www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.68.08.7
How to Cite:
Ruban, L., Leshchenko, M., Oliinyk, I., Petrovsky, M., & Sandyha, L. (2023). Fairy tale therapy for children of war. Amazonia
Investiga, 12(68), 78-84. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.68.08.7
Fairy tale therapy for children of war
Казкотерапія для дітей війни
Received: July 10, 2023 Accepted: August 28, 2023
Written by:
Larysa Ruban1
Mariya Leshchenko2
Iryna Oliinyk3
Mykola Petrovsky4
Liliia Sandyha5
The article highlights the possibilities of using
fairy-tale therapy by parents, legal guardians,
socionomic sphere specialists in the process of
providing support and assistance to children
during the war. The purpose of the article is to
define the content of fairy-tale therapy and create
an author’s fairy tale, which is focused on
pedagogical and psychological assistance to
children affected by military operations. To
achieve the goal, mainly theoretical research
methods were applied: study, analysis and
generalization of special psychological and
pedagogical literature in order to identify the
investigated problem. It is emphasized that a
therapeutic fairy tale heals a person’s soul, as it
carries out powerful psychological work at the
subconscious level. In order for the fairy-tale
narrative to acquire a therapeutic character, it
must reflect the child’s problem. The process of
creating an author’s therapeutic fairy tale helps
relieve tension in stressful situations, contributes
to the constructive experience of emotions,
develops communication skills, imagination, and
distracts from difficult feelings. It was concluded
that fairy-tale therapy is a unique method of
treatment of mental health disorders caused by
military actions, as children find echoes of inner
experiences from their own lives in fairy tales.
PhD in Pedagogy, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, the Piotrków Academy in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
PhD in Philology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine.
PhD in Philology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine.
PhD in Philology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine.
Ruban, L., Leshchenko, M., Oliinyk, I., Petrovsky, M., Sandyha, L. / Volume 12 - Issue 68: 78-84 / August, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Key words: fairy-tale therapy, traumatic war
experience, author’s fairy tale, fairy tale
War is a complex socio-political phenomenon
that causes irreparable harm to the life and health
of the population of a certain country. People lose
their homes, relatives and loved ones, are forced
to leave their homes and go abroad or acquire the
status of internally displaced persons. The most
painful thing is that children suffer the most
during war. It is difficult for them to understand
why their safe environment has changed so
dramatically. In particular, in cities, the air raid
siren sounds, indicating the threat of missile and
air strikes, and therefore, instead of a cozy home,
children are forced to run and spend several
hours in shelters (often ill-equipped and
uncomfortable), evacuation under shelling, loss
of home, separation from relatives all these
factors leave a deep mark in the child’s soul.
During wartime, the primary task of parents,
legal guardians, socionomic sphere specialists
(social pedagogues, social workers, practical
psychologists) is to master effective methods of
providing support and assistance to children in
order to preserve their physical and mental
health. Among the range of means identified by
researchers (Berezan, 2020), fairy-tale therapy is
worth to be highlighted. A fairy tale helps an
individual to overcome mental trauma caused by
war. It is a deep source of folk wisdom that
soothes, provides comfort and support. In the
conditions of war, it is not important whether an
adult reads a book to a child or tells a fairy tale.
The most important thing is that a child hears the
gentle voice of a loved person. Fairy tales teach
a child to find a way out of difficult situations, to
believe in the power of goodness, love, justice,
and beauty. Children love fairy tales because
they compensate for the lack of actions in real
life, and it becomes possible to realize children’s
creative potential (Leshchenko, 2003). When
listening to fairy tales, a child unconsciously
assimilates them, and then uses in everyday life
to fight against anxiety, insecurity, fear, etc.
Fairy tales give a child hope and show a new
perspective of the situation (Kuciapiński, 2014).
We are convinced that fairy-tale therapy as a
component of art therapy, will have a powerful
therapeutic effect even after the end of the war,
when people will also need both psychological
and pedagogical support. A fairy tale makes a
person stronger and helps to believe in a miracle,
the victory of good over evil.
