Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.68.08.25
How to Cite:
Dinevich, I., Ivanova, A., & Kulikova, E. (2023). Specifics of teaching Russian language phraseology to foreign students (based on
the phraseological units with verbs of motion). Amazonia Investiga, 12(68), 269-280. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.68.08.25
Specifics of teaching Russian language phraseology to foreign students
(based on the phraseological units with verbs of motion)
Специфика обучения иностранных студентов фразеологии русского языка
(на примере фразеологизмов с глаголами движения)
Received: July 10, 2023 Accepted: August 25, 2023
Written by:
Irina Dinevich1
Anna Ivanova2
Ekaterina Kulikova3
This article is dedicated to the consideration of
relevant methodological techniques of offline
and online teaching of phraseological units with
verbs of motion to foreign students taking into
account the peculiarities of various teaching
stages. The research novelty consists in the
presentation of the polyvector module for
working with phraseological units with verbs of
motion to form language, sociocultural,
sociolinguistic and cross-cultural competencies
of a foreign speaker. When writing the article, the
authors used the following methods: analytical
method, component analysis, methods of
interpretation and modeling. The analysis of the
polyvector teaching module demonstrated that
the acquiring process of Russian phraseological
units by foreign speakers will be integral and
effective, if lexical and grammatical material is
selected in accordance with the criteria and
objectives of each teaching level. The
methodological techniques of the polyvector
module take into account the features and
objectives of teaching at each level; the system
of the module tasks, implemented in the online
format (mass open online course MOOC) and
offline, is aimed at developing foreign speakers’
skills and abilities to understand and use
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language No.2 of the
Institute of Russian Language of the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia. WoS Researcher
ID: JDD-0917-2023
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language No.2 of the
Institute of Russian Language of the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia. WoS Researcher
ID: JDD-1113-2023
Assistant professor department of Russian language and lingvouculturology of the Institute of Russian Language of the Patrice
Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia. WoS Researcher ID: ABC-6479-2022
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phraseological units with verbs of motion in
speech in different communicative situations.
Keywords: Russian as a foreign language,
communicative competence, phraseological
units with verbs of motion, polyvector module,
mass open online course.
Teaching of any foreign language, and Russian
as foreign (RAF) in particular, has the main
objective to form such level of communicative
competence of foreign speakers, which will
allow them to solve limited or unlimited number
of communicative tasks, in other words, to
participate in real communication. The important
components of such communicative competence
are sociocultural, sociolinguistic and cross-
cultural competencies, which provide the
adequacy of speech communication. The
development and improvement of
communicative competence is performed based
on the large array of texts with different stylistic,
grammatical and lexical directions.
Phraseological units, as a part of linguistic
system of a language, have their own specific
position. The understanding of phraseological
units and their active and correct use in speech
are an integral part of linguistic consciousness of
a native speaker, they reflect the peculiarities of
daily life, human environment, ethnos historic
development. The mastering of phraseological
units by foreign speakers gives them the
opportunity to form sociocultural, sociolinguistic
and cross-cultural competencies, allows
understanding the culture of Russian native
speakers and conducting the adequate speech
The aim of this research is to consider the
relevant methodological techniques of offline
and online teaching the Russian language
phraseology to foreign speakers (on the example
of phraseological units with verbs of motion), to
describe the polyvector module of work with
Russian phraseology intended for forming
sociocultural, sociolinguistic and cross-cultural
competencies of foreign speakers.
The research novelty is to propose the new
polyvector module of work with phraseological
units with verbs of motion, which assumes the
selection and introduction of lexical and
grammatical material into RAF teaching practice
in accordance with the criteria and objectives of
each teaching level and conditions of foreign
speakersteaching (offline / online form in the
format of mass open online course (MOOC)).
