Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.70.10.11
How to Cite:
Manko, D., Zghama, A., Atamanova, N., Arabadzhy, A., & Ustinov, D. (2023). Legal regulation of the digital environment:
digitization of the state-legal and law enforcement sphere. Amazonia Investiga, 12(70), 125-133.
Legal regulation of the digital environment: digitization of the
state-legal and law enforcement sphere
Правове регулювання цифрового середовища: діджиталізація державно-правової та
правоохоронної сфери
Received: September 3, 2023 Accepted: October 25, 2023
Written by:
Denys Manko1
Antonina Zghama2
Natalia Atamanova3
Natalia Arabadzhy4
Dmytro Ustinov5
The rapid development of society and the impact of
information technology have significantly changed
the legal field and contributed to the creation of a
legal framework for the digital environment.
Successful development of digital relations in
Ukraine requires effective legislative regulation.
The favorable appearance of this process is
determined by effective strategic planning, active
participation of the government and an appropriate
legal framework. From this point of view, it is
considered important to consider issues of legal
regulation of the digital environment in the context
of the activities of state and law enforcement
agencies. The purpose of the work is to research the
regulatory and legal provision of the digital
environment with an emphasis on the regulation of
digitalization of state legal and law enforcement
activities. Research methodology includes such
methods as: historical, systematization, analysis
and synthesis, structural-functional and
comparative analysis. The result of the scientific
analysis of scientific research and regulatory and
legal regulation of the relevant relations was the
Стрімкий розвиток суспільства та вплив
інформаційних технологій суттєво змінили
правове поле та сприяли створенню правової бази
для цифрового середовища. Успішний розвиток
цифрових відносин в Україні потребує
ефективного законодавчого регулювання.
Сприятливість цього процесу визначається
ефективним стратегічним плануванням,
активною участю уряду та відповідним правовим
полем. З цієї точки зору вбачається важливим
розгляд питань правового регулювання
цифрового середовища в контексті діяльності
державних та правоохоронних органів. Мета
роботи дослідження нормативно-правового
забезпечення цифрового середовища з акцентом
на регулювання цифровізації державно-правової
та правоохоронної діяльності. Методологія
дослідження включає такі методи як: історичний,
систематизації, аналізу та синтезу, структурно-
функціональний та порівняльний аналіз.
Результатом наукового аналізу наукових
досліджень та нормативно-правового
регулювання відповідних відносин стало
Doctor of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines of the International
Humanities University Ukraine.
Ph. D., Associate Professor of the Department of State Law Disciplines, International Humanitarian University, Ukraine.
Ph. D., Associate Professor of the Department of State Law Disciplines, International Humanitarian University, Ukraine.
Ph. D., Associate Professor of the International Law and Comparative Law Department, International Humanitarian University,
Master of Legal Studies (M.L.S.). International Humanitarian University. Odesa. Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
study of the legal plane of digital transformations in
Ukraine. Internal legislative norms were studied,
relevant laws aimed at digitization were analyzed,
their purpose was determined; the existing
legislative basis for building a digital society and
economy in Ukraine is highlighted. The analysis of
strategic documents on digitalization in the spheres
of public administration and law enforcement was
carried out. The internal concepts of the
development of e-government have been studied.
The experience of foreign countries in the
regulation of the digital environment and electronic
management was studied, progressive means of
regulation of the studied issues abroad were
Keywords: digitalization, digital environment, law
enforcement activity, legal system, legal regulation.
дослідження правової площини цифрових
трансформацій в Україні. Вивчено внутрішні
законодавчі норми, проаналізовано відповідні
закони, спрямовані на цифровізацію, визначено їх
призначення; висвітлено існуючу законодавчу
базу для побудови цифрового суспільства та
економіки в Україні. Проведено аналіз
стратегічних документів з цифровізації у сферах
державного управління та правоохоронних
органів. Досліджено внутрішні концепції
розвитку електронного урядування. Вивчено
досвід зарубіжних країн з регулювання
цифрового середовища та електронного
управління, визначено прогресивні засоби
регулювання досліджуваних питань за кордоном.
