www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.67.07.32
How to Cite:
Iastremska, O., Feshchur, I., Lysytsia, N., Martynenko, M., & Losheniuk, O. (2023). Social Media Marketing as a tool for
promoting services and goods on the internet. Amazonia Investiga, 12(67), 374-382. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.67.07.32
Social Media Marketing as a tool for promoting services and goods on
the internet
Social Media Marketing como herramienta de promoción de servicios y bienes en Internet
Received: May 29, 2023 Accepted: July 8, 2023
Written by:
Olesia Iastremska1
Iryna Feshchur2
Nadiia Lysytsia3
Maryna Martynenko4
Oksana Losheniuk5
This article provides an in-depth analysis of the role
of social media as a powerful tool for promoting
services and goods on the Internet in the conditions
of impressions economy. The authors take a closer
look at the role of social media in marketing
strategies, its impact on consumers, and the
effectiveness of campaigns. The main purpose of
the article is to explore various strategies, tactics,
and success factors of using social media to support
a brand, engage the audience and increase sales.
Analyzing various social media marketing
strategies, the authors of the article emphasize the
importance of creating interesting and meaningful
content and engaging with the audience. It reveals
the importance of creating a brand identity and
supporting it through social media channels. The
article also examines the impact of social media on
customer purchase, conversion, and loyalty.
Among the key success factors of social media
marketing, the article identifies the choice of the
right platforms, measuring performance,
establishing effective interaction with the audience,
and analyzing the competitive environment. The
authors emphasize the need to combine traditional
Ph.D.in Economics, Associated Professor of the department Management and Business, Faculty Management and Marketing, Simon
Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Ph.D.in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, Faculty of Economics, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv,
Lviv, Ukraine.
DSc (Sociology), Professor, Department of Marketing, Faculty of Management and Marketing, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National
University of Economics, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
DSc (Economics), Professor of the Department of Management, Logistics and Innovations, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National
University of Economics, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Ph.D.in Economics, Associate Professor, Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv University of Trade and Economics,
Chernivtsi, Ukraine.
Iastremska, O., Feshchur, I., Lysytsia, N., Martynenko, M., Losheniuk, O. / Volume 12 - Issue 67: 374-382 / July, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
and digital marketing strategies to achieve the best
This article is a valuable resource for marketers,
entrepreneurs, and marketing professionals looking
to increase their online presence and use social
media to successfully promote their products and
services, taking into account impressions of market
subjects. The article provides important tips,
strategies, and examples of successful campaigns
that contribute to achieving greater success in
digital marketing through social media.
Keywords: marketing strategies, impressions
economy, digital economy, digital environment,
business, innovation.
The relevance of this topic is due to the rapid
development of technology and the growing
popularity of the Internet, especially in the
conditions of the impression economy. Today,
social networks serve not only as a platform for
personal communication but are also becoming
an important marketing tool. One of the key
elements of web marketing is the promotion of
goods, services and the company's brand using
innovative approaches. One of them is the use of
social media to increase audience reach, increase
brand loyalty and awareness, and use indirect
advertising. Social media marketing (SMM) can
be viewed as the process of driving traffic or
attracting attention to a brand or product through
a set of activities that use social media as
channels to promote companies and achieve
other business goals. Researchers perceive this
concept as a process of building a loyal audience
on social media by publishing useful information
and interacting with potential consumers
(Sivarajah, Irani, Gupta & Mahroof, 2020).
The main components of web marketing, as well
as other forms of promotion, are:
1. Product or service that needs to be marketed
through social media.
2. An offer that reflects the unique
characteristics of the product or service
being promoted and can have a beneficial
effect for a potential client.
3. Target audience - a group of potential
customers to whom the offer is directed.
4. Conversion - the process of turning social
media visitors into your customers, which
takes place through social media.
5. Promotion - methods, forms, and strategies
that are planned to be used to interact with
the target audience to achieve maximum
conversion (El Junusi, 2020).
Internet marketing is an economical and
accessible means of achieving marketing goals.
The use of social media in the conditions of
impressions economy (SMM) is based on
principles that stem from the rapid growth of the
user audience (Dykan, Pakharenko, Saienko,
Skomorovskyi & Neskuba, 2021). These
principles include:
1. Low cost, which makes online marketing
affordable for many companies.
2. Flexible advertising payment systems that
allow you to effectively place ads.
3. Targeted targeting, which makes it possible
to fine-tune advertising to a specific
4. Quickly change the content of advertising
messages to adapt to the changing needs and
requirements of consumers.
5. Technical capabilities for using visual and
audio elements in the presentation of
6. Accurate tools for measuring the
effectiveness of advertising campaigns and
collecting statistics.
7. Ensuring two-way online communication
between advertiser and consumer.