Literature review
At present, the researches in phraseology theory
are actively introduced into practice of teaching
foreign languages since the rendering of
phraseological units gives a lot for understanding
national culture and national mentality. The
increased interest to phraseology as an object of
language education is reflected not only in native
but also foreign linguistics. For example, in
Czech Republic phraseology is actively
introduced into the teaching process from
elementary to advanced levels. Czech researcher
Čechová discovered the role of phraseology in
the process of teaching native and foreign
languages as a way to cultivate love to them
(Čechová, 2012, 113). The scientific work of S.
Li is dedicated to the investigation of the role of
phraseology in forming the sense in discourse
(Li, 2015). The comparative analysis of the main
types of phraseological units in Russian and
English languages was conducted by
K.V. Zemlyakova (Zemlyakova, 2010, 2).
There are different approaches to teaching
phraseology of the Russian language to foreign
students in modern Russian studies. Due to the
orientation of pedagogical process to the result, a
special attention is paid to the formation of a
young specialist’s competence in modern
practice of teaching the Russian language as
foreign. The important role in understanding
phraseology for forming communicative and
sociocultural competence of foreign students is
mentioned by many linguists. For example,
Е.М. Vereshchagin and V.G. Kostomarov linked
the studying of Russian idiomatics by foreign
speakers with the perception peculiarities of
language world pictures, interconnection
between a language and culture (Vereshchagin,
& Kostomarov, 1990).
Dinevich, I., Ivanova, A., Kulikova, E. / Volume 12 - Issue 68: 269-280 / August, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
A special role of communicative phraseology in
forming sociocultural competence is pointed out
in a number of Russian and foreign publications
(Fedulenkova, & Tyazhelova, 2017; Degtyarev,
& Larionova, 2014; Sarsenbaeva, Utebaev,
2020). “Communicative competence is
considered important for understanding the
communication ethics and also for improving the
skills of cultural awareness, as well as for
developing critical thinking” (Sarsenbaeva,
Utebaev, 2020: 47). The new approach for
selecting communicative phraseological units
was proposed by T.N. Fedulenkova
(Fedulenkova, 2003). The role of phraseological
units in forming cultural and intercultural
competences of foreign students was pointed out
in the article by О.V. Starostina and her
coauthors (Starostina et al., 2018).
Different forms of teaching phraseology of the
modern Russian language can be found in many
scientific works. Thus, V.М. Mokienko in the
article “Phraseology of the learner and
phraseology of the educator (Problems of the
methodology of mastering phraseological units)”
described a number of methods for teaching
phraseology for different groups of students
based on the conducted research (Mokienko,
2017). О.V. Murashova and N.V. Shtykova,
based on the analysis of scientific-
methodological sources and own experience,
proposed the criteria for selecting phraseological
units (PU) in the course structure and didactic
techniques for working with them (Murashova,
Shtykova, 2019). The systematization and
generalization of methodological techniques for
working with PU at the lessons of the Russian
language as foreign in the specialized higher
educational institution were demonstrated in the
article by E.K. Kuznetsova (Kuznetsova, 2021),
and I. Skripnikova in her research paid special
attention to the main difficulties in studying
Russian verbs of motion in their figurative
meaning (Skripnikova, 2012).
The semantic classification of verbs by the way
of performing the motion and semantic features
of verbs of motion were described in the
researches of V.N. Solovar (Solovar, 2016) and
M. Gepner (Gepner, 2016).
A number of researches of native and foreign
specialists are dedicated to ethno-oriented
approach in teaching foreign students verbs of
motion. For example, L.S. Korchik considered
the peculiarities of teaching Chinese students
verbs of motion in the Russian language
(Korchik, 2012). K. Emrak studied the
difficulties in teaching Turkish students verbs of
motion (Emrak, 2021). А. Larson analyzed
prefixless verbs of motion of the Russian
language with direct and figurative meanings in
the aspect of teaching Norwegian students
(Larson, 2014).
The teaching aids in the Russian language as
foreign aimed at widening linguoculturological
knowledge of foreign students were prepared
based on different researches in the field of
phraseology and phraseology of verbs of motion
(Yarantsev, 1985; Basco, 2011; Chepkova, 2003)
and some others.
