Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.68.08.26
How to Cite:
Sulym, V., Melnykov, A., Popov, M., Vechirko, O., & Malets, D. (2023). Improving education through implementation of
information technologies into the educational process. Amazonia Investiga, 12(68), 281-293.
Improving education through implementation of information
technologies into the educational process
Удосконалення освіти шляхом упровадження в навчальний процес інформаційних
Received: June 16, 2023 Accepted: August 12, 2023
Written by:
Volodymyr Sulym1
Andrii Melnykov2
Mykyta Popov3
Oksana Vechirko4
Dmytro Malets5
The ways of improving the educational space
through the introduction of information
technologies into the educational process are
clarified and the decisive factors of the
qualitative application of information
technologies in the educational process are
singled out. The main professional tasks of using
information technologies in the educational
process are listed, and the positive factors of
information technologies that contribute to
increasing the effectiveness of student education
are highlighted. The main ways of qualitative
informatization of education are shown. The
didactic possibilities of ways to improve
education through the introduction of
information technologies into the educational
process are highlighted. Groups of conditions for
the effective use of information technologies for
the improvement of the educational space are
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Intercultural Communication and Translation, Ivan Franko
National University of Lviv, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: JCE-0509-2023
Doctor of Sciences in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of the Physical Education, Special Training and
Sports, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of the Ukraine, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
Ph.D. Student of the Department of Primary Education and Innovative Pedagogy, Faculty of Pedagogy, Dragomanov Ukrainian
State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: GOM-3903-2022
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Docent, Associate Professor at the Department of Germanic Languages, World Literature and
Teaching Methodology, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
Postgraduate student (Pedagogy and Management of Education), Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University,
Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: HZI-1069-2023
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
defined. The advantages of using information
technologies to improve the educational space,
which are manifested in the content,
organizational, and functional aspects of the
learning process, are emphasized. Features of
virtual reality and augmented reality are shown.
The necessity of distance education and
multimedia technologies in the process of
professional training of competitive specialists in
institutions of higher education is proven and the
principles that are effective when using
multimedia in educational classes are described.
Keywords: educational process, information
technologies, remote technologies, multimedia
technologies, virtual and augmented reality.
Global trends in the development of both
education and the management of educational
institutions are aimed at the transition to digital
transformation. This means that all educational,
scientific, management and other processes of
the institution of higher education should be
completely transferred to the digital
environment. Without digital transformation, a
higher education institution cannot effectively
organize a high-quality educational process and
remote work of its departments with documents,
cannot function normally in competitive
conditions, which negatively affects students,
teachers, and employees.
Traditional approaches to automating the
activities of a higher education institution have
lost their effectiveness and can no longer meet
modern requirements. New approaches, new
concepts of digital transformation of higher
education institutions are needed. Approaches
that will allow to combine all the processes of
creation and use of software and information
tools for the construction of digital universities.
Therefore, an urgent scientific task arises, which
consists in the development of methods and
models of digitization of institutions of higher
education based on the unification of all
functions, procedures and information bases into
a single concentric information technology for
the digital transformation of educational
activities of the institution of higher education.
The 21st century is a century that is completely
dependent on the information society and its
main feature is the processing of information into
one of the most important production resources.
Taking this into account, professional readiness
for the use of information technologies,
information culture, and professional training of
future specialists not only require special
attention but also act as a guarantee of the
introduction of information and communication
technologies into all spheres of society
(Hurevych et al., 2012).
In the modern information society, it is necessary
to be able to use information, think critically, and
acquire knowledge by mastering information
technologies, because the volume of knowledge
doubles every two to three years. The
informatization of education is the basis of the
global process of informatization of society and
it should precede the informatization of all areas
of society's activity because general cultural,
psychological, social, and professional
foundations for the informatization of society are
being formed. The active role of information
technologies is manifested in the educational
field and is because computer-oriented teaching
aids allow the implementation of pedagogical
modern innovative teaching technologies, and
provide new education opportunities compared
to traditional teaching and methodical (Vember,
2007). Therefore, the problem of improving
education through the introduction of
information technologies into the educational
process is relevant and effective today.
