www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.69.09.30
How to Cite:
Shpak, V., Yezhyzhanska, T., Osmolovska, O., Masimova, L., Figol, N., Figol, B. (2023). Evaluation of distance learning in
ukrainian higher media education: Perspectives and impact of stakeholders. Amazonia Investiga, 12(69), 336-342.
Evaluation of distance learning in ukrainian higher media education:
Perspectives and impact of stakeholders
Оцінка дистанційного навчання в вищій медійній освіті України: Погляди та вплив
зацікавлених сторін
Received: July 12, 2023 Accepted: September 9, 2023
Written by:
Viktor Shpak1
Tetiana Yezhyzhanska2
Olena Osmolovska3
Larysa Masimova4
Nadija Figol5
Bohdan Figol6
The research focuses on the utilization of
computer-oriented educational environments for
distance learning, aiming to assess the current
landscape, highlighting both the positives and
negatives, as well as successful examples and
future prospects in higher education.
Methodologically, the study involved an analysis
of various sources, including statistical and
narrative information, and conducted surveys
among key stakeholder categories to evaluate
their perceptions, effectiveness, and the most
productive formats of distance learning. The
findings challenge the notion that distance
education is only suitable for extreme conditions.
Key educational process participants, especially
in fields like "Journalism," view well-organized
distance education as comparable to traditional
D. Sc. (History), Professor, Professor of the Department of Media Production and Publishing, Faculty of Journalism, Borys
Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Media Production and Publishing, Faculty of Journalism of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University,
Kyiv, Ukraine.
Ph.D. (History), Associate Professor, docent of Media Production and Publishing, Faculty of Journalism of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv
University Kyiv, Ukraine.
Ph.D. (Social Communications), Associate Professor, docent National Technical University of Ukraine "Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv
Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv, Ukraine.
Ph.D. (Journalism), Associate Professor, Chair of the Department of Media Production and Publishing, Faculty of Journalism of
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Magistr, National Technical University of Ukraine "Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv, Ukraine.
Shpak, V., Yezhyzhanska, T., Osmolovska, O., Masimova, L., Figol, N., Figol, B. / Volume 12 - Issue 69: 336-342 /
September, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
and extramural learning methods. It enhances the
computer technology skills of both teachers and
students, proves to be the most inclusive
educational format, lessens financial burdens,
broadens professional development
opportunities, aids in the internationalization of
education, and serves as a marketing tool for
attracting prospective students. However, the
study also reveals an inconsistency between
student and faculty expectations regarding
remote communication formats and the practical
ability of specialists to meet these demands.
Keywords: media education, distance learning,
educational environment, institution of higher
education, information and computer
technologies, stakeholder.
The global crisis brought about by the Covid-19
pandemic and the martial law caused by the
invasion of Ukraine by Russian aggressors
forced the educational environment to work in
extreme conditions, most often in a remote
format. The period of work of educational
institutions in extreme conditions will end sooner
or later, and a logical question will arise: will this
mean the end of distance education? The
proposed article is devoted to the question of the
expediency of using this form of educational
activity in a computer-oriented educational
environment. An example can be Borys
Grinchenko Kyiv University, which
systematically brought the distance education
system into the category of priority, thereby
creating a competitive advantage over other
educational institutions. In the pre-crisis period,
a set of measures, in particular the creation of the
Digital Campus, made it possible not only to
digitize the university but also to improve the
distance learning system, made it possible to
significantly increase interest in the institution,
improve the quantitative and qualitative
characteristics of entrants. Modern requirements
for the training of specialists require taking into
account the interests and active participation of
all interested parties: students, employers and
scientific and pedagogical workers. The
proposed article is designed to show their attitude
to distance learning and to determine the
prospects of this form of education. The purpose
of the research is to analyze the distance
learning of students in the conditions of a
computer-oriented educational environment
using the example of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv
University and to generalize the opinions of
stakeholders regarding its effectiveness and
Literature Review
The concept of "distance education" has a very
broad meaning and many interpretations. The
term "distance education" is considered
synonymous with the terms "distance learning",
"e-learning," and "online learning" and is defined
as "a form of learning in which the main elements
include the physical separation of teachers and
students during learning and the use of various
technologies for facilitation of student-teacher
and student-student communication" (Berg, &
Simonson, (s/f)). In Ukrainian legislation,
distance learning is defined as "an individualized
process of acquiring knowledge, abilities, skills
and ways of cognitive activity of a person, which
takes place mainly through the mediated
interaction of remote participants in the
educational process in a specialized environment
that functions on the basis of modern
psychological, pedagogical and information-
communication technologies" (Order No. 466,
2013). Distance education is seen as plural,
encompassing a wide set of technological
applications and learning processes, including
online learning, computer-based learning, web
learning, e-learning, distributed learning, internet
learning, cyber learning, virtual learning or
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
networked learning (Keengwe & Kidd, 2010).
