Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.68.08.10
How to Cite:
Ishchenko, O., Horbolis, L., Zhylenko, I., Havryliuk, I., & Yanenko, Y. (2023). Literature and mass communication: signs of
interaction (based on the Myroslav Dochinets’ creative work). Amazonia Investiga, 12(68), 103-111.
Literature and mass communication: signs of interaction
(based on the Myroslav Dochinets’ creative work)
Література та масова комунікація: ознаки взаємодії
(на матеріалі творчого доробку Мирослава Дочинця)
Received: July 1, 2023 Accepted: August 20, 2023
Written by:
Ishchenko Olena1
Horbolis Larysa2
Zhylenko Iryna3
Havryliuk Inna4
Yanenko Yaroslav5
The article examines the creative work of the
contemporary Ukrainian writer M. Dochynets in
the context of literary trends and the mass
communication space of the late 20th and early
21st centuries. The goal of the study was to
determine the signs of mass communication in
the most expressive works of the author. The
analysis was carried out using general scientific
(analysis, synthesis, description) and special
literary methods (socio-historical, biographical,
genetic, imagological, interdisciplinary). It was
found that the writer’s texts have “two artistic
dimensions”, the interpretation of which depends
on the education, intellectual level and artistic
and aesthetic tastes of the recipient. The first,
“elitist”, forms a kind of selected elite
community, capable of decoding the historical,
cultural, and artistic subtext. The second is that it
is “intended for a wide audience” that is not
immersed in the cultural, artistic and literary
context. M. Dochynets, actively using the signs
PhD in Philology, Lecturer at the Department of Journalism and Philology, Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine. WoS
Researcher ID: ACM-0450-2022
Doctor in Philology, Professor at the Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature, Sumy State Pedagogical University named
after A. S. Makarenko, Sumy, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAD-3345-2022
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Professor at the Department of Journalism and Philology, Sumy State University, Sumy,
Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: HJA-3384-2022
PhD in Social Communications, Associate Professor of the Department of Journalism and Philology, Sumy State University, Sumy,
Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: HTN-0625-2023
Doctor of Social Communications, Associate Professor of the Department of Journalism and Philology, Sumy State University,
Sumy, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: AAG-4707-2019
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of mass communication (dissemination by means
of mass communication, orientation towards a
mass audience, performance of social functions)
at the genre, imaginative, stylistic and problem-
thematic level, seeks to involve them in
understanding with the help of models typical for
the masses important philosophical and social
problems, raise the level of education and
develop artistic taste, aesthetic worldview.
Keywords: character, genre, literature, mass
communication, problematic.
At the end of the 20th the beginning of the 21st
century in Ukraine and the world, globalization
processes, scientific and technological progress,
historical and political realities contributed to the
development of mass communication, which
affected all spheres of human activity: physical,
emotional, intellectual, spiritual, etc. The
understanding of artistic creativity, which has
always been a powerful source of shaping the
worldview of an individual and society as a
whole, in accordance with existing realities, is of
particular importance in our time. The formation
and intensive development of the information
space caused an urgent need for scientific
rethinking of art as a whole and literature in
particular in the aspect of socialization (Ortega &
Gaset, 1994).
At all times, writing as a form of art had as its
priority task the formation of a persons
worldview and worldview as an integral part of
society, which was preserved during the growth
of “information technologies that penetrated into
all spheres of human activity” (Zhylin et al.,
2023, p. 257). In scientific discourse, the concept
of “literature” is understood as “a type of written
creativity, a set of handwritten and printed works
of a certain people, period or age” (Kovaliv,
2007a, p. 564).
The social orientation of this type of art is also
evidenced by its specific functions: entertaining,
cognitive, informative, communicative,
axiological, and the function of preserving
information (Kharуtonenko, 2012, p. 9). In the
works of contemporary researchers, literature is
interpreted as a powerful means of
communication between the author and the
reader (individual), the author and society. In
view of this, contemporary researchers single out
the following essential features of literature as a
type of mass communication: it is distributed by
means of mass communication, oriented towards
a mass audience, direct contact with which is
impossible for the authors of literary works;
3) addressing an unspecified circle of recipients,
performs social functions (informational,
propagandistic, campaigning, educational,
enlightening, etc.), and therefore creates an
impact on society, etc. (p. 7-8). Therefore, the
achievements of literary studies are no longer
enough for a comprehensive interpretation of an
artistic text, it is necessary to involve knowledge
from other sciences.
