Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.70.10.5
How to Cite:
Yakaitis, I., Shakhovnina, N., Nikoliuk, O., Shestakovska, T., Haryha-Hrykhno, M., & Matiukha, V. (2023). Application of
information technologies and modeling in management operating systems for improving efficiency and safety. Amazonia
Investiga, 12(70), 51-62. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.70.10.5
Application of information technologies and modeling in management
operating systems for improving efficiency and safety
Застосування інформаційних технологій та моделювання в операційних системах
управління для підвищення ефективності та безпеки
Received: August 1, 2023 Accepted: September 24, 2023
Written by:
Inha Yakaitis1
Nataliia Shakhovnina2
Olena Nikoliuk3
Tetiana Shestakovska4
Marharyta Haryha-Hrykhno5
Viktoriia Matiukha6
The article examines the essence of information
technology in the contemporary world and its
impact on management operating systems. The
authors define the concept of "information
technology" and the basic principles of its
functioning. In addition, the paper identifies the
most common methods and approaches to modeling
management operating systems. The authors
analyzed the impact of information technologies on
the development of Ukrainian enterprises. They
also presented the latest information technologies in
enterprise management and their essential
contribution to the economy, exports, and
employment. The study analyzed the dynamics of
IT services development in Ukraine and their
impact on its economy. It also presented a general
analysis of operating systems in Ukraine and
Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, Metodist Theacher, Separate structural unite “Kyiv Transport and Economic
Vocational College of the National Transport University”, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Higher Educational Institution “Academician Yuriy Bugay International
Scientific and Technical University”, Chernihiv Institute of Information, Business and Law, Chernihiv, Ukraine.
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management, Marketing and
Public Administration, Odesa National University of Technology, Odesa, Ukraine.
Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Rector, Higher Educational Institution “Academician Yuriy Bugay International
Scientific and Technical University”, Chernihiv Institute of Information, Business and Law, Chernihiv, Ukraine.
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Higher Educational Institution “Academician Yuriy Bugay International
Scientific and Technical University”, Chernihiv Institute of Information, Business and Law, Chernihiv, Ukraine.
Lecturer, Department of Law, Higher Educational Institution “Academician Yuriy Bugay International Scientific and Technical
University”, Chernihiv Institute of Information, Business and Law, Chernihiv, Ukraine.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
considered the possibilities of integrating
information technology and innovative educational
approaches. In addition, the paper examines the
impact of information technology on the
management of operating systems' security and
presents the economic and technological effects
that arise from implementing information
technologies. This research aims to highlight the
importance of information technologies in
improving the efficiency and security of
management operating systems.
Keywords: information technologies, modeling,
management operating system, innovative
approaches, entrepreneurship, competitiveness,
productivity, management.
Effective management is more critical than ever
in today's fast-paced and competitive world.
High competition, globalization, technological
development, and the increasing information
flow create new challenges for businesses and
organizations. One of the key components of
successful management is the ability to use
information technology and modeling in
management operating systems in a timely and
effective manner.
Information technologies have become not only
a tool for data processing but also a strategic
resource that enables informed decision-making,
event prediction, and the improvement of
business processes. With them, it is possible to
enhance efficiency, reduce risks, and increase
Modeling, in turn, provides the capability to
analyze scenarios, determine optimal solutions,
and evaluate their consequences without a direct
impact on real business operations. This tool
becomes vital for strategy development, resource
planning, and project management. In this
context, the issues of using information
technology and modeling in management
operating systems are becoming relevant and
require detailed consideration.
This study aims to review and analyze the use of
information technologies and modeling in
management operating systems to improve
efficiency and security in organizations and
The research goals are as follows:
to substantiate the impact of information
technologies on security in management
operating systems;
to analyze examples of effective use of
models in management operating systems;
to formulate requirements for further
development of the methodology for
implementing information technologies in
management operating systems.
Literature review
Implementation of information technologies and
the use of modeling in management operating
systems are becoming increasingly important
aspects in today's business environment.
Facilitation of processes, increase in efficiency,
and security have become essential tasks for
enterprises of all sizes and specializations.
Constantly evolving information technologies
provide an opportunity to introduce new
approaches to managing operational processes.
They help to improve the productivity and
competitiveness of companies.
