Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.68.08.2
How to Cite:
Knysh, I., Budanova, O., Vakulenko, S., Syrotina, O., & Popychenko, S. (2023). Innovative educational technologies as a way of
higher education enhancement. Amazonia Investiga, 12(68), 21-32. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.68.08.2
Innovative educational technologies as a way of higher education
Інноваційні освітні технології як засіб удосконалення вищої освіти
Received: June 10, 2023 Accepted: July 15, 2023
Written by:
Inna Knysh1
Oleksandra Budanova2
Svitlana Vakulenko3
Olena Syrotina4
Svitlana Popychenko5
The article examines the interconnected
functions of the innovative activity of the
teacher, which contribute to the improvement of
higher education. The purpose of the article is to
consider innovative educational technologies as
a means of improving higher education and to
prove their impact on the training of a modern
competitive specialist. The methodology shows
the connection of the main methodological
approaches of professional training of a modern
competitive specialist with the help of innovative
educational technologies as a means of
improving higher education. The levels of
training of the future specialist with innovative
educational means are highlighted. The
classification of innovative educational
technologies was carried out. The importance of
hybrid courses, which include a form of
combination of distance learning and face-to-
face learning, is shown. The features are
identified and the necessity of innovative
educational technologies for the improvement of
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and Foreign Languages,
National Academy of Management, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: ADA-5230-2022
Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Sociology and Social Communications,
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: JAC-8055-2023
Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Docent, Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology of Management and Social Work,
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: JAC-5513-2023
Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Romance and Germanic Languages and Translation,
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID: ABM-8375-2022
Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor at the Department of Preschool Education, Dean of the Faculty of
Preschool and Special Education, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. WoS Researcher ID:
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
higher education is shown. Innovative
educational technologies have advantages in
higher education. The criteria of innovations in
the educational process are singled out. The
features of innovative training are listed, which
are of great importance for the improvement of
higher education and, as a result, obtaining a
competitive specialist.
Keywords: innovative educational technologies,
improvement of higher education, specialist
training, competitiveness, innovative
professional activity.
The higher school faces the task of creating
conditions for the training of innovatively
oriented specialists who were able to ensure the
future accelerated development of high-tech
industries with high export potential, which will
allow for maintaining a high rate of development
of the national economy. The importance and
urgent possibility of fulfilling these tasks force
higher educational institutions to actively search
for effective forms and methods of training
modern specialists. This process is not easy, as it
requires new forms of organization and
functioning of higher educational institutions,
increasing their institutional flexibility,
strengthening the adaptive potential of study
programs, teaching methods, and deepening the
scientific component in the educational process
(Saukh, 2011).
The modern socio-cultural and socio-economic
situation in the world requires a change in the
quality requirements for a specialist of any
profile for successful and qualified professional
activity, competitive demand for a specialist in
the labor market, constant promotion at work,
social security, and fruitful life in general. And it
is the use of opportunities in the educational field
that is the main direction of personality
formation. It is the educational sector with the
help of innovative means that increases the level
of human competence, develops intelligence, and
makes a person competitive in any field of
activity. Therefore, in today's world, there is a
question about improving the system of training
specialists and restructuring higher education. To
this end, increasing the effectiveness of
education, modernizing the content of education,
and educating future specialists can be effective
only with the help of innovative technologies.
The educational process in institutions of higher
education takes place from the material and
educational and methodological base of the
institution, taking into account the scientific and
pedagogical potential and modern information
technologies. At the same time, the focus is on
the formation of a harmonious, educated,
developed personality who can constantly update
professional knowledge throughout his life, be a
professionally mobile person and quickly adapt
in the educational and social, and cultural spheres
to dynamic processes, innovative technologies of
work organization, in management systems in the
conditions market economy (Bida et al., 2018).
Therefore, the main task of higher education
becomes the development of the student's
abilities and qualities that would allow him to
create a qualitatively new social space, readily
implement and perceive innovations, and
successfully adapt to constantly changing
competitive conditions. A characteristic modern
trend of higher education is innovativeness,
which, relative to other fields of human activity,
has an anticipatory character, and determines
openness to new (Voloshyna, 2014). Therefore,
we consider innovative educational technologies
as a means of improving higher education.
