www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.68.08.21
How to Cite:
Romanyuk, S., Maftyn, L., Iliichuk, L., Vasylyk, M., & Tarangul, L. (2023). The use of modern technologies to enhance the quality
of teaching at higher education institutions. Amazonia Investiga, 12(68), 224-235. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.68.08.21
The use of modern technologies to enhance the quality of teaching at
higher education institutions
Використання сучасних технологій підвищення якості освіти у вищій школі
Received: July 15, 2023 Accepted: August 25, 2023
Written by:
Svitlana Romanyuk1
Larysa Maftyn2
Liubomyra Iliichuk3
Maryna Vasylyk4
Liubov Tarangul5
Currently, state-of-the-art technologies
contribute to the development of the educational
process, which entails the search for new
approaches to providing information. The
purpose of the study is to identify the
effectiveness of using modern technologies to
enhance the learning performance in higher
education institutions. Attaining the said goal
became possible due to calculating the variation
coefficient of, the obtained level of knowledge,
the Student coefficient as well as the direct
standardization method. It was found that the
greatest advantage of using modern technologies
is the possibility of combining distance and in-
class learning. However, the disadvantage is the
difficulty of identifying the relevant technologies
according to the training program. The
elaborated mechanisms for ensuring the learning
process were implemented with the help of
Blackboard, CourseCraft, Trello, EdApp,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, Faculty of
Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine. WoS Researcher
ID: D-9584-2016
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, Faculty of Pedagogy,
Psychology and Social Work, Yuri Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of Primary Education, Faculty of Pedagogy, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian
National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AHE-9858-2022
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University,
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: HKV-6353-2023
Head of the Chernivtsi Branch of State Scientific Institution “Institute of Education Content Modernization”, Chernivtsi, Ukraine.
WoS Researcher ID: IAE-7346-2023
Romanyuk, S., Maftyn, L., Iliichuk, L., Vasylyk, M., Tarangul, L. / Volume 12 - Issue 68: 224-235 / August, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Scheduler Maker software. It was established
that among students who studied pedagogy and
primary school methods (group 1), a high level
of knowledge was attained with 71%. Students of
group 2, who studied English, achieved a high
level with 65% of students. The practical
implications of the study lie in the improvement
of the learning process at higher education
institutions drawing on the use of modern
technologies. Prospects for research may be
related to comparing the effectiveness of
programs used to provide learning with a
traditional learning approach.
Keywords: digital technologies, comprehensive
training, educational materials, level of
The training of specialists in higher educational
institutions draws on European and national
standards and is aimed at identifying innovative
approaches in teaching and learning. The
implementation of new training programs can be
attained entailing the state-of-the-art
technologies (Lousã & Lousã, 2023). Modern
technologies contribute not only to the
educational process, but also to the development
of students' creative skills, which substantiates
the relevance of the chosen topic.
Enhancing the quality of education drawing on
digital technologies can be realized as a result of
studying and consolidating educational material,
assessing the level of knowledge. Moeover,
digital technologies can be used to organize the
educational process, drafting the class schedule
(Cho et al., 2020). Multimedia programs,
software, access to electronic libraries can be
presented in the educational process (offline and
online). A variety of multimedia technologies
contribute to the effectiveness of communicating
the information, which may vary in content and
form (Al-Rahmi et al., 202). Multimedia
technologies (whiteboards, projectors, etc.)
contribute to the visual perception of
information, which facilitates the process of
memorization. The software aims to use
specialized applications that facilitate the
learning of theoretical and practical material
(Cheah et al., 2019). Access to electronic
libraries facilitates the study of scientific
information from various sources and helps solve
problems based on world experience.