At the end of the 20th the beginning of the 21st
century, Ukrainian literature was enriched with
works that, while remaining a high-quality
artistic text, demonstrate the above-mentioned
signs of mass communication. It is worth
mentioning the creative work of
Yu. Andruhovych (2008), M. Kidruk (2021),
H. Pagutyak (2007), Е. Polozhiy (2016),
S. Zhadan (2022), and others. The prose of
M. Dochуnets (2007; 2013a; 2013b; 2014; 2016;
2020; 2022) stands out among the general public,
characterized by the features of communication
between the author and the recipient, enriched
with philosophical subtext, topical issues, and a
variety of artistic means in the reproduction of
individual consciousness and social reality. In the
following sections, we will focus on the works of
contemporary scientists important for research,
justify the choice of methods and techniques of
interpretation of the artistic text, and analyze the
biographical basis of the works, their genre
nature, the author’s principles of creating the
concept of the character, the problem-thematic
corpus, etc. Analyzing these levels of the writer’s
texts, we will conduct a study of the signs of the
Ishchenko, O., Horbolis, L., Zhylenko, I., Havryliuk, I., Yanenko, Y. / Volume 12 - Issue 68: 103-111 / August, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
interaction of the artistic text and mass
communication, which is the goal of this article.
Theoretical Framework
Attempts to understand the specifics of the
interaction of mass communication and art, and
fiction in particular, are increasingly appearing in
contemporary scientific thought. For example,
P. Lyndon emphasizes the different nature and
means of literature and mass communication, but
recognizes “very subtle points of contact” due to
“tricks of style and difficult satire”, content,
audience (1970, p. 6-10). Another researcher,
B. D’Angelo notes “about the movement that has
taken place in our time both in the field of
literature and in writing, to other semantic fields,
both literary and non-literary” and proves this by
examining the interaction of cinema, literature,
opera, museum (2009). Kondala Rao G.,
Lakshmi Vijaya note in their article that the
literary text today “has the power to promote
personal understanding and encourage social
cohesion” (2016, p. 239). Researchers emphasize
the differences between the two phenomena:
literature affects society slowly and literature is a
more elitist (p. 241). As we can see, changes in
views on the process of interaction between
literature and mass communication took place at
the beginning of the 21st century, when the
means of mass communication began to develop
intensively and the integration between the fields
of science, types of art, etc., increased.
In the Ukrainian scientific discourse, attention is
also paid to the problem of the reception of the
communicative possibilities of literature, its
socialization and interaction with the media
space. It is worth noting that in recent years a
number of scientific and methodical publications
on the topic have appeared for students of higher
educational institutions and information
technology specialists, journalists, publishers,
etc. These are the works of O. Kosyuk (2012),
L. Voytenko (2020), N. Zrazhevska (2006), and
To achieve the goal, which consists in studying
the features of the interaction of a literary work
and the mass communication space on the
example of the creative work of M. Dochуnets,
general scientific and special literary methods
were used. With the help of analysis, description
and synthesis, it was found that the writer’s
works are actively researched in the
contemporary Ukrainian scientific discourse.
However, a review of the literature on the topic
shows that there is not enough work dedicated to
the study of the features of interaction and mutual
influence of the artistic text and mass
communication on the example of the creative
output of an individual author, which opens up a
perspective for research and determines the
scientific novelty of our work. It should be noted
that the poetic features of the creative work of
M. Dochуnets have already been studied by the
authors of this article (Ishchenko, 2020, 2021;
Horbolis, 2018), examples of the inter-artistic
interaction of literature and cinema were
considered (Horbolis et al., 2021), and the use of
media techniques of dialogue with the reader in
the writer’s most revealing works (Ishchenko,
2022). However, the author’s works are
considered systematically in the context of mass
communication for the first time in this article.