The issues of methodology of teaching foreign
students Russian verbs of motion (as
grammatical category) are demonstrated in
teaching aids by L.S. Muravyova (Muravyova,
2006), L.P. Yudina (Yudina, 2010),
G.L. Skvortsova (Skvortsova, 2019),
N.V. Pomortseva, I.A. Dinevich (Pomortseva, &
Dinevich, 2019).
Materials and methods
The research material comprises phraseological
units with verbs of motion, which brightly
demonstrate the national and cultural
peculiarities of Russian native speakers and also
folk and literary traditions of Russian people.
The material choice for this research is also
conditioned by the fact that Russian verbs of
motion are very difficult for foreign students due
to their polysemy, active word-building and
ability to be used both directly and figuratively,
and, therefore, they require a special
methodological approach.
The analysis of scientific-methodological
sources on the research topic allows describing
traditional and newest methodological
techniques for teaching phraseological units to
foreign students. Applying the method of
continuous sampling of phraseological units,
from the array of phraseological dictionary we
selected the phraseological units with verbs of
motion, the semantics of which was identified
with the help of the component analysis. The use
of the interpretation methods allowed explaining
the actual meaning and etymology of Russian
phraseological units with verbs of motion and
also to compare their rendering in Russian and
English. Based on the model developed for
teaching phraseological units with verbs of
motion we created MOOC “Verbs of motion in
the Russian language” with the help of the
modeling method.
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The process of teaching Russian phraseology
requires purposeful and systematic
methodological work and is based on didactic
principles formed and accepted in the
methodology of teaching the Russian language as
foreign. The use of these methodological
principles in offline and online teaching results in
purposeful mastering of language knowledge and
development of skills and abilities in active
speech practice of foreign students.
A teacher of RAF completes several tasks based
on the language level of foreign students:
1) at which moment of teaching it is possible to
start learning phraseologisms with verbs of
2) should phraseologisms containing in their
composition obsolete grammatical
structures or words unknown for foreign
students be the object of learning;
3) what methodological techniques are more
effective to be used when working with
Russian phraseology.
The solution of these questions is closely
connected with the proficiency level of RAF. At
the elementary and basic levels of proficiency the
process of introducing PU with verbs of motion
is complicated by general difficulties in
understanding the grammatical topic “Verbs of
motion” itself since the Russian system of verbs
of motion has a number of peculiarities, which do
not have analogs in the native language,
therefore, the learning of phraseological units
should be started only after the system of verbs
of motion has been mastered in general.
In our pedagogical practice we use the polyvector
module of work with Russian phraseology
envisaging the selection of lexical and
grammatical material in accordance with the
objectives and tasks of each level of teaching
foreign students and also comprising the
systematic work in producing the speech
situations of using phraseological units with
verbs of motion to form communicative and
sociocultural competeneces of foreign speakers.
The difficulty of studying Russian verbs of
movement for foreign students is that there are
verbs in the language showing how movement is
carried out. It can be realized with the help of
human legs, with the help of wheels on the
ground, movement on the water or in the air,
movement in one direction or movement in
different directions. Difficulties in choosing the
correct verb on the background of the absence of
such moments in the native language provokes
At the initial stage of learning (level А2-В1) the
introduction of phraseological units with verbs of
motion is limited and fragmentary. First, it is
necessary to choose and introduce the limited set
of verbs of motion with figurate meaning and
phraseological units of semantic monosemy (it is
snowing, the time has come, time flies, to wear
glasses) into the speech practice since they are
frequently used both in written texts and speech
situations. Working with this material with
foreign students of levels А2 and В1, it is
important to demonstrate that the paired
relationship of verbs by the feature of
unidirectionality / multidirectionality (life goes
on by foot, rain goes on by foot, the lesson goes
by foot)
is lost in phraseological units. To
systematize the use of verbs of motion in
figurative meaning and improve the memorizing,
it is necessary to group these units by the
situations of their use or by the groups of verbs
of motion (in the form of grammatical comment)
(Table 1).