Ensuring a continuous learning process relying
on digital technologies is aimed at a more
detailed study of materials and the enhancement
of cognitive literacy. Beyond all doubt, the
variety of modern technologies helps to find the
most effective ones for displaying the
educational process and its organization for
various categories of students (Lyailya et al.,
2021). Consequently, the educational material
can be communicated in various electronic
formats, which facilitates monitoring the
stydying process. This contributes considerably
to developing students' intellectual potential,
which is reflected in the full assimilation of the
material. Digital facilitate the seamless uptake of
information drawing on the principles of
interactivity, adaptability, individual learning, as
well as group learning (Al-Ansi, 2022). For
example, the LMS Moodle program is aimed at
improving professional skills as a result of
working with educational materials. Also, the
application allows the instuctor to provide an
electronic format for displaying the material.
AICC (Aviation Industry Computer-Based
Training Committee) facilitates the development
of training courses that are relevant to the
curriculum. The WorkWize application
facilitates the display of educational data, which
can be presented in a non-standard form (Suelves
et al., 2022). Conducting an integral learning
process can be ensured with the help of online
platforms (Google Meet, Microsoft Teams),
which enhances communication, creating a
dynamic learning environment (Dahri et al.,
2021). This facilitates the seamless presentation
of information, improving the processes of
remembering the information. Digital
technologies give impetus to flexibility of the
educational process, which allows the instructor
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to diversify the methods of providing educational
In recent studies, the issue of using digital
technologies to increase the comprehensive
organization of the educational process is
considered superficially. Emphasis is made on
the benefits of identifying the digital
technologies’ overall effectiveness. The purpose
of the study is to determine the effectiveness of
using modern technologies to enhance the
performance at higher education institutions.
The research objectives include as follows:
to identify the advantages and disadvantages
of using modern technologies in higher
to elaborate mechanisms for improving the
first-year university students’ academic
performance, with the special emphasing on
using modern technologies;
determine the effectiveness of the developed
mechanisms for improving students
academic performance, taking into
consideration the calculation of the direct
standardization method;
to determine the academic performance
level on studying the courses of "Pedagogy
and methods of primary education" and
Literature review
Modern technologies contribute to the
development of educational models, facilitating
educational reforms. Digital technologies enable
creating index systems for evaluating educational
programs and student satisfaction. Moreover,
digital technologies contribute to the
development of pedagogical competences, which
is manifested in enhancing the education quality
and allows taking into account the students
individual capabilities (Diz-Otero et al., 2023).
However, the introduction of digital technologies
in the learning process has not only advantages,
but also disadvantages that teachers face. When
it comes to disadvantages, those may be related
to the lack of teachers’ expertise, which will not
contribute to the use of modern technology
potential. The development of teachers’ digital
skills can be achieved due to the proper use of
interactive learning objects, contributing to the
development of electronic courses. The creation
of elective training courses with the help of
Quality Matters allowed to obtain high
indicators, thus contributing to the enhancement
of professional knowledge (Alibraheim et al.,
2022). In fact, modern digital technologies
facilitate the expansion of specialized knowledge
and the broaden possibilities of their professional
application. The TECW program promotes the
learning of a second language, based on
pedagogical training, students streaming,
development of writing skills. That said, with the
help of the program it is also possible to monitor
the quality of tasks, receive constant feedback,
and motivate students. The program enables to
analyze submitted tasks, which affects the
possibility of developing students' knowledge.
Some issues in using TECW are related to
students' reluctance to revise the tasks, to tackle
the difficulties (Zhang et al., 2022).