The purpose of the article is to define the content
of fairy-tale therapy and create an author’s fairy
tale, which is focused on pedagogical and
psychological assistance to children affected by
military operations.
Literature review
The analysis of pedagogical and psychological
literature shows that scientists are actively
researching the peculiarities of pedagogical and
psychological assistance to children of war.
Thus, I. Kobzieva’s scientific work is focused on
psychological support to children who
experienced crisis and traumatic events in
Ukraine. The scientist claims that one of the most
effective means of preventing and overcoming
emotional or psychological trauma is the use of
art therapy methods, among which fairy-tale
therapy plays an important role (Kobzieva,
2022). The scientific work by L. Tymchuk,
M. Stolarczyk and L. Ruban reveals the
peculiarities of using digital narrative
technologies in the training of teachers to support
children affected by military operations.
Researchers note that to help children overcome
the consequences of trauma, methods of narrative
interaction, narrative-therapeutic strategies and
their combination with digital technologies can
be useful in the work of teachers (Tymchuk,
Stolarczyk & Ruban, 2021). The practical
manual by O. Voznesenska and M. Sydorkina
contains theoretical provisions and practical
recommendations aimed at specialists who
provide support to people affected by military
operations. The authors single out art therapy as
a method of helping an individual in a crisis
period (Voznesenska & Sydorkina, 2016).
Methodical manual Psychological assistance to
victims of crisis and traumatic events by
scientists of H.S. Kostyuk Institute of
Psychology of the NAES of Ukraine, is based on
understanding and generalization of their own
experience of psychological support to victims of
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
traumatic events in Ukraine. In the context of our
research, psychological assistance to children by
means of art therapy calls for special attention
(Kisarchuk et al., 2015). At the same time,
scientific works did not pay enough attention to
fairy-tale therapy for children of war.
To achieve the goal, mainly theoretical research
methods were used: study, analysis and
generalization of special psychological and
pedagogical literature in order to identify the
state of the researched problem; content analysis
of Ukrainian and foreign researchers’ papers to
find out the ways of effective fairy tale creation;
netnography to analyze the therapeutic potential
of digital platforms for providing assistance to
children in an online educational environment;
typological method for outlining the sources and
approaches to development of therapeutic
storytelling skills; method of transforming
theoretical provisions into the practice of
creating author’s therapeutic fairy tales.
Results and Discussion
In all of human history, fairy tales have been a
key tool in teaching and educating children. Fairy
tales reveal the essence of concepts: good, evil,
honesty, betrayal, loyalty, treachery, friendship,
etc. As a rule, a fairy tale contains certain
negative images, human qualities, which, in the
end, turn into positive ones thanks to the actions
of the heroes. Working with children who have
survived the traumatic experience of war, the
therapeutic fairy tale occupies an important place
(Haase, 2000). Such a fairy tale helps children
overcome fear, anxiety, tension, uncertainty, fills
them with moral resources and strengthens faith
in a bright future, the victory of good over evil.
A fairy tale narrative becomes a therapeutic one
only if a child can draw a parallel between the
plot, the actions of the main character and his/her
own life and receives a certain lesson after
working with the fairy tale. We are convinced
that a therapeutic fairy tale heals a child’s soul,
as it carries out powerful psychological work on
a subconscious level. A fairy tale lives in a
person’s subconscious, and the subconscious
remembers any past experience. It is worth
noting that the subconscious mind focuses not
only on traumatic experiences, but also options
for overcoming such experiences. J. Korczak, an
outstanding Polish teacher, psychologist, doctor,
children’s writer, believed that a fairy tale can
heal a child crippled by poverty or orphanhood,
war or any other misfortune (Stepula, 2006).
