Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.69.09.4
How to Cite:
Tretko, V., Vasіutina, T., Kolomiiets, I., Iievliev, O., & Kramar, V. (2023). Functions and principles of creating quality information
support for the educational space of higher education institution. Amazonia Investiga, 12(69), 51-60.
Functions and principles of creating quality information support for
the educational space of higher education institution
Функції та принципи створення якісного інформаційного забезпечення освітнього
простору закладу вищої освіти
Received: August 2, 2023 Accepted: September 5, 2023
Written by:
Vitaliy Tretko1
Tеtіana Vasіutina2
Inna Kolomiiets3
Oleksandr Iievliev4
Volodymyr Kramar5
The article reveals the main provisions and
shows the necessity of informatization of the
educational space of the higher school at the
current stage. The purpose of the article is to
show the necessity and to define the main
provisions of the informatization of the
educational space of the higher school at the
current stage to ensure the quality education of
those seeking education. The methodology of the
article characterizes the totality and connection
of the following methodological techniques:
competence, acmeological, systemic,
interdisciplinary, personal-activity, comparative,
prognostic; methodological principles of
research; patterns of educational and
professional activity; global trends in the
development of informatization of the
educational space of a higher school to ensure
quality education of education seekers; trends of
globalization. The article reveals the
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Full Professor, Dean of the Faculty of International Relations and Law, Khmelnytskyi National
University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAO-9418-2021
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Primary Education, Dragomanov Ukrainian
State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAY-4161-2021
Doctor оf Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Ukrainian Language and Methodology Department,
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: IAM-1262-2023
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Innovative Education,
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: FAJ-0193-2022
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of German Philology and Translation Studies, Khmelnytskyi
National University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: HNS-1633-2023
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
requirements for informatization of the
educational space of a higher school, lists the
advantages, shows the main positions of the
teacher's role in creating an informational
educational space using computer technologies.
The most important educational areas of high-
quality education of education seekers with the
help of informatization of the educational space
of the higher school during pedagogical
interaction, which create decent conditions in
educational activities, are singled out.
Keywords: institutions of higher education,
informatization of the educational space,
students of higher education, information
technologies, functions and principles.
The modern world, in the conditions of
competition in all spheres, and globalization of
social life, attaches primary importance to higher
education, and modern educational technologies
that contribute to the successful innovative
development of the state. With such innovations
in development, the main condition of the new
paradigm of higher education should be the
modern formation of the knowledge economy. At
the same time, this increases the importance of
higher education and complicates the task of
innovative qualified training of future
competitive specialists who support and shape
the image of the institution of higher education in
which they learning and contribute to its
development in the educational space of the
modern world. Therefore, it is necessary to
an innovative environment, a special
information system, which includes
information resources and contributes to
their actualization;
an educational system that allows
technological stages of learning, provides an
opportunity to integrate with other systems,
use other banks of information, to give new
content to the educational process, which
embodies the modern realities of the
information society. Such goals in a higher
education institution can improve the
information and educational environment,
which makes it possible to make the
transition to an educational open system and
improves its technological base (Yashchuk,
The higher school initiates the improvement of
the competitiveness of its graduates in the labor
market and constantly contributes to the
improvement of the quality of education while
reaching more of its students. Taking into
account the capabilities of each student of
education, his needs, and requirements for
processing information and obtaining new
knowledge, in higher education it is necessary to
create a system of informatization of the
educational space, properly ensure a high level of
access to informing students of education,
obtaining information that will satisfy student
needs and increase the image of higher education
institutions education The constant
informatization of the educational space of the
higher school, in particular the development of
information and communication technologies,
set the goal of organizing effective innovative
training, and not only provided the opportunity
for higher education institutions to intensify the
educational process. This speaks of the great
possibilities of information technologies
(Kalusenko & Kartashova, 2020).
Informatization in higher education is becoming
a necessary phenomenon in the development of
modern innovative education, while the
educational system must be flexible, sufficiently
inertial to change its methodology in time and
respond to the times, as well as to promote solid
educational knowledge of education seekers, for
further orientation in modern world space. An
increase in the importance of fundamental
knowledge is possible in higher education with
the informatization of the educational space,
which will constantly develop and make
education 100% innovative and modern.