The COVID-19 pandemic contributed to the
increased use of digital technologies in the
learning process. The use of thematic analysis
made it possible to establish that modern
technologies significantly facilitate the
development of independence and continuous
support. During training, teachers with a low
level of digital literacy may encounter obstacles
that affect the quality of teaching. However, the
adaptation of digital technologies to the
curriculum contributes to the expansion of
opportunities for obtaining a high knowledge
level (Meirovitz et al., 2022). The use of digital
technologies in the educational process should be
based on improving the quality of education,
ensuring accessibility standards. Modern
technologies contribute to the formation of
innovative thinking and the expansion of access
to education. 92.1% of respondents from
Swinburne University of Technology (out of 136
people) came to the conclusion about the need to
use Google Classroom for professional
development. Google Classroom facilitates the
sharing of learning materials between students
and teachers (Adi Badiozaman et al., 2022). The
implementation of the interactive course "Digital
technologies in teaching foreign languages:
theory, methodology, application" was
implemented at Vinnytsia State Pedagogical
University (Ukraine). The course dealt with the
he formation of mixed learning, the possibility of
using flexible electronic forms. In the course of
the study, the potential of technologies grounded
on a combination of quantitative and qualitative
methods was elaborated (Ihnatova et al., 2022)
It should be noted that modern technologies in
the educational process are a motivational
component that promotes professional
development, faculty interaction, and the desire
to succeed. Furthermore, digital technologies
contribute to the learning process organization
and enhance the activation of educational and
cognitive activities. The results of diagnostic
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
surveys showed a high level of students’
academic performance (Fursykova et al., 2022).
The development of digital technologies in the
educational process should be connected with the
elaborating teachers’ didactic technological
competences. The solution to this issue can be
provided as a result of teacher training aimed at
improving digital literacy. The process should be
aimed at expanding the possibilities of working
with various modern technological systems that
contribute to learning (Záhorec et al., 2021). The
involvement of modern technologies in the
learning process should be based on an integrated
approach and the involvement of various
approaches. Training should be aimed at
identifying dynamic connections,
multidirectionality, which contributes to the
development of thinking, contributes to the
analysis of the presented information. The
presented processes can be implemented as a
result of applying relevant solutions to address
the tasks (Howard et al., 2021).
The of literary sources revealed that most of the
works highlight the digital technologies’ impact
on the learning process. Problems faced by
teachers while using modern technologies in
education were also identified. Gaps in research
are related to the lack of analysis regarding
various technologies for organizing the learning
process within the conditions of a seperate higher
educational institution.
Research procedure
According to the research procedure, 4 stages
were planned. The first stage of the research
consisted in identifying the advantages and
disadvantages of digital technologies during
education. This stage aimed at a more detailed
study into the possibilities of modern
technologies in students’ training at higher
educational institutions. The identification of the
most important advantages and disadvantages
became possible as a result of obtaining the data
from the respondents. The submitted data
became the basis for developing the mechanisms
for modern technologies’ application in the
educational process at the high school.
The second stage of the research involved the
elaboration of mechanisms that contribute to the
organization of the educational process in higher
education entailing the use of digital
technologies. The mechanisms were aimed at
ensuring the education of first-year students,
since they still lack knowledge in the
professional field. The development of
mechanisms involved studying the specifics of
more than 250 modern interactive technologies.
Following the elaboration of mechanisms for
improving the educational process, the period of
study of first-year students lasted 3 months
(November 2022 - January 2022).
The third stage of the research was conducted
during the training period and consisted in
determining the most favorable mechanisms of
training with the use of digital technologies. The
results were obtained among two groups of
students, which approach facilitated the
comparison of results among students from
different specialties. Students of group 1 were
enrolled in the course "Pedagogy and methods of
primary education", students of group 2 in
"English" correspondingly.
The fourth stage of the study provided for
obtaining information on the level of knowledge
of students of groups 1 and 2. The distribution of
results involved obtaining information on the
level of knowledge before the beginning of the
study (2 months of training) and after training (3
months of training). The level of knowledge was
distributed into high, sufficient, medium, low.