In the conditions of a modern high-tech
information society, the formation of information
competence is the process of acquiring a set of
spiritual values in the field of information
relations created by mankind in the course of
historical development. Nowadays, it is
necessary to prepare a person for quick
perception and processing of large amounts of
information, mastering modern means, methods
Sulym, V., Melnykov, A., Popov, M., Vechirko, O., Malets, D. / Volume 12 - Issue 68: 281-293 / August, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
and technology of working with information
resources in the process of forming the teacher's
professional competence in educational space.
Modern education in institutions of higher
education is increasing technological, which
involves not only the computerization of the
learning process, but also the introduction of new
forms of pedagogical management of this
process, in connection with which additional
theoretical and applied pedagogical research is
updated: a special place among them is occupied
by works related to the preparation of students
for pedagogical activity in the conditions of new
social challenges with the use of information and
communication technologies.
The following aspects are considered in the
article: the main professional tasks of the
experience of using information technologies in
the educational process; positive factors of
information technology, which contribute to
increasing the effectiveness of student learning;
the main ways of qualitative informatization of
education; didactic possibilities of ways to
improve education by introducing information
technologies into the educational process;
principles of organization of innovative
educational process of integrated use of
information technologies; groups of conditions
for the effective use of information technologies
to improve the educational space; principles of
using multimedia and information technologies
in educational classes; the main methods of e-
learning organization of educational activities in
the educational space.
Literature Review
The introduction of information technologies
into the educational process in today's conditions
is the main, relevant, and essential direction of
the organization of professional training of
competitive specialists. Therefore, we analyzed
the works that reveal different approaches to the
introduction of information technologies into the
educational process in the training of specialists.
I. Nechvohlod, & V. Shamonia (2020) proved the
need for innovative inclusion of advanced
information technologies in the types and forms
of educational activity of future specialists. They
proved the unprofitability of using traditional
non-electronic learning technologies. The
requirements for the use of advanced information
technologies were clarified, in connection with
the need to implement distance learning (a new
and unexpected form of learning) in the global
educational space, where independent work, the
use of media, video, and digital materials by a
teacher from each subject When organizing
search and cognitive educational activities of
future specialists, an analysis of the possibilities
of integration of information and traditional
technologies was carried out and it was found
that it is not information technologies themselves
that are important, but their skillful application in
the educational process of the educational field,
which serves to achieve educational goals. Ways
to ensure the best educational result with an
appropriate combination of innovative and
traditional means of organizing autonomous
training of education seekers have been proven.
O. Semenikhina, A. Yurchenko, A. Sbruyeva,
A. Kuzminskyi, O. Kuchai, & O. Bida (2020) in
the field of information and communication
technologies showed effective quantitative
characteristics of open educational resources and
proved their necessity; found out the purpose of
open educational resources, which is the
identification of the main ways of improving the
competitive professional training of higher
education seekers. Considering the possibility
and expediency of introducing information
technologies into the educational process of
higher education institutions, in particular,
analyzed the development of the author's courses
in the form of an information and educational
environment, showed their advantages based on
the Moodle distance learning platform.
I. Masheiko, G. Peleshenko, & A. Masheiko
(2017) analyzed the materials of scientific
sources on the optimization of the educational
process during the involvement of the distance
learning system, showed the most effective ways
to improve the results of passing the "STEP"
licensing test exams and increase the quality of
success of education seekers; based on the
Moodle distance learning platform, they
developed innovative courses in professional
disciplines and analyzed the success of education
seekers according to the presented author's
methodology, proved the need for the operation
of the Moodle distance learning system, which
allows the development of training programs
with independent tasks developed by the teacher
through actions and allows significantly saving
the time of teachers, to organize extracurricular
independent work of students and monitor it
effectively, to increase the motivation of students
to study materials.
O. Kuchai (2014) revealed the main ways of
solving the problem of improving the methodical
and theoretical training of higher education
applicants using information technologies.
Electronic courses have been created in
professional disciplines, which are a base of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
scientific competitive knowledge, to which
students of education will have the opportunity to
refer at any time to consolidate or repeat new
material, or previous courses to facilitate the
assimilation of current material. Features of
application and features of use in the training of
information technology specialists are shown.
