www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.68.08.32
How to Cite:
Bilov, V., Goi, V., Mamonov, K., Tregub, O., & Levchenko, O. (2023). Advantages of building information modeling (bim) during
the operational life. Amazonia Investiga, 12(68), 346-363. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.68.08.32
Advantages of building information modeling (bim) during the
operational life
Переваги інформаційного моделювання побудови (імп) протягом терміну
Received: June 26, 2023 Accepted: August 25, 2023
Written by:
Vladyslav Bilov1
Vasyl Goi2
Kostiantyn Mamonov3
Oleksandr Tregub4
Oleksii Levchenko5
Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology
is rapidly gaining traction in facility management
and operations. This software aids in the effective
management and exchange of building data,
offering valuable benefits throughout construction
stages, from planning to maintenance. This study
delves into the factors affecting the operational
performance of a BIM model and its paramount
benefits during the digital design phase. Emphasis
is placed on the merits of BIM during the
operational phase, primarily using Autodesk Revit
software. The research includes an analysis of
engineering systems, particularly digital modeling
of HVAC, water supply, and electrical systems.
Drawing from BIM implementation experiences in
Ukraine, the study reviewed significant
contributions to digital model designs, examining
BIM models across various infrastructure projects.
A unique aspect of this research is the development
of a digital BIM model using Autodesk Revit 2016,
which uses advanced tools to spotlight the benefits
of modeling throughout the design process.
PhD student of the Department of Fundamentals of Architecture and Architectural Design of Kyiv National University of
Construction and Architecture, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Director, Institute of Valuation and Forensic Sciences, Doctoral Candidate at the Department of
Economics and Marketing, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Head of the department, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Land Administration and Geographic Information Systems,
O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Institute of Civil Engineering, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph. D.), Associate Professor, Department of Highways, Geodesy and Land Management,
Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Dnipro, Ukraine.
Associate Professor, Candidate of Sciences (comparable to the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D.) of Architecture,
Department of Information Technologies in Architecture, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Bilov, V., Goi, V., Mamonov, K., Tregub, O., Levchenko, O. / Volume 12 - Issue 68: 346-363 / August, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Keywords: digitalization, BIM, software,
Autodesk Revit, digital model.
In the modern world, numerous operations and
processes are facilitated by computer
technologies, which encompass a range of
information transformations in various forms,
such as textual, graphical, and auditory, into a
digital format known as digitization. Digitization
combines advanced technologies and systems
from architecture, engineering, and construction,
transitioning from traditional design methods to
contemporary approaches using Building
Information Modeling (BIM) (Tan et al., 2021).
Although initial attempts to apply computer
technologies in building projects date back to the
early 1980s and 1990s, the most significant
utilization of such technologies occurred in the
early 2000s when computer technologies entered
the era of modernization and optimization in
building design. The concept of the "Building
Information Model" emerged in the early 1990s
but gained prominence in the early 2000s when
software provider Autodesk published an article
titled "Building Information Modeling" (BIM),
followed by other software companies joining
the field (Panteli & Fokaides, 2020).
The digitization of building information
modeling (BIM) involves complex processes for
developing an intelligent model that integrates
professionals from architecture, engineering, and
construction to ensure efficiency in building
design, construction, and operational phases. The
primary advantage of BIM technology lies in
developing and utilizing computer-generated n-
dimensional (n-D) models to simulate the
facility's planning, design, construction, and
operation. It enables architects, engineers, and
builders to visualize what will be constructed
within the modeled environment while also
identifying potential design, construction, or
operational issues (Ibem et al., 2018).
Modern BIM capabilities can solve many
problems and shortcomings that indicate a lack
of consistency in the development and exchange
of digital information, such as resource intensity
and minimal efficiency in managing the
processes of design, construction, operation and
lack of effective life cycle management of
facilities, as well as the inadequacy of regulatory
support for modern construction technologies,
etc. To solve these problems, many countries and
Ukraine propose the introduction of BIM
technologies, which consist in the development
and sharing of a digital model that can contain all
the necessary characteristics on the basis of
which design and estimate documentation is
developed (Šimenić, 2021).