Computer skills are of primary position for
informatization in higher education and in
general in the modern scientific world, with the
Tretko, V., Vasіutina, T., Kolomiiets, I., Iievliev, O., Kramar, V. / Volume 12 - Issue 69: 51-60 / September, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
mandatory and constant change of methods and
methods of scientific research.
In modern society, the most important problem is
the high-quality and innovative training of a
competitive specialist, which includes the
mandatory use of smart technologies, modeling
of the educational environment, and computer
technologies of an innovative nature and global
scale. Solving such a problem is possible with the
help of specific functions and principles when
creating high-quality information support for the
educational space of a higher education
The purpose of the article: to show the
necessity and to define the main provisions of the
informatization of the educational space of the
higher school at the current stage to ensure the
quality education of those seeking education.
Literature Review
I. Yashchuk (2021) offers ways to modernize the
educational space of the higher school in the
conditions of global changes. Proved the need for
the transition of the higher school to a distance
form of education, and showed the need for
informatization and computerization of
education with this approach. The impossibility
of quality professional training of a future
competitive specialist without the development
of information literacy has been proven, which
indicates the need for constant information and
technological updating in every institution of
higher education. Ways of creating an
informational and educational environment in
which the personal and professional qualities of
specialists are formed, and educational work is
organized directly, with the aim of high-quality
training of future competitive specialists have
been revealed. The example of the Pedagogical
Faculty of the Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian and
Pedagogical Academy shows the innovative
work of the educational environment using the
Moodle educational platform. The advantages of
the informatization functions of the educational
space of the higher school are proven and their
pedagogical necessity is shown.
I. Chaika (2012) showed the advantages of the
informational setting of a higher school. The
main principles of informatization of the
educational space of a higher school are named:
independence, accessibility, activity, reflexivity,
interactivity, integration, redundancy,
individualization, sensitivity, renewability,
versatility, pedagogical expediency of using
information technologies in the educational
space of a higher school. The principles are
important and necessary when solving the main
tasks of information processing and its
V. Kalusenko, & L. Kartashova (2020)
considered the issue of training students in the
development of the higher school, economy,
informatization of society, and science. They
proposed a scheme for the introduction of
electronic educational environments into the
educational process, which is currently the main
task for institutions of higher education. The
informatization of the educational space of the
higher school is considered a process of
innovative transformations of the content,
organizational forms of training students of
education, and changes in methods during the
transition of the student of education to life in the
conditions of the information society.
Research methods were used at various stages of
the study of the informatization of the
educational space of the higher school:
o a generalization of the analysis of
educational and methodological
philosophical, psychological, and
pedagogical modern literature, articles in
scientific publications was carried out to
explain the national progress of the problem
of informatization of the educational space
at the present period of the change of the
educational field, the selection of conceptual
ideas and the disclosure of their essence.
This approach made it possible to
distinguish the academic and operational
basis of the informatization of the didactic
o modeling and synthesis allowed
generalizing information about the essence
of the research, to form the main provisions
of informatization of the educational space;
empirical: psychological-pedagogical
observation in the process of educational
activity of education seekers in the
informational educational space to clarify
the level of formation of their educational
competence within the limits of the
informatization of the educational space.
The research conducted with the help of the used
research methods is based on the practical
application of the information educational space,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
which provides an opportunity for students to
increase the effectiveness of skills, abilities,
knowledge and through compliance with the
process and system of balance, purposefulness,
openness, and interdependence of the
components of the information educational
space. The training of the imaginary and
organizational basics of the training of future
specialists requires the implementation of a
scientific search for the informatization of the
educational space of a higher school at the
current stage to ensure the high-quality education
of education seekers by the selected concepts.
The methodological concept characterizes the
totality and connection of the following
methodical methods: competence, acmeological,
systemic, interdisciplinary, personal-activity,
comparative, prognostic; methodological
principles of research (substantial analysis,
objectivity, unity of logic and history,
comprehensiveness, holistic study of systemic
processes and pedagogical phenomena); patterns
of educational and professional activity; global
trends in the development of informatization of
the educational space of a higher school to ensure
high-quality education for those seeking
education; globalization trends.