Yu. Radchenko (2012) revealed the essence,
content, and features of information
technologies; the socio-pedagogical foundations
of the use of information technologies are
substantiated in the educational process of
pedagogical colleges, the peculiarities of the use
of information technologies in college conditions
are revealed in the professional training of future
specialists; generalization of features, theoretical
analysis and experimentally proved the most
effective ways of using modern information
technologies in the professional training of future
specialists; Questionnaires are proposed for
students and teachers to identify the level of
information competence in them and the state of
readiness for professional activity with the use of
information technologies.
H. Murasova (2012) revealed the ways of using
information technologies, determined in the
context of the study the main forms of
professional training for those seeking education,
and presented distance education, which is
necessary for the information society. Showed
the importance of the phenomenon of
professional skill development of a
differentiated, continuous, multi-level process of
using information technologies.
V. Vember (2007) considered the role of
informatization of education and showed its
significance for the professional training of
specialists, analyzed the state of electronic means
of educational purposes, experimentally
analyzed the provision of higher education
institutions with pedagogical software tools,
outlined the problems that arise in educational
practice when introducing information
technologies into the educational process. Ways
that overcome the urgent problems of
information technology implementation in
different countries of the world are shown.
Purpose of the article. Find out ways to improve
the educational space by introducing information
technologies into the educational process.
To achieve the goal of the research, a complex of
theoretical and complementary research methods
was used, namely: synthesis and analysis to
isolate the essence of the phenomenon under
study, to identify factors influencing the
development of education through the
introduction of information technologies into the
educational process; system-historical method
to systematize the research of scientists,
clarifying their scientific views on improving
education through the introduction of
information technologies into the educational
process; the method of terminological analysis
to substantiate the conceptual apparatus of our
research; modeling to develop and
substantiating ways to improve education by
introducing information technologies into the
educational process; generalization for
formulating conclusions, systematizing and
determining directions for further research;
The basis of our research is the provisions of the
anticipatory approach of pedeutology,
philosophy, psychology, sociology, and
pedagogy regarding the improvement of the
educational field through the introduction of
information technologies into the educational
process, their features, and development
prospects for the educational field.
The leading idea of the study is based on the idea
of the phenomenon of information technologies
as a specially organized process in the education
system of a multi-level, continuous,
differentiated process, in the conditions under
which training of a professional specialist is
carried out. The research is based on the
understanding of the development of
professional skills in the implementation of
information technologies as a guide for the
professional and personal growth of a modern
specialist, which ensures the acquisition of
practical experience, the professional
development of practical skills, and the ability to
The analysis of scientific works dedicated to the
disclosure of ways to improve education through
the use of information technologies in the
educational process, and the development of the
professional skills of specialists in the education
system, thanks to such innovations, made it
possible to substantiate the main concepts that
provide the leading idea of the research. Let's
reveal these concepts.
The methodological concept provides
substantiation of the conceptual foundations of
the development of education improvement
through the introduction of information
technologies and professional skills of specialists
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
into the educational process, reveals the
interdependence, the relationship of specific
scientific approaches and general scientific
approaches to the solution and study of the
researched problem:
the andragogic approach helps to take into
account personal needs in conscious
practice-oriented activities based on
professional practical experience;
the interdisciplinary approach promotes the
realization of connections between
professional disciplines for holistic and
comprehensive application of knowledge in
practice, synthesis, and analysis;
the competence approach provides ways to
improve education through the introduction
of information technologies into the
educational process and promotes the
development of the professional competence
of specialists, helping realize the ability to
carry out innovative professional activities;
the systemic approach helps to create
conditions for the consideration of
improving education through the
introduction of information technologies
into the educational process as a whole
system of interconnected educational,
scientific, and accessible components,
allowing exploring connections, relations,
and not only the object itself.
The theoretical concept allows you to
substantiate the conceptual and terminological
apparatus, which is related to the study of the
main definitions of the study; and makes it
possible to determine the categorical status of
information technologies and their characteristic
The methodological concept gives priority to the
improvement of education through the
introduction of information technologies into the
educational process, the development of the
professional skills of specialists, and the
development of appropriate support for such an
innovative process.
Results and Discussion
The goal of the information society is the full
development of the individual, the creation of
conditions for the mental and spiritual
enrichment of a person, and the increase of
human national capital as the basis for the
development of social, political, humanitarian,
economic, cultural and other spheres of public
life to increase the efficiency of the economy and
the well-being of citizens.
