www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.68.08.22
How to Cite:
Sabat, N., Petrenko, S., Bosa, V., Lashkul, V., & Bielikova, V. (2023). The informatization role of the educational process for
quality training of specialists. Amazonia Investiga, 12(68), 236-247. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.68.08.22
The informatization role of the educational process for quality training
of specialists
Роль інформатизації освітнього процесу для якісної підготовки фахівців
Received: June 25, 2023 Accepted: August 25, 2023
Written by:
Nataliia Sabat1
Serhii Petrenko2
Vita Bosa3
Valerii Lashkul4
Valentyna Bielikova5
The article reveals the role of informatization of
the educational process for high-quality training
of specialists in order to achieve in the
educational process a systemic vision of the
future innovative activity of specialists, its
perception as a single system of professional
functions and tasks, giving preference to
informatization. The purpose of the article is to
clarify the role of informatization of the
educational process for quality training of
specialists to achieve a systemic vision of future
innovative activity in the educational process, its
perception as a single system of professional
functions and tasks. , giving preference to
informatization. The methodical concept of
scientific training of future specialists in the
conditions of informatization of the educational
process for high-quality training of specialists
reflects the relationship and interaction of
scientific approaches to the study of a
fundamental problem. Informatization of the
educational process was considered in aspects:
Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor, Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work, Vasyl Stefanyk
Precarpathian National University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: JCN-4690-2023
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Information Technology and
Modeling, Rivne State University for the Humanities, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AEC-8437-2022
Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Docent of Chair of Romance Philology and Comparative-typological Linguistics. Grinchenko
Borys Kyiv University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: JCF-2418-2023
Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation, National University of Life
and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: GZH-6373-2022
Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
Sabat, N., Petrenko, S., Bosa, V., Lashkul, V., Bielikova, V. / Volume 12 - Issue 68: 236-247 / August, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
system, activity and information. The positive
factors of informatization of the educational
process, which increase the effectiveness of the
training of education seekers and factors that
contribute to the prompt updating and solving of
tasks, filling the content of the educational
environment through the use of new
technologies, have been determined.
Keywords: informatization of the educational
process, quality training, education seekers,
innovative activity of specialists, information
and communication technologies.
Formation of the information society impacts all
areas of human activity, including the field of
education, which is based on the mass
introduction of computer technology and the use
of the Internet in educational institutions. The
modern system of the educational process cannot
remain aloof from the global process of
informatization of society and education. The
latest trends in society require the development
of the education system on the basis of
information technologies, the creation and
functioning of an appropriate high-tech and high-
quality information and educational
Its importance has recently been growing,
affecting the educational process of all subjects
of the educational space and their relationships in
the educational system. The task of the
information and educational environment is the
radical modernization of the technological
environment component of the education system
and implementation of the transition to an open
educational system that meets the demands of
today's society regarding the quality of
professional training of future specialists.
The application and implementation of
information and communication technologies is
a necessary step for the informatization of
education, which involves the implementation of
scientific, managerial, educational, and
educational functions inherent in the field of
education (Bykov, 2008).
Society is permeated and filled with information
flows that require constant high-quality and
timely processing. Therefore, it cannot function
without the informatization of the educational
process, the use of information technologies for
high-quality training of specialists, as well as
without transport, energy, and chemical
Informatization of the educational process,
which determines the processes of
informatization in all spheres of human activity,
requires competitive specialists with a sufficient
level of information competence. Therefore,
under such conditions, the task of educational
institutions is to ensure the preparation of young
people for the future and modern labor markets,
to constantly keep an eye on leading enterprises
and their needs, and to guarantee that graduates
receive high-quality training and appropriate
qualifications. It is important to increase the role
of informatization of the educational process for
high-quality training of specialists to achieve a
systemic vision of future innovative activity in
the education process, to perceive professional
functions and tasks, including the information
function, as components of a single system
(Poiasok, 2009).
