Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.69.09.5
How to Cite:
Maksymchuk, L., Artimonova, T., Kurchatova, A., Ishchenko, L., & Vovkochyn, L. (2023). Theoretical foundations of
implementation blended learning in the process of training future specialists. Amazonia Investiga, 12(69), 61-72.
Theoretical foundations of implementation blended learning in the
process of training future specialists
Теоретичні основи імплементації змішаного навчання у процес підготовки
майбутніх фахівців
Received: August 3, 2023 Accepted: September 27, 2023
Written by:
Larysa Maksymchuk1
Tetiana Artimonova2
Anzhelika Kurchatova3
Liudmyla Ishchenko4
Lyudmyla Vovkochyn5
The article analyzes the technology of blended
learning and its impact on the quality training of
specialists. The purpose of the article is to
characterize the technology of blended learning,
to substantiate its importance for the quality
training of specialists, and to find out the main
ways of its application in the educational process
of higher education institutions. The
methodological concept of the article reflects the
interaction and interrelationship of categories
that are basic in professional thinking and
methodological levels in the educational process
of higher education institutions. Blended
learning has been proven to be more effective
than traditional classroom learning in improving
student achievement. It has been argued that
blended learning is more flexible and accessible
to students than traditional classroom learning.
The main conditions for the effective application
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant Professor Assistant Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Khmelnytskyi
National University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: GSD-6969-2022
PhD Researcher of Philosophical Sciences, Dragomanov Ukrainian State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Mykolaiv V.O. Sukhomlynskyi
National University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: ITF-5129-2023
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Preschool Teacher Education, Vinnytsia State Pedagogical
University named after Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: G-5794-2019
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Physical Education and Health Care Department, Cherkasy State
Technological University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: GRQ-6998-2022
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of blended learning, technological solutions of
blended learning, methodical approaches of
blended learning are highlighted, the forms that
can be used to implement blended learning are
considered. In summary, blended learning is an
effective and promising technology for high-
quality training of specialists.
Keywords: mixed learning technology,
specialist training, higher education institutions,
flipped classroom, Learning Management
The article analyzes the application of blended
learning in the educational process of higher
educational institutions.
In the conditions of informatization of education,
blended learning as one of the varieties of e-
learning best meets the task of forming general
cultural and professional competencies of the
future specialist. The technology of mixed
learning has significant didactic capabilities and
is characterized by a variety of provided forms,
methods and means of learning, their
interactivity, various ways of interaction of the
subjects of the educational process and most fully
corresponds to the specifics of higher educational
institutions. The introduction of electronic
educational resources into the educational
process contributes to the assimilation of the
content and practice of the educational material,
the performance of control actions, the
organization of independent, searching, research,
educational activities of students, and the
increase of their cognitive and professional
interest. The implementation of mixed learning
technology effectively affects the components of
student learning: cognitive, functional, that is, on
the forms and methods of learning organization,
on the activation, intensification and
effectiveness of learning, and personal and
valuable - on the formation of learning
motivation, professionally significant aspects.
The knowledge transfer system has radically
changed over the past decades, and the amount of
knowledge has increased many times.
Nowadays, preparing a person for professional
activity once, for the rest of his life is no longer
possible. The solution to the problem lies in the
application of the educational process of
institutions of higher education of innovative
learning technologies with modern professional
training of specialists, the transition to education
throughout life, and at the same time, basic
education should be the foundation for further
education and periodically supplemented with
programs of additional education. Blended
learning and distance learning have a significant
potential to meet the needs of modern times in
the educational field, in the acquisition of digital
literacy by the student, and in the spread of more
flexible, innovative forms of education (Mala,
With a mixed system of education, there is a real
opportunity to use those techniques, forms,
principles, and technologies that have already
proven their feasibility and effectiveness. For
example, the modular rating system for
evaluating the quality of educational activities of
educational space applicants is used in the
practice of face-to-face and distance learning.