Ключові слова: цифровізація, цифрове
середовище, правоохоронна діяльність, правова
система, правове регулювання.
Changes in legislative regulation arose as a result
of the formation of digital reality, which
determines the direction of the development of
society and affects the mechanisms of legal
regulation. Due to the fact that life in modern
society is becoming more and more dynamic,
technologies are developing. The impact of
globalization and digitalization leads to the
transformation of the paradigm of thinking, the
improvement of civil society institutions,
authorities and structures, as well as the legal
system. Therefore, the digital space requires the
creation of a model of legal regulation that
corresponds to technological reality. Thus the
objective of the study is to analyze the legal
regulation of the digital environment in the
context of the digitalization of the state-legal and
police sphere, in order to identify the challenges
and opportunities posed by this transformation.
Contemporary legal frameworks mirror the
evolving dynamics of current social interactions.
Simultaneously, the global community is
reassessing its role in safeguarding the interests
and intentions of involved parties within the
digital landscape. Digitalization has raised new
challenges for legal regulation, such as privacy
protection, security and network neutrality. The
states came to the conclusion that at the current
level of development of human civilization,
when resolving any legal disputes, the interests
of the parties to the dispute, as well as any other
natural and legal persons, states and the
international community in particular, should be
taken into account.
In this context, the tasks of the research are:
1. To find out problematic issues of legislative
consolidation of provisions on electronic
2. Compare international experience regarding
the legal regulation of digitalization of the
law enforcement sphere and the state-legal
3. To analyze the legal regulation of the digital
environment in the context of digitization of
the state-legal and law enforcement sphere.
Achieving these goals can be ensured only with
the active role of the state. At the same time, the
modern state must realize that social relations in
the digital dimension have already reached a state
that is quite comparable to social relations
formed in the offline environment.
Accordingly, the arrangement of the elements of
the digital environment and the harmonious
combination of these elements among
themselves should become an important goal of
the functioning of state institutions at the local
level, as well as interstate institutions - at the
international level.
Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
Atamanova and Smirnov (2022) focused their
research on the digitization of the state and legal
domains. They concluded that in Ukraine, the
digitization of the state-legal sphere aims to
enable citizens to access all government services
online through their smartphones. The objective
of digitization is to transform government
services, reduce reliance on paper, and
streamline access to services for simplicity. The
authors highlight that digitization is viewed as a
Manko, D., Zghama, A., Atamanova, N., Arabadzhy, A., Ustinov, D. / Volume 12 - Issue 70: 125-133 / October, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
holistic approach to combating corruption,
expediting service delivery to citizens, and
enhancing societal participation in shaping
public policy through various e-democracy tools.
The issue of legal support for the digital economy
and e-business are researched by Vinnyk (2018).
The author examined the interaction between the
information society and the digital economy,
considering them as integral components in
relation to civil society institutions, the system of
the digital economy, including its subject-object
composition, regulatory and legal support, the
legal position of electronic business and the
digitalization of its corporate form, foreign
experience legal regulation of digital economy
A profound research of legislation in different
countries and international legislation on the
whole regarding the regulation of relations in the
digital space was carried out by Dovgan and
Mikhailina (2020). Their findings indicate that
for the well-rounded progress of information
rights within society, it is insufficient merely to
recognize the right to access the Internet; it is
crucial to regulate the relationships that emerge
in the digital space. This involves primarily
defining the legal status of participants, such as
providers and users. Additionally, an
examination of cyber security measures in
leading foreign nations revealed the necessity for
Ukraine to enhance the effectiveness of its law
enforcement agencies.
The experience of foreign countries regarding the
legal regulation of the development of the digital
economy was studied by Kostyuchenko (2021).