A literal translation of Russian constructions into English is
given to demonstrate the peculiarities of the use of
phraseological units.
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 1.
Speech situations of using verbs of motion in figurative meaning
Speech situation
Grammatical comment
Time Time goes on (by foot). A year passed (by foot). The holidays flue away. The holidays went (by
foot) in a flash. We have lead a good time.
Verbs of motion of the group “go” (walking in one
direction) The clock is going (on foot). A new performance is going on
(by foot ) in the theater. The war was going (on foot). How the time flies! Nina Petrovna leads the geography lesson.
Weather The snow goes (on foot) in winter in Russia. The rain was going (on foot) the whole day
Verbs of motion with prefixes (imperfective aspect, perfective
aspect) Holidays pass fast. The interesting holiday passed. A year passed.
Human clothes I do not carry a hat.
Information The students went/passed a new topic at the
lesson. Lead an example, please!
The understanding and mastering of this material
is checked with the help of exercises on filling,
test tasks, analysis of speech situations and
composition of own situations by analogy. The
frequency of using phraseological units in
conversational practice of native speakers
dictates the necessity to introduce the elements of
work with some PU at learning levels A2 and B1
already when the formation of communicative
and sociocultural competences of foreign
speakers starts. In our opinion, the single
introduction of PU helps foreign students to
replenish their vocabulary with new lexical units
that will contribute to enriching the
linguoculturological level of the students and
increasing their study motivation.
At this stage of teaching it is possible to introduce
phraseological units of the following lexical and
semantic groups into the working materials:
a) physical and psychological states of a
person: to exit from person’s control
(to be
in hot blood), the head is going round and
round, it does not go out of my head, to come
to oneself, nothing comes into my mind;
b) behavior of a person: to bring to light, to
make someone go round one’s finger (to
twist someone round one’s finger), to lead
someone into trouble (to get someone into
trouble), to go around something in silence
(to make no mention of someone);
c) event, fact: to enter in the annals of history
(to go down in the annals of history), to enter
in the everyday life (to become part of
A literal translation of Russian constructions into English is
given to demonstrate the peculiarities of the use of
phraseological units.
everyday life), to put oneself in one’s place,
to come to the conclusion, to lead to
deadline (to extend the deadline).
At the advanced stage of learning (level В2) the
methodological work with phraseological units is
targeted at the following moments of functioning
of verbs of motion in fixed phraseological
combinations: the language material where the
meaning is relatively far from the direct one and
fixed word-combinations and phraseological
units are considered since at the advanced level
of learning foreign students have already formed
the skills of mastery of the grammatical system
of verbs of motion and have sufficient
vocabulary to understand large texts with lexical
At the advanced level of learning the range of
methodological techniques becomes wider and
semantic-cognitive approach to forming the
skills of semantic composition of utterances and
their verbalization comes to the fore
(Rumyantseva et al., 2016). One of the important
methodological techniques applied at this stage is
the familiarization of students with language
components of phraseologisms. The archaic
elements (lexical items, grammatical forms) are
very often included into the composition of
phraseological units with verbs of motion. For
example, obsolete lexical units comprise the
following Russian phraseological units: to make
one’s contribution (to contribute one’s lepton)
(lepton was a small ancient Greek coin), bring
somebody to a boil (bring somebody to white
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
heat) (white heat is heating up to very high
temperatures), to run at the top of one’s speed, to
When studying grammatical peculiarities of
phraseological units with verbs of motion the
problem of limited grammatical combinability of
many phraseological units is also considered. For
example, in some phraseological units verbs of
motion are used only in the form of perfective
aspect (to reach the limit, to get out of hand, etc.)