The analysis of the forms of psychological and
pedagogical training shows that the educational
trajectory is combined learning. In the modern
conditions of the development of the educational
trajectory, the future specialist must collectively
and optimally use educational professional
knowledge and opportunities provided by both
classical disciplines and new educational
technologies. In mixed learning, the basis of the
educational process is the intensive, purposeful,
controlled independent work of the student who
can study according to an agreed individual
schedule, in a place convenient for him, using
complex special educational tools and an agreed
contact opportunity to work with the teacher
(Shevchuk & Yashanov, 2022).
Possibilities of blended learning allow to expand
the psychological component of learning
motivation, to ensure mastery of the methods of
performing informational and analytical
activities within the framework of training, to
acquire knowledge in the chosen profession.
Maksymchuk, L., Artimonova, T., Kurchatova, A., Ishchenko, L., Vovkochyn, L. / Volume 12 - Issue 69: 61-72 /
September, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Literature Review
One of the priority tasks of education is the
mastering of modern technologies by specialists,
the development of their skills in searching for
information on electronic media and networks,
increasing the quality of specialist education.
The advantages of mixed learning in educational
institutions are intensive updating of knowledge
obtained from global information resources;
expand the teacher's field of activity (regardless
of the location of all subjects of the educational
process); provide for the special needs of the
disabled and other categories of the population;
develop cognitive interests, contribute to the
formation of their professional orientation,
mastery of scientific research methods.
L. Shevchuk, & S. Yashanov (2022) conducted
research on the role of modern approaches to
blended learning in higher education institutions;
singled out the main components, and revealed
the meaning of the concept of blended learning;
we will present the main approaches to
combining learning and its integration, show the
advantages of various technologies, give
examples of their use in the educational process.
We created the concept of combined education,
which allows in modern conditions students to
education in various combinations and to
optimally use the opportunities provided by
classical education and the use of distance
technologies; showed the role of blended
learning in education and characterized the main
directions of its development. The principles of
unity of organizational foundations and
pedagogical foundations, support of dynamic
balance, and system of IT training of professional
education specialists in mixed education were
revealed. The main organizational and
pedagogical requirements for blended learning
are defined and their role in education based on
electronic educational and methodological
complexes is analyzed. The structure of the
educational methodical electronic complex,
which ensures the implementation of the
methodical system of education in the
educational environment, includes local,
autonomous, distance educational courses and
methodical support for the use of such courses in
the educational activities of specialists.
Pedagogical conditions for the implementation of
blended learning in the educational space have
been developed.
The analysis of scientific sources in the aspect of
the selected problem shows that activation of
researchers' interest in blended learning. It is
defined in the works of scientists various
classifications of teaching methods.
V. Yurchenko (2021) examined the possibilities
of obtaining education for psychological and
pedagogical training and revealed the forms of
training of future specialists through institutional
(distance, face-to-face, dual, mixed, network,
and workplace) forms of education. The
principles on which the new model of
professional education should be based are
highlighted. The main educational methods are
analyzed and the main forms of obtaining higher
education are shown, the disadvantages and
advantages of distance, mixed, face-to-face, dual,
network, and workplace forms of the educational
process are revealed. The professional models of
the organization of mixed training for the
psychological and pedagogical training of
specialists were analyzed. One of the most
effective forms of education, the introduction of
mixed education in institutions of higher
education, the scientist determined the necessity
and expediency of using the "inverted class"
model, such a model of education for the
psychological and pedagogical training of
specialists, which nullifies the main
shortcomings of the educational space and which
takes into account all advantages of forms of
In the pedagogical literature, blended learning is
considered as a qualitatively new form of
education based on the principles of independent
learning, modern pedagogical methods, technical
means of information transmission as a special
type of educational activity, which makes the
process flexible, variable, multi-vector, makes it
possible to train students according to an
individual educational trajectory in accordance
with personal needs, interests and abilities.
