www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.70.10.13
How to Cite:
Stratan-Artyshkova, T., Shevtsova, O., Bezliudna, V., Artimonova, T., Lisovska, T., & Kuchai, T. (2023). Artistic training of young
students. Amazonia Investiga, 12(70), 146-155. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.70.10.13
Artistic training of young students
Художня підготовка студентської молоді
Received: September 10, 2023 Accepted: October 19, 2023
Written by:
Tetiana Stratan-Artyshkova1
Olena Shevtsova2
Vita Bezliudna3
Tetiana Artimonova4
Tetiana Lisovska5
Tetiana Kuchai6
The article shows ways of forming the artistic
culture of the future in higher education institutions.
Having singled out the structural and functional
elements of artistic culture, which represents a
system of measures aimed at improving and
developing in the student the ability to aesthetically
perceive the world, correctly evaluate, understand,
and create the high and beautiful in art and life and
is an integral part of the educational process, we
considered the main indicators and factors of the
level of the artistic culture of the individual, the
main stages of the formation of the artistic culture
of the individual are highlighted. The effectiveness
of the described principles of forming the artistic
culture of student youth in institutions of higher
education (general didactic and specific principles)
was tested experimentally. The significance of the
global Internet network for the formation of an
individual's artistic culture has been proven. The
selected components of the artistic culture of the
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of the Art Education, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central
Ukrainian State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: HPE-9957-2023
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of the Art Education, Volodymyr
Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: HPD-9830-2023
Doctor Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages, Pavlo Tychyna
Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAG-4677-2020
Ph.D. Researcher of Philosophical Sciences, Dragomanov Ukrainian State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Primary School and Preschool Education Department, V.O. Sukhomlynskyi
National University of Mykolaiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: JEB-3079-2023
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of Pedagogy, Psychology, Elementary, Preschool Education and Management
of Educational Institutions Department, Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
Stratan-Artyshkova, T., Shevtsova, O., Bezliudna, V., Artimonova, T., Lisovska, T., Kuchai, T. / Volume 12 - Issue 70:
146-155 / October, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
future specialist in the professional training system
the directions of aesthetic transformation of reality
and the mechanism of forming the artistic culture of
student youth during experimental testing showed
the effectiveness of the system of forming the
artistic culture of the future specialist.
Keywords: system of formation of artistic culture,
future specialist, institutions of higher education,
student youth, aesthetic education.
The modern world is characterized by
globalization features and changes in the global
space of life, which are based on the digitization
of human life, and economic growth, depriving it
of the development of aesthetic, sensual, and
spiritual opportunities, the ability to perceive the
world reality (Khokhlov, 2021).
A pillar of society, this is an aesthetically perfect
person, a specialist who can change life all the
time, to exist in society according to the laws of
beauty, a creator. The formation of the artistic
culture of student youth requires innovative
technologies that would provide a person with
creative self-realization, high-level
professionalism, and develop a modern style of
thinking, since "there is a need to change the
didactics of the higher school, to orient it to the
personality of the student and the development of
both professional competences and applied
personal - creative, communicative, socializing,
informational and intellectual" (Riabchenko,
The problem of forming the artistic culture of
student youth in institutions of higher education
during the existence of all periods of activity of
institutions of higher education was considered
by scientists as an important component of
professional training (Sotska, 2018).
An urgent problem in the training of a modern
competitive specialist is the outdated teaching
methods, content, structure, and technologies in
the educational system, which cannot provide
future specialists with the opportunity to master
effective modern work tools, a competent
approach, and pay enough attention to the
formation of their aesthetic culture.
One of the main components of the modern
training of a specialist of any specialty is the
formation of his artistic culture based on versatile
competencies and thorough professional
knowledge. The requirements of the educational
field are the need to introduce a person-oriented
approach in higher education, to master
innovative technologies, to ensure the formation
of universal professional competencies, to
strengthen the practical component of
educational education, to bring methodical
training and psychological-pedagogical training
as close as possible to the conditions of future
professional activity, and to introduce the
pedagogy of partnership and the principle child-
centrism, which depends on the creation of an
atmosphere of harmonious learning in an
educational institution, which will give students
of education knowledge and shape their artistic
culture (Papushyna, 2019).