The article emphasizes on a common feature of
the legal regulation of the development of the
digital economy in some leading countries of the
world, including Australia, Great Britain, China,
the USA, France, and Japan. It is about strategic
planning in the field of digitalization, the main
part of which is a detailed strategy for the
digitalization of the economy and all other
spheres of social life. The basis of strategic
planning in the field of digitalization is the
understanding of the need for clear regulation of
the principles of activity of all organizations
participating in economic circulation, in
particular, state institutions and commercial legal
entities. General rules and principles of using the
latest technologies, primarily those that use
artificial intelligence technology, electronic
commerce are also taken into account, the legal
status of electronic contracts are also taken into
account. Significant attention in the legislation of
these states is also paid to ensuring cyber security
and data protection.
Current trends in the development of legal
regulation of the digital economy are considered
in the work of Levytska (2019). Thus, it is stated
that in the world states at the current stage of
socio-economic transformation of society, the
environment imposes its features on the
institutional structure of society, on the model of
legislative regulation of the digital economy and
causes the need for the formation of
fundamentally new concepts and approaches. In
particular, the considered foreign experience of
legal regulation in the field of digital legal
relations will be useful for application at the
national level of legal regulation in the digital
Manko (2020) considered the issue of
technological algorithms and electronic
documents. The author concluded that
technological algorithms in law represent the
digitization processes within the legal sphere of
the contemporary state. While numerous issues
remain unresolved, the overall trajectory of
development merits endorsement and further
comprehensive theoretical investigation.
The development of e-governance in Ukraine is
studied by Mokhova (2021). Among other
things, the author investigated the peculiarities of
the formation of various approaches to e-
government in the leading countries of the world.
The main goal of the study was to find out the
optimal model of e-government for Ukraine, so
conceptual provisions regarding the formation of
the e-governance development mechanism in the
conditions of digital transformations of Ukraine
on the way to European integration have been
Pyshchulina (2020) analyzed the current stage of
global economic and social development, which
is characterized by the significant impact of
digitalization. In addition, the paper analyzes the
potential risks and threats of digitalization in
Ukraine and the world.
Pavlenko (2021) tried in his work to understand
the impact of the digitization process on law as
such. The work shows that along with the
advantages of digital technologies, in particular
artificial intelligence, new types of ethical
problems and issues of justice are raised. The
necessity of defining approaches to solving new
tasks of legal science and improving the legal
framework for the protection of the digital rights
of citizens is substantiated.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Svitlak (2020) paid significant attention to the
problems of regulating civil relations in the
digital space. Frolova (2020) drew attention to
the peculiarities of the state policy of stimulating
the processes of digital transformation of small
and medium-sized enterprises in Ukraine.
Some issues of the development of the legal
system in the digital era were investigated by
Telychko and Rekun (2022). According to the
authors, the digitalization of legal reality
contributes to the formation of new civilizational
phenomena and processes, and the emergence of
a new legal understanding, worldview, and legal
culture. It was also noted that the process of
rulemaking and law enforcement should become
digital. At the same time, attention was drawn to
the fact that the necessary technologies for this
already exist, but it is necessary to ensure their
correct application during the formation of
digital regulation processes.
The methodological basis of the research is
general scientific and special methods of learning
state legal and law enforcement activities and
mechanisms of legal regulation of the digital
With the help of the historical method, it became
possible to analyze the main stages of the
formation of the electronic government system in
Ukraine and abroad. By its legal nature, the
historical method focuses on the origin and
evolution of the subject of research and is
indicated in a chronology of times and stages.
This method makes it possible to investigate the
emergence, formation, and development of
processes and events in chronological order in
order to identify internal and external
connections, regularities, and contradictions.
Therefore, in historical retrospect, the use of this
method is important for clarifying the regulatory
and legal regulation of the digital environment.
The study employed a systematic approach to
examine the foreign practices of implementing
state mechanisms for advancing e-government
and digitization within the public sector. It aimed
to identify the distinctive features of regulatory
and legal support for e-government in Ukraine.