The theoretical concept reveals the conceptual
provisions of the optimization of the
informatization of the educational space of the
higher school at the current stage to ensure the
high-quality education of education seekers,
which is the basis for improving the professional
competence of specialists, taking into account the
specifics and the positive implementation of best
practices. The professional training of future
specialists at the modern stage through
informatization of the educational space of the
higher school at the modern stage contributes to
ensuring the quality education of future
specialists and is based on psychological-
pedagogical, philosophical, sociocultural
principles, covering scientific approaches of
empiricism, a holistic approach to the education
of a specialist, pedagogy, sociocultural
paradigm, humanism, social constructivism,
The prognostic-practical level of the research
allows a qualitative study of approaches to the
development of professional competence and
professional training of specialists by
informatization of the educational space of the
higher school at the modern stage to ensure
quality education of those seeking education,
analysis of systems of professional training of
specialists and substantiation of the ways of
modernization of higher education.
Results and Discussion
The 21st century was named the century of
quality education in connection with the
informatization of the educational space of the
higher school, associated with the information
revolution, during which intelligence,
information, and knowledge occupy the role of
the main driving force and actualize their status
in the system of social life. Education reflects the
peculiarities and specifics of the expansion of the
current data society, which needs modernization
and transformation. In connection with the
growth of information flows, the acceleration of
the pace of people's lives, and the improvement
of technologies, in the educational space of a
higher school, informatization is due to the
relevance and necessity of the needs of social
development. As a guarantor of the intellectual
future potential of the nation, the main priority is
the informatization of education, health care,
science, and culture.
G. Yordan, & H. Yordan (2020) consider the
informatization of education "as a process of
changing the content, methods and
organizational forms of student training at the
stage of its transition to lifecycle in the
circumstances of the information society, the
creation and use of information technologies to
increase the efficiency of activities carried out in
the education system".
Computer technologies, informatization of the
educational space, and the global Internet
network are necessarily present in all areas of
human life: in everyday life, and the professional
sphere. In connection with the constant practice
of information skills by students, a high level of
skills and knowledge in the special innovative
computer field is necessary. Therefore, the need
to provide higher education institutions with
various types of special programs for studying
the material and practical innovative
technologies for the formation of knowledge in
the field with the help of information
technologies has been proven. Information
technology is constantly improving, which leads
our society to constant development (Biletska et
al., 2021). The development and formation of the
information-educational environment in higher
education institutions were updated by:
the relentless development of information
the openness of educational systems;
Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the need for electronic educational resources
in all spheres of life;
the rapid growth of the level of computer
skills of the students in the educational
virtualization of the educational process;
transition to an active, new form of
implementation of the education process;
the need for social partnership contacts and
informational interaction of education
monitoring of educational activities
(Gavrilyuk, 2016).
The purpose of creating an automatic
information and educational situation of a higher
school is to fully satisfy the educational needs of
students of all levels of education, all specialties,
and information and educational resources,
regardless of where the students are, what
educational resources are currently needed by
students, what services they need when using
modern information technologies (Bykov, 2010).
The advantages of informatization of the higher
school are the possibility of:
organization of the educational process, and
educational events in electronic form;
planning and implementation of educational
space at different levels, programs, and
forms of education;
replacement of the reproductive activity of
the educational space acquirers with a
creative and consultative one;
submission of reference information for
training, and mandatory educational
promotion of communication interaction
between the management apparatus of the
institution, students, and teachers;
providing participants in the educational
process with access to information related to
the organization of the educational process,
planning of training, and monitoring of
educational activities;
the use of the educational process of
information materials, effective teaching-
methodical support of constantly updated
complexes (Gunko, 2014).
When creating an informational educational
space in a higher school, the following
requirements should be taken into account:
technical: Wi‐Fi technologies, network
availability, computer equipment;
software: integration, interaction, security
human resources: psychological readiness,
availability of specialists, ICT literacy;
academic: compliance with educational
programs, methodical content;
social: cultural, normative-legal, and ethical
aspects (Kuchai et al., 2021).