The Polish experience of training future teachers
to use pedagogical and therapeutic functions of
fairy tales in order to help children (including
children of Ukrainian refugees), is worth being
highlighted. Pedagogical and therapeutic
approaches are based on mastering the
techniques of fairy-tale therapy developed by
Doris Brett, the famous American psychologist,
and presented in her books, which are popular
throughout the world and translated into Polish
(Brett, 2002). They are addressed to
psychotherapists, teachers, parents and guardians
of children. At the same time, the school of fairy-
tale therapy is actively developing in Poland, the
emergence of which was marked by the
publication of a number of books by
Maria Molicka, a psychologist and author of
therapeutic narratives for children (Molicka,
2002). Scientific research by Polish and
Ukrainian scientists revealed the possibilities of
teaching teachers to create a therapeutic fairy-
tale reality with the help of digital narratives
(Leshchenko, Tymchuk, & Tokaruk, 2020).
Children who have survived the traumatic
experience of war are easily recognizable among
others. Such children often have a number of
fears: some are afraid of night or darkness; others
are afraid of being separated from their mother
even for a short period of time. Nicole Porter
Willcox, a psychotherapist from the USA, the
founder and director of an art therapy center, who
conducted educational trainings for Ukrainian
colleagues from the Voices of Children
Foundation, notes that the negative experience of
war lives in the body a person. She underlines
that we can’t change what happened, but
therapeutic support and warm human
communication can change the way a child
experiences war and restore a sense of security
(Wiley, 2023).
Since the beginning of the full-scale war, a
number of Ukrainian online platforms have been
created, which are aimed at providing
psychological and pedagogical assistance to
children of war. Thus, the primary task for the
founders of Pavlusha and Java, a Telegram
channel with fairy tales and lullabies, was to
preserve children’s feeling of home comfort and
security. Fairy tales on Pavlusha and Java are
recorded in Ukrainian, the name of the fairy tale,
the author and the translator are indicated. The
founders of the channel also indicate the age at
which the fairy tale is aimed. The channel
publishes very bright illustrations for fairy tales,
which allows children to immerse themselves
more deeply in the fairy tale story and distract
themselves from the difficult experiences caused
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
by war. The channel publishes a number of fairy-
tale stories and creative wishes for young
listeners during the day. The founders of
Pavlusha and Java emphasize that if a fairy tale
becomes a consolation for at least thirty minutes,
it is already a success (Pavlusha & Java, 2022).
The NUMO online kindergarten from UNICEF
and the Ministry of Education and Science of
Ukraine is worth to be highlighted. This is a
modern platform for education of preschoolers
aged 3 to 6 years. Everyone can join the Internet
page of the kindergarten and skim all the releases
of video classes aimed at upbringing and
education of preschoolers. Moreover, Numo_bot
functions in Viber and Telegram messaging apps.
Kindergarten video materials allow teachers,
parents and legal guardians to organize training
and educational games for preschoolers in
remote learning conditions, which makes it
possible to ensure the continuity of preschool
education during wartime. Interesting interactive
activities, educational cartoons, fairy tales, etc.,
based on the ECERS-3 (Early Childhood
Environment Rating Scale), are posted on the
Internet page. The ECERS-3 method is focused
on the development of preschoolers in the
following aspects: subject-spatial environment,
care for children, speech and literacy, types of
cognitive activity, interaction of staff with
children, structuring of the program. The method
will help adults not only to ensure the
development and education of children, but also
to distract them from the war. The founders of the
NUMO platform note that they are developing
methodological materials, videos and advice also
for the development of children with disabilities
(Numo, 2022). We are convinced that such
materials will become a main helper for adults
who take care of children with disabilities,
because there are more and more such children
every day of the war.
During wartime, people are often forced to
change their place of residence, stay in shelters,
on the road, not be able to charge their phone or
tablet, not have access to the Internet. Under such
conditions, children do not have the opportunity
to work online, watch cartoons, listen to audio
tasks or fairy tales, etc. In this case, you can use
oral work with a fairy tale, which has a healing,
therapeutic effect and helps relieve tension,
reduce stress, and distract from difficult
experiences. Working with a fairy tale can be
turned into an interesting and exciting adventure.
We offer several methods of working with a fairy
tale. Firstly, adults can tell a child any fairy tale
and ask them to analyze a situation, positive or
negative personality traits of the main character.