The methodology involved selecting the most
overarching features and characteristics, as well
as formulating concepts, laws, and key ideas
related to the subject under investigation. Due to
the systematic approach, the basis of the
regulation of the state mechanism regarding the
information support of electronic government
based on the implementation of digital
technologies was also formed.
The application of methods of analysis and
synthesis was carried out when determining the
features of the conceptual foundations of
electronic governance, researching scientific
approaches to the definition of the concept of
"digital environment", "electronic governance",
key achievements and problems of the
implementation of digital capabilities of Ukraine,
determining, as well as analyzing directions for
improving the mechanisms of electronic
governance. In general, the method of analysis is
a method of research, which consists of the
imaginary dismemberment of the whole
phenomenon into constituent parts - simpler
ones, the selection of individual aspects,
properties, and connections. Synthesis is a
method of research, that consists of the
imaginary connection of separate sides,
properties, connections of a complex
phenomenon, and the understanding of the whole
in its unity. Therefore, without applying the
described methods, it is impossible to obtain
objective research results.
The structural-functional method was applied to
analyze the institutional framework for electronic
governance in Ukraine, define the state
mechanisms for the digital infrastructure of the
country, and establish the strategic objectives for
ensuring cybersecurity in Ukraine. In its essence,
a structural-functional method is an approach to
the description and explanation of systems,
which examines their elements and dependencies
between them within the framework of a single
whole; individual social phenomena perform a
certain function in maintaining and changing the
social system. Each element of this structure
performs certain functions that satisfy the needs
of the system. The activity of system elements is
programmed by the general structural
organization, the positions they occupy, and the
roles they perform. The structural-functional
method is one of the most important forms of
application of this method in the study of
management phenomena and processes because
it consists of dividing a complex object into its
constituent parts, studying the connections
between them, and determining the specific
functions (roles) inherent in them, directed to
meet the relevant needs of the personnel
management system, taking into account the
integrity of the latter and its interaction with the
external environment.
Using the method of comparative analysis, an
analysis of e-governance in Ukraine was carried
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
out, digitalization and its regulation at the
regional and international levels were assessed,
and the issue of electronic readiness of state
administration bodies was clarified.
Data Sources:
Historical Method:
1) Historical documents related to the
formation of electronic government systems
in Ukraine and abroad.
2) Legal texts and regulations chronologically
documenting the evolution of electronic
3) Historical records and reports detailing the
emergence, formation, and development of
electronic government processes and events.
4) Regulatory and legal documents
pertaining to the digital environment and its
historical regulation.
Systematic Approach:
1) Foreign practices and case studies related to
the implementation of state mechanisms for
2) Laws, regulations, and key concepts
governing e-government in different
3) Reports and studies on the regulatory and
legal aspects of e-government in Ukraine.
4) Comprehensive analysis of overarching
features and characteristics in foreign and
domestic contexts.
Analysis and Synthesis Methods:
1) Scientific literature on conceptual
foundations of electronic governance.
2) Research papers defining the "digital
environment" and "electronic governance."
3) ey achievements and problems related to the
implementation of digital capabilities in
4) Directions for improving electronic
governance mechanisms from academic and
practical perspectives.
Structural-Functional Method:
1) Institutional documents outlining the
framework for electronic governance in
2) Descriptions and explanations of the
elements constituting the electronic
governance system.
3) Data on state mechanisms for the digital
infrastructure of Ukraine.
4) Reports and strategies related to the strategic
objectives for ensuring cybersecurity in
Comparative Analysis Method:
1) Comparative studies on e-governance in
Ukraine and other countries.
2) International and regional regulations and
practices in digitalization and its regulation.
3) Assessments of electronic readiness of state
administration bodies in Ukraine and
4) Reports and analyses focusing on the
regional and international levels of
digitalization in the public sector.