Bringing higher education to a new high-quality,
competitive level is a significant factor not only
in equipping higher education institutions with
computer equipment but also in the development
and implementation of pedagogical quality
software tools in various professional subjects.
Therefore, in our time, the tasks of developing
appropriate didactic support for the educational
process, new learning content, innovative
methods, effective teaching tools, and
psychological-pedagogical and scientific-
methodical substantiation of ways to improve the
educational space with the help of information
technologies are becoming relevant (Vember,
1. The main professional tasks of the
experience of using information
technologies in the educational process
Nowadays, information technologies are
increasingly used to optimize the process of high-
quality professional training of future specialists.
Currently, higher education institutions have
accumulated extensive experience in the use of
information technologies in the educational
process, where the main professional tasks are
productively solved with their help, namely:
execution of calculations, which take a lot of
working time, is intensified;
the process of training future specialists is
optimized with the help of application and
development of appropriate software
information is searched through automated
information and search systems;
the use of information technologies in the
educational process allows for the
automated design of tasks, maps, various
documentation, and drawings;
the problems of creating dynamic models of
ways of using information technologies for
various purposes in the educational process,
and evaluating their functioning are solved.
For high-quality training of specialists, such
innovative technologies are increasingly used in
the educational space as multimedia equipment,
computer programs, computer role-playing,
interactive, business games; elements of
"brainstorming"; interactive complexes:
multimedia, modeling, calculation, distance
learning, software, express control of acquired
knowledge. In the course of conducting
educational classes in institutions of higher
education with the use of innovative information
technologies, it is possible to achieve significant
results in the training of specialists. For this, the
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
educational process should include various
subject areas: educational and informational
complexes, program and pedagogical tools for
educational purposes, electronic educational and
methodical complexes, electronic textbooks,
virtual laboratory works, and multimedia
The use of information technologies in the
educational process ensures interactivity of
education for students, due to direct feedback,
and is carried out during exercises, practicals,
and laboratory work. Taking into account the fact
that students themselves determine the pace of
work, and have the opportunity to work from any
place, the possibility of individual education for
each willing student opens up for them.
The decisive factor for the high-quality
successful use of information technologies in the
educational process is the willingness and ability
of teachers to introduce information technologies
into the educational process, to master not only
the means of information technologies but also to
introduce appropriate innovative methods of
their use in the educational process (Plakhotnik
et al., 2023).
Multimedia technologies have become
widespread in the educational process. They have
become the most popular and promising
pedagogical information technologies that allow
the creation of innovative texts, images, and data
accompanied by animations, video, sound, and
other visual effects (Simulation); including
management mechanisms, in particular, an
interactive interface.
2. Positive factors of information technology,
which contribute to increasing the
effectiveness of student learning
Let's highlight the positive factors of information
technologies that contribute to increasing the
effectiveness of student education:
1) creation of a comfortable environment for
2) increasing the activity of the educational
3) differentiation and individualization of
4) helps intensify the educational process;
5) creation of favorable conditions for
independent work of education seekers;
6) increasing the motivation of the quality
educational process;
7) promoting the formation of self-esteem
among students;
8) creation of a single informational
educational environment of a higher
education institution, which provides an
opportunity for each student to ensure the
expansion of interactive interaction, to
immerse himself in an interactive
environment that is as close as possible to
the real environment (Hurevych et al.,
3. The main ways of qualitative
informatization of education
Let's highlight the main ways of high-quality
informatization of education:
development of new information
technologies for the improvement of
education, modernization of their psycho-
physiological and psychological-
pedagogical foundations;
improvement of education management by
introducing information technologies into
the educational process;
training of competitive pedagogical
formation of the foundations of the
information culture of education seekers and
resource support for informatization of
elimination of problems arising from the
reliance on information technologies for
certain educational functions;
design of the process of information
technologies and means of their design;
elucidation of fundamental issues of
pedagogical psychology and didactics;
formation of an innovative educational
space for education seekers;
use of active learning methods;
integration of educational activities
(research, training, etc.);
increasing the intellectual and creative
potential of the educational activity of the
adaptation of education information
technologies to the individual characteristics
of education seekers;
the development of information
technologies in the educational space, which
contribute to increasing the motivation and
activation of the cognitive activity of those
seeking education and mastering the
methods and tools of informatics to
effectively apply them in professional
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
mandatory use of distance learning
information technologies;
ensuring continuity and continuity in
improvement of the software and
methodological support of the innovative
modern educational space (Skubashevska,
4. Didactic possibilities of ways to improve
education by introducing information
technologies into the educational process
Let's highlight the didactic possibilities of ways
to improve education through the introduction of
information technologies into the educational
instant feedback between the student of
education and the means of information
technologies, to ensure the implementation
of an interactive dialogue;
visual presentation on the screen
(visualization of educational information
regarding the process, and object being
preservation of large volumes of
information, archiving with the provision of
easy access to information, its duplication,
and transmission;
interpretation and modeling of information
regarding the objects being researched or
automation of the organizational
management of educational activities of the
processes of informational and
methodological support, monitoring and
control of the results of assimilation;
automation of the processing of the results of
an educational experiment, information
search, and computing activity with the
possibility of multiple repetitions
(Hordiichuk, 2011).
