www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.70.10.14
How to Cite:
Alieksieiev, O., Zubal, M., Raytarovska, I., Skavronskyi, O., & Babiuk, S. (2023). Implementation of blended learning in the
students training of the specialty physical culture and sports. Amazonia Investiga, 12(70), 156-166.
Implementation of blended learning in the students training of the
specialty physical culture and sports
Реалізація змішаного навчання у підготовці здобувачів освіти спеціальності фізична
культура і спорт
Received: August 10, 2023 Accepted: September 30, 2023
Written by:
Oleksandr Alieksieiev1
Maya Zubal2
Iryna Raytarovska3
Oleksandr Skavronskyi4
Sergii Babiuk5
The essence of the professional training of future
specialists in physical culture and sports in the
conditions of blended education is clarified, and
the key concepts of the study are defined. The
components of information and digital culture
are considered; principles of professional
training of future specialists in physical culture
and sports in conditions of blended education;
the main features that characterize the
professional training of future specialists, that
form the competence of the individual,
contribute to individual creativity, erudition,
independent search for knowledge, mastery of
skills and abilities and contribute to the need for
their improvement, increase personal culture and
love for one's profession; the most effective
groups of methods are singled out and modern
approaches to professional training in conditions
of blended learning are highlighted. Modern
Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Docent, Associate Professor of the Department of Sport and Sport Games, Kamianets-Podіlskyi Ivan
Ohiienko National University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: JFL-0658-2023
Candidate of Sciences in Physical Culture and Sports (Ph. D.), Docent, Associate Professor of the Department of Sport and Sport
Games, Kamianets-Podіlskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAN-1853-2021
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Sport and Sport Games, Kamianets-Podіlskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: AAN-1826-2021
Candidate of Science of Physical Education and Sport (Ph. D.), Docent, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and
Methodology of Physical Education, Kamianets-Podіlskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
Candidate of of Pedagogic Sciences (Ph. D.), Docent, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical
Education, Kamianets-Podіlskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: JFS-5454-2023
Alieksieiev, O., Zubal, M., Raytarovska, I., Skavronskyi, O., Babiuk, S. / Volume 12 - Issue 70: 156-166 / October, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
professional training of future specialists in
physical culture and sports is presented as
requiring the use of digital resources and the
latest technologies of education and training. The
digital resources that are the most common
during the professional training of future
specialists in physical culture and sports in the
format of blended education have been
Keywords: professional training, future
specialists in physical culture and sports, blended
learning, modern approaches, digital resources.
In the world society, the integration and
globalization processes require recognition by
the world community of the problem of
maintaining psychological and physical health as
the main indicator of the economic and social
maturity of members of society, the dynamic
development of culture, technology, the success
of the public sector, and the training of physical
culture and sports specialists requires a special
attitude. The development of the educational
system and training of competitive physical
culture and sports specialists is required by the
latest trends of society based on information
technologies in the functioning and creation of an
appropriate high-quality and high-tech
information and educational environment, the
importance of which, recently, is growing and
significantly affects the quality process of
development and formation of information-
digital culture of future specialists in physical
culture and sports. Only with a sufficient level of
technological preparation, informational
competence, and digital literacy, a specialist in
physical education and sports can find rational
ways to solve professional problems, navigate
problematic situations, and be competitive in the
labor market. Such an approach, which leads to
the wide use of IT in the educational process by
future physical culture and sports specialists, can
be effective in conditions of blended learning
(Lazorenko, 2020).
In today's difficult conditions, in the conditions
of blended education, becoming a future
specialist in physical culture and sports is
possible only based on the conversion of theory
and practice of physical culture and sports
education, sports and pedagogical knowledge,
specialization of the specialist mainly in-game
sports that develop intellectual and creative,
physical abilities of a person and contribute to the
development of moral and volitional qualities of
the individual in a complex with the mastery of a
healthy lifestyle and health care skills by the
students of education (Khrystova et al., 2021).
