Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.69.09.6
How to Cite:
Hudima, T., Kamyshanskyi, V., Dmytrenko, T., & Shmyhov, M. (2023). Optimal CBDC design for Ukraine through the lens of
privacy and security. Amazonia Investiga, 12(69), 73-83. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.69.09.6
Optimal CBDC design for Ukraine through the lens of privacy and
Оптимальний дизайн CBDC для України через призму конфіденційності та безпеки
Received: July 30, 2023 Accepted: Septembre 25, 2023
Written by:
Tetіana Hudima1
Vladyslav Kamyshanskyi2
Tetіana Dmytrenko3
Mykhailo Shmyhov4
The growing popularity of cryptocurrencies has
put on the agenda the need to develop an
alternative and more regulated digital currency
design, including a central bank digital currency
(CBDC). The objective of the study is to
formulate proposals for the development of the
optimal design of the CBDC of Ukraine. The
study is based on a review of the literature on
digital currencies, cryptocurrencies and
legislation on personal data protection, payment
security and financial supervision. The
implementation of the CBDC in Ukraine is
associated with numerous technical and legal
risks, including: privacy and data security risks;
complications of financial monitoring;
contradictions with national and international
legislation; banks disintermediation risks.
To prevent these risks, a CBDC design is
proposed that is compatible with national and
international legislation, ensures data privacy
and security, facilitates financial tracking, and
reduces the risks of disintermediation.
The development of the CBDC in Ukraine could
have a significant impact on the country's
financial system. However, it is essential that the
Doctor of Science (Law), Senior Researcher, Deputy Head of Department, SO «V. Mamutov Institute of economic and legal research
of NAS of Ukraine», Kyiv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: ААВ-6450-2021
PhD student (Law), SO «V. Mamutov Institute of economic and legal research of NAS of Ukraine», Kyiv, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: JDV-9858-2023
PhD in Economics, Head of the Department of International Finance and Financial Security, Academy of Financial Management,
Kyiv; OSCE AML Consultant, Vienna, Austria. WoS Researcher ID: JDW-0367-2023
PhD student (Law), SO «V. Mamutov Institute of economic and legal research of NAS of Ukraine», Kyiv, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: JDW-0773-2023
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
design of the CBDC is carefully considered to
mitigate potential risks.
Keywords: central bank, central bank digital
currency, distributed ledger technology, General
Data Protection Regulation, payment system.
Against the backdrop of the growing popularity
of cryptocurrencies and the increasing interest of
central banks in developing Central Bank Digital
Currencies (CBDCs), the imperative for faster,
cheaper, more transparent, inclusive, and secure
payment services becomes paramount. As
highlighted by the Financial Stability Board's
reports in 2020, these priorities are crucial for
fostering economic growth, supporting
international trade, facilitating global
development, and ensuring financial inclusion
(FSB, 2020a; FSB, 2020b). The rapid
replacement of electronic money by
cryptocurrencies in international settlements has
prompted central banks worldwide to explore
and implement CBDCs as an alternative
instrument. The Atlantic Council's CBDC
Tracker reveals that as of July 2023, 130
countries, representing over 95 percent of global
GDP, are actively considering the introduction of
CBDCs, with 11 already launched and 21
engaged in pilot projects, including Ukraine
(Atlantic Council, 2023).
The analysis of CBDC pilot projects in countries
such as Sweden, China, Norway, and others
underscores a critical challenge - balancing the
imperative of data privacy and security in
payments, as mandated by international
documents like the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of
the European Parliament and of the Council of 27
April 2016 on the protection of natural persons
with regard to the processing of personal data and
on the free movement of such data, and repealing
Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR), with the concurrent
need for robust financial monitoring. This issue
is particularly pronounced as regulators,
including those in Ukraine, consider the adoption
of distributed ledger technology (DLT) as the
foundational infrastructure for CBDCs,
presenting an alternative to cryptocurrencies.
However, aligning such approaches with existing
legal and regulatory frameworks, both at the
national and international levels, poses
complexities, especially within the European
Union (EU).
This dilemma necessitates further research and
the formulation of proposals for the development
of the Ukrainian CBDC design. This is
particularly important in view of the
Association Agreement between the EU and its
Member States, of the one part,
and Ukraine, of the other part (the "Association
Agreement") as well as Ukraine's recently
acquired status as an EU candidate country.