8. Cost-effectiveness, which contributes to the
growth of the popularity of marketing
campaigns in social networks.
9. Attracting user interest and increasing
demand for a product or service.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
10. Development of the market of providers and
services related to Internet marketing.
11. Increasing the youth audience and access to
broadband Internet.
One of the features of promoting business
through social media is the ability to
communicate directly with the audience, which
allows you to track their reactions in real-time.
Daily contact with social media users has a
significant beneficial effect, as they are willing to
share information and spread brand messages.
This helps to increase the activity of the
audience, both online and offline, in relation to
the company's product on social media.
However, it should be noted that although social
media marketing has received considerable
attention and recognition, there is a need for
further research into some aspects. For example,
more research is needed on the effectiveness of
different social media marketing strategies and
their impact on different types of businesses and
audiences. It is also important to study the role of
online personalities (influencers) in social media
and their impact on consumer awareness and
purchasing decisions. Further research in these
areas can broaden the understanding of social
media marketing, contribute to the development
of more effective strategies and identify new
opportunities to improve the effectiveness of
social media marketing campaigns.
The purpose of the article is to study the role of
social media in the modern marketing
environment and determine its importance as an
effective tool for promoting goods and services
in the online environment in the conditions of
impressions economy. The article aims to
explore various strategies, tactics, and key
success factors for using social media to support
a brand, engage an audience and increase sales.
Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
The article by Martynenko, Losheniuk,
Demchenko, & Osypenko, (2023), reveals the
development and implementation of future
digital marketing strategies to improve the
quality of a product or service and
competitiveness in the market. The study
emphasizes the need to adapt to changes in the
marketing environment and use innovative
digital approaches to improve the effectiveness
of marketing strategies. The article offers a study
of the prospects for the development of digital
marketing strategies and practical methods to
ensure the success of future campaigns.
Karapetov, & Rakhimov (2021), discusses future
trends in the field of event marketing in the
context of economic instability. The study
emphasizes the importance of adapting event
marketing strategies to changes in the social and
economic environment, which requires
specialists to find new approaches and tools. The
article analyzes the predicted impact of economic
factors on future effective event marketing
strategies and recommends ways to improve their
Drummond, O'Toole, and McGrath (2020)
explore the various strategies and tactics used on
social media to promote goods and services.
They identify the main factors that influence the
effectiveness of social media marketing
Ampountolas, Shaw & James (2019) examine the
role of social media as a distribution channel for
promoting pricing strategies. They analyze the
impact of social media on price perception,
consumer behavior, and competitive advantage.
Ebrahim (2020) examines the impact of social
media marketing on brand equity and consumer
loyalty. He highlights the role of trust in the
effectiveness of social media marketing
strategies and their impact on creating positive
brand attitudes and consumer loyalty.
For this study, it is worth mentioning the work of
Dolega, L., Rowe, F., & Branagan, E. (2021),
which explores the impact of social media
marketing on web traffic, orders, and sales in
retail. The authors draw attention to the
importance of digital communication channels
for achieving sales results and identify the
connection between social media activity and
retail website metrics.
The article by Maria, Pusriadi, Hakim, & Darma
(2019), investigates the impact of social media
marketing, peer-to-peer, and advertising
effectiveness on consumer brand awareness and
purchase intentions. The study shows that the use
of social media in conjunction with peer-to-peer
and effective advertising increases brand
awareness and purchase intentions.
Melović, Jocović, Dabić, Vulić, & Dudic (2020)
examined the impact of digital transformation
and digital marketing on brand promotion,
positioning, and development of the network
business in general. The study shows that the use
of digital technologies in marketing helps to
improve brand promotion in the market.
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
One of the most important unexplored issues in
the scientific community is the study of the
impact of interactive content on social media on
consumer acquisition and retention. Little is
known about how different formats of interactive
content, such as polls, quizzes, or contests, affect
consumer engagement and stimulate their
participation in brand activities. The literature
analysis showed that there is a need for further
research on the effectiveness of personalization
in digital marketing. Although personalized
advertising messages and offers are becoming
more common, it is necessary to determine which
specific personalization strategies are most
effective for different groups of consumers and
what factors influence their reactions and
perceptions. Given the above-mentioned
unexplored aspects, further research can expand
our understanding of the impact of digital
marketing on consumers and identify new
opportunities for improving marketing strategies.
This study used a wide range of methods to
analyze the situation and prospects for the
development of digital marketing in the field of
promoting goods and services in the conditions
of impressions economy. Our methodology was
based on a comprehensive analysis of the
scientific literature on digital marketing, as well
as information from open sources.
To achieve the research objective, we used the
methods of grouping, classification, and
comparison to systematize the data and establish
links between them. The method of comparison
was used to analyze the experience, where data
from different sources were contrasted with each
other to draw conclusions about the effectiveness
of digital marketing.