The global digitization of the educational space
has been observed over the last decade, which is
accompanied by the use of online learning
technologies and information and
communication technologies, the strengthening
of the academic mobility of students, and the
increase in the amount of their independent work
(Plakhotnik et al., 2023). As a result of the
combination of the latest and traditional
technologies, resource-enriched combined
educational environments appear under the
influence of such innovations, in which the
traditional system of the educational space
transforms. The result of such innovative
changes is the development and emergence of a
new educational paradigm, which is aimed at the
specific integration of the best elements of such
approaches (Danysko & Semenovska, 2019).
This innovative phenomenon in modern
scientific literature is defined as combined,
blended, hybrid training, which has a powerful
potential in terms of providing educational
opportunities and contributing to the professional
development of future specialists. Therefore, we
will consider the professional training of future
specialists in physical culture and sports in
conditions of blended education.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Literature Review
O. Savonova (2019) showed the advantages of
using blended learning technologies and singled
out the peculiarities of training future specialists
in physical education and sports through the use
of empirical and theoretical research methods:
synthesis, analysis, generalization of the results
of the effective application of blended learning
technologies in the training of future specialists
in physical education and sports. The importance
and necessity of creating a scientific-
methodological center of blended learning
technologies in order to ensure the integration of
blended learning technologies in the educational
process of the faculties of physical education to
improve the quality of education, to carry out
measures to increase the level of skills,
knowledge, and skills of students in the
implementation of blended learning is
substantiated; scientific substantiation and
development of methodological and theoretical
foundations for the effective use of blended
learning technologies in the educational process;
provision of consulting and methodical support
for scientific and pedagogical workers; ensuring
the systematic update of the electronic
information system of open access, ensuring the
organization of blended learning; search and
research of new ways and software and technical
solutions to improve the effectiveness of blended
learning; monitoring the organization of blended
learning, carrying out an expert assessment of the
quality of this process.
Ya. Yeremiia, Yu. Moseichuk, & O. Moroz
(2023) showed ways to improve and develop the
subject-methodical competence of future
physical education teachers using generalization,
analysis, and systematization of literary sources
and scientific research data. The ways and
foundations of improving the subject-methodical
competence of future specialists in physical
culture and sports have been established. The
issue of improving the qualifications of modern
school teachers has been updated; ways of
modernization of the higher education system
based on the competence approach are shown.
The structure was considered, and the essence of
the concept of "subject-methodical competence
of the future physical culture teacher" was
revealed. An integral part of physical culture and
health activities is shown: the subject-methodical
skills of future physical culture teachers, and the
professional training of specialists at the practical
and theoretical levels are revealed.
S. Atamaniuk (2022), the methodological basis
of the study of their professional training for the
use of innovative types of motor activity in their
professional activity was considered in the case
of future physical culture and sports specialists.
At the methodological level, existential and
dialectical approaches are distinguished;
systematic approach at the general scientific
level; professional-personal, health-improving,
activity-based, reductionist, innovative, bio-
socio-cultural, gender on a concrete-scientific
basis; teaching methods technological. The
level of research methodology is characterized
by dialectical and existential approaches; the
general scientific level of the methodology is
characterized by a systemic approach, as it
involves a systematic combination of interrelated
system-forming factors; the specific scientific
level of the methodology is determined by the
need for the following approaches: reductive,
bio-socio-cultural, professional-personal,
activity-based, health-improving, innovative,
gender-based, to the use of innovative types of
motor activity of future physical culture and
sports specialists in their professional activities.