The main tasks and functions of informatization
of educational institutions of professional
education are interconnected and aimed at the
formation of informational competence as a
mandatory component of the professional
training of a specialist, which is considered as
one of the key qualifications of a person of the
information society. Successful achievement of
the goal of informatization of professional
education and the introduction of ICT in
professional training is possible, in our opinion,
under the condition of designing, creating and
maintaining an ICT-rich educational
environment, which includes means and
technologies for collecting, accumulating,
transmitting, processing and distributing
educational information, means of presentation
knowledge, ensuring connections and effective
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functioning of organizational structures of
educational institutions.
Purpose of such an environment: identification
and development of abilities and potential of an
individual; creation of conditions for
independent acquisition of knowledge and its
qualitative assimilation; ensuring the automation
of assessment of learning outcomes;
compensation for certain negative consequences
of students' work with ICT tools.
Comprehensive informatization of professional
education significantly raises the requirements
for the quality of ICT education, the
effectiveness of methods of managing the
educational process, and the profitability of
information systems. An important role in the
complex process of training future specialists
belongs to the latest technologies, based on the
use of the best traditional and innovative forms
of training organization using information and
communication technologies and resources. In
professional education, a reorientation of the
goals of information training, a justified update
of its content, a clear definition of the structure
and organization of training with the help of ICT
is necessary. In our opinion, there is an obvious
need for theoretical and methodological
justification of the informatization of the
professional training system, scientific support
for the introduction of information technologies
in professional education, and consideration of
the problem of informatization of universities in
the context of pedagogical requirements.
This article delves into various facets of the
educational process's informatization. It explores
the potential of such informatization to provide
high-quality training for specialists and to foster
an innovative educational environment. The
discussion includes the utilization of web-based
information resources, key indicators of the
educational process's informatization, and the
positive impacts of this informatization on
enhancing student learning outcomes.
Furthermore, the article underscores the
pedagogical objectives of integrating
information technologies into the educational
process, the conditions necessary for this
integration, and the primary tasks for improving
information availability within educational
institutions. Emphasis is also placed on the
requisite skills for employing contemporary
information and communication technologies,
the development of pedagogical software tools,
and the areas in which informatization
effectively enhances the quality of specialist
training and educational technology methods.
Literature Review
The problems of informatization, the formation
of an information society, ensuring information
security, etc. have become the subject of research
by a wide range of scientists, including whose
works are of special interest N. Morse, & V.
Vember (2007). They showed the importance
and pedagogical value of electronic means for
educational purposes and developed the main
tasks of electronic resources; the terminology of
electronic resources is proposed; the possibilities
of teachers to work with electronic resources are
shown in different countries; diagrams of the
provision of teachers with software tools were
made, the values of software tools for the
educational process were updated and the level
of mastery of the educational potential of
teachers and students of education was shown;
examples of the use of informational computer
technologies are offered in electronic educational
tools; in conventional units, the weighting
coefficients for each of the characteristics of
electronic means for educational purposes are
Despite the existing developments regarding the
features the use of ICT in the educational space,
the possibilities of the information and
educational environment in the organization of
the educational process of a higher education
institution have not yet been fully explored, such
scientists as O. Kondur, & N. Fuchynska (2021)
examples of the use of information technologies
in all spheres of the modern world; and showed
the importance of the information component,
which plays a significant role in the active life of
mankind and the formation of a competitive
specialist; presented the information society as a
stage of the development of the post-industrial
society, described the features of such a society
and distinguished their difference from all forms
of society; the peculiarities of the informatization
of the educational process for high-quality
training of specialists are structured and the
advantages of the information society are shown
by the impact on the development of the state and
the individual; the basis of the information
society is emphasized, its technologies are
highlighted. The authors show the role of the
educational sector in changing the priorities of
social development, in particular, the active use
of information and communication technologies;
the process of informatization of education and
the components of informatization of education
are disclosed. The main task of informatization
of the educational process for high-quality
training of specialists is singled out (training of a
competitive specialist who can quickly adapt to
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
self-realization, self-education, and changing
conditions of the labor market.
Scholars have considered various aspects of the
professional training of IT professionals, but
certain aspects require further research. In
particular, educational strategies and vectors of
their implementation aimed at increasing need
constant attention the effectiveness of
professional training of students of the IT
specialty, which is due to the rapid pace of
development and improvement of
informatization of all spheres of life in society.