I. Oros, A. Chychuk, & E. Hutterer (2023) as a
type of teaching methodology, the technology of
mixed learning, which can successfully
implement new principled forms and methods of
the educational space, using information and
communication means of implementation, is
revealed. The educational free, open (Open
Source) and online platform Moodle (a modular
object-oriented dynamic learning environment)
is considered. The key features of blended
learning are highlighted, its content is
considered, and the components of blended
learning are highlighted: independent work in the
electronic environment of education seekers;
classroom traditional classes; and electronic
group training (online conferences, etc.). The
concept of "flipped classroom" is recognized as a
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
key concept of blended learning. Instrumental
means that implement blended learning in
institutions of higher education are described.
The main educational-methodical and
organizational-pedagogical aspects of various
forms of training for the psychological-
pedagogical training of specialists are
Methods of in-depth study with the use of
information and communication technologies is
devoted to work S. Shevchuk (2023).
S. Shevchuk created an initiation project based
on the system of mixed learning, which combines
directly (on-site) and indirectly (through the
possibilities of online learning) the forms of
interaction of future specialists and pedagogical
workers, which is presented as a process of
optimizing the educational space of the universe,
increasing efficiency opportunities for those
seeking higher education. The possibilities of
transformation of the educational process are
shown, which is a necessary condition for the
transition of higher education institutions to
mixed learning to best ensure the educational
interests and needs of those seeking education
with the use of modern innovative technologies,
pedagogical approaches, which is facilitated by
the expedient modern application of the
possibilities of digital technologies. The method
of implementing blended learning in the
professional training of specialists is highlighted,
the validity is proved based on the competence
approach, the essence is revealed, and the
principles and models of blended learning are
At the same time, the introduction of modern
information technologies in the educational
process gives rise to a number of problems
related to content, methods, organizational forms
and means of training, humanization and
humanization education Distance courses
developed for secondary school students of the
educational institution, their information content,
sequence presentation, use of information tools
and terminology only partially meet modern
requirements. Therefore, the problem of mixed
learning in the psychological and pedagogical
training of specialists in institutions of higher
education requires greater analysis.
The purpose of the study: to characterize the
technology of mixed learning, to prove its
importance for the quality training of specialists,
and to find out the main ways of its application
in the educational process of higher education
To realize the goal of the research, theoretical
research methods were used: analysis of
psychological and pedagogical, philosophical
literature, critical, retrospective and comparative,
logical analysis of methodical literature,
regulatory and legal official documents,
dissertation research in order to determine the
theoretical research foundations and the state of
the research problem; during the determination
of the structural components and content of the
blended learning technology in the modern
professional training of specialists, the method of
didactic modeling was used in the educational
process of higher education institutions; the
theoretical understanding of practice and the
study of ways of applying mixed learning
technology as an effective means of
psychological and pedagogical professional
training of future specialists were implemented;
synthesis, comparison, generalization,
comparative study of ways of applying mixed
learning technology in modern professional
training of specialists; forecasting, abstraction,
modeling, design, classification with the aim of
clarifying and concretizing the meaningful
essence of the problem; formation of a
categorical and definitive basic apparatus,
construction and substantiation of a functional
system for the introduction of mixed learning
technology in the modern professional training of
The research is based on the understanding of the
ways of applying the technology of mixed
learning in the modern professional training of
specialists in the educational process of higher
education institutions as a designed educational
process that forms basic, integral, professional,
personal knowledge in future specialists, which
are universal, cover professional generalization
and contribute to theoretical, cognitive action of
education seekers to consciously compare with
their skills and knowledge thanks to the formed
educational socio-cultural environment, and to
compare them with professional professionally
standardized actions in the future.
The study implements the special principle of
applying the technology of mixed learning in the
modern professional training of specialists in a
meaningfully updated content of worldview,
methodological, theoretical, and practical
components of educational disciplines in the
educational process of higher education
institutions and the acquisition of professional
skills and abilities and fundamental knowledge.
Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The methodological concept reflects in the
educational process of higher education
institutions the interaction and interrelationship
of categories that are basic in professional
thinking and methodological levels: procedural
and praxeological (the level of technologies,
techniques, methods, and scientific research),
conceptual and descriptive (specifically
scientific and general level of methodology),
philosophical-perspective (philosophical level of
methodology), analysis of the
fundamentalization of ways of applying mixed
learning technology in modern professional
training of specialists. The methodological
concept contributes to the justification of the
ways of applying the technology of mixed
learning, the fundamentalization of the
professional psychological and pedagogical
training of future specialists reflects in the
direction of a significant increase in the level and
quality of the readiness of future specialists for
professional activity; development trends of
fundamentalization of education and is based on
general pedagogical, methodological,
philosophical principles.
The methodical concept involves the
determination of educational and methodological
support for the implementation of the didactic
system of mixed education of students in higher
education, the selection of the most effective
models, forms and methods of organizing this
The methodological concept consists of
fundamental scientific ideas about the
relationship and interdependence of pedagogical
phenomena and processes, personality as a
subject of active activity and attitudes,
personality development in educational activities
Conducted research and obtained results can
become the basis for the development of
electronic textbooks; technologies, forms and
methods of organizing educational activities,
adapted to a mixed form of education; new
approaches to the formation of intellectual,
informational, communicative and social
competences; creation of a didactic algorithm for
the individualization of learning; solving
psychological problems in the conditions of new
challenges of society; willingness of teachers and
students to cooperate.
The fundamentalization of the application of
mixed learning technology in the modern
professional training of specialists in the
educational process of higher education
institutions included the use of training forms,
methods, informative and material means,
implementation of conditions; the development
of practical personally oriented methodical,
educational support for the application of mixed
learning technology in the modern professional
training of specialists.
Results and Discussion
Blended learning is found in the literature as:
training in the mixed mode of Mixed-Model
Hybrid Learning;
symbiosis of online and traditional (offline)
learning through Technology-Mediated
Instruction technologies;
a type of teaching methodology that
implements new forms and methods of
teaching, using information and
communication means of their
implementation (Tkachenko & Romanenko,
Having analyzed the scientific works, we support
O. Bazeliuk's (2018) opinion that "mixed
learning in vocational education should be
understood as a harmonious combination of
distance learning (for mastering theoretical
knowledge) and real practical activities of
students", which will give "the ability to use the
advantages of distance and traditional learning,
and also avoid the disadvantages that are inherent
in each of the specified forms".
Let's name the main features of blended learning:
1) active use of the latest modern information
and communication technologies to obtain
quality education, innovative search for
educational material by education seekers,
and obtaining new professional knowledge,
i.e. information and communication
technologies are a full-fledged integral
component of the educational process;
2) integration of various methods,
methodological approaches, means,
methods of presenting educational
information, new material, and types of
innovative activities of education seekers
(part of the information is distributed to
independent study, and part to group work,
regardless of where the training takes place:
online or in the classroom (Tkachenko &
Romanenko, 2021).
The following applications are used to transmit,
save, create educational and methodological
materials, support and organize the process of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
mixed learning using telecommunications:
Student Information Systems (SIS), Learning
Management System (LMS), Virtual Classrooms
(VC), Learning Content Management Systems
(LCMS), Virtual Learning Environments (VLE),
Training Management Systems (TMS),
Assessment Management Systems (AMS),
Social Learning Systems, eBooks Management
Systems, Massive Open Online Courses
(MOOCs), Learning Analytics, etc.
LMS Learning Management System a
software computer complex used for the
management, development, and distribution of
online educational materials with the provision
of joint access to them is important for high-
quality training and the organization of the
blended learning process. If even teachers do not
have deep knowledge of programming, then
these complexes are available and easy to use.
Such materials are created with an indication of
the sequence of their study in a visual educational
environment. The materials include projects for
starting in small groups, individual tasks, and
other educational elements for all students of
education, based on the communicative and
content component (Oros et al., 2023).