5. Principles of organization of innovative
educational process of integrated use of
information technologies
We will show the foundations on which the
organization of the innovative educational
process of integrated use of information
technologies is built:
1. Expediency of application. Information
technologies in education should be used to
provide students with knowledge that is very
difficult or impossible to obtain without a
2. Maximum approach to the abilities of
education seekers and their needs
(adherence to a humanistic approach when
using information technologies regarding
the personal orientation of the education
3. Minimization of information concentration
of the acquirer of the educational space and
the teacher on the assimilation of new
educational material based on information
4. Prioritizing the leading role of the individual
in all interactions with computer systems
and a humanistic approach over a hardware-
technological one.
5. Practical value of acquired knowledge and
skills and the possibility of their use in
practical activities.
6. Friendly interaction of students with the
teacher and correct use of the computer.
7. Variability and integrability of the
educational process.
8. Computer security (psychophysical and
psychological control of education seekers,
technical control of teaching aids)
(Radchenko, 2012).
6. Groups of conditions for the effective use of
information technologies to improve the
educational space
We will define groups of conditions for the
effective use of information technologies to
improve the educational space:
1) conditions that ensure the key personal
characteristics of the student of education in
the conditions of wide use of information
technologies, the formation of cognitive and
social activity, the variability of programs,
the choice of programs, access to databases
(information), the choice of activities at the
level of a higher education institution;
2) conditions that ensure the continuous
development of a young independent
person: availability of the final result in
objective form, dialogic nature of the
programs, results at intermediate stages of
the educational process, variability of
program performers and languages;
3) conditions that contribute to the
development of the ability to self-realize the
individual: determining the addressee of
educational programs (programmer or user),
productive intellectual work;
4) conditions that ensure the individual
harmony and individuality of the student of
education; the ratio of logical and figurative
components in programs, the ratio of the
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
level and possibilities of realizing cognitive
needs, and the ratio of rational and emotional
in the organization of computerized
The introduction of information technologies
into the educational process of a higher education
institution leads to ensuring the implementation
of individualization of education thanks to the
student's independent choice of the sequence of
high-quality learning paths, the pace of learning
new material, the ability to quickly find
additional information, repeat the studied
material, select the most effective options for
control tasks, etc.
Let's emphasize the advantages of using
information technologies to improve the
educational space, which are manifested in the
content, organizational, and functional aspects of
the learning process: the possibility of saving
time in the learning process and preparation for
its high-quality conduct, convenience in
conducting classes, the ability to build any types
of classes, use in a larger the number of various
types of educational activities of education
seekers; assimilation of a significant volume of
material, increased opportunities for
visualization during the educational process, the
use of various types of tasks, the possibility of
mastering a large number of exercises in a short
time, the use of innovative accompanying
materials for classes, etc. (Radchenko, 2012).