The digital model, created by designers using
specialized software, allows for integrating
information related to physical and functional
characteristics. However, the key advantage of
BIM technology over traditional design methods
lies in its ability to unite architecture,
engineering, and construction professionals
through a shared database of digital models. This
enables efficient data exchange throughout the
entire project lifecycle. During the development
and operation of a building, the model data
allows for valuable information about the
construction elements and the interconnections
between model components. Determining the
necessary resources (materials) and minimizing
project implementation time on the construction
site is crucial. Moreover, any changes made to
model elements enable quick and accurate
updates across all associated sections of digital
drawings (Krasovskaya et al., 2021).
One of the advantages of BIM is its adaptability,
as the model can be accepted at any stage of
construction and infrastructure, both during the
design and operational and post-construction
phases. The design phase encompasses
implementing architectural design aspects,
structural analysis, mechanical, electrical, and
plumbing evaluations, and environmental and
energy assessments for analysis purposes.
Implementing BIM during construction involves
monitoring progress and addressing safety and
security issues. In contrast, the post-construction
phase is associated with monitoring the
building's operation, typically from the digital
twins' perspective and machine learning
technologies' application. It is worth noting that
BIM can be used for assessing building
operations after completion and reflects the
actual energy performance (Panteli & Fokaides,
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However, BIM technologies are only used in the
design of individual buildings and structures.
BIM technologies have not yet been fully
implemented in the practice of design,
construction and operation, which certainly
makes a large number of studies particularly
relevant today (Jian, 2020).
The task of architects, engineers, and builders
during the design phase is to employ efficient
methods to reduce project costs, enhance
productivity and quality, and shorten project
implementation timelines. BIM, which contains
a digital potential, serves as a means to achieve
these goals and objectives (Eastman, 2011).
Over the past decade, BIM has been widely
utilized in prefabricated construction in the
building industry. Recent scientific and industrial
research has shown that the application of BIM
with software influences the reduction of life
cycle costs, waste reduction, increased
productivity, and improved quality in
construction (Zhang et al., 2021).
Literature review
Implementing and developing building
information modeling (BIM) technology has
brought numerous advantages to the industrial
and construction industries. The use of BIM is
associated with benefits such as eliminating
unforeseen budget variations, improving cost
estimation accuracy, and reducing time for
compiling cost estimates and project timelines
(Sepasgozar et al., 2022). El Mounla et al.,
(2023) suggest that the development of
information technology enables cost and time
savings in project and construction activities and
facilitates effective integration of inputs from
contractors and suppliers during the design
phase, enhancing the construction performance
of projects. The studies by Darko et al., (2020)
and Bello et al., (2021) identified key advantages
of BIM, which include:
instant detection of conflicts between
different building systems;
reducing fragmentation in the construction
enabling seamless integration of various
industry segments;
enhancing efficiency in the sector;
reducing costs associated with information
exchange and utilization among project
providing an alternative solution for design
coordination as projects can be reviewed in
a digital model.
Rodrigues et al., (2020) described how, for an
entire project, design conflicts alone among
designers could amount to tens of thousands of
observations, making such an approach
unsatisfactory in the long term.
Ding et al., (2019) analyzed that BIM contributes
to rapid visualization and accurate change
updates during the conceptual stage of building
project development, improving communication
among project design teams and enhancing
collaboration between architects and engineers in
the development team. The authors presumed
that improving the quality of architectural and
engineering design regarding error-free drawings
leads to a continuous increase in work
Compliance with safety rules during the
operation and maintenance of buildings is
equally important when designing a digital BIM
model. Wang et al., (2021) proposed an
evaluation method that, combined with BIM
technology, allows for quick and reliable
assessment of the fire hazard of the target
building model and realizes an organic unity of
science, efficiency, and economy. Additionally,
the authors developed a risk calculation model
for the operational and maintenance periods to
enhance the fire safety capacity of buildings.
The operational phase of a building's life cycle
can consume a significant amount of energy,
leading to a considerable negative impact on the
environment. While energy modeling can be
applied as a tool to assess the energy
performance of an operational building, the
emergence of BIM technology facilitates the
evaluation process through defined and enriched
building information. However, this approach
has a drawback concerning the compatibility
issue between BIM software tools and energy
modeling tools, and the modeling results are
rarely verified due to the lack of corresponding
experimental data.
In the United States, the construction sector and
building operations account for nearly 43% of the
total energy consumption in the country.