Distance learning is studied in contrast to the
traditional offline format, in particular, the
differences between online and personal (face-to-
face) interaction of students are determined (Shu
& Gu, 2018), (Stradiotová, Némethová &
Štefančík, 2022), the transition from a traditional
environment to distance learning during the
COVID-19 pandemic (Salta et al., 2022), the
conditions for the introduction of blended
learning are studied (Shu & Gu, 2018).
The results of the study by Huszti et al., (2022)
on distance learning testified to how unexpected
and difficult the transition from the classroom to
distance education was. Experts were concerned
that the rapid transition from face-to-face to
online learning could lead to less satisfactory
learning outcomes, not only because of the rapid
change in the learning environment, but also
because online technologies were not mastered
by either teachers or students, meaning that these
online technologies were used improperly (Ali et
al., 2022). Scientists who compared online and
offline learning (Aranyi, Tóth, & Veisz, 2022;
Salta et al., 2022; Shu, & Gu, 2018), in online
learning, they saw a negative trend of decreasing
the quality of education: "the education system
has been affected by the pandemic" "the study
habits of students have changed", "the quality of
the educational process fell, despite all the
teachers' efforts" (Stradiotová, Némethová, &
Štefančík, 2022). Online learning "carries a
stigma of lower quality than face-to-face
learning" (Hodges et al., 2020), despite research
to the contrary. The perception of online learning
as a weak option is explained by the fact that it is
used only in urgent circumstances and not really
planned to take full advantage of its benefits and
opportunities. The new model of education
envisions only a combination of traditional and
distance learning.
Surveys conducted in Ukraine showed that the
mass transition to distance learning has become a
challenge for most Ukrainian universities:
limited access to technological resources,
unstable Internet, and inconsistent access to
software and technical tools. Nevertheless, the
results of the survey confirmed that both teachers
and students are satisfied with the rapid transition
to distance learning due to COVID-19 (Grynyuk,
2022). Ukrainian scientists Nenko, Kybalna &
Snisarenko (2020), having studied the rapid
transition to distance learning in higher education
institutions, foresee "the development of the
concept of distance education and the corporate
network of universities" (Nenko, Kybalna &
Snisarenko, 2020, p. 17). Knowledge of distance
education and emergency distance learning will
be of great importance and will be used in future
contingencies such as natural disasters or
conflicts. And the experience of Ukraine in the
organization of distance education in crisis
conditions, gained during quarantine and martial
law, can be interesting for the world.
The basis of the research methodology was such
scientific methods as surveys, expert
assessments, and statistical analysis in
combination with general scientific approaches
such as analysis, synthesis and generalization.
The basis of the theoretical understanding of the
introduction of ICT-based distance learning was
an empirical study of the training of journalists at
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. The survey
was conducted in 2022 in the form of
questionnaires; separate blocks of questions were
developed for each category of stakeholder
respondents. 26 representatives of the
professional publishing environment who
practice professional collaborations with
students took part in the survey.
Results and Discussion
The practice of distance learning organization at
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
The innovativeness of the use of distance
education at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
consists in the simultaneous application of
several models of such training as well as in the
establishment of a permanent connection in the
chain of student - university - production.
According to the authors, the use of distance
education in the educational process should be
reasoned, may apply only to certain disciplines,
or may be inadmissible, for example, during the
training of doctors or engineers.
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University has a
developed infrastructure, in particular, more than
80 SMART classrooms; an educational cyber
training ground; Wi-Fi zones; a TV studio and
press center; practical centers, laboratories and
workshops; and a resource center for supporting
students with disabilities. In 2017, Grinchenko
University introduced the New Educational
Strategy. Students study in practical centers, the
concept of which was developed by the
university team in order to improve the quality of
graduate training. The basis of the new strategy
is education based on research and practical
activities. A practical orientation to education is
both a hallmark of the university and a logical
Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
response to today's challenges. High-quality
digitalization is the effective mechanism that
allows you to maintain the involvement of
students in practical professional training,
maintaining harmony between theoretical,
research and practical components.