Also, the forecasting method was used to assess
the prospects of digital marketing, which allowed
us to make assumptions about the possibilities
and directions of further development of this
industry. Thus, the application of a set of
theoretical research methods made it possible to
carry out a detailed analysis of the state of digital
marketing and identify the prospects for its
Results and Discussion
The promotion of goods and services has become
an integral part of the marketing strategy. One of
the main factors contributing to the evolution of
promotion is the development of information and
telecommunication technologies and the creation
of a single global Internet network. The modern
economy is in transition from the industrial
model to the information model, in which
impressions play a big role, so impressions of
economy, how new directions. An information
society is defined as a society in which
information is a key element of economic and
social life, and most people are engaged in the
processing, collection, and dissemination of
information, especially knowledge, which is its
highest form. Information has become a
commodity and is as important to society as other
material resources, and it has become one of the
main factors of production (Dubovyk,
Buchatska, Zerkal & Lebedchenko, 2022).
The information technology sector is becoming
dominant in the modern economy, knowledge is
becoming an important capital and they should
take into account the impressions of consumers
and partners about products and services of
enterprises. New products and services that
require significant research and knowledge to
develop are introduced to the market. To ensure
a competitive advantage, it is necessary to
constantly improve and update products, taking
into account the reduction of their life cycle, as
well as to be aware of market trends and respond
quickly to incoming information. The
development and introduction of new products,
organization of production, and sales must be
carried out at the highest speed to meet customer
needs and ensure the expected results. In this
process, modern information technologies play
an important role, facilitating technological
preparation of production, design, and
development of higher quality and more
competitive products.
The use of modern information technologies
reduces the time and costs of product
development, facilitating the rapid exchange of
information and interaction between producers
and consumers. Technological tools help to
maintain close communication with the market,
conduct research and analyze consumer demands
and needs. In addition, these technologies
contribute to the implementation of effective
marketing strategies, in the field of digital
marketing, which provides opportunities for
precise targeting and personalization of
communication with a mass audience (Vrontis,
Makrides, Christofi & Thrassou, 2021).
Thanks to information technology, businesses
can improve their products and services based on
data and customer feedback. Analytical tools
allow collecting and analyzing large amounts of
data, which allows making informed decisions
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
about product improvement, pricing, advertising,
and promotion strategies. In addition, digital
communication channels, such as social media,
blogs, and electronic resources, enable
businesses to effectively interact with their target
audience, build relationships, receive feedback,
and provide the necessary information about
their products and services (Nazir, Khadim,
Asadullah & Syed, 2023).
Digital marketing opens up many opportunities
to expand the geography of markets and attract
new customers. With the help of e-commerce,
websites, mobile applications, and other online
platforms, businesses can easily penetrate new
markets and offer their products and services to a
global audience. This allows them to increase
sales and expand business opportunities. The
transition to the global information economy is
made possible by the following achievements,
which are shown in Fig. 1.
Figure 1. Conceptual model of modern achievements of the digital environment
Developed by the authors of the article based on content analysis
In addition to the advantages mentioned above,
the Internet provides marketers with unique
opportunities to target specific audiences, taking
into account not only language and location but
also their specialization. For example, the Set
tool allows you to collect complete statistical
information in a video format that is easy to
analyze, evaluate the effectiveness of your
marketing program, and quickly make the
necessary adjustments. Such opportunities are
especially relevant in the context of active use of
popular social networks such as Facebook and
LinkedIn, which allow you to reach a wider and
more targeted audience. Table 1 shows the
advantages and disadvantages of using SMM
(Sanakuiev, Mуkhalchenko, Semenda &
Vdovichena, 2023).
Table 1.
Advantages and disadvantages of SMM promotion of goods and services
Advantages of SMM promotion
Disadvantages of SMM promotion
1. Affordability: low costs compared to traditional forms of
1. Dependence on social media platforms and
their algorithms.
the 2. Targeting: the ability to accurately identify and reach
target audience.
2. The possibility of receiving negative
feedback or criticism in the public space.
3. Interactivity: the ability to communicate with customers and
receive feedback.
3. The need to constantly monitor and respond
es.to comments and messag
4. Wide content options: use of various content formats.
4. Risk of insufficient control over the
dissemination and perception of information.
5. Effective measurement of results: availability of analytical
effectiveness of campaigns.tools to measure the
5. The need to constantly update strategies and
techniques to maintain competitiveness.
6. Global reach: the ability to reach audiences in different
geographical areas.
6. The possibility of a negative impact on brand
n in case of incorrect interaction with reputatio
the audience.
Developed by the authors of the article based on content analysis
Expanding the influence of the global
Development of e-commerce and digital
marketing tools
Extensive use of databases and
BigData technologies
Access to modern digital
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Over the past decade, the Internet has become the
most dynamic information medium of all time.