I. Yashchuk (2021) highlighted the problem of
informatization of the educational process for
high-quality training of specialists, in the
institution of higher education in the conditions
of global changes, ways of modernizing the
educational process were shown, which
accelerated the process of informatization and
computerization of education; the effect of the
pandemic on the need to implement distance
learning has been proven. It was found that high-
quality professional training of a specialist is
impossible without the informatization of the
educational process, and the development of
information literacy of the specialist, which
requires the institution of higher education to
constantly update information and technology for
the high-quality training of specialists. The
important conditions of high-quality education,
the possibility of creating an informational and
educational environment in a higher education
institution, in which the personal and
professional qualities of a specialist are formed
and educational activities are organized, are
V. Kalusenko, & L. Kartashova (2020)
considered the issues and determined the
peculiarities of the training of specialists in the
development of science, economy,
informatization of society, and introduction of
electronic educational environments into the
educational process, which today is the main task
of higher education institutions. They showed the
possibilities of introducing the electronic
educational environment into the professional
training of future specialists. The main tasks
were set: in the conditions of the information
environment, to provide an analysis of the
possibilities of training specialists, and to
propose theoretical foundations for the
development of certain categories of training
specialists in educational institutions. Various
definitions and approaches to the concept of
"informational and educational environment" are
given. The possibilities of the information and
educational environment in the institution of
higher education using the educational platform
Moodle are described; the functions of the
information and educational environment
(educational, educational, informative,
developing, reflective, socialization) are defined
and their pedagogical value is shown.
N. Hunka (2016) characterized the concept of
"informational and educational environment"
and carried out its theoretical analysis; showed
the difference between informational and
educational and informational environment;
highlighted the possibilities of the information
and educational environment for improving the
quality of education and disclosed its functions.
The author identified the main components of the
informational and educational environment and
made a connection between the formation of the
foundations of pedagogical skills and the
informational and educational environment. The
content of the electronic system "Socrates" is
revealed and the need for the university is shown,
to form and improve the professional and
pedagogical skill of the teacher, the possibilities
of this system for use in the educational process
of the institution are summarized.
The analysis of scientific sources and educational
practice proves that the issue of introducing
information technologies in the process of
professional training of future teachers in order
to change the traditional education system to a
practice-oriented one built on the implementation
of modern innovative learning technologies and
information and communication technologies is
insufficiently developed.
We believe that this very issue is relevant today
and requires efforts to use information and
communication technologies during lectures,
seminars and practical classes, for joint and
individual projects of students, future
professionals, as well as to ensure the quality of
education, motivation of teachers and students .
The introduction of innovative learning
technologies, information and communication
technologies, their integration will ensure the
mastery of digital competences, familiarization
with educational trends, as well as the use of
interesting information tools in the educational
So, a competitive specialist, ready for changes,
with the necessary abilities and skills of a
successful person of the 21st century, who knows
how to think creatively, makes the right
decisions, is an indicator of professionalism and
a successful career in the future.
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The purpose of the article: to find out the role
of informatization of the educational process for
high-quality training of specialists to achieve a
systemic vision of future innovative activity in
the educational process, to perceive it as a single
system of professional functions and tasks,
giving preference to informatization.
Following the purpose of the research, the
following theoretical methods were used:
analysis of current documents of higher
education, monographs, textbooks, programs,
study guides, dissertation studies on the problem
of applying innovative information and
communication technologies in the educational
process, problems of informatization of the
educational process for quality training of
specialists, materials and articles scientific
conferences, existing experience of such work in
educational institutions; generalization of
pedagogical best experience in the use of
information technologies, important for the
educational process for the quality training of
specialists in higher educational institutions,
personal pedagogical experience of teaching in
higher education institutions; modeling of the
pedagogical experiment and the educational
process in the conditions of constant use of
information technologies.
The implementation of the search for solving the
problem of informatization of the educational
process for the qualitative training of specialists
covers the following interrelated concepts:
methodological, theoretical, and methodical.
