www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.69.09.11
How to Cite:
Shabunina, V., Bilous, B., Romaniuk, V., Solodka, A., & Berezhna, M. (2023). Development of professional communication in
English (experience of Ukrainian military officers). Amazonia Investiga, 12(69), 132-142.
Development of professional communication in English
(experience of Ukrainian military officers)
Desarrollo de la comunicación profesional en inglés (experiencia de los militares ucranianos)
Received: July 29, 2023 Accepted: September 20, 2023
Written by:
Viktoriia Shabunina1
Bogdan Bilous2
Viktoriia Romaniuk3
Anzhelika Solodka4
Marharyta Berezhna5
The purpose of the research is to analyse the
development of professional communication in
English among Ukrainian military personnel. To
achieve this goal theoretical methods of
cognitive science were used, particularly,
analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, and
content analysis. The results substantiate that due
to the training opportunities in the European
countries and the United States, it was possible
to prepare significant reserves to counter Russian
troops. Acquiring necessary language skills for
foreign training required the introduction of new
standards to internal training of military
personnel. An important step was the launch of
the STANAG 6001 standard, which aims to unify
the training of officers, cadets, and other military
personnel in order to achieve a high level of
language competence. The project approach
expanded the application of this standard
providing with new prospects. Creative projects
are characterised by discussion and agreement on
PhD in Law, Head of the Foreign Languages Department for the Faculties of History and Philosophy, Taras Shevchenko National
University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine. Researcher WoS Researcher ID: AAC-6579-2020
PhD in Philology, Assistant Professor, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
Senior Lecturer, Department of Language Training, Kyiv Institute of the National Guard of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: IWM-6566-2023
Doctor of Science, Professor of the Department of German Philology, Philological faculty, V.O. Sukhomlynskyi Mykolaiv National
University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAF-4936-2020
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of English Translation Theory and Practice, Faculty of Foreign Philology,
Zaporizhzhia National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: JJF-2085-2023
Shabunina, V., Bilous, B., Romaniuk, V., Solodka, A., Berezhna, M. / Volume 12 - Issue 69: 132-142 / September, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the results and the form of their presentation. The
conclusions emphasise that training military
personnel in foreign language communication
during a full-scale war was a significant
challenge for all participants in the educational
Keywords: language competence, English,
military training, education.
Professional communication in English is the key
to success in the globalised world today. It opens
up a lot of opportunities for personal and
professional growth, improves the chances of
success in today's environment, and enables
effective interaction around the world. Moreover,
new opportunities appear for a particular military
specialisation that has been left out of the general
process of globalisation so far.
Russia's aggression against Ukraine in 2014 drew
the attention of Ukrainian government circles to
the problem of qualitative reform of the Armed
Forces, the main goal of which was to integrate
them into the structures of the North Atlantic
Alliance, the army structures of the European
Union, etc. to adopt best practices in countering
terrorist, hybrid and military threats. Already at
this stage, difficulties arose with the adaptation
of Ukrainian servicemen, as language training in
military higher education institutions of Ukraine
was not of paramount importance. Besides, after
February 2022, when the Kremlin regime
decided to launch an overt military aggression,
another problem arose with the new high-quality
training of the military staff of the Armed Forces
of Ukraine. Fulfilling the obligations of the
Budapest Memorandum, the governments of the
European countries and North America
organised training for military personnel,
exercises on the use of advanced military
equipment, weapons, physical and moral
training, coordination, etc. This process has re-
emphasised the need for language training and
the acquisition of appropriate communication
competencies. First of all, it was about the use of
English, as it is currently the language of
international communication and education.
Thus, it enabled further improvement of
theoretical and practical training of the Ukrainian
The peculiarities of improving professional
communication among the military, the
development of this process, and the potential
difficulties and challenges that need to be further
addressed constitute a topical issue of the present
research. This field of research deals among
others with the development of relevant
recommendations in order to perfect the level of
the English language proficiency among
Ukrainian military officers. Addressing these
issues is also an important area for research
related to the development of potential
recommendations for improving the situation
with the level of English language proficiency
among military personnel.
