www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.68.08.23
How to Cite:
Kuznetsova, O., Сhubuk, R., Maiboroda, O., Khoroshev, O., & Maksimov, D.S. (2023). Psychological features of training future
social workers. Amazonia Investiga, 12(68), 248-257. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.68.08.23
Psychological features of training future social workers
Психологічні особливості підготовки майбутніх соціальних працівників
Received: June 25, 2023 Accepted: August 25, 2023
Written by:
Olena Kuznetsova1
Ruslan Сhubuk2
Oksana Maiboroda3
Oleksandr Khoroshev4
Dafna Sharon Maksimov5
Social work belongs to professions that have
emerged and established themselves to meet
urgent societal needs. The purpose of specialists
in this field is not only to create necessary
conditions for the social protection of people,
groups, and communities but also to foster their
ability to build their lives and mobilize internal
resources to overcome life crises. The article
aims to characterize the practical significance
and types of social work while exploring the
essence of psychological aspects in the
professional activity of social workers. The main
directions of the article are to investigate the
interrelation between social work and
psychology and to clarify the psychological
features of education for future social workers.
Several research methods were employed,
including general scientific methods such as
synthesis, analysis, deduction, and induction,
which helped determine the research goal and
conduct the analytical processing of scientific
sources. It enabled the structuring of available
domestic and foreign literature on psychological
Associate Professor, Acting Head of the Department of Social Work, Management and Pedagogy, Candidate of Pedagogical
Sciences, Department of Social Work, Management and Pedagogy, Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Management and
Administration, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
Associate Professor, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Department of Social Work, Management and Pedagogy, Educational and
Scientific Institute of Public Management and Administration, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
Associate Professor, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Department of Socio-Humanitarian Technologies, Faculty of Digital,
Educational and Social Technologies, Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine.
Associate Professor, PhD in Historical Sciences, Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, Social and Psychological
Faculty, National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
5 Graduate Student, PhD, Head of Network of Charitable Rehabilitation Centers Kinder Velt, The Global Hibuki Therapy Project,
Ashdod, Israel.
Kuznetsova, O., Сhubuk, R., Maiboroda, O., Khoroshev, O., Maksimov, D.S. / Volume 12 - Issue 68: 248-257 /
August, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
and social work matters and the historiographic
and retrospective methods. The research findings
reveal vital theoretical aspects of psychological
preparation for future social workers during their
educational process. The study of scientific-
practical materials allowed identifying essential
trends in training for social work professionals.
Keywords: social worker, psychological support
of the population, social work, social assistance,
personality formation of social workers, use of
psychological methods in social work.
Social work should be focused on assisting in
solving social issues for people, groups, and
communities, developing techniques for
overcoming difficulties, and fostering self-help
skills. The fundamental principles for social
work are social justice and respect for human
rights. In many developed countries, this field of
activity is one of the most widespread
Modern psychology seeks to assess its own
capabilities and development prospects in social
work, which requires practical application and
intervention in a crisis or complex life situations.
It searches for answers to questions about what
psychology 'can' or 'should' do to successfully
address the acute tasks of providing assistance to
various population groups. It requires new
approaches that need to be developed and
constantly improved in applied psychology.
According to the opinions of many researchers,
to this day, there remain open issues concerning
the definition of the essence and understanding
of the psychological aspects of social assistance.
The same is true for their theoretical and
methodological significance in building a model
for the practical implementation of this type of
The theoretical part of this study substantiates the
concept and components of social work as a
professional activity where the psychological
abilities of a social worker are an integral part of
the general professional competence.
The practical part of the research includes an
assessment of disciplines related to acquiring
psychological competence by future social
workers and trends in strengthening the
psychological preparation of specialists in this
Based on the research findings, conclusions have
been drawn regarding the issues addressed.
Specifically, it has been established that the state
pursues a range of multifaceted activities to
support and enhance responsibility for the quality
of professional activities of such specialists. It
includes developing a competitive system of
educational institutions engaged in the
upbringing, training, and qualification
improvement of psychological-pedagogical and
scientific-pedagogical specialists.
Literature review
Social work is a particular form of professional
activity of authorized bodies that provide state
and private assistance to persons to ensure the
material, social and cultural level of their lives
and provide individual service to a person,
family, or group. Social action is based on the
practical realization of humanitarian and
democratic ideals and offers psychological
support for recipients of social services
(Balakhtar, 2019), (Zaveryko et al., 2022).