Important conditions for the effective application
of blended learning are the psychological,
motivational, methodical, and technological
readiness of the teaching staff of the higher
education institution. Important conditions in the
context of actions and experience are also:
choosing a model of the educational process,
designing an educational scenario, organizing the
independent work of future specialists, and
detailed training (Shuliak et al., 2022).
The technological solutions of blended learning
are as follows: the possibility of convenient
communication between education seekers and
the teacher; for educational materials, it is
important to ensure unimpeded accessibility;
automation of constant monitoring of the quality
of knowledge of education seekers; monitoring
the success of the educational process of a higher
education institution (Mamatova et al., 2022).
Methodical approaches of blended learning are
effective immersion in the educational process of
subjects of learning; interaction between
students; mastering educational material;
construction with personalization of access and
work of an individual educational trajectory.
Let's consider the forms by which blended
learning can be carried out:
synchronous remote forms (virtual classes,
webinars, coaching, instant messaging, etc.);
synchronous intramural forms (practical
classes, seminars, lectures, etc.);
asynchronous forms (assessment of
knowledge (testing, surveys), education in
the use of an electronic system for
supporting the educational process, working
with web pages, web documents, video and
audio files, communication on discussion
forums, in educational Internet
communities, using e-mail, etc.) (Yurkiv,
The use of an e-learning platform is a mandatory
element of the organization of blended learning
(Frolov, 2021). It contains in its structure the
learning management system LMS (Learning
Management System). Nowadays, many LMS
platforms specialize in corporate training. Some
are characterized by advanced functions to
implement content repurposing. There are
private and open-source platforms (BrainCert,
Moodle, Open edX, DotLRN, Claroline, Litmos,
Sakai, etc.).
In the process of professional psychological and
pedagogical training of future specialists, we will
highlight the conditions for the effective
organization of blended learning:
1) permanent filling and creation of an
informational and educational environment
in the institution of higher education with
personalization for the education seeker and
the teacher to implement the method and
pace of learning, own goals, and
opportunities with a clear understanding of
the goal of learning to understand
educational activities;
2) to create conditions for an effective
combination of classroom training with
online training for knowledge control, to
correct educational progress, efficiency, and
activity of education seekers, establishing
effective interaction between education
seekers and teachers and among themselves
using digital tools;
3) for the effective mastering of the material by
those seeking education, methodical design
of educational disciplines, educational
process, as a sequence of actions, constant
updating of educational and methodical
material with the use of digital technologies,
updating of various forms and methods of
organizing the educational process, with the
interaction of all participants in the
educational process, active support, etc.;
Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
4) space for constant exchange of views and
ideas of all participants in the educational
process, involvement of each student in the
educational process, comfortable interaction
to achieve group and individual educational
5) informational and methodical improvement
and organization of educational material for
independent work of education seekers,
implementation of pedagogical reflection;
6) establishment of feedback between students
and the teacher;
7) to increase the training of future specialists,
eliminate educational problems, and
introduce systematic monitoring of blended
learning (Hazdyk, 2021).
We will reveal the content of the key concept of
mixed learning "flipped classroom", in which
special attention is paid to aspects of the
organization of the educational process and
aspects of designing electronic courses.
The essence of the "inverted technology" based
on the active use of the electronic educational
environment is to rearrange the key components
of the educational process. When implementing
such an "inverted technology", the educational
process begins with the setting of a problematic
task, where the learner is forced to familiarize
himself with the posted material in the electronic
course environment to complete it. In the
electronic environment, at the same stage, self-
monitoring of the understanding of the material
is carried out. Thus, the process of assimilation
of new material begins with the independent
work of education seekers.
An electronic course, properly designed for
mixed learning, allows taking into account the
individual learning style of students: the type of
cognitive abilities, level, and speed of mastering
the material contributes to the individualization
of the educational process, ensures more active
involvement of students in educational activities,
increases the success of students in general.
