Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.70.10.16
How to Cite:
Aldrou, K.K.A.R., Mandzinovska, K., Ostapenko, L., Lynda, A., & Ravliuk, V. (2023). Formation of administrative and legal system
ensuring financial and economic security: Regional aspect. Amazonia Investiga, 12(70), 179-188.
Formation of administrative and legal system ensuring financial and
economic security: Regional aspect
Formacn de un sistema administrativo y legal que garantice la seguridad financiera y
económica: aspecto regional
Received: September 1, 2023 Accepted: October 29, 2023
Written by:
Khaled Khalaf Abed Rabbo Aldrou1
Khrystyna Mandzinovska2
Leonid Ostapenko3
Andriy Lynda4
Vitalii Ravliuk5
The main objective of the article is to determine
the directions of resources for the formation of an
administrative and legal system that ensures
financial and economic security. The research
methodology involves the use of modern
methods of system analysis and the method of
pairwise comparison, which contribute to the
optimization of resource provision. The results of
the study give an idea of what financial resources
states use today to form an administrative and
legal system in ensuring and maintaining the
optimal level of the type of security being
studied. The scientific novelty of the study lies in
the proposed methodological approach and its
application to the financial and economic
security support system in Ukraine. The study
has its limitations. First of all, it is limited by the
fact that the chosen methodology does not take
into account all types of resources in the
modeling. In further research, the authors plan to
identify and characterize other resources
necessary for the formation of an administrative-
Faculty of Law, Jadara University, Jordan. WoS Researcher ID: JQI-0784-2023
Ukrainian Academy of Printing, Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: DFK-0337-2022
Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher
ID: F-3238-2018
Ukrainian Academy of Printing, Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: JQI-0766-2023
Acting General Director, State Public Joint-Stock Company "National joint-stock company "Ukragroleasing", Kyiv, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: JQI-0757-2023
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
legal system in the matter of ensuring and
maintaining the optimal level of the type of
security being studied. It is concluded that,
optimization of resources plays a key role in the
formation of any system and provision of any
kind of security.
Keywords: Choice of Supporting Resources,
Financial and Economic Security Guarantee,
Legal and Administrative System, Modeling.
Today Ukraine is faced with a number of
problems that can, to one degree or another, slow
down or stop socio-economic development, the
pace of European integration and the
implementation of administrative reforms to
democratize society. Thus, according to official
statistics, in 2022 shadow economy level
amounted to 33% of the country’s total GDP,
which indicates the increasing criminalization of
financial and economic relations within
Ukrainian society. In this issue, a special place is
given to law enforcement agencies, whose task is
to ensure an adequate level of financial and
economic security (which will be further referred
to as FES) of the country, in the context of
implementing preventive measures, identifying,
suspending and investigating possible cases of
illegal actions in the financial and economic field
of activity. The development of crime indicates
the inefficiency of the administrative-legal
system of the state within the framework of
security activities.
If we talk about the current state of the
administrative-legal system in Ukraine, it should
be noted that today the public is increasingly
interested in the effectiveness of the activities of
government institutions, in particular law
enforcement agencies. In this context, public
councils are most active, the purpose of which is
to promptly identify and report facts of
corruption or abuse of official rank.
The main goal of the activities of the above legal
and administrative system in the context of
ensuring FES is to achieve a state of the
economic system in which it is possible to
promptly and effectively identify and counteract
existing external and internal threats. Thus, the
structure of the mechanism for ensuring FES
includes a number of elements, the mutual
implementation of which makes it possible to
fully ensure the appropriate level of security. A
distinctive feature of the interaction of the above
elements is that, when directly implemented,
they acquire qualitatively new features and can
ensure the proper state of FES over time.
Administrative and legal measures are aimed
mainly at the formation of directives, compliance
with which contributes to obtaining a security
effect. This is a powerful element of state policy
in the field of ensuring financial and economic
security. Along with this, gradually the number
of threats that negatively affect security has only
increased and, therefore, the number of
administrative and legal measures in accordance
with this, as well. This gradually developed into
a holistic, comprehensive system.
In today's development conditions, the external
environment of financial and economic security
in the context of today's activities of Ukraine is
characterized by high dynamism and constant
changes. In such conditions, effective
administrative and legal security measures are
needed, which are systematic in nature. But at the
same time, the formation of any system,
including administrative and legal, requires
resources. The main one is financial. Financial
resources play a critical role in ensuring financial
and economic security.