In the research, we will use a set of methods
(synthesis, systematization, generalization,
theoretical modeling, abstraction), which will
help to find out the state of artistic training of
student youth; the importance of the structural-
functional component was emphasized, which
made it possible to identify the structural
elements of the system objects and describe their
role in the system; a logical, retrospective and
comparative analysis of methodical,
psychological-pedagogical, philosophical
literature, scientific works was carried out to
clarify the content of the outlined problem and
the state of its development; the essence of the
problem is characterized, the main components
of the formation of the artistic culture of student
youth in higher education institutions are singled
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Literature Review
According to modern sources, a modern
specialist needs an artistic and aesthetic culture,
regardless of the profile of his training. It is also
known that the principle of interculturalism is
gaining importance in higher education, the
implementation of which requires the integration
of Ukrainian national culture into European and
world culture.
In Ukraine, the process of formation of art
education in the system of higher education
continues, the concept of modern art education in
the conditions of European integration is being
developed, the search for optimal conditions for
the formation of the artistic culture of future
specialists and their readiness to aestheticize the
subject-spatial environment is underway.
The analysis of domestic research in the field of
philosophy, aesthetics, cultural studies,
sociology, psychology, pedagogy makes it
possible to determine the state of coverage of the
problem of artistic training of student youth.
Let us emphasize the importance of the formation
of artistic orientations at the student age, when
students face important questions of self-
determination, value perception of the
surrounding world, awareness of the spiritual
depths of human existence.
Knowing and learning the true spiritual values of
artistic culture for students can be the basis for
personal development and self-creation.
Various aspects of the problem were studied in
the works of various scientists. In particular,
H. Sotska (2018) highlighted the methodological
and theoretical foundations of the formation of
the artistic culture of future specialists in the art
field. The potential of fine art has been revealed
during the formation of the artistic culture of
future specialists in the art field. The experience
of forming the artistic culture of future specialists
in the art field in foreign and domestic
educational practice is reasonably presented.
S. Melnychuk (2005) shows the practice and
reveals the theory of the formation of the artistic
culture of future specialists in the educational
activities of educational institutions in the period
1860-1990. The practice and theoretical
approaches in institutions of higher education
regarding the formation of the artistic culture of
future specialists in the educational process are
considered based on archival, monographic
materials, and periodical press of the studied
V. Kotov, & N. Pliukhina (2022) offered
consideration of the role of aesthetic education in
the formation of the personality of a junior high
school student. Scientists presented the art of
dance as one of the leading means of aesthetic
culture. They proved the universality of the
means of aesthetic education, for centuries they
showed the importance of the art of dance, which
represents a complete picture of the world in the
system of thoughts, views, emotions, feelings,
and images. The aesthetic and educational status
of folk choreography, which was determined by
its place and role in the system of education,
statehood, and culture, changes in the course of
civilizational transformations.
A. Karam (2018) proved the determination of
human spirituality, showing a process that
includes value orientations, values that are based
on artistic culture in particular, and general
human culture, in particular. Culturological
direction is singled out in the education of
education seekers, and the ways of their
socialization are shown. In the process of
research, the analysis of scientific literature was
carried out in retrospect, which made it possible
to prove the complexity of the formation of
culture, which is active, valuable, personal, and
does not have a universal and unambiguous
definition. The process of the dialogue "person
and object" is shown, which is carried out
through the sensual existence of the object, the
aesthetic attitude of the subject, and thus the
inclusion of the individual in the culture system.
V. Papushyna (2019) revealed the content of the
concept of forming the artistic culture of future
specialists, took into account the needs of
pedagogy of partnership and individuality, the
requirements of new standards of higher
education, conditions of the labor market, ideas
of human-centrism, subject-subject relations
between a teacher and a student of higher
education. She solved the main problem of
training a modern competitive specialist, which
consists of updating the structure, content,
technologies, and methods of education by
directing them to the formation of artistic culture.
A. Khokhlov (2021) shows ways to eliminate the
shortcomings of aesthetic education and the role
of art in the formation of a cultural, highly moral,
personality of a citizen in the modern world.
Education through the means of art is a
fundamental component of the entire state, it
forms the personality of the student of education
as a part of society, taking into account the
peculiarities of modern multiculturalism. The
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
concept of "aesthetic consciousness", which is a
social and individual phenomenon, reflects in its
connotativeness of acceptance, aspiration,
compliance with the development of society, and
understanding of cultural and historical heritage,
which contributes to its general social cultural
and intra-personal growth; the concept of
"citizen", which is shown as an active creator of
the future of this society, as a person who is a
component of society with moral and cultural
values, a bearer of universal culture and values
using art.