Furthermore, during the operational phase,
buildings consume 87% and 84% of the total
energy in Europe and the United States,
respectively. Therefore, in the struggle with a
deleterious influence, the operational phase of a
building's life cycle gains practical significance,
wherein energy modeling can play a crucial role
in predicting energy efficiency, optimizing
design, and building operation (Li & Mills,
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Construction regulation of streets and roads is
determined according to a previously formed
urban planning plan (Samko, 2023).
This study aims to determine the key advantages
of building information modeling during the
operational phase based on global research using
Autodesk Revit software. An analysis of
engineering systems during the operational phase
was conducted as part of the research. It included
the digital modeling of HVAC systems (heating,
ventilation, and air conditioning), water supply,
and electrical systems.
The following tasks should be accomplished to
achieve the set goal:
review and analysis of literature on global
research regarding the use of building
information modeling.
identification of the most suitable software
for design and model development.
analysis of patterns in building information
modeling to determine key advantages and
disadvantages during the operational phase.
analysis and comparison of two software
programs, Autodesk Revit and AutoCAD,
regarding their digitalization capabilities.
The scientific novelty lies in developing a digital
BIM model using Autodesk Revit 2016 software,
utilizing comprehensive professional tools to
identify the key advantages of modeling at each
stage of the design process.
The practical significance of the results
obtained is that the authors have studied and
analysed the developed BIM model at the stage
of building design with the characteristics of
operational properties, which made it possible to
determine the main advantages of using BIM
technology in the design of a digital model of any
Methods and Materials
Autodesk Revit 2016
The Autodesk Revit series software, developed
by the leading global provider of digital design
software, Autodesk, is a parametric 3D design
and architectural design software platform. The
software consists of three main professional tools
for design: Autodesk Revit Architecture
(architectural version), Revit Structure
(structural version), and Revit MEP (Mechanical
Electrical and Plumbing - equipment, electrical,
water supply, and drainage version), as shown in
Figure 1 (Sun, Fan & Sharma, 2021).
Autodesk Revit 2016 version comprises three
software components with powerful data
exchange capabilities to create a collaborative
design platform and facilitate multi-disciplinary
3D design. The software has a robust data
management function and can store all the
necessary information about component
parameters in the model database.
The first step in determining whether or not to
use Autodesk Revit software is to analyze the
advantages and disadvantages of this product. So
let us explore and consider the three software
tools of Autodesk Revit 2016 more closely.
Figure 1. The main professional tools of Autodesk Revit
Source: (Azhar, 2011).
a) autodesk Revit Architecture. Software for
3D simulation designed for modeling
plumbing, electrical, heating, and other
related equipment, suitable for architectural
design specialization. The program features
powerful parametric modeling capabilities
and enables quick project creation. The
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software is visually depicted in Figure 1 (a)
- Architectural Model.
b) autodesk Revit Structure. A program for
three-dimensional design specifically
developed for structural designers. The
software provides a wide range of structural
components to meet the design requirements
of construction professionals. The software
is visually depicted in Figure 1 (b) -
Structural Model.
Advantages of Autodesk Revit Architecture and
Revit Structure:
increased accuracy: Allows construction
engineers to create precise and validated
projects, facilitating easy design
modifications and visualizing how changes
impact the entire building model.
improved collaboration and communication:
Enables construction engineers to
collaborate with other team members in real
time, reducing errors and discrepancies
during the design process.
efficient project management: Helps
construction engineers effectively manage
their projects, allowing easy tracking of
project progress, task planning, and resource
c) autodesk Revit MEP. A program for
constructing a BIM model with all plumbing
systems: water supply, drainage, electrical
system, heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning systems for construction firms
and owners. The BIM model contains all the
information about the parameters of the
plumbing system, and the software can be
used for all plumbing systems. The software
is visually depicted in Figure 1 (c) -
Plumbing Model.
Advantages of Autodesk Revit MEP:
improved coordination: Enables building
engineers to coordinate their projects with
other disciplines, helping reduce clashes and
errors during construction.
increased efficiency: Allows MEP engineers
to create accurate and detailed designs,
making it easy to make changes and see how
they impact the entire building model.
accurate cost estimation: Assists MEP
engineers in accurately estimating the cost of
building systems, making it easy to calculate
the quantities of materials and equipment
needed for the project.