Ukraine has received support from various
international actors, including military assistance
and advisors from countries like the United
States and NATO member states. Effective
communication with these international partners
is crucial for coordinating military operations
and leveraging support. Strong language
competency is essential for ensuring smooth
collaboration. In the context of Russian-Ukraine
war, Ukrainian military personnel must be able
to communicate with and gather information,
which requires language skills to understand
important information and knowledge. Also, in
modern conflicts, propaganda and information
warfare play a significant role. Ukrainian
military personnel need strong language skills to
counter disinformation and effectively
communicate the Ukrainian government's
position to both domestic and international
audiences. Ukrainian military personnel may
receive training from foreign militaries or attend
international military academies. Proficiency in
the languages commonly used in these training
programs is crucial to ensure that Ukrainian
military personnel can benefit from these
Therefore, the purpose of the article is to analyse
the development of professional communication
in English among Ukrainian military personnel.
The realisation of this goal involved addressing
particular issues: analysing the specifics of the
application of the STANAG 6001 standard and
the possibilities of improving the language
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
competence of military personnel using available
tools, techniques and methods as well as
applying creative approach to the educational
Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
The problem of developing professional
competence of military specialists is
multidimensional and multifaceted, as evidenced
by the intensification of research efforts in the
field of forming a new generation of professional
military personnel. To begin with, it is worth
delving into the fundamental concept underlying
this study: professional communication.
Professional communication is the process of
exchanging information, ideas, thoughts, and
other communicative interactions aimed at
achieving specific professional goals or
objectives (Groysberg, 2012). The book “The Art
of Communication” (Hanh, 2013) describes the
importance of conscious communication in
personal and professional life. At the same time,
Kohnen (2008) focused on effective
communication techniques in critical situations
that can be valuable in a professional
According to the results obtained by modern
scholars, namely Kozyar et al., (2020),
professional communication of military
personnel has its own characteristics and
requirements, as it is extremely important for the
effective functioning of the armed forces.
Modern literature proves that professional
communication in the military sphere involves
the use of specialised vocabulary, terminology,
and speech structure that are characteristic of this
field of human activity (Prontenko et al., 2019).
The main characteristics of professional
communication of military personnel include
several important aspects (See Table 1).
Table 1.
Main characteristics of military personnel professional communication
1. Specialised language
The use of terms, concepts and phraseology that are
typical for the military sphere (Dariusz, 2017)
2. Clarity and precision
Soldiers must understand their instructions, orders,
and other information clearly and precisely.
Misunderstood commands can lead to danger to life
and limb.
3. Discipline
Military personnel must adhere to military discipline
in communication. This includes accuracy in the
transmission of information, timeliness of tasks, and
responsibility for words and actions (Kravchenko et
al., 2022).
4. Confidentiality
In a military environment, confidential and classified
data is often discussed. It is important to maintain
confidentiality and not disclose classified information.
5. Listening skills
Military communication includes the ability to listen
and understand others. This is especially important
during combat operations and when working together
as a team.
6. Adaptability
Military personnel must be able to adapt their
communication style to different situations and
audiences. They may communicate with their
subordinates, superiors, partners, etc.
7. Stress tolerance
Military personnel often find themselves in stressful
situations, and it is important to keep their cool and
communicate effectively even under high pressure.
8. Ability to cooperate
Military personnel often work in teams, and their
communication should contribute to a common goal
and coordination.
9. Ethics
It is important adhering to ethical norms and
standards in all types of communication, including
with subordinates, colleagues, and civilians
10. Commitment to the mission
Military communication should contribute to the
achievement of the mission and tasks assigned to the
military forces.
Source: compiled based on literature analysis Elmhorst & Adler (2004); Oleniev et al., 2021; Prontenko et
al., 2019; Kos (2020), Kustinskyy (2022).
Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
All these characteristics are important for
ensuring the effectiveness and security of
military service.
At the same time, based on the essential
characteristics of professional competence,
researcher Krykun (2018) identifies the value-
motivational, cognitive, operational, and
subjective components of the formation of a
professional serviceman. According to
Samoilova & Serhiienko (2021), this term is also
clearly related to communicative competence -
the ability to interact effectively with other
people through speech, written communication,
non-verbal means (gestures, facial expressions)
and other means of communication in order to
convey and understand information, ideas or
feelings (Samoilova & Serhiienko, 2021).
Communication competence includes a range of
skills and abilities such as listening, speaking,
writing, interpersonal skills, and cultural
sensitivity. For the military, communication
competence is particularly important for several
reasons. First, it is important for security.
