Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.68.08.1
How to Cite:
Alam, F. (2023). Human Capital and Economic Growth in India: The ARDL Approach. Amazonia Investiga, 12(68), 9-20.
Human Capital and Economic Growth in India: The ARDL Approach
:  ARDL
Received: January 16, 2023 Accepted: March 30, 2023
Written by:
Fakhre Alam1
We used time series data on variables, real GDP,
physical capital stock and human capital index of
India to examine the relationship between these
three variables oyer the period 1972-2019. The
auto-regressive distributed lag (ARDL) model
and the bound test of co-integration reveal that
physical capital stock, human capital index and
GDP are co-integrated only when GDP is used as
the dependent variable. Moreover, the negative
and statistically significant value of the
coefficient of adjustment in the error correction
model further reinforces that there is a long-run
relationship between these variables. This long-
run relationship also reveals that both physical
capital stock and the human capital index
positively impact GDP growth in India. Growth
in the human capital index is not found to be
dependent on either GDP or physical capital
stock. Since the human capital index is
constructed based on years of schooling and
returns to education, we infer from it that
education stimulates economic growth in India.
Hence, India has reaped the benefits in the form
of economic growth by adopting the policy of
free and compulsory education for its populace.
Keywords: Human Capital, Physical Capital,
Economic Growth, ARDL Model, Bound Test.
The economic growth of a nation hinges on its growth of the stock of physical, and human capital and the
level of technology it uses in the production of goods and services. Growth in physical capital stock is
generally considered an important determinant of economic growth but the growth theories predict that
long-run sustained growth is not possible only through capital accumulation. The modern endogenous
growth theories rely on human capital growth for long-run sustained growth in a country. Endogenous
growth theorists consider knowledge, education, research and development as the key drivers of
technological changes that sustain growth in a country.
1 PhD in Economics, Assistant Professor of Economics, Department of Economics & Finance, College of Business Administration,
, Saudi Arabia.
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The attributes of workers that can potentially enhance their productivity in any productive activity are called
human capital. Workers accumulate these attributes mostly through investments. Becker (1965) and Mincer
(1984) developed the early human capital theories. These theories explain the role of human capital in the
production process and the incentives to invest in skills, in the form of schooling, on-the-job investments,
and training. Their analysis emphasizes the productivity-enhancing role of human capital.
Schultz (1961) and Nelson & Phelps (1966) provided an alternative perspective on human capital.
According to their perspectives, the main role of human capital is not to enhance productivity in current
tasks, but to help workers cope with changes, disruptions and especially the adoption of new technologies.
Nelson and Phelps's (1966) perspectives on the role of human capital are significant in many cases. For
instance, a number of empirical evidence suggests that more educated farmers are more likely to adopt new
technologies and seeds (Foster & Rosenzweig, 1996).
This literature found a stronger correlation between economic growth and levels of human capital than
between economic growth and changes in human capital. Benhabib and Spiegel (1994) suggest that this
may be for the reason that the most important role of human capital is not to increase the productive capacity
in current activities but to facilitate the adoption of new technology.
Human capital represents people's investment in acquiring skills, education and training that raise their
productivity. The theory that explains the economic behaviour of people towards the acquisition of
education and training as an investment is called human capital theory. Human capital theories given by
Schultz (1971), Sakamota & Powers (1995), and Psacharopoulos & Woodhall (1985) are founded on the
premise that education plays a key role and is essential for improving the productive efficiency of people
engaged in economic activities.
Nelson & Phelps (1966) and Benhabib & Spiegal (1994) observed that labour force with more education
has the ability to make innovations faster. Lucas (1988) and Mankiw et al., (1992) found that the increase
in human capital enhances the productivity of other factor inputs which raises economic growth. Their
models explain that the rate of economic growth depends on the rate of human capital accumulation.
Narayan & Smith (2004) found that human capital, income and export are co-integrated when export is
used as a dependent variable, but they are not co-integrated when human capital or income is used as a
dependent variable.
Thus, in economic growth literature, both bi-directional and unidirectional causality is suggested between
human capital and economic growth.
The neoclassical growth models brought the role of technology into prominence for long-run economic
growth. However, since the technology is assumed to be exogenous, they do not explain the mechanism
through which technological change takes place in an economy.
In contrast to neoclassical growth models, the endogenous growth models put forward some explanations
for technological change which is thought to be the key to long-run economic growth in a country.
Intellectual property rights, scale and quality of research and education are the most important factors which
cause technological changes. Scientific research and education are complements and reinforce each other.
They are fountainheads of all types of innovations in a country. For a country with a large educated
population base, it is much easier to learn, disseminate and adopt any new knowledge or innovation. India
is one of the few countries which have successfully developed a big educated population base by adopting
the policy of free and compulsory education for all children till the age of 14.
Hence, we aim to analyze if India has reaped the benefits of high economic growth from the policy of
expanding education by providing free and compulsory education to its populace.
The primary objective of this article is to test causal relationships between physical capital, human capital
and real GDP by applying the bond test of co-integration and the model of error correction using time series
data for India from 1972 to 2019. The article makes some unique contributions to the strand of existing
empirical literature linking physical capital, human capital and real GDP. This research endeavour is
expected to further the understanding of the nature of this relationship and assist in policy-making and its
Alam, F. / Volume 12 - Issue 68: 9-20 / August, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Firstly, it uses the modern econometric technique of the ARDL bound testing model developed by Pesaran
& Shin (1999) and Pesaran et al., (2001) to examine the long-run relationship among the above three
variables. Secondly, it uses the Penn World Table data on the human capital index which is much broader
than any other measure of it, as a substitute for human capital. Finally, it uses time series observations
which are long enough to validate the estimated parameters.
The remaining article is organized as follows. In section 2, we discuss the theoretical underpinning and
