www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.69.09.24
How to Cite:
Shvetsova, T.V., & Shakhova, V.E. (2023). Using online constructor as a means of increasing motivation to study
literature. Amazonia Investiga, 12(69), 270-280. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.69.09.24
Using online constructor as a means of increasing motivation to study
Received: August 8, 2023 Accepted: September 25, 2023
Written by:
Tatiana V. Shvetsova1
Veronika E. Shakhova2
The aim of this paper - presents the experience in
creating a layout of an electronic literature
textbook using an online constructor. The
“Arctic Robinsonade” plot served as the material
for the textbook. The methodological apparatus
of the research involves the synthesis of such
approaches as hermeneutics and comparative
studies. The present investigation is of teaching
theory and techniques and digital technologies.
The questionnaire surveying method was used to
collect the empirical material. Mathematical
methods of processing, analysis and
interpretation of the pedagogical experiment
results were applied in the course of the work.
The methods of analyzing differences between
independent samples, ranking method, method of
testing significance of zero and alternative
hypotheses were used for statistic information
processing in MS Excel. The results: the
capabilities of online constructor Tilda to work
on the design of multimedia study aid are
determined and described; the model of the
chapter in multimedia textbook in native
literature is developed; the sections of
multimedia study aid are described, the examples
of the tasks are given, the efficiency of applying
the service of creating websites (online
constructor) is established. The developed
multimedia product is useful for school teachers
and students.
Candidate of Science in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Literature and Russian Language, Northern (Arctic)
Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk, Russia. WoS Researcher ID: X-6717-2018
Master student of the Department of Literature and Russian Language, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V.
Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk, Russia; Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk, Russia.
WoS Researcher ID: AAE-7950-2022
Shvetsova, T.V., Shakhova, V.E. / Volume 12 - Issue 69: 270-280 / September, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Keywords: Digital Humanities, Online
constructor, Arctic robinsonade.
The aim of this paper is to represent the textbook
chapter, developed with the help of online
constructor, containing multimedia materials to
study the plot about the adventures of Mezen
“Robinsons” on Spitsbergen described in the
story “The Way to Grumant” by K. S. Badigin, a
sea captain and conqueror of the Arctic region,
and comprehend the educational potential of IT-
technologies as applicable to literary education
of schoolchildren and students, determine the
successfulness degree of the experience in online
learning of work of fiction.
The problem of developing competences in the
field of using, developing and launching online
textbook and online courses in the educational
process is an urgent topic of investigation. The
relevance is also explained from the point of
forming a new education paradigm and applying
e-learning in a higher school (Polevaya
&Sitnikova, 2021).
The education digitalization is a two-forked
process. On the one hand, the application of
gadgets attracts to studies and facilitates them, to
some extent. On the other hand, students forget
about books. This creates the problem: people
stop reading.
Much attention is paid to the problem of
decreasing interest in reading among young
people in modern life. The “functional illiteracy”
problem emerged as far back as in the 80s of the
XX century. This term is applicable to a person,
who is not able to fully and partially perceive the
general idea of the text, retell the content, cannot
single out the basic idea of the text, and also
formulate his/her own opinion about what he/she
has read. The UNESCO researchers, who
developed this concept, say that functional
illiteracy is associated more with an insufficient
level of erudition, and not just the ability to read
and write. Therefore, an increasing number of
teachers, methodologists, librarians, and
researchers raise this problem and look for the
ways to draw attention to reading every year
(Vorontsov, 2009).
The factor of an illiterate, non-reading person has
a negative impact even on economic life.
Unemployed people are less likely to become
those ones, whose intellectual level is high, and
the relationship between reading and labor
productivity has also been revealed (Kozol,
It is important to understand the fact that we live
in reality that presupposes a strong relationship
with the digital world. It is necessary to find a
way to take advantage of the positive aspects of
our reality, while preserving the foundations of
the national centuries-old culture.
Many researchers note that in the modern world
the work on the development of interest in
reading cannot be fulfilled without the aid of
Internet technologies (Arkhipova, 2013),
(Krylova & Russak, 2014), (Russak, 2015),
(Gao, 2023). Productive experience was noted
using such tools as websites, social networks,
blogs, online quizzes, ratings of books and
writers, media travels, book trailers, virtual book
exhibitions. These tools make it possible to:
1) stimulate a reader’s activity;
2) create a demand for literature;
3) organize interpersonal communication about
4) develop the institution of professional and
peer recommendations;
5) study the features of young people reading
The experience of attracting young people to
reading exists in foreign countries primarily in
libraries. The introduction of the following
innovations gave a positive result.