Literature Review
The theoretical analysis of the problem indicates
a wide range of scientific investigations, the
results of which serve as a basis for further
The conceptual foundations of innovative
educational processes are considered in the
socio-philosophical context of civilizational
changes, the justification of a new paradigm of
education, and the search for ways to overcome
its crisis state.
Scientists devoted their work to the study of
theoretical and applied aspects of development as
changes through innovation, building up
innovative potential and strategic resources,
increasing the competitiveness of business
Knysh, I., Budanova, O., Vakulenko, S., Syrotina, O., Popychenko, S. / Volume 12 - Issue 68: 21-32 / August, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
entities, taking into account the interests of
current and future generations. In particular
O. Bida, O. Shevchenko, & O. Kuchai (2018)
consider the reform of the educational sector as a
necessary condition of today, which makes
possible the use of innovative technologies in
higher education as one of the promising
directions of society's development. Scientists
clarified the meaning of the terms "pedagogical
technology" and "innovation"; the need and
importance of the introduction of innovative
technologies into the education of modern
society are shown, and the theoretical and
pragmatic importance and implementation of
"high technologies" is indicated. The study is
aimed at improving the professional training of
specialists using innovative technologies, which
scientists conditionally divide into groups
depending on the form of educational activity
appropriate for their use.
Recently, the problem of innovations in
education has been in the center of attention of
many researchers.
O. Polievikova, & Zh. Shurda (2019) proposed a
technology of innovative direction, which directs
interactive training of young people in pairs of
variable composition, which gives a person the
opportunity to become an individual and make
the student of education a formed value of
humanity, creating an atmosphere of cooperation
in the class, leads to interaction between the
teacher and the future specialist. Methodical tips
for the teacher and student are provided for
working in pairs of variable composition.
I. Dychkivska (2004) examines the multifaceted
and complex phenomenon of innovative activity;
the content of innovative activity includes
components of the interaction of personalities,
individualizes the educational process, directs it
to professional development, and the transition to
a qualitatively new state. Represents innovative
activity for combining various operations and
actions systematically and as the main type of
creative activity, directs it to the provision and
acquisition of innovative knowledge,
technologies, application and mastering of new
R. Hurevych (2014) showed the influence of
innovative technologies on the training of a
modern specialist, developed innovative
technologies for the educational sector, showed
the possibilities of applying innovative learning
technologies in the modern educational space of
higher education institutions, and the
possibilities of integrating the use of Internet
services, and proved the impact of innovative
technologies on the quality of training of a future
Scientists emphasize that the implementation of
informatization in the educational process and its
digitization allows the implementation of a new
format of education.
S. Sysoieva, & K. Osadcha (2019) analyzed
innovative technologies in institutions of higher
education; the modern innovative state of
distance learning was investigated; features of
distance learning technologies, and the
possibilities of using distance learning in higher
education institutions are shown.
M. Kyrychenko, & L. Serheieva (2018) present
different approaches to innovative scientific
developments, and innovative technologies in the
field of education, show the influence of
innovative technologies on the training of a
modern competitive specialist, highlight trends,
directions, technologies, conditions, and
principles of open education. in the analysis of
scientists, all aspects of the educational process
of the institution of higher education are
involved, because the modernity of the
educational field indicates the need for
significant innovative changes, unification of
specialists from different fields of knowledge, for
the existence of the open education movement;
objectivity is proven and the content of the
quality of higher education for education seekers,
employers, and society is presented.
O. Onats (2018), the managerial activity of the
head of a higher education institution was
investigated; features of management
technologies are highlighted; recommendations
were developed and the essence of the content of
innovative technologies for managerial activities
was shown; the areas of application of
management technologies are shown; proposed
standards developed for management
technologies in the field of economics and
business, which can be useful for higher
education institutions in the management process
to ensure the effectiveness of the educational
space on a global scale.
O. Chubukova, & I. Ponomarenko (2018)
reflected on the specifics, highlighted both the
newest and most significant technologies, as well
as common and distinctive features of virtual and
augmented reality; their necessity and
significance for the educational process, the
creation of appropriate products and their use by
companies is revealed.