O. Danysko, & L. Semenovska (2019)
summarized and characterized the methods of
blended learning based on the theoretical
analysis of scientific literature. The methods that
are expedient to use in the professional training
of future physical education teachers are singled
out. The author's definition of blended learning is
presented, which is an innovative, personally
oriented model that is necessary for the
organization of the educational process and
includes the following educational components
traditional learning, distance learning, and
electronic learning, is a factor in ensuring open,
continuous education throughout life. Blended
learning is presented as a teaching system based
on the self-learning of students in the process of
interacting with information sources and the
teacher using the latest technologies. The specific
methods of blended learning implemented in the
information and educational environment have
been clarified. The need for the professional
training of future specialists in physical culture
and sports with a methodological toolkit in
blended education, which integrates traditional
and computer-oriented methods of formation of
professionally significant skills, knowledge,
skills, and universal competencies in students of
education, has been proven. The main groups of
methods are characterized and singled out, which
should be combined with elements of remote,
traditional, and electronic components of
didactic interaction: problem-based, visual,
verbal, practical, self-education, self-control, and
control of educational achievements.
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
T. Khrystova, I. Rebar, & A. Abdullaiev (2021)
devoted their research to the professional
formation of a physical culture specialist based
on the conversion of practice and theory of
physical education, sports, and pedagogical
knowledge, specialization of a specialist in game
sports that contribute to the development of
moral and willpower qualities and physical,
intellectual and creative abilities of children
combined with the formation of healthy lifestyle
skills. The scheme of training a future specialist
in physical culture for sports and games is
summarized. The main principles of physical
culture teacher training are highlighted: general
didactic (individualization, visibility, age
appropriateness, accessibility, differentiation,
activity, integrity, reflexivity, sequence of task
implementation, purposefulness); special
(dynamism of the educational and training
process, repetition of training cycles, unity of
special game training and general physical,
gradual increase in physical load, variety and
novelty of educational and training activities).
The functions of the activity of a physical culture
specialist were identified: the basic pedagogical
and professional function (competencies:
educational, informational, cognitive, subject-
subject relations, communicative, health-
preserving, physical culture professionally
oriented function (methodical sports and games,
training sports and games, sports-game
refereeing, moral and volitional qualities of the
athlete), specialized sports-game function
(competencies: orthobiotic, ergonomic,
restorative, sports-game, children's health
research). The criteria for the effectiveness of the
professional training process are substantiated.
S. Lazorenko (2020) the conditions of blended
training, attention is focused on the development
of information and digital culture and the
development of a model of the system of
professional training of future specialists in
physical culture and sports in the conditions of
blended training, which is presented as a
complete structure that can provide professional
systematic training of future specialists.
Principles and methodological approaches are
laid down in the training of future physical
culture and sports specialists. The theoretical
concept is modeled in the conditions of blended
learning, the process of formation of the
specialist's information and digital culture, which
determines the system of initial categories, ideas,
and basic concepts, is shown. The practical
concept is described as the main one in
professional training, which provides a practical
solution to the problem. In the conditions of
blended education, the possibilities of improving
the forms, methods, content, and means of
education are shown. The results of the diagnosis
of the results of the professional training of a
physical culture specialist are presented, which is
based on the indicators and criteria of the
formation of the components of the information
culture of future physical culture specialists.
V. Naumchuk (2009) presented the basics of
independent activity of students of physical
education faculties and showed the theoretical
foundations of their professional training,
substantiated conditions for improving
professional training, revealed the importance of
sports games for the professional development of
future physical culture specialists in the process
of independent work on sports games.
The problem of clarifying the modern conditions
for the training of specialists, clarifying the
specific scientific methodology for blended
learning, distance learning, mobile learning, etc.