Setiawati, R., Eve, J., Syavira, A.,
Ricardianto, P., and Endri, E. (2022) investigate
the relationship between information
technologies and business flexibility. Their
article aims to explore the aspects of using
information technologies and their impact on
companies' business flexibility and
competitiveness. Scientists consider both
internal and external factors, as well as the role
Yakaitis, I., Shakhovnina, N., Nikoliuk, O., Shestakovska, T., Haryha-Hrykhno, M., Matiukha, V. / Volume 12 - Issue 70:
51-62 / October, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of top management and employees in achieving
business flexibility.
The research by Vasylieva, N. V.,
Vasylieva, O. I., Prylipko, S. M.,
Kapitanets, S. V., and Fatkhutdinova, O. V.
(2020) emphasizes the need for integrating
innovative approaches to personnel training in
the field of public administration for the
successful implementation of decentralization
reforms in Ukraine. According to their findings,
the new model of public service should be based
on transparency, efficiency, and collaboration
with the public. Also, this model should be based
on innovative methodologies and technologies in
the professional development of civil servants.
The authors believe it will help curb corruption,
increase public trust, and ensure the qualitative
delivery of public services.
Shaposhnykov, K., Kochubei, O., Grygor, O.,
Vyshnevska, O., Protsenko, N., and
Dzyubina, A. (2021) examined the dynamics of
the growth of Ukrainian information
technologies exports. They established a
connection between the components of the IT
product market and the main and auxiliary stages
of its creation. For their development and
promotion, the authors proposed a methodology
of iterative software development based on
prototyping with elements of the Scrum system.
Based on a proven flexible development
technology, this approach allowed for the
introduction of specific mechanisms that helped
neutralize several negative factors associated
with other methods.
Kotelevets, D. O. (2022) focuses on current
trends in the development of the digital economy
in Ukraine, particularly regarding the
implementation of modern information and
communication technologies in the activities of
domestic enterprises. The author emphasizes the
necessity of digital transformation to ensure the
competitiveness of businesses and create
favorable conditions for sustainable economic
Vyhaniailo, S. M. (2021) investigated the
relationship between information technologies
and business analysis. He analyzed the key stages
of business analysis and classified software for
business analysis. The research identified the
primary goal of business analysis - to provide
business consulting services using modern
information technologies. The study also
explored the use of IT technologies for
contemporary business analysis methods. The
author identified the prospects of information
technology development to enhance business
management system efficiency.
Vankovych, L. Ya., Mysiuk, R. V.,
Dobush, Т. І., Bobko, О. V., Konyk, О. V.,
Shyian, S. М., and Tsvyk, S. R. (2023) examined
key aspects of the impact of information
technologies on the functioning and development
of enterprises in the contemporary business
environment. The authors emphasized the role of
IT in providing flexibility and responsiveness to
market changes, as well as the automation of
labor processes through information technology.
They also looked at its influence on costs and
productivity, the increased availability of
information for managers, and its impact on
decision-making processes.
The following methods were used in the course
of this study:
A literature review was employed to identify
key concepts, approaches, and methods
related to the use of information
technologies and modeling in management
operating systems.
The generalization method was used to
analyze the results of the study of Ukrainian
information technologies' export dynamics
and establish connections between different
components of the IT product market.
Statistical data analysis was employed to
assess the trends in information technology
development and its impact on management
operating systems, as well as to identify
patterns in the utilization of these
technologies in enhancing efficiency and
Case studies of effective model utilization in
management operating systems
demonstrated that the implementation of
information technologies and modeling can
lead to increased productivity and overall
security improvement in organizations.
The use of information technologies (IT) has
become a necessity in the modern world. In these
circumstances, they have evolved into a powerful
tool for achieving success in various fields of
activity. Information technologies have
influenced how we work, learn, communicate,
and manage various aspects of life.
Information technology is an organized process
of data processing using computer systems and
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
software aimed at ensuring fast access to
information, its processing, storage, and
transmission, regardless of its location.
Information technologies encompass methods,
production processes, as well as software and
hardware tools that contribute to optimizing the
use of information resources. Besides, they
improve the productivity and flexibility of
information processes (Setiawati et al., 2022).
The essence and significance of using IT become
evident when considering their fundamental
principles (see Figure 1). These principles define
basic approaches to using technologies and their
impact on our internal and external environment.