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T. Desiatov (2020) made an analysis of the
content of the educational process and outlined
the ways of its modernization when using digital
content. Recommendations for the high-quality
implementation of innovative technologies are
offered, which enable students to leave contact
time to acquire knowledge, independently study
professional material, learn the practice of
knowledge, conduct subject discussions, acquire
practical skills, and improve laboratory practices.
System, scientifically based implementation
technology innovations in educational
institutions in both domestic and foreign
pedagogical innovations are not presented.
Effective methods of examination, selection and
monitoring of innovations are practically not
used. Issues of development remain
insufficiently covered innovative potential of
educational institutions, in particular, innovative
competence of teachers to implement
innovations. Mechanisms for forming innovative
missions, strategies, and the environment of
educational institutions require further
development and roles in these processes of
subjects of innovative activity. The difficulties
that pedagogical teams constantly face when
implementing innovations actualize the need for
scientific, methodological and informational
support innovations.
In view of the above, it can be stated that the
problem of high-quality training of future
specialists as a means of introducing innovative
teaching methods in the educational process of a
higher education institution is urgent and
requires its scientific and practical solution.
The purpose of the article. Consider innovative
educational technologies as a means of
improving higher education and show their
impact on the training of a modern competitive
To achieve the goal, the following research
methods were used: theoretical, analysis of
psychological, philosophical, scientific and
methodical pedagogical literature, foreign
authors and domestic scientists to determine the
categorical and conceptual apparatus of research,
analysis of programs, methodological materials,
training manuals, methodological
documentation; synthesis, generalization,
comparison, design, modeling, to determine the
structure and essence of innovative educational
technologies as a means of improving higher
education and showing their impact on the
training of a modern competitive specialist.
The essence of the study stems from the content
and nature of the professional training of a
modern competitive specialist with the help of
innovative educational technologies as a means
of improving higher education.
The research is based on the idea that the
fundamentalization of the educational space of
specialist training is considered the main
direction of improving the quality of professional
and general professional training of the future
specialist, its modernization, which contributes
to the development of a personality capable of
assimilating innovative knowledge, self-
education, self-study throughout life.
The implementation of such an idea in the
conditions of a higher education institution is
based on the following interconnected concepts:
methodological, theoretical, and methodical.
The methodological concept substantiates the
connection between the main methodological
approaches of professional training of a modern
competitive specialist with the help of innovative
educational technologies as a means of
improving higher education. In the context of
their potential opportunities, the main
approaches are used to develop and substantiate
the specified problem.
The systematic approach is applied with the aim
of professional training of a modern competitive
specialist with the help of innovative educational
technologies as a means of improving higher
education, the pedagogical system, since the
systematic approach involves consideration of all
elements of the system to each other: the theory
and paradigm of education, the methodology of
education, content, goals, organizational
systems, the learning process, the content of
The synergistic approach shows the idea of non-
linearity, openness, multivariate innovation
systems, self-realization, self-development, the
implementation of reproductive and
transformative innovation processes in
interaction with the educational innovation space
and all innovative educational systems. The
provisions of synergetic make it possible for the
entire educational space to single out the
regularities of the educational system, which are
subordinated to each other.
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
System-synergistic approach to the
innovativeness of education is a multivariate
style of thinking (conceptual and methodological
pluralism, the ambiguity of theoretical
constructions, a combination of abstract-logical,
rational, figurative-intuitive, irrational;
postulating chaos as a necessary innovative
moment of reality that realizes itself, arises; the
combination of knowledge innovativeness of the
external world in its innovative development
with internal knowledge.
From the standpoint of the activity approach,
which is extremely important for education,
innovativeness has the same structural elements
as the content of education: the experience of
cognitive activity fixed in the form of results; in
the form of the ability to make innovative
decisions in problem situations; in the form of the
ability to act according to the model, experience
in implementing innovative methods of activity;
experience of emotional relationships; in the
form of personal orientations, experience of
creative and innovative activity. Each previous
element is a prerequisite for the next one, so these
elements are interconnected.
The competency approach is the basis of
ensuring the professional training of a modern
competitive specialist with the help of innovative
educational technologies, considers general
professional competence as a dynamic integral
property of an individual, which reflects his
innovative attitude to fundamental and applied
disciplines, and considers the professional
quality training of a modern competitive
specialist with the help of innovative educational
technologies mainly in the improvement of
higher education.