A detailed study of the signs of the interaction of
literature and mass communication was carried
out with the help of systemic, socio-historical,
biographical, hermeneutic, genetic,
imagological, interdisciplinary. The socio-
historical method contributed to the
understanding of the writer’s prose in the context
of socio-cultural trends and socio-political
realities of the 20th-21st centuries. The
biographical method helped to find out the
influence of facts from the writer’s life,
worldview orientations and artistic and aesthetic
beliefs on the formation of the concept of the
character, genre specificity and ideological and
thematic load of large and small prose. The
hermeneutic method made it possible to interpret
the problems, the ideological and thematic level
of the works of M. Dochynets. The genetic
method was used to determine the genre
specificity of the author’s work. The
imagological method contributed to the
understanding of the identity of the concept of
the character in the context of contemporary
literary trends and requests of the readership. The
interdisciplinary approach, which consists in
combining the achievements of literary studies
and the foundations of mass communication
theory, contributed to the identification of signs
of interrelationships and mutual influences of
fiction and contemporary mass communication
space in the writer’s prose.
Results and Discussion
Contemporary Ukrainian writer M. Dochynets is
the author of the novels “The Fox in the
Vineyard. Finding Lost Tracks”, “Centenarian.
Confession on the Pass of the Spirit”, “Svitovan.
Studies under the Tent of the Skies”, The Digger
of Wells. The Diary of the Richest Man of the
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Mukachevo Dominion”, “Highlander. Waters of
Our Lord’s Riverbeds”, “Maftey. Book Written
with a Dry Pen”, “Fern’s Children”, collections
of short prose “Ladies and Adams”, “The Road
to Heaven to People”, Bread and Chocolate”,
“Hands and Soul”, Cutting and Life Courses”,
“Blue notebook”, “A Novel with a Sheet”, “The
Book of Wisdom”, “The Sighted Pen”, “The
Light of Seven Days”, “If You Listen to the Wise
Men”, “Herbs”, Years and Medicine”, “Golden
Time”, and others.
Analyzing the Myroslav Dochynets creative
work, we consider it necessary to clarify the
terminological apparatus of the research. In the
scientific discourse, communication is
understood as “the process of exchanging
information (facts, ideas, views, emotions, etc.)
between two or more persons, communication
using verbal and non-verbal means for the
purpose of transmitting and receiving
information” (Kondratenko, 2018). The term
“mass communication” will be interpreted as
“the fundamental state of contemporary society,
in which the complex structure of the social and
cultural space with its numerous sectors, which
are functionally and deterministically
interconnected, is embodied in symbolic forms
and images that can be perceived and understood
corporate, mass and individual consciousness”
(Kostenko, 1998, p. 153). The phenomenon is
aimed at uniting society and contributes to the
production of information as a product, the use of
technical means for the production of
information, the development of mass culture
(mass values, typical behavior patterns for the
masses), forms a specific social environment for
which mass culture is characteristic and which is
a customer and consumer of information
products (Rizun, 2008, p. 127). By the mass
communication space, we understand the process
of exchanging and spreading information to a
large audience with the help of mass media
technical means (press, radio, television,
Internet, publishing houses, etc.) with the aim of
influencing the consciousness and behavior of
the recipient (Ishchenko, 2022, p. 5).
M. Dochynets belongs to the writers who started
their creative activity as journalists or authors of
journalistic texts (Y. Andrukhovich,
T. Antipovich, K. Babkin, L. Voronin,
L. Denysenko, S. Zhadan, O. Zabuzhko,
A. Kokotyuhu, O. Kotsarev, O. Irvanets,
O. Shinkarenka, etc.). After receiving a
professional journalistic education, he began
working in the editorial offices of the newspapers
“Literaturna Ukraina”, “Carpathian Territory”,
“Fest” and the magazines “Ukraine”,
“Motherland”, and others. In the book Word
Lamp” (2013b), M. Dochynets notes that “he
owes his career and name to the newspaper”,
because journalistic activity helped to form the
main features of his idiostyle clarity, clarity, a
semblance of lightness, picturesqueness of
episodes and the effect of presence” (p. 53). It is
important that while working as a journalist, the
future writer specialized in writing portrait and
problem novellas, essays, which determined his
attraction to small epic forms (novella, essay,
etude, esquisse, aphorism, diary) and the
predominance of the biographical novel in his
literary work. The writer considers any division
into genres to be conditional, and prefers those
that meet the needs of the audience: “In our
dynamic time, there is neither time nor need for
the production of long texts. But an apt aphorism
about the malice of the day is always timely and
relevant” (p. 52-53). The author also explains the
appeal to novel by contemporary trends in the
literary process.
