Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.70.10.15
How to Cite:
Knysh, I., Popovych, O., Zakharevych, M., Yakymenko, S., & Povlin, I. (2023). Innovative technologies drive the modernization of
higher education. Amazonia Investiga, 12(70), 167-178. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.70.10.15
Innovative technologies drive the modernization of higher education
Інноваційні технології - рушійна сила модернізації вищої освіти
Received: September 1, 2023 Accepted: October 28, 2023
Written by:
Inna Knysh1
Oksana Popovych2
Mykola Zakharevych3
Svitlana Yakymenko4
Iryna Povlin5
The article shows the need to modernize higher
education and its entire system, which consists of
improving the efficiency of the educational
process in higher education through the
implementation and design of innovative modern
educational technologies. The main types of
innovative approaches in the educational process
of a higher school are disclosed. The
classification of educational technologies
according to the factor of psychological
development, orientation on personal structures,
according the nature of the content and structure,
is considered. Methodological approaches that
are important in the modernization of higher
education through the introduction of innovative
technologies are analyzed. Taking into account
modern methodological approaches, it is shown
that the content of innovative technologies
should be determined using the basic principles
discussed in the article. The research work was
aimed at proving the need to modernize higher
education and its entire system, which consists of
improving the efficiency of the educational
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and Foreign Languages,
National Academy of Management, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: ADA-5230-2022
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool and Special Education, Dean of the Faculty
of Pedagogy, Mukachevo State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAJ-9245-2021
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Vocational Education and Technology by Profiles, Pavlo
Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAR-5227-2020
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Elementary and Preschool Education Department, V. O. Sukhomlynskyi National
University of Mykolaiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAD-8418-2022
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biology and Chemistry, Ferenc Rakoczi II
Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: IUP-7754-2023
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
process in higher education through the
implementation and design of innovative modern
educational technologies. In conclusion, the
study demonstrates that the modernization of
higher education through the implementation of
innovative educational technologies can improve
the efficiency of the educational process and
prepare students for the challenges of today's
Keywords: modernization of higher education,
efficiency of the educational process, innovative
technologies, information technologies, distance
The relevance of our article is also determined by
the activation of the main product of the
information revolution - information
technologies, which revolutionize all spheres of
human life. The field of education is no
exception. Information technologies have
introduced such an impulse of innovation into the
education system, which can be considered as the
main means of its innovative development.
Information revolution - reflects the
revolutionary impact of information technologies
on all spheres of society. This phenomenon
integrates the effects of previous revolutionary
inventions in the information field, as it creates a
technological basis for overcoming any distances
in the transmission of information, which
contributes to the unification of intellectual
abilities and spiritual forces of the individual.
Education has changed significantly under the
influence of new challenges of modernity and has
become one of the factors of radical change in
social systems. The globalization of education is
unfolding in the direction of forming a single
"educational space" based on integrating national
educational systems.
Challenges that higher educational institutions
may face when implementing innovative
technologies are a lack of resources, resistance to
change, and the need to train teachers.
Modernization of higher education and its entire
system consists of improving the efficiency of
the educational process in higher education
through the implementation and design of
innovative modern educational technologies and
systems (Dubaseniuk, 2004).
The main resource in the high-quality training of
a modern specialist and his modernization are
innovative technologies in the field of education.
These technologies all over the world affect the
quality of people's lives and condition the
civilizational development of the individual.
The use of innovative technologies in education,
the latest means of life affects and changes the
nature of human existence. With the modern
reform of education all over the world, in today's
conditions, the main tasks in the education sector
are the training of competitive, creative, educated
individuals with developed competencies for
high-quality professional activity and effective
life activities (Pérez-delHoyo et al., 2020).
The constant and rapid development of the
Internet and telecommunications technologies,
their popularity and applicability in all spheres of
life requires a rethinking of the place and role of
a person in the educational process and affects
changes in the educational environment,
improving the content of education, which
requires: constant modernization of education,
mandatory use of innovative technologies in the
educational space, rethinking the role of
technology in education, the goals of education,
changes in teaching methods and methods of
teaching material, requires the dissemination of
learned best practices, the purpose of which is to
improve the quality of education in general
(Senchenko et al., 2018). Effectiveness and
efficiency are the main criteria for evaluating
innovative technology and the entire innovative
educational process (Navolokova, 2009).