Military operations often require precision and
clarity in communication to avoid mistakes and
misunderstandings that could lead to danger for
military personnel (Safonova, 2020). The
modern literature has repeatedly emphasised that
the command process is important for military
personnel (Kustinskyy, 2022). However,
communicative competence helps to ensure co-
operation and co-ordination between different
members of the team. A high level of
communicative competence is particularly
important in understanding instructions and
orders, as it is important that soldiers understand
and follow the orders and instructions given to
them by their superiors. This can affect the
successful completion of tasks. Overall,
communication competence helps to ensure that
soldiers interact effectively both within internal
military structures, as well as with civilians and
other military formations, which can lead to
improved overall military operations and security
(Harbar, 2019). A detailed review of the current
literature suggests that communicative
competence of future professionals includes
three fundamental components (See Figure 1).
Figure 1. Main Components of communicative competence.
Source: compiled by the authors
Furthermore, the term “foreign language
communicative competence.” is worth paying
attention. Modern scholars, in particular
Samoilova & Serhiienko (2021), argue that it is
an integral facet of a person's professional
communicative competence. This includes
proper mastery of language, speech, and socio-
cultural competencies. The development of
foreign language communicative competence
depends on a “knowledge to practice” approach,
which is cultivated in a carefully created
communicative environment loaded with values.
The foreign language competence is an important
capability for the military, especially in the
Ability to own a
personalised arsenal of
verbal and non-verbal
It is aimed at improving
the informative,
expressive and
pragmatic aspects of
Ability to effectively adapt
communication methods
and strategies to the
dynamic nature of
communication scenarios
Ability to construct speech
actions in accordance with
language and speech norms
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
context of global operations and cooperation
with other countries and international partners
(Verbytska & Kuzo, 2021). Foreign language
competence includes the following aspects of
language proficiency, interpretation,
intercultural sensitivity, communication and
cooperation, and information security. In modern
hybrid warfare, the ability to communicate
effectively with other military personnel and
partners from other countries is key to achieving
common goals and coordinating actions
(Antonian & Popovych, 2021). When working
with other countries, it is important to adhere to
the rules of confidentiality and protection of
classified data, even in international
communications. Foreign language competence
helps military personnel to interact with other
countries, creating opportunities for cooperation,
information exchange, and achievement of
common goals in important operations and
initiatives. This contributes to the security and
effectiveness of military efforts.
A number of theoretical methods of pedagogical
research, including analysis and synthesis, were
used to achieve the research goal. The analytical
method was used to assess the current state of
English language teaching among military
personnel and the results of the implementation
of new educational standards that meet modern
challenges. The research was also based on the
method of abstraction, which involves moving
from the analysis of general theoretical positions
to the formation of specific recommendations
and generalisations. At the same time, the
comparative method was used to identify the
main problems in the formation of professional
communication in English during the training of
the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and the importance
of organising international cooperation, which is
extremely relevant in the Ukrainian context, was
The prognostic method was used to study the
issue of further changes in the establishment of
English language teaching processes for the
acquisition of relevant communicative
competencies. In addition, the article was based
on the principles of critical analysis, which
makes it possible to assess the possibilities of
introducing innovative teaching methods. An
important stage in the study was the content
analysis of professional scientific literature,
which made it possible to identify vulnerabilities
in the existing education system and the best
international practices. In general, content
analysis is a valuable research method used to
systematically analyze textual or visual data,
providing insights into various aspects of a given
topic. In the context of the development of
professional communication in English among
Ukrainian military officers, content analysis was
be a useful tool to investigate the relevant
scientific literature and extract meaningful
information. The content analysis began with a
systematic search for relevant articles in
academic databases such as PubMed, Scopus,
and military or pedagogical journals. The
selection criteria for articles included:
1. Relevance. Articles had to address the
development of professional communication
in English among Ukrainian military
2. Publication Date. Articles published from
2004 to 2023 were included to ensure
relevance to contemporary practices.
3. Language. Only articles published in
English or Ukrainian were considered.
4. Credibility. Preference was given to articles
published in peer-reviewed journals and
those authored by experts in the field.
5. Scientific. Preference was given to
specialized scientific articles, not to popular
scientific ones.
Thus, using the content analysis helped to
identify problem areas in the functioning of
military vocational education and the overall
level of language competence.