empirical evidence related to the estimated models and discuss the relationship among the above three
variables. In section 3, we describe the variables included and how they have been constructed, the data
sources for these variables and the econometric methods of data analysis adopted. Section 4 covers results
and discussion. Finally, we conclude the paper in section 5.
Literature Review
The Solow (1956) model is the principal model to understand the long-run economic growth and cross-
country variations in income. The production function in this model is expressed as Yt =At F (Kt, Nt) where
At is an exogenous variable that measures productivity and Kt and Nt denote capital stock and labour force
respectively in period t. This production function is believed to show diminishing marginal product to each
factor input but constant returns to scale. The model also assumes perfect competition in the input market.
Given the above-mentioned properties of production function together with Solow's (1956) model
assumptions predicts a positive relationship between capital and output per worker and between
technological change and output per worker. However, the sustained increase in output per worker is
determined only by exogenous technological growth. Thus, in the neoclassical growth model, the
government or policymakers have no role to play in promoting long-run growth.
Lucas (1988) and Loening (2004) highlighted the role of human capital as an independent factor of
production in their endogenous growth models. Mankiw et al., (1992) used the modified Solow model to
directly incorporate human capital, in production functions and emphasized the need to adjust the labour
force for all types of qualitative changes as in the course of time they acquire and embody the human capital
with them.
The neoclassical growth models assume that productivity rises entirely exogenously and is not caused by
any factor included in the model. The fact is that endogenous growth models are also based on the assumed
growth relationships. However, as compared to neoclassical growth models, endogenous growth theories
propose a mechanism within the model that gives rise to returns to scale which can potentially outweigh
the diminishing marginal product. Thus, productivity may be assumed to be dependent on even size of
capital per worker. The increasing returns to scale might be realized by a firm as people learn collectively
from the experience gained through learning by doing as new capital is added (Arrow, 1962). In the same
way as the accumulation of capital has the potential to increase productivity, growth in inputs like human
capital, skills and technical knowledge can trigger a rise in productivity and cause sustained long-run
growth by generating increasing returns to scale.
One of the earliest studies on the connection between education and economic growth is by Lucas (1988).
He proposed that the development of human capital, which is dependent on the amount of time people
devote to learning new skills, is essential for economic growth. Rebelo (1991) expanded this concept by
endogenous growth model makes the assumption that new ideas are results of human capital, which takes
the form of knowledge. Investment in human capital therefore enhances physical capital, which in turn
spurs economic growth. Benhabib & Spiegel (1994) identified human capital development as a source of
economic progress.
Human capital, according to Mincer (1984), is essential for a nation to experience sustained economic
growth and development since it is both the cause and the impact of growth and development. The Granger
causality test was used by De Meulemeester & Rochat (1995) to determine whether there was a connection
between higher education enrollments and economic growth in six nations (Australia, France, Italy, Japan,
Sweden, and the United Kingdom) for various time periods between the year1885 and 1987. They
discovered a short-run unidirectional causal relationship between higher education enrollment and
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economic growth in France, the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Japan as well as a bidirectional relationship
in Italy and Australia.
Bils & Klenow (2000) also addressed the relationship between the above two variables and found that, in
the cross-country correlation, the causal impact of education on economic growth is as strong as the reverse
causation from economic growth to the acquisition of education. A uni-directional connection from
education to economic growth in India was discovered by Pradham (2009) using annual data from year
1951 to 2002 and the error-correction modelling technique.
However, several studies (In & Doucouliagos, 1997; Asteriou & Agiomirgianakis, 2001; Bo-nai &
Xiong-Xiang, 2006) also presented empirical evidence in support of a bi-directional correlation between
education and economic growth.
In both Pakistan and India, Abbas (2000) discovered a large and positive correlation between human and
material capital. Using the impulse response function, Haldar & Mallik (2010) discovered that investments
in education had a positive and statistically significant influence on investments in health and increase GNP
per capita. Tamura (2006) discovered that the young adult death rate was favourably correlated with the
fertility rate, and adversely correlated with both education level and rate of return from education.
Hanushek (2013) contends that raising educational standards help emerging countries prosper economically
over the long term. According to Zang & Lihuan (2011), postsecondary education is more crucial for
boosting China's economic growth than primary or secondary education.
An extensive data set on regional human capital and other characteristics from the 19th and 20th centuries
was investigated by Diebolt & Hippe (2019), who discovered that historical regional human capital was a
significant factor in explaining current regional differences in innovation and economic development. As a
result, unidirectional as well as bidirectional interactions between y, pc, and hc are suggested by economic
theories and empirical evidence.
The time series data on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at constant 2011 national prices (in mil. 2011 US$),
Physical Capital (PC) stock at constant 2011 national prices (in mil. 2011 US$), and Human Capital (HC)
index, based on years of schooling and returns to education for the period 1972-2019, are analyzed in this
article. Each of these three variables was transformed into the natural log and denoted by the letters y, pc,
and hc, respectively. The data on all of the aforementioned variables were compiled from the Penn World
Tables, version 10.01 (Feenstra et al., 2015).
In order to test the long-term associations between y, pc, and hc, a three-step technique is used. Each
variable is subjected to the Dickey-Fuller unit root test in the first stage. After estimating the auto-regressive
distributed lag (ARDL) model, we perform the bound test of co-integration if the variables are integrated
of a different order, but no variable is integrated of order two provided that they are also co-integrated. For
the purpose of confirming the equilibrating relationships between them, we additionally estimate the ARDL
error correction model (ECM). We, thereafter, use a variety of model adequacy tests.
To perform the bounds test of co-integration among the variables y, pc and hc, the conditional ARDL error
correction model involving variables y, pc and hc are specified as follows:
   