remains open. Therefore, the purpose of the
study is to clarify the essence of the professional
training of future specialists in physical
education and sports in the conditions of blended
In accordance with the objectives of the research,
a set of interrelated research methods was used:
theoretical: analysis, generalization, synthesis of
the main normative documents, reports on
research issues, provisions of scientific works
and prospects for improving the problem of
professional training of future specialists in
physical culture and sports in the conditions of
blended education; reforming higher education;
induction and deduction in order to establish
cause-and-effect relationships between political,
pedagogical, cultural, and social phenomena
from the problem of professional training of
future specialists in conditions of blended
education; logical and epistemological analysis
of theoretical individual provisions, empirical
data and scientific identification for the purpose
of analyzing scientific sources and ensuring the
reliability of results; system-structural,
component-structural, system-functional
methods with the aim of highlighting the main
components of the professional training of future
specialists in physical culture and sports in the
conditions of blended training, substantiating the
patterns and identifying the features of its
The modeling of the process of professional
training of future specialists in physical culture
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
and sports in conditions of blended learning is
based on the following methodological
approaches (holistic, activity-based, systemic,
BYOD-approach, person-oriented, multi-
subject, integrative, technological, cultural,
visual-digital, student-centered approaches).
The following principles were used in the
analysis of the professional training of future
specialists in physical culture and sports in the
conditions of blended training: the use of a
blended educational environment, professional
training; generally didactic, and the creation of
digital educational resources.
The theoretical concept defines a system of basic
concepts, initial categories, and ideas without
which it is impossible to understand the problem,
to reveal its essence, and contains the following
the phenomenon of blended learning is a
formation that has a complex structure and
must be formed through its components;
the organization of a blended educational
environment in a higher education
institution requires a clear and harmonious
combination of remote and traditional
the formation of the information and digital
culture of future specialists in physical
culture and sports in the conditions of
blended education is implemented as a
pedagogical system, is a component of their
professional training, consisting of
interconnected subsystems;
the necessary conditions for the professional
training of future specialists in physical
culture and sports in conditions of blended
education are:
1) digitalization of professional training,
complex design of a blended educational
environment, strengthening of
interdisciplinary connections between
2) ensuring communication with stakeholders,
optimizing communication between
participants in the education process,
overcoming psycho-emotional barriers to
working with IT;
3) strengthening the humanistic values of
physical culture, consideration of historical
aspects of the development of the field of
physical culture and sports in the conditions
of blended education, formation of value
attitudes towards the use of IT;
4) the organization of future specialists in
physical culture and sports quasi-
professional activities in the direction of the
development of skills to use IT of a
professional orientation.
The practical concept provides a system of
actions that provide practical training of future
specialists in physical culture and sports in the
conditions of blended education, contribute to the
solution of the problem, and is characterized by
the following provisions:
in the conditions of blended education, it is
necessary to form the information and digital
culture of future specialists in physical
culture and sports;
professional training of future specialists in
physical culture and sports requires the
ability to self-educate; in the conditions of
blended education in the field of health,
taking into account the development of
digital technologies, awareness of future
specialists in the field of IT;
high-quality training of specialists takes
place through the educational system, the
implementation of which is based on
blended education in a higher education
requires the development of intellectual
abilities, mental capacity, and optimization
of communication between the teacher and
requires the formation of assessment skills,
critical analysis, and comparison.
Results and Discussion
Modernity sets an innovative goal of professional
education in the field of physical culture and sports
the training of competitive specialists who can
significantly increase the effectiveness of physical
culture in society (Ivanenko et al., 2018).
When organizing an educational, competitive, and
developmental process in a higher education
institution, scientists identify several necessary
directions (Zavatska et al., 2011):
definition of the most essential types of
professional activity within the framework of
the profession for those seeking an
educational space;
optimization of the personal qualities of
education seekers and the content of
professional motivation, which involves the
correction and diagnosis of the motivational
sphere of education seekers, as well as the
development and diagnosis of their necessary
personal qualities;
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
by the economic criteria of competitiveness,
professional training of future specialists in
physical culture and sports in the conditions
of blended training for interaction in the labor
market. Such areas of activity are broader
than the framework of the traditional
educational process. Therefore, they should
be under the close attention of teachers due to
their actual importance in the training of
specialists in physical culture and sports.
Such training can take place within the
framework of psychological and pedagogical
support for the development of the
competitiveness of educational space
applicants (Sukhanova & Ushakov, 2019).