The prognostic approach made it possible to
solve the tasks of innovative educational
technologies, improvement, modernization,
transformation, and pedagogical educational
innovation processes aimed at a promising
innovative future.
The personally-oriented approach was used for
the holistic study of the role of innovative
educational technologies as a means of
improving higher education and the joint
activities of the teacher and the learner, aimed at
the formation of the general and professional
culture and creative abilities of the personality of
a competitive specialist.
The information approach provides an
opportunity for the formation of innovative
orientation in the educational space, to operate
with innovative information based on the use of
modern innovative educational technologies as a
means of improving higher education,
information, and communication technologies
for the effective performance of professional
duties in accordance with market needs.
The theoretical concept provides an opportunity
to define and substantiate the leading concepts of
the study, including the organizational and
pedagogical principles of substantiating the
importance for the educational sector of
innovative educational technologies as a means
of improving higher education.
The methodological concept involves checking
the effectiveness of the system of introducing
innovative educational technologies into the
educational process as a means of improving
higher education.
Results and Discussion
The reason for educational reforms in the global
space is the development of innovative
educational technologies as a means of
improving higher education, which improves the
sector of the economy and turns education into
an innovative space. Following the market
principles of the economy, democratic values,
scientific and technical achievements in the
world by organizing the educational process,
updating the content of the educational field,
innovative, accelerated development of
education takes place (Slushnyi, 2021).
Innovative educational technologies ensure the
competitiveness of the institution of higher
education in the market of educational services
and create all the conditions for improving the
quality of education. By innovative educational
technologies, as a means of improving higher
education, we mean technologies created based
on innovations. Innovative educational
technology is a technology aimed at improving
the quality of education, thought out in every
detail, with the help of which the main
educational goals are achieved (Polishchuk et al.,
We will distinguish the levels of training of the
future specialist with innovative educational
first level existing education;
second level direct training in an
innovative educational environment, basic
courses, classes, master classes, modular
courses, seminars;
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
third level approbation of educational
results using innovative methods;
fourth level implementation of the results
of educational activities, using innovative
educational technologies (Strilets, 2015).
Innovative educational technologies are
classified by groups.
Digital technologies. They are used to create
digitization processes in society, digitalization of
the consciousness of future specialists, and
integration with informatics of subject industries
in a professional competitive aspect. With the
help of the introduction of digital technologies, a
radical restructuring of the educational process is
taking place, where computer software and
innovative tools are of primary importance in the
study of professional disciplines. This approach
forms the digital culture of a specialist, improves
educational motivation, increases the
productivity of a specialist in any field and the
results of education, and makes it mandatory to
include in the curriculum educational disciplines
aimed at mastering digital technologies. (Shuliak
et al., 2022)
Management of the quality of education and
information and analytical support of the
educational process. The use of such innovative
technology is the main means of monitoring,
general control of education seekers, the study of
the system of work of a higher education
institution, study of the state of teaching of
professional disciplines, etc.; objectively allows
to help in the development of each student,
educational institution, course, group (Kuchai &
Kuchai, 2019).
Personally oriented technologies put the
individual at the center of the educational system,
provide conflict-free, comfortable, safe
conditions for the educational process, contribute
to the development of education seekers and the
realization of human natural potential. With this
approach, Man is not a means of achieving the
proposed goal, but the main goal of a quality
education system (Kuchai, 2013).
Educational technologies. In modern educational
conditions, the training of a competitive
specialist is implemented in the form of
innovative educational technologies, and
additional forms of personality development:
participation in mass cultural events, self-
government, etc.
Monitoring of the intellectual development of the
individual. This innovative technology includes
quality diagnostics and analysis of the education
of each future specialist with the help of testing
and construction of graphs of the dynamics of the
success rate of education seekers (Puhach et al.,
Didactic technologies. Innovative educational
technologies as a means of improving higher
education are used in the implementation of
group work, independent work of students,
differentiated learning methods project
protection, didactic game, "consultant" system,
"small group" system, learning using audiovisual
technical means. Various combinations of
educational techniques are used to improve the
educational process (Vovk & Matvienko, 2020).