The methodological concept of scientific training
of future specialists in the conditions of
informatization of the educational process for
quality training of specialists reflects the
relationship and interaction of scientific
approaches to the study of a fundamental
competent, focused on the formation of
skills, abilities, scientific knowledge, and
such professional personality traits that
provide opportunities for success in social
life and professional activity;
systemic, contributes to the systemic holistic
perception of the professional training of
future specialists in the process of
informatization of the educational process
for the high-quality training of specialists in
the institution of higher education, ensures
the unity of structural components in this
synergistic, which allows investigating the
process of scientific and educational training
of future specialists of an open system that
develops and organizes itself in the world
educational space;
integrative, gives integrity to the process of
informatization of the educational space for
high-quality training of specialists and the
formation of their competence through the
integration of abilities and skills, scientific
and psychological-pedagogical knowledge,
reflecting the complexity of the studied
phenomenon and the integrative nature of
the educational space;
an axiological approach that focuses forms,
methods, and content on the development
and formation of professional values, etc.;
active, based on innovative methods, forms,
and technologies of training optimizes the
organization of the educational process;
a technological approach based on
innovative learning technologies directs
future specialists to improve their
professional training.
The theoretical concept for informatization of the
educational process for high-quality training of
specialists represents a system of concepts, ideas,
basic concepts, and initial categories
(sociological, philosophical, pedagogical,
psychological), without which understanding the
essence of the investigated problem is
The methodical concept represents the basics of
informatization of the educational process for
quality training of specialists, their methods of
goal setting, planning, study, and organization of
professional training of future specialists. The
concept is implemented through the
implementation of methodical support for the
informatization of the educational process for
high-quality training of specialists, improvement
of forms, content, means, methods, and training
for effective formation of professional
competence of future specialists.
Results and Discussion
In the educational process, two main missions of
ICT are distinguished - as an object of study and
as a means of learning. The first involves the
formation of students' knowledge, abilities and
skills that allow them to realize the possibilities
of computer technology and successfully use it to
solve various tasks, and the second is aimed at
increasing the efficiency of the educational
process. Accordingly, the use of information and
communication technologies in modern
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
professional education is also considered in two
aspects. First, it is the preparation of future
specialists for the use of ICT to solve special
professional tasks in accordance with the
knowledge and skills acquired during the study
of general professional and professionally
oriented disciplines. Secondly, it is a means of
intensification of the learning process in all
disciplines provided for by the State Education
Informatization of the educational process is
understood as a set of interconnected educational
and methodological, industrial, socio-economic,
organizational-legal, scientific-technical, and
management processes aimed at meeting the
computing, information, and telecommunication
needs of the participants of the educational
process, as well as managers of such of the
process, which manage and ensure it, carry out
its development and scientific and
methodological support (Bykov, 2010).
Nowadays, with the help of computer equipment
and modern information technologies, it is
possible to conduct research and obtain distance
education, communicate with other network
users, receive administrative services, make
purchases, conduct business, submit statistical,
financial, and other reports and pay for any
services or goods via the Internet, simultaneously
organize the work of various specialists on joint
projects, etc (Stratan-Artyshkova et al., 2022).
The information-educational environment for
high-quality training of specialists makes it
possible to realize various types of interaction
and access to information resources (e-mail,
chats, presentations), which significantly fills the
environment with the interaction of all subjects,
while the roles of subjects in the information
environment are changing. The teacher acts as a
coordinator and consultant of the educational
process, and not only as a distributor of
knowledge, while the student is a subject of the
educational space aimed at acquiring
professional competencies (Kuchai & Kuchai,
Let's define the purpose of training in an
electronic educational environment for high-
quality training of specialists it is the
development of personal abilities that currently
contribute to the development of society. "The
modern electronic educational environment is an
integrated, open, unified environment aimed at
informational electronic interaction between
subjects of the educational process" (Kalusenko
& Kartashova, 2020).
1. Aspects of informatization of the
educational process.