The present shows that the future is based on a
blended form of educational space, where together
with remote forms, there should also be forms of
classroom practical classes since the teacher is one
of the main factors that affect the success of
education seekers. When training future
specialists in physical culture and sports, it is
impossible to fully master the rational technique
of movements at a distance, even using the most
modern computerized simulators, sports
equipment, videos, and video films with the image
of exemplary execution of the technique of
movements. Although the modern multimedia
learning environment is an assistant in the
educational process, only an experienced teacher,
or a mentor can perfectly teach rational tactical
actions, and motor exercises, set the ideal
technique of movements, and reveal the
individuality of the student of education.
Therefore, the importance of professional training
of future specialists in physical culture and sports
in conditions of blended education is undeniable
(Bielikova, 2014).
The most used term is "blended learning" by
American scientists D. Garrison and N. Vaughan
(2012). Scientists interpret blended learning as a
well-thought-out combination of face-to-face and
online educational experiences.
So, blended learning is a term applied to the
educational practice of professional training of
future specialists, which is carried out with the
help of a certain combination of direct electronic
and face-to-face learning. It is thanks to the use of
mediated, technological components of such
practice that learners and teachers do not
necessarily have to be in one place physically
together, but can be present in the digital
environment virtually through the global Internet
Blended learning is a system of teaching that
combines distance, face-to-face, and electronic
learning, which is based on the self-learning of the
learner in the interactive process of interaction
with sources of information and the teacher using
the latest information and communication
technologies. The effectiveness of the distribution
of offline components or online determines the
nature and content of the activities of education
seekers in the process of practical improvement of
knowledge, the support system from the teacher,
skills, abilities, studying the material, evaluating
the level of educational achievements, etc. The
basis of such an innovative synergistic system is
electronic learning, which enables the
combination of distance and traditional learning in
various ratios and causes the emergence and
spread of blended learning, as well as contributes
to the formation of a polyphonic educational
environment, which ensures the use of innovative
methods of organizing the educational
environment (Danysko & Semenovska, 2019).
The professional training of future specialists in
physical culture and sports in the conditions of
blended education involves the formation of
components of information and digital culture:
1) axiological awareness and understanding of
the importance and role of IT in professional
activity, worldview of information and digital
technologies in the information society;
2) technological for designing professional
activities, the ability to use ICT, the
possession of software, various computer
equipment, multimedia technologies,
network technologies, presentation
technologies, etc., the ability to implement a
personally oriented educational process,
design educational and training classes, etc.;
3) motivational motivating the use of IT for the
professional orientation of future specialists
in physical education and sports in the
conditions of blended education;
4) information the ability to design digital
educational resources; professional skills for
working with information and knowledge:
management, search, creation of information,
evaluation, transfer, etc.;
5) suggestive with the help of verbal channels
of possession of the means of non-verbal and
verbal emotionally colored influence to
broadcast the necessary professional
6) communicative speech professional
training of future specialists in physical
education and sports in the conditions of
blended education;
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
7) reflexive the ability to develop and improve
in the field of digital technologies for personal
development of the personality and high-
quality professional activity (Lazorenko,
The system of professional training of future
specialists in physical culture and sports in the
conditions of blended education is based on the
principles of continuity of education,
integrativeness, fluidity, transferability, self-
education, and continuity (Bida et al., 2018). The
main feature of an effective system of educational
space, which determines the essence of the
principle of continuity, is the merging of basic
education and further practical training of
specialists in physical culture and sports in the
conditions of blended training for social and labor
activities into a coherent, unified educational
process. The following principles step by step
specify the content of the system of professional
training of future specialists in physical culture
and sports in the conditions of blended education
and reveal the main factors of application in a
hierarchical sequence (Kuzminskyi et al., 2021).