The article aims to contribute to this discourse by
formulating recommendations for the optimal
design of Ukraine's CBDC, considering the
intricacies of international and national
legislation on personal data protection, ensuring
payment confidentiality and security, and
complying with financial monitoring regulations.
As the digital financial landscape continues to
evolve, addressing these concerns is not only
pivotal for safeguarding the rights and privacy of
citizens but also for upholding the stability and
integrity of the financial systems intertwined
with global and regional economic frameworks.
Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
In general, the relevance of the issue of
introducing a CBDC into the payment system is
only growing. According to some experts, this
will help strengthen financial stability and
monetary policy, improve payment systems, and
promote financial inclusion (Boar & Wehrli,
2021). Economic and legal research and the
experience of other countries in this area can
ensure the formation of scientific and practical
reasonable extraordinary solutions, the
implementation of which will contribute to
positive transformations in the process of further
digitalization of the payment market in Ukraine
at the legislative level and in practice.
A growing number of publications focus on two
fundamental questions. The first is how should
retail digital money be issued by central banks
and whether physical cash could be replaced by
Hudima, T., Kamyshanskyi, V., Dmytrenko, T., Shmyhov, M. / Volume 12 - Issue 69: 73-83 / September, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
CBDCs (Brunnermeier, James, & Landau, 2019;
Chernyshova, Voznyakovsʹka, & Bashlay, 2021;
Keister & Sanches, 2021; Shapoval, 2020). On
the other hand, it is about the systemic
implications of such a currency and how to deal
with the associated risks and instability they may
cause (Allen, Gu, & Jagtiani, 2022;
Brunnermeier et al., 2019; Belke & Beretta,
2020; Fernández-Villaverde, Sanches, Schilling,
& Uhlig, 2020; Hrytsay, 2022; Khodakevich,
Ponomarenko, & Urvantseva, 2022; Niepelt,
2018; Veneris, Park, Long, & Puri, 2021).
Scientists note that CBDCs can have different
designs (Allen et al., 2020; Auer & Boehme,
2021; Kiff et al., 2020). The role of the central
bank and other payment market participants in
the such currency ecosystem depends on the
choice of a particular design. CBDCs can be
issued and distributed directly by the central bank
(direct design) or by authorized financial
institutions (intermediary design). As for the
technological basis of digital currency, it can be
based on a centralized or distributed ledger
technologies (DLT). In the case of a centralized
ledger, the central bank controls and manages the
CBDC system. In the opposite case (distributed
ledger), data processing, storage and
management functions are delegated to
authorized financial institutions in the private or
public sector (Gross et al., 2021).
Most central banks have launched CBDC pilots
to find arguments in favor of choosing DLT for
its launch (Sethaput & Innet, 2023; Sethaput &
Innet, 2021).
However, in order to develop an optimal design
for CBDCs, central banks must strike a balance
between data protection and the individual's right
to privacy, on the one hand, and the public
interest in combating terrorist financing and
money laundering, on the other. There are risks
that a fully anonymous digital currency will
make it impossible for anti-money laundering
regulations (AML) regulators to exercise control,
while a partially or fully transparent one could be
used by governments as a surveillance tool. In
addition, such a design choice is inconsistent
with the fundamental rights to data protection
and information privacy mentioned above
(Ballaschk & Paulick, 2021; Islam & In, 2022;
Fanti & Pocher, 2022; Auer, Böhme, Clark, &
Demirag, 2023); Tsang, Yang, & Chen, 2022;
Tronnier, 2021).
For example, Charles Hoskinson (2022), the
founder of Cardano, sees CBDC as a tool for
controlling the population and considers it the
most dangerous innovation in monetary policy.
The same opinion is shared by researchers at the
American Institute for Economic Research.
"Meeting the threat of an authoritarian rival by
using dangerous social control technologies is
completely contrary to society. According to
experts, it would be more appropriate to invest in
improving the payment system rather than
replacing it with CBDC, which will give the
government unprecedented control over financial
transactions" (Salter, 2022). At the same time,
more and more scholars point out the risks of the
banking system's disintermediation (Eren,
Jackson, & Lombardo, 2022; Banet & Lebeau,
2022; Changi, Grinberg, Gornicka, & Miccoli,
Pollock (2018, p. 11), in his speech to the
Subcommittee on Monetary Policy and Trade of
the Committee on Financial Services of the
United States House of Representatives, noted
that disintermediation, in turn, would lead to
even greater risks: unfair competition, abuse of
regulatory powers to enhance one's own
advantages, etc. The same concerns were
expressed by Carstens A. (2019),
Mancini-Griffoli et al., (2019), Bindseil U.
