www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.70.10.9
How to Cite:
Dzhurynskyi, P., Grytsenko, I., Sydorenko, N., Lashkul, V., & Priadko, O. (2023). Open education technologies: an important
component of higher education digitalization for quality professional training. Amazonia Investiga, 12(70), 102-112.
Open education technologies: an important component of higher
education digitalization for quality professional training
Технології відкритої освіти: важлива складова цифровізації вищої освіти для якісної
професійної підготовки
Received: August 3, 2023 Accepted: September 29, 2023
Written by:
Petro Dzhurynskyi1
Iryna Grytsenko2
Nataliia Sydorenko3
Valerii Lashkul4
Oleksandr Priadko5
The article proved the importance of introducing
open education technology as an important
component of the informatization of the higher
education institution for high-quality training of
specialists has been proven and shown. The main
goal of open education (preparation of education
seekers in the conditions of the information society
for effective, full participation in professional and
social life) and leading and specific features of open
education are clarified, and the main principles of
open education are highlighted. Generalizing
factors that led to the emergence of open education
are emphasized. The role of distance learning in the
student's independent work is shown and the main
principles of the distance education system are
highlighted. The most important services that
should be used in the education of a modern
institution of higher education are shown. An
experimental study was conducted, the purpose of
which was: to prove the importance and show the
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Director of Educational and Scientific Institute of Physical Education, Sports and
Rehabilitation, State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky", Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: D-4617-2018
Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Preschool and Primary Education,
Kherson State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAD-3255-2021
Ph.D. in Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool and Primary Education,
Kherson State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAD-1762-2021
Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Romance and Germanic Languages and Translation, National
University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: GZH-6373-2022
Postgraduate Student, Department of Pedagogy, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: JAO-3515-2023
Dzhurynskyi, P., Grytsenko, I., Sydorenko, N., Lashkul, V., Priadko, O. / Volume 12 - Issue 70: 102-112 / October, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
necessity of introducing open education
technologies as an important component of
informatization of a higher education institution for
high-quality training of specialists, to find out the
leading and specific features of open education, to
highlight the main principles of open education.
Keywords: technologies of open education,
informatization of the higher education institution,
high-quality training of specialists, independent
work, distance learning.
In the 21st century, such a set of features has been
created for society, where important elements are
the globalization of education, politics, economy,
culture, the spread of innovative network forms
for communication, the use of information and
communication technologies, etc. Modern
society, as a means of implementing the principle
of lifelong learning, emphasizes the development
of open education for humanity. To solve a
significant number of important tasks, it is
necessary to informatize the entire educational
space and society as a whole, where the main
place at the world level is occupied by the
problem of the implementation of open
Today, it is open education, remote forms of
education, acquired experience in the application
of modern innovative information and
communication technologies, and mastering the
relevant skills, abilities, and competencies of the
individual that acquires significant importance.
Scientific and practical interest in the
phenomenon of open education is connected with
new educational opportunities, in particular:
deepening democratization (regardless of
material and social status, state of health,
national, racial, and gender characteristics,
ensuring equal access to education for all
participants of the educational process based
on the use of information and
communication technologies);
expansion and deepening of educational and
research projects, source information base,
individualization of educational activity (the
educational process of higher education
seekers using innovative information and
communication technologies is
implemented by specifying the methods and
means of learning, the content of education,
and the activation of independent activities
of young people based on taking into
account the individual characteristics of
the flexibility of the organization of the
educational process (the possibility of
applying the spatio-temporal characteristics
of the educational process variably: the
availability of education for students of
higher education at a time convenient for
them and regardless of their location).
Therefore, we believe that the main goal of open
education is to prepare students in the
information society for effective and full
participation in professional and social life.
The modern tool of innovative development of
education is its informatization, which is the
basis for the development of open education.
Using the principles of such education makes it
possible to significantly expand the potential
space of the educational environment, to ensure
the formation of an open educational space that
is accessible to all participants of the educational
Open education is characterized by the
availability and improvement of information and
resource provision of methodical training
systems and the expansion of the range of
teaching aids and pedagogical technologies. An
open educational environment is potentially
unlimited in terms of the amount of resources
that can be used in the educational process and
the number of users. Technologies of open
education diversify the learning process, increase
its effectiveness, and contribute to the formation
of a personality capable of quickly acquiring new
and applying previously acquired knowledge to
non-standard situations, thinking creatively and
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
deeply, rationalizing promising ideas, and their
implementation in future activities.