In the modern process of education, innovative
pedagogical methods are widely used. Their
basis is the maximum proximity to the real
professional activity of the future specialist,
interactivity: information technologies;
technologies of collective and group training;
"case method" technology; simulation
technologies; computer modeling; interactive
technologies; video training method;
technologies for processing debatable issues;
technologies of situational modeling; text-centric
learning technology; project technology;
differentiated learning technologies and others.
Innovative educational technologies are
considered to be: distance technologies, E-
Learning, and technologies of anticipatory
learning. Nowadays, the use of modern means of
communication is mandatory: chat rooms; e-
mail; websites; multimedia products; forums;
portals; video conferences and internet
broadcasts; electronic teaching aids; search
services for electronic encyclopedias, textbooks,
dictionaries, reference books, exercisers, photos,
blogs, documents, audio and video recordings,
etc. (Slushnyi, 2021).
In institutions of higher education, learning
technologies and innovative forms of
organization of the educational process are
inextricably linked with the creation of
innovative tools for the creative activity of
teachers and students (material and technical
support). Internet networks and computer classes
with wide access to the Internet have the main
importance in this approach (Artiomov et al.,
Innovative educational technologies that serve as
a mandatory improvement of higher education
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
electronic database on innovations in higher
generalization of the learned best
professional experience and its distribution
in the educational sphere on a domestic,
European, and global scale;
organization of works on the problems of
professional education: applied,
fundamental, educational, and methodical;
organization and holding of seminars,
conferences, and training courses for the
professional public from innovative
methods of teaching professional
Recently, hybrid courses have been used in
foreign educational institutions, which include a
combination of distance learning and face-to-
face learning. With this educational approach,
students independently study individual courses
in an electronic format, which does not exclude
direct contact between students and the teacher.
When integrating distance education into face-to-
face education, there is a new formulation of the
concept of "distance of the student from the
teacher", which emphasizes the pedagogical
aspect, not the physical phenomenon of distance.
With the help of distancing, there is an
opportunity to provide the student with
autonomy, which allows him to significantly
improve the organization of independent work.
In distance education, the information-analytical
system is an educational complex in which the
advantages of all forms of teaching educational
material are manifested a study guide and a
textbook for independent study of the material;
manuals for explaining the content of practical
classes, lecture notes; methods of innovative
direction; course design; laboratory work;
reference literature.
This process is provided by two subsystems:
1) an information system for analyzing the
degree of assimilation of professional
material and monitoring the entire
educational process;
2) applied programming and a multimedia
complex of theoretical material, laboratory
work, and practical classes for solving
problems in the educational field (Saukh,
Innovative educational technologies, in
particular, distance learning technology, are
relevant and necessary, require greater self-
organization, provide an opportunity to choose
their rhythm of education, provide students with
the opportunity to carry out high-quality
continuous independent work, provide
opportunities for self-expression, and form an
information culture among students. Such
technology improves the content of carrying out
and performing laboratory and practical tasks,
systematizes materials, provides an opportunity
at any convenient time to acquire knowledge in a
professional field, and improves professional
skills throughout life. Innovative technologies
contribute to education seekers in mobilizing
forces for interest during education; professional
orientation of the individual, formation of
creativity of education seekers; increase their
motivation to work; orient students to the
formation of their own methods of activity. Thus,
there are favorable circumstances in the
educational space for providing educational
programs with digital content (Desiatov, 2020).
We will identify the features and show the need
for innovative educational technologies to
improve higher education:
optimality: the ability to achieve educational
goals with the least expenditure of time,
effort, and resources;
modernity: constant improvement of the
content of the professional discipline,
striving for innovations, reducing the gap
between the latest achievements in
production and science;
scientificity: refusal to intuitively determine
the forms and methods of education, the
content of education, the implementation of
a fully comprehensive analysis of
educational achievements based on the latest
professional achievements in the scientific
field of knowledge;
integrality: synthesis of interdisciplinary
optimality of the material and technical base
of training;
reproduction of the educational process and
results of monitoring of the educational
programming activities for higher education
applicants and teachers;
comprehensive use of didactic teaching aids,
and modern technical developments, which
provide a possible activation of the
professional activity of those obtaining
higher education;
qualitative and quantitative monitoring of
education and assessment of learning
Innovative educational technologies have
advantages in higher education:
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the technology of modular-rating training
provides an opportunity to organize
independent educational activities for
education seekers to master the content of
technologies of scientific research, creative
and project activities contribute to the
inclusion of higher education students in
innovative types of active activities;
distance learning technologies, information
and communication technologies, problem-
based learning technology, and critical
thinking development technology allow
working in an innovative format with
various sources of information;
the technology of organizing a discussion,
the technology of moderating group work
orients to group interaction in the qualitative
innovative process of providing higher
reflexive learning technology, game
technologies, self-control technology,
portfolio technology, and self-education
technology create conditions for realizing
the subject position of education seekers;
the technology of analyzing specific
practical situations, the technology of
contextual learning, the technology of
organizing simulation games, and the
technology of the case method form a
coherent structure for the future innovative
professional activity of higher education
students (Dolhopol & Kirianova, 2021).