Informatization of the educational process should
be considered in the following aspects:
the system, information environment serves
as a system of forms of communication;
active, at the center of communication is a
person, and the main thing is his ability to
receive information, turn it into his
knowledge, to transfer personal knowledge;
an informational and educational
environment is created and used for
information exchange and communication
(Hunka, 2016).
2. The possibilities of informatization of the
educational process for the high-quality
training of specialists and the functioning of
such an innovative educational environment.
V. Bykov (2019) shows the possibilities of
informatization of the educational process for
high-quality training of specialists and the
functioning of such an innovative educational
environment, which should ensure the
educational needs of those seeking education, in
particular, thanks to the creation and use of the
following components in educational activities:
electronic educational resources for
educational purposes and computer-oriented
systems for monitoring educational
achievements that complement standard,
traditional ones;
electronic profiles of scientific-pedagogical
purpose, which improve the nature of
educational activities of education seekers
and teachers;
educational social networks that support an
open informatization educational process for
high-quality training of specialists, and
cooperative learning;
innovative pedagogical technologies based
on the use of computer-oriented methodical
systems of education, and ICT tools, with
the aim of a new organization of education.
To organize an effective process of
informatization of education for high-quality
training of specialists, the following software
tools are necessary: text editor Microsoft Word,
operating system Windows 8 or higher, graphic
editor for Windows.
To learn the basics of developing HTML
documents, you should use professional
hypertext editors (HotDog Professional,
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
HotMetal Pro, WebEditor, HTMLEditor, while
knowledge of HTML descriptors will contribute
to a deeper assimilation of the material.
You can use any of the browser programs to
study the Internet WEB service: Microsoft Edge,
Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.
3. Information resources of the WEB space.
We suggest using the information resources
available in the WEB space:
automated educational systems;
computer simulators;
mathematical and simulation modeling
software tools;
software tools of virtual laboratories;
testing software tools to control the level of
formation of skills, abilities, and knowledge;
educational software tools (MS Office, etc.)
of general purpose;
reference legal information systems;
electronic educational and methodical
materials (catalogs, textbooks, workshops,
methodical recommendations, etc.);
database, data bank, local and global,
distributed computing systems, electronic
bulletin board, e-mail, etc.
4. Signs of informatization of the educational
Let's define the signs of informatization of the
educational process:
the concept of "information" acquires a new
meaning in the educational space;
comprehensive access to the Internet;
substantial development of
telecommunication and information systems
in all spheres of human life;
the use of a multi-aspect definition of
scientific approaches when conducting
research in various fields of science to solve
the problems of theoretical justification in
the field of social changes;
changes related to the establishment,
formation, and development of innovative
social relations, creation of innovative social
configurations, employment of the
population, social groups, and social
the possibility of scientific forecasting,
analysis, and planning of social
development, where the highest value is
information and knowledge;
creation of network subcultures inherent in
virtual relations;
studying the knowledge of new
opportunities that are significant for our
society, and comparing information and
knowledge with reality, researching the
conditions of the truth of knowledge and the
probability of an information society;
variety of cognitive processes in various
fields of science, which are determined by
scientific research;
a significant lever of authorities in the
introduction and development of
information and telecommunication systems
(Petrukhno, 2014);
the emergence and development of
innovative social institutions inherent in the
society of new information relations
(Kalusenko & Kartashova, 2020).
5. The positive factors of informatization of the
educational process, which increase the
effectiveness of student training
Let's highlight the positive factors of the
informatization of the educational process, which
increase the effectiveness of the training of
differentiation of education;
increase in activity;
individualization and training;
intensification of the educational process;
creation of conditions for independent work;
increasing the motivation of education;
creation of a comfortable educational
assistance in the formation of self-esteem
among students (Kravchenko et al., 2022).
The proposed positive factors of informatization
of the educational process contribute to the
creation of a single informational educational
environment of an educational institution and
provide an opportunity for each student of
education to ensure interactive interaction, to feel
comfortable in such an environment, which is as
close as possible to the real one (Polishchuk et
al., 2022).