A distinguishing feature of social work in most
countries is its close connection with social
protection. For example, according to the
definitions provided by most researchers, social
work encompasses a range of assistance types:
social and domestic;
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
These types of aid are always objective and
directed at meeting specific needs (Xie et al.,
2022), (Saar-Heima, 2023), (Sur, Ashcroft &
Adamson, 2023).
The International Association of Social Workers
and the International Association of Schools of
Social Work have adopted an international
definition of social work, which, according to its
authors, can be applied in any region or country.
The definition formulates as follows: "The
profession of social work promotes societal
change, resolves problems in human
relationships, and enhances the well-being of
persons, families, and communities. It involves
the pursuit of social justice and the well-being of
people" (Reith-Hall & Montgomery, 2023),
(Pascoe, Waterhouse-Bradley & McGinn, 2023).
Social work occurs in various forms where
numerous complex interactions exist between
people and their environment. The task of social
work is to enable people to maximize their
potential, enrich their lives, and prevent the
development of dysfunctions. Professional social
work is aimed at problem-solving and effecting
change (Ravalier et al., 2023), (Balakhtar,
As social work belongs to the group of "person-
to-person" professions, it requires specific
personal qualities from those who choose this
profession (kindness, politeness, tolerance,
discipline, empowerment, etc.), as well as the
ability to communicate with people. This
specialty offers opportunities for self-realization
to those who empathize and understand the
problems of others and strive to help people lead
a dignified life, regardless of physical,
functional, or psychological crises. Social work
distinguishes itself from other "person-to-
person" professions (such as doctors, educators,
psychologists, lawyers, etc.) due to its
complexity and psychological demands
(Balakhtar, 2018b), (Ding et al., 2023).
Social work practice involves collaborative
efforts of social workers and social institutions
aimed at researching the needs of various target
groups and communities to promote the optimal
social adaptation of people, families, and groups
of the population through care, social and
psychological counseling, representation, and
advocacy for their interests, management,
planning, and provision of necessary services,
consulting, prevention, therapy, fostering their
independence, and problem-solving. For this
purpose, social workers must possess appropriate
methods and work skills based on various
knowledge and theories (Lustick et al., 2020),
(Fedorenko, Havrysh & Velychko, 2022).
Scientific psychology possesses an extensive,
diverse, and unique set of facts that is not fully
accessible in applied psychology. This material
is also collected and interpreted in specialized
fields of psychological science:
geriatric psychology;
educational psychology;
industrial psychology, social psychology;
zoopsychology, and others (Fedorenko et al.,
Historically, psychological knowledge plays a
significant role in the social sphere. Scientific-
psychological conclusions are now utilized
wherever people communicate, interact, and
build relationships (Havrysh, Velychko &
Fedorenko, 2021).
Undoubtedly, psycho-adaptive learning is the
most challenging as it is responsible for shaping
the following comprehensive systems:
socio-psychological skills (cognitive,
perceptual, motivational, etc.);
socio-psychological traits (social activity,
responsibility, etc.);
practical abilities (communication,
interaction, etc.) (Kropelnytska, Myhovych
& Kulesha-Lyubinets, 2019).
One of the most pressing issues in training social
workers is the problem of selecting personnel and
assessing the professionalism of specialists. In
addressing this problem, it is crucial to consider
the personal peculiarities of future social workers
and adhere to a complex of ethical norms
necessary for providing professional assistance
in each specific situation. Since acquiring various
knowledge and skills is an essential prerequisite
for the practical work of a social worker in
solving client problems, preparing social workers
should be designed so that future specialists
acquire general knowledge and skills at the
university level. It can then be refined through
continuous learning and practical work (Ahmed,
Hamzah & Abdullah, 2020).
In their professional activity, social workers can
perform various social roles: advocate for clients'
interests, educator, mediator, organizer,
healthcare worker, consultant-administrator,
expert in economics, social policy, protection,
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
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etc. Consultation plays a vital role in social work.