Under the condition of a reasonable ratio of
independent work and classroom classes with the
correct organization of mixed learning, the
quality of education in modern conditions will
It is necessary to take into account the high
requirements that the form of mixed education
puts forward to the level of professionalism of
teachers. At the same time, the main emphasis is
shifting from administrative tasks and the
traditional organization of the educational
process to the provision of individualized help
and support to those seeking education and
working with databases, by adding to traditional
education such online components as discussion
of problematic issues, surveys, blogs, online
discussions, completing tasks in electronic form,
etc., to comprehensive and systematic
improvement of educational programs, to solving
problems of supporting the learning process,
stimulation, motivation. Therefore, educational
adaptive programs allow each student to study in
a convenient mode and pace and receive
differentiated instructions (Vyshkivska et al.,
Let's name the varieties of the inverted class:
typical students study new educational
material on their own, and perform tasks of
a practical nature in class;
group students are united in groups for the
practical application of new educational
information, while they work as a team,
teach each other and learn from each other;
debatable used in the study of disciplines
in which research and visual demonstration
of materials are expected;
"inverted teacher" students directly
participate in the process of creating
practical tasks and educational video
When using the "inverted learning" technology,
classroom classes should not occupy a central
place but should support the process of acquiring
the skills and knowledge of students. With this
approach, the content of education becomes a
starting point and not an end in itself. Emphasis
in educational activity is placed on the process of
cognitive activity, during which the learner
discovers new knowledge based on the content
(Shevchuk, 2023).
Blended learning can take place synchronously
or asynchronously.
The organization of synchronous training is in
harmony with regular face-to-face training. And
not much differs from him. Students and the
teacher must be in the same place at the same
time virtual or physical.
Asynchronous learning requires flexible
coordination of meetings between learners and
teachers. Flexible coordination requires mutual
respect for time, adherence to agreements,
drawing up an individual schedule of interaction,
planning one's schedule, and preparing for
meetings (Plakhotnik et al., 2023). Teachers
should use an effective learning strategy just in
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
time, precisely on time, because mixed learning
involves the performance of practical tasks,
independent processing of educational materials,
timely submission of control, and homework
assignments. That is, to plan, determine, and
announce in advance the entire planned volume
of tasks that the student of education must
perform and indicate how much time it may take
to perform a particular task. The teacher needs to
offer clear and clear criteria for checking and
monitoring the educational achievements of the
students. This approach contributes to the
optimization of time and resources and allows
students of education to form different types of
motivation, while teachers must make sure that
the materials for processing and studying are
available to students of education.
Blended learning of students can take place
asynchronously with a large part of independent
work (Kuchai et al., 2021). However, the
presence of a community that collaborates
creatively and learns well contributes
significantly to all the achievements of education
seekers. The support of interaction between
students of higher education and the creation of a
community depends to a large extent on the
efforts of teachers. Understandably, instructors
want to jump straight into teaching their course,
but it's recommended that blended learning spend
time building community. Such efforts in further
professional training play a positive role in joint
education, i.e. there is training according to the
"peer-to-peer" scheme, project-based training
(Hrechanyk et al., 2023).
Students of higher education can collaborate both
in virtual space and face-to-face. For virtual
interaction, the standard functionality of any of
the education management systems is sufficient:
there can be cooperation of education seekers on
the creation of scientific texts in Google
Documents or Wikipedia; joint generation of
ideas with the help of virtual boards; joint
calculations in Google Sheets, etc (Pasichnyk et
al., 2021).