Entry of Ukraine into the world and European
educational space, and the integration processes
taking place in it require increasing the
competitiveness of specialists. This encourages
Knysh, I., Popovych, O., Zakharevych, M., Yakymenko, S., Povlin, I. / Volume 12 - Issue 70: 167-178 / October, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
higher education institutions to innovate. The
renewal of the modern system of higher
education and pedagogical science determined
the need for research on pedagogical innovation
as a special branch of scientific knowledge.
Intensive development and modernization of
innovative processes in modern conditions
fundamentally change the relationship to the
possibility of managing such processes, since the
existing spontaneity of these processes delays the
development of practice.
Literature Review
The problem of innovative development of
education and educational innovations is relevant
because it causes wide public and scientific
resonance. Innovative educational activity
involves the development of the creative
potential of teachers and concerns not only the
creation and dissemination of novelty but also
changes in the way of activity, and the thinking
style of the participants of the educational
process. The main characteristic of the
innovative pedagogical activity of a higher
educational institution is to increase the
effectiveness of the educational process.
The development of innovative technologies as a
pedagogical category is connected with the
works of such scientists.
V. Brych & O. Borysiak (2017) justify the need
for a mobile reorientation of the principles of
competitive positioning of enterprises in the
environment, which is connected with the
affirmation of the global character of social
processes in the educational sector. They show
the need to introduce innovations in business
processes based on quality education. They
reveal the transformation of approaches to the
role of a person in the enterprise and show the
necessity of using innovative technologies for
personnel education.
A. Kuchai (2013) analyzed the priority directions
in education, revealed the content of a
fundamentally new paradigm of education, in
particular, emphasized the transition from the
formation of a citizen of the country to a citizen
of the world, a person whose morals and culture
correspond to solving the world's problems, a
democratic, open, educated, responsible person.
It shows the need for education seekers to
implement training with the use of innovative
technologies, which ensure an increase in the
level of creativity of specialists, promote the
desire for self-improvement and self-
development of future specialists, the desire for
search, research work, provide psychological
support for the innovative pedagogical activity.
N. Navolokova (2009) characterized various
innovative technologies in an accessible form,
offered practical recommendations for their use,
and presented modern approaches to the design
of teaching aids. The author's definition of the
concept of "pedagogical technology" is given, a
classification is proposed and an analysis of
known and effective innovative learning
technologies is carried out. Practical
recommendations on the use of innovative
technologies are provided. Information on
teaching techniques, methods, and forms is
Hepp et al. (2015) researched the method of
using augmented reality technology to improve
modern society. The features of the innovative
product and prospects for integration are
highlighted, and the importance of the
implementation of augmented reality technology
is shown.
N. Machynska & Yu. Komarova (2015) revealed
the content of innovative technologies and
showed their features, emphasized their
expediency, and proved the necessity of their
implementation in higher education. An aspect
characterization of innovative technologies in
higher education was made: (information
technologies, case technologies, etc.), their
classification was presented, the stages of
innovative technologies in higher education were
analyzed, and the specifics and feasibility of their
application were determined.
Summarizing the opinions of scientists, we note
that the important tasks of the development of
innovative education are: first, ensuring the
innovative orientation of the education system
based on large-scale computerization and
activation of scientific, technical, and innovative
activities of higher educational institutions,
creating innovative structures in their system;
reforming the education system taking into
account the requirements of European standards
and preserving cultural and intellectual national
Secondly, increasing the effectiveness of the
university sector of scientific research and
development to strengthen its role in ensuring
innovative development of the national
economy. Modern high technologies depend on
the level of scientific research, efficiency, and
effectiveness of their implementation
production. Of course, the quality of scientific
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
and technological developments depends on the
qualifications of scientists and engineers, and
they, in turn, are the total effect of this education
system, especially higher education.
Thirdly, ensuring the expanded reproduction of
knowledge based on the integration of higher
educational institutions, academic and industry
institutions by increasing the level of funding of
the public sector of scientific research and
development; concentration of resources on
priority areas of development of science and
technology and innovative activity; stimulating
lifelong learning, fostering a culture of
innovative thinking.