Consequently, the importance and relevance of
ensuring the financial and economic security of
the country is critically important in the realities
of the present, since this is precisely what is an
indicator of the security of the economic system
from internal and external threats and an
indicator of the effectiveness functioning of state
and local government bodies. The stability of this
indicator is also a manifestation that all financial
resources and other assets are used correctly and
are not wasted. It is also obvious that the presence
of a high level of financial and economic security
allows for the active development of
entrepreneurship in the country, in the context of
the forming of a powerful system of investment
in the development of the private sector and the
allocation of significant resources to overcome
major threats. and risks in this area.
Aldrou, K.K.A.R., Mandzinovska, K., Ostapenko, L., Lynda, A., Ravliuk, V. / Volume 12 - Issue 70: 179-188 / October, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
That is why a logical research question arises:
how to provide resources for the creating an
effective system for ensuring financial and
economic security? As part of our research, we
are looking specifically at the administrative-
legal system and the resources for it.
The main purpose is to analyze the specifics of
the formation of the legal and administrative
system for ensuring FES. The object of the study
is to FES. At the same time, the scientific
question is how it is possible to effectively
determine the resources for the formation of a
legal and administrative system for ensuring
Literature Review
Considering the issues of forming an
administrative and legal system for ensuring
financial and economic security in the context of
the regional aspect, we can say that to date this
issue has been studied by a large number of
For example, the work of Acs, Estrin,
Mickiewicz, & Szerb (2018) and Baumol, &
Strom (2007) actively discusses the contribution
of entrepreneurship to the economic
development of the region and its economic
growth, as well as considers how entrepreneurial
initiatives contribute to the financial and
economic stability of the region. This analysis of
the relationship between entrepreneurship and
economic growth can provide insights into how
administrative and legal systems should be
structured to effectively harness entrepreneurial
potential in a region. An interesting study in this
context is Bjørnskov, & Foss, (2016). The study
analyzes the role of institutions and
entrepreneurship in economic growth. This can
help to understand how administrative and legal
systems can promote or inhibit entrepreneurship
and innovation, which is important for regional
economic security.
Similar topics are explored in the works of
Blakyta, Ganushchak (2018) and Nehrey,
Zomchak, Klymenko, Volovelska, & Pichugina
(2022). In these studies, the issue of forming an
administrative and legal system for ensuring
financial and economic security in the context of
the regional aspect is also studied at the level of
individual socio-economic systems. The
financial and economic security of an enterprise
in these studies is considered as a component of
the economic security of the state and the region;
it can be useful for assessing the impact of
administrative and legal systems on financial
stability in the region. At the same time, the
authors note IT management as one of the ways
to improve this type of security.
The study by Gricishen, Kuchmenko, &
Zablodska (2021) examines economic security
from the point of view of regional development
and positioning. Particular attention is paid to
how administrative and legal systems can
promote or hinder economic security through
their mechanisms of governance, regulation and
stimulation of regional development. The study
analyzes how different policies and strategies can
impact the stability and prosperity of the region,
highlighting the importance of good governance
and legal frameworks in ensuring financial and
economic security.
Most scientists note (Marer, 2010; Benigno et al.,
2013; Lee, 2022) that this is a key negative factor
affecting the level of financial and economic
security of the region. Coverage of issues of
financial crises and macroprudential policy is
especially useful for understanding the role of
administrative and legal systems in preventing
financial crises and ensuring financial stability at
the regional level. In addition, the works examine
the indirect influence of financial crises at the
international level in the context of changes in
the level of financial and economic security of
the region.
Another critical issue in the process of ensuring
the financial and economic security of the region
is the manifestation of the influence of the
shadow economy, which is studied in the work of
Bilan, Vasylieva, Lyeonov, & Tiutiunyk, (2019).
A similar opinion is shared by Gunawan, &
Ratmono (2020), who believe that modern
challenges and threats of the shadow economy,
in particular in the digital space, are new key
destructive factors for financial and economic
The issue of the effectiveness of the formation of
the administrative and legal system of the region
in the context of ensuring financial and economic
security is studied in the work of Lefimova,
Labartkava, & Pashchenko (2020). In these
works, the formation and analysis of
administrative and legal measures aimed at
ensuring financial and economic security is
based on a methodology for assessing the
development of economic security in the region.