The active use of innovative teaching methods
and information technologies in education,
contributes to effective integration into the
European and global educational space,
improving the quality of the educational sector,
and is one of the priority directions of the state
policy of any country. It is the introduction of
information technologies into the educational
process that makes it possible to form the
educational environment of higher education
institutions for the exchange of information,
productive communication, and the cooperation
of students and teachers to improve the
effectiveness and efficiency of the educational
The rapid development of information
technologies has opened favorable conditions for
distance education to improve the educational
space. In distance learning, the educational
process is structured as a process of interaction
between the student of education and the
educational environment, which includes the
teacher, students of education, and educational
materials. When organizing educational
interaction "student-student" during distance
learning, the mentoring position of the teacher
plays a significant role. Several questions arise in
the process of interaction: how to interest
students of education, how to activate the desire
to learn and achieve their subject position. An
interactive board (Jamboard) is of great
importance for quality education. The interactive
service from Google can provide opportunities to
use creative and creative material during classes,
transfer of own ideas, learn to work in a group,
and demonstrate interesting developments
through joint efforts. The use of an interactive
service (Jamboard) activates the work of
students, allows to increase the efficiency of
independent work of students, makes the
educational process diverse, and provides the
possibility of simultaneous communication of
many students who exchange knowledge in the
process of joint training, share impressions and
experiences, increases the level of motivation to
learn new knowledge and skills, stimulates the
development of the intellectual potential of
education seekers. The educational process
organized in this way makes it possible to
approach learning in a slightly different way.
Here the emphasis is on the independence of
searching for the acquirer, updating his
knowledge. By systematizing, analyzing, and
summarizing the new information received,
students organize and control this process,
consult with the teacher, and visually analyze
how well the students themselves have mastered
the topic. During distance learning, students are
distant in time and space from the teacher but can
maintain a dialogue using communication tools
(Andriichuk, 2022).
A significant step in the application of modern
information technologies in the educational
process is the development of distance learning.
Among various distance learning systems, the
most common in higher education institutions are
Veda System, Radmin, iSpring, PLATO, and
others. Due to its wide functionality and open-
source code, the Moodle software shell (modular
object-oriented dynamic learning environment)
has become widely used in many countries of the
world. Australian teacher and IT specialist
Martin Dougiamas introduced and developed
Moodle in 2002. Now it is an international
project coordinated and led by the Australian
company Moodle HQ with the financial support
of a network of service companies (Scherl,
2012). The functionality of the Moodle distance
learning system allows you to organize
independent out-of-class work of students,
allows you to draw up training programs with a
given teacher through actions, effectively control
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the educational sector, significantly increasing
the motivation of students, saving the time of
teachers and students to quickly process
The organization of the educational process in
the Moodle system enables teachers to
dynamically monitor the process of assimilation
of disciplines by students and conduct remote
testing as part of quality preparation for the
"STEP-1" and "STEP-2" exams.
The modern, promising electronic educational
courses created for students of education are an
innovative knowledge base based on the
professional experience of teachers and the data
of scientific literary sources, which students of
education can refer to at any time to repeat the
material of previous courses, which will facilitate
the assimilation of the material of professional
disciplines and allow forming a competitive
The implementation of effective information
technologies in institutions of higher education
opens up the opportunity to create a single
information and educational base that will create
conditions for improving the quality of the
educational process and contribute to increasing
the level of knowledge of future specialists
(Masheiko et al., 2017).
The use of virtual and augmented reality
technologies to improve the educational process
is of great importance in education. With the help
of such active learning, students can immerse
themselves in the research process to improve
their professional skills and the level of
assimilation of educational material. Such
technologies contribute to the improvement of
the educational environment, transfer the main
part of the scientific research work of students of
education to the plane of innovative learning, and
contribute to the formation of the development of
imagination, thinking, emotional intelligence,
and research skills in school students. Virtual and
augmented reality technologies help to promote
the success of education seekers in the
educational process, increase motivation to study
and stimulate brain activity. Various interesting
digital resources are available to modern
students, which allow them to visually show
processes and phenomena that seem simply
impossible, and unattainable. Thanks to virtual
and augmented reality, students solve complex
tasks and conduct experiments with interest,
learning becomes exciting and understandable
and playfully takes place. At the same time,
students gain research experience, and learn to
work with digital tools; subject skills are rapidly
formed into universal learning activities.
The peculiarity of virtual reality is the creation of
a digital copy of a physical object, a "digital
double", which is used in a virtual environment
for modeling, testing, and optimizing a physical
object before using it in a real environment
(Stratan-Artyshkova et al., 2022).