Reflecting on the difference between journalism
and literature, M. Dochynets emphasizes the
large number of stamps that are necessary for
journalistic genres. The writer compares: “Prose
is a walk through a garden that you planted
yourself and attracted singing birds. Journalism,
too capitalistic, grandiose, corrupts the heart and
dries the brain. <...> A journalist has an audience,
subscribers. The writer has a Reader” (2013b,
p. 54). That is why he gave preference to
literature that gives greater creative freedom to
the author.
M. Dochynets works as the editor-in-chief of the
publishing house “Carpathian Tower”, which he
founded himself. This allows him to actively
engage in writing, analyze the works of his
colleagues and contact a large audience of both
authors and readers, thus constantly being in the
context of the contemporary literary process. The
author repeatedly emphasizes the importance of
the writer for society, his role for the
consolidation of the masses, because it is no
accident that he defines his activity as “service”:
“The word belongs to us from Heaven.
Therefore, literature is a service to support in a
person the spirit of virtue, desire for perfection,
approach to God” (Dochynets, 2013b, p. 56).
M. Dochynets notes that, building his own style
of writing, he appeals to the creative work of
Ukrainian classics (I. Franko, O. Honchar,
M. Kotsyubynskyi, Lesia Ukrainka,
T. Shevchenko, M. Stelmakh, etc.), but is “open
to of all literary methods, schools and styles”
(Dochynets, 2013b, p. 101). The author defines
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
himself as a “neo-realist with shades of
impressionism and magical realism”, at the same
time he recognizes in his texts signs of
romanticism, symbolism, realism, existentialism,
modernism and postmodernism (p. 196). The
novelist simultaneously focuses his texts on
supporters of, as he notes, the “old school” and,
at the same time, those who are interested in the
works of contemporary Ukrainian literature.
M. Dochynets’ journalistic activity also
influenced the development of his reading skills
and literary tastes, as he himself notes in an
interview: “Since then, I have become, perhaps,
the slowest reader in the world. Because this is a
real luxury to leisurely travel through the lines
of great storytellers, delving into the secrets
hidden between words” (Dochynets, 2013b, p.
51). The writer is convinced that it is possible to
write one’s own high-quality artistic text only
after reading many other people’s works,
rethinking them and presenting ideas that are
relevant for oneself and society from a new
angle, in an original interpretation in accordance
with one’s life philosophy, worldview and
worldview ideals. That is why the creative work
contains a significant number of intertextual
borrowings, allusions, reminiscences,
quotations, etc. aimed at expressing the author’s
intention. These are the works of O. De Balzac,
E. Hemingway, V. Faulkner, H. Flaubert,
V. Hugo, I. Kotlyarevsky, M. Kotsyubinsky,
H. Marques, M. Montaigne, E. M. Remarque,
H. Skovorodа, V. Stefanyk, M.- A. Stendhal,
and others. Appealing to the works of famous
predecessors and contemporaries, M. Dochynets
reflects on the meaning of the artistic word:
“Unfortunately, Ukrainian literature, and even
more so the mass media, have impoverished
vocabulary incredibly. I believe that literature
should carry not only the freshness of thoughts,
but also the beauty and aesthetics of words”
(Dochynets, 2013b, p. 91). He strives to present
literature as a continuous process that is
constantly updated and enriched.