Informatization of the educational process meets
the requirement of openness and is implemented
using Web technologies. Let us name the factors
that contribute to the prompt updating and
solving of the tasks, to fill the content of the
educational environment by the application of
new technologies and the acquisition of
knowledge the centralization of software and
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
methodical support; wide access to the presented
knowledge using corporate means of
Undoubtedly, the tasks and functions of
informatization vary in the educational processes
of educational institutions of different levels and
profiles, which is associated with different
learning goals, professional training tasks,
unequal preparedness of teaching staffs for the
introduction of ICT, and different financial
Practically solving the task of informatization,
planning innovative processes in professional
education, it is advisable to focus on the concept
of the zone of immediate development, which is
widely used in the design of the pedagogical
process. Then the pedagogical teams will
consider and implement those changes for which
they are ready. For this, it is necessary to see a
complex of practically significant tasks of
informatization of the institution and to correlate
them with its capabilities and on this basis to
highlight practical guidelines, near and distant
goals that determine the content of the necessary
innovations. When the efforts of teachers are
directed at once to a wide range of complex
problems of informatization of education, it
distracts them from solving the key tasks facing
the educational institution.
6. Pedagogical goals Use of information
technologies for informatization of the
educational process.
The use of information technologies for
informatization of the educational process
provides an opportunity to realize pedagogical
preparation for life and continuous
development of personality in the
information society;
development of communication skills;
development of thinking;
ability to process information;
formation of information culture;
aesthetic education;
development of research and
experimentation skills;
formation of the ability to accept optimal
7. Conditions of informatization of the
educational process.
The necessary condition for informatization of
the educational process is:
development of the global Internet network,
network technologies, and local intranet
networks, which open up accessible and
wide opportunities for the use, transfer, and
storage of large amounts of information;
constant use of means of communication:
regional, global, local networks, e-mail to
teach opening the possibility to carry out:
operational, interactive communication;
prompt transmission of information at a
distance of any type and volume;
organization of joint telecommunication
projects; free access to various sources of
information; discussion of problems and
communication; participation in Webinars,
teleconferences, forums, chats, blogs, etc.
The continuous development of information
provision in the educational space of the
educational institution based on the Web
platform was accompanied by the appearance of
various resources that support the activity of
people and their various educational needs, users
are treated with respect, and they are presented as
co-authors or authors of network content.
The rapid development of informatization of the
educational process contributes to the activation
of aspects of communication in the educational
activity of those seeking education. Currently,
the network has several innovative technologies
that contribute to the discussion of various
problems, the implementation of communication
between students in the educational process, the
creation of creative and intellectual values, and
the implementation of the exchange of
information and experience (Hurevych et al.,
The transfer of information through a computer
network and the introduction of innovative
technologies for informatization of the
educational process changes the way of
interaction between the learner and the teacher,
optimizes verbal communication, and increases
its level (Plakhotnik et al., 2023). With this
approach, education is implemented in the form
of a clear program, has an individual character,
uses modern technologies, promotes the modular
development of educational classes, and
necessarily pedagogically supports the students
of education. Such support is provided by
teachers and is as individual as possible for each
student. Based on the involvement of various
educational disciplines, as a result, the
interdisciplinary nature of education increases,
and the integration of the educational process
into a single disciplinary complex is
strengthened. Taking into account the fact that in
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
connection with the development of technology
and science, there is a continuous information
update in the educational field, this leads to the
rapid "aging" of the content of the educational
material in professional disciplines in the
preparation of specialists, and at the same time,
the ability of education seekers to master the
skills of using remote databases with relevant
educational, scientific and cognitive information,
different ways of searching for knowledge in the
education process, where students of education
master the skills of applying innovative modern
information technologies in research,
educational, scientific activities as much as
possible (Plakhotnik et al., 2022).
8. The main tasks of the development of
information provision of the educational
space of the educational institution.