  
  
   
  (1)
   
  
  
   
  (2)
   
  
  
   
  (3)
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
H0: ==  (where j=1, 2, 3)
H1:   0
Here, y is the log of real GDP, pc is the log of real physical capital stock, and hc is the human capital index.
is the first difference operator. For evaluating the significance of the lagged values of the variables, the
F-test is used to examine long-run links between the variables. If a long-run association between the
variables is present, the F-test identifies which variable needs to be normalized.
Based on the literature review and previous empirical research findings, we examine three different
relationships, the first one with y as a dependent variable, the second one with pc as a dependent variable
and the third one with hc as a dependent variable as follows:
yt = f1(pct , hct) (4)
pct = f2(yt , hct) (5)
hct = f2(yt , pct) (6)
If the cointegration test suggests two cointegrating equations, we apply the vector error correction model
to test the validity of these long-run relationships. Alternatively, the ARDL model will be applied if a single
cointegrating equation is found with y as a dependent variable. Moreover, we also estimate the ARDL error
correction model (ECM) which is specified below for checking the validity of the underlying long-run
   
  
  
   (7)
Toda and Yamamoto Test of Causality
We estimate the Toda & Yamamoto (1995) test of causality between variables if they are cointegrated based
on the aforementioned relationships. The extended VAR model, which serves as the foundation for this
test, is defined as follows:
 
  
  
  
  
 
   (8)
  
  
  
  
  
 
   (9)
  
  
  
  
  