The research focused primarily on Ukraine and
its results may not be generalizable to other
countries of the world.
Results and Discussion
In the contemporary landscape of social
development, the dynamics of interactions
between individuals and the state are evolving.
There is a growing emphasis on the digitization
of both state-legal and law enforcement
activities, reflecting the changing nature of
administrative processes.
In recent years, legislative adjustments have been
made to regulate the digital environment. Issues
related to electronic trust services, electronic
identification, public electronic registers, and the
overall development of digital infrastructure in
Ukraine have been addressed and regulated.
Let's consider the legal regulation of the digital
environment in more detail (Table 1).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 1.
Regulatory and legal regulation of the digital environment in Ukraine.
Legislative act
Key provisions
The State Regional Development
Strategy for2021-2027 (Resolution
695, 2020)
Provides one of its priorities the improvement of quality and
ensure accessibility for the population services provided by
state authorities and local self-government bodies, regardless
of place of residence, in particular on the basis of
Strategy for implementation of
digital development, digital
transformations, and digitalization of
the state finance management system
for the period until 2025 (Order
1467, 2021)
The task of the strategy is to create a cloud infrastructure of
the state finance management system, which contains the
computing power of the operating data centers of the Ministry
of Finance, the Treasury, the State Tax Service, the State
Customs Service, the State Audit Service, the State Financial
Monitoring (only in the part of processing information that
does not have an access restriction), the National Center for
reservation of state information resources.
The concept of the development of
electronic democracy (Order 797,
The purpose of the concept is the formation of political,
organizational, technological, and ideological conditions for
the development of electronic democracy in Ukraine. The
main directions are regulatory and legal support for the
development of electronic democracy; resource support for
the implementation and use of electronic democracy tools by
subjects of power; increasing the readiness of state authorities
and local self-government bodies to use the possibilities of e-
democracy tools.-emocracy; ensuring the availability of ed
The concept of the development of
the system of electronic services in
Ukraine (Decree 918, 2016)
This concept is aimed at forming a quality system of
electronic services in Ukraine. The concept touches upon
several directions, including streamlining administrative
service procedures, identifying and planning the stages of
electronic services system development, creating a unified
information and telecommunications infrastructure to
facilitate electronic service delivery, and enhancing the
readiness of individuals and legal entities to utilize electronic
Concept of the development of
artificial intelligence in Ukraine
r, 2020)-(Order 1556
As a result of the adoption of the concept, the purpose is to
determine the priority directions and main tasks of the
development of artificial intelligence technologies for the
satisfaction of rights and legitimate interests of individuals
and legal entities, building a competitive national economy,
improving the public administration system.
The concept of the development of e-
government in Ukraine (Order 649,
The goal is to determine the directions, mechanisms, and
deadlines for the formation of an effective system of e-
government in Ukraine to meet the interests and needs of
individuals and legal entities, improving the state
administration system, increasing competitiveness and
stimulating the socio-economic development of the country.
Its aim is updating of government services with the help of
information and communication technologies; modernization
of state administration with the help of information and
communication technologies; managing the development of
electronic government.
The concept of the development of
digital competencies (Decree 167-r,
The goal is to determine the priority directions and main tasks
for the development of digital skills and digital competencies,
to increase the level of digital literacy of the population, in
particular, of able-bodied people, senior citizens, low-income
families, persons with disabilities, other vulnerable population
groups, in the conditions of the development of the digital
economy and digital society.
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Some issues of the activities of units
on issues of digital development,
digital transformations, and
digitalization of central and local
executive bodies and deputy heads of
central executive bodies, regional,
Kyiv and Sevastopol city state
administrations on issues of digital
development, digital transformations
and digitalization (Resolution 194,
Provides for the mandatory introduction in ministries, in other
central bodies of the executive power, the position of the head
of the deputy head of the relevant body for issues of digital
development, digital transformations, and digitalization.