or only in the form of imperfective aspect (to go
with the flow, to lead down the garden path, to
go in circles, etc.) or in the forms of both aspects
(to come out / to come out clean, to get / to get
bent out of shape, to slip / to slip one’s mind,
etc.). Such differentiation and commenting of the
use of types of verbs of motion in PU will allow
foreign students to avoid traditional mistakes
when using such complicated grammatical
category of the Russian language as the verb
The next important methodological technique in
the process of studying lexical and grammatical
peculiarities of the Russian idiomatics is the
familiarization with PU etymology. This
technique is aimed at teaching foreign students to
work with culturological and etymological
comments to Russian phraseological units with
verbs of motion. For example, introducing the
phraseological unit to twist someone round one’s
finger, which is currently used in the meaning ‘to
cunningly cheat someone’ should be explained to
foreign speakers that its origin is connected with
people who, due to the swiftness of their hands,
cheated people as if showing them the miracles
of their amazing tricks for the sake of the fraud
or ordinary astonishment of the audience. At
present, the use of such phraseological unit
concerns the cheating with the help of intricacies
of thought, i.e. ordinary cheating without the
manipulation of fingers.
The phraseological unit the black cat ran (bad
blood brewed) is available in the vocabulary of
all Slavic languages. It is based on the
superstition known from ancient times: a person
will get into trouble or even misfortune, if a black
cat crosses the street in front of him or her. It is
historically connected with the fact that people
believed in the possibility of reincarnation of the
evil spirits in different animals, including a black
cat. At present, this phraseological unit is used in
colloquial speech and means quarrel, tiff,
harmed relationship‘.
Proper names having certain associative message
and requiring comments are used in
phraseological units, for example, the tongue will
lead you to Kiev (better to ask the way than go
astray), nobody goes to Tula with own samovar
(one should not bring coals to Newcastle), etc.
Foreign students not knowing Russian cultural
background translate phraseological expressions
literally. This results in incorrect understanding
of meanings and historically inherent national
and cultural specifics in them. “Authentic use of
these phraseological units requires not only
language but also linguocultural knowledge”
(Guo, 2018, 214).
The analysis of etymology of phraseological
units is inextricably linked with the consideration
of their national specifics. This methodological
technique allows discovering unique features and
distinct identity of Russian people. The
comparison of linguistic picture of native and
foreign languages definitely helps students to
understand the meaning of phraseological units
and learn how to use them correctly in speech
practice in the Russian language and find the
correct equivalent in the native language.
Russian phraseological units with verbs of
motion and their English equivalents were
analyzed as an example since many foreign
students use English. The comparative analysis
of meanings of a number of Russian and English
phraseological units demonstrated that some
Russian phraseological units have complete
equivalents in English. For example, the
phraseological unit To go through fire and
wateris equivalent in the Russian and English
However, the majority of PU are only partially
equivalent or nonequivalent expressions in a
native language that is connected with the
specifics of different linguistic worldviews. As
V.N. Telia pointed out, phraseological units are
“the mirror, in which the linguocultural similarity
identifies its self-consciousness, phraseological
units themselves dictate native speakers, in a
way, a special view of the world, the situation
(Telia, 1996, 95). The comparative analysis of
phraseological units of the Russian and English
languages confirms this statement (Table 2).
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 2.
The meaning of phraseologisms in the Russian and English languages
Russian language
English language
to go out of one person’s
own control
to fly off the handle
to lose countenance falling in the state of anger
one’s soul went down to
one’s heels
one’s heart sank into one’s
a person feels horror, fear
to swim like an axe
to swim like a stone
to drown, not to stay afloat, to sink
The comparative analysis of the selected
phraseological units shows that literal translation
of Russian and English phraseological units is
completely different and a foreign student should
memorize these phraseological units.
The important stage of methodological work is
the analysis of stylistic nuance of Russian
phraseological units. The teacher of RAF should
draw attention of foreign students to the fact that
in the Russian language neutral, interstylistic
phraseological units are not frequent (to go with
the flow, to keep up with the times, etc.), but the
phraseological units with limited stylistic nuance
(conversational style or bookish type of speech)
are actively used. For example, Russian
phraseological units one’s heart sank into one’s
boots, to lead down the garden path, to be in utter
chaos, to talk buncombe have vividly expressed
colloquial, expressive nuance and their use is
only possible in informal communication with
friends and family members.