Writers of the late 20th and early 21st centuries
adhered to the principle of anthropocentrism, so
the image of a person who finds the strength to
overcome the system, get rid of the negative
influence of various factors on life, and find
harmony within himself became relevant. Such
images can be found in the works “The Scribe of
the Eastern Gate of the Asylum” and “The Scribe
of the Western Gate of the Asylum” by
Galina Pagutyak, “The Skylight” by
P. Midianka, “Verkhovynska Song” by
P. Skunets, “Symphony of the Petrikiv Forest”
by P. Soroka, an anti-utopia trilogy “The Time...”
by Yu. Shcherbak and others. M. Dochynets did
not remain aloof from the creative pursuits of his
colleagues, and proposed a unique concept of a
wise character an elderly person with
significant life experience, which was gained
during the struggle against the totalitarian
system, during the overcoming of historical and
personal tragedies.
In the M. Dochynets’ prose, the image of the
wise character was formed in the book of
spiritual instructions “Many Years. Вlessing
Years” (2007), which became the first major
work dedicated to the figure of Transcarpathian
healer Andriy Voron. The writer endowed his
character with the traits of a Greek philosopher,
a folk thinker like H. Skovoroda, a Christian
hermit monk, a herbalist and an enlightened guru.
For the post-Soviet society, this concept of the
image turned out to be relevant, since for a long
time it was devoid of hints of religiosity,
spirituality in culture and social life. According
to the author, the wise teacher character is able to
set an example, to teach how to fill the mental
emptiness caused by Soviet ideology. “The Holy
Scriptures contain everything the soul needs, but
for many it is too distant, too strict and
incomprehensible. And here is supposedly an
example of a real person who looks like a father,
a grandfather”, – the writer explains (Dochynets,
2013b, p. 138). At the same time, a patriot
character like Andriy Voron, who loves his
Motherland and respects folk traditions after
Ukraine gained independence, and orientation
towards his own historical progress and cultural
identity were and are relevant. The writer notes
that his desire was “to show a Ukrainian
character on the European battlefield”, so his
character imitates the main European values
democracy and pluralism, and also popularizes
Ukrainian culture and philosophy of pantheism,
hedonism (p. 138). Thus, in the novels of the
writer, one of the most relevant topics in society
is artistically understood the need for Ukraine’s
integration into the European community.
In the M. Dochynets’ prose, the understanding of
the “eternal questions of humanity” is actualized,
firstly: the search for a spiritual ideal, the
understanding of the meaning of existence, the
importance of religious worldview and moral and
ethical norms, the search for one’s place in the
world. The success of the concept proposed was
also contributed to the age characteristics of the
character an elderly person who reflects on
important ontological issues and generously
shares advice on how to live long and maintain
mental and physical health. In numerous
interviews, the writer also convinces that his
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
character is a real person with whom he was
familiar and with whom he was a student in his
youth, which provides the “effect of the
authenticity of the depicted” characteristic of
journalism and the reception of artistic
conjecture and fiction, which is natural for
literature (2013b, p. 62). This is how the writer
intrigues the reader, invites to a discussion and
inspires trust. The writing strategy proved to be
successful due to the manner of presentation in
the form of the main character’s monologue (I-
narration), which creates the illusion of a direct
conversation with the narrator. In prose, he
repeatedly returned to the image of Andriу Voron
in the novels “Centenarian”, “Svitovan”, the
books Blue Notebook”, “Сonsolation
mountain”, “Golden Time”, and a number of
short prose texts. Thanks to his writing skills,
namely the ability to combine real facts with
artistic conjecture and fiction, a successful
marketing campaign, publicity in the media and
social networks, the literary character has turned
into an almost mythical character, in the reality
of which numerous fans believe. The image of a
wise elderly person who overcomes life’s
obstacles and is constantly self-improving and
self-actualizing was also used in the successful
novels “Highlander”, “Well-Digger”, “Maftey”.
Secondly, M. Dochynets repeatedly addresses
the current issues of our time, which are of
interest to a contemporary educated, intelligent
person. The writer repeatedly addresses
environmental issues. The main characters of the
writer are an example of a person who is a model
of eco-cultural behavior and teaches others to
find harmony in themselves through spiritual
union with the forest, river, and mountains. For
example, in the novel “Centenarian” Andrii
Voron notes: “Learn to see all living things
around you and be happy with them grass,
trees, mushrooms, thorns, animals, earth, sky.