Sample formation
The research embraced 148 students from
various educational institutions: Yuriy
Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University,
Chernivtsi branch of the State Scientific
Institution "Institute of Modernization of the
Content of Education", Prykarpattia National
University named after V. Stefanyk. First-year
students majoring in "Pedagogy and methods of
primary education" (94 students), "English" (54
students) were involved in the study. The
limitation of the student sample was used to test
the effectiveness of incorporating digital
technologies for learning. This is because first-
year students do not have professional
knowledge, but only develop it during the
training process. During the study, students were
divided into two groups according to their
To obtain information about the advantages and
disadvantages that may arise when using digital
technologies in education, traditional methods
were used. A relevant method was to use a
comparison between a traditional learning
system and an interactive one. In accordance
with the traditional education system, it was
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
envisaged to organize regular education without
the use of modern technologies. The comparison
of these education systems made it possible to
form the advantages and disadvantages of
including modern technologies for professional
training of students. When it comes to the
established data, the most characteristic
advantages and disadvantages were identified
according to the results of the students. The
results from the students were obtained using the
Thurstone scale, which enabled the calculation of
the variation coefficient, which was developed
by the authors:
an indicator characterizing the deviation from
the established norm;
sample value
The development of mechanisms to ensure
digitalization of first-year students' education
consisted in studying the advantages of digital
technologies using the well-known comparison
method. To provide comparative data, more than
250 available digital technologies were selected,
the functionality of which contributed to the
development of mechanisms for providing
education in higher education. Implementation of
training was ensured as a result of uninterrupted
access to the Internet, as well as modern
technologies Blackboard, CourseCraft, Trello,
EdApp, Scheduler Maker. Additional programs
were TalkEn. Cloud (learning the English
language) and Mind42 (to provide training for
students majoring in "Pedagogy and methods of
primary education".
Obtaining data on the effectiveness of the
learning mechanism according to the students’
data of groups 1 and became possible as a result
of using the Thurstone scale (Zhang et al., 2022).
The collected data contributed to the calculations
of the direct standardization method (Ihnatova et
al., 2022).
, (2)
actual conditional value;
conditional expected value;
 standard set value.
In fact, students’ level of knowledge following 3
months of study was obtained by calculating the
coefficient of the obtained knowledge level:
grades received for theoretical material;
grades received for practical skills;
 indicator of mistakes made;
maximum number of points allowed.
Data analysis
Further, to compare the obtained data on the
effectiveness of the learning mechanism for
students of different groups and the level of
acquired knowledge, the calculation of the
Student's coefficient was used. The performed
calculation contributes to obtaining a statistical
verification of the results, which contributes to a
more thorough investigation. The comparison of
data took place among students of both groups
(group 1 and group 2), which made it possible to
compare the obtained results (Suelves et al.,
M1, M2 average divergence of elements;
m1, m2 mean square deviation of the elements.
Data collection
Data collection involved the use of the Thurstone
scale, which contributed to obtaining data on the
advantages and disadvantages of digital
technologies in education. Moreover, the scale
was used to identify the effectiveness of the
developed mechanisms for organizing learning
using digital technologies among students. The
scale provided for marking 0 (no preference) and
1 (given preference), which corresponded to the
preference chosen by the students. Students had
to provide data within 5 hours via email. The
elimination of data falsification became possible
as a result of the use of pre-registration of
electronic mailboxes of students who
participated in the study.
Ethical criteria
Compliance with the ethical criteria during the
research consisted in compliance with the
provisions of the Guidelines for Research Ethics
in Science and Technology (National Research
Ethics Committee, 2016). In accordance with the
ethical provisions used, the authors confirmed
the novelty of the information and the absence of
plagiarism. The work did not use published
materials, the theoretical material applied in the
introduction, literature review, and discussion
sections was supported by relevant literature
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The rapid transition to the use of digital
technologies (fully or partially) is connected with
social, economic, political aspects (COVID-19,
war in Ukraine, etc.). Therefore, in the work
among the respondents, it was determined which
advantages and disadvantages of modern
technologies are the most crucial in the learning
process. These data are necessary to understand
the expansion of the possibilities of use in the
educational process. The calculated data were
obtained using the coefficient of variation
according to formula 1 (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Advantages and disadvantages of introducing digital technologies into the educational process
Source: Developed by authors
In light of the results obtained from the
respondents, the greatest advantage of using
modern technologies is the possibility of
combining distance and classroom learning. The
process is related to the fact that during
emergencies, training can be provided in an
interrupted mode. Electronic systems contribute
to uninterrupted learning, access to necessary
materials, as they can be stored in network
access. They also facilitate the organization of
teamwork, providing access to digital materials
that were displayed during lectures or practical
work. This approach entails the actualization of
the received information, which affects the
quality of knowledge acquisition.