They determine how IT contributes to enhancing
efficiency, security, and the development of
various spheres of our lives.
Figure 1. The principles of using information technologies.
Source: Compiled by the authors based on (Tarasiuk, 2011).
Thus, modeling in management operating
systems becomes a key tool for achieving a high
level of efficiency and competitiveness for
organizations. It enables the analysis,
optimization, and improvement of various
aspects of operational management, including
supply, production, logistics, customer service,
and many others. In this context, the assessment
of methods and approaches to modeling in
management operating systems becomes
particularly relevant. The use of scientific
methods, innovative tools, and advanced
software allows for the creation of accurate and
realistic models of operational processes, as well
as the analysis of their efficiency and
improvement (Hrynevych et al., 2020).
According to recent research on the impact of
information technologies on the development of
enterprises, Ukrainian scientists have concluded
that information systems can transform
organizations, providing them with greater
competitiveness and efficiency. They enable the
restructuring of structure, scope, and
management tools, transforming work processes,
products, and services. New possibilities include
global coordination of dispersed teams through
the following means:
email and video conferencing;
the creation of virtual organizations without
physical constraints;
increased flexibility in responding to market
the automation of labor processes.
All these means make information technologies
powerful tools for achieving success in modern
business (Vankovych et al., 2023).
Therefore, the methods and approaches to
modeling management operating systems are
important tools for improving the efficiency and
optimization of business processes in modern
companies. The main ones are as follows:
1. System Modeling.
Principles of using
Efficiency Optimization of processes and reduction of
time required to complete tasks
Security Ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and
availability of data
of tasks Automation of routine operations and
development of user-friendly interfaces
Integration Exchange of information between business
infrastructure units
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
System dynamics allows modeling the behavior
of a system over time and determining the
relationships between its components. It enables
the analysis of the impact of various factors on
the system's dynamics and the development of
management strategies.
In turn, systems analysis is used to analyze and
optimize complex systems, treat the system as a
holistic entity, and analyze the interactions
between its components.
2. Mathematical Modeling.
Deterministic modeling involves using
mathematical equations to model operational
processes, allowing for precise analysis and
outcome prediction. Conversely, simulation
modeling employs stochastic models to replicate
real operating systems, with its main advantage
being the ability to model random events and
3. Process Modeling.
Business process modeling is used to model
business processes and optimize them. It helps
determine the sequence of actions, resources, and
other aspects of operational systems. Project
management and performance analysis also use
process modeling.
4. Optimization Modeling.
Linear programming is used to find optimal
solutions in cases where the objective function
and constraints are linear. Dynamic
programming allows solving optimization
problems by breaking them down into smaller
tasks and finding optimal solutions for each of
5. Other approaches.
Expert systems leverage expert knowledge for
decision-making and analyzing operational
systems. Agent-based modeling employs
individual agents that interact with each other to
model a system (Klymchuk, 2021).
In addition, the field of information technology
is considered the most dynamic, with
advancements occurring every day. The use of
technical tools provides interactive access for
users to information resources. Technological
progress is constantly changing; new software is
emerging, and new data search and processing
methods are being developed. As a part of
improving the information technology sector,
cutting-edge information systems have started to
evolve in enterprise management, incorporating
the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine
learning. They allow information systems to
analyze large volumes of data, make predictions,
and make decisions based on analysis.
Furthermore, there is a growing trend of
transitioning to cloud technologies as they allow
real-time data storage and processing, as well as
reducing equipment and maintenance costs
(Dalyk et al., 2023).
Blockchain technology, on the other hand, offers
a high level of security and reliability for
transactions and data exchange in information
systems. It finds applications in financial
management, logistics, and many other fields.
Cybersecurity has become extremely important
with the increasing number of cyberattacks and
threats. Information systems must be protected
from potential threats and ensure the
confidentiality and integrity of data (Asaul et al.,
It should be noted that currently, some
researchers propose an innovative approach to
developing and implementing IT products. This
approach is based on the methodology of
iterative software development, using
prototyping principles and Scrum system
elements. Like other Lean and Agile methods,
Scrum optimizes limited resources and enhances
efficiency. This method is developed based on
tried and tested flexible development
technologies. It allows for the addition of several
mechanisms to neutralize several negative
factors that are characteristic of other software
development approaches. With the help of this
approach and the Scrum methodology, software
development becomes more flexible and
adaptive to changes. It can ensure the successful
implementation of a project and meet clients'
needs (Shaposhnykov et al., 2021).