The following bookish phraseological units: to
make one’s contribution, to fly fast, to pass away,
to bring to light are also limited stylistically and
can be mostly found in publicistic and belles-
lettres styles.
In order to correctly use such phraseological
units in speech practice foreign students need to
correctly understand not only their semantics and
etymology but also stylistic specifics and
functional role in different texts of the Russian
language. It is also important that when studying
PU foreign speakers learn a certain lexical layer
and grammatical categories together with it.
The effective methodological technique is the
use of phraseological dictionaries to identify the
phraseological expression by its lexical meaning
and stylistic belongingness. Foreign students
often experience difficulties in understanding the
semantics of Russian phraseological units having
figurative, idiomatic meaning. The common
mistake of students to find the meaning of each
component of the phraseological units in a
A literal translation of Russian constructions into English is given to demonstrate the peculiarities of the use of phraseological units.
spelling dictionary results in inadequate
understanding of the fixed expression. In this
regard, the most important task of the RAF
teacher is to explain that the complex of
components gives the understanding of the
phraseological unit meaning, therefore, for exact
rendering of the fixed expression it is necessary
to teach foreign speakers to use phraseological
dictionaries. For example, the phraseological unit
to get out of the rain means to escape
unpunished; to stop at nothing ‘readiness to go
towards the aim regardless of any obstacles (even
of colleagues or friends); carry water in a sieve
to lose time, dawdle; to bring to light to
disclose, condemn somebody.
Let us give the examples of the tasks aimed at
developing communicative skills and abilities of
foreign students and widening their vocabulary.
Fulfill the task: find the meaning of each fixed
expression (if you have difficulties, consult the
phraseological dictionary).
1. To twist someone
round one’s finger
(obvesti vokrug paltsa)
а) not to tell about
something deliberately
2. To get someone into
trouble (podvesti kogo-
b) to make conclusions
3. To go around a
mountain (goru oboiti)
c) to appoint another
4. To sum up (podvesti
d) to cheat cunningly
5. To come to the
conclusion (priyti k
e) to put someone in an
unpleasant position
6. To make no mention
(oboiti molchaniem)
f) to settle upon a
thought after thinking
for a long time
7. To come to oneself
(priyti v sebya)
g) to fulfill something
out of the ordinary
8. To extend the
deadline (perenesti
h) to calm down
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The fulfillment of different creative tasks will
help foreign students to competently use the
phraseological units of the Russian language in
speech situations, to widen the conception about
the communication norms and extend the
knowledge about cultural traditions of Russian
In accordance with the polyvector module of
teaching the system for studying phraseological
units with verbs of motion in the Russian
language is developed depending on the teaching
stage and level of language command. Thus, at
the initial stage of teaching we introduce the
system of verbs of motion forming such
grammatical category as “the movement of a
person or thing in space”.
When studying the topic “Verbs of motion in the
Russian language”, it makes sense to introduce
the new material step-by-step orienting not only
towards the qualitative mastering of lexical and
grammatical features of verbs of motion by
students but also towards the understanding of
peculiarities of their use in figurative meaning
and in phraseological units, thus forming the
communicative skills of foreign students.
At levels А2–В1 it is reasonable to use the
following types of tasks:
1. Find the verbs of motion used figuratively in
the given sentences:
Your clock is not going, it stopped two hours ago.
The snow with the rain is going now (It is
snowing and raining now).
Are they going to the south by car?
The time runs fast.
The students are going to the university and
carrying textbooks and copybooks.
2. Give examples of speech situations, in which
verbs of motion (to go, to run, etc.) can be
used figuratively.
Moving to a higher level of language command
it is possible to suggest the tasks aimed at
understanding microtexts and preparing
situations with the use of phraseological units
with verbs of motion. Such tasks help to develop
communicative skills and abilities of foreign
students, to widen their vocabulary and form
sociocultural competence of foreign speakers.