After analyzing the literary sources, it was found
that the scientists presented a classification of
innovative technologies, the definitions of the
researched problem were grouped: "innovative
technologies", "pedagogical technology",
"educational technology", "teaching
technologies", the role of the introduction of
innovative technologies in education was shown,
the methodology was investigated using
augmented reality technology.
To achieve the innovativeness of the educational
process, we set ourselves the task of revealing the
main types of innovative approaches in the
educational process of a higher school; to single
out the main components of the modernization of
higher education through the introduction of
innovative technologies; to consider the
classification of educational technologies
according to the factor of psychological
development, according to the orientation of
personal structures, according to the nature of the
content and structure; to reveal innovative
teaching methods and technologies. Therefore,
the research work is aimed at proving the need to
modernize higher education and its entire system,
which consists of improving the efficiency of the
educational process in higher education through
the implementation and design of innovative
modern educational technologies.
The purpose of the article: is to show the need
to modernize higher education and its entire
system, which consists of improving the
efficiency of the educational process in higher
education through the implementation and design
of innovative modern educational technologies.
The study is based on the premise that the high-
quality training of specialists in higher education
institutions requires the modernization of higher
education by introducing innovative
technologies, determining the content of training,
and organizational structure, taking into account
the trends of modern innovative education, the
development of innovations in the field of
education, promoting the formation of
competence in a professional career at under the
conditions of modernization changes in
universities, European integration educational
processes, integrated educational process of
training specialists in institutions of higher
education for adaptation to the labor market and
successful professional activity.
The following methods were used in our study:
analysis of philosophical, psychological,
pedagogical, and scientific sources on the
problem of modernization of higher education
through the introduction of innovative
technologies; showing the experience of
organizing the training of specialists on the path
of European integration, the origins, and
development of innovative technologies to
identify the state of development of the problem
of modernization of higher education through the
introduction of innovative technologies; a
comparative analysis of the development of the
problem of modernization of higher education
through the introduction of innovative
technologies and the introduction of industry
innovations into the educational process of
training specialists in universities; analysis of
scientific publications on the development of the
problem of modernization of higher education
through the introduction of innovative
technologies and practices, to generalize the
identified trends of promoting the development
of the problem of modernization of higher
education through the introduction of innovative
technologies in the training of specialists in
universities; scientific and pedagogical
experience of researchers to compare scientific
and methodological support for determining the
state of implementation of innovative
technologies. Pedagogical observation,
conducting problem-based learning through the
introduction of innovative technologies.
We conducted an experimental study. The first
stage of the experiment involved the formation of
the student's information culture, which is an
indicator of the modernization of higher
education, which is the basis of the following
In the second stage of the experiment, students
mastered the system of theoretical knowledge
about future professional activity and mastered
the methodology of scientific knowledge. At the
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
same time, we observe the development of
students' abilities, the formation of their need for
independent activity, and their orientation toward
the use of innovative technologies in professional
The third stage of the experiment was aimed at
the formation and improvement of the
knowledge system, and the development of
practical skills in the use of theoretical
knowledge accumulated in the previous stages.
At this stage, theoretical and practical training of
students is integrated.
A control and an experimental group of students
were created. In the control group, the process of
studying the "Informatics" course took place
within the framework of traditional education. In
the experimental groups, the influence of the
formation of each component of the student's
information culture, which is an indicator of the
modernization of higher education, was tested.
The analysis of the obtained data made it possible
to formulate some regularities in the dynamics of
the levels of formation of the information culture
of students, which is an indicator of the
modernization of higher education, after
studying the computer science course: the
transition from a low level in the experimental
groups increased by a total of 25.6% compared to
14.8% in the control ones (with traditional
education); the transition to a high level
increased by an average of 7.4% in experimental
groups versus 3% in control groups; a slight
increase in the average level of formation of the
student's information culture, which indicates the
modernization of higher education and the ways
and possibilities of introducing innovative
modern educational technologies, as well as the
estimated efficiency ratio of experimental groups
compared to control groups.
At all stages of the experimental work, there was
an uneven, but fairly steady growth in the level
of formation of students' information culture,
especially at the second and third stages of the
experimental study.
Therefore, the proposed step-by-step technology
of forming the information culture of students
and the ways and possibilities of their
implementation of innovative modern
educational technologies is effective.