Ensuring the steady access to educational
materials according to the results obtained is the
second most important advantage. The results are
related to the possibility of systematizing the
educational materials that were used in the
learning process and leaving them publicly
available. The display of materials using digital
technologies can be presented in the same way as
it was presented during classes. This allows
students to complete their homework using the
material they have covered. Further,
uninterrupted access consists in the possibility of
obtaining access to materials from the world's
libraries. Providing an individual approach to
learning can be implemented as a result of
selecting relavant applications that contribute to
the development of individual skills. During
training, digital technologies also contribute to
the determination and monitoring of the learning
progress of an individual student. Moreover,
modern technologies contribute to the
performance of individual assignments, the
verification of which can be automated. Notably,
an individual approach to learning contributes to
increasing the level of knowledge in problematic
Although increasing the productivity of learning
is not critical, it is important for the effectiveness
of learning due to the formation of students'
motivation. Learning productivity is associated
with a non-standard approach, the possibility of
easier perception of materials as a result of the
exclusion of secondary information. That said,
learning productivity can be increased as a result
of non-standard submission of materials, use of
rating approaches. The first disadvantage as a
result of the use of digital technologies in
education is the difficulty of finding the most
characteristic technologies in accordance with
the educational program. The process may be
related to the limited functionality of the
program, the lack of accurate sound
transmission, and the complexity of
implementation. This disadvantage may also be
connected to problems in adjusting the existing
0,79 0,81 0,84 0,86
Ensuring the possibility
of combining distance
and classroom learning
Enhancing learning
Providing an individual
approach to learning
Ensuring uninterrupted
access to educational
Additional load on the
The challenge of finding
the most characteristic
technologies according
to the study program
The need to ensure
uninterrupted access to
communication among
participants of the
educational process
Advantages Disadvantages
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
information or the complexity of its display.
Also, the quality of the presented information
may not correspond to the level of students'
knowledge. An additional burden on the teacher
is the need to understand the use of digital
technologies in the educational process. To
address it, teachers should study the features of
using programs, applications, which require the
use of additional time. When involving various
innovative technologies in the educational
process, additional training of teachers and
students regarding their correct use should be
Furthermore, a decrease in communication
between the participants of the educational
process may be related to the performance of
tasks directly in the application. Therefore, the
use of technologies should also involve
teamwork, which affects the level of
socialization. Completing tasks using the
application may affect the need to increase the
rating of an individual student, which excludes
the possibility of discussion with other students.
This is due to the fact that students will be
focused on achieving the highest results. The
need to provide uninterrupted access to education
may be related to the lack of Internet access,
problems when using specialized programs. In
the learning process, there may be a need for
additional program customization, which
requires additional knowledge. It is also
necessary to provide preliminary training on the
correct use of the technologies proposed for
The identified advantages and disadvantages of
the use of digital technologies contributed to the
development of mechanisms for improving the
quality of education in higher educational
institutions. The mechanisms were aimed at
improving the quality of education of first-year
to provide comprehensive training of
students as a result of combining theoretical
and practical classes. The presented
mechanism can be achieved as a result of
using the Blackboard digital application.
This is due to the fact that it facilitates the
development of classes based on existing
material or as a result of creating your own
courses for training. Digital technologies
during comprehensive training can
contribute to the display of theoretical
information during practical classes. It can
also be manifested in conducting
educational webinars to consolidate the
learned material;
to ensure the development of professional
and cognitive activities of students, which
contributes to their active participation in the
educational process. The CourseCraft
computer program promotes comprehensive
perception as a result of preparing the
lessons. With the help of CourseCraft, it is
possible to ensure the development of
classes by students, which is based on
flexible functionality. This approach
contributes to a more detailed study of a
specific topic, the perception of information
and is reflected in the development of
communication culture. The development of
classes by students contributes to the
formation of a professional opinion in
accordance with the questions posed,
addressing existing issues;
to ensure the possibility of using digital
technologies for the organization of the
educational process. The Trello application
allows organizing the learning process as a
result of entering data about lectures,
practical classes, specifying additional tasks.