For example:
1. Describe the situation when the following
phraseological units can be used:
To go into retirement (to retire from army), to
stand hunger, cold, heat, climate, to wash dirty
linen in public, to bring something to light, to slip
one’s mind, to bring to an end, to bring to tears,
to run into a brick wall.
2. Speak about the history of the occurrence of
phraseological units, use the phraseological
dictionary of the Russian language:
To put someone in a tight spot, to come after the
feast, to leave the righteous path, to twist
someone round one’s finger, to follow in the
steps, to reach the limit.
3. Answer the question: how these equivalents
evaluate a person’s behavior, find the
equivalents in the native language:
To put on airs, a big wig, one’s heart sank into
one’s boots, head is going round and round, to
have narrow escape, to withdraw into one’s shell,
to retire from the stage, to put oneself in
someone’s place, to become personal, to jump
through the hoops, to play the mischief.
At the next stage of work with PU with verbs of
motion within the polyvector module a special
attention of the students should be focused on the
tasks for revealing and structuring the thematic
and pragmatic fields formed by the
phraseological units studied, for example:
1. Select synonyms (words and word-
combinations) to the following
phraseological units: to fly off the handle, to
slip one’s mind, to reach the limit, to come
to oneself.
2. Select antonyms (words and word-
combinations) to these phraseological units:
to go in circles, to run at breakneck speed, to
lead down the garden path.
3. Make sentences with the phraseological
units of thematic series “Head”: to stop at
nothing, the head is going round and round,
it does not go out of someone’s head,
nothing enters someone’s head.
All indicated tasks are suggested for offline
learning since they are aimed at the development
of speech skills of productive types of speech
activity in team work: teacher student, student
The change in the teaching vector in modern
conditions (transition to online teaching)
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
required the development of special teaching
materials taking into account features of work in
Internet. Mass open online courses (MOOC)
became such materials. The courses are an
alternative interactive source of knowledge for
foreign students.
At the moment, there two actively used MOOC
models: traditional xMOOC and connectivistic
сMOOC (Andreev, 2014; Downes, 2013; Parr,
2008). Traditional xMOOCs are focused on the
attitude to the student as the object of educational
activity (Chichilanova et al., 2015; Siemens,
2012; World Open Educational Resources (OER)
Congress, 2012). In such xMOOCs the study
material (push content) is developed and
presented by the authors and the education
process is managed by the tutors. Connectivistic
online courses (сMOOC) are focused on users’
self-study, at the same time, the course content is
developed by the participants of the educational
course (pull content). The course authors only
manage the educational process (Sambell, 2010;
Yuan, Powell, 2013; Mozhaeva, 2015).
MOOC “Verbs of motion in the Russian
language”, which is a part of polyvector module
refers to traditional MOOC (Dinevich, 2019). It
is intended for online teaching of foreign
nationals with basic and/or first certification
levels of the Russian language knowledge
(Kunovsky et al., 2021, 224).
The opportunities of electronic educational
environment allows including complex and
multiaspect explanation of education and use of
verbs of motion into МООC, use PU with verbs
of motion not only as an illustrative material but
also as the material for developing types of
speech activity. The use of verbs of motion in
phraseological units of the Russian language
helps foreign students to enrich their vocabulary.
Such approach in the organization of MOOC
content allows developing both language and
sociocultural competencies of foreign students.
The format of MOOC gives the opportunity to
users to select the convenient mode of lessons,
control their educational activity, consult with
the course author. The methodological advantage
of the online course is obviously the fact that the
material of the informative part corresponds to
the materials presented in the offline format and
described in this research.