The development of information provision in the
educational space of the educational institution
contributes to the solution of the main tasks at the
same time:
to organize the educational activities of
education seekers using elements of
electronic learning,
to form skills and abilities in the process of
education to apply communication and
information technologies and to use them in
their professional activities in the future and
to use informational, educational,
educational, reflective, developing, and
socializing functions, because the
informational and educational environment
of an educational institution is also a
component of traditional educational
systems and an independent system that
develops professional competence,
promotes the active creative activity of
education seekers, provides the opportunity
to use information technologies in a new
innovative educational space (Yashchuk,
9. Specific skills. use of modern information
and communication technologies in the
educational process.
For the effective development of informatization
of the educational process, information provision
of the educational space of the educational
institution, and the use of modern information
and communication technologies in the
educational process, the teacher must possess the
following specific skills:
apply innovative modern information and
communication technologies in the training
of competitive specialists;
analyze, and adjust the educational process;
choose the most rational means and methods
of educational activity;
effectively take into account the individual
characteristics of the students of education,
their abilities and inclinations;
to combine traditional methodical
educational systems with new information
and communication technologies;
manage the educational process and the
educational and cognitive activities of the
monitor the quality of educational activities.
Informatization of the educational process, with
the aim of quality training of specialists, requires
appropriate funding, which means state support
for solving the tasks of informatization of
education, in particular, increasing the number of
methods and means of processing educational
material, forming and ensuring high
technological support of educational institutions,
developing alternative options for presenting
information, provision of software-methodical
and educational equipment of the educational
institution with educational-oriented software
and modern technical means. Informatization of
the educational process, with the aim of high-
quality training of specialists, and introduction of
new information technologies, is only the
beginning of restructuring in the system of
society. A modern student of education needs to
instill aspirations and learn, and skillfully use the
latest technologies and knowledge, to develop
dynamically by the needs and requirements of the
time, which concerns both teachers and students
of education. Therefore, education should
acquire an anticipatory character, based on new
information technologies (Dotsenko, 2016).
10. Use and development of pedagogical
software computer tools
The use and development of pedagogical
software computer tools will be effective if there
is a focus on:
effective use of a combination of non-
computer and computer methods not only in
specially organized experimental conditions
but in the real educational process;
a systematic approach in determining the
organization and structure of the use of
software pedagogical tools, to guarantee a
gradual transition to a high level of mastery
of information pedagogical technologies as
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the empirical material necessary for a
specialist increases;
the solution of today's problems by a teacher
who has an initial level of information
culture and constant improvement in the
process of developing his needs of this level
of information culture;
modern didactic ideas that have a specific
purpose of an educational institution, that
will develop at the methodical level their
effective use not only in experimental,
specially organized conditions but in the real
educational process;
multi-level classification of educational
process informatization software and their
harmonious use for high-quality training of
11. Areas of effectiveness of informatization of
the educational process, with the aim of
quality training of specialists,
informatization of educational technologies.
We believe that the effectiveness of
informatization of the educational process, with
the aim of quality training of specialists,
informatization of education technologies will be
achieved under the following conditions:
firstly, the educational technologies
themselves will be applied from the goal to
the learning outcomes, as a systematic
method of designing, implementing, making
corrections, and contributing to the
reproduction of the educational process;
secondly, the informatization of education
technologies should be aimed not only at the
introduction of new innovative computer
education tools for all educational
thirdly, the informatization of educational
technologies will be focused primarily on
the development of the individual, and not
only on the specifics and needs of the
content of the educational discipline.
We see the way to solve the mentioned problem
in the use of such basic approaches, which would
ensure the implementation of the principle of
integrity of the pedagogical innovative designed
system, which embodies in its essence the unity
of the main elements (content, forms of
educational organization, educational goal,
didactic process). Integrity allows you to see the
object: as a structure with spatially
interdependent elements and a collection of its
elements; ensures conscious perception of
professional information by the student of
education; creates conditions for the
humanization of the educational process and
promotes the interaction of the teacher and the
learner, as a result of which there is a change in
the style of communication and leads to
cooperation; increases mental activity; promotes
at all levels the transformation of managerial
activity on a reflexive basis from subject-object
to subject-subject relations (Bykov et al., 2008).