Studying the organization of the educational
process, the information-search activity of
education seekers in the information-educational
space, the educational environment is considered
a system and consists of the following
1) multilevel information resources, which are
program-methodical, cultural, problem-
oriented, and intellectual, consist of
knowledge and work technology with the
application of search, information storage,
it's processing and practical application;
2) information infrastructure to ensure the
development and functioning of the
environment during the educational process
(Chumak & Bondarenko, 2023).
The use of innovative technologies in the
information and educational environment and the
acquisition of information in the computer
network optimizes the verbal communication of
students and makes the contact among the
teacher and the student innovative.
Implementation of the innovative nature of
education with the use of modern technologies
takes place with the mandatory support of
education seekers and in the form of an
innovative program, a schedule of updated
modules of educational classes according to the
innovative program. Innovative support from
teachers is carried out individually for each
student to strengthen the integration of the
educational process, and increase
interdisciplinary training to include academic
disciplines in a disciplinary complex that is
unified. In the process of such an educational
process, the students of education maximally
acquire the skills of using information
technologies in modern research, educational,
and scientific activities (Kuzminskyi et al.,
The information and educational environment
provides the simultaneous solution to the
following tasks:
organization of educational activities for
education seekers using elements of e-
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
formation of skills and abilities of students
with the help of an informational educational
space with the help of computer
technologies for a high-quality educational
process and the provision of developmental,
educational, reflective, and informational
functions, which are necessary for further
professional activity.
The educational function, which ensures the
operation of all components in the structure of
the informational educational space using
computer technologies and organizes the
monitoring of the quality of education, control of
the learning process, and the application of
educational functions, is fundamental for work in
the information educational space using
computer technologies. Such a function ensures
the competitiveness of a trained specialist to
work in a professional environment. The
importance of the implementation of the
educational function depends on the strength,
completeness, and awareness of scientific and
theoretical knowledge that is being formed, skills
and practical abilities, and experience of
practical, intellectual, and creative activity within
the field of training chosen by the student of
education. The educational function is related to
the educational function and is realized in our
time necessarily with the help of informational
educational space using computer technologies.
The following components are involved in its
work: technological-procedural, resource-
content, and subject-social, which work
successfully with the help of information and
educational space using computer technologies
and, as a result, allow to form the motives of
activity, the future professional activity of
specialists, positive qualities personalities, value
orientations, professional values, their views on
life, worldview, interests, aesthetic and moral
ideas (Oseredchuk et al., 2022).
The developmental function ensures the change
of the following spheres of the student's
personality: emotional-volitional, intellectual,
need-motivational and prepares the future
competitive specialist for conscious professional
activity. The main position for the
implementation of this function is the selection
of such resources as informational, scientific-
didactic, and technological and their mandatory
inclusion in interactive activities with the help of
informational educational space using computer
technologies (Dotsenko, 2016).
The information function is related to the
selection, processing, distribution, transmission,
storage, and use of scientific, educational, moral-
aesthetic, and worldview information to meet all
the needs of education seekers. It is this function
that forms in the students of education the ability
to implement information technologies to solve
educational and educational tasks, to implement
information interaction (Plakhotnik et all, 2022).
The reflective function of the informational
educational space using computer technologies is
aimed at the development and optimization of
self-improvement and self-development of the
subjects of the informational and educational
environment and provides for:
critical analysis of attitude towards oneself
as a future competitive specialist,
personality, analysis of interests, motives,
emotional-sensual state, value orientations
of activity, assessment of activity, own
behavior, state of development of all one's
professional activity;
identification of cause-and-effect
relationships, successful interaction, reasons
for the state of development of the
informational educational space,
significance of the educational process, etc.
The result of the implementation of the
reflexive function with the help of the
information educational space using
computer technologies is manifested in the
improvement of actions that purposefully
affect the productive implementation,
improvement, and group of the educational
procedure during the interaction of the
subjects of the information educational
space (Shchyrbul et al., 2022).
The function of socialization of an individual to
work in an informational educational
environment using computer technologies
ensures the development of relations between
members of society and social institutions. The
activity of the subject in the informational and
educational space, which is determined by socio-
cultural, ethnic realities, and mentality aimed at
the application of innovative approaches of
mastering the self-development of the individual,
is determined by the universal human need for a
goal-oriented and competitive specialist by
values, norms, rules, traditions, methods of
activity. The result of the influence of the
function of socialization for the realization of a
high-quality informational educational space
using computer technologies is the ability of
education seekers to find non-standard solutions
to problems in situations, the ability to exercise
their civic and moral choices, the formation of
the worldview of education participants, social
activity, the harmonization of their relations, the
Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
development of universal values, the ability to
carry out creative activities, self-education and
self-development in the team (Yashchuk, 2021).
