors is
seen in Table 4 (Singh & Alhulail, 2022).
Table 4.
Correlation Coefficients
Learning Agility (LAG)
Creativity (CTY)
Availableness (ALS)
Deployment (DPY)
Students Age (SAG)
Multicollinearity and Heteroscedasticity
The present research data were subjected to the
requisite checks for multicollinearity and
heteroscedasticity (Table 5). To assess
multicollinearity, variance inflation factor (VIF)
values were used. Multicollinearity concerns
were absent in the data (Table 5); all VIF values
       
2023). Heteroscedasticity was then evaluated
using the Breusch-Pagan & Koenker (B.P.K)
test. All of the p-values for the B.P.K test were
below 0.05, leading us to conclude no
heteroscedasticity concerns (Lewbel, 2012;
Singh, H. P., & Alhamad, 2021).
Table 5.
VIF and B.P.K P-Value(s)
VIF Value(s)
Value(s)-B.P.K P
Learning Agility (LAG)
Creativity (CTY)
Availableness (ALS)
Deployment (DPY)
Students Age (SAG)
Hypotheses Testing Analyses
The hypotheses are tested via multivariate
regression analysis, as seen in Table 6.
Model A (LAG) in Table 6 illustrates an adjusted
R2 value of 0.612. This value accounts for 60.4%
of the variation in the relationship between
multimedia technology availabileness and
deployment (McCausland et al., 2021). A p-value
of 0.021 depicts that the model is statistically
significant at the 5% level. This indicates that
using multimedia technologies improves
university students' learning agility. This
validates the hypothesis H1 of this investigation.
Moreover, a noteworthy and favorable
correlation exists between the availableness and
deployment of multimedia technologies for
university students and their capacity for learning
agility. This suggests that the availability and
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
efficient use of multimedia technologies are
critical factors in developing the learning agility
of students.
The proportion of variance explained by the
availability and implementation of multimedia
technology is 62.1%, as depicted by the modified
R2 of 0.621 in model B (CTY) (Table 6). The
p-value for the model is 0.018, which is
statistically significant at a 5% confidence level.
This shows that the usage of multimedia
technologies enhances the creative abilities of
university students. Therefore, we accept
hypothesis H2 of the research. Furthermore, a
noteworthy and favorable correlation exists
between university students' creativity level and
the availableness and deployment of multimedia
technologies. This suggests that the availableness
and deployment of multimedia technologies are
essential components in nurturing innovation
among university students.
Table 6.
Hypotheses Testing Analyses
Model A (LAG)
Model B (CTY)
Availableness (ALS)
Deployment (DPY)
Students Age (SAG)
Adjusted R
Note: A result is deemed significant at the 0.05 and 0.01 levels, denoted by * and **
The research results have shown that
availableness and deployment of multimedia
technologies foster the learning agility of
university students. These results are aligned
with prior research, especially Loveless (2007),
Anseel (2017), and Glaveanu et al. (2019), who
informed student learning agility can be
enhanced by employing multimedia
technologies. This finding confirms Loveless's
(2007) assertion that multimedia technology
assists students sharpen their unique learning
styles. This finding also supports Anseel's (2017)
and Glaveanu et al.'s (2019) assertions that
multimedia technology nurtures the learning
agility of young learners in a technology-driven
environment. Previous scholarly works have
postulated that technology has the potential to
enhance learning agility. Nevertheless, the
present study surpasses this expectation by
providing empirical evidence that supports this
claim in the context of multimedia technology.
Furthermore, the current research contributes to
the extant literature by demonstrating the
criticality of university administration efficiently
utilizing and deploying multimedia technology to
promote students' learning agility.
The research findings demonstrate that the
presence and use of multimedia technology
stimulate the ingenuity of university students.
The findings presented in this study are
consistent with previous research, particularly
those of Loveless (2007), Anseel (2017), and
Glaveanu et al. (2019), which demonstrated that
the use of multimedia tools may improve the
creative capacities of students. This result
provides more evidence in favor of Loveless's
(2007) assertion that multimedia technology
cultivates the creative abilities of university
students. This study further substantiates the
claims made by Anseel (2017) and Glaveanu et
al. (2019) that in a technology-driven
environment, young learners' creativity is
fostered via the use of multimedia technology.
Prior academic literature has expected that
technology may augment the capacity for
creativity. However, this anticipation is
surpassed by the current research, which supports
this assertion within the realm of multimedia
technology. Moreover, the present investigation
makes a scholarly contribution by illustrating the
importance of university administration's
effective use and deployment of multimedia
technology to foster students' creative potential.
In this study, 318 Saudi university students were
surveyed by employing a quantitative
methodology. This study illustrated the influence
of multimedia technology on the learning agility
and creativity of university students by
employing an empirical methodology. Previous
studies have suggested that technology might
enhance students' learning agility and creativity.
The results of the study supported the
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
conclusions drawn in prior studies, which
indicated that improvements in multimedia
technology are essential for fostering students'
learning agility and creativity. However, the
present study went a step further and offered
empirical evidence to support this claim in the
context of multimedia technology. The present
investigation enriches the extant literature on
skill development and technology management
by demonstrating how crucial it is for university
administration to implement and utilize
multimedia technology effectively to develop
students' learning agility and creativity.
As part of its Vision 2030 government initiative,
Saudi Arabia invested substantially in its
educational institutes. Accordingly, the research
findings have considerable implications for the
country. The findings will provide valuable
insights for emerging countries like Saudi
Arabia, which want to foster a culture of
innovation and adaptability among university
students. Innovation and learning agility are
critical qualities that Saudi university students
must develop to realize the goals outlined in
Saudi Vision 2030. The results of this research
suggest that the integration of multimedia
technologies in the classroom might have a
substantial impact on promoting learning agility
and innovation among university students in
Saudi Arabia. Hence, Saudi institutions need to
strive for the proliferation and integration of
developing multimedia technologies to enhance
students' learning agility and promote their
creativity. In the realm of higher education in
Saudi Arabia, the promotion of developing
multimedia technologies like augmented reality
(AR), virtual reality (AR), and artificial
intelligence (AI) should be given special
This study possesses certain drawbacks that
could be in further research. The present inquiry
included 318 students hailing from a solitary
public institution in Saudi Arabia. In subsequent
investigations, it is possible to augment the
sample size by gathering data from more
institutions. Subsequently, scholars may collect
data from private and public colleges to compare
their strategies for fostering learning agility and
innovation among students. Future research may
also collect data from other institutes (like
colleges of education and polytechnic colleges)
effect on
students' learning agility and creativity across
various contexts. Future research may include
surveying graduates to determine their level of
commitment to developing their learning agility
and creativity. Given the cultural similarities
between Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf
Cooperation Council (GCC) states, future
scholars may also benefit from collecting data
from these countries.
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