Trello also helps to organize time for
preparing homework and repeating the
material studied;
to ensure the development of students'
creative thinking. To that end, creative
thinking can be enhanced through setting
some non-standard tasks. For instance, in the
development of the specifics of the
presentation of information as a result of
studying a topic assigned to the student;
during preparation for practical classes.
Using the EdApp program can promote the
development of creative thinking as a result
of a variety of functionality that allows you
to vary the tools during learning. The
process may involve using existing
templates or creating your own;
digital technologies should also be used in
curriculum designs, which contributes to the
automation of the process. The Scheduler
Maker program allows you to create a
schedule of classes for different groups of
students, as well as set reminders as a result
of additional changes. Also, the
functionality of the program includes data
synchronization, which allows you to adjust
data from various digital devices (laptop,
smartphone, tablet);
to expand access to global electronic
libraries as a result of the use of digital
technologies. Access to the Internet
facilitates the search for scientific
information to expand professional
knowledge. Such an approach affects the
possibility of studying various approaches to
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
solving tasks, which will contribute to
professional activity;
when mastering the material, not only
programs that promote a non-standard
format of information presentation should be
used, but also those that allow to acquire
specialized skills. For example, to learn
English, it is possible to use the
TalkEn.Cloud program, which facilitates
access to interactive information. The
program provides for the completion of
tasks, as well as the use of automated
knowledge testing, which allows you to
obtain information about the students’
knowledge level. To ensure the study of the
subject "Pedagogy", the Mind42 program
can be used, which facilitates the
organization of teamwork, the format for
presenting information, conducting
brainstorming. Also, the program can
contribute to the development of approaches
to training the elementary school learners.
The developed mechanisms for improving the
quality of education as a result of the use of
digital technologies made it possible to
determine which of the mechanisms has the
greatest importance for students. To that end, the
results were presented for different groups of
students. Group 1 was represented by students
majoring in "Pedagogy and methods of primary
education", group 2 by the course in English.
Obtaining the data became possible using direct
standardization method calculations (Table 1).
Table 1.
The effectiveness of the developed learning mechanisms for different groups of students
Teaching mechanism
Students’ performance
according to answers
of group 1
Students’ performance
according to answers
of group 2
Student's coefficient
(table value - 2.447)
students’ comprehensive training
resulting from combining
theoretical and practical classes
enhancing students' professional
and cognitive activity
use of digital technologies to
organize the educational process
enhancing students' creative
development the lesson plan
expanding access to global
electronic libraries
development of specialized skills
Source: Developed by authors
It was found that for students of group 1, the
development of professional and cognitive
activity is one of the priority directions. This is
due to the fact that it promotes the search for
approaches to ensure the learning of primary
school students. The mechanism consists in the
active participation of students in the preparation
of classes, which contributes to the expansion of
professional skills. Comprehensive training as a
result of combining theoretical and practical
classes is also important for students of group 1.
The results are related to the possibility of
receiving information in a more simplified form
as a result of using the Blackboard application.
The development of specialized skills for
students of group 2 is of the greatest importance,
as it is associated with the use of special
programs (TalkEn.Cloud) that contribute to the
study of the English language. This approach
facilitates the elimination of knowledge gaps, a
more detailed study of the topic and
consolidation of knowledge immediately after
studying the material. Expanding access to global
electronic libraries is also important for students
of group 2. This is due to the fact that the
indicator promotes the search for various
information, which affects the improvement of
the level of the English language. The study of
various world sources of information is reflected
in the expansion of practical approaches to the
study of the English language. For students of
group 1, this mechanism ranks third, because
teamwork is more important.
The development of creative thinking of students
of group 1 ranks fouth (students of group 2 rank
fifth). Hence, it allows forming an
unconventional approach to learning and in
further professional activity contributes to the
innovative presentation of information.