 
   (10)
where dmax is the maximum order of integration of a variable among all the variables.
Results and Discussion
Stationarity & Unit Root Test
Augmented Dickey-Fuller (Dickey & Fuller, 1979) and KPSS (Kwiatkowski et al., 1992) unit root tests are
applied on the time series data of each variable. Both the tests show that only y is stationary at the first
difference while the other two variables are not stationary at either level or the first difference (table 1).
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Table 1.
Conventional Stationarity Test
ADF Test Statistic
KPSS Test Statistic
Constant & Trend
Constant & Trend
0.25934 [0]
-1.72430 [1]
-2.45066 [1]
-2.182730 [1]
-2.24624 [0]
* Shows level of significance at 1% and ** at 5%.
However, all the three variables are found to be stationary at the first difference when we apply
Zivot-Andrews (Zivot & Andrews, 1992) unit root test allowing for one break in both intercept & trend.
Hence, we find that the ARDL modelling is appropriate for examining a long-run relationships between
these variables (Table 2).
Table 2.
Zivot-Andrew Unit Root Test Allowing for One Break in Intercept & Trend
Intercept & Trend
*& ** denote the level of significance at 1%. & 5% respectively. Lags selected by the BCI criterion are
given in the brackets.
Cointegration Analysis
For applying the ARDL model, variables must be integrated maximum of order 1. We applied Augmented
Dickey Fuller test on each variable for ascertaining the order of integration of each variable. The results
show that each of series pc and hc is I(0) but y is I(1). Therefore, we proceed to next step for applying
ARDL model involving the above three variables.
Under the second step, we apply bounds test on each of y, pc and hc with separately y and pc as a dependent
variable for checking the presence of co-integration among the variables. The results of bounds test with F-
statistic reveal that there is co-integration among the variables only when y is used as a dependent variable.
The F-statistic value of 7.43961 with y as the dependent variable is higher than the 5% I(1) critical bound.
Because y is the dependent variable, the null hypothesis that there is no long-run link between y, pc, and hc
is rejected. The F-statistic value of 3.85872 with pc as the dependent variable is below the 5% I(0) critical
bound. Since pc is the dependent variable, we could not reject the null hypothesis that there is no long-term
link between y, pc, and hc. Similar to this, the value of F-statistic 2.99925 with hc as the dependent variable
is below the 5% I(0) critical bound. As a result, the test does not successfully refute the null hypothesis that
there is no long-term link between the three variables (Table 3).
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 3.
The F-Bounds Test of Co-integration with Unrestricted Constant and Restricted Trend
Null Hypothesis: There is No Level Relationships
Estimate Error Correction
Estimate ARDL short-run
Estimate ARDL short-run
Results of the ARDL Error Correction Model
For checking the validity of the ARDL model involving co-integrated variables, we estimate the ARDL
(8, 4, 8) Error Correction model and apply the diagnostics check for the model adequacy. Table 4 displays
the outcomes of the error correction model. For the confirmation of a long-run relationship between the
three variables y, pc, and hc with y as the dependent variable, the value of the Error Correction Term (ECTt-
1) coefficient in equation (7) must be negative and significant (Table 4).
The value of coefficient of the error correction is -0.99210 which is negative as expected and also
statistically significant at 1%. Moreover, the absolute value of it is very close to 1. Hence, the results of the
estimated Error Correction Model validate the long-run relationship among these three variables (Table 4).
It is advisable to look at the rate of adjustment in the ARDL model. In the table below, CointEq(-1) is used
to represent the Error Correction Term (ECT), and its coefficient is -0.99210. It is negative and statistically
significant at 1%. It implies that about 99.2% of the deviation from the long-run relationship is corrected
within a period of one year. Further, the large value -5.91692 of t-statistic of this coefficient is significant
at 1% (Table 4).
Table 4.
ARDL (8, 4, 8) Error Correction Regression with Restricted Constant and No Trend
Std. Error
Adjusted R-squared
Durbin-Watson stat
*Denotes level of significance at 1%.
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The table below shows the findings of the long-term associations between the three variables. The pc and
hc coefficients are positive as predicted and significant at 1%. As a result, pc and hc have a positive
relationship with y. To put it another way, increasing physical and human capital has a favourable effect
on economic growth (Table 5).
Table 5.
Levels Equation with y as Dependent variable (Model with Restricted Constant and no Trend)
Std. Error
*Denotes significance at 1%.
The Diagnostic Check
First, we check to see if the model's residuals are homoscedastic and serially uncorrelated. To determine
whether the model's residuals are serially uncorrelated, we perform the Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation
LM Test. The null hypothesis of no serial connection is not rejected by the F-statistic's p-value of 0.4579.
As a result, Table 6 shows that the errors are serially uncorrelated (Table 6).
Table 6.
Results of the Diagnostic Checks
Type of Test
Test Statistic
Specification test Ramsey RESET (1) Ramsey RESET (2)
F-statistic Likelihood ratio F-statistic Likelihood ratio
1.20647 2.90787 1.17253 5.81034
(1, 16) 1 (2, 15) 2
0.2883 0.0881 0.3364 0.0547
Normality test
Breusch-Godfrey Serial