The Russian regime's military aggression against
Ukraine has opened a new chapter in the training
of Ukrainian servicemen, who had to be
qualitatively superior to the more numerous
enemy. Moreover, along with mastering new
European and American equipment and updating
tactical training, qualitative changes also affected
the system of training and education introduced
in Ukrainian military institutions (Kanova,
2023). Focusing on the best examples of modern
NATO education has led to the development and
implementation of new standards in education,
including those for improving language training.
The war led to the fact that on the government-
controlled territory of Ukraine, education was
initially conducted remotely, which in 2023
changed to the blended education with the use of
distance learning in the frontline areas. However,
this approach is not the most appropriate for
students of higher military educational
institutions, as they need to learn practical
military skills and acquire abilities and apply
them in military situations (Dariusz, 2017). It
Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
should be stated that English-language training
for future military personnel is becoming very
relevant, as Ukraine's international partners (the
United States, the United Kingdom, Sweden,
Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, etc.) provide
organised intensive training for Ukrainian
military personnel.
The challenge posed by the need to improve
practical language training has led to structural
changes in the system of English language
instruction among military personnel and officer
In the context of international education, the
prerequisite for enrolling in courses at
educational institutions abroad is a high level of
English proficiency, a requirement assessed
through standardized language testing. Notably,
this assessment adheres to the STANAG 6001
standard, as referenced by Antonian and
Popovych (2021). STANAG 6001, developed
and utilized by NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty
Organisation) member states' military forces,
plays a pivotal role in standardizing English
language proficiency expectations for military
STANAG 6001 sets forth comprehensive
standards and criteria for evaluating military
language skills, encompassing the domains of
reading, writing, listening, and speaking. These
established norms serve the paramount purpose
of fostering uniformity in communication among
military personnel hailing from diverse NATO
member states, as emphasized by Kornytska et al.
A distinguishing feature of STANAG 6001 is its
hierarchical structure, delineating proficiency
levels from "A" (beginner) to "C" (advanced).
Significantly, for many military occupations, the
foundational benchmarks often revolve around
the B1 and B2 levels. Military personnel engaged
in or aspiring to partake in international
operations or collaborate with foreign allies
invariably encounter prerequisites that demand a
specific level of English language proficiency,
aligning with the standardized criteria dictated by
this pivotal standard.
It should be emphasised that a high level of
foreign language proficiency at SMR-2, in
accordance with the international standard
STANAG 6001 on the level of language
competence of military personnel (See Table 2)
is one of the mandatory requirements for
members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,
especially officers.
Table 2.
Requirements for mastering English according to the new educational standards
Servicemen, cadets, and officers should have knowledge of the basic aspects of the
English language at all levels, including phonetic, morphological, lexical, and syntactic
aspects. They should understand the rules for the construction of different types of
sentences - narrative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory - and be able to use
grammatical structures and the rules for their application.
It is important to have knowledge of the terminology related to military affairs and
weapons used by NATO member states. Servicemen and women also need to become
familiar with specific terminology for professional communication with their European
and American counterparts.
It is important to know the socio-cultural peculiarities of communicating in English with
foreign-speaking colleagues. Ukrainian military personnel should be familiar with the
language culture, history, and context of countries and organisations where English is
used as an official or working language. Particular attention is paid to intensive foreign
language courses in higher military educational institutions, as they play an important
role in the development of professional foreign language competence.
Source: Krykun (2018), Ostanina et al., (2023)
The implementation of the basic principles of
foreign language training based on the North
Atlantic Alliance STANAG 6001 standard in the
MoD involves two stages of implementation
during the period from 2019 to 2030. At the first
stage (to be implementedin 2019-2024), it is
planned to continue measures aimed at
developing and strengthening (optimising) the
system of foreign language training for the
personnel of the AFU (Kanova, 2022). The
second stage (planned for 2025-2030), include
steps to gradually introduce the requirememt for
professional English proficiency to be made
compulsory for personnel of the Armed Forces of
Ukraine who are promoted to positions related to
the use of English in their official activities
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
(Kanova, 2022). It is also envisaged to increase
the number of military units of the Armed Forces
of Ukraine, which will be on par with the relevant
military units of NATO member - states.