(2020). According to Сarrat (2018, p. 7) "the risk
of excessive disintermediation would be
mitigated by making any new form of central
bank money more like cash and less like
In any case, "central banks should not put a brake
on innovations just for the sake of it". But this
does not mean that it is necessary "to rush ahead
disregarding all traffic conditions. First, they
should make sure that innovations set the right
course for the economy, for businesses, for
citizens, for society as a whole" (Carstens, 2019,
p. 10).
As rightly noted Santaolalla Montoya (2023)
"centralized digital currencies should be very
well regulated, precisely so that they are not
abused by the executive authorities or central
banks. The European Data Protection Regulation
must be strictly enforced".
Quite interesting in this vein is the work "Central
bank digital currency: Principles for technical
implementation", in which the authors presented
an overview of some of the principles of a
CBDC. This paper particularly emphasizes the
key requirements of privacy protection and
interoperability (Duffie, Mathieson, & Pilav,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Pocher and Veneris (2021) in their paper
"Privacy and Transparency in CBDCs: A
Regulation-by-Design AML/CFTS Cheme"
offer a technical and legal taxonomy of
approaches to balancing privacy and
transparency in CBDCs without violating
accountability and anti-money laundering and
counter-terrorist financing requirements in the
United States of America (USA). Some
proposals of the researcher may be applicable in
resolving the question regarding the choice of the
optimal CBDC design for Ukraine.
In general, while acknowledging the importance
of existing scientific developments in this area, it
should be noted that some scientific aspects of
the general issue of choosing a CBDC design in
Ukraine that would meet the requirements of
international and national legislation on personal
data protection, data privacy and security of
payments, as well as legislation on financial
monitoring have not yet been detailed.
Accordingly, the above has led to the need for the
proposed research.
To attain the article's aim and uphold the
scientific rigor of the research outcomes, a
methodological framework encompassing
hermeneutic, comparative, and generalizing
methods was applied.
The choice of China, Sweden, and Norway as the
focus of the study was deliberate and based on
several criteria. China, represented by the
People's Bank of China (PBoC), was selected due
to its leadership in developing central bank
digital currencies (CBDCs), as evidenced by its
extensive pilot project reaching 260 million
people and encompassing various scenarios, such
as public transit, stimulus payments, and e-
commerce (Atlantic Council, 2023).
Transactions using China's digital yuan hit 1.8
trillion yuan ($249.33 billion) at end-June 2023,
marking a jump from over 100 billion yuan as of
August last year (Wee, 2023). The inclusion of
China provides a comprehensive understanding
of a leading CBDC initiative on a large scale.
Sweden and Norway were chosen because they
are progressive EU countries actively piloting
CBDCs, not only at the national level but also in
collaboration through projects like Icebreaker,
involving Israel and the Bank for International
Settlements (Atlantic Council, 2023). The
participation of these Nordic countries in the
Icebreaker project is unique and allows for an
exploration of cross-border retail payments using
CBDC. Furthermore, the intermediary design
based on DLT in the CBDCs of Sweden and
Norway contrasts with China's approach,
offering valuable insights into diverse design
Hermeneutic and comparative methods
facilitated the analysis and comparison of
international experiences, including data from
CBDC pilot projects in Sweden, China, and
Norway. This involved an in-depth examination
of reports on the implementation of these
projects, along with an exploration of
international and national acts/documents
governing legal regulations, data protection,
financial monitoring, and related aspects.
Data collection involved accessing reports, legal
documents, and official publications from the
People's Bank of China, the Riksbank, the
Central Bank of Norway, and relevant
international organizations. Comparative
analysis was conducted to identify
commonalities and differences in CBDC designs
and implementations. Conclusions,
recommendations, and suggestions were
formulated through a process of generalization
based on the insights gained from the analysis of
these diverse experiences.