Thus, the issue of assessing the level of
professionalism of specialists in this field is one
of the most relevant. On the way to addressing
this issue, it is necessary to adhere to ethical rules
of social workers' activity and build the training
of future professionals following these norms to
ensure their assimilation and mandatory
application in professional practice. Equally
important is to identify personal qualities that a
social worker should possess to be effective in
counseling and rehabilitation work, and to utilize
acquired knowledge in professional consultation
and develop these qualities in students as future
social workers (Kropelnytska, Myhovych &
Kulesha-Lyubinets, 2019).
An increasing number of experts involved in the
theory and practice of counseling and social work
are concluding that the quality of the
interpersonal relationship between the client and
the social worker is more important than the
philosophy, methods, or techniques the latter
adheres to. Therefore, the fact that a social
worker must possess not only specific knowledge
and skills but also relevant qualities for this work
becomes more significant. They should adhere to
a set of ethical norms and rules based on
universal values and personal work experience,
contribute to the normal functioning of persons
and groups in need of social assistance, and
ensure and protect such people (Bierman &
Sanders, 2021).
It is worth noting that there are currently no
practical studies of educational programs that
would determine the directions of future social
workers' study of methods of social work with
different categories of clients, as well as the
degree and vectors of state programs and special
measures aimed at improving the quality of
psychological education of social workers.
Taking into account the above, as part of this
study, an evaluation of educational programs was
carried out to find out the vectors of
psychological training of students-future
specialists in social work, as well as an
assessment of the acquisition by this category of
students of skills in mastering methodological
tools for working with certain categories of
Methods and Materials
This study aims to determine the criteria that
regulate the quality of psychological training of a
social worker for professional activity, as well as
the areas of psychological knowledge study by
future social workers. The practical part of the
study highlights the key aspects of state support
and the improvement of the quality of
psychological training of specialists in this field.
A practical study of current trends in the
psychological training of future social workers
was carried out using the evaluation method.
Based on this method, the study of the
psychological assistance specifics in social work
was conducted with further generalizations and
conclusions, descriptive and analytical methods.
These methods contributed to the analysis of
socio-economic reforms and their impact on
forming the social sphere. The method of
extrapolation allowed to spread the conclusions
obtained as a result of the research.
The data analysis was carried out by processing
the theoretical material, as well as by calculating
the hours of the special course in the field of
"psychological training" for social workers
according to the content modules and types of
classes of higher education institutions of
Ukraine and the data processed by scientists.
For the practical study of the key psychological
aspects of training future social workers, it is
worth analyzing the areas of teaching
psychological knowledge to future social
workers (Table 1).
Evaluating the thematic directions of higher
education curricula and conducting professional
training for specialists in the field enables the
identification of two main learning vectors for
such professionals. The first direction comprises
a set of disciplines covering the fundamentals of
general and social psychology, aimed at students
acquiring new knowledge, skills, and necessary
abilities. The second direction consists of a range
of subjects providing future social workers with
specialized psychological knowledge and an
understanding of the psychological foundations
of social work.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 1.
The system of disciplines for the acquisition of psychological competence by future social workers.
Education area
Academic disciplines aim
social A set of disciplines covering the basics of general and
Mastering by students the prerequisites for
acquiring new psychological knowledge and
skills to form the necessary competences
A set of highly specialized disciplines of social and
psychological direction
er with Providing the future social work
psychologically specialized knowledge and
ensuring the mastery of the psychological basics
of social work
Source: compiled by the authors based on (Korneshhuk, Kolodijchuk, & Bodelan, 2018).
Mastering these subjects allows students to
experience how the knowledge acquired in the
first level can be practically applied to
comprehend better the issues of professional
interaction most commonly encountered by
social workers' clients.
Thus, studying the psychological characteristics
of different developmental stages and
considering them in social work with respective
age groups contributes to integrating knowledge
gained in the field of developmental psychology
into the professional awareness of future
Particular attention should be paid to students'
knowledge of various forms of
psychopathogenesis and social work methods
with different client categories (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Students learning of mental deontogenesis forms and methods of social work with different
categories of clients.
Source: compiled by the authors based on (Zaveryko et al., 2022; Fedorenko et al., 2019).
Studying the psychological aspects of social work with different population groups is determined by the
necessity for future social workers to familiarize themselves with the psychological specifics of various
population groups requiring social assistance and the methods specific to providing such help. These groups
primarily include the following:
Chronically ill people;
Disabled persons and their families;
Elderly and isolated citizens;
Victims of abuse and violence;
Unemployed people;
Participants and victims of armed conflicts;
People affected by technogenic disasters;
People experiencing post-traumatic stress
disorders, and others.