Correlation LM Test
F-statistic Obs*R-squared
0.82068 3.94528
(2, 15) 2
0.4579 0.1391
Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey Test of
F-statistic Obs*R-squared
0.76957 19.9590
(22, 17) 22
0.7218 0.5856
Similarly, we use the Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey test of heteroskedasticity to see if there is heteroskedasticity
in the residuals. That the errors are homoscedastic serves as the test's null hypothesis. The F-statistic has a
value of 1.67301 and a corresponding p-value of 0.7218, neither of which even slightly rejects the null
hypothesis. As a result, Table 6 shows that the residuals are homoscedastic.
We apply the Jarque-Bera test of normality on the residuals. Ede3r The value of the Jarque-Bera test
statistic is 3.22171 which does not reject the null that the errors are normally distributed at 5% level of
significance (Table 6).
For evaluating the stability of the model, we used the CUSUM test, which is based on the cumulative sum
of the recursive residuals. It displays cumulative sum plots with 5% critical lines. If the graph of the
cumulative total passes any of the two critical lines, this test shows parameter instability. The 5%
significance lines are not crossed by the blue line graph. Hence, the model is found to be stable (Figure 1).
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
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32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
CUSUM 5% Significance
Figure 1. CUSUM Test of Model Stability
Similarly, CUSUM of Squares test of model stability also reveals model stability as the middle blue line
graph remains well within the 5% significance lines (Figure 2).
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
CUSUM of Squares 5% Significance
Figure 2. CUSUM of Squares Test of Model Stability
Thus, we discover a long-run unidirectional relationships among y, pc and hc. Both pc and hc have a
positive and significant effects on y. Besides factor accumulation through raising saving rate, increases in
total factor productivity, driven by, among others, knowledge and technology transfers due to trade
it. However, our findings are not in agreement with the endogenous model of growth of Romer (1990)
which argues that investments in human capital encourage growth in physical capital and boost economic
growth. Our findings show that investments in human capital stimulate economic growth however its
inverse is not true against the assertion of Mincer (1984) who argues that human capital is both cause and
effect of economic growth and development. Bils & Klenow (2000) examined the causality and suggested
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that the causation from economic growth to acquisition of education and that from education to economic
growth are equally important in the cross-country association. Some other studies (In & Doucouliagos,
1997; Asteriou & Agiomirgianakis, 2001; Bo-nai & Xiong-Xiang, 2006), however, found evidence in
support of a bi-directional relationships between economic growth and human capital.
Toda and Yamamoto Causality Test
We run the VAR model for choosing the best lags using the lag order selection criteria before performing
this causality test. The majority of the lag selection criteria (Table 7) advise including 3 lags. The VAR (3)
model is augmented by the highest level of integration discovered between the variables for this causality
test. Hence, we estimate an expanded VAR (4) model by adding lags equal to the maximum order of
integration to each variable for the Toda & Yamamoto (1995) test of causality (Table 8).
Table 7.
VAR Lag Order Selection Criteria
* Indicates lag order selected by a criterion.
Table 8.
Results of Toda & Yamamoto (1995) Causality Test
hc does not Granger-cause y
Causality from hc to y
pc does not Granger-cause y
Causality from pc to y
y does not Granger-cause hc
No causality from y to hc
pc does not Granger-cause hc
No causality from pc to hc
y does not Granger-cause pc
No causality from y to pc
hc does not Granger-cause pc
No causality from hc to pc
*and **** show level of significance at 1% and 10% respectively.
Time series data on three variables namely, real GDP, physical capital stock and human capital index for
India over the period 1972-2019 were used for examining the relationships among them. The
Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model was chosen after applying the various stationary tests. The
ARDL model combined with the bound test of co-integration confirm that physical capital stock, human
capital index and GDP are co-integrated only when GDP is used as a dependent variable. Additionally, the
error correction model within the ARDL model's framework's negative and statistically significant value of
the adjustment coefficient further substantiates the validity of the long-run relationship between the
aforementioned variables with GDP as the dependent variable. Toda & Yamamoto (1995) causality test
accounting for the maximum order of integration also reveals that the causality runs from both physical
capital stock and human capital index towards the real GDP in India over the period 1972-2019. The reverse
causality is not found either from GDP to human capital index or from GDP to physical capital stock. Since,
human capital index is constructed by including years of schooling and returns to education, we infer that
education has been stimulating economic growth in India during the period 1972-2019. Hence, India has
reaped the benefits of high economic growth from expanding education by adopting the policy of free and
compulsory education for its populace.
Volume 12 - Issue 68
/ August 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
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