Results and discussion
The general principles of the issuance and use of
digital money of the National Bank of Ukraine
(NBU) in Ukraine and its distinction from
electronic money were officially established by
the Law of Ukraine "On Payment Services" dated
June 30, 2021 (this law is the result of the
implementation of European legislation -
author's note). According to paragraph 96 of
Article 1 of this law, "digital money of the NBU
is an electronic form of the currency of Ukraine,
the issuer of which is the NBU".
At the same time, it should be noted that the Law
of Ukraine "On Payment Services" is rather
declarative in its approach to regulating the
specifics of issuing and using digital currency. In
particular, the legal act notes that the procedure
for issuing and storing digital money, as well as
the specifics of payment transactions using
digital money, should be determined by the
NBU's regulations (Article 62 of the Law of
Ukraine "On Payment Services").
Despite the two-year period for the adoption and
existence of the Law of Ukraine "On Payment
Services" further steps to implement the above
article by the regulator are rather slow. Thus, the
Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
NBU presented the draft concept of the e-hryvnia
- the digital money of the National Bank of
Ukraine - to representatives of banks, non-bank
financial institutions and the virtual asset market
for discussion and feedback only on November
28, 2022 (NBU, 2022).
The regulator is currently considering and
working on the following possible uses of the e-
hryvnia, which will determine its design and
main characteristics: e-hryvnia for retail cashless
payments; cross-border payments and operation
with virtual assets (NBU, 2022).
At the same time, as noted above, the innovation
of introducing the e-hryvnia (CBDC) may lead to
a number of positive and negative consequences.
On the one hand, it will help to optimize financial
monitoring, accessibility of payments,
transaction speed, reduce the cost of international
transfers, fight corruption through transparency
of transactions, etc., and on the other hand, it will
threaten the data privacy and security of
These issues are global in nature. An analysis of
publicly available reports from both the EU
(European Central Bank, 2022) and the United
States on the introduction of digital currency
allows us to identify the most pressing issues in
this area. These include the expediency of
involving intermediaries; compliance with the
laws on financial monitoring (AML),
identification (Know Your Customer policy
(KYC)) and confidentiality of information, if a
decision is made to issue a CBDC based on well-
known DLT, such as blockchain technology etc.
(U.S. Department of the Treasury, 2022).
In addition, issues regarding the choice of (1) a
centralized or decentralized design of the digital
currency ledger; (2) determining the entities that
will be able to access the identity and transaction
data in the CBDC system and the exceptional
conditions under which they may be accessed;
(3) the features of CBDC system in response to
data leaks, cyber threats, etc., and compliance
with data leaks notification requirements (both
nationally and internationally) remain
unresolved. As for the expediency of engaging
intermediaries, it should be noted that there are
different approaches in this area. Out of the
twenty-one countries that have launched a CBDC
pilot, only ten have clearly chosen the
intermediary design, while the rest are still
considering the advantages and risks of the
relevant design as opposed to a non-intermediary
design (Atlantic Council, 2023). Among the
striking examples of the intermediary design are
the CBDC pilot projects of China, Norway,
Sweden, and other countries.
"E-CNY adopts two-tier operation whereby the
PBoC is responsible for issuance and disposal,
inter-institution connect and wallet ecosystem
management. Additionally, it prudently selects
commercial banks with certain strengths in
capital and technology as authorized operators to
take the lead in providing e-CNY exchange
services. Other commercial banks and
institutions, under the PBoC’s centralized
management, give full play to their creativity,
and collectively provide services for e-CNY
circulation" (People's Bank of China, 2021, p. 8).
In turn, the intermediary design in Sweden is
presented as follows. At the first level, the
Riksbank issues or buys back e-krona from
selected intermediaries in the network, such as
banks (Handelsbanken or Tietoevry). At the
second level, the intermediaries will distribute
the e-krona to end users by providing them with
alias that are used as network addresses for
CBDC payments.
Participants will be able to receive or redeem
digital currency by debiting or replenishing
reserves held directly by the participants or
through a representative in the Riksbank's real-
time money transfer system, known in Sweden as
RIX. In the test design, the participants' e-krona
node in the network is integrated with their
internal accounting and payment systems.
Handelsbanken has implemented its e-krona
node in its own IT environment, while the
Tietoevry e-krona node is hosted in the
Riksbank's IT environment (Sveriges Riksbank,
2022). Nevertheless, clients of both banks were
able to conduct transactions in the common e-
krona network."