Psychological characteristics of problematic
families and population groups identified as "at-
Categories of people with
health conditions
Chronically ill people
People with disabilities
and their families
People with addictive
and deviant behavior
Categories of people who have
become victims of unfavorable
life circumstances
Victims of abuse and
Participants and victims
of armed conflicts
Victims of man-caused
disasters, people with
post-traumatic stress
People with specific national
and age conditions
Representatives of
different ethnic groups
and prevention of ethno-
psychological conflicts
Elderly and isolated
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
risk" (people with addictive and deviant
behavior, people who will return from detention
centers, etc.) are considered separately, as are the
specifics of social work with them. Moreover,
understanding the basics of ethnopsychology, the
psychological specifics of social work with
different ethnicities, and the prevention of
ethnopsychological conflicts is also necessary.
Currently, strengthening the psychological skills
spectrum for professionals obtaining higher
education as social workers and enhancing the
qualifications of current specialists in this field is
an essential prerequisite for the modernization of
the education system. The state provides the
following measures to support and increase
responsibility for the quality of professional
activity of such specialists (Figure 2):
Figure 2. Current trends in state support for the quality of psychological education of social workers.
Source: compiled by the authors based on (Zaveryko et al., 2022).
development and improvement of the
regulatory framework for the professional
activity of psychological, social, and
scientific-social workers;
forecasting and meeting the needs of society
and the labor market for these specialists;
development of a competitive system of
educational institutions that provide
education, training, and professional
development of psychological, pedagogical,
and scientific and pedagogical specialists;
development and implementation of state
standards of psychological and pedagogical
education of different levels of education
and qualification, as well as state standards
of postgraduate education;
mastery of modern information
technologies by psychological and
pedagogical specialists;
regular updating and harmonization of the
content of education, advanced training, and
preparation of psychological and
pedagogical workers;
introduction of a system of targeted state
support for the psychological training of
social workers and their professional
improvement of the motivation system for
professional development and professional
advancement of social workers,
opportunities to learn foreign languages, etc.
The state creates conditions for raising
specialists' prestige and social status in this field
and forms a system of professional selection of
young people to higher education institutions.
However, the problem of professional training
for highly qualified modern specialists has long
gone beyond the scope of their educational
institution or even the higher psychological-
pedagogical education system. It is necessary not
only to qualitatively update the content of future
social workers' professional training but also to
shape their personal qualities. It is vital for re-
education, socialization, and adaptation, which
such professionals will carry out in the future.
Studying the processes of personality formation
in social workers, most foreign and domestic
scholars believe that regardless of where and in
what direction social work is carried out, the
social worker must be able to clearly identify the
essence of clients' socio-psychological problems,
develop an appropriate action plan, ensure the
practical implementation of the plan, and
correctly evaluate the results of their work. This
means that the significant importance of
preparing social workers as professional
State support for the quality of psychological education of social workers
Improving the
framework for
training of
social workers
Regulation of
the situation on
the labor market
for social
Developing the
of social
Development and
implementation of
state standards for
psychological and
education at
different levels of
education and
qualification of
social workers
Updating and
harmonizing the
content of
training for
specialists in
this field
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
representatives of the "human-to-human" group
lies in forming the practical component of their
professional competence.
Indeed, the specificity of preparing social work
specialists requires the formation of strong
practical skills and an understanding among
students that the activity of a social worker does
not consist of working with documentation,
normative instructions, and regulations but of
directing this profession toward working with
people. Therefore, the professional training of
social workers is based not only on executive-
instrumental education, which includes the
formation of knowledge, skills, and abilities in
educational institutions, but also on
psychological readiness - the assimilation of the
future role of a social worker in the labor system.
The following assessment of the dynamics of the
number of special course hours in the
"Psychological Training" area by content
modules and types of classes is provided to
assess the intensity of strengthening social
workers' psychological and social training. They
were introduced as part of the state-supported in-
service training to improve the psychological
competence of social workers in Ukraine
(Table 2).
Table 2.
The hours of a special course in "Psychological Training" for social workers by content modules and types
of classes.