The relevance of the article is related to the
informatization and computerization of the
education system and is caused by the following
factors: lack of special research on the chosen
topic; the theoretical, scientific, and practical
significance of the topic; the need to transition
from the subject paradigm of education to a
competent paradigm, which involves the
formation of a complete competent personality;
the dominance of informational components in
the modern system of higher professional
education; the need to develop the informational
and communicative competence of future
specialists under conditions of rapid activation of
the technological potential of society; the
expediency of developing the skills to adapt in
the modern information society; the need to
ensure the level of general and professional
culture adequate to the needs of the world
Modern trends in the development of the
educational sector and society direct the efforts
of higher education institutions to create a
competitive system of constant updating of the
competencies and knowledge of future
specialists because the economic prosperity of
the entire society in the international arena
depends on it (Prokopenko, 2020).
A set of features, among which the main ones are
the globalization of the economy, education,
politics, culture, the spread of network forms of
communication, the use of information and
communication technologies, etc., are inherent in
the society of the 21st century. The means of
implementing the principle of education during
life is most pronounced in modern society
through the development of open education.
Informatization of society solves a significant
number of tasks, among which the problem of
implementing open education occupies an
important and leading place at the world level
and in individual countries (Osadchuk, 2022).
The modern digital world is becoming
increasingly virtual and open. In connection with
the development of the modern information
society in the system of university education, the
acquisition of relevant skills and abilities, the
introduction of remote forms of learning and new
information technologies into the educational
process by students of higher education, the
development of the open education system is
gaining relevance. The lack of higher education
institutions with the appropriate level of
readiness for the transition to the principles of
openness, the use of open education technology,
as a necessary component of the informatization
of the higher education institution for high-
quality training of specialists, necessitates the
study of the issue of improving educational
content and high-quality open education (Hurzhii
et al., 2021).
Several factors of an internal and external nature,
such as inconsistency of the existing quality of
education with modern requirements,
insufficient degree of implementation in the
educational process information technologies,
insufficient access to quality education,
insufficient efficiency of education financing,
deepening of the disparity between the training
of specialists and the demand for them in the
labor market provides reasons to talk about the
need to reform the education system and form a
coherent and effective educational and scientific
system that fully meets the requirements of the
Literature Review
One of the promising ways to overcome the
challenges of the information society in the
Ukrainian educational system and ensure its
progressive development is the implementation
of open education. The very application of the
latest information technologies and innovative
work methods based on these technologies in the
educational process at all levels can play a
significant positive role in reforming various
areas of educational activity from ensuring
effective monitoring to creating integrated
systems for ensuring access to educational
resources and sharing advanced pedagogical
experience and methodical materials.
Various aspects of the use of information and
communication technologies in the educational
process are presented in publications A. Hurzhii,
O. Hlazunova, & T. Voloshyna (2021) analyzed
the concept of open education based on the
availability of educational resources, principles
of informatization of the educational space,
flexibility and extraterritoriality of education and
identified the features of digital educational
content that can be used in open education
systems of higher education institutions:
electronic manuals, educational games,
instructions, methodological recommendations,
presentations, tests and questionnaires,
screencasts and podcasts, diagrams, graphic
images, graphs, video lessons, infographics,
virtual and augmented reality resources, video
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Aspects of the formation of an open educational
and scientific space and the use of open
technologies education for educational purposes
are highlighted in the works of scientists.
V. Bykov (2008) from the system positions of
open education laid out the foundations of the
theory of modeling organizational systems.
Based on the analysis of tools for the
development of the higher education system,
modern approaches, the determined
methodological apparatus of organizational
systems research, and system presentation, a
model of organizational systems was designed
for open education.