The software has detailed settings, such as pipe
layout parameters and material properties. After
creating a BIM model of the piping system, the
software can intelligently lay out the pipes,
establishing spatial connections between the
piping system and building models, and
Autodesk Revit MEP includes clash detection
functionality. Designers can optimize the layout
of the piping system. The software can also be
used with Navisworks for comprehensive clash
detection between specialized pipes and auxiliary
The disadvantages of using Autodesk Revit
software include the following:
large file sizes.
incompatibility with the Mac OS operating
system (it operates only on Windows).
the requirement for a more powerful
Analysis of Autodesk AutoCAD software
AutoCAD is a computer-aided design (CAD)
program developed by Autodesk in 1982, which
has been continuously improved and developed
to create a multitude of additional components
that leverage the capabilities of AutoCAD. The
software is commonly used for the 3D design of
machine parts, but its lack of parametric objects
makes it only a good tool for designing heating,
ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)
systems. HVAC design is performed using
AutoCAD or the more widely used MagiCAD
software for AutoCAD.
Each design zone is modeled separately in its file,
typically one file per floor or level. Thus, it limits
the ability for concurrent editing by multiple
users, even though designers from different
specialties often work simultaneously.
Consequently, simultaneous collaboration is not
possible. Depending on the project's scope, a
large number of files are created, and each file
requires a manual layout to satisfy the specific
design requirements.
Building information modeling based on
AutoCAD typically involves using two programs
simultaneously. AutoCAD is used for design,
while another program like Navisworks is used
for integrating all models and performing BIM
checks. As a result, real-time visualization of
changes to existing models is impossible.
(Kalpio, 2018).
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/ August 2023
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BIM model development at the building design
Using BIM technology to create a digital
prototype of the hospital model enables viewing
each individual component of the designed plan
through a software library. The small area model
covers 100m2 and includes several sections:
separate corridors for medical staff, patient
service rooms, and personal hygiene rooms
The digital building model is presented in Figure
2, which includes the following architectural and
structural elements from the library: a base
consisting of corrugated sheeting, steel column
fastenings, a roof with interior ceiling finishes,
60 mm sandwich panels, doors and windows, and
staircases with fastenings. The MEP systems
include sanitary facilities with water supply and
drainage, electrical system layout, and
ventilation system. Equally important are the
heating and conditioning systems, which
engineers collectively consider during the design
phase. The MEP systems will be addressed in the
following subsection with the operational
characteristics of the model.
Figure 2. Digital prototype of the hospital model with a schematic plan and 3D version.
The initial modeling stage consists of designing
and erecting the framework on a grid, followed
by assembling the structure using a library - each
container block has dimensions of 3x6x2.8
meters. They are connected to each other using
fastening elements - clamping bolts. The material
for the structural fastening consists of galvanized
steel, and the basic structure of steel columns is
made of 4mm galvanized steel with four
columns. The doors, measuring 900x2040, are
made of steel and aluminum frame with an
integrated handle, and the window size is
800x1100, consisting of plastic and aluminum
frame with embedded glass, with a thickness of
5x9 mm. The model consists of two floors, with
each floor containing 14 assembly structure
containers, providing access to the second floor
through stairs. The visual assembly realization of
the first and second-floor structures is shown in
Figure 3.
Figure 3. Digital 3D model of the construction of two floors structure.
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Before proceeding to the installation phase of
sandwich panels, windows, and doors, it is
necessary, first and foremost, to assemble and
securely attach the framework of the fastening
elements of the structure steel beam-columns
with dimensions of 115x115 mm.
Operational characteristics of the BIM model
During the development of a BIM model in the
building design phase, it is necessary to
determine which engineering systems and
structures can be used to meet human needs and
provide services during the operational period
throughout the facility's entire life cycle. These
engineering systems include heating, ventilation,
air conditioning, water, and power supply. Figure
4 illustrates the main Autodesk Revit 2016
software library elements for constructing
engineering systems.
Figure 4. The use of elements from the library to build systems for the operation of a) heating, ventilation
& air conditioning; b) water supply; c) power supply.
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
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1) heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
The design of the HAVC system consists of
elements from the Autodesk Revit library and is
designed as follows: a central rectangular air tube
is connected to the other tube lines by the
M_Rectangular Duct Elbow, M_Rectangular
Duct Takeoff, and M_Rectangular Duct Endcap.