The topic “Phraseological units with verbs of
motion” is one of the most complicated not only
in the learning but also in teaching the Russian as
a foreign language, therefore, in the modern
methodology of RAF there are different
approaches to the form and methods of
presenting this lexical and grammatical material,
which, in our opinion are rather disputable. In
particular, we do not agree with the position of a
number of researchers in whose works the
orientation towards the comparison of motion
category in the Russian language with the similar
category in the native language of students is
traced (Emrak, 2020) since the practice of work
with foreign students in higher educational
institutions of the Russian Federation is
implemented in polylingual groups, and study
aids and MOOC, as a part of educational space
of Internet, are addressed to people of any
nationality. We believe that ethno-oriented
approach is only justified in mononational
groups under the condition that the teacher
knows the intermediary language at a very high
level when the understanding is checked through
the translation. In polylingual groups, on the
contrary, the understanding is checked through
the interpretation, composition of microtexts and
Some foreign researchers point out the
difficulties connected with the translation of
phraseological units with verbs of motion into the
native language of students (Adelnia, &
Dastjerdi, 2011; Cappelle, 2012). However, we
think that simple translation of phraseological
units into the native language does not provide
the complete understanding of the meaning of a
Russian phraseological unit since it can contain
language units, which require explanation,
commenting and illustration with the text. The
availability of such language units is closely
connected with culturological and
linguoculturological aspects of studying a
language. We find the confirmation of our
thought in many works, in particular, in the work
of T.P. Chepkova “It is only possible to assert
that a foreign student has mastered the
communicative competence if when talking to
the native speaker of the studied language he or
she successfully solves the problems of mutual
understanding in compliance with the norms of
communication and cultural traditions of this
country using all the richness and diversity of
language means, including phraseological ones”
(Chepkova, 2010, 211).
A number of researchers point out that
educational trajectories are changing under the
action of new technologies (МООC, online
courses), however, the practice of teaching a
foreign language in the language environment
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
must take into consideration the peculiarities of
the language development and factors, which
influence this development (Marijuan, & Sanz,
The analysis of the work of using the polyvector
module allowed us making the following
conclusions about the possibility of improving
the process of learning phraseological units with
verbs of motion by foreign students:
1) the process of mastering Russian
phraseological units by foreign students will
be integral and efficient, if the lexical and
grammatical material is selected in
accordance with the criteria and objectives
of each level of teaching foreign students;
2) the studying of phraseological units with
verbs of motion should start at the initial
stage of teaching, introducing new
phraseological units in the course of
mastering lexical and grammatical material
by the students;
3) at the advanced stage of teaching
phraseology the leading methodological
techniques are as follows: the use of
phraseological dictionaries, familiarization
of the students with etymology and language
envelope of a phraseological expression,
analysis of the national specifics of the fixed
4) the skills and abilities to understand and
unmistakably use phraseological units with
verbs of motion in speech are formed based
on correctly selected system of exercises
aimed at understanding the integral meaning
of PU and its adequate use in speech
5) the resources of mass open online courses,
which give the opportunity to learn and work
through the theoretical material, are one of
the best conditions of the effective work
with Russian phraseology with foreign
Thus, the developed system of tasks for
mastering phraseological units with verbs of
motion described in this research can be used in
offline and online learning (in MOOC format) at
different stages of teaching RAF since it
comprises the complex and multiaspect approach
to forming the communicative competence and
inclusion of foreign students into the real
language environment. The mastering of PU at
different teaching stages allows foreign speakers
to avoid mistakes in speech and communicative
failures, it forms the system conception of the
Russian language and Russian culture.
This research has both theoretical and practical
application. The practical aspect of presenting
phraseological units with verbs of motion allows,
on the one hand, to remove the difficulties of
their perception by the persons studying the
Russian language as foreign due to which the
teachers can arrange the successful strategies in
mastering this language phenomenon by the
students. On the other hand, the article
supplements the conception of linguists about the
structure and meaning of phraseological units
with verbs of motion. The research contains the
information, which can be used with the audience
studying the Russian language as foreign or
Russian as the native language since it comprises
the information about the origin, structure,
lexical and semantic peculiarities and
culturological connotations of phraseological
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