A significant contribution to the research of open
education in universities made by researchers, in
particular, such as M. Leshchenko, &
A. Yatsyshyn (2014), offer a comparative vision
of the examination of the essential characteristics
and genesis of open education by domestic and
foreign scientists, emphasize the importance of
open education, dwell on the integral component
of informatization of society, reflect the general
trend of the successive transition of education
processes from one state to another.
V. Osadchuk (2022) in a retrospective analysis of
the development of open education, revealed its
weak and strong positions. The author reveals
open education as a factor of anticipatory
development of society, a modern educational
technology aimed at the individual to promote
the openness of knowledge.
O. Sagan, S. Yakovleva, E. Anisimova,
A. Balokha, & H. Yeremenko (2020) explore the
shift towards digital didactics as society evolves
and education transforms. It emphasizes the need
for a new model and introduces novel principles,
methods, and forms of organizing education.
As pointed out by scholars such as
A. Kuzminskyi, O. Kuchai, O. Bida, A. Chychuk,
I. Sihetii, & T. Kuchai (2021) a key focus of the
higher education modernization program amid
the COVID-19 pandemic revolves around remote
learning. This approach has become feasible due
to the presence of information, educational
technologies, and communication systems,
particularly for enhancing effective education
and its oversight within higher education
The need to analyze the works of scientists is
pedagogical the importance of the problem, as
well as its insufficient reflection among
scientists' researchers, the lack of a justified
methodical system of its formation in institutions
of higher education allowed us to cover the
problem in more detail in the article open
education technologies as an important
component of higher education digitalization for
quality professional training.
The analysis of literary journals made it possible
to find out the main points of consideration of
open education technologies by scientists
(interpretation of the phenomenon of open
education, cloud technologies; showing the
necessity of using information technologies in
human life, their implementation in the
educational innovation process of higher
education institutions to provide educational
services in conditions of remote and traditional
education) and highlight issues that are not
sufficiently clarified in the modern educational
space. Therefore, our research is aimed at
proving the necessity of implementing open
education technologies, clarifying the leading
and specific features of open education, and
highlighting the main principles of open
The purpose of the article. To prove the
importance and show necessity of introducing
open education technology as an important
component of the informatization of a higher
education institution for high-quality training of
In the conditions of an open education system, an
adult person who studies not only acquires
certain knowledge but also develops the need for
continuous renewal, a creative approach to
knowledge throughout his life. Thus, open
education is based on worldview and
methodological principles of openness and
continuity of the learning process.
The methodological substantiation of open
education as a new educational paradigm is built
in the domestic theory of education on the
fundamental principles of modern philosophical
concepts, in particular, such as pedagogical
synergy, philosophical humanism, and the theory
of self-organization.
To realize the goal, the following research
methods were used: theoretical analysis of
literature: pedagogical, psychological,
methodical on the topic in question, comparison,
synthesis, deduction, induction, juxtaposition,
analogy, due to which the state of working out
the problem was characterized in the scientific
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
literature, studying documents in the field of
education, electronic resources, scientific works,
work experience of the best scientific and
pedagogical personnel of higher education
institutions; modeling, forecasting,
generalization, design for theoretical
argumentation of quality training of future
specialists; empirical survey, interview,
questionnaire, conversation, pedagogical
observation, testing to find out the importance of
using open education technologies for the
informatization of a higher education institution
for quality training of specialists.
The implementation of the search for solutions
for the implementation of open education
technologies for the informatization of the
institution of higher education for high-quality
training of specialists covers interrelated
concepts: methodological, theoretical, and
The methodological concept presents methods of
diagnosing the results of the implementation of
open education technologies for the
informatization of a higher education institution
for quality training of specialists, organization,
study, goal setting, and planning of professional
training of future specialists. The concept is
implemented through the implementation and
development of scientific and methodological
support for professional quality training of future
specialists, improvement of forms, content,
means, and methods of training for effective
formation of professional competence of future
In the research work, we used biased sampling in
the process of selecting a sample, that is, it is a
bias in which the sample is collected in such a
way that some members of the target population
have a significantly lower than others, or a
significantly higher probability of being included
in the sample during the experiment. It is this
approach that leads to a biased general
population of the sample (there may be factors
not related to human factors), where not all
individuals were equally likely to be selected in
an experimental study. Therefore, we took this
position into account to eliminate the fallacy of
the results, which are attributed to the studied
phenomenon, and not to the method of sampling.