Then the piping system is connected to a water
source heat pump (M_WSHP) with a high
efficiency of 7-18 kW, with left reverse and the
right discharge of 11 kW, at the outlet of which,
on the other side, the piping is laid along with the
outlet of air diffusers with side walls (M_Supply
Diffuser - Sidewall) using connecting elements.
The types of air ducts and connecting elements
are standard in size.
The floor plan of a typical room with a water
source heat pump (WSHP) is shown in Figure 5
a) together with its section and its b) plan.
Figure 5. The floor plan of a room with a water source heat pump (a) and a cross-sectional plan (b).
After constructing the floor plan in the software
environment, it can be visualized in a 3D format, displaying all elements within the inter-room
space, as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6. 3D model of the completed HVAC system.
2) water supply
Figure. 7 illustrates a schematic floor plan of a sanitary unit using elements of the MEP library.
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Figure 7. Schematic floor plan of the sanitary unit.
The design of the water supply system consists
of a standard type of pipeline (M_Pipe Standard)
and a common type of pipe elbow (M_Pipe
Elbow Standard), with a drainage system
(M_Bend - PVC - Sch 40 - DWV) and a sanitary
tee (M_Tee Sanitary - PVC - Sch 40 - DWV).
The sanitary fixtures include a wall-hung urinal
with a 20mm flush valve (M_Urinal Wall Hung
20 mm Flush Valve), a wall-mounted public
toilet measuring 485mm x 355mm (M_Lavatory
- Wall Mounted 485mm x 355mm - Public), and
a wall-mounted public water closet with a flush
valve (M_Water Closet - Flush Valve - Wall
Mounted Public).
A 3D rendering of the designed water supply
system is shown in Figure 8, illustrating the main
elements of sanitary fixture mounting with the
pipeline components and drainage system.
Figure 8. 3D model of the water supply system.
3) power supply
An electrical system schematic plan design
consists of electrical equipment elements, a
transformer, boxes, and box connectors. Figure 9
shows a floor plan and a sectional view. The
model of the designed power system comprises
electrical equipment for lighting panels and
devices with a voltage of 480 V.
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
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Figure 9. Floor plan and section view of the power system.
Let us take a closer look at the power system
construction scheme. Starting from the 480V Dry
Type Transformer (Dry Type Transformer - 480
- 208Y120 - NEMA Type 2: T-SVC), it is
connected to the Switchboard with Circuit
Breaker (Circuit Breaker Switchboard: SWB)
using a junction box and its associated
components. From there, the wiring is distributed
to the first, second, and third levels, respectively,
using connecting elements.
As shown in Figure 10, there is electrical
equipment and a 480V Dry Type Transformer
labeled TP-1A, TP-2A, and TP-3A on each level.
Each level is equipped with a Lighting and
Appliance Panelboard 480V enclosure (MDP-1-
MDP-3), Lighting and Appliance Panelboard
480V with surfaces MP-1B- MP-3B, LP-1B-LP-
3B, and PP-1A-PP-3A, which operate at 208V.
Figure 10. Compliance with the installed power equipment according to the levels.
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The fully designed model, which includes
HVAC, plumbing, and power systems, is shown
in Figure 11 as a 3D model, showing the elements
from the library for monitoring during the entire
life cycle of its operation.
Figure 11. 3D model of the MEP software environment showing HVAC, water supply, and power systems.
Advantages of using BIM technology in digital model design
Table 1.
BIM technology benefits at the model design stage
Pre-construction stage
Construction stage
Post-construction stage
1) Visualization - allows
visualization and showing a
detailed part of the plan as a 3D
model, with the ability to display a
digital model of the entire project to
ensure sustainable design and
1) Construction Planning: BIM
requires linking the construction
plan to 3D objects in the project to
evaluate the progress of
construction and demonstrate how
the site and building should appear
at each stage of construction
1) A 3D model for facility and
operations management that allows
viewing specific aspects of
management and provides up-to-
date information about the building,
as all changes will be automatically
updated in the BIM system. It also
has advantages in managing
operations and maintenance of the
building. A BIM component can
display maintenance-related
information, such as maintenance
schedules, spare parts ordering
information, etc.