Traditionally, journalism is considered a rather
sensitive professional activity, as it is one of the
first to respond to sociopolitical changes and
global challenges. Therefore, the period of
quarantine restrictions during the Covid-19
pandemic turned out to be quite indicative from
the point of view of the representation of
professional capacity.
In the period of 20192021, the Institute (after
reorganization, the Faculty) of Journalism
managed to increase the quantitative indicators
of applicants' submitted applications and
maintain and even increase the interest of young
people in studying at this higher education
institution. According to the results of the
admissions campaigns, the number of submitted
applications for the "Journalism" specialty was
consistently high: in 2019, more than 3,000, in
2020 3,617, in 2021, 3,648 applications. (Kyiv
University named after Borys Grinchenko,
2019). In 2022, the Institute of Journalism ranked
2nd in Ukraine in the ranking of higher education
institutions by the number of submitted
applications for the specialty 061 Journalism.
During the period of the admission campaign in
2022, 1,410 applications were received, but this
did not affect the admission results (Borys
Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2022). In 2023,
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University became the
leader in terms of the number of submitted
applications for the specialty "Journalism": 1,465
for a bachelor's degree, and second place (260
applications) for a master's degree. In addition,
the vast majority of applicants identified the
chosen educational programs of the faculty as
their highest priority (Borys Grinchenko Kyiv
University, 2023)
Attitude of representatives of stakeholders in the
educational process toward the distance form of
Study of the participants in the educational
process: students and teachers
The vast majority of survey participants: students
of the I-IV courses of the bachelor's degree and
the I-II courses of the master's degree, as well as
the teaching staff of the Institute (faculty) of
journalism defined the distance learning format
(90.4%) as working online with teachers and
colleagues. They identified an e-learning course
as a support tool. In total, 77.2% of respondents
rated distance learning as an effective format that
can be used in parallel with face-to-face learning
and as a progressive learning format for the
future (Table 1).
Table 1.
Distance learning as an effective format
Answer option
Percentage of respondents (%)
An effective format that can be used in parallel with face-to-face
Progressive learning format for the future
A forced step during quarantine restrictions
It is difficult to say
52.1% and 25.1% of the participants of this stage
of the research generally indicated the
importance and positive effect of the possibility
of combining the distance learning format with
student work. This indicator is directly correlated
with the respondents' opinion that distance
learning provides an opportunity to save time for
professional development (71.3%). 71.3% of
survey participants also prefer the synchronous
mode of distance learning. The remote format of
students' practice received an ambiguous
assessment: 35.9% could not decide, 25.1%
spoke positively, 10.8% negatively, and 26.3%
defined it as an interesting experiment. Although
the general trend of the responses indicates an
interest in a similar format. If we understand
"interesting experiment" as a positive experience
that the respondents would repeat in the future,
then in total, we have 51.4% of positive
The remote format of holding meetings between
students and practicing specialists was also rated
positively by all survey participants (Table 2).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 2.
Remote format of student meetings with practicing specialists
Answer option
Percentage of respondents (%)
Useful professional experience
A necessary element of distance learning
A format that can sometimes be used
It is difficult to say
According to the survey data, only 7.3% of
respondents felt detached from the educational
process. According to 47.3% of respondents, the
effectiveness of the knowledge acquired through
distance education is increasing, while 30.5%
indicated a decrease in effectiveness. 54.5% of
research participants would prefer a distance
education program based on the "distance learning
using multimedia programs" model. The fact that
distance learning allows you to save time for
professional development was indicated by 71.3%
of respondents.
If we look at the list of professional competencies
that, according to the respondents, were most
developed during distance learning, we will see that
distance learning is perceived as capable of
developing a wide range of professional
competencies necessary for a future journalist
(table 3).
Table 3.
List of professional competences that are most developed during distance learning
Answer option
Percentage of respondents (%)
Social and informational
It is difficult to say
Research of employers-practitioners involved in
the educational process.
26 representatives of the professional publishing
environment who practice professional
collaborations with students took part in the
survey. Among them is the top management of
publishing houses (directors, deputy directors,
editors, and heads of professional public
organizations). The age indicator ranges from 20
to 68 years old. 73.1% are women. 57.7% of
survey participants under the distance learning
format understand the teacher's work with
students online. The electronic learning system
(ELC) available at the university is considered
only an auxiliary tool. The remote format of
holding meetings between students and
specialists-practitioners as something that can
sometimes be used. 61.5% of respondents
expressed the opinion that the effectiveness of
the knowledge acquired through distance
learning is decreasing. The same number of
interviewed practitioners indicated the presence
of certain topics in the training of journalists, in
particular in the educational program "Publishing
and Editing", which, in their opinion, cannot be
learned remotely.