In addition to the above, principles such as
systematicity, independence, fundamentalization,
binary, humanization, scientificity, integrity,
modeling, universalization, individualization,
systematicity, connection with life, and dynamism
are important in the training of future specialists in
physical culture and sports in the conditions of
blended education, flexibility, and others
(Zorochkina et al., 2023).
The general principles of human activity
determine the implementation of specific
principles in the professional training of future
specialists in physical culture and sports in the
process of independent work on sports games, as
they serve as basic provisions for developing
conditions for improving the educational process,
taking into account the specifics of sports games.
The principles of professional training of future
specialists in physical culture and sports in the
conditions of blended education organically
complement each other, are implemented in unity,
not in isolation, are in a close relationship, and are
deeply integrated (Naumchuk, 2009).
We believe that the principles of training a future
physical education teacher are important:
general didactic (visibility, accessibility,
activity, individual approach; differentiation,
sequence of task implementation, age
appropriateness, purposefulness, integrity,
special (dynamism of the educational and
training process, repetition of training cycles,
unity of general physical and special game
training, gradual increase in physical load,
novelty, and variety of educational and
training activities) (Khrystova et al., 2021).
Let us name the main features that characterize the
professional training of future specialists in
physical culture and sports in the conditions of
blended education, form the competence of a
specialist, promote individual creativity, erudition,
independent search for knowledge, mastery of
skills and abilities and contribute to the need for
their improvement, increase personal culture, love
for his profession. They talk about the professional
readiness of future specialists and show the result
of their professional training, which is a stable
integrative education, which, based on the
formation of the needs and abilities of the
personality of the acquirer of the educational
space, manifests itself in a clear form and is
characterized by a normative level of
transformation into a system of professional
functions of social relations, which determines the
attitude to the pedagogical activity of the future
specialist and shows effectiveness.
The main goal of the professional training of
future specialists in physical culture and sports in
a modern and future educational institution should
be the formation of a creative personality that
teaches itself. Therefore, the basis of professional
training of specialists is their independent work.
The main thing in the independent work of a
student of education is solving a cognitive task
without direct help from the teacher. Then the
independent activity of the student of education
will be aimed at the transition to the creative
solution of tasks from the method of simple
reproduction (Naumchuk, 2009).
Thus, we prove that independent work in
professional training is one of the methods of
forming a highly qualified specialist. It sets the
following tasks that must be solved in the
conditions of effective cognitive activity and is
provided by a clear individual educational
schedule of the student, the availability of
textbooks, lecture texts, methodical guides, etc.
(Khrystova et al., 2021).
We will single out the most effective groups of
methods of professional training for future
teachers of physical culture in the conditions of
blended education:
1) verbal involves direct communication with
the teacher in the classroom during classes
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
(discussion, lecture, explanation, story,
instruction, instruction, prompt reminder) and
indirect (working through instructional
materials, listening to audio, working with
open resources (blog, website), electronic
textbooks and manuals, educational catalogs,
real-time online chat discussions, etc.);
2) visual involves visualization of new
information directly by the teacher (showing,
statistical visualization, illustration,
demonstration of exercise technique) and the
use of multimedia technologies (viewing
movies and videos, presentations, online
broadcasts (sports competitions, video
lectures, screencasts, etc.), analysis and
generalization of educational information,
virtual tours;
3) practical methods based on the acquisition
of future specialists in physical culture and
sports in the conditions of blended training of
theoretical knowledge from the basics of the
sciences of the specialty and specialization,
the formation of practical skills of activity;
4) problem-search methods contribute to a more
independent and meaningful mastery of
knowledge and are used to develop the
professional activity of future specialists, the
skills of creative educational and cognitive
activity of those seeking education (direct
analysis of educational resources, searching
for information in thematic lists, catalogs,
directories, etc., solving problem situations)
5) methods of self-education form in students
the skills of independent cognitive search, a
meaningful and responsible attitude to the
process of self-education, self-development,
self-organization, and the ability to improve
one's qualifications throughout life. In
blended learning, it is possible to use
traditional (creating reference schemes,
taking notes, completing independent work
tasks, reading additional literature,
independent exercise, sports clubs,
participation in face-to-face training) and
computer-oriented (creating mental maps,
creating an electronic portfolio, participating
and exchange of experience in online
professional communities, independent
search and processing of information on the
Internet, training and online courses)
6) methods of monitoring and self-monitoring of
educational achievements include current,
intermediate, and final monitoring of the
abilities and skills of students, their
achievement of learning outcomes, and the
ability to predict the consequences of their
activities. The use of blended learning allows
you to use computer-oriented methods of a
programmatic and communicative nature
(webinars, online surveys, interactive
educational lectures with elements of
formative assessment, automated test
programs, and questionnaires).