Experts of the New Media Consortium (Adams
et al., 2017) innovative technologies of artificial
intelligence, neural networks, and machine
learning to create perfect natural user interfaces
are of great importance for higher education.
Artificial intelligence directs all the innovative
potential for the development of online learning
and allows for improving the research processes
of software and adaptive learning, and as a result,
there is the possibility of obtaining intuitive
interaction with the learners of education.
Jenzabar and IBM SPSS with machine learning
functionality, is enterprise software that helps
interpret data to improve higher education
financial aid programs, reduce dropouts, and
predict future enrollment (Sysoieva & Osadcha,
Let's highlight the most important interrelated
functions of the teacher's innovative activity,
which contribute to the improvement of higher
analytical and evaluative;
orientational and prognostic;
communicative and stimulating;
informative and explanatory;
constructive and design.
The level of preparation of a specialist for
innovative professional activity in conditions of
continuous education with the help of innovative
educational technologies increases if the
following positions are provided:
development of a training program for an
innovative specialist, a theoretical model for
improving higher education;
consistent implementation of a set of
methods and forms of education to improve
the education of a student of higher
selection of a set of optimal innovative
methods and forms of organization of
professional activity in structural
subdivisions of the system of continuous
professional education;
constant adjustment of the learned
components of innovative activity with the
help of innovative educational technologies
to improve the education of competitive
specialists (Hrechanovska, 2019).
We justify 7 criteria of innovations in the
educational process:
1) novelty a method of innovative teaching,
which differs from usual practice in that it
surprises students and stimulates their
cognitive activity;
2) changes organizational changes of
adaptation, innovative forms of material
submission, which are temporary and
3) reflection intellectual, pedagogical, and
psychological reflection during self-
analysis, testing, and creativity;
4) application an element of the integration of
educational technologies into the general
educational process, which is related to
various levels and influences of educational
activity, to the educational discipline, to the
5) improvement qualitative motivation,
improvement of understanding of
educational information, success;
6) educational focus is not a technological
innovation, but a pedagogical innovation;
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
7) human relations the educational process of
a higher school includes personal and human
changes in the activities of students and
teachers (Walder, 2014).
The features of innovative education are of great
importance for the improvement of higher
education and, as a result, obtaining a
competitive specialist. They should be taken into
account when studying. Let's list them:
openness to the future of innovative higher
work on prediction and programming of
personality development;
concentration on a personally oriented
position, on human development;
partnership relations using innovative
educational technologies: mutual assistance,
co-creation, cooperation, etc.;
the mandatory presence of elements of
creativity in higher education;
the instability of the educational system, the
constant contradiction of the person himself
(Mynbayeva et al., 2018).
Systematic use of innovative educational
technologies by teachers to improve higher
education is a requirement of today. The more
teaching methods and educational strategies a
teacher possesses, the better he motivates the
cognitive activity of the learner, the more
diverse, interesting, and effective he conducts
classes, encourages solving non-standard tasks
and situations, promotes sustainable assimilation
of innovative professional technologies, practical
activities, and in-depth learning. A competitive
specialist constantly improves his didactic skills,
develops innovative strategies, and chooses new
innovative technologies, and teaching methods
(Vinnyk, 2021).