2) An accurate and coordinated
drawing obtained for a specific type
or detail of the project reduces time
and the number of errors in the
plan. The BIM system provides for
the automatic change of
information on one of the drawing
plans based on automatic
generation when changes are made
to the project.
2) Clash Detection during BIM
Design: Virtual 3D clash detection
eliminates design errors caused by
inconsistent 2D drawings. In the
BIM system, projects from all
disciplines can be compared within
a unified design system, making it
easy to systematically and visually
verify multi-system coordination
2) Information monitoring and
communicability. During the
operational phase of the facility,
there is always access to its
technical condition, allowing the
identification of deficiencies related
to the replacement of structures,
constructions, equipment, and
more. It enables designers to
monitor the technical condition of
the building on a communicative
level and improve systems
3) Cost estimation at the design
stage allows for an accurate
summary estimate. With BIM, it is
possible to calculate the costs of a
specific project even before a
detailed design estimate is made,
which is necessary for construction.
3) Waste Management: BIM
ensures accurate model design and
material resources required for each
work segment, improving
contractor and subcontractor
planning and schedules. It enables
the timely arrival of equipment and
materials, reducing costs associated
with construction waste.
The Building Information Modeling (BIM)
system is utilized from the design stage to the
construction stage, demonstrating various
advantages at each stage. Based on the analysis
of building information modeling, the key
benefits can be characterized when designing the
model at each stage, as shown in Table 1.
Development and implementation of BIM
technologies in Ukraine. Examples of BIM
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
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models of urban development and road
In Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
(CMU) Resolution No. 152-p /2021 approved the
concept of introducing BIM technologies. The
document (Šimenić, 2021) points out the lack of
consistency in the development and exchange of
digital information, resource intensity and
inefficiency of managing the processes of design,
construction, operation, lack of approaches to
effective management of the life cycle of
facilities (survey, design, construction,
liquidation), inconsistency of regulatory support
with modern construction technologies, facility
accidents, etc.
BIM is an effective tool for ensuring the
principles of sustainable development
throughout the entire life cycle of buildings and
structures and road infrastructure. After long-
term operation of the facilities, the use of a
building information model provides
opportunities for quick and resource-saving
planning of capital repairs and reconstruction.
The BIM technology is based on the
development of three-dimensional graphic
elements (virtual prototype of building
structures) and information related to them,
which characterises the physical, mechanical and
functional parameters of a building in a
structured and interconnected manner.
A BIM model is a digital three-dimensional
representation of an object and information about
it obtained in the course of surveys and design
(modelling), which can be used as an information
resource in the construction, management,
reconstruction, and operation of an infrastructure
facility. Infrastructure objects include roads,
artificial and underground road transport
facilities, engineering networks, etc. For the
development and analysis of BIM models,
appropriate computer programs are used, as
shown in Figure 12.
BIM elements (models) are imported from the
default BIM authorization tools. Most tools
available on the market allow the input of data
from numerous sources so that the data exchange
can use the original file formats (e.g., DWG,
DGN, RTV, SKP format). There are also various
add-ons that make it easier to transfer data
between authorization programs and validation
programs. For infrastructure projects, data from
Civil 3D is often exported to Navisworks via
NWC exports. The use of the IFC format,
generally the most used format for exchanging
data between BIM applications in architecture,
has so far been less widespread in infrastructure
projects for the reasons stated in the chapter on
data interoperability (Šimenić, 2021).
Figure 12. Structural and logical sequence of developing a BIM model of road infrastructure.
Terrain relief
Tracing and
profiling of roads;
Calculation of the
volume of
Autodesk Civil
Preliminary design
solution for a road,
bridge, overpass;
3D visualisation;
Analysis of
visibility on the
Parameters of
catchment areas;
Search for optimal
InfraWorks Detailed
development of
digital models of
bridges, overpasses,
flyovers, culverts,
retaining walls;
working drawings,
specifications and
bill of materials.
Error search;
Development of
a construction
Logistics and
Animation of
production in
accordance with
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Figs. 13-17 show examples of building
information models of urban development and
road infrastructure. Let's take a look at the main
BIM models of a traffic junction, an overpass, an
urban development, a motorway and a bridge.