Virtual space allows you to consider processes
and objects in detail when it is very difficult or
impossible to trace them in the real world
because a person in the virtual world is
practically not affected by external stimuli. It is
virtual reality that makes it possible to create
comfortable conditions for the training of
students, no one thinks for the student during
training, he rethinks all the information himself,
which is easily perceived and mastered
independently. With the help of virtual reality,
the learner can concentrate completely on the
material and consciously memorize it. Virtual
reality allows you to improve management skills,
perform complex operations, and experiment.
With the use of virtual reality, the learning
effectiveness of education seekers is about 10%
higher than with the classical format.
The main task of augmented reality is the
projection of any digital information (video,
image, graphics, text) over the screen of
innovative devices. The implementation of
augmented reality technology looks like this: a
two-dimensional image, a special marker image,
which can be printed on a simple sheet of paper,
is placed in front of a webcam that is connected
to a computer. Augmented reality is realized with
the help of applications for ordinary stationary
screens, tablets, smartphones, augmented reality
glasses, projection spaces, and other
technologies. A special program launched on the
computer analyzes the image received from the
camera and supplements it with virtual objects on
the monitor screen. The real world is
supplemented with new information and artificial
elements (Velhach & Hrynkiv, 2022).
The capabilities of the computer during use (the
Internet, software products, demonstration, and
network equipment), that is, additional
technologies adapted to it, make up the material
base of information and communication
technologies. Wide opportunities are provided by
the use of information technologies to make the
educational process useful, informative, vivid,
unforgettable, and practically significant for
those seeking education. Didactic opportunities
allow you to combine the presentation of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
educational material in various ways, focus on
the implementation of the learning goal,
contribute to development and education, and are
inexhaustible (Semerikov et al., 2012).
7. Principles of using multimedia and
information technologies in educational
In the process of teaching in institutions of higher
education, multimedia technologies are of great
importance. The use of multimedia in
educational classes implements many principles:
the principle of clarity allows you to use
sound material, illustrative material, and
resources of rare illustrations in any
educational session. The visibility of the
material engages all channels of perception
of the students of education (tactile, visual,
auditory), increases the assimilation of the
material by the students of education;
the principle of accessibility development
and educational programs implement a
differentiated approach to education, orient
students to the conscious assimilation of
educational material, and not to
memorization when presenting tasks from
simple to complex;
the principle of strength of knowledge
allows you to repeat and consolidate the
material of previous classes, and repeatedly
return to the researched or studied material,
this is facilitated by the use of presentations
and training programs in classes; learning
material is better remembered and in a larger
the principle of systematicity the use of
class presentations allows you to display
elements of previous classes on the screen,
explain new ones, and develop a system of
classes on one topic (Kukharenko, 2016).
When using information technologies in the
educational process, new principles emerged:
the principle of educational value, as the
most important component of the
educational process, consists in the
involvement of education seekers in the
modern process of informatization;
the principle of didactic significance, in
which didactic significance is determined by
the possibility of building didactic optimal
routes for the development of skills,
knowledge, and abilities of each student of
education (selection of tasks of different
levels of activity, a set of tasks of research,
creative, cognitive nature, individualization
of the formation of educational skills (the
ability to work with information, the ability
of self-control) and the development of the
system of skills and knowledge;
the principle of pedagogical expediency
speaks of the expediency of information
technology if it allows obtaining results that
cannot be obtained without the use of such
technology, in particular, with the use of
information technologies to create
pedagogical comfort in the process of
performing tasks, taking into account the
special qualities of the personality of the
students of education;
the principle of methodical efficiency: the
efficiency of the use of information
technologies at the methodical level depends
on the efficiency of the methods and
techniques of students activities in the
education system (Nechvohlod & Shamonia,
During the informatization of the educational
space, the use of information technologies and
mobile communication tools, and new
technologies for organizing students'
autonomous learning appeared. These are e-
learning, mobile learning, combined learning,
and blended learning (Polishchuk et al., 2022).
8. The main methods of e-learning
organization of educational activities in the
educational space
Electronic learning (E-learning Electronic
Learning) includes in its essence the
management of the educational process with the
help of telecommunication and information
technologies and the transfer of knowledge.