It is also important to improve such a
methodology within the framework of the
growing dynamics of exports of global and, in
particular, Ukrainian information technologies.
Currently, a connection is being established
between the components of the IT product
market and the primary and auxiliary stages of
their creation. Therefore, it is worth expanding
the Scrum methodology, emphasizing strategic
planning and collaboration with higher
management levels. That will help ensure greater
alignment of the developed products with the
company's strategic goals.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
It is also worth delving into the latest trends in
the development of information technology for
business analysis. The most effective among
them include, for example:
"Seeneco." It is a cloud service for financial
control within the company with integration
with banks, revenue, and expense planning,
as well as Excel import and export.
"Tibco Spotfire," an analytical data analysis
and visualization platform tailored to
specific business processes.
"Watson Analytics," operating based on the
IBM Watson supercomputer with a voice
interface (Vyhaniailo, 2021).
Therefore, implementing these information
technologies into a business allows for the
creation of an effective mechanism for financial
control and meticulous revenue and expense
planning. This, in turn, contributes to
maintaining the organization's balanced financial
state. In addition, it provides the opportunity to
analyze accumulated data and present it in a user-
friendly format. This mechanism facilitates a
better understanding of the current situation and
aids in making informed and strategically
important decisions. Automated data analysis
processes become more precise thanks to the use
of the IBM Watson computer and a voice
interface. Thus, technology integration helps
businesses enhance financial management
efficiency, analyze data for decision-making, and
implement innovative approaches to improving
business processes (Oliinyk et al., 2021).
Innovative technologies are currently closely
linked to the development of the financial
technology sector. Fintech impacts the
development of information technology by
creating a demand for innovative solutions and
developing technological infrastructure for
modern financial services. However, it is
essential to emphasize that this interaction works
in both directions. On the one hand, information
technologies provide fintech companies with
tools for creating and improving financial
products and services. On the other hand, these
companies are constantly advancing information
technologies to enhance their financial solutions'
efficiency, speed, and security. They actively
implement artificial intelligence, blockchain, big
data, and other innovations to automate financial
processes and improve the consumer experience
(Shevchenko & Rudych, 2020).
Among the most technologically advanced banks
in Ukraine, such as Oschadbank, UkrGasBank,
Raiffeisen Bank Aval, Alfa-Bank, UkrSibbank,
PUMB, OTP Bank, and Megabank, there are
numerous collaborative initiatives with fintech
companies. An exception to this is PrivatBank,
which boasts a significant in-house development
center. PrivatBank is actively working on
digitalizing its services and financial offerings,
which have long extended beyond traditional
banking. They are setting a new standard in
Ukraine by building a digital ecosystem that
integrates financial services, retail trade, and e-
commerce (Kholiavko et al., 2022). Additionally,
the neobank segment in Ukraine is rapidly
evolving, introducing new players to the fintech
market. Monobank, which is now a part of
Universal Bank, stands out among them.
Throughout 2020, there was substantial growth
in Ukrainian neobanks, including Sportbank, the
launch of O. bank, beta testing of Izibank, and the
anticipated debut of Neobank (National Bank of
Ukraine, 2020).
A significant step in developing the fintech
industry is the active involvement of the National
Bank of Ukraine. The bank not only acts as the
main regulator but also actively promotes the
initiation and development of fintech projects. In
January 2020, the National Bank of Ukraine
approved the "Strategy for the Development of
the Financial Sector of Ukraine until 2025." In
this document, one of the strategic directions is
the development of the fintech and information
technology market (National Bank of Ukraine,
Today, Ukraine's information technologies
sphere remains one of the most dynamic
segments of the economy. The export of IT sector
services from the country has grown by over 25%
in the last five years (see Figure 2). At the
international level, there is a significant number
of outsourcing companies providing their
services in various countries. Moreover, in
Ukraine, more than 100 highly qualified
companies represent the IT development sector
(Prasad, 2022).
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
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Figure 2. IT in the Ukrainian economy.
Source: (IT Ukraine Association, 2022).