Despite the multifaceted nature of scientific
research devoted to the artistic training of student
youth, many issues of this complex topic remain
not fully resolved, as there are contradictions
between: society's requirements for the
formation of a culturally rich personality of a
young person and the real state of formation of
the artistic culture of student youth; requirements
for the professional competence of students of
pedagogical universities and insufficient focus of
modern higher education institutions on its
formation in the system of social and educational
work; the need of future teachers to master the
techniques and methods of decorative and
applied activities in order to form their own
artistic culture and the lack of necessary content
and technological support for this process.
So, the objective social significance of the
process of forming the artistic training of student
youth, the identified contradictions, the
insufficiency of the theoretical justification and
practical implementation of the researched
problems determined the choice of the topic of
our article.
The goal is to show ways of forming the artistic
culture of student youth in institutions of higher
education and experimentally verify the
effectiveness of the introduction of the system of
forming the artistic culture of the individual.
The methodological basis of the article is
philosophical and general scientific provisions
on objectivity, dialectic, scientificity, historicism
of human knowledge; relationship between
theory and practice; integrity and multifaceted
phenomena of artistic culture; interpretation of
the principles of mastering artistic values;
personally oriented nature of professional
training of student youth.
The following theoretical research methods were
used to fulfill the research objective:
logical, retrospective, and comparative
analysis of methodical, psychological-
pedagogical, philosophical literature, and
scientific works to clarify the content of the
outlined problem and its state of
synthesis, systematization, generalization,
theoretical modeling, and abstraction, which
made it possible to formulate a conceptual
and terminological apparatus, to
characterize the essence of the problem, to
single out the main components of the
formation of the artistic culture of student
youth in institutions of higher education;
structural and functional, which made it
possible to distinguish the structural
elements (subsystems, components) of the
system objects and describe their role in the
The study covers concepts that are
interconnected and contribute to the realization
of the research goal.
The methodological concept reflects
psychological-pedagogical, philosophical,
fundamental ideas - theories of cognitive activity,
motivation, management, interaction and
interrelationship of concrete-scientific and
general-scientific methodology approaches to the
conceptualization of practice and theory of
student training in institutions of higher
The theoretical concept represents a system of
concepts, basic concepts, ideas, initial categories,
and definitions without which an understanding
of the essence of the researched problem is
impossible, and also offers basic provisions for
the essence and content of the formation of
the artistic culture of student youth in
institutions of higher education should be
revealed based on the theoretical
justification of the main concepts;
the process of forming the artistic culture of
student youth in institutions of higher
education implies, from the standpoint of
modern social requirements.
The analysis of the results of research and
experimental work at the formative stage made it
possible to compare the obtained results to prove
the effectiveness of the system of forming the
artistic culture of student youth and to show the
ratio of respondents with a high level of artistic
culture formation. The results were as follows: the
level of artistic and aesthetic competence in the
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
field of art (EG 36.9%), the ability to evaluate
works of art (EG 23.9%), the need for artistic
and aesthetic activity (EG 43.5%), development
of artistic outlook (EG 26.1%).
Experimental verification showed the sufficient
effectiveness of a well-founded system of forming
the artistic culture of student youth using folk art.
It has been proven that the condition for the
successful functioning of the named system is the
integration of certain components that provide the
quality characteristics and properties inherent in
this system.
The effectiveness of the use of a complex of folk
art tools (types of folk art; means of artistic
formation of folk art images; specific artistic
means of folk art) in the functioning of the system
of forming the artistic culture of student youth has
been experimentally proven. The tasks of the
formative experiment involved checking the
effectiveness of the proposed system of forming
the artistic culture of student youth based on
establishing the dynamics of the levels of artistic
culture formation during the experiment.
At the same time, the experiment proved that the
effectiveness of forming the artistic culture of
students through the means of folk art increases
under the condition of successful organization of
forms and meaningful filling of extra-auditory
activities of student youth, providing them with an
integral dialogic, action-creating, personal and
professional character, systematic and creative use
of folk art of various types.
The analysis of the results of the formative stage
of research and experimental work gives a reason
to conclude the improvement of the level of
formation of the artistic culture of future
specialists as a professional quality when using the
system of forming the artistic culture of student
Results and Discussion
People of all professions (builder, designer,
teacher, engineer, ordinary worker, fashion
designer) should have a high level of art culture
and high aesthetic tastes, therefore every civilized
society is interested in the education of such
qualities of its citizens. All people are involved in
the creation of material values and therefore they
must possess high aesthetic qualities in addition to
their practical purpose (Melnychuk, 2005).