The Corda network design chosen by the
Swedish central bank, in which information is
shared with central banks, financial regulators,
and financial intermediaries only on a need-to-
know basis, provides a level of data privacy
similar to the two-tier design used by central
banks today. To prevent double spending in this
design, specialists track incoming and outgoing
transaction data and risks of double spending by
noting transaction identifiers (Meher, 2020).
As for Norway's practice, CBDC is also planned
to be distributed under a two-tier architecture:
Norges Bank will issue CBDC to banks, which
will then credit it (CBDC) to the accounts of their
clients (end users). However, there are
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
conflicting opinions on this intermediary design
at the regulator's level (Syrstad, 2023).
However, a design that allows banks (or a part of
them) to retain the function of intermediaries
connecting the central bank and holders of the
CBDC accounts seems more acceptable anyway.
After all, it will guarantee that the balance
between the availability of confidential
information and the protection of private
interests is not compromised. It will comply with
the current legislation on: (1) financial
monitoring, according to which banks,
authorized payment system operators and others
are subjects of primary financial monitoring, and
the NBU is the subject of state financial
monitoring in this case (Article 6 of the Law of
Ukraine "On Prevention and Counteraction to
Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds of Crime,
Terrorist Financing and Financing of the
Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction");
(2) storage and procedure for dissemination of
personal data (Articles 14-16 of the Law of
Ukraine "On Protection of Personal Data"). The
fact that the practice of implementing
compliance programs by banks to ensure
compliance with all international and national
requirements for data privacy and security has
been developed over the years strengthens the
argument in this direction. In other words, such
institutions already have the experience and
reliable infrastructure to verify account holders
and suspicious transactions for compliance with
KYC/AML requirements. In the case when the
NBU assumes the responsibility for opening and
maintaining CBDC accounts or chooses another
centralized institution for this aim, there is a need
to develop and implement data protection and
financial privacy programs to ensure the security
of new account holders from scratch. A more
practical approach on the part of the regulator in
this case is to use the private sector for these
In view of the above, Ukraine should avoid
disintermediation when developing a CBDC
design. The experience of Sweden, where
selected intermediary financial institutions are
connected to a large CBDC network, but through
their own IT infrastructure rather than the NBU's
IT infrastructure, is relevant here. In addition, the
legislative developments in Norway on the
technical support for the issuance and circulation
of this type of currency are useful for application
at the national level.
In the future, the NBU should further investigate
whether the national CBDC design can operate
using different types of DLTs and at the same
time comply with national and international
requirements for data privacy and personal data
The issues of determining the range of entities
that will have access to identification data; the
circumstances under which such access is
possible; and the specifics of managing access to
information (in particular, to protect CBDC
system participants from unlawful disclosure of
their personal and financial information or legal
liability related to access to data) are of great
importance in this case.
When developing a national digital currency
design, the NBU will face a choice: whether the
system should operate in (1) a centralized
registry maintained by a single authority, or (2) a
decentralized registry maintained and modified
by all participants connected to the CBDC
network. If the decentralized design is chosen,
the central bank will have to decide whether
access to the ledger and the history of the ledger
will be public or private; permissioned or
permissionless. In the case of a public ledger, the
information in it will be publicly accessible to all
members involved in the CBDC network
(including end users); a private leger will be
accessible only to a selected subgroup of private
business entities.
In general, CBDC systems can be
"permissioned" (operated by a group of
permissioned entities), "permissionless"
(managed by a structure of system participants)
and the combination of above. The main focus
when choosing a CBDC design is not on the use
of DLT itself, but on the system management
structure regardless of the technology applied. If
the structure has no trusted entities,
permissionless systems show efficiency in
making possible transactions without
establishing trust relationships with third parties.
Detailed drawbacks of permissionless design for
CBDC are shown in report of the Office of
Science and Technology Policy (USA)
"Technical Evaluation for a US Central Bank
Digital Currency System" (The White House,
Returning again to the pilot projects of the above
countries, it should be noted that the Chinese
CBDC project is an illustration of an operating
design of a centralized ledger managed by the
PBoC, using the concept of "controlled
anonymity" to ensure the confidentiality of
transactions. This method ensures that
transactions remain private to those outside the
system, with the exception of the PBoC, which
Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
can track the movement of electronic payments
in digital currency, and the link between
addresses and user identification is known to the
central bank only through the KYC process.