Look into them with kind eyes and an attentive
heart and such knowledge will be revealed to
you that you will not find in books. And you will
see yourself in them calm and renewed”
(2013a, p. 101). The writer also pays attention to
the problem of contemporary man’s fatigue from
the fast pace of life in the city, the negative
impact of the information environment. His
characters distance themselves from society in
order to preserve their individuality, but they do
not separate completely. They are convinced that
in order to help people, one must first find
oneself, and this is possible only in solitude
through contemplation of the world and one’s
inner world: “They walk a long way to God. And
alone” (2014, p. 199). Therefore, every person
has the right to his personal space and must
arrange it correctly, only in this way can we
coexist harmoniously and help each other.
M. Dochynets, appealing to current issues, could
not stay away from the topic of the war in
Ukraine. He dedicated his latest novel Fern’s
Children” to the topic of overcoming the
psychological trauma of a person who returned
from the war zone. The author actively uses the
means of artistic psychology, in particular the
description of changes in the character’s feelings
under the influence of chronotopic parameters: “I
was woken up by a strange ringing. I listened
no sound. It was a ringing silence” (2020, p. 19).
The novelist convincingly recreated the inner
world of the writer-intellectual, who finds peace
of mind thanks to the return to the land of his
ancestors and through interaction with the nature
of the Carpathians.
Thirdly, M. Dochynets focuses on “everyday
problems” that every person has and do not
require special knowledge, and therefore are
accessible to a wide range of readers. For
example, these are relationships between family
members, understanding the relationship
between a man and a woman, finding one’s place
in society, etc. The writer also exerts a
psychological influence on the reader,
emphasizing the fashionable topic of preserving
health and youth in the contemporary mass
communication space, forming the correct daily
routine, sleep hygiene, etc., which he actively
uses in the novels about Andriy Voron, in the
books Years and Medicine” (2022). In the last,
the author changes the epic tone of the story and
presents the material in the form of laconic
advice from a diary or notebook: “Don’t neglect
breakfast. Get rid of the habit of eating meat. It is
advisable to eat fish three times a week. Drink
low-fat milk” (p. 112). Another relevant topic for
contemporary society is the search for a “formula
of success” that will allow one to achieve wealth
and power over the world and people. The novel
Well-Digger” (2016) focuses on this problem,
the main character of which, thanks to
perseverance, self-education, and hard work,
became the richest man in his homeland. Like
other texts of the writer, this work contains
numerous motivational lyrical digressions the
main character’s advice, which is added with the
aim of influencing the thoughts and behavior of
the recipient, to encourage them to take specific
actions: “One must crave money! You need to
know how much you want, and warm up the
strength and measure of desire” (p. 135).
Traditionally for his creative manner,
M. Dochynets transforms even a somewhat
mundane topic of money into a philosophical and
moral-ethical plane. The main character Ovferiy,
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
regardless of his wealth, managed to preserve the
simplicity of his soul, self-criticism, and
therefore used his wealth and power to develop
his hometown and improve the quality of life of
its residents.
M. Dochynets notes that, compared to his
colleagues, he “does not know his reader”, that
is, he does not write his works according to
certain criteria, does not adapt them to a specific
target audience, does not consider “whether the
work will become popular”. Accordingly, he
imagines “his reader” “with intelligent faces and
interested eyes” (2013b, p. 74-75). The writer
emphasizes that he writes "for himself" in order
to answer the questions that concern him.
M. Dochynets, in order to expand his readership,
somewhat simplifies the form of presentation of
the material at the genre, figurative, problem-
thematic levels. This gives reason to some
literary critics to include his work among the
samples of mass literature, which in
contemporary scientific discourse is understood
as “reproduced, entertaining or didactic fiction,
adapted for understanding by the average reader,
mostly devoid of aesthetic value”, in which
stereotypes, images, clichés, stamps, etc.