In general, the data in the table indicate a positive
trend in the development of IT services in the
country and their significant contribution to the
economy, exports, and employment. It should be
noted that the development of IT is equally vital
for the security of management operating
systems within the state. It contributes to
ensuring the protection of confidential
information, minimizing the risks of cyberattacks
and data breaches, strengthening control over
critical infrastructures, and improving the ability
to respond to cyber threats.
A comprehensive analysis of operating systems
in Ukraine, including desktop computers, mobile
devices, tablets, and game consoles, shows that
Windows is the leading operating system. It is
favored on 59.8% of the mentioned devices.
Windows remains the leader in Ukraine when
considering desktop computers separately, as it is
used on 83.73% of computers. OS X operating
systems are used on 13.1% of devices, while
Linux holds a 1.8% share.
In the mobile device segment, preference is given
to the Android operating system, which is present
on 82.1% of smartphones. The iOS operating
system is used on 17.5% of mobile devices. This
means that nearly every sixth smartphone
operates on this platform. Regarding tablets, the
Android operating system also tops the chart and
is used on 54.9% of all tablet devices. At the
same time, iOS is installed on 44.9% of tablets.
It is worth noting the gaming console market,
which has gained significant popularity. Today,
the Ukrainian market has seen the emergence of
PlayStation consoles. They are used on 71.5% of
devices, while Xbox represents 28.42% of all
gaming consoles (Yudin, 2020).
With the proliferation of digital technologies,
electronic document management, and other
information innovations, security has become a
top priority in ensuring the stability, efficiency,
and resilience of governance within the state.
Information technologies serve as a key catalyst
for innovative societal and economic
development. They unlock new possibilities,
such as production flexibility and
individualization. However, these advancements
bring new challenges, including rapid
technological changes and high complexity (Law
of Ukraine No. 851-IV, 2003). Ukraine is
currently actively integrating into global
digitization processes. Yet certain aspects, such
as the governmental sector, management,
technology accessibility, and the risk associated
with investing in the digital sphere, remain less
developed in Ukraine (Shlaifer & Todoshchuk,
Studying the impact of information technologies
on the security of management operating systems
is a prerequisite for enhancing the effectiveness
of state authorities. It ensures resilience against
internal and external threats and strengthens
societal trust in government institutions (see
Table 1). This issue demands in-depth analysis,
scientific justification, and the development of
specific measures to increase security levels in
management operating systems. It also involves
the utilization of modern information
technologies to improve the quality of public
service delivery and achieve strategic goals.
2,10% 2,20% 2,40% 2,70% 3,20% 3,50%
15,90% 17,40%
0,2752 0,2741 0,2803 0,2892 0,2837 0,289
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Share of computer services
exports in GDP, %.
Share of computer services in
total exports of services, %.
Number of people employed,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 1.
The impact of information technologies on the security and efficiency of management operating systems.
Positive impact
Negative impact
Cyber threats and
cyber attacks
- Ensuring better detection and protection
against cyber threats - Enhancing monitoring and anomaly detection
- Increase in the number of successful
cyberattacks - Threat of data privacy loss
- Protection of information confidentiality
through encryption and other methods - Ability to restrict access to confidential data
- Risk of confidential information
leakage due to security breaches
- Guarantee of data integrity during
transmission and storage - Protection against unauthorized data
- Threat to data integrity due to malicious
Data access
- Ensuring control over access to critical
information - Identification and authentication of users to
prevent unauthorized access
- Risk of unauthorized access to
confidential data - Possibility of data failure due to loss of
identification data
Threat monitoring
and detection
- Continuous monitoring of operating systems
and detection of potential threats - Responding to anomalies and threats
- Exaggerated alarms and false positives
can disrupt monitoring systems
Safety culture
- Increased staff awareness about cyber threats
and security measures - Involvement of staff in identifying threats and
- Ignoring security rules by staff can lead
to cyber breaches - Risk of social engineering and phishing
Source: compiled by the authors based on (Kotelevets, 2022).