Since blended learning is a combination of
learning in a higher educational institution
(onsite or offline) with a distance form (including
online), at the same time, in the modern world,
distance learning has become a springboard to
quality education with the aim of accelerated
implementation of blended learning by
institutions of higher education. This made it
possible to significantly increase the digital skills
of all subjects of the educational process and
rethink the traditional models of education used
by higher education institutions. Blended
learning requires clear planning of the use of the
digital environment and the real one so that they
provide the most effective all the needs of the
The implementation and organization of blended
learning requires clear preparation, careful
planning, a change in attitude towards education,
and established patterns of behavior of
participants in the educational process
(Zavalevskyi et al., 2023). Blended learning
removes the mere physical presence of learners
in a shared educational space and replaces it with
intellectual engagement and creative presence in
a shared educational virtual space. Both students
and teachers can process and prepare educational
materials, having access to the technical means
necessary for high-quality education, not
necessarily in an educational institution, but
Blended learning is based on the following
responsibility all participants in the
educational process are responsible for
achieving the educational result;
integrity academic integrity for the
participants of the educational process
becomes very important in the absence of
strict control: students of education practice
academic integrity at the level of values;
teachers trust students that the tasks
submitted for verification have not been
written off;
respect for each other's time requires
compliance with educational programs and
plans and careful planning;
mutual respect and trust respect and trust
presupposes the absence of strict control in
the activities of the participants of the
educational process;
understanding the full picture of the course
awareness of the expected educational
results and the educational goal will
contribute to the formation of a responsible
attitude toward the educational results of the
participants of the educational process
(Shevchuk, 2023).
Blended learning provides significant advantages
for a higher education institution:
increasing the accessibility of a higher
education institution to a larger number of
education seekers; the possibility of
studying with minimal separation from
work; more accessible education for persons
with disabilities; the availability of
Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
education for those seeking education from
geographically distant regions;
providing students with additional
development of soft skills that are highly
valued by employers: purposefulness, self-
confidence, and ability to learn
the possibility of solving problems with a
lack of study facilities, and limited
classroom stock, in a higher education
reduction of costs for psychological and
pedagogical training of students: although
preparation for mixed education at the first
stages, on the contrary, will require greater
not only financial resources, which will
significantly decrease in the future;
the ability to evaluate what is evaluated:
with the help of simulators, videos, etc.,
teachers can check the student's mastery of
the planned skills.
Blended learning also has several advantages for
students of higher education:
access to educational materials from any
convenient device or place or at any
convenient time;
autonomy of the learner: the possibility of
ensuring an individual educational
trajectory, choosing an individual learning
greater interest in learning through the use of
innovative methods and approaches, digital
technologies, gamification, etc.;
memorization of a larger amount of material
by students;
development of soft skills: self-confidence,
ability to learn, acquisition of
communication skills. Therefore, blended
learning in the field of higher education is
gaining momentum in the world and has a
future (Pasichnyk et al., 2021).
The practical implementation in the professional
training of specialists in blended learning
technology showed that precisely under the
conditions of new variations of blended learning
models, the use of all components of the
functions of complex methodical support of the
modern model of education, the expansion of the
spectrum of the implementation of interactive
technologies in education, it becomes possible to
conduct qualitatively, interestingly and
effectively in the mode online and offline
classroom classes, scientific and practical
conferences and seminars, organize independent
work of education seekers in chat and forums,
promote research and experimental activities of
education seekers (Shevchuk, 2023).
Traditionally, the application of blended learning
technology in the modern professional training of
specialists in the educational process of higher
education institutions takes place in three stages:
independent study of the material, classroom
interactive classes, and continuation of
interactive training and support at the workplace.
During the application of mixed learning
technology, students have the opportunity to set
their own learning pace and choose methods and
forms of working with educational material. The
use of mixed learning technology in the modern
professional training of specialists provides
opportunities for an intensive exchange of views,
ideas, and beliefs of students in the educational
process of higher education institutions,
promotes active interaction of students, provides
constant feedback between the teacher and
students, directs student learning to achieve
group goals and individual educational goals
(Stoliarenko, 2015).