The educational information space when using
computer technologies provides an opportunity
for students to obtain educational information in
a detailed, open form not during the organization
of the educational process, but before the
beginning of education. The information and
educational environment provides equal access
to information for students and teachers for
possible exchange and dialogue in ways of
cognitive activity, ensuring their cooperation,
subject-subject relations, and values. With the
help of informational educational space using
computer technologies, it is possible to create
conditions for the educational activities of
students and the personalization of their
educational communications. This will be
possible only under the condition of compliance
with the set of principles of implementation of
the information and educational environment,
and its possible potential: accessibility, activity
and independence, reflexivity, interactivity,
integration, redundancy, individualization,
versatility, sensitivity, renewability. The
justification of such principles is influenced by
the logical foundations of the process of
knowledge acquisition, the theory of knowledge;
regularities of the functioning of the psyche of
the individual, psychological, pedagogical,
social, and epistemological regularities.
The principle of activity and independence
provides for the internal motivation of obtaining
an education and requires an active attitude of
education seekers to the use of various innovative
methods of organizing the educational process,
and information objects.
The principle of reflexivity promotes the
awareness of all parameters of the education
process, own changes, and methods of activity.
Reflection is formed at each stage of personality
development under the influence of the way of
life, it is based on the inner freedom of the future
specialist, which requires self-control of one's
actions and deeds.
The principle of interactivity makes it possible to
create information support in the mode of
exchange of operations and actions and the mode
of interactive dialogue.
The principle of integration provides for the
interconnection of communications with the help
of an informational educational space with the
goals and content of education in a higher
education institution using computer
technologies, as well as based on
interdisciplinary connections, promotes the
unification of educational information into
problem-thematic cycles that combine related
disciplines and courses into single educational
The principle of redundancy accommodates a
certain amount of information to ensure an
informational educational space, the mastery of
which makes it possible to collect the necessary
data, a broad orientation for the independent
determination of important educational
conditions that ensure the solution of the task set
by education. At the same time, information that
is redundant for the relevant needs of the student
of education is regulated by the requirements of
its optimality, this information expands the
spectrum of ways to solve a scientific problem or
educational, indicative possibilities of a student
(Kuchai, 2017).
The principle of individualization ensures the
correspondence of individual characteristics of
students to information provision, level of
training of students, their age-related cognitive
abilities, scientific interests, and professional
specialization. The creation of information
support in the informational educational space
should take into account the quality and volume
of educational tasks and their complexity.
The principle of versatility involves the practice
of necessary educational information and
communication skills, such as hypertext blocks,
electronic manuals and textbooks, virtual
simulators and environments, educational
websites, electronic libraries, encyclopedias,
handbooks, portals, interactive video, electronic
magazines, multimedia educational systems, etc.
A modern institution of higher education should
today be a complex of variable, different
educational communications that use
information technologies to create information
support of quality education in an informational
educational space in which it is possible to
acquire information and logically build one's
educational trajectory (Kuchai & Kuchai, 2019).
The principle of sensitivity is necessary to
provide feedback to the students of teaching for
high-quality and quick assimilation of courses
and disciplines of study in the information space
of education.
The principle of updateability requires
correction, the constant addition of information,
updating of educational information, and ways of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
presenting it to students. In the conditions of
creating information support in the informational
educational space, there is a need for a constant
increase in the volume of new knowledge, the
application of innovative techniques of
technology, the necessary solution of the tasks,
constant monitoring of the quality of knowledge,
accounting for positive changes in the education
process. With this approach, preference is given
to information technologies that make it possible
to make permanent additions and even changes
to the information support of the educational
process in a short period, to transfer new
information to students of education in a few
seconds via the Internet (Kuzminsky et al.,
The analyzed principles realize the didactic
potential of the informational and educational
setting, they are interconnected and contribute to
the professional and cultural self-projection of
the individual.