The impact of information technologies on
security in management operating systems is a
complex and multifaceted phenomenon. It
requires continuous monitoring, analysis, and
improvement. The introduction of innovative
solutions and the use of information technologies
in the field of public administration in Ukraine
have yielded certain positive results. Thus, the
introduction of information technologies into the
sphere of citizen services, document circulation,
healthcare, etc. (Kotelevets, 2022) played a
crucial role in enhancing the efficiency and
security of Ukraine's management operating
According to the findings of Ukrainian
researchers, the new model of public service
should be based on transparency and active
cooperation with the public. Therefore, it is
essential to implement information technologies
that ensure data accessibility and openness, as
well as contribute to improving the quality of
public service delivery. Additionally, it is
necessary to consider the impact of various
information technology innovations as tools for
optimization and effective cost savings in the
field of management. Innovative methodologies
and learning technologies can also play a key role
in preparing officials for the challenges
associated with decentralization and reforms.
They ensure a high level of competence among
the staff and prepare them for new tasks in
modern management (Vasylieva et al., 2020).
Therefore, the integration of information
technologies and innovative learning approaches
can become a significant factor in improving the
efficiency and security of management operating
systems. They can contribute to the successful
implementation of decentralization reform in
Ukraine. As part of a further study of successful
examples of the use of information technology
and modeling in management operating systems,
it is worth noting that not only the public
administration sector but also business
representatives have achieved success.
In Ukraine, the information systems
implemented in domestic enterprises belong to
software products of well-known foreign
companies that adhere to the highest global
standards. Among these systems are "Oracle
Corporation" with its "Oracle Application"
system, "SAP AG" with its "SAP R/3" system,
"Scala" and "Baan Company" with its "Baan IV"
system. These systems are implemented in
enterprises of various industries and enable the
execution of a standard set of functions
represented by a functional module set for
effective enterprise management (Svystun,
In addition to the adoption of foreign solutions,
Ukraine has also developed its own ERP system
called "IT Enterprise." This system is tailored to
the needs of large and medium-sized industrial
enterprises. It encompasses a wide range of
modules for automating various business
Volume 12 - Issue 70
/ October 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
processes, including production management
(MRPII, MES, APS), finance, budgeting,
controlling, supply chains, quality, maintenance,
accounting, tax accounting, personnel
management, payroll calculation, OLAP
analysis, and other functions that contribute to
optimizing enterprise operations.
Such information systems have been applied in
various Ukrainian enterprises. Among them are
such vital enterprises as "Zorya Gas Turbine
Engineering Research and Production Complex"
- "Mashproekt," "Nyzhnodniprovskyi Pipe
Rolling Plant," "Rosava" (Bila Tserkva), "Azot"
(Cherkasy), "Ferrexpo Poltava Mining,"
"Khimvolokno" (Chernihiv), "Yenakiieve Iron
and Steel Works," and many others. The
advantages of working with these systems
the availability of qualified team members to
implement the system in the regions of
well-proven business solutions;
developed methodologies for the successful
implementation of complex automation
projects at enterprises (Onyshchenko, 2019).
Furthermore, it should be noted that information
technologies enable efficient resolution of
various tasks. This includes rapid processing of
primary documents, automation of calculations,
generation of general ledger, balance sheet, and
other financial reports. Accounting systems
represent comprehensive software solutions
designed to automate both individual accounting
tasks and complex processes related to planning,
monitoring, analysis, management, and decision-
making for strategic management. Therefore, the
implementation of IT requires systematic
monitoring, assessment of their effectiveness,
and continuous improvement.
The economic impact of implementing
information technologies depends on assessing
the cost-effectiveness and productivity of IT
utilization. This analysis aspect is based on the
correlation between the achieved benefits and the
expenses incurred to obtain them. Thus, the main
components of the study are the effects arising
from information technologies and the costs
related to their implementation. It is necessary to
consider the complete life cycle of intelligent
information technologies to assess their
integrated effectiveness fully. Given that most
expenses are incurred during the operation phase,
it is vital to analyze all stages of the information
technology life cycle (Pererva et al., 2021).
In turn, the assessment of the technological effect
of implementing information technologies is
carried out by comparing labor productivity and
production processes when using new software
and technical tools with their predecessors. This
effect evaluation is based on several criteria, such
as technological advancement, innovation,
reliability, ease of use, and flexibility.
Productivity improvement is considered a key
indicator of the technological effect. It is
essential to have specialized regulations,
methodologies, standards, and norms that help
improve information technologies' technical and
operational parameters to achieve a positive
In general, the technological effect also has a
social impact aimed at improving the working
conditions of personnel, enhancing the quality
and comfort of life, and promoting the
harmonious development of people.