The ongoing implementation of the STANAG
6001 standard is anticipated to yield significant
improvements in communicative competence
and the mastery of fundamental English language
skills and knowledge, as noted by Kharitonenko
(2022). The development of communicative
competence in English encompasses a
multifaceted set of competencies.
1. Linguistic Competence. Central to this
development is linguistic competence,
denoting the ability to effectively employ
language tools and comprehend language
materials, along with a grasp of the rules
governing their usage. Researchers
underscore the pivotal role of linguistic
competence in this context.
2. Thematic Competence. A complementary
component is thematic competence, defined
as the understanding of foreign language
information pertaining to specific topics or
fields of knowledge. Proficiency in this area
enables individuals to navigate domain-
specific discourse with ease, as highlighted
by Didenko et al. (2021).
3. Pragmatic Competence. Equally vital is
pragmatic competence, which pertains to the
capacity to construct coherent and
meaningful speech, facilitating the
conveyance of information and articulation
of thoughts. This aspect is considered
integral to effective communication, as
emphasized by Didenko and colleagues
4. Socio-Cultural Context Awareness. Beyond
linguistic aspects, a nuanced understanding
of the socio-cultural context in which
English is employed is deemed essential.
This awareness extends to comprehension of
cultural norms, characteristics, and
communication conventions. It equips
individuals with the ability to foster mutual
understanding and navigate language
challenges that may arise due to
misinterpretation or incomplete grasp of
English, an aspect underscored by Kanova
As this new standard, aligned with practices in
NATO member states, continues to gain traction,
it is poised to foster the evolution of effective
learning and growth within English language
environments. The amalgamation of these
competencies represents a new echelon of
foreign language proficiency, a prerequisite for
adept task execution and successful
communication in English-speaking foreign
Ways to improve professional communication
among Ukrainian military personnel in
English: the pedagogical aspect
In order to implement distance and blended
learning technologies, foreign language teachers
in higher military educational institutions should
have computer literacy, which goes beyond
simple orientation in computer basics and
involves the ability to perceive, create, exchange,
distribute, and use educational material using
modern technologies. The computer literacy of
foreign language teachers allows achieving the
goals of the educational process, in particular, it
increases the motivation of military personnel,
helps to achieve learning objectives, develops
cognitive and creative skills, and stimulates
active participation in local and global network
communications (Kanova, 2023). Teachers’
level of computer literacy is based on their
practical skills in selecting and using appropriate
technologies to solve specific tasks in distance
learning. However, the effective implementation
of blended learning technologies requires the
active involvement of academic staff, who play a
key role in the development and maintenance of
distance learning courses. At the same time, it is
important to take into account that some teachers
may be conservative and resistant to the use of
new technologies (Mushyrovska et al., 2022).
Therefore, in addition to conducting appropriate
outreach, it is necessary to create motivational
approaches to encourage academic staff to
actively use blended and distance learning
The use of a project approach is also important
(Zinchenko et al., 2023). Creative projects do not
require a set structure; they only require
discussion and agreement on the results and the
form of their presentation. These outcomes can
be creative products, films, newspapers, videos,
holidays, games, expeditions, and other forms of
expression. Delivering the results of a creative
project can include creating a script for an outline
for a piece of writing, a research article, a video,
a report, etc. Training military personnel in the
field of foreign language communication during
a full-scale war poses great challenges for both
officers and cadets of the Armed Forces of
Ukraine and teachers of military education
institutions. The role of teachers has changed -
they have become not only language transmitters
but also designers who help to form a
Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
comprehensive understanding of the subject
matter by military personnel, psychologists who
can identify and respond to the emotional state in
the context of language communication, mentors
who provide practical advice and promote the
development of English language learning skills
(Kanova, 2023). It is also important to use
creativity to help unlock the potential of the
individual and stimulate creativity and comfort
for learning.
Teachers who represent the culture of English-
speaking countries design relevant tasks and
promote the development of reading and
comprehension skills (Jalilbayli, 2022). To
optimise the methodological adaptation of
language training of military personnel to the
process of military professional training for
complex information systems, it is also necessary
to provide adequate motivation, psychological
support, and psychological support for this
process, contributing to the development of the
volitional sphere, self-regulatory skills and
abilities of military specialists.