The validity of the study of the system of
implementation of open education technologies
developed by us, as an important component of
the informatization of the institution of higher
education for the quality training of specialists,
indicates that the diagnostic tool of the research
work measured what we expected to measure and
proved the achievement of the goal of our
research. We are talking about the relevance of
the theory (empirical relevance). The internal
validity of the methodology indicated how the
research items and intended tasks are related to
the theoretical propositions that we presented and
revealed in the article and proved their
effectiveness in our research and compared the
results of already developed methods with the
results of the diagnostic tool.
In the experimental study, the ethics of the
respondents were taken into account, because it
is important, necessary, covers mainly regulative
aspects of morality in science, is part of one of
the aspects of the ethics of science, and justifies
the professional morality of the respondents.
After proving the importance and necessity of
introducing open education technologies as an
important component of informatization of the
institution of higher education and clarifying the
leading and specific features of open education,
highlighting the main principles of open
education, a control survey of students and
teachers was conducted. In addition, we decided
not to significantly change the questions and
tasks of the initial cut to track the dynamics of the
students' training level.
Comparing the results obtained during the
control survey in the experimental group before
and after the research and experimental work, it
is possible to note changes in the levels of
development of the skills of students and teachers
in the use of open education technologies. And,
by the end of the formative experiment, the
number of students with a high level of
development of information competence
increased by 38.8%; the number of students in
the experimental group with a low level of
development of information competence
decreased by 45%.
The analysis of the results of the data displayed
in the table and histogram shows that as the
technologies of open education are applied, the
percentage of students who have improved their
professional qualifications has increased. This
makes it possible to characterize education when
applying open education technologies to increase
its effectiveness.
To prove the effectiveness of research and
experimental work, it is necessary to identify a
statistically significant trend in the shift (shift) of
indicators. To solve similar problems, the
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
research used a non-parametric difference
criterion: the sign criterion.
The results of our work in the experimental group
showed that after using open education
technologies, the respondents changed their
opinion about the influence of various factors on
becoming a specialist. Thus, during the re-
ranking, work in the electronic library of a higher
education institution, searching the Internet, as
well as creating electronic presentations took
higher positions (30-37%). 60% of students
answered that they communicate with teachers
using open education technologies.
Results and Discussion
According to the definition of UNESCO, "open
educational resources are educational and
scientific resources that exist in open access or are
released under a license that allows their free use
and modification by third parties".
Open education is a global education, an integral
world system of high-quality, mostly higher
education, which incorporates common traditional
components into its being, on a new technological
basis. The main goal of open education is to
prepare students for effective and full participation
in professional and social life in the conditions of
the information society (Kovalska et al., 2023).
The leading features of open education are:
accessibility (access to education of various
social groups);
flexibility (the ability of education seekers to
study in a city convenient for them and at a
convenient time);
cost-effectiveness (economy of financial and
human resources, material costs through the
use of open education technologies);
parallelism (carrying out educational
activities without separation from production,
i.e. simultaneously with professional
coordination (introduction of the function of
coordinator of the educational process and
creation of the position of mentor-
social equality (the use of ideas of social
equality in education with the help of equal
access to its acquisition);
internationality (acquiring higher education
without leaving one's country in foreign
educational institutions, the possibility of
providing educational services to
compatriots, foreign citizens, and education
seekers temporarily living abroad);
modularity (the formation of an individual
curriculum that has a set of independent
course modules) (Korzhylova, 2014).
In such a modern system, the educational process
provides an opportunity for high-quality learning
to become creative and open, with it there is
freedom of choice, provision of free access to
information resources, an individualized
approach, and the creation of conditions for
creative joint mastering of the world.
Open education ensures innovative changes like
the relations of participants in educational
activities and ensures continuity of learning,
efficiency, and accessibility in obtaining
knowledge throughout life (Stepanova et al.,
Successful experience, the implementation of
open education technologies for the
informatization of higher education institutions for
high-quality training of specialists, innovative
methods, approaches to such an educational
process, and clear solutions of open education are
actively implemented in many countries and
regions (Osadchuk, 2022).