At the same time, in the work of Jankovska,
Tylchyk, & Khomyshyn (2018), the issue of
forming the administrative and legal system of
the region is substantiated in the context of
European integration processes and the need to
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
adapt to external economic and legal
frameworks. This approach is especially relevant
since today Ukraine is on the path to European
integration and must adapt its own mechanisms
for ensuring financial and economic security to
the European framework. In this context, the
study by Ignatov (2019) is also interesting for
understanding broader trends and challenges
affecting regional financial and economic
No less important in this context is the issue of
methods for assessing and ensuring the
effectiveness of the administrative and legal
system for ensuring financial and economic
security in the context of the regional aspect.
Thus, the work of Podgorna, Babenko,
Honcharenko, Sáez-Fernández, Fernández, &
Yakubovskiy, (2020) gives an idea of the trends
and challenges in socio-economic development
that affect financial and economic security
through the DP2 method. Similar works are
Onyshchenko & Bondarevska (2018) and
Vaitkus, & Vasiliauskaitė (2022). Analysis and
assessments of financial and economic security
and its regulatory support can be important for
understanding methods and approaches to
assessing economic security at the regional level
and can be key to understanding the role of
legislation and legal systems in ensuring
financial stability and security.
Along with studies examining modern methods
for assessing the administrative and legal system
for ensuring financial and economic security in
the context of the regional aspect, a number of
authors are exploring ways to improve this issue.
Thus, Popławski, & Kuźnik (2020), and Shaun,
& Nesadurai (2023) explore approaches to
forecasting and planning measures to ensure
economic security at the regional level. At the
same time, Levchenko, Boyko, Savchenko,
Bozhenko, Humenna, & Pilin (2019) explore the
features of administrative and legal regulation of
financial and economic security through an
innovative approach to its assessment can
provide important guidance on approaches and
tools that can be used in administrative -legal
Summarizing the analysis, it should be noted that
in the scientific and practical literature on the
subject of the study, there are a number of gaps
that should be identified and characterized
(Table 1).
Table 1.
Key gaps in the literature in our study
The name of the element in which
there is a gap
Methodical approach
There are no new ideas on the introduction of modern methodological
approaches to modeling the formation of a legal and administrative
system for ensuring FES
Emphasis on resource provision
In the scientific and practical literature, there is no emphasis on the
importance of choosing and optimizing resource provision
Source: (Formed by authors)
Summing up the results of the analysis, we
concluded that there is an important search for a
qualitatively new methodological approach to
improving the resource support for the formation
of the administrative and legal system. Most
scientific literature does not offer new
approaches to solving this problem and therefore
you should present your own scientific vision for
solving it. The scientific task is to optimize
resources for the formation of a legal and
administrative system for ensuring FES.
During the research process, the following
methodology was chosen: the method of system
analysis and the method of paired comparisons.
The paired comparison method is one of the most
common methods for assessing the comparative
advantage of alternatives. We also note that with
a sufficiently large number of alternative options
being evaluated, the procedure for pairwise
comparison of all their possible pairs becomes
laborious. That is why we have chosen only one
type of resource support - financial. The
sequence of implementation of selected methods,
presented in Figure 1.
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 1. Scheme of implementation of the selected methods
Source: Formed by authors
The method of system analysis was used in the
selection of resources and level. In general, the
method of even comparisons allows us to
determine the possibility of a rational choice of
resources for a particular level of security when
forming an administrative and legal system for
providing FES.
Results and Discussion
Guaranteeing the FES of the country today is a
key guarantee of the country’s stable economic
development, improving its level of well-being
and social equality. In this context, the formation
and subsequent adoption of appropriate
organizational and methodological measures
aimed at implementing these tasks today should
become a key element of the state policy of most
leading economically developed countries,
focused on democratic values, the approval of
which means civilizational progress, the vector
of which is directed. social and democratic
development. Accordingly, in Ukrainian there is
a real need for analysis, comprehension and
scientific substantiation of the issue of the role
and activities of levels of government bodies,
whose task is to provide the FES of Ukraine.
The issue of formation an effective system for
protecting the FES of the state is relevant not
only for Ukraine, which finds itself in difficult
operating realities, but also for other countries of
the world. This issue becomes particularly
relevant with the development of new types of
offenses in the virtual sphere. In particular, we
are talking about committing illegal or criminal
actions in the virtual financial environment with
the aim of seizing other people’s financial
resources, which can be either in the form of
identical electronic financial equivalents or in the
form of a new virtual currency.