However. the development of creative thinking
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
first requires the presence of deeper knowledge,
which will allow them to be transformed. The
mechanisms of using digital technologies for the
organization of the educational process and the
development of the lesson plan are equally
important for students of both groups. The
presented mechanisms are more significant for
teachers, which helps to organize the educational
The level of acquired knowledge among students
of groups 1 and 2 was established by calculating
the coefficient of the acquired level of knowledge
(Formula 3). The results are presented in Table 2.
Table 2.
Determination of the knowledge level gained by students after completing the training
Group No.
Knowledge level
after using
the study
the study
Group 1
Group 2
(table value
Source: Developed by authors
The resulting calculations made it possible to
establish that the majority of students showed a
high level of knowledge after 3 months of study
as a result of using digital technologies. It was
established that 71% of students of group 1
showed a high level of knowledge, which is
connected with the systematic study and the use
of an integrated approach. Before the beginning
of the study, only 18% of students showed a high
level of knowledge. A sufficient level of
knowledge was obtained after training among
19% of students of group 1, a low level of
knowledge is absent. Before the start of the
study, 47% of the students in group 1 had an
average level, and 2% had a low level.
Similar results are also obtained by students of
group 2, most of whom received a high and
sufficient level between 65% and 24%. There
was no low level of knowledge among students.
Before the beginning of the study, the level of
knowledge among students of group 2 was at a
sufficient level among 32%, average - 41%, low
- 1% of students. The increase in results after
three months of study is associated with the
correct organization of the educational process,
increased student motivation as a result of
digitalization of the educational process.
Addressing the shortcomings in the educational
process can be achieved as a result of the use of
gamification techniques. Gamification is related
to the use of game technologies in education.
Gamification in higher education can be
implemented by accumulating points as a result
of passing relevant levels in education. The
process can be implemented with the help of
special programs (Learning.online) that facilitate
the completion of tasks according to the training
program (Záhorec et al., 2022). Digital learning
tools contribute to the creation of new
perspectives for creating an artificial language
environment and learning English. The use of
digital technologies, which contribute to
functional modeling, contributes to the graphic
display of educational material. This approach
contributes to the learning of new words,
language structures, and also promotes
communication between students, which is
manifested in the expansion of the level of
knowledge (Habelko et al., 2022). Digital
technologies contribute to going beyond the
existing boundaries of learning, which is based
on improving coordination, stability. However,
digital technologies should be directed to the
development of students' cognitive processes,
ensuring the connection of educational material
with the capabilities of digital programs. The
learning process should be based on the constant
search for new approaches that contribute to the
acquisition of more specialized knowledge (Adi
Badiozaman et al., 2022a). In the current study,
the identification of acquired cognitive skills by
students is not presented, however, the
effectiveness of learning mechanisms among
groups of respondents is presented in the work.
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
In particular, students who took the course in
pedagogy and methods of primary education, as
well as students who study English.
The spread of COVID-19 affected the
transformation of the educational process, which
has contributed to the use of online technologies.
The use of digital technologies should be based
on their thematic direction, the ability to make
changes to the presented material. Education
should be aimed at the development of scientific
and pedagogical activity (Chen et al., 2022). The
use of Science Lab in the educational process
promotes a virtual learning environment, which
consists of a combination of pedagogical theory
and inclusive learning strategies. When using a
computer program in education, it is necessary to
analyze its functionality and the possibility of
using theoretical material during research. In that
light, attention should also be paid to the
possibility of processing student results, which
contributes to the design of a unified educational
system (Lyailya et al., 2022). Systematic analysis
of existing publications in the field of application
of modern technologies for providing training
allowed to reveal their advantages. It was
established that digital technologies contribute to
prospective and individual learning, expand the
possibilities of the educational process. With the
help of digital technologies, it is also possible to
develop critical thinking, which affects the
learning of learning material (Cheah et al., 2023).
The transformation of educational programs with
the help of digital technologies contributed to the
development of creative thinking among students
and influenced the expansion of motivation.