This technique helps a child to develop
imagination, thinking, to raise deep philosophical
topics. Secondly, after listening to or reading a
fairy tale, you can stage a puppet theater based on
the script of the fairy tale. The effect of this fairy-
tale therapy is that a child develops his/her acting
and speaking skills, gets rid of shyness, reduces
internal tension, and turns attention away from
difficult thoughts and feelings. Thirdly, you can
create an author’s fairy tale, which will help
reveal internal problems, fears, etc. and find a
way out of a difficult situation.
Fairy-tale therapy performs the following
functions: diagnostic helps determine the
child’s psychological state and outline ways to
solve the problem; prognostic aims at
predicting the future actions of the child and the
peculiarities of his/her behavior in certain
situations; educational based on correcting the
child’s behavior on the example of the main
characters; corrective shows the final result of
training with a fairy tale (Ruban, 2016). The
fairy-tale narratives that a person tells are a
reflection of situations that take place in his/her
life. In other words, these are events that a person
consciously or unconsciously experiences in
his/her life (Hohr, 2000).
In our research, we will focus on the techniques
of creating an author’s fairy tale in order to
provide psychological and pedagogical
assistance to children who have survived the
traumatic experience of war in Ukraine.
Creating an author’s fairy tale does not require
special skills, the main requirement is to free
your imagination. Fairy tales have no place for
dry reports. In order to create your own fairy tale,
you need to dive deep into the realm of
possibilities hidden in the imagination
(Donnchaidh, 2023). Such a fairy tale arises from
anything that surrounds a person: animals,
insects, natural phenomena, transport, pets, etc.
The main characters can be both ordinary people
and fictional characters a prince, a princess, a
witch, etc.
In order for a fairy tale narrative to acquire a
therapeutic character, it must reflect the child’s
problem, because listening to the therapeutic
fairy tale, a child subconsciously finds options
for its solution (Danyliuk & Zolnikova, 2019). It
is worth emphasizing that the plot of a
therapeutic narrative needs to have a clear
structure: the beginning, which enchants the
listeners, transporting them to the magical world
of the fairy tale (at this stage, a child gets to know
the heroes of the fairy tale); the central conflict
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
or problem that the heroes of the fairy tale face
(consonant with the problem of a child); the
situation that offers options for solving a problem
and that has a positive outcome (usually a happy
ending); the moral of the fairy tale, when the
characters learn a certain lesson from their
actions (Ruban, 2016).
As an example, let’s cite the author’s therapeutic
fairy tale, which tells about a lion who
courageously defended his territory from
In a fairyland there lived a brave lion with his
strong family a beautiful wife and three lion
cubs. Beautiful nature surrounded the friendly
family endless fields were covered with rye and
wheat, fertile land and gardens gave their
generous fruits, gentle seas washed the territory,
majestic mountains proudly protected them from
winds and bad weather. Good, sincere animals
inhabited these lands. A very angry and envious
tiger lived in the neighboring territory though.
His subjects were hyenas and jackals who
faithfully obeyed all his orders. The tiger was
jealous of the lion’s well-being and decided to
wage war on him to take away his fertile lands.
Thus, one day the tiger sent his hyenas and
jackals to the lion’s territory and declared war.
The lion was forced to leave his family and rush
into battle to protect his and. The lion cubs cried
bitterly, the lion’s wife could barely contain her
despair, but there was nothing she could do. The
lion gathered a strong army and stood on the
borders of his territory. The battle was fierce, the
enemies fled in fear, then returned again. There
were so many hyenas and jackals that they began
to take over a part of the lion’s territory.
It so happened that to the west of the lion’s lands
there was a wonderful forest in which kind-
hearted animals lived. A big white elephant
reigned there. The lion sent his assistant to this
forest to arrange for help. The elephant listened
to the assistant’s story and said: You are good
neighbors who were born on your fertile,
beautiful land and want to protect it from the
enemy with all your heart. You helped us when
we did not have a bountiful harvest, you shared
vegetables, fruits, grain with us. Therefore, I will
help you defend your land.’
An army of white elephants went to help the lion.