The obtained results and their analysis make it
possible to form certain ideas that the purposeful
formation of information culture of students,
renewal of ways and possibilities of introducing
innovative modern educational technologies into
them, formation of information culture and
professional competencies of students
contributes to the fact that the modernization of
higher education through the introduction of
innovative technologies in under the conditions
of the information society is moving to a higher,
new level of its evolutionary development.
Results and Discussion
The significance of the development of education,
innovative processes of the development of the
educational space, the state, and the entire society
at the current stage of human existence plays an
important and determining role in the
modernization of higher education through the
introduction of innovative technologies, since the
main thing in modern production is knowledge
and information. In our time, such terms as
innovative activity, innovations, innovative
products, and innovative products have become
important in society.
In the educational process at the higher school,
two main types of innovative approaches are
distinguished, taking into account the scientific
achievements of foreign modern pedagogy
(Vitanova, 2016).
The first type of innovative approach includes
innovations-modernizations that modernize the
educational process and contribute to the
achievement of guaranteed results within its
traditional reproductive orientation.
The second innovative approach to education
includes innovations-transformations that provide
an opportunity to ensure the modernization of
higher education through the introduction of
innovative technologies, qualitative renewal of the
educational process, directing the orientation of
educational and cognitive search activity, and
ensuring its research character (Dubaseniuk,
Since today requires global modernization of
higher education through the introduction of
innovative technologies, these are not just any
innovations, but those that significantly increase
the effectiveness of educational activities, and
with this approach, the use of innovative
technologies in education is the basis for
increasing the efficiency and quality of the
education process in higher school (Machynska &
Komarova, 2015).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The main components of the modernization of
higher education through the introduction of
innovative technologies are (Furman, 1995):
pedagogical neology, which is the theory of
creation and application of innovations in the
education system;
methodology of perception, interpretation in
the sociology of the new, assessment in
education, management, pedagogy, and
technology and practical application of
innovative educational technologies.
These components form the essence of innovation.
According to the nature of the content and
structure: educational and educational, religious
and secular, professional and general educational,
technocratic and humanitarian, branch, subject,
mono-technological, penetrating, and complex
technologies (Dubaseniuk, 2004).
V. Kovalchuk considers such innovative teaching
methods and technologies to be the most
important in higher education (Kovalchuk &
Fedotenko, 2018): Information Technology;
communication technologies; games; problem-
based learning; coaching; case study; experiential
learning; contextual learning; individual training;
interdisciplinary training; training; independent
activity; project activity; anticipatory activity.
After analyzing scientific research, we classify
innovative technologies in education by groups.
Digital technologies. The modernization of higher
education through the introduction of innovative
technologies is aimed at an integrated process of
informatics with various subject areas, which
leads to the improvement of the educational field,
ensures the digitalization of the consciousness of
the students of education, and allows them to
understand the processes of digitalization in
modern society, leads to professional growth.
Personal-oriented technologies. Personal-oriented
technologies place the personality of the student at
the center of the educational system and contribute
to providing the student with conflict-free
conditions, the realization of his natural potential,
comfortable educational conditions, safe learning
conditions, and development. Personal-oriented
technologies are not a means of achieving any
abstract goal, but the goal of the educational
system and contribute to the development of
individual educational programs by students
according to their needs and capabilities.
Monitoring of intellectual development. When
modernizing higher education through the
introduction of innovative technologies, the
diagnosis of the quality of the educational space,
and the analysis of the education of each student is
necessary for the construction of graphs of the
dynamics of success and is carried out by testing
(Lin et al., 2023).
Educational technologies. It is an integral factor in
the modernization of higher education through the
introduction of innovative technologies in modern
learning conditions. Education seekers receive the
opportunity of education in the form of their
involvement in additional forms of personality
development: participation in student self-
government, mass cultural events, etc.
Didactic technologies. Through the introduction
of innovative technologies during the
modernization of higher education, didactic
technologies, both already known and new and
proven methods, can be implemented. These are
games, independent work, protection of
completed projects, the "consultant" system,
learning with the help of audio-visual technical
means, the "small group" system group,
differentiated methods of education, etc. In
practical application, there are various
combinations of innovative methods (Pérez-
delHoyo et al., 2020).
When modernizing higher education through the
introduction of innovative technologies, modern
methodological approaches are taken into account
(synergistic, competence-based, informational,
systemic, acmeological, personal-activity,
cultural, algorithmic, etc.).