The term culture, which embodies in its meaning
upbringing, processing, education, respect, and
development, is a specific, necessary, important
way of development and organization of human
life, reflects the idea of the products of spiritual
and material labor, is an important criterion in the
system of educational institutions and social
norms, the overall attitude of people to nature, to
spiritual values, to themselves and each other is
necessary (Zhytnik et al., 2022).
In the process of aesthetic education, an art culture
is formed, which represents a system of measures
aimed at improving and developing in the learner
the ability to aesthetically perceive the world,
correctly evaluate, understand, and create the high
and beautiful in art and life and is an integral part
of the educational process (Yang, 2019).
We consider the formation of the artistic culture of
student youth as a holistic process in institutions
of higher education, which includes teaching
cooperation, and relationships between students
and heads of departments of the educational
environment of institutions of higher education
(Ivanova, 2005).
Aesthetic processes, a complex of all personal
values, including ethical ones, cannot be separated
from the concept of morality. The formation of the
artistic culture of student youth in institutions of
higher education is inseparable from the formation
of aesthetic consciousness. Such a process
develops a moral sense in an educated person,
which makes it possible to understand what is not
decent and what is decent, not accepted and
accepted in the appropriate environment, and all
this taking into account national characteristics,
but not depending on them (Khokhlov, 2021).
Artistic culture is a complex system that includes
a person's intellectual abilities, sensitivity to the
surrounding world, his group and family's ideas
about a good life, as well as real forms and objects
of behavior, created by man according to the laws
of beauty, according to the laws of natural
necessity (Lavrentieva et al., 2023).
Artistic culture includes an appropriate assessment
of life in forms that are characteristic of aesthetic
consciousness, and not only the understanding of
art and acts as a catalyst for creative activity, it is
deeply emotional and contributes to the
assimilation of a scientific picture of the world. It
is defined as the totality of all aspects of society's
life: spiritual, material, and artistic, which directly
influence the formation of spiritual specific forces
in its members, aimed at the contemplation and
creation of various values, in particular, beauty
(Shevtsova et al., 2023).
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Let's name the main stages of the formation of an
individual's artistic culture (Kysliak et al., 2022):
pre-aesthetic, when the main mental
mechanisms of aesthetic reflection are
formed, the child's aesthetic environment is
provided, the beginnings of aesthetic
attitudes, needs, and the first elements of
aesthetic orientation arise in the child (from
birth to 3 years);
artistic, when artistic and game activity
prevails, an aesthetic attitude towards
animals, people, and the surrounding reality
takes place, and this whole process develops
through artistic games, art, which is the main
tool of aesthetic education of a child in this
period (from 3 to 7 years old);
the school stage of the artistic development of
the personality is connected with the
transition to the educational activity of the
child at school, where cognitive activity
(logical-conceptual) prevails. At this stage,
elements of aesthetic education are included
in the school education system, to attract
children to scientific knowledge, but at the
same time, develop the child's artistic
the stage of formation of a person's artistic
culture is connected with the youth transition;
here, the search for the meaning of life, the
value-oriented activity of consciousness, and
the independent definition of all political,
moral, and aesthetic ideals come first; it is a
process which, with the help of a certain range
of knowledge, is accompanied by the
individual's desire to theoretically and
logically justify his personal ideals and tastes.
During this period, a young person's self-
awareness, his aesthetic consciousness, and
the aesthetic sphere of worldview are formed.
the stage of transition to practically
transformative activity with the aim of artistic
development of the individual. At this stage,
a personality is formed, which is
characterized by the dynamism and integrity
of all elements of its artistic culture. This is
the last and highest stage, where a person can
show himself in the role of an educator of
other people of new generations, an active
creator of aesthetic values, and an active
propagandist (Melnychuk, 2005).
In the formation of the ability to be critical of one's
own preferences and tastes, to think reflexively,
aesthetic self-improvement, the need to improve
the process of developing the artistic culture of
student youth is revealed. Such a process in a
higher education institution requires new methods
and forms for student youth in the organization of
aesthetic education (Denac et al., 2013).