However, the regulator takes additional measures
to protect against unlawful state surveillance by
using firewalls for any information related to
CBDC, appointing special personnel to manage
the information and prohibiting all arbitrary
information requests (Ross, 2023).
Unlike China's CBDC project, the Swedish and
Norwegian projects are examples of a DLT
operating design using the Corda and Ethereum
platforms, respectively.
In particular, e-krona "transactions are not
recorded in a central database, but in the nodes of
the participants directly involved in the
transaction" (Sveriges Riksbank, 2022, p. 5). E-
currency wallet holders - transaction initiator, in
short, have access to the public digital ledger of
e-currencies and can make changes to it. At the
same time, this approach has raised concerns,
including from the Swedish central bank. It is
unclear how the exchange of information based
on DLT/blockchain technology will be correlated
with existing legislation on financial
confidentiality and data protection. It is likely
that the data accompanying a transaction in the
transaction history will be considered personal
data and subject to financial privacy protection.
Therefore, legislative changes and/or
information security measures may be required
(Sveriges Riksbank, 2022). To ensure full
compliance of the e-krona pilot system with data
protection legislation, it is advisable to hold joint
consultations between the Swedish and European
Union data protection authorities on how
DLT/blockchain technology relates to
Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016
on the protection of natural persons with regard
to the processing of personal data and on the free
movement of such data, and repealing Directive
95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation
Ukraine is also considering the possibility of
issuing and circulating e-hryvnia based on the
DLT operating design (Stellar) (Atlantic
Council, 2023). To date, the central bank has no
official finalized information on the national
design of the digital currency. However, if the
NBU decides to issue and circulate the e-hryvnia
based on the Stellar distributed ledger operating
design, Ukraine will also face issues of its
security and compliance with data protection
legislation. This has been repeatedly emphasized
in the scientific literature. Sandner (2019) in his
article "How Should Companies Choose a
Specific Blockchain Framework?" notes that
aspects of the GDPR remain unclear for DLTs
such as Ethereum, Stellar, Corda, etc. In terms of
security, Ethereum is superior to all others in
terms of resilience due to the fact that it exists as
a public system.
These issues were investigated by the European
Parliament's Research Service back in 2019. The
analysis identified the following main critical
contradictions between DLT and GDPR. First,
the GDPR provides for the existence of at least
one natural or legal person - a data controller - to
whom data subjects can address to protect their
rights under EU data protection law. In contrast,
DLT replaces the single responsible entity with
several entities, which "prevents the distribution
of responsibility and accountability". Secondly,
the GDPR contains a provision that data can be
changed or erased if necessary to comply with
legal requirements, in particular Articles 16 and
17 of the GDPR. Instead, "it is because of DLT's
append-only nature that the modification and
erasure of data that is required by the GDPR
under some circumstances cannot
straightforwardly be implemented" (European
Parliament, 2019, p. 3).
This raises the question of whether it is possible
to create a national CBDC design based on DLT
in a way that does not contradict the requirements
of national and international privacy legislation.
As is well known, digital assets, which central
banks are trying to develop their own currencies
against, are attractive to citizens, businesses, and
others because of the ability to conduct direct and
instant transactions in an anonymous manner, as
well as the ability to track and verify transactions
through a public ledger.
However, the approach of creating a national
CBDC design based on DLT with complete
anonymity of transactions in such a currency may
conflict with national legislation, in particular the
Law of Ukraine "On Prevention and
Counteraction to Legalization (Laundering) of
Proceeds of Crime, Terrorist Financing and
Financing of the Proliferation of Weapons of
Mass Destruction". The requirement for
permissioned operators to report suspicious
transactions makes it impossible to develop a
CBDC system that operates on the basis of a
decentralized public ledger with complete
anonymity of identification data.
A national CBDC design could be created on the
basis of a centralized registry, similar to the way
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Ukraine's payment system is currently operating.
Only selected financial institutions would have
access to the transaction register and registry
history in order to comply with legal
requirements, including personal data protection.