Action Plan for the Implementation
of the Concept for the Development
of Artificial Intelligence in Ukraine
r, 2021)-2024 (Decree 438for 2021
Among the main tasks of the Concept: introduction of legal
regulation on issues of state policy formation in the field of
artificial intelligence; conducting information campaigns
aimed at popularizing the basics of artificial intelligence in
secondary education institutions; ensuring scientific
cooperation with international research centers; holding
conferences and seminars on the introduction and use of
artificial intelligence technologies; the introduction of
artificial intelligence technologies into the national cyber
security system for the analysis and classification of threats
and the selection of a strategy for their containment and
prevention of their occurrence; development of a system of
indicators for assessing the state of information security using
artificial intelligence technologies; ensuring the use of AI
technologies in defense systems, health care, and justice, as
well as for analyzing the effectiveness of the public
administration system.
State Administration Reform
Strategy of Ukraine for 2022-2025
(Decree 831, 2021)
Is aimed to build a capable service and digital state in
Ukraine, which ensures the protection of citizens' interests
based on European standards and experience. The expected
results of the public administration reform until 2025 are:
ensuring the provision of high-quality services and the
formation of a convenient administrative procedure for
citizens and businesses; formation of a system of professional
and politically neutral public service, focused on protecting
the interests of citizens; development of effective and
accountable state institutions to citizens, which form state
policy and successfully implement it for the sustainable
development of the state.
Based on the results of the analysis of the
mentioned documents, the investigation revealed
a lack of emphasis on the digitization of public
administration and law enforcement activities.
So, as can be seen from the above analysis,
digital transformations in society are related to
strategic planning, which becomes especially
relevant during the development and
implementation of the state policy of
modernization of the sphere of public
administration and law enforcement activities.
The issue of digitization of the processes of
activities of public authorities and certain aspects
of the formation of digital competencies of public
servants were reflected in domestic development
The digitalization reform of Ukraine is currently
one of the most visible reforms in the country.
Thus, the digitalization of the state-legal sphere
in Ukraine involves, first of all, the
modernization of the state administration of
Ukraine. However, it is necessary: to develop the
architecture of the ministries' functions; data
collection; applications, technologies;
information security architecture; and general
business processes. In general, the goal of
reforming state structures is to save time, reduce
costs for providing services, increase
transparency, and improve the quality of services
provided to citizens and businesses.
Regarding the stage of the digitalization process,
which the Ukrainian state-legal sphere is
currently undergoing, all reforms were
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
accelerated and carried out with a view to online
access due to strong corruption and bureaucratic
schemes. So, if in European countries, for
example, digitization of services is carried out for
the convenience of access by citizens, then in our
country, the government plans to overcome
corruption schemes that may arise when
communicating live and receiving services by
citizens in person.
1) Ukraine has established suitable legislative
frameworks to foster a digital society,
support law enforcement activities, and
develop a digital economy. Nonetheless, the
ongoing relevance of Ukraine's integration
into the global digital space necessitates
effective regulatory management of these
processes. The primary objective is to align
domestic legislation with the legal norms of
the European Union in the realm of digital
2) The digitization of the state-legal and law
enforcement sectors entails enhancing
professional and specialized digital skills,
refining e-democracy tools, and elevating
the quality of state electronic services.
3) The state plays an extremely important role
in stimulating the processes of digital
transformation of state bodies and society in
general. Today, Ukraine is only at the
beginning of a complex path of digital
reconstruction of society and digitization of
state legal and law enforcement activities.
The success of achieving these goals
requires the state to take important steps to
form a modern regulatory and legal basis for
digitization, to develop and fully implement
strategies and programs for the digital
transformation of public administration,
taking into account the best global
experience in the development of the digital
economy, to develop roadmaps for digital
transformation as a business in general.
Summing up, it can be concluded that the goal
and task of the research have been fully achieved.
Regarding further scientific research, we
consider developing the problematic issues of
legal regulation of the digital environment in
Ukraine and the ways to solve them.
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