A modern higher education institution for students
of higher education needs an organization of
innovative education, which will contribute to the
development of the need for multicultural, artistic,
and aesthetic exploration of the world, which will
be aimed at creating one's own "I" (Mykulina,
The aesthetic transformation of reality takes place
in the following directions: internal (personal
world) and external (environment). It is the
aesthetic transformation of the inner world that
stimulates the process of self-improvement of the
individual and affects his creative self-esteem
(Rudnytska, 2005).
In the process of experimental research, we
attributed the main properties of the system of
formation of the artistic culture of student youth as
a quality of personality that its subsystems were
created to achieve a single goal, but each of them
functions according to its specific tasks.
It was important for us to state that each subsystem
is relatively complete and has certain structural
components. At the same time, each of the
components has characteristics of the entire
system, because they make up a single dynamic
system of forming the artistic culture of student
youth. The effectiveness of the system of forming
a teacher's artistic culture depends on the
purposefulness and successful functioning of all
its subsystems.
We defined the components of the formation of
the artistic culture of the future teacher, which we
included: mastering the knowledge of artistic
culture; formation of skills to use folk art tools in
classes; and willingness to use the means of folk
art in pedagogical activity.
Thus, the process of mastering the knowledge of
artistic culture involves the assimilation of the
conceptual and categorical apparatus of artistic
culture; awareness of the cultural meaning of
works of art; understanding the dynamics of the
development of artistic culture of different eras;
development of sensory, logical and associative
thinking when studying the means of folk art; the
formation of an artistic worldview.
The second component of the formation of the
artistic culture of the future teacher involves the
ability to master the technology of artistic
dialogue; the ability to make a free choice of
artistic means by the topic of the lesson; the ability
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
to create educational situations of artistic content;
the ability to create and reveal the artistic values of
products; the ability to make a free choice of
means of folk art.
The components of third component of readiness
to use the means of folk art in pedagogical
activities includes readiness to broadcast artistic
and aesthetic information; readiness for artistic
and creative activity to create artistic products; the
interpretation of the means of folk art; the use of
means of artistic expressiveness of works of folk
art in one's products; willingness to evaluate
phenomena and events from the standpoint of
artistic culture.
The effectiveness of the system of forming the
artistic culture of the individual using art was
investigated in the process of research and
experimental work, the basis of which was a
pedagogical experiment consisting of two stages:
ascertaining and formative.
The purpose of the ascertaining stage of the
experiment was to identify the level of artistic
culture as a professional quality of the personality
of student youth.
As evidenced by the results of the analysis, the
ratio of students with different levels of formation
of artistic culture turned out to be unequal. A
higher level is inherent in that part of students who
have more developed skills in interpreting the
artistic and aesthetic information of works of both
classical and folk art (CG 4.8%); developed
skills to find artistic and figurative analogies about
artistic and aesthetic information (CG 11.9%);
developed needs in the transfer of artistic and
figurative information in the process of creative
self-realization (CG 9.5%); formed artistic
outlook (CG 7.1%).
Based on the results of the ascertainment
experiment, it was determined that the main
reasons for the low level of formation of the
artistic culture of student youth of various
specialties are the mechanical assimilation of
artistic and aesthetic knowledge, insufficient
emotional and sensory contact with works of
professional and folk art, the lack of a systematic
approach to the process of forming the artistic
culture of students using folk art of art, the lack of
organizational and pedagogical conditions, the
uncertainty in the existing practice of professional
artistic and aesthetic training of future specialists
in various fields, the potential possibilities of the
means of folk art and the developed mechanisms
for transmitting the artistic and figurative
information of his works in the students' own
At the stage of the formative experiment, we
developed a system of forming the artistic culture
of student youth using art, which was introduced
into the educational process of higher education
The methods of aesthetic influence are
observations and demonstrations (visual),
persuasion (verbal), and involvement in the
creative active activity of the individual (practical)
(Kovbasiuk, 2020).
The task of an educational institution in the
process of forming artistic culture among student
youth is to educate a cultured, decent, intellectual,
educated person (Bilozub et al., 2023). The global
Internet network has gained great popularity in our
time, the influence of which on a person is
becoming more noticeable every day. Therefore,
access to the worldwide "web" was necessary
during experimental work in the formation of
artistic culture among student youth in institutions
of higher education (Kuzmenko et al., 2022).