Content modules
Number of hours
Lecture classes
Practical classes
Independent work
1. Theoretical and
methodological basis of
psychological social work
2. Theoretical and practical
basis of psychological social
Source: compiled by the authors based on (Korneshhuk, Kolodijchuk, & Bodelan, 2018).
As Table 2 shows, there is an increase in the
attention of state institutions to this type of social
workers' competencies (Korneshhuk,
Kolodijchuk & Bodelan, 2018).
The life of a modern person is constantly
accompanied by various stressful situations,
most of which, fortunately, a person can cope
with more or less effectively on their own.
However, there is a whole spectrum of stressful
events (physical, sexual, psychological violence,
technological and ecological disasters,
involvement in military conflicts, loss of loved
ones, family and school stress, etc.) that lead to
post-traumatic stress conditions and reactions of
different origins, with consequences that a
person, considering certain personal
characteristics, cannot cope with independently.
Therefore, the development, creation, and
implementation of social workers' knowledge in
the psychophysiology of stress, its causes and
consequences, personal and group rehabilitation
methods, self-help, and correction of post-
traumatic stress disorders are highly relevant and
vital. The preventive care of "at-risk" groups for
post-traumatic stress disorders of various origins
is equally important (Bierman & Sanders, 2021).
Modern science has developed an understanding
of social work as a professional activity in which
the psychological abilities of the social worker
are an integral part of general professional
competence. These abilities are determined by
the desire to help persons or groups ensure their
existence and social interaction, support people's
self-esteem, and develop personal and social
responsibility. Psychological competence, in
turn, requires the ability to study a person's
psychological and personal characteristics,
understand the conditions of their life and
communication, and take them into account in
everyday practical actions. It also involves using
relevant knowledge and abilities for diagnostics,
psychological correction, and comprehensive
assistance to various disadvantaged populations.
A social worker's psychological competence is
only possible with a firm reflexive position
regarding personal abilities, enabling the
determination of the limits of knowledge and
skills in specific situations. Therefore, an
essential and integral part of the social worker's
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
psychological competence is an adequate self-
diagnosis, namely:
self-awareness as a person,
awareness of one's abilities, and possibilities
of interaction and
assistance in different social work situations
(Forman, 2019; Ruch, Turney & Ward,
The intensive use of psychological methods in
social work is because social work clients are
people in complex life situations. The
development of methods and implementation of
psychological support is traditionally within the
scope of practical psychology. A social worker
must be able to provide an individual
psychological approach to each client and
understand the psychological peculiarities of
different social categories (Blewitt et al., 2021;
Forrester et al., 2020).
Psychological assistance is understood as a
specific form of service to solve personal, family,
or professional psychological difficulties. This
type of assistance can be both informal and
professional. Social workers work with families
and children who have found themselves in
difficult life situations, people with disabilities,
and older people. The study of cognitive,
emotional, volitional, and communicative
spheres helps them in diagnostic, correctional,
and preventive work with these population
groups, providing psychological assistance
(Lynch, Newlands & Forrester, 2019; Ruch,
Turney & Ward, 2018).
The psychological and pedagogical training of
future specialists in the context of
democratization and humanization of education,
with a focus on the implementation of "subject-
subject" relationships in the psycho-educational
process, should contribute to the following:
personal development of future
satisfaction of their professional educational
interests and needs,
formation of social and professional
the ability for professional and personal
conflict prevention,
a creative resolution of professional tasks,
to promote the development of collective
solutions to professional tasks. (Huang et al.,
2021; Jennings et al., 2019).
Therefore, the professional training of future
social workers in higher education institutions
aims to form their professional knowledge, skills,
and personal and professional qualities necessary
for the successful performance of various types
of social work when interacting with different
consumers. The result of such training, in a broad
sense, can be the professional competence and
professional preparedness of a social work
specialist. The issue of optimizing the training of
social work specialists to increase the efficiency
and effectiveness of their psychological activities
is a very urgent, complex, and multifaceted task.
It requires an integrated scientific approach
involving specialists from many fields of science
and education.
The study of the psychological and pedagogical
cycle disciplines by future social workers should
ensure the formation of a conscious attitude to
the psychological aspect of education and
understanding it as a necessary component of
professional training. That means a willingness
to cooperate in the choice of their additional
content and implementation forms.
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