(Kovaliv, 2007b, p. 18). The “disadvantagesof
the works are determined by the focus on
commercial success at the expense of topical
issues (Shchur, 2012), falsification “in the style
of tabloid newspapers” (Fasolya, 2013),
entertainment and didactics (Kotsarev, 2012),
writing “quasi-intellectual pops” (Baran, 2015),
etc. But a number of researchers (M. Vaskiv,
L. Gorbolis, S. Kovpik, O. Talko, etc.) do not
agree with this assessment of the author’s work,
emphasizing the presence of a philosophical
subtext, imagery, originality of the presentation
of the material, the presence of a literary and
cultural context, signs of inter-literary and inter-
art interaction, focus on the erudite reader,
accentuation on moral and ethical standards,
saturation with national color, etc., which
indicates the high artistic value of the works and
belonging to elite literature (Bilichenko, 2012;
Krуvоpyshynа, 2018). The writer himself
emphasizes that his works are by their nature
metaphorical, aphoristic, saturated with symbols
and philosophical and folklore subtext (p. 55).
There are a number of studies devoted to the
richness of language and artistic means in the
writer’s works, for example, the works of
L. Prokopovych (2017, 2020), R. Terebus (2018)
and many others, so we will not consider it here
M. Dochynets often analyzes the contemporary
Ukrainian literature. He observes that all
fashionable “postmodern trends” are rapidly
changing, while “Literature was, is, and must be
elitist” (2013b, p. 115). He considers high
literature to be the one whose reading “forms an
ideal and raises the bar, as well as develops
critical thinking” (p. 102). The use of features of
mass communication in the creative work of the
prose writer is explained by the desire to attract a
wide audience to reading elite literature in order
to raise its intellectual level, to form certain
aesthetic and worldview constants.
The study of M. Dochynets’ creative work using
general scientific and special literary methods
helped to find out that his work has “two artistic
dimensions”, the interpretation of which depends
on the education, intellectual level and artistic
and aesthetic tastes of the recipient. The first is
“high”, “elite”, which is formed thanks to refined
language, philosophical subtext, imagery, a
wealth of tropes and artistic means, the
originality of the presentation of the material, the
presence of a literary and cultural context, topical
issues (the impact of globalization on the
individual, overcoming the consequences of the
totalitarian system, psychological trauma caused
by personal and historical factors, the search for
individual and national identity, etc.), signs of
interliterary and interartistic interaction, etc.
The second dimension “for the mass reader” is
created by means of an appeal to the principles of
mass communication, which are partially
implemented in the writer’s prose at the genre,
imaginative, stylistic, and problem-thematic
levels. Among the variety of genres, the author
chooses those that, given the dynamic rhythm of
life of a contemporary person, will not require a
lot of time to read an aphorism, a sketch, a
novel, diary entries, etc. In long prose, the writer
uses an adventure plot, lyrical motivational
digressions with short instructions, etc., to keep
the reader’s attention. M. Dochynets presented
the image of the wise character in the context of
the Ukrainian social and political realities of the
20th and early 20th centuries, which is close to
the contemporary reader, because it responds to
the spiritual and aesthetic requests of the modern
audience. The writer brings his works closer to
the general public with the help of syncretism at
the stylistic level (combination of features of
impressionism, romanticism, realism,
existentialism, etc.), so a reader who is a
supporter of any of the listed artistic methods of
depicting reality, or does not adhere to a specific
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
aesthetic platform at all, in the works of the
novelist he will find “something of his own”. The
prose of M. Dochinets has a wide problem-
thematic range: relationships in the family,
preservation of health and youth, finding one’s
place in the world, self-actualization and striving
for success in life, etc.
Having analyzed the M. Dochynets’ creative
work and his artistic and aesthetic beliefs, we can
say that the writer exerts an influence on society
thanks to significant life experience, studying the
depths of human psychology, determining the
aesthetic and spiritual requests of the
contemporary audience, mastering the
mechanisms of influencing the reader (current
issues, wealth linguistic means, narratives in the
form of a friendly conversation with a wise
person, creating an intrigue regarding the reality
of the depicted, etc.). Having created “two ways
of reading” his texts, the writer seeks to answer
the requests of the “elite reader” and attract a
wide audience to the understanding of important
philosophical and social problems, raise the level
of education and develop artistic taste.
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