To the question of the questionnaire "Should we
use the distance learning format after the end of
the quarantine", 50% of respondents answered
that they would prefer a combination of 25%
distance learning and 75% face-to-face learning
(table 4).
Table 4.
Appropriateness of using the distance learning format after the end of the crisis period
Answer option
Percentage of respondents (%)
Partially: 25% remote and 75% face-to-face
Partially: 50% remote and 50% face-to-face
The face-to-face format is more effective for practical classes,
and the remote format is much more convenient for obtaining
the necessary information
Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
34.6% of respondents rated the remote format of
students' practice as negative, and a significant
number of respondents (26.9%) - could not
answer (table 5). It should be noted here that
there are certain difficulties regarding the
organization of students' internships. Publishing
houses often refuse to conduct internships
remotely, although their employees work
Table 5.
Remote format of student practice
Answer option
Percentage of respondents (%)
What an interesting experiment
It is difficult to say
An additional survey conducted showed that
employers' mistrust of the results of distance
learning is caused, firstly, by ignorance of the
possibilities of e-learning (constant access to
information, systematic and objective testing of
theoretical and practical skills, the ability to
organize work in mini-editorial offices, etc.).
Distance learning requires the learner to be more
responsible for the results and develops
independent learning skills, which is an
important requirement of the modern world
continuous improvement, on-the-job training,
etc. Such a specialist, who is able to quickly
adapt and learn, is especially valuable for an
It should also be noted that an interesting feature
is that among the interviewees, in general, older
practitioners have a negative attitude towards
distance education, while younger specialists are
more favorable to this form of education. More
than 70% of the respondents who believe that the
effectiveness of the acquired knowledge under
the distance form of education decreases and
evaluate the distance format of students' practice
as negative are over 58 years old. This fact
indicates a certain lack of acceptance of
information and computer technologies by
representatives of this age group. Since
publishers of age 58 and older are active in the
professional field today, this situation requires an
effective program to include this category of
publishers in the use of modern digital
technologies. In this case, remote formats of
communication with students can be very useful.
It is the process of mutual convergence between
universities and production organizations, where
the presentation of the best practices of such
interaction is the most effective element of self-
1. The distance learning format in the
conditions of a computer-oriented
educational environment and the policy of
practical orientation in learning are effective
marketing tools of higher education
institutions (humanities) in attracting future
students. This is evidenced both by the
results of the study and the results of the
demand of applicants and admission
campaigns of the Institute (Faculty) of
Journalism of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv
University for the quarantine years 2019
2023. Institutions of higher education
managed to increase the number of
applicants' submitted applications and
maintain and even increase the interest of
young people in studying at the Faculty of
Journalism of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv
2. Due to the implemented digital campus, a
complex of certified ELCs and a system of
training pedagogical personnel, the distance
learning format is considered by the
participants of the educational process as an
equal form along with face-to-face and
extramural types of gaining knowledge and
not only as a forced measure during crisis
situations. Leaders of education and politics
in Ukraine can choose the most effective
models of online education that will work
successfully in the era after COVID-19 and
after the war. The experience of Ukrainian
universities in organizing distance learning
in quarantine and martial law conditions can
be useful in other countries as well.
3. Distance learning is perceived as capable of
developing a wide range of professional
competencies necessary for a future
journalist and improving the skills of
teachers and students in using computer-
based educational and communication
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
4. Distance education expands opportunities
for professional development (organization
of practice at enterprises in other regions,
online meetings with practicing specialists).
5. The survey confirmed the effectiveness of
complex and systematic remote information
and computer educational tools, which are
built by the University.
6. The distance learning format expands the
possibilities of internationalization of
education and facilitates the organization of
international trainings, lectures, and
7. The study showed that there is a certain
discrepancy between the demand of the
participants of the modern educational
process (students and representatives of the
teaching staff) and the possibility and
willingness to satisfy this demand on the part
of the practitioners of the media
This may indicate insufficient professional
inclusion of the modern media environment in
the process of personnel training and insufficient
flexibility in responding to the modern
challenges of youth.
8. The study showed the wide research
potential of the outlined issues.
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