1. Makerplace in the library. The use of
equipment that allows creating something
new, such as a 3D printer, a heat press
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machine for T-shirts, a laser cutter for
engraving in libraries. That allows attracting
additional classes and increasing the flow of
readers (England).
2. Coding clubs. These are clubs, whose work
is aimed at teaching teenagers and adults
programming, as well as robotics (England).
3. Digital storytelling. This is a project that
attracts writers to work, allows the reader to
decide for himself/herself into which
channel the story plot will guide. This way
of reading not only attracts readers, but also
contributes to the improvement of thinking
4. A virtual reality. Books are another reality
into which a reader gets. Virtual reality may
complement this opportunity and see the
history. The library also invites readers to
create a virtual excursion (USA).
5. Mobile applications. Applications offer such
functionality as, for example:
library catalog,
interactive library recommendations and
virtual excursions of the library,
calendar of library events,
the possibility to read e-books and articles,
the possibility to book up a book and others.
These functions make it easier to interact with the
library and attract new readers (USA, England,
and Europe).
6. Open source libraries. The library’s working
hours are increased to 24 hours a day,
thereby allowing readers to come at a time
whenever convenient to them (England)
(Garland, 2018).
Thus, the libraries in England, the USA, and
Russia are doing extensive work to promote and
support reading across the population. It may be
said that this is one of the strategic objectives of
each state, the task of national security.
At the moment, there are good opportunities for
introducing reading to teachers. The pedagogical
arsenal of a literature teacher has been
replenished through the use of such Internet
technologies as webinars, online conferences,
online platforms, electronic textbooks, electronic
libraries, virtual laboratories and web quests.
These learning tools may be supplemented with
online constructors, with the help of which it is
possible to develop author’s tasks intended for a
particular student (considering his/her abilities,
academic performance, motivation and interests)
or a group of students.
Most of the online constructors are designed to
consolidate theoretical knowledge, test practical
skills, increase motivation for the subject being
studied, as well as to organize independent and
group work. Online constructors allow using
gamification in the process of teaching various
subjects at the school and university level. The
primary purpose of such training programs is
individualization, intensification and
optimization of the educational process.
In this paper, we will consider the capabilities of
the online constructor necessary for creating a
multimedia literature textbook.
It is worth mentioning that nowadays there are a
lot of publications in scientific periodicals, which
describe the possibilities of using online
constructors in various spheres.
An online constructor is a tool for creating a
website without deep programming knowledge.
Their purpose may be very different. Using such
a program, one can, for example, remotely teach,
develop assignments, evaluate students’
progress, or quickly select the parameters and the
entire content of the product.
The theme of creating such a constructor is
represented in many publications. Let us begin
with online constructors used in the educational
The experience in developing a program using
simple technologies is described based on
foreign and national experience in the motivation
effectiveness in the use of online gaming
constructors for teaching schoolchildren. The
author called it as “the constructor of universal
didactic games” (Zhemchuzhnikov, 2014). He
gave instructions and guidelines for creating and
editing game sets for approbation of school
education. Creating constructors may be easier
with the help of ready-made tools. Intuitively
comprehensible online creation tools are
provided by Google. Unlike other constructors
for beginners, these tools are simple and
accessible, aimed at the convenience of
representing materials. Although, they have a
drawback a ready-made design in the form of a
website. It is not clear what the internal content
is, where and how to prepare the initial elements
of the course texts, tables, multimedia
materials, etc. (Borkovoy, 2016).
The task of introducing online forms into the
educational process requires the use of new
pedagogical technologies and skills. It is
necessary to be able to create tasks, construct
Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
them in an interactive form, and create an
adaptable algorithm that gives an independent
assessment of the student training quality via the
Internet. This possibility is provided by the
program “Online constructor of interactive tasks”
(Navodnov et al., 2016).
As it is known, children perceive the world
through the game. Didactic games are one of the
active methods of cognitive activity.