Figure 13. BIM-model of the transport interchange at the construction site of the Northern Bypass in Dnipro
Figure 13 shows a BIM model of the Northern
Bypass road junction, which was developed
using Autodesk Civil 3D software. In the
common authoring tools (Autodesk Civil 3D),
the modelling process begins by selecting the
cross-sectional elements of the road predefined
shapes that can be modified by parameters
(Figures 14 and 15).
Figure 14. BIM model of the construction of the Northern bypass overpass in Dnipro city.
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
There are many additional useful features for
example, tools developed for the generation of
intelligent intersection objects. Autodesk Civil
3D has tools for creating standard intersections
and roundabouts as shown in the Figure 15 and
Figure 16.
a) b)
Figure 15. a) BIM model for the reconstruction of urban development and street and road network in
Dnipro city; b) BIM model of urban development and road network roundabout in Dnipro city.
When using these features, consideration should
be given to the possibilities of editing and
adapting them to real projects in terms of
compliance with applicable standards and
elements of road safety (Figure 16). For example,
the design of roundabouts varies considerably
between countries. Therefore, when using
predefined elements, besides satisfying the
technological form in terms of BIM, attention
should also be paid to the appropriate standards.
Figure 16. BIM model of existing urban development.
The development of the bridge BIM model
shown in Figure 17 consists of the following
parameters (a): type (assembly selection);
attributes (initial 3+257.636 m and final
3.347.636 m pickets), project standard
(Eurocode), number of supports 4; geometry
(length 90 m); clearance boundaries (initial 7.2 m
and final 10.8 m offset), height 5.0 m, base mark,
slope; service life, etc. The parameters of the
monolithic block foundation are shown in
Figure 17 (b) and consist of the following: length
4 m, width 18 m, depth 1.5 m, longitudinal and
transverse projections 2 m.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
a) b)
Figure 17. An example of parameters of a bridge BIM model: a) parameters of a digital BIM model object;
b) parameters of the structure foundations.
BIM technology, used for the design and
construction of buildings, plays a significant role
during the operational phase. Numerous studies
have been dedicated to the trends of the building
lifecycle using information technologies.
However, one of the current issues is the
adoption and implementation of BIM-based
building operations. In the work of Aengenvoort
& Krämer (2018), the main six stages of building
operation are described as follows:
1. Requirements management.
2. Preparing for operation.
3. Commissioning.
4. Ongoing operation.
5. Change of ownership or operator.Data
collection for existing buildings.
Due to their structure and sequential algorithm,
these stages facilitate updating data related to
building operations. They also simplify various
use cases that arise during the operational phase,
such as operation, inspection, and equipment
maintenance. Data related to the operational
stage can be obtained either by transferring
design and construction data or by collecting data
for existing buildings, including those where
BIM methods were not used before operation.
One of the most significant barriers to utilizing
BIM methods during the operational phase of
buildings arises from the limited availability of
digital data models (which can only be used with
BIM methods) for existing buildings.
Furthermore, for these digital building data
models to be helpful during the operational
phase, they must also reflect the actual state of
the facility, including information on "as-built"
Since BIM technology is considered a
technological breakthrough that contributes to
the modernization of the construction industry
and enhances its productivity, it is necessary to
pay attention to the peculiarities of facility
management during the operational and
maintenance period. In the study by Hoang et al.,
(2020), the authors investigate the
implementation status of BIM for facility
management during the operating and
maintenance stages of buildings in Vietnam.
They discuss the main problems, advantages, and
disadvantages that need to be addressed by
design professionals in the construction industry
to fully leverage the potential of BIM during the
operational and maintenance phase.
For opinion Tregub O., Demura A., BIM
technology can serve as a virtual design based on
innovative methods, which makes it possible to
improve the predictability of building efficiency
and operation (Tregub & Demura, 2022).
The benefits and key characteristics of using
BIM technology can improve and transform
operations and maintenance to provide facilities
with digital information to their supervisors to
extract analysis and process information about
the condition of the building in a three-
dimensional digital environment. However, Gao
& Pishdad-Bozorgi (2019) suggested that due to
the rapid development of BIM, researchers and
professionals need a more contemporary
overview of BIM implementation and research in
facility management and maintenance. First and
foremost, additional research is required to
understand the fundamental principles of BIM
implementation for facility management and
maintenance, including data requirements, areas
of inefficiency, process changes, and more.