FES is a critical component of the system of
ensuring the national security of the state. As
practice shows, without an independent,
sovereign financially stable economic system of
the country, it is impossible to develop the state
in the right direction. The economy ensures the
satisfaction of human needs: both materially and
spiritually. The economy should contribute to the
development of society and the lives of the
citizens of this country.
The digital environment of the legal and
administrative system, formed in the conditions
of digitalization of the state economy, has a wide
range of areas of influence on the formation of
various processes. Not only production
technologies are changing, but also different
forms of relationships (monetary, logistics, legal
and consumer). There is also a modification of
social capital and social relations, which play an
increasingly important role in shaping the
conditions for the socio-economic development
of the state.
When considering the legal and administrative
system for FES at the macroeconomic level, it is
important to consider also its multi-circuit nature,
since the system for FES of the country is a
complex dynamic system. On the one hand, it is
influenced by the FES of components at the
industry level (such as the fuel and energy
complex, the military-industrial complex), as
well as the microeconomic level (individual
entrepreneurs). On the other hand, national FES
also has a direct impact on the level of FES of its
sectoral and microeconomic components.
Therefore, one of the most important areas for
improving the legal and administrative system of
FES of Ukraine is the development of resource
After considering the basic foundation of the
administrative and legal system and the nature of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
its impact on FES, it should be generalized that
all of the above aspects cannot be realized with
certain resources, especially financial ones. To
begin with, we will determine the financial
resources for the formation of an legal and
administrative system for FES:
A (1). Through the redistribution of centralized
and decentralized funds.
A (2). Additional reserve funds.
A (3). Allocated in the planned mode from the
state budget.
Next, we will establish the level of resource
provision according to the corresponding
hierarchy presented in Table 2.
Table 2.
The essence of resource provision levels
Terminates the effectiveness of the FES administrative-legal system
Makes possible the effectiveness of the FES administrative-legal system
Accelerates the effectiveness of the FES administrative-legal system
Source: (formed by authors)
Further, it should be noted that we have three
types of financial resources (A(1); A(2); A(3)),
which we will designate in accordance with the
level of security. Designations in accordance are
identified by the corresponding letter
designations (Table 3).
Table 3.
Symbols for resource assessment levels
r1 (А(1))
r2 (А(2))
r3 (А(3))
Source: (formed by authors)
Using expert analysis, we can assess the
significance of the level of ensuring of the
administrative-legal system. To determine,
taking into account the generalization of expert
opinions, the weight of the level of provision
with the necessary resources, a scale was used
that demonstrates the level of importance of each
object (Table 4).
Table 4.
Scale of the level of importance of provision levels with the necessary resources
Resource levels are equivalent
One level is not significant but more than the other
One level is more critical than the other
One level has signs of materiality over excess relative to the other
One level has an absolute position higher than another
Source: (formed by authors)
Next, using the method of paired comparisons,
we build the corresponding matrix. According to
the procedures of this method, all diagonal
fillings will be 1. At the bottom of the matrix are
the inverse values. Table 5 shows the Matrix of
paired comparisons, demonstrating the levels of
existing financial resources necessary for the
formation of an administrative and legal system
for providing FES.
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 5.
Results of comparison of allocated resource levels
r (A(1))
r (A(2))
r (A(3))
r (A(1))
The value is:1
The value is:2
The value is:3
r (A(2))
The value is:1/2
The value is:1
The value is:1
r (A(3))
The value is:1/3
The value is:1
The value is:1
The value is:0,68
The value is:0,19
The value is:0,11
Consistency index
Consistency relation
The value is:3,01
The value is:0,009
The value is:0,01
Source: (formed by authors)
In order to determine the level of consistency of
pairwise comparisons in numerical value, given
in Table 5. In addition, this table shows the
normalized vector of matrix priorities (E) and the
actual value of the matrix (max), consistency
index and consistency coefficient are calculated.