N. G. Gimatdinova writes about the choice of an
interactive training program: “Given the current
conditions for organizing the educational
process, when e-learning using distance learning
technologies is being introduced into traditional
learning, the teacher is faced with the task of
selecting digital tooling for developing didactic
games for students” (Gimatdinova, 2021). The
author gives a detailed overview of specialized
national and foreign online constructors that
allow developing didactic games for the
mathematical background of schoolchildren,
revealing the functional capabilities and
recommendations for working with playgrounds.
Teachers need to work with several constructors
for the learning process to remain
comprehensive, interesting and deep.
It is reasonable to use resources with basic types
of interactivity, such as interactive posters.
Interactive posters are modern multifunctional
teaching aids. When developing posters, a
teacher, who is proficient in information
technologies, may use, in addition to
programming languages, modern website
builders that facilitate the development of
learning content using the example of popular
builders such as Tilda Publishing, WordPress,
etc. (Tsilinskaya, 2021).
Children of all ages love not only solving riddles
and puzzles, but also playing computer games.
Online constructors are suitable not only for
play-based learning, they may be gamified. The
main purpose of such curricula is to optimize the
educational process, allowing the teacher to
develop author’s assignments designed for each
pupil individually (Nazarova, 2018).
Online educational activity tools increase student
motivation and interest. They have a vast scope
of application from conducting lectures and
practical classes to writing scientific projects.
These include online poll constructors, online
whiteboards, quests, quizzes, presentations, etc.
to help one learn the material. A similar idea
about the need for digital technologies is
expressed in the use of online services in
teaching master degree students (Gerasimova,
2019). The transformation of the educational
process should be taught and learned, and
information technologies should be applied in
practice. The methodological aspects of teaching
students, the choice of online constructors and
the use of their functionality to create interactive
electronic educational materials and practical
work is presented by the example of using the
Flippity online constructor (Puchkova, 2020).
Online constructors have not only a playing
format in training. The demand for developing
websites for various tasks has grown with the
development of information technologies. Large
projects cost a lot of money and time. Companies
that find it financially difficult to create a website
can resolve the issue on their own via contacting
the most popular constructors Tilda, WIX, 1C-
UMI. The platforms are ideal for creating small
projects. However, the choice of website
functionality on a free basis is little (Kiseleva,
2019). As was already mentioned, online
constructors provide an opportunity to build a
website for both a novice and an experienced
webmaster. In a contemporary society, every
stable company must have a representative
website that will provide information support to
the company. An interactive website is a set of
communication tools between the website
audience and the company. The best constructors
make it possible to create a decent website and
promote it on the Web even on a free basis.
SetUp, Wix and Ucoz call attention among the
numerous online constructors, which stand out
against a background of the business rivals of
free constructors with a user-friendly interface
(Sannikova & Olenkova, 2015).
The life success largely depends on the use of
modern technologies. The number of users, who
have mobile devices, is growing every day, with
the aid of which one can quickly access various
information; install useful programs, games, etc.
Mobile versions have their own online
constructors. These platforms have all the things
needed to create applications that are not so
different from those made for a computer
(Azhiniyazova, 2021).
The trends in the development of online
constructors for creating tests are outlined in
foreign publications. The experience of using
Word Quiz Constructor (WQC), a Java
application designed for automatic creation of
test assignments from the Academic Word List
(Coxhead, 2000) with various online and offline
resources, is described in Ralph Rose (Rose,
2020). Construction in social networks such as
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the creation of online communication groups for
young people is being actively researched. The
concept of their identity is considered. In this
regard, it is argued that young people not only
stage their own identity, but are also co-
constructors of each other’s identities through
emotional communications (Larsen, 2016).
People are united by different cultures. In online
role-playing games, participants produce data,
thus creating new material, for example, playing
in the Middle Ages. Game mechanics combined
with fun give users a sense of the past, solve
social and adaptational problems. The trend is
widely represented in Massively Multiplayer
Online Games (MMOG). The problem of
introducing gamification into learning is widely
discussed at the global level. This is noted in the
publications of scientists from different countries
(Oliveira et al., 2023), (Wulantari et al., 2023),
(Alzahrani & Alhalafawy, 2023),
(González-González et al., 2023), (Araújo &
Carvalho, 2022), (Demirbilek et al., 2022). A
study conducted by scientists from Portugal
concludes that there is a lack of empirical
evidence of the effectiveness of introducing
game elements into education (Jarnac de Freitas
& Mira da Silva, 2023). In this paper, we are
trying to make up for the noted lack of data.