Taking into account modern methodological
approaches, the content of innovative technologies
should be determined with the help of principles.
Let's consider the main principles.
The principle of conformity to nature takes into
account the laws of natural personality
development and provides during the
modernization of higher education through the
introduction of innovative technologies: the
development of the student's potential, inherited
from parents and nature spiritual, physical,
social, mental; psychological-pedagogical
individual assistance to students in realizing basic
needs for self-actualization, security, self-
realization, etc., without which the natural sense of
personal dignity and independence cannot be
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
It is not possible to create conditions for the free
use of the emotional, social, physical, and
intellectual, opportunities and abilities provided
by heredity, which are inherent to a certain
The principle of scientificity requires that the
processes of educational cognition exist based on
methods, principles, and means of science, and
experimental activity is based on them (Moiseyuk,
The principle of an individual and differentiated
approach through the introduction of innovative
technologies enables a harmonious combination
and mutual complementation of collective and
individual forms of education with an individual
and personal orientation to education, contributing
to the determination of the individual trajectory of
personality development (Marusynets et al.,
2022). The principle of an individual and
differentiated approach is related to the choice of
methods of mastering the content of educational
programs, and the level and adaptation of
education seekers to information and computer
technologies in the educational process (Chaika,
The principle of connection between theory and
practice. Theoretical knowledge in the
introduction of innovative technologies is the
basis of productive learning an intellectually
rich, creative high-tech educational space
(Sovhira et al., 2023). The principle of connection
between theory and practice requires the study of
modern theories of science, prospects for the
development of education, combining theoretical
material with situations and examples from real
life. The acquired knowledge should be integral,
reflected in the content of the innovative material,
and not fragmented into theories, ideas, or facts
(Chaika, 2011). The main role should be played by
scientific theories in the design of the educational
process, not practice. A scientific theory must be
built based on the experience gained by the
students, developing it so that it does not become
abstract (Khymynets, 2009).
The principles through the introduction of
innovative technologies form a system where,
along with the analyzed principles, the generally
accepted principles of systematicity and
consistency are implemented; visibility; unity of
education and upbringing; multiculturalism;
consciousness, activity, and independence;
thoroughness; availability; emotionality, etc.
Orientation of education through the introduction
of innovative technologies on the systematic
implementation of principles ensures the
humanistic orientation of the educational space,
and the achievement of educational, educational,
and developmental goals (Ortega Navas, 2011).
The purpose of our research work was to prove
the need to modernize higher education and its
entire system, which consists of improving the
efficiency of the educational process in higher
education through the implementation and design
of innovative modern educational technologies.
The research was conducted by introducing two
types of innovative approaches to the educational
process. The first type of innovative approach
includes modernization innovations that
modernize the educational process and contribute
to the achievement of guaranteed results within
its traditional reproductive orientation.
The second innovative approach to education
includes innovations-transformations that
provide an opportunity to ensure the
modernization of higher education through the
introduction of innovative technologies,
qualitative renewal of the educational process,
directing the orientation of educational and
cognitive search activity, and ensuring its
research character.
In the course of research and experimental work,
we analyzed ways to modernize higher education
and its entire system; the main types of
innovative approaches in the educational process
of the higher school are disclosed; the main
components of the modernization of higher
education through the introduction of innovative
technologies are singled out; the classification of
educational technologies by the factor of
psychological development, by orientation to
personal structures, by the nature of the content
and structure is considered; innovative teaching
methods and technologies are disclosed; the
classification of innovative technologies in
education by groups is shown. For this, we used
a complex methodology, which includes a set of
methods that ensure the reliability of the results
of the formative stage of the experiment:
observation; survey; testing; computer
diagnostics; conversation; solving practical
problems; performance of individual tasks;
analysis of the results of activities (computer
classes, results of solving tasks, essays, and
To obtain reasonable and reliable results of the
experiment, we had to choose criteria for
evaluating the results of the experiment,
determine the size of the sample, and prove its
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
We used the ratio method as a criterion for
evaluating the results of the experiment. The
essence of this method is that when processing
and analyzing the results of the experiment, we
used a quantitative assessment of the formation
of each of the components of the student's
information culture, which is an indicator of the
modernization of higher education and, in
general, this personal culture as a whole by
groups. At the same time, the level of formation
of the student's information culture, which is an
indicator of the modernization of higher
education, was determined by the percentage
ratio of students who were at each level of
formation at the beginning of the experiment and
during the experimental work.