Under such conditions, the legal risks associated
with DLT will be levelled. At the same time, this
approach may limit the ability to fully
incorporate the latest features in areas such as
encryption and programming, which may limit
innovation but also arguably better protect
consumers, investors and businesses (The White
House, 2022). In view of the above, it can be
concluded that a centralised approach
(centralised design) would be a better option for
Alternatively, the NBU could consider creating a
CBDC design based on a private and
permissioned DLT, where details of digital
currency transactions would be available to
permissioned financial institutions. At the same
time, the identifying data of CBDC transactions
must be available to such institutions in order to
comply with legal requirements, in particular
with respect to financial monitoring, using highly
secure cryptographic technology. Thus,
permissioned financial institutions may assign a
randomly generated alias to each end-user
account after identifying the person at the
account opening stage. This alias will be
displayed in the private ledger for a while. As a
result, information on the amount of the
transaction associated with randomly generated
account alias will be available to the relevant
institutions (similar to the concept of e-krona
pseudonyms) (Sveriges Riksbank, 2022). Under
normal circumstances, such transactions will not
be traceable to end users. However, in the event
when it is identified that information is related to
suspected money laundering, terrorist financing
and/or financing of the proliferation of weapons
of mass destruction and/or other illegal financial
transactions, authorized financial institutions
should be able to match anonymous pseudonym
information with a specific account holder. The
NBU could consider a number of approaches to
securely block alias and at the same time allow
for identification data matching. The World
Economic Forum's Digital Currency Governance
Consortium White Paper Series will be useful in
this case. They present possible "cryptography
methods, with examples of how they could be
used to enhance privacy in CBDCs". These
include: zero-knowledge proofs, symmetric key
cryptography, public-key (asymmetric-key)
cryptography, multi-party computation,
differential privacy, and homomorphic
encryption (WEF, 2021).
Implementing CBDC in practice may lead to a
number of risks related to data privacy, security
of payments (Islam & In, 2022; Fanti & Pocher,
2022; Auer et al., 2023; Tsang et al., 2022),
unprecedented control over financial transactions
by government agencies (Salter, 2022),
disintermediation of the banking system (Eren et
al., 2022; Banet & Lebeau, 2022; Chang et al.,
2022) etc. As a result, the NBU should take a
more careful approach to optimizing these risks.
Given the predominant approach of countries to
implementing CBDCs based on various types of
DLT, the above is of particular importance.
Continuing the debate in this area it should be
noted that the data privacy and security of
payments issues raised by DLT are relatively
new and very complex. And they will only
become more complex as technology advances.
In order to create a national CBDC design based
on DLT and take advantage of all the benefits of
this technology while complying with national
and international legislative on payment privacy
and security, it is advisable that Ukraine
(represented by the NBU and other government
authorities involved in the CBDC research
project) actively engages in international
dialogue and joint research on relevant issues.
After all, a digital currency design that, for
example, does not meet the requirements of
European documents (in particular, the GDPR)
will limit its use in the global payment system
and will have a negative impact on the image of
Ukraine as a future member of the European
Union. In order to prevent such negative
consequences for the country, the authors
formulate the following proposals and
Analysis of international approaches, drawing
from reports on CBDC pilot projects in Sweden,
China, and Norway, reveals potential negative
consequences associated with CBDC
implementation. These include data privacy and
security risks, complications in financial
monitoring, contradictions with current national
and international legislation (such as GDPR and
FATF recommendations), and the risks of
disintermediation of banks. To mitigate these
consequences, particularly in light of Ukraine's
Association Agreement and its recent EU
candidate status, it is imperative to expedite the
harmonization of national legislation with
international standards.
Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Addressing the technical features of Ukraine's
CBDC design, it is recommended to proactively
eliminate disintermediation risks by retaining
private sector financial institutions as
intermediaries. This approach, involving entities
with robust data protection and security
programs, ensures a balance between data
privacy and the protection of private interests.
Additionally, to align the technical design with
international and national legislation, the
proposal suggests operating the CBDC on a
centralized ledger or, until common international
legal approaches are established, on a private
permissioned DLT. This necessitates intensified
international participation by Ukraine to
contribute to the resolution of pertinent issues. In
summary, the proposed measures aim to ensure
the seamless alignment of Ukraine's CBDC with
legal and regulatory frameworks while
safeguarding privacy, security, and financial
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