The priority vector (E) is calculated as the
product of the elements of each row and the
subtraction by the roots of the 3rd degree, and
then it is normalized by dividing the components
by the sum of the values of all components. By
setting it, we can determine the closest value of
the eigenvector max), which is calculated as the
arithmetic mean of the priority vector. (max - n)
/ (n-1) allows us to calculate the consistency
The next step will be to identify options for the
optimal selection of resources when forming an
administrative and legal system for providing
FES. This is achieved by defining a utility
function (u). Its finding occurs according to the
advantage of using different types of financial
resources. To do this, we will carry out similar
calculations, but now for each of the options for
resource provision (A(1), A(2), A(3)). The main
calculation results are presented in Table 6.
Table 6.
Results of comparison of resources in accordance with all three levels of provision
A (1)
A (2)
A (3)
A (1)
A (2)
A (3)
Consistency index
Consistency relation
A (1)
A (2)
A (3)
A (1)
A (2)
A (3)
Consistency index
Consistency relation
A (1)
A (2)
A (3)
A (1)
A (2)
A (3)
Consistency index
Consistency relation
Source: (formed by authors)
At all levels, the level of consistency is
satisfactory, there is an adequate convergence
level. Components of the normalized priority
vector from Table. 5 allowed certain adjusted
weights (s) of all three types of financial
resources presented above in the text. To
simplify further calculations, we summarize the
definition of the utility function (uij) in one table
(Table 7).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 7.
Resulting calculation indicators
Source: (formed by authors)
Thus, our calculations allow us to assert that the
optimal type of financial resources for the
formation of a legal and administrative system
for ensuring FES is A1 (Allocated in the planned
mode from the state budget).
In general, resources are needed for all systems.
The legal and administrative system for FES is
no exception. Financial resources occupy the
number one position of resource provision for
most systems. So, your legal and administrative
system simply will not work effectively without
financial support. The formation, structuring and
implementation of legal and administrative
measures to ensure FES is costly and positive
when there is plenty to choose from. When there
are multiple resourcing options, the key is to
optimize those choices. Here, in our opinion, the
proposed methodological approach is suitable.
So, it is not new, but it is new in terms of the
formation of effective legal and administrative
systems for ensuring FES. The results presented
depend on many factors and not only on available
financial resources. The dynamism of the
outdoor environment is one of these reasons.
Changes introduced by the external environment
also contribute to changes in resource provision.
In the scientific literature, there is an appropriate
vision of ensuring financial and economic
security and even reveals a number of aspects of
the formation of the administrative and legal
system, but along with it there are a number of
gaps and problems that have not yet been
disclosed. We compare the similarities and
differences with the general vision of the main
research results from other literature sources.
This is a kind of generalized vision. (Table 8).
Table 8.
Identifying the key common and distinctive features of this study
Agreement with the opinion that law enforcement
agencies is a significant factor in the legal and
administrative system for FES
The difference in the presented methodological
approach to analysis and research
Agreeing that the legal and administrative mechanism
for FES depends on resources
The difference in the assessment and optimization of
the resource selection system for the formation of an
effective legal and administrative system for FES
Source: (formed by authors)
The scientific novelty of the article lies in the use
of a specific methodological approach and
implementation in the field of ensuring FES in
In conclusion, we will determine that FES is not
only the financial and economic components.
Here, the legal and administrative aspect plays an
important role, which activates this process
through directives and mechanisms. We tried to
understand how to properly optimize the
resource support for the formation of an
administrative-legal system of FES and came to
the conclusion that the first step would be
financial resources. They presented a
methodological approach (the use of which had
already appeared in other studies), but its use
within the framework of the formation of an
administrative-legal system of FES was new. The
methodological approach in our case is not the
resources themselves, but how they are compared
and what method is used.
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Also, we highlight the main results that were
obtained during the writing of the article. At the
beginning of the results, the exceptional
importance of the modern administrative and
legal system in the process of ensuring financial
and economic security was established and
proven. Secondly, the importance of resource
support for the formation of the administrative
and legal system was substantiated. In our
opinion, resource optimization plays a key role in
the formation of any system and the provision of
any type of security. Thus, we have presented a
method for optimizing resources, which, in terms
of security levels and the allocated list of
financial resources, made it possible, thanks to
appropriate calculations and calculations, to
mathematically establish the optimal type of
financial resources for the formation of an
administrative-legal system. The practical
consequences of the obtained results consist in
the formation of the possibility of using a method
for rationalizing the use of resources and
choosing the optimal one by government bodies
entrusted with the functions of the FES.
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