Table 1 presents the results of diagnostic "slices"
of the initial state of some indicators of the
formed information culture of students, which is
an indicator of the modernization of higher
education, which was conducted before the start
of the formative experiment.
The comparative analysis of the obtained results
shows that there are no significant differences in
the experimental and control groups according to
the selected indicators before the formative
experiment. This gives us the right, with a high
degree of reliability, to consider the sample of the
control group to be identical to the sample of the
experimental group at the corresponding stage of
the experiment.
Table 1.
Comparative data of students of experimental and control groups before the beginning of the formative
stage of the experiment (in % of the total number)
Number of
Ability to use innovative modern educational
Formed algorithmic thinking
Having determined at the ascertaining stage of
our research the levels of formation of students'
information culture and the ways and
possibilities of introducing innovative modern
educational technologies, we concluded the need
to make some changes to the educational process
to improve the training of future specialists.
Thus, the goal of our further work is the
improvement of innovative modern educational
technologies and the step-by-step formation of
the student's information culture, as well as the
verification of these technologies in practice. To
achieve the innovativeness of the educational
process, we revealed the main types of
innovative approaches in the educational process
of the higher school; the main components of the
modernization of higher education through the
introduction of innovative technologies are
singled out; the classification of educational
technologies by the factor of psychological
development, by orientation to personal
structures, by the nature of the content and
structure is considered; innovative teaching
methods and technologies are revealed.
The following were chosen as starting positions:
the technology of step-by-step formation of
students' information culture should be
acceptable for all specialties;
formation of the information culture of
students should be carried out continuously
and subsequently during their professional
Thus, students of various specialties and each
course of study should be included in research
and experimental work, and at the same time, it
is necessary to take into account the content of
general education and professional disciplines,
research, and independent work of students.
The formative stage was conditionally divided
into three main stages, for each of which control
"slices" were carried out, determining changes in
the levels of formation of the information culture
of higher education seekers, which is an indicator
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of the modernization of higher education. The
data of the control sections were compared with
the results of the ascertaining experiment, i.e.
with the results of the "initial section".
The first stage of the formative experiment
coincided with the first year of study at a higher
education institution and was decided within the
framework of the "Informatics" course, which
created the prerequisites for the formation of a
student's information culture, which is an
indicator of the modernization of higher
education, being the basis of the following
At the second stage of the formative experiment,
during the study of general education and special
disciplines, students mastered the system of
theoretical knowledge about future professional
activity and mastered the methodology of
scientific knowledge. At the same time, we
observe the development of students' abilities,
the formation of their need for independent
activities, and their orientation toward the use of
innovative technologies in professional
The third stage of the formative experiment was
aimed at the formation and improvement of the
knowledge system, and the development of
practical skills in the use of theoretical
knowledge accumulated in the previous stages.
At this stage, the theoretical and practical
training of students is integrated. The most
important element of this stage is production
practice, which affects the success of the
formation of professional competencies, since
knowledge and skills are practically realized, and
even awareness of the peculiarities of
professional activity.
The groups were approximately equal in terms of
the level of success, the formation of cognitive
motivation, and readiness to independently
perform educational tasks. In the control group,
the process of studying the "Informatics" course
took place within the framework of traditional
education. In the experimental groups, the
influence of the formation of each component of
the student's information culture, which is an
indicator of the modernization of higher
education, was checked.
To eliminate the randomness of the results and
track the dynamics of transitions from level to
level and the degree of formation of the
information culture of students and to identify
ways and opportunities for the introduction of
innovative modern educational technologies,
during the first stage of the formative
experiment, in addition to the initial diagnostic
section, we conducted two additional sections
based on the results of mastering some
innovative computer technologies.
The analysis of the data allowed us to formulate
some regularities in the dynamics of the levels of
formation of students' information culture, which
is an indicator of the modernization of higher
education, after studying the computer science
the transition from a low level in the
experimental groups increased by a total of
25.6% against 14.8% in the control groups
(with traditional training);
the transition to a high level increased on
average by 7.4% in the experimental groups
against 3% in the control groups;
a slight increase in the average level of
formation of the student's information
culture, which indicates the modernization
of higher education and the ways and
possibilities of introducing innovative
modern educational technologies, as well as
the calculated coefficient of effectiveness of
experimental groups compared to control
Thus, during the first stage of the formative
experiment, we observed an uneven, but rather
stable growth in the levels of formation of
students' information culture.