The development of professional communication
in English among Ukrainian military personnel
may face various challenges. Some of them are
related to structural problems in Ukrainian
education (Didenko et al., 2021). In general,
there is a low level of English language
proficiency. As a result, military personnel may
not have sufficient knowledge, especially in
terms of professional communication. This can
complicate the exchange of information with
foreign colleagues and partners (Zinchenko et al.,
2023). Structural changes in the area of
specialised language training and education for
officers, cadets, and enlisted personnel will
require additional funds. However, the lack of
resources to provide high-quality language
training may be problematic. For this reason,
training materials, courses, and trainers might be
unavailable or limited (Kanova, 2023). Besides,
some servicemen and women may not see a
direct link between English language proficiency
and their professional duties, resulting in low
incentives to learn a foreign language.
Resolving these challenges demands concerted
efforts and a multi-pronged approach. Notably,
scholars propose various avenues for enhancing
the cultural and communicative English
competence of military personnel, each
contributing to the creation of a more cohesive
and proficient team (Kozyar et al., 2020; Kanova,
1. Interviews and Collaborative Work.
Engaging in interviews and collaborative
work on communication forms a solid
foundation. These interactions foster
understanding, promote active participation,
and encourage open dialogue within the
2. Joint Training and Team Building. Joint
training initiatives and team-building
exercises not only enhance technical skills
but also nurture effective teamwork and
inter-personal relationships. These
experiences fortify the bonds among
military personnel.
3. Special Events and Training. Organizing
special events, such as tests and training in
novel methods of communication within
English-speaking environments, can serve
as a pivotal learning platform. These events
expose military personnel to practical
scenarios that demand effective English
4. Corporate Trainings and Creative Tasks.
Integrating corporate trainings and creative
tasks introduces a dynamic element to the
learning process. These activities stimulate
innovative thinking, promoting adaptability
and skill development.
5. Psychological Training and Sports
Competitions. Psychological training
empowers military personnel with the tools
to handle high-pressure situations and
enhance mental resilience. Concurrently,
sports competitions instill discipline,
teamwork, and physical fitness, reinforcing
holistic development.
6. Fostering a Positive Environment. All these
measures underscore the imperative of
fostering a positive environment that fosters
strong interpersonal relations within the
military team. To effectively nurture a
culture of interpersonal relations, attention
must be paid to several key aspects:
a) Motivation: Instilling motivation to enhance
communication quality among personnel is
b) Active Participation: Creating situations that
encourage active participation and
interaction among servicemen is crucial.
c) Role Development: Providing an
environment that supports the development
of individual roles in communication within
the team is integral.
In summary, this holistic approach not only
addresses the challenges at hand but also propels
the military team toward higher cultural and
communicative competence, ultimately
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
strengthening their collective capabilities and
harmonious working relationships.
It should be stated that application of STANAG
will provide necessary conditions for
improvement of the English language
proficiency. Moreover, new standard criteria and
methods for measuring foreign language
proficiency are being developed (Kanova, 2023).
Promoting international communication in line
with STANAG 6001 enables effective
interaction of military personnel from different
countries, especially those participating in
international military operations or exercises. In
the long run, this will improve the coordination
and security of military operations, and in the
current Ukrainian reality, it will also provide
opportunities for training in the European
countries, Canada, and the United States. In
addition, a high level of English language
proficiency can increase the competitiveness of a
serviceman in the labour market and contribute
to his professional growth both in the Armed
Forces and in civilian life (as many modern
servicemen are mobilised from the reserve).
Therefore, further application of NATO
standards in the training and development of
additional language competencies among
Ukrainian military personnel will significantly
improve on the solution to the problematic issues
noted by scholars.
Summarising all the mentioned above, it should
be pointed out that the formation of a
communicative culture in English involves the
development of flexibility and fluency in using
various means of communication. This process
can be defined as a system that controls the
relationship within the military team and helps to
improve required skills for further learning and
communication, which is important for the
integration of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to the
North Atlantic structures. The process of
improving the communicative English language
competence of military personnel is based on
organising joint work, holding team-building
events and teaching new methods of
communication in an English-speaking
STANAG 6001 can contribute to further
improvement of the level of English language
proficiency among military personnel. In
particular, new standardised criteria and methods
for measuring foreign language proficiency are
being developed ensuring consistency and clarity
in assessment. Therefore, the further use of
NATO standards in the training and development
of additional language competencies among
Ukrainian military personnel will facilitate the
solution of problematic issues in the process of
their language training.
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