The application of mixed learning technology in
the modern professional training of specialists in
the educational process of higher education
institutions can be carried out in the following
forms: synchronous face-to-face forms
(seminars, lectures, practical classes, etc.);
synchronous remote forms (webinars, virtual
classes, instant messaging, coaching, etc.);
asynchronous forms (assessment of knowledge
(testing, surveys), training in the use of an
electronic learning support system, video and
audio recordings, working with documents and
web pages, communication via e-mail, Skype, in
discussion forums, educational online
communities, etc.) remotely (Kasyan et al.,
The organization of the application of mixed
learning technology requires the solution of
difficult methodological, organizational, and
educational tasks in the educational process of
higher education institutions: the organization of
technical support; choosing a model of mixed
learning, which should solve specific tasks set by
the institution of higher education; training of
teachers to work in the format of mixed
education (training of personnel); development
of regulatory requirements and methodological
recommendations for the organization of the
educational process based on the model of mixed
learning (providing regulatory and
methodological support). This makes it possible
to qualitatively divide the material into "face-to-
face" and "online", create instructional materials
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
for students and teachers, develop
recommendations for the clear use of information
and communication technologies in the teaching
of professional disciplines, and use interactive
methods of active learning in the classroom
(Yurchenko, 2021).
The paradigm of developmental education most
fully corresponds to the idea of distance and
traditional education. Therefore, the
organizational-pedagogical model of blended
learning synthesizes the advantages of three
approaches to the organization of the
professional training process:
andragogically oriented to the peculiarities
and needs of education seekers, the adult
population: learning based on experience
and with the help of action;
personally oriented, aimed at the
development of the meaningful motivational
and value component of the personality and
mental, communicative, reflective, creative,
and other abilities of students;
context-oriented, on the involvement of the
specifics of professional subject and social
activity of specialists in the educational
process, taking into account their real
problems and experience; transparency of
boundaries between educational and
professional activities.
The combination of these approaches and their
ideas makes it possible to create such an
integrated educational environment that will
satisfy the needs of employers, take into account
the peculiarities of students, and ensure their
orientation towards the development of
professional competence by solving both
professional and educational problems
(Shevchuk & Yashanov, 2022).
The technology of blended learning is
characterized and its importance for quality
training of specialists is proved, the main ways of
its application in the educational process of
higher education institutions are clarified, and the
main features of blended learning are named.
The applications described in the article are used
to transmit, save, create educational and
methodical materials, and support, and organize
the process of mixed learning using
The importance of the Learning Management
System computer software complex, which is
used for the management, development, and
distribution of online educational materials with
the provision of shared access to them, is shown
for quality education, and organization of the
mixed learning process.
The main conditions for the effective application
of blended learning, technological solutions of
blended learning, and methodical approaches of
blended learning are highlighted, and the forms
by which blended learning can be implemented
are considered.
The use of an e-learning platform is shown to be
a mandatory element of the organization of
blended learning.
The content of the key concept of blended
learning "flipped classroom" is revealed, within
which special attention is paid to aspects of the
organization of the educational process and
aspects of designing electronic courses. Varieties
of the inverted class are characterized. The
operation of mixed learning synchronously and
asynchronously is shown.
The stages of the traditional application of
blended learning technology in the modern
professional psychological and pedagogical
training of specialists in the educational process
of higher education institutions are considered.
The organizational-pedagogical model of
blended learning synthesizes the advantages of
three approaches to the organization of the
professional training process. The organization
of the application of mixed learning technology
requires the solution of difficult methodical,
organizational, and educational tasks in the
educational process of higher education
institutions, which is disclosed in the article.
We recommend that higher education institutions
provide training for specialists in the use of
information and communication technologies,
and that higher education institutions develop
assessment strategies suitable for blended
Conducted research and obtained results can
become the basis for the development of
electronic textbooks; technologies, forms and
methods of organizing educational activities,
adapted to a mixed form of education; new
approaches to the formation of intellectual,
informational, communicative and social
competences; creation of a didactic algorithm for
the individualization of learning; solving
psychological problems in the conditions of new
Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
challenges of society; willingness of teachers and
students to cooperate.
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