Let's consider the main trends in the field of
educational innovative technologies, which are
necessary for high-quality training of the student
of education:
1) e-learning, which requires online
educational platforms for synchronous, live
streaming, real-time or group meetings using
Microsoft Teams or Zoom, or using
asynchronous recorded educational methods
with a wide range of digital features and
2) education through video learning:
availability of innovative material through
animated videos, and digital displays;
3) blockchain data storage technology, used
in open mass online courses (MOOC) and
portfolios to monitor the quality of the
educational process, check the skills and
knowledge of education seekers, allow
solving problems of scale, authentication,
cost of e-learning and can help students
education at the job search stage to publish
and present their achievements;
4) artificial intelligence can automate the main
types of activities in the field of education,
such as counseling students, evaluation,
providing feedback between students and
teachers, monitoring the quality of
education, and preventing crisis problems in
5) big data will become bigger for the
personalization of the educational process
and meeting the needs of education seekers
through the expansion of information on the
enrollment of education seekers, course
topics, success, and monitoring of students
(course completion time, test result,
completion), and feedback of education
seekers (survey, rating);
6) educational analytics helps teachers to
analyze and measure the educational results
of students to optimize quality education: to
determine the popularity of educational
information (images, text, videos,
infographics) among students; to find out the
main fragments of educational information
that need to be systematized and repeated, to
single out students of higher education who,
due to behavioral or academic problems,
require additional attention;
7) STEAM a trend that applies technological,
scientific, artistic (new element),
engineering, and mathematical content to
real solutions to educational problems with
the help of creative design and practical
classes; enables students of higher education
to better cooperate with other people, show
greater interest in the world around them,
implement their ideas and express their
opinions by thinking outside the box;
8) gamification allows higher education
students to study and practice in game
professional situations;
9) virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality
(AR) learning facilitates the explanation of
complex concepts that, even in the
laboratory, cannot be demonstrated to higher
education students by simple images or
hands-on experiments;
10) social networks with the help of innovative
educational technologies are used in
education as a means of distribution of
educational videos, exchange of educational
materials, communication, and discussions
(Bui, 2020).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The Internet and digital technologies
significantly affect higher education, which leads
to significant changes in all areas from teaching
and learning to management of the educational
process, from the development of educational
programs to personnel support
(Stratan-Artyshkova et al., 2022).
Studies prove the effectiveness of modernization
and renewal of the educational sector in the
context of the introduction of innovative
educational technologies as a means of
improving higher education, meeting the
professional needs of modern education seekers,
and spreading innovative educational practices.
The University of the Future is a hybrid, flexible
educational environment that harmoniously
combines both tradition and innovation,
effectively and quickly adapting to trends and
innovative changes. Blockchain, video learning,
e-learning, big data, educational analytics,
artificial intelligence, gamification, social
networks, and virtual and augmented reality are
relevant trends in the field of innovative
educational technologies for higher education.
The introduction of innovative educational
technologies into the educational process creates
the necessary conditions for the attractiveness,
flexibility, contextuality, intellectuality, and
distribution of higher education (Vinnyk, 2021).
Innovative educational technologies ensure the
competitiveness of the institution of higher
education in the market of educational services
and create all the conditions for improving the
quality of education. Innovative educational
technologies are considered as a means of
improving higher education and their influence
on the training of a modern competitive specialist
is shown.
The levels of training of the future specialist with
innovative educational means are highlighted.
The classification of innovative educational
technologies was carried out. In the modern
world, hybrid courses are used, which include a
form of a combination of distance learning and
face-to-face learning. With the help of
distancing, there is an opportunity to provide the
student with autonomy, which allows him to
significantly improve the organization of
independent work. This process is provided by
the subsystems disclosed in the article.
The features are identified and the necessity of
innovative educational technologies for the
improvement of higher education is shown.
Innovative educational technologies have
advantages in higher education. The
interconnected functions of the teacher's
innovative activity, which contribute to the
improvement of higher education, are
The level of preparation of a specialist for
innovative professional activity in the conditions
of continuous education with the help of
innovative educational technologies increases if
the proposed positions presented in the article are
7 criteria of innovation in the educational process
are identified and substantiated.
The features of innovative training are listed,
which are of great importance for the
improvement of higher education and, as a result,
obtaining a competitive specialist. They should
be taken into account when studying.
The main trends in the field of educational
innovative technologies, which are necessary for
the high-quality training of the student of
education, are considered.
Further research will be aimed at revealing the
features of the application of hybrid courses,
which include a form of a combination of
distance learning and face-to-face learning.
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