Since the formation of the artistic culture of a
future specialist in institutions of higher education
is understood as a process that involves a
consistent change of states and phenomena in the
formation of this personal quality; the
organization of pedagogical conditions aimed at
the formation of a creatively active, integral,
aesthetic and cultural personality, capable of
experiencing, perceiving, transforming the
phenomena of reality "according to the laws of
beauty" (Sotska, 2018).
The analysis of the results of research and
experimental work at the formative stage made it
possible to compare the obtained results to prove
the effectiveness of the system of forming the
artistic culture of student youth and to show the
ratio of respondents with a high level of artistic
culture formation. The results were as follows: the
level of artistic and aesthetic competence in the
field of art (EG 36.9%), the ability to evaluate
works of art (EG 23.9%), the need for artistic
and aesthetic activity (EG 43.5%), development
of artistic outlook (EG 26.1%).
Experimental verification showed the sufficient
effectiveness of a well-founded system of forming
the artistic culture of student youth using folk art.
The effectiveness of the use of a complex of folk
art tools (types of folk art; means of artistic
formation of folk art images; specific artistic
means of folk art) in the functioning of the system
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of forming the artistic culture of student youth has
been experimentally proven. The tasks of the
formative experiment involved checking the
effectiveness of the proposed system of forming
the artistic culture of student youth based on
establishing the dynamics of the levels of artistic
culture formation during the experiment.
At the same time, the experiment proved that the
effectiveness of forming the artistic culture of
students through the means of folk art increases
under the condition of successful organization of
forms and meaningful filling of extra-auditory
activities of student youth, providing them with an
integral dialogic, action-creating, personal and
professional character, systematic and creative use
of folk art of various types (Order No. 1176,
The analysis of the results of the formative stage
of research and experimental work gives a reason
to conclude the improvement of the level of
formation of the artistic culture of future
specialists as a professional quality when using the
system of forming the artistic culture of student
The comparative analysis proved that the general
level of formation of the artistic culture of the
student youth increased significantly in the
experimental group.
Based on the provisions that artistic culture is a
constituent structural element of social life and
represents a dynamic system, we took into account
the organic connection of the effects of objective
conditions and the subjective factor in the
functioning of this system, the combination of
which will ensure the complex, systemic nature of
the formation artistic culture as a personality
Therefore, for the formation of the artistic culture
of student youth, a holistic process is necessary, a
formed system that provides for teaching
cooperation, and mutual relations between
students of education and heads of departments of
the educational environment of higher education
Ways of forming the artistic culture of student
youth in institutions of higher education are
shown. Having singled out the structural and
functional elements of artistic culture, which
represents a system of measures aimed at
improving and developing in the student the
ability to aesthetically perceive the world,
correctly evaluate, understand, and create the
high and beautiful in art and life and is an integral
part of the educational process, we considered
the main indicators and factors of the level of the
artistic culture of the individual, the main stages
of the formation of the artistic culture of the
individual are highlighted. The effectiveness of
the described principles of forming the artistic
culture of the future specialist in institutions of
higher education (general didactic and specific
principles) was experimentally verified. The
significance of the global Internet network for the
formation of an individual's artistic culture has
been proven.
The selected components of the artistic culture of
the future specialist in the system of professional
training the directions of aesthetic transformation
of reality and the mechanism of the formation of
the artistic culture of the future specialist during
experimental testing showed the effectiveness of
the system of forming the artistic culture of
student youth.
The analysis of the results of the ascertaining
stage of the research proved the expediency of
developing and implementing the system of
forming the artistic culture of future teachers
using folk art in the educational process.
The purpose of the ascertaining stage of the
experiment was to identify the level of artistic
culture as a professional quality of the
personality of student youth. According to the
developed criteria (artistic and aesthetic
competence in the field of art, the ability to
evaluate works of art, the development of the
need for artistic and creative activity, the
development of an artistic worldview), the
frequency of involvement, the degree of
knowledge, interest in folk art, and the system of
personal preferences in evaluation were revealed
during the study works of folk art, degree of
activity and creative approach to the choice of
forms of artistic and aesthetic activity in this area.
The conducted research and experimental work
convince that the formation of the artistic culture
of student youth is actively carried out only if
folk art is considered as a system of life activities
of future specialists, which will appear in the
classroom, extracurricular, and research work of
students; this process is a system of actions
aimed at forming an individual as a whole system
of social, psychological and intellectual
properties and qualities.
Further research will be aimed at clarifying the
role of the Internet in the formation of the artistic
culture of an individual.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
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