For high-quality training of specialists, the
effectiveness of informatization of the
educational process cannot be without the
introduction of active forms of learning by the
teacher into the practice of education. The main
condition for the effective application of such an
organization of informatization of the
educational process is modular learning, which is
based on the integration of the principles of self-
organization, modularity, and contextuality.
Therefore, the educational process requires such
modernization that it is adequate to the
requirements of today. Modernization is possible
with the wide implementation of computer tools
and methods of processing, receiving, and
transmitting information in the practice of
educational institutions. Such an approach
guarantees qualitative changes in the teacher's
activity and those seeking education. With
particular urgency, in connection with this, the
urgent question of creating a new innovative
generation of informational and methodological
support of the educational process based on
computer multimedia technologies (Isak, 2016).
Thus, informatization is not just a tendency, a
trend, not an end in itself, but a means of more
effectively achieving the goals facing the
pedagogical system. The main tasks and
functions of informatization of educational
institutions of professional education are
interconnected and aimed at the formation of
informational competence as a mandatory
component of the professional training of a
specialist, which is considered as one of the key
qualifications of a person of the information
Successful achievement of the goal of
informatization of professional education and the
introduction of ICT in professional training is
possible, in our opinion, under the condition of
designing, creating and maintaining an ICT-rich
educational environment, which includes means
and technologies for collecting, accumulating,
transmitting, processing and distributing
educational information, means of presentation
knowledge, ensuring connections and effective
functioning of organizational structures of
educational institutions. Purpose of such an
environment: identification and development of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
abilities and potential of an individual; creation
of conditions for independent acquisition of
knowledge and its qualitative assimilation;
ensuring the automation of assessment of
learning outcomes; compensating for certain
negative consequences of pupils and students'
work with ICT tools.
In this article, we elucidate the pivotal role of the
educational process's informatization in ensuring
the high-quality training of specialists. This is
aimed at fostering a holistic understanding of
future innovative activities within the education
system, envisioning it as an integrated network of
professional functions and tasks with a particular
emphasis on informatization. We investigate
various aspects, including the potential benefits
of integrating informatization into the
educational process and its contribution to an
innovative learning environment. We also delve
into the rich information resources available in
the web space, the indicators of successful
informatization in education, and its positive
implications for enhancing student performance.
Our discussion encompasses the pedagogical
objectives of employing information
technologies, the conditions required for
effective informatization, and the primary
objectives for bolstering information
accessibility in educational institutions. Further,
we highlight the essential skills needed to harness
modern information and communication
technologies, the evolution of pedagogical
software tools, and the domains where
informatization markedly improves the caliber of
specialist training and the methodologies of
educational technologies.
Information and educational environment for
high-quality training of specialists:
prepares students for high-quality work in
the informational educational space and a
fulfilling life in the modern information
provides simultaneous access of a large
number of education seekers to high-quality
learning resources; accessibility,
innovativeness, and flexibility of the
educational process;
contributes to the effectiveness of
professional training and improvement of
the quality of the educational process;
forms the ability to master methods of
cognitive activity and independent
accumulation of knowledge and activates
forms of individual educational space;
implements an individual educational
trajectory as the basis of competitive
professional activity;
provides an opportunity to provide high-
quality training for the future specialist for
the active use of communication and
information technologies in his future
accelerates the transfer of knowledge and the
accumulation of social and technological
experience of the individual.
The role of informatization in the educational
process for high-quality training of specialists
has been clarified to achieve in the educational
process a systemic vision of the future innovative
activity of specialists, to perceive it as a single
system of professional functions and tasks,
giving preference to informatization.
The article proposes a definition of
informatization of the educational process and
defines the purpose of training in an electronic
educational environment for quality training of
specialists. Informatization of the educational
process was considered in the following aspects:
system, activity, and information.
Software tools for organizing an effective
process of informatization of education for high-
quality training of specialists are presented. The
positive factors of informatization of the
educational process are highlighted. The specific
skills that a teacher must possess for the effective
development of informatization of the
educational process are listed.
Further research will substantiate the conditions
under which the effectiveness of informatization
of the educational process will be achieved for
the quality training of specialists.
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