Nowadays offers a new dimension of open
education. Scientists D. Araya, R. Britez,
M. Peters, Sh. Takdeo (Peters et al., 2008) propose
a transition to the paradigm of open education,
which is an integral component of an open society
and digital economy and is not limited to open
Studying the issue of improving educational
content and quality open education showed the
need for experimental research.
The purpose of the experiment: to prove the
importance and necessity of introducing open
education technologies as an important
component of the informatization of a higher
education institution for high-quality training of
specialists, to find out the leading and specific
features of open education, to highlight the main
principles of open education.
A survey of students and teachers was conducted,
in which the analysis of the questionnaires made it
possible to build a study that allows:
to assess the influence of several motives on
respondents' mastery of modern technologies
of open education, as an important
component of informatization of a higher
education institution;
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
determine for what purposes they use open
education technologies.
All survey participants answered that mastering
open education technologies at the user level is an
integral part of any specialist's training.
Many students and teachers (88%) would like to
increase their level of mastery of open education
technologies and acquire additional professional
knowledge, skills, and abilities.
We deliberately did not divide the answers of
students and teachers into groups, as they received
an equal percentage ratio and turned out to be
close in terms of the use of open education
technologies in educational activities.
We invited students to rank the main types and
forms of student activity in a higher education
institution, which significantly influence the
formation of students' personalities, their
worldviews, becoming a specialist and
professionals in their field.
The conclusion of the ascertaining stage of the
research and experimental work was the
conclusion about the need for the purposeful
formation of information competence in future
specialists and the increase in the introduction of
open education technologies into the education
We asked the respondents of higher education
institutions the following questions: "Do you think
that mastering open education technologies is
necessary for a teacher of a higher school and a
student?", "Do you use open education
technologies as a tool that helps you in preparing
for classes, in working with students, in self-
education?", "What technologies of open
education, in your opinion, must be mastered by a
modern worker?".
All respondents who took part in the survey
(100%) answered affirmatively to these questions.
For the last question, such information
technologies as Internet search, communication by
e-mail, participation in teleconferences, and
services developed by Google were offered
(Prokopenko, 2020).
Nowadays, open education is seen by the world
community as a complex phenomenon that
involves active interaction and participation of
education seekers in the dimension of lifelong
learning, in addition, to open access to educational
resources (life-wide learning) (Lokshyna, 2018).
Let's emphasize the generalizing factors that
caused the emergence of open education:
1) caused by the processes of the development
of society, which are objective: the
emergence of new requirements for the pace
and nature of the acquisition of education by
those seeking education, for the educational
level of all people;
2) caused by the need to create a climate to
ensure the personal development of a person
and the nature of obtaining a quality
education in modern conditions, connected
with the emergence of new individual needs
of education seekers;
3) caused by the objective processes of human
development, which are associated with new
educational opportunities and appeared with
the advent of the education system
(Akhnovska, 2019).
additional conditions for personal individual
innovative content and pedagogical
technologies of learning;
large-scale informatization of the education
in-depth processes of integration and
democratization of education. The mentioned
factors complement each other and are
mutually dependent. The modern educational
paradigm was the reaction of the educational
system to the mentioned factors, declared and
defined the principles of open education
(Bykov, 2008).
Modern open education requires the introduction
of distance learning for the constant improvement
of the educational space to increase the
competitiveness of future specialists, and quality
training of specialists (Plakhotnik et al., 2023).
The process of distance education of specialists is
ensured by: flexibility; modularity; the importance
of the quantitative audience; economy;
technology; social equality; renewal of the
teaching position; positive impact on the audience;
quality level of education; and efficiency (Mala,
2022). So, the main principles of the distance
education system are flexibility, openness,
modularity, dynamism, continuity, adaptability,
and creativity (Yaroshenko, 2019).
Nowadays, in the process of educational and
management activities, the use of innovative
technologies (cloud-oriented) in institutions of
higher education is gaining a global scale, for
example, Google company is actively working on
the improvement of existing and on the
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
development and release of new cloud
technologies (applications and services).