Positive changes are related to the application of
a complex learning process, which is achieved
during lectures, practical work, and seminars. For
example, the Google Jamboard online service
facilitates group learning, the use of educational
materials in an accessible form (drawings,
diagrams), and the creation of notes (Dilekçi and
Karatay, 2023). Mechanisms aimed at improving
the quality of the educational process as a result
of the use of modern technologies were
developed in the work presented. Thus, among
the modern technologies used were Blackboard,
CourseCraft, Trello, EdApp, Scheduler Maker.
Ensuring flexibility and individualization of
education can be achieved as a result of the use
of digital pedagogical technologies. An
innovative learning strategy can be the use of
video lessons, mobile applications, and virtual
reality programs. This approach contributes to
the highest quality assimilation of the studied
material and promotes its further use in
professional activities. Digital technologies
make it possible to communicate material in a
more accessible form (Dahri et al., 2022).
Applications for mobile learning contribute to
the enhancement of the information perception,
which increases the value of learning and the
motivation of students. The improvement of
perception is associated with an accessible
presentation of the material, which can be
presented in the form of presentations, diagrams,
graphs. It is also aimed at the automation of
learning, which contributes to the saving of time
spent on learning (Al-Rahmi et al., 2022).
The analysis of the scientific works made it
possible to conclude that most of the studies are
based on determining the effectiveness of the
structuring the educational process, including
their advantages. In the current paper, the
advantages and disadvantages of using digital
technologies in the educational process and their
importance for the respondents were revealed.
The study also developed mechanisms for
improving the quality of education with the help
of digital technologies (Blackboard,
CourseCraft, Trello, EdApp, Scheduler Maker).
Moreover, the level of students' knowledge after
3 months of study, was highlighted based on the
mechanisms developed by the authors.
The research conducted by the authors yielded
meaningful findings. The set goal was achieved,
and the effectiveness of the technologies
involved during training was confirmed. The
findings were obtained as a result of identifying
the level of students' knowledge before and after
the study.
It was determined that the greatest advantages of
using digital technologies in education are the
possibility of combining distance and classroom
learning (0.87). Ensuring uninterrupted access to
educational materials is also important (0.84), as
it contributes to uninterrupted learning. Notably,
the biggest drawback is the difficulty of
identifying the most characteristic technologies
according to the program (0.91), since the
indicator affects the quality of training. The
additional load on the teacher (0.86) is also a
disadvantage of digital technologies, as it implies
the need to study the functionality of the applied
Using the Blackboard program to design the
educational process can affect the combination of
theoretical and practical classes. The
CourseCraft application can be directed to the
development of professional and cognitive
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
activities of students; Trello in its turn helps to
organize the educational process. Students'
creative thinking can be developed as a result of
using the EdApp program to prepare practical
classes. The Scheduler Maker application
facilitates the development of a lesson plan, and
digital technologies can facilitate access to
information from the world's electronic libraries.
Digital technologies contribute to the
development of knowledge in specialized
disciplines (namely, TalkEn.Cloud contributes to
the study of the English language, Mind42 - the
expansion of knowledge in pedagogical
disciplines). It was established that the
mechanism of developing the professional and
cognitive activity is the most effective for group
1 who studied pedagogy and primary school
methods (1.5). The results are related to the
possibility of creating unconventional
approaches for teaching elementary school
learners in the future. Students of group 2, who
studied English, believe that the development of
specialized skills (1.49), such as the
TalkEn.Cloud program, is of paramount
After three months of training, it was found that
the high level of knowledge of students of groups
No. 1, No. 2 was achieved among a larger
number of respondents. Before the start of the
study, a high level was achieved among 18% of
students of group #1 and 26% of students of
group #2.
The practical value of the study lies in the
possibility of improving the educational process
of higher school students entailing the use of
modern technologies. Research perspectives may
be related to the elaboration of learning using
digital technologies for a different group of
respondents. Participants of the study can be
students of 1st year, 5th year, as well as those
who are enrolled in their second higher education
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