Therefore, after the first stage of the formative
experiment, only minor changes are observed in
the levels of the formed information culture of
students and the ways and possibilities of
introducing innovative modern educational
technologies, therefore, the continuation of
purposeful work on its formation is necessary.
The next two sections one intermediate, and
one final section we conducted at the end of the
next stage of research and experimental work.
They were characterized by the fact that there
was a combination of theoretical and practical
training of students. Students go through
practice, during which the peculiarities of
professional activity are revealed and realized,
and the student self-assesses the level of his
professional training (Senchenko et al., 2018).
The result of the final stage of the formative
experiment is further significant changes in the
levels of formation of students' information
culture and the ways and possibilities of
introducing innovative modern educational
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
technologies. The results of diagnostics after the
final stage of the formative experiment show that
the number of students with low and medium
levels of formation of information culture
continues to decrease, but at the same time, the
number of students with a high level is increasing
significantly. Thus, this final stage of the
formative experiment is necessary and effective,
since at its end there remains a small percentage
of students with a low level of formation of
information culture, and the ways and
possibilities of introducing innovative modern
educational technologies in the professional
training of students have been clarified. The
number of students with medium and high levels
of formation of information culture, which is an
indicator of the modernization of higher
education, is growing significantly.
Thus, during all stages of research and
experimental work, we observed a not always
uniform, but rather steady growth in the level of
formation of the information culture of students,
which means the ways and opportunities of
introducing innovative modern educational
technologies, that is, the indicators of
information culture decrease at a low and
medium level, and increase at a high level,
especially at the second and third stages of
experimental research (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. Dynamics of changes in the levels of formation of information culture of students and ways and
possibilities of introducing innovative modern educational technologies.
Source: The source was compiled by the author based on the analysis of experimental data
Summing up some conclusions, we state that
during all stages of experimental work, we
observed an uneven, but rather steady growth in
the level of formation of students' information
culture, especially in the second and third stages
of experimental research.
Therefore, the proposed step-by-step technology
of forming the information culture of students
and the ways and possibilities of their
introduction of innovative modern educational
technologies is effective.
At all stages of research and experimental work,
special attention was paid to the independent
work of students. Tasks for students' independent
work were special and were aimed at forming the
information culture of students and the ways and
possibilities of their introduction of innovative
modern educational technologies.
The obtained results and their analysis allow us
to make some ideas about the fact that the
purposeful formation of students' information
culture, the renewal of ways and opportunities
for their introduction of innovative modern
educational technologies, the formation of
information culture and professional
competencies of students is facilitated by the fact
that the modernization of higher education
through the introduction of innovative
technologies in the conditions information
society is moving to a higher, new level of its
evolutionary development.
So, we can conclude that the step-by-step
research-experimental work proposed and tested
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
by us is effective and can become the basis for its
implementation in the educational process of
higher education institutions.
The need to modernize higher education and its
entire system is shown; the main types of
innovative approaches in the educational process
of the higher school are disclosed; the main
components of the modernization of higher
education through the introduction of innovative
technologies are singled out; the classification of
educational technologies by the factor of
psychological development, by orientation to
personal structures, by the nature of the content
and structure is considered; innovative teaching
methods and technologies are disclosed; the
classification of innovative technologies in
education by groups is shown.
Methodological approaches that are important in
the modernization of higher education through
the introduction of innovative technologies are
analyzed. The importance of the main blocks of
innovative technologies that affect education is
highlighted and shown. Taking into account
modern methodological approaches, it is shown
that the content of innovative technologies
should be determined using the basic principles
discussed in the article.
The obtained results and their analysis allow us
to make some ideas about the fact that the
purposeful formation of students' information
culture, the renewal of ways and opportunities
for their introduction of innovative modern
educational technologies, the formation of
information culture and professional
competencies of students is facilitated by the fact
that the modernization of higher education
through the introduction of innovative
technologies in the conditions information
society is moving to a higher, new level of its
evolutionary development.
Further research will reveal the main types of
innovative approaches in the educational process
of a higher school.
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