The advantages of open education, which is an
important component of the informatization of a
higher education institution for high-quality
training of specialists, include:
providing every individual with educational
opportunities at any stage of career and life
elimination of barriers in education
(geography, cost, admission requirements,
since open education is implemented through
digital technologies, we highlight the
promotion of education modernization,
since open education creates a bridge between
informal and formal education, we emphasize
the development of education throughout life
(Inamorato Dos Santos et al., 2016). An
important component of the informatization
of a higher education institution for high-
quality training of specialists and innovative
support for the independent work of
education seekers is the strategy of open
education, which provides for the interaction
of all interested parties horizontally and
vertically at all levels: between the central
government, Brussels and member states,
educational institutions, regional and local
educational bodies; employers and the
education sector; educators, students of
education, parents, listeners; informal and
formal education (Lokshyna, 2018).
According to statistics from the free online course
catalog Class Central (Shah, 2018) more than
11,500 courses from more than 900 universities
were offered in 2018 alone.
The subject distribution of courses (Fig. 1) shows
the popularity among developers of various fields:
20% "Technology", 18% "Business", 11% "Social
sciences", the fewest courses (5%) were created
from the fields "Art and design" and (3.1%)
"Mathematics" etc.
Figure 1. Distribution of courses by fields of knowledge according to ClassCentral research
According to the version of ClassCentral, among
the popular platforms for consumers of
educational content: FutureLearn 8.7 million,
Udacity 10 million, XuetangX 14 million, Edx
18 million, Coursera 37 million (Shah, 2018).
At the portal reviews.com "The Best MOOC
Platforms for 2018" evaluation is submitted,
which is affected by: the presence of integrated
forums for social interaction, the ability to review
and evaluate completed courses, the quality of
materials submitted by the teacher, etc. Coursera
received the highest rating of 8.8 out of 10,
followed by Edx with a rating of 7.4 out of 10, and
Udemy in sixth place with a rating of 0.4 out of 10.
The generalization of the obtained results guided
the choice of scientists (Semenikhina et al., 2020)
at research of such educational platforms: Edx
(www.edx.org), Coursera (www.coursera.org),
MIT OpenCourseWare (www.ocw.mit.edu),
OpenLearn (www.open.edu), Udemy
(www.udemy.com), Prometheus
(www.prometheus.org.ua), UoPeople
(www.uopeople.edu), Maidan Open University
(www.vum.org.ua), OpenLearningInitiative
Technologies; 20,4%
Mathematics; 3,1%
Art and design; 5,0%
Engineering; 7,0%
Medicine; 7,2%
Education; 8,6%
Business; 18,2%
Social sciences;
sciences; 9,4%
Natural Sciences;
Технології Математика Мистецтво і дизайн Інженерія
Медицина Освіта Бізнес Соціальні науки
Гуманітарні науки Природничі науки
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Appropriate educational systems are created for
practical implementation of the ideas of open
education (computer-technological,
psychological-pedagogical, organizational-
management, normative-legal, financial-
economic). It is worth highlighting and
emphasizing the importance of the psychological
and pedagogical problem, the solution of which is
the most difficult task. This problem is the main
factor in ensuring the quality of higher education,
it is the creation of open education for quality
training of specialists (Bykov, 2008).
The main principles of open education include:
lack of strict regulation in the performance of
internal differentiation;
suitable time for studying;
conscious learning;
teaching social interaction;
the integrity of the learning process;
orientation to the applied nature of knowledge
(Yatsura, 2018).
After proving the importance and necessity of
introducing open education technologies as an
important component of informatization of the
institution of higher education and clarifying the
leading and specific features of open education,
highlighting the main principles of open
education, a control survey of students and
teachers was conducted. In addition, we decided
not to significantly change the questions and
tasks of the initial cut to track the dynamics of the
students' training level.
Table 1.
The level of development of students and teachers' skills in the use of open education technologies
Level informative competence
To be held experiment (%)
After conducting experiment (%)
Comparing the results obtained during the
control survey in the experimental group before
and after the research and experimental work, it
is possible to note changes in the levels of
development of the skills of students and teachers
in the use of open education technologies. And,
by the end of the formative experiment, the
number of students with a high level of
development of information competence
increased by 38.8%; the number of students in
the experimental group with a low level of
development of information competence
decreased by 45%.