Thus, a brief review of publications shows that
there are a vast number of online constructors for
creating websites that demonstrates the
productivity of this technology from a practical
or fact-finding standpoint.
The developed layout of the multimedia textbook
chapter was tested in the student audience. Two
groups of students in the amount of 20 persons
each took part in the experimental work during
the academic year 20212022. The first group,
the control group, studied the material in the
traditional form organized as lectures in the
institute auditorium. The other group, the
experimental group, undertook training with the
new multimedia textbook. Experimental
hypothesis: it is required to test the effectiveness
of using a new multimedia textbook.
To process the results, we applied the Mann-
Whitney U-test from the family of nonparametric
methods for analyzing differences with due
regard for the allowable error level α = 0.05.
Thus, the results of testing a group of students are
presented in the table below considering the
calculation of the rank sums for both samples
(Table 1).
Table 1.
Data on testing groups of students
S No.
Experimental group
Control group
1 2
After the procedure for ranking all values of both
samples and calculating the rank sums for the
samples, it is necessary to calculate U1 using the
Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
  󰇛󰇜
The next step is to calculate U2 using the
Thus, the criterion U is equal to the smaller
number from the pair U1, U2, i.e. U = 136.
Significance assessment will be fulfilled as
follows. For a sample of n=20 (relatively large
sample), it is necessary to calculate the
asymptotic (approximate) value of p through the
normal distribution using the formula:
 󰇜
󰇛 
󰇛  󰇛 󰇜
 󰇜
From z, we calculate the p value using the
Microsoft Excel function NORMAL
(ABS(z);1) = 0.053598169.
As an indicator of the effect size (in our case, the
effect size is an indicator of the hypothesis
confirmation), we use reffect, which is calculated
as per the formula:
 
 
󰇛󰇜 
The effect size is estimated using the following
set of criteria (J. Cohen): <0.1 no effect; 0.1≤
<0.3 weak effect; 0.3≤ <0.5 average effect;
0.5≤ – strong effect.
Let us review the results based on the calculated
indicators. U1 = 136, U2 = 284, U = 136,
calculation of p is fulfilled via z-value, z = 1.9;
p = 0.05; r = 0.31 (mean effect, r= 0.31<0.5).
Conclusion: U = 136, p = 0.05, the effect is
average (r = 0.31<0.5), therefore there is the
reason to assert that there are differences between
the groups in terms of the “Arctic Robinsonade”
plot mastering level. Consequently, the
pedagogical experiment showed that the use of
the multimedia textbook when studying the
“Arctic Robisonade plot has a positive effect
and allows increasing the level of mastering the
material being studied.
Results and Discussion
Description of the multimedia study guide
layout based on the online constructor
The paper is based on the following hypothesis:
the process of forming students motivation to
study literature will be more effective if teachers
use modern multimedia aids in literature classes
and consider the following factors that influence
the formation of positive motivation: a situation
of success, an emotional atmosphere, a variety of
working practices, differentiated approach, etc.
The study of the “Arctic Robinsonade” literary
plot using the tools of the multimedia textbook
created based on the Tilda online constructor
contributes to the pursuing of the following
educational ones to introduce the history of the
survival of the Mezen fishermen in the Arctic via
referring to literary texts, to teach how to work
with a literary text according to a given
algorithm, teach the techniques of cognitive
circuit technology, help students to move from
simply mastering the book content to a deep
perception of the text at the semantic content
comprehending level;
developing ones to promote the development of
knowledge and abilities to work with a literary
text, enrich the vocabulary of students and their
ideas about the small motherland;
pedagogic ones to promote the formation of a
cultural and patriotically-minded personality,
who knows the history and traditions of his/her
native land, and the country as a whole.
When mastering the theme, students comprehend
such problems: the responsibility of a person for
his/her actions, the relationship between human
and nature, human and the state, the conflict
between the capital city and the province. The
diversity of world cultural experience is revealed
through the knowledge of Pomorye authentic
culture. While achieving this, the role of the book
is invaluable, the significance of the “Arctic
Robinsonade” fiction books, which transfers the
experience of previous generations, their view of
the world and human to the reader with the help
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of the fascinating plot, original characters, and an
original display of past events.