Therefore, we see that the creation of information
provision in the informational educational space
within the framework of the analyzed principles
is a necessary basis for ensuring a competitive
level of preparation of education seekers for
professional activities. These principles are also
important and necessary for solving tasks of
collecting and processing information (Chaika,
We agree with V. Bykov (2008, 2019), that when
studying the influence of the worldwide
implementation of information skills on the
functioning of the educational situation of higher
education organizations, it is required to single
out important educational directions of the
subjects of education during pedagogical
interaction, which should create worthy
conditions for educational activity that will be
qualitatively implemented with the help of
isolated functions and principles in the creation
of a high-quality information provision of
educational space of a higher education
establishment. Let's list the following conditions:
electronic educational profiles that provide
promising directions for the educational
activities of teachers and students, and
contribute to updating the characteristic
features of innovative education;
electronic educational resources for
educational activities;
educational social networks that support an
open informational and educational
environment in cooperation;
innovative pedagogical technologies that
create a new organization of education and
are based on work in an informational and
educational environment using the means of
computer-oriented educational systems of
methodological purpose;
computer-oriented systems for monitoring
the quality of educational activities that
supplement traditional ones.
Therefore, the integration of information
technologies into education will allow the
creation of a high-quality environment of
information and pedagogical activity in higher
education, in particular:
improvement of the organizational
conditions for the making of information
funding in the information and educational
increasing the efficiency of the
informational educational space by
introducing innovative mechanisms of
interactivity of the educational process,
visibility of the use of sources of information
support in the educational space;
compression of information in time and
space due to the possibility of expanding and
collapsing it;
optimization of students' work pace (choice
of individual educational trajectory,
individualization of education,
effective implementation of
interdisciplinary connections in the
informational educational space;
based on the informatization of individual
functions, optimization of the teacher's
informational and pedagogical work;
improving the conditions of educational
activity by creating positive motivation in
the student, interest through an interest in the
computer, ensuring a positive emotional
state of the individual, humane attitude
towards the individual, development of the
information culture of the student, creative
and research, qualities through self-
discovery, self-realization, reflection
(Jordan & Jordan, 2020).
In a higher school, the educational environment
contains methodical tasks, test tasks for
independent work and monitoring the quality of
education, educational-methodical complexes,
etc., which implement, by the needs of the
formation of professional competencies of
students, the content of educational disciplines.
The information environment of the higher
school provides equal access to information
Volume 12 - Issue 69
/ September 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
resources for everyone and creates an
opportunity to implement all types of interaction:
presentations, e-mail, and chats, which
contributes to the high-quality interaction of all
subjects of the educational environment. At the
same time, the role of all focuses in the
information environment is changing.
Let us distinguish the role of the teacher, which
is essential for the implementation of functions
and principles for the creation of high-quality
information support in the educational space of a
higher education institution and is manifested in
the following positions:
acts as a disseminator of knowledge,
performs the part of a consultant and
coordinator in the educational process, and
students of such an educational process are
its subjects, where their training is aimed at
acquiring and developing professional
competencies (Kalusenko & Kartashova,
The necessity and main provisions of the
informatization of the higher school at the
modern stage are shown and revealed to ensure
high-quality training for those seeking education
and the creation of information by profession
with the help of information technologies. The
purpose of creating of a higher school is to fully
satisfy the educational requests of students of all
levels of education, all specialties, and
information and educational resources,
regardless of where the students are, what
educational resources are currently needed by
students, what services they need when using
modern information technologies.
The advantages and requirements of
informatization of the educational space are
listed. The educational environment is
considered as a system consisting of such
components, which are considered in the article.
The main positions of the teacher's role in
creating an informational educational space
using computer technologies are shown. The
important educational directions of education
seekers with pedagogical interaction, which
should create decent conditions for educational
activity, are listed:
The main functions of the information and
educational space have been identified and
With the help of the informational educational
space, it is possible to create conditions for the
educational activities of students using computer
technologies. This is possible only under the
condition of compliance with the set of principles
of information and educational environment
implementation (accessibility, activity and
independence, reflexivity, interactivity,
integration, redundancy, individualization,
versatility, sensitivity, and updateability), which
is substantiated in the article.
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