The analysis of the results of the data displayed
in the table and histogram shows that as the
technologies of open education are applied, the
percentage of students who have improved their
professional qualifications has increased. This
makes it possible to characterize education when
applying open education technologies to increase
its effectiveness.
To prove the effectiveness of research and
experimental work, it is necessary to identify a
statistically significant trend in the shift (shift) of
indicators. To solve similar problems, the
research used a non-parametric difference
criterion: the sign criterion.
In our case, we have that the results of two tests
are measured on an interval scale. In these
conditions, it is possible to use the sign criterion
to identify the tendency to change the state of
knowledge of students and teachers after the
application of open education technologies, since
all the assumptions of this criterion are fulfilled.
A survey was conducted to reveal the opinion of
respondents about the need to use open education
technologies, the results of the survey analysis
are given below.
90% of students believe that the use of open
education technologies reduces the time they
spend on studying a discipline, promotes quality
learning, and helps them remember the main
categories more clearly and present their content
more deeply, contributing to better assimilation
of the material;
92% of students answered that they want the use
of open education technologies to take place in
all disciplines of subject training;
76% of students are attracted by visuality in the
application of open education technologies;
89% accessibility of the presentation of the
59% -the possibility of choosing an "educational
75% logical presentation of the material.
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The results of our work in the experimental group
showed that after using open education
technologies, the respondents changed their
opinion about the influence of various factors on
becoming a specialist. Thus, during the re-
ranking, work in the electronic library of a higher
education institution, searching the Internet, as
well as creating electronic presentations took
higher positions (30-37%). 60% of students
answered that they communicate with teachers
using open education technologies.
So, the results obtained in the course of research
and experimental work indicate that if the
educational process is carried out based on
substantiated leading and specific features of
open education, the main principles of open
education are highlighted with the use of the
most important services. The level of information
competence of students and teachers will
increase and will lead to high-quality training of
specialists in institutions of higher education
(Bykov, 2008).
As teachers and students of higher education get
expanded access to digital resources in the
conditions of open education, the traditional
education tools used for the educational space are
changing. Students work with modern digital
devices connected to the Internet, which is
important for innovative support for the
independent work of students, and textbooks are
not the main source of information. With this
approach, electronic content should be more than
just a digitized textbook. Students of higher
education must create new resources, interact with
digital content, post in a personal digital
environment send work for review, and
communicate with the teacher and other students
of higher education. The teacher can choose
resources for the personalized training of each
student of higher education, organize the
educational activities of students using mixed
technology, combine online learning in groups
during laboratory work and lectures, and monitor
the individual work of the student with resources
previously prepared for processing, to organize
projects in cooperation with educational space
acquirers of other specialties or other groups
(Hurzhii et al., 2021).
The introduction into the system of higher
education of open education technologies, an
important component of the informatization of
the institution of higher education for the high-
quality training of specialists and innovative
support for the independent work of education
seekers, will create new educational conditions
for the formation of a modern competitive
specialist, will contribute to the establishment of
a high authority of education in the world, will
allow the introduction of innovative reserves of
potential progressive development, will
contribute to the confident and purposeful entry
of any country into the developed countries of
Europe and the world.
Open education provides innovative changes like
the relationships of participants in educational
activities, continuity of learning, efficiency, and
accessibility in acquiring knowledge, and
innovative support for independent work of
education seekers throughout their lives.
The importance of the introduction of open
education technology, an important component
of the informatization of a higher education
institution for the quality training of specialists
and innovative support for the independent work
of education seekers, is proven and shown.
The main goal of open education and leading and
specific features of open education are clarified,
and the main principles of open education are
The role of the most important services that
should be used in the education of a modern
institution of higher education is substantiated.
The advantages of open education, which is an
important component of the informatization of a
higher education institution for high-quality
training of specialists, are indicated.
Generalizing factors that led to the emergence of
open education are emphasized.
Prospects for further research consist of the
analysis of leading and specific features of open
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