Performance indicators determine the suitability
of the information system to perform its tasks and
the overall optimal level of its functioning. This
includes reliability, accuracy, and security,
which depend on local indicators (Larchenko,
Therefore, it should be noted that the successful
use of information technologies in the field of
management, including public administration
and corporate systems, has a significant impact
on improving the efficiency and security of
operating systems. Innovative solutions and the
use of information technologies enable data
accessibility and transparency, improve service
delivery to citizens, and enhance document
management and healthcare management.
Besides, they prepare personnel for challenges
related to reforms and decentralization.
The use of information technologies and
modeling in management operating systems has
become an essential component in the modern
world, where demands for efficiency and safety
are constantly growing. In this context, special
attention should be paid to the necessity of
integrating innovative approaches to training
personnel in the field of public administration for
the successful implementation of
decentralization reforms in Ukraine. Therefore,
we agree with the statements of Vasylieva N. V.,
Vasylieva O. I., Prylipko S. M., Kapitanets S. V.,
and Fatkhutdinova O. V. (2020) regarding the
need for the integration of innovative approaches
to personnel training in the field of public
administration for the successful implementation
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of decentralization reforms in Ukraine. With the
help of this new approach to the functioning of
the civil service, the quality of services for
citizens, document circulation, healthcare, and
more has been improved.
We do not fully agree with the statement of
Shaposhnykov, K., Kochubei, O., Grygor, O.,
Vyshnevska, O., Protsenko, N., and
Dzyubina, A. (2021) regarding the methodology
of iterative software development based on
prototyping using elements of the Scrum system
as a single and comprehensive solution for the
development of Ukrainian information
technologies. This is because the choice of
software development methodology is a complex
task. Also, we cannot assert that the methods of
iterative software development based on
prototyping using elements of the Scrum system
are the only versatile solution for all Ukrainian
information technologies.
In addition, we agree with the statement of
Kotelevets, D. O. (2022) regarding the current
trends in the development of the digital economy
in Ukraine and the implementation of modern
information and communication technologies in
the activities of Ukrainian enterprises. Currently,
digital transformation is essential for the
competitiveness of enterprises and the creation of
conditions for sustainable economic
We agree with the conclusion of
Vyhaniailo, S. M. (2021) concerning the
importance of interconnection between
information technologies and business analysis.
His research, which included an analysis of the
main stages of business analysis and a
classification of business analysis software,
revealed several key aspects. The prospects for
the development of information technologies to
improve the efficiency of the business
management system demonstrate that this area
has great potential to enhance the
competitiveness of enterprises and promote their
sustainable development.
At the same time, we agree with the statements
of Vankovych, L. Ya., Mysiuk, R. V.,
Dobush, T. I., Bobko, O. V., Konyk, O. V.,
Shyian, S. M., and Tsvyk, S. R. (2023). Their
study identified the points of information
technologies' influence on the functioning and
development of enterprises in the market. The
authors highlighted the role of IT in ensuring the
flexibility of enterprises and their ability to
respond to changes in the market. In addition, the
authors identified the importance of increasing
the level of information availability for managers
and its impact on the decision-making process in
the modern management context.
The use of information technologies and
modeling in management operating systems is
becoming a key factor in improving efficiency
and safety in modern business and other areas of
activity. These two aspects interact and influence
each other, contributing to higher levels of
productivity and reliability in management
The use of information technologies, such as data
collection and analysis systems, simplifies the
collection and processing of information. This is
a key to making informed management
decisions. Modeling, in turn, allows analyzing
possible scenarios, forecasting results, and
determining the best courses of action.
Optimization of management operating systems
based on the models helps to allocate resources
effectively, as well as minimize costs and risks.
The following discussion emphasizes that
information technology is becoming the main
tool for ensuring security in management
operating systems. They help to detect threats,
monitor the system's health, and respond to
potential risks faster and more efficiently.
In addition, modeling allows for solving complex
problems, predicting the consequences of various
management decisions, and introducing new
approaches to optimizing management systems.
This helps to increase overall efficiency and
reduce potential risks. Based on this assessment,
it can be concluded that the use of information
technologies and modeling in management
operating systems is an urgent and necessary task
for achieving higher efficiency and safety
indicators. Such technologies have become a
catalyst for the development of modern
management. They help companies and
organizations achieve their strategic goals in a
competitive environment.
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