The research being pursued presupposes the
description of the chapter layout of the electronic
multimedia textbook regarding studying the
“Arctic Robinsonade” fiction books. This plot is
based on the real event of the 18th century a
six-year wintering of fisherman hunters in the
Arctic on one of the islands of Svalbard. The
following texts are included into the system of
fiction books, conditionally united under the
name the “Arctic Robinsonade,” the primary
source of the plot is the book by Peter Ludovic
Le Roy “The Adventures of four Russian sailors
brought by a storm to the Island of Svalbard”
(1760) an artistically processed interrogation-
interview of surviving fishermen; novel by
Z. S. Davydov “Beruny” (1933); story by
K. S. Badigin “The Way to Grumant” (1953);
story by S. B. Radzievskaya “The Island of
Courage” (1981).
The layout of the textbook chapter is based on the
material of Konstantin Badigin’s story “The Way
to Grumant.” The study of the story is significant
from the standpoint of students mastering the
features of the individual-author’s image of the
Pomor fishery, and the North Russian mentality.
A layout of the multimedia textbook chapter
concerning the study of the Mezen “Robinsons”
plot is presented in the Internet in free access
http://arcticway.tilda.ws/. The figure shows the
title page of the textbook layout (Fig. 1) and a QR
code for a rapid transition to the textbook website
(Fig. 2).
Figure 1. Screenshot of the multimedia textbook layout cover page
Figure 2. QR code for quick access to the textbook website
The chapter of the electronic textbook titled “The
Story of K. S. Badigin (1956) “The Way to
Grumant” includes 8 sections:
1) About the author
2) Theory
3) Video lecture
4) Test
5) Let us read
6) Working with text
7) Game workshop
8) Vocabulary
Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The first section of the chapter is intended to
introduce students to the biography of the writer.
The “Theory” section introduces the basic issues
of the story what events formed the basis of the
author’s narration and what happened to the
Pomors back in 1743; a reference is also given to
who the Mezen “Robinsons” were, and the
description of the Arctic artistic chronotope is
Watching the video lecture and solving the test
assignment helps to consolidate the information
from the “Theory” section. To proceed to
completing the tasks of the test, one must click
on the appropriate button on the textbook
webpage. The test completion results are
automatically sent to the teacher by e-mail,
which reduces the time for checking homework.
The “Let us read…” section includes a hyperlink
to the literary text. Having clicked on the relevant
button of the textbook main menu, the user links
to the Litmir.ru website, where the full text of the
story is presented.
The “Working with text” section is necessary for
organizing search work on the original. The
section contains the fragment of text, as well as
QR code to the page of the book for rapid
transition to the fragment from a smartphone.
Students perform tasks according to the special
algorithm of 16 steps.
The “Game workshop” section contains a
number of creative tasks. This section is aimed at
consolidating the material covered; the work is
organized in an interactive format.
The “Vocabulary” section contains literary terms
used in the theoretical part of the textbook.
Thus, the multimedia textbook may be
successfully used to organize classroom-based
and remote activities of students when studying
fiction books about the adventures of Russian
sailors in the Arctic. The textbook is freely
available in the Internet.
The theoretical material of the textbook is
systematized in such a way that students can
gradually immerse themselves in the study of the
“Arctic Robinsonade” key plot. The set of tasks
presented in the experimental textbook provides
a progressive and systematic acquaintance with
the material and makes the learning process
fascinating and interesting. The use of the
electronic textbook contributes to awakening the
interest of various aged readers in literature about
the Russian North.
Description of pilot and experimental work
The research was pursued in two directions:
training the control group within traditional and
experimental conditions using a textbook
created based on the online constructor. The pilot
work regarding studying the effectiveness of
using the online constructor in the study of
literature included the following stages:
Statement stage. At this stage, the survey poll
was conducted to determine the level of students’
motivation. The questionnaire survey was
conducted remotely using the Google Forms tool
(Form for determining the level of motivation of
students to study the plot of Mezen
“robinsones”). The survey results showed that
the average level of motivation to study the
“Arctic Robinsonade” plot prevails in the
experimental and control groups (44 and 52%,
respectively). 38 and 24%, respectively, had a
high level of motivation.