During the application of e-learning, electronic
interactive means of obtaining information are
used mainly via the Internet (Adams, 2008). Two
main methods of organizing the educational
activities of educational space seekers can be
implemented in e-learning:
work in a group, organized in the form of
chats, forums, asynchronous or synchronous
work on an individual trajectory includes
individualized educational independent
activity of education seekers and group work
using electronic content. Educational
interaction is carried out here, mainly
asynchronously, using e-mail, forums, tele-
and web conferences.
Let us name the advantages of e-learning over
traditional learning during the organization of
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
independent educational activities of education
seekers, in particular:
information, there is an increase in the
amount of educational information and its
delivery channels (hypertext and network
technologies, interactive web channels,
teleconferences, publications);
economic, due to the reduction of education
costs on the material side and the transfer of
all paperwork to electronic form;
pedagogical, educational process becomes
more interactive, motivated, individualized,
and technological;
psychological, thanks to the support of
information technologies, an emotionally
comfortable educational environment is
operational, due to the absence of territorial,
spatial, and time barriers when receiving
professional educational information;
communication, obtaining high-quality
knowledge by increasing the number of
participants in the educational process,
establishing operational feedback, and the
real possibility of working in planetary
ergonomic, due to educational technology, a
free choice of schedule, rhythm, pace of
education, and choice of technical
equipment is available for students and
Mobile learning is a type of electronic learning
that provides access to remote local educational
content, to all multimedia educational tools using
mobile devices (smartphones, phones, tablets),
during which the teacher monitors and manages
the independent educational activities of the
student in real-time and provides high content
saturation (Kuchai et al., 2022). With this
approach, the learner gets the opportunity to
learn anytime, anywhere, autonomously.
In the technologies of mixed and combined
learning, the leading sources of knowledge are
the teacher and the informational educational
environment that functions in the conditions of
distance learning. The main task of mixed and
combined education is to compensate for the
disadvantages and combine the advantages of
distance and traditional education (Shuliak et al.,
Blended learning promotes an organic
combination of computer-oriented and
traditional methods with the complex use of non-
electronic and electronic information carriers,
traditional and computer-oriented learning tools;
distance forms and traditional ones are
introduced for the organization of the educational
process according to the principle of mutual
Blended learning promotes the application of a
mechanical approach to mixing different forms
of education, is in the context of any combination
of distance learning and traditional, when
thorough assimilation of knowledge is possible,
optimal organization of the educational process,
and better monitoring of the education of
students. It is in blended learning that 70% of
distance learning technologies and 30% of
traditional learning technologies are combined.
Therefore, to improve the educational space, it is
necessary to introduce information technologies
into the educational process for obtaining
knowledge, practical skills, control, monitoring,
and correction of the knowledge of education
seekers, for the qualitative organization of
independent educational activities of students
(Nechvohlod & Shamonia, 2020).
The ways of improving the educational space
through the introduction of information
technologies into the educational process are
clarified and the decisive factors of the
qualitative application of information
technologies in the educational process are
singled out.
The main professional tasks of using information
technologies in the educational process are listed,
and the positive factors of information
technologies that contribute to increasing the
effectiveness of student education are
highlighted. The main ways of qualitative
informatization of education are shown.
The didactic possibilities of ways to improve
education through the introduction of
information technologies into the educational
process and the basis on which the organization
of the innovative educational process of the
integrated use of information technologies is
built are highlighted. Groups of conditions for
the effective use of information technologies for
the improvement of the educational space are
The advantages of using information
technologies to improve the educational space,
which are manifested in the content,
organizational, and functional aspects of the
learning process, are emphasized.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The rapid development of information
technologies has opened favorable conditions for
distance education to improve the educational
The use of virtual and augmented reality
technologies to improve the educational process
is of great importance in education. Features of
virtual reality and augmented reality are shown.
In the process of professional training of
competitive specialists in institutions of higher
education, multimedia technologies are of great
importance. The necessity of multimedia
technologies in education is proven and the
principles that are effective when using
multimedia in educational classes are described.
New technologies for organizing students'
autonomous learning, which are significant in
education (electronic, mobile, combined, mixed
learning), are analyzed.
The advantages of e-learning over traditional
learning are listed.
Further research will focus on a type of e-
learning, mobile learning, which involves access
to remote local learning content.
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