At the level of academic disciplines, traditional
and electronic learning methods can be
implemented through various didactic techniques
aimed at achieving a specific goal (Danysko &
Semenovska, 2019).
We will highlight modern approaches to the
professional training of future specialists in
physical culture and sports in the conditions of
blended training: personally oriented,
environmental, systemic, and activity-oriented.
These approaches actualize the process of
professional training of future specialists in
physical culture and sports. We will emphasize the
need in the educational process to use an
innovative approach that shows future specialists
in physical culture and sports the advantages of the
latest technologies and methods. The valeological
approach provides for the provision of skills,
knowledge, and health maintenance skills and is
based on consideration of the acquisition of health
improvement skills using natural means, and
independent health maintenance.
This will make it possible to prepare future
specialists in physical culture and sports for the
implementation of innovations and to target them
on non-standard professional activities of various
segments of the population. Modern approaches
provide new information for a balanced impact on
motor activity, intellectual and physical qualities,
mental functions, and sports abilities of the person
seeking education (Atamaniuk, 2022).
Modern professional training of future specialists
in physical culture and sports takes place
everywhere in the world educational space in the
conditions of blended learning, which requires the
use of the latest education technologies, training,
and digital resources. Modern methods of blended
learning are saturated with various models
(Moseichuk, 2017), which allows future
specialists in physical culture and sports:
to propose ways and implement modern
health improvement technologies in the
practice of physical education of school-age
independently choose methods, forms, and
means of introducing the latest healthcare
technologies into the educational process
with children and youth. With this approach,
the professional worldview of future
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
specialists in physical culture and sports is
formed, which is the basis of interdisciplinary
features of training, professional and
methodical competencies; individual physical
culture and health measures are determined;
strategic changes are being formed in the field
of professional activity; the educational
process in physical culture and sports
improves (Yeremiia et al., 2023).
Therefore, the use of digital technologies is an
integrated, indispensable component of the
training of future specialists (Molchaniuk, 2019).
In the practice of their professional training,
technical means are used: mobile (smartphones,
tablets), stationary (interactive whiteboard,
computer, etc.), which are also united under the
concept of "digital technologies" (Yarmoshchuk
& Vasyliuk, 2018).