The enemies did not expect that the lion would
get such strong support. They got scared and,
tails up, ran away as far as their eyes could see.
The lion raised the flag over his territory,
expressing gratitude to his army for their
courage and strength, to his friendly neighbors
for their support and help, to his family for their
faith and love. From that time, peace reigned in
the land of the lion, and no enemy encroached on
the fertile and generous lands.
The proposed fairy tale has several purposes.
First, to show a child an example of a strong and
loyal family, loyalty to one’s native land.
Second, to show the beauty of one’s own
territory, one’s country, focusing on the epithets,
e.g. beautiful nature, endless fields, fertile land,
gentle seas, majestic mountains, etc. Third, to
demonstrate that the world is not perfect and
there are envious enemies who can encroach on
what is dearest to a person. Fourth, to instill in a
child the faith that, in the end, good triumphs
over evil and after the darkest night always
comes the incredible beauty of the dawn.
The author’s fairy tale contributes to the fact that
children will be able to draw a parallel between
the fictional plot and the events that take place in
their own lives. A fairy tale will help distract
children from their personal traumatic
experiences and give them faith in a bright future
(Saxby, 2022; Silverman, 2020). It should be
noted that, in addition to the therapeutic goals set
by the author, the fairy tale showed another
positive result, namely that after listening to this
fairy tale, several children showed interest and
desire to write their own fairy tales.
In addition, it is worth emphasizing that art
therapy can be one of the therapeutic means, e.g.
making a puppet theater by children based on the
proposed or their own author’s fairy tale
(Kazachiner, Boychuk & Halii, 2022). Parents,
guardians, teachers can help children make dolls
from the proposed material, which will serve as
a powerful impetus to the development of their
artistic abilities.
The process of creating an author’s therapeutic
fairy tale helps relieve tension in stressful
situations, contributes to the constructive
experience of emotions, develops
communication skills, imagination, and distracts
from difficult feelings.
It is worth emphasizing that when children create
a fairy tale and tell it aloud, they identify
themselves with the main character, acquire the
positive qualities of this character (Moskalenko,
2023). As a result, the range of their
psychological resource expands, and they
become stronger for their traumatic experience
(Wiley, 2023).
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Fairy-tale therapy is aimed not only at children,
but adults who also believe in miracles. A fairy
tale accompanies a person in his/her everyday
life. These can be any stories from routine life
news articles, stories heard in a coffee shop, work
experience that a person shares at the dinner
table. People communicate in the language of
stories. By telling a story, people express their
inner selves. Stories have great power (Bushnell,
Thus, fairy-tale therapy is a unique method of
treating mental trauma caused by military
actions, as children find echoes of inner
experiences from their own lives in fairy tales.
The fairy tale helps to overcome problems,
because children use the example of the main
character in the fight against their own fears,
difficulties, and experiences. The fairy tale gives
faith in a miracle, a bright future, the victory of
good over evil. The fairy tale helps not to
abandon hope. If hope is lost, the fight is lost.
We have highlighted the main advantages of the
therapeutic fairy tale narrative:
1. It helps children connect with their past
experiences through metaphor, which is the
core of the story. Using a metaphor while
creating a therapeutic fairy tale, the author
goes beyond his/her consciousness.
2. Acts as a ‘mirror’ of a child’s trauma. A
fairy tale reflects the inner world of a person
and allows you to delve deeper into the
problem and find the solutions.
3. Contributes to the normalization of
children’s feelings in case when children
feel lonely.
4. Focuses on the identification of a child’s
range of feelings and behavior that arise in a
challenging situation; helps children
discover new internal resources and
5. Helps children become aware of the feelings
and needs that they can block, to strengthen
their confidence in expressing complex
6. Promotes the development of a child’s
imagination, fantasy to express their own
thoughts, needs and feelings; improves their
communication skills (Jones & Pimenta,
The prognostic potential of the conducted
research is due to the possibility of using its
materials and conclusions to carry out further
scientific research in psychology, pedagogy and
psychotherapy; development of effective
narrative methods of fairy tale treatment for
children and adults who have undergone a
traumatic experience of war.
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