Formative stage. At this stage, exercises and
tasks from the textbook were developed and
tested based on the Tilda constructor: annotated
reading, survey, testing, watching a video,
working with a text fragment according to the
algorithm, a game workshop, working with
Control stage. At this stage, a repeated
questionnaire was carried out to determine the
level of motivation to study the “Arctic
Robinsonade” plot after the training work. The
analysis of the results showed the effectiveness
of using the multimedia textbook applying the
online constructor. The students from the
experimental group had a considerable increase
in the motivational sphere level. Besides,
positive trends were identified in the formation
of skills while working with the literary text, its
analyzing and interpreting.
The multimedia textbook may be considered as
one of the factors in the positive learning
motivation formation due to its characteristics:
interactivity and accessibility for students, the
inclusion of hypertextual information, links,
video-, audio- and various photographic
materials, as well as instant feedback tools.
The existing fact of decrease in motivation for
learning from one level to another cannot have a
positive impact on the positive dynamics of
knowledge quality. The same goes for studying
literature. In this regard, the problem of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
increasing motivation for studying literature is
very relevant.
The interest in the subject and the desire to
master it largely depend on the technologies used
by the teacher. There are many ways to
encourage students to study their native
literature, and one of them is multimedia aids that
compensate for the lack of textbooks on the
The use of such textbooks, being modeled with
the help of special constructor programs in
teaching literature, is one of the most important
aspects of improving and optimizing the
educational process, enriching the arsenal of
tools and methodological techniques that allow
diversifying the forms of work and making the
class interesting and memorable for students.
Using online services allows customizing
learning depending on the pace and depth of the
course. Such a differentiated approach gives an
excellent positive result, since it creates
conditions for the successful activity of each
participant of the course, causes positive
emotions and, consequently, affects their
academic motivation.
A modern teacher should effectively apply
information and communication technologies in
the educational process. The use of online
constructors in the classroom and after classes is
an effective factor in the development of
students’ motivation.
Students have the opportunity to apply their
knowledge and skills within new conditions and
they love it. A multimedia textbook based on an
online constructor allows perceiving the material
with enthusiasm. The process of mastering the
material is much faster and easier.
The purpose of the experimental work was to
substantiate the reasonability of using a
multimedia aid while teaching literature. The
research was performed based on a northern
university. The students of 1-2 years of studies
took part in the research. The total of 40 persons
took part in the experiment. There were twenty
students in the experimental and control groups.
So, we considered the aspects of applying the
online constructor functionality to create
interactive electronic study materials in the
conditions of education digitalization. The
attention is concentrated on the use of Tilda
constructor in practical activities of literature
teachers. The required minimum of information
about this service is presented and pluses and
minuses of using the online constructor are
considered. The stages of work for introducing
this resource into the teaching practice of future
literature teachers are described. The description
of practical work prepared for classroom
teaching in the frameworks of historic and
literary courses is given.
The main conclusion to be made is that the
creation of study aid based on online constructor
is a manageable task for teachers of humanities.
The application of such study aid at literature
classes motivates students to study works of
fiction not included into the main program in
In further research it is necessary to more
carefully consider the potential consequences of
introducing the study aid into the school and
university practice of teaching the course in
native literature, for example, the didactic
capabilities of the online constructor intended to
study the history of sailing of Pomor
“Robinsons” at the classes of native history and
regional studies.
Tilda is a convenient constructor of websites for
teachers. Specialists test its capabilities in
different areas of knowledge: supplementary
education in primary schools, foreign languages,
mathematics, physics, advertising and PR-
education, etc. The main advantage of our
multimedia product is the opportunity to
implement the learner-centered approach in the
study process organization, to use additional
information sources. Besides, the electronic
textbook has a number of significant advantages
in comparison with the classical textbook. First
of all, this is step-by-step mastering of the course.
Second, this is the organization of step-by-step
work with the literary text. Third, this is the
variety of tasks and ways of their completion.
The multimedia textbook helps to effectively and
quickly master the study material about the
peculiarities of poetics of works of fiction of the
“Arctic Robinsonade”; it allows students to get
properly prepared and successfully pass credit
tests on supplementary course.
Thus, the experimental results, as well as the
comparison of the data before and after, indicate
that the hypothesis was confirmed and the
objective stated at the beginning of the research
was achieved.
Acknowledgements: The paper was prepared
with the support of the Russian Science
Foundation, the 2021 contest “Conducting
Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
fundamental scientific research and exploratory
scientific research by small individual scientific
groups” (regional contest) (Grant
No. 22-28-20412 “Designing a multimedia
corpus of texts about the Mezen Robinsons”).
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