Secondly, research on the return on investment in
innovative systems is necessary to justify the
value of BIM applications in technical servicing
and to enhance the life cycle cost analysis
method, which plays a vital role.
Over the past decade, technologies for creating
digital twins have found the most comprehensive
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
application in various industrial sectors to
enhance maintenance procedures. However, the
operational and maintenance stage in a building's
life cycle is the costliest.
Therefore, intelligent building technologies are
combined with BIM technology to manage
objects, and in some cases, machine learning
methods are employed for prediction
capabilities. In the study by Coupry et al., (2021),
the authors combine these technologies to
enhance technical servicing operations in "smart"
buildings. According to research findings, BIM
technology can be used in conjunction with XR
technologies to improve technical servicing
operations. Additionally, the authors highlight
challenges related to proper implementation
based on BIM in combination with XR devices
and propose an example of using a scheme of
possible interactions during maintenance
The report on the requirements and
recommendations of the UN Economic
Commission for Europe (Šimenić, 2021) states
that the introduction of BIM technology into the
practice of design, construction and
reconstruction has a number of advantages:
development of a 3D model using computer-
aided design systems, rapid correction of
model information and reduction of the
number of changes in the project in an
automated mode, operational control,
creation of error protocols;
reduction in the number of inconsistencies
and conflicts;
accurate estimation and optimisation of
construction, reconstruction, and operation
development of a virtual construction model,
accurate scheduling of construction
improvement of logistics processes in
construction and reconstruction.
Having analysed the results and benefits of
implementing BIM technology in the practice of
design, construction and reconstruction, the
authors have put practical value into the
development of BIM technologies.
The key modeling aspects were considered and
analyzed based on the developed BIM model to
create a digital model using architectural and
structural elements from the software library.
Autodesk Revit 2016 software was used to
analyze the main advantages of BIM modeling in
the software environment, which made it
possible to design many engineering features
with operational characteristics based on a digital
model. The operating characteristics of the BIM
model during the engineering network design
stage include the use of necessary engineering
systems, structures, and equipment required
throughout the object's lifecycle. The designed
engineering systems include heating, ventilation,
air conditioning, water supply and drainage, and
power systems.
The designed systems, based on the library with
elements and created templates, allowed us to
fully visualize the MEP layout of the digital BIM
model, which includes the design and calculation
of internal engineering systems and the
processing and production of relevant
documentation. The distinctive feature of such a
model is its ability to track the object at any stage
of design and implementation, whether it has
been commissioned or not. The BIM model
contains all the information about the piping
system parameters, and the software can be used
for all piping systems.
Thus, the interdependence between the three
design and construction stages was established
during the digital BIM model's design and
construction. Visualization, precise and
sequential drawing with cost estimation during
the design stage falls into the initial construction
phase, allowing a detailed 3D model of the plan
based on the BIM model, reducing time costs,
and enabling cost estimation for the developed
Construction planning, clash detection during
design, and waste management allow for changes
to be made during the construction phase. Waste
management ensures accurate design modeling
and material resources for sequential work
execution, improving the planning and
scheduling of contractors and subcontractors.
However, during the construction phase, BIM
design can identify and rectify errors that may
have occurred due to 2D drawings.
The structural and logical sequence of
developing a BIM model of road infrastructure is
based on the experience in Ukraine. Based on the
experience of implementing BIM technologies in
Ukraine, a significant contribution to the design
of digital models was reviewed and investigated,
where BIM models of a traffic junction, an
overpass, urban development, a motorway and
objects connecting motorways with structures
were considered.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
After the completion of construction, the 3D
model of facility management allows revisiting
and reviewing the necessary management aspect
with up-to-date information about the object.
BIM technology enables automatic updates of all
system changes, contributing to operational
management and maintenance advantages.
Therefore, each component of the BIM model
reflects information about the technical condition
and servicing, enhancing efficiency and
minimizing time costs.
Comparing the two software, Autodesk Revit and
Autodesk AutoCAD, the second one is more
commonly used for designing machine details
and equipment. However, the absence of
parametric objects is one of its main drawbacks,
along with separate modeling of each zone within
the software file. Each design zone is modeled
separately for each floor or level, limiting file
editing to a single user, whereas designers from
various disciplines often work simultaneously,
indicating the inability for simultaneous
collaboration. As a result, real-time visualization
of changes in existing models is impossible.
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