The digital resources that are the most common
during the professional training of future
specialists in physical culture and sports in the
format of blended training have been identified:
web servers for creating educational games,
interactive tests, discussions, quizzes, and
surveys: LearningApps, EDpuzzle,
StudyStack, Kahoot, Master test, Quizalize,
Quizziz, Triventy, Google From, Plickers,
Mentimeter, ClassMarker;
application programs: MS PowerPoint, MS
Word, MS Excel, cloud technology tools,
web browsers;
means of electronic asynchronous
communication: forums, e-mail, educational
groups in social networks;
means of communication: Google Meet,
Zoom, Google Classroom, Skype, Instagram,
ClassDojo, Facebook, Viber, Telegram and
means of electronic synchronous
communication: messengers, chats, video
software (mobile) for relationships to monitor
activity, educational activities: number of
steps, distance covered, speed, etc.; breathing,
energy expenditure: Health, Google Fit, Nike
Plus Running, HealthKit, MyFitnessPal,
Fitbit, RunKeeper, Samsung Health,
Endomondo Sport Tracker, Runtastic);
physical condition: Digifit iCardio, Google
fit, Heart Graph, Breathe, Yoga Breathing
Exercises, BackExercises; body water
balance: Watercheck, Waterbalance, Water
Your Body, Water Drink Reminder,
Watermania, WaterLogged, Hydro; body
weight, diet balance: Fatsecret, Lifesum,
Myfitnesspal, Yazio Calorie Counter, Dialife,
Eat Slower, LoseIt;
online platforms: Prometheus, Educational
Era, LearningApps.org, and others, which
will allow you to master the latest news and
trends, and get informal education without
spending excessive resources;
video analysis and motion capture systems:
Expert Vision Analysis, Motion Analysis
Corp; Vicon, Oxford Metrics; Charnwood
Dynamics, CODA, BioVideo, Kinovea;
web servers for creating mind maps, and
memory cards: Mindomo, MindMeister,
to create multimedia posters on web servers:
Thinglink, Glogster;
web servers for creating interactive
infographics, animations, presentations,
video scribing, PearDeck,
SparkolVideoScribe, and Nearpod.
Today, digital technologies are the main
component of the educational process during the
professional training of future specialists in
physical culture and sports in the format of
blended education and contribute to the high-
quality formation of professional and general
competencies, allowing to prepare competitive,
highly qualified specialists for professional
activities (Hrabyk & Hrubar, 2022).
As a result of the analysis of the professional
training of future specialists in physical culture
and sports in the format of blended training,
important points of application of blended training
technologies were determined:
1) the ability to ensure the individualization of
professional training of future specialists in
physical culture and sports; the opportunity to
timely single out students who have
understood the main points in the process of
mastering the material, and the discipline and
to react immediately. Due to this, the
motivation of students to intensive
independent work is improved, optimally
selected educational information will help the
student to learn to independently plan his
educational activities, think critically, control
and regulate the educational process,
objectively assess his opportunities while
2) thanks to the use of electronic training courses
during the professional training of future
specialists in physical culture and sports in the
format of blended training, the teacher has the
opportunity to save time at the stages of
monitoring educational achievements and
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
explaining a separate topic, to concentrate his
activities on practicing practical skills in the
3) classes become more fast-paced, and more
interesting because they are held in the form
of quests, games, discussions, competitions,
and presentations of the results of educational
projects; students have the opportunity to use
a pair of mobile phones to search for the
necessary information on the Internet
quickly; there is no need to take notes in class,
it can be viewed on the course in the Moodle
system; it is allowed to prepare and present
reports, search for solutions to non-standard
problems as a team, win and get satisfaction
from the educational process (Savonova,
The essence of the professional training of future
specialists in physical culture and sports in the
conditions of blended education is clarified, and
the key concepts of the study are defined.
The components of information and digital
culture are considered; principles of professional
training of future specialists in physical culture
and sports in conditions of blended education; the
main features that characterize the professional
training of future specialists, that form the
competence of the individual, contribute to
individual creativity, erudition, independent
search for knowledge, mastery of skills and
abilities and contribute to the need for their
improvement, increase personal culture and love
for one's profession; the most effective groups of
methods are singled out and modern approaches
to professional training in conditions of blended
learning are highlighted.
Modern professional training of future specialists
in physical culture and sports is presented as
requiring the use of digital resources and the
latest technologies of education and training. The
digital resources that are the most common
during the professional training of future
specialists in physical culture and sports in the
format of blended education have been
As a result of the analysis of the professional
training of future specialists in physical culture
and sports, important points of application of
blended learning technologies during the
educational process were determined.
We plan to direct further research to clarify the
role of digital technologies, which are the main
component of the educational process during the
professional training of future specialists in
physical culture and sports.
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