Today, the number of users exceeds 2 billion,
which indicates not only the prospects but also
the existence of a completely new high-quality
information and communication reality. Modern
Internet technologies offer many methods for
promoting organizations, products, and services
The main purpose of using Internet marketing
methods is to attract visitors to an organization's
web resource (website, social network, forum,
etc.) and to stimulate their active participation on
these platforms. These activities can include
registration, regular visits to the resource,
purchasing products or services, subscribing to
news or newsletters, and active communication
with company representatives and other users
(Park, Hyun & Thavisay, 2021).
The use of the Internet as a marketing tool opens
up great opportunities for organizations to
unleash their potential and achieve success in the
digital market. It should be borne in mind that the
effectiveness of online marketing depends on
competence in its application and continuous
improvement of strategies for interacting with
the target audience in the conditions of
impressions economy.
Speaking about the differences between Internet
marketing and traditional marketing, some
experts believe that Internet marketing is just the
application of familiar marketing tools on the
global network platform, while another group of
experts argues that Internet marketing has its own
uniqueness and peculiarities and should be
considered as a separate category. Some
marketing agencies consider it expedient to use
exclusively Internet marketing tools, bypassing
traditional methods. However, in practice, it
turns out that successful company development
is achieved through an effective combination of
both Internet marketing and traditional marketing
tools. For a more complete understanding of the
similarities and differences between traditional
and online marketing tools, the table below
provides a comparative analysis of these two
types of marketing. Table 2 shows a comparison
of traditional and digital marketing (Dubovyk,
Buchatska, Zerkal & Lebedchenko, 2022).
Table 2.
Comparison of digital and traditional marketing.
Traditional marketing
Digital marketing
communication Main
Television, radio, press, direct mail,
exhibitions, meetings
Websites, social media, email,
banner ads, contextual ads, video ads
Scale of audience
Local, regional, national, or global
Global, the ability to reach an
e from anywhere in the worldaudienc
Interaction with the
sided, few opportunities for interactivity-One
way, interaction, comments, -Two
feedback, discussion
Directions of
retailer-brand, brand-consumer, brand-Brand
-consumer, consumer-Brand brand to enhance -consumer, brand
Discussion of the
Difficult to measure effectiveness, more
quantitative analysis
Easy to measure performance,
detailed data analysis, ability to track
Response time
Some delay in response, more time to deploy
Quick response, instant connection
with the audience
Cost of advertising
High cost of TV advertising slots and print
Various opportunities for advertising
ts, flexible cost with different budge
Global reach
Limited geographic coverage, requires the
deployment of physical infrastructure
Instant global audience reach
Developed by the authors of the article based on content analysis.
Comparing traditional and digital marketing, we
can draw several conclusions about their
characteristics and impact on business. One of
the main differences between these two types of
marketing is the main communication channel.
Traditional marketing uses television, radio,
press, and direct mail, while digital marketing is
based on websites, social media, email, and
advertising formats that are present in the online
environment. This indicates a change in the way
we communicate with the audience, from more
one-way to more two-way communication.
It is also worth noting the difference in the scale
of audience coverage. Traditional marketing
usually has a limited geographic audience, while
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
digital marketing allows you to reach a global
audience from anywhere in the world. This
enables businesses to expand their markets and
attract customers from different countries.
Thus, it can be argued that social media performs
an integrating function within the overall
complex of marketing communications on the
Internet. The use of SMM communications offers
considerable advantages due to their low cost, the
possibility of constant updating, a limited
number of employees involved in their
processing, methods for quickly determining
effectiveness and receiving an instant response.
It should be noted, however, that it is impossible
to imagine online communication, starting with
social media, without taking into account a
company's website, as this is the place where
potential customers come after viewing
advertising messages. Consideration of any form
of online communication is impossible without
analyzing the effectiveness of the website as part
of a marketing program that uses SMM tools
(Wang, 2021).
Social media marketing (SMM) covers the
process of driving traffic and attention to a brand
or product through social platforms. A few years
ago, the term Social Media Optimization (SMO)
became known along with SEO (search engine
optimization). Website promotion in social
media is a set of activities aimed at attracting
visitors from social media, such as blogs, social
networks, and others, to a website.
Over time, SMO has been divided into two
branches: optimization of the website itself
(SMO) and promotion of the website in social
media, such as blogs, forums, and online
communities - this is social media marketing
(SMM). Social Media Optimization (SMO) is the
optimization of website content in order to make
it as easy as possible to use in online
communities such as forums and blogs.
In today's information technology environment,
the Internet is becoming increasingly popular,
and the number of its users is constantly growing.
Experts define the SoLoMo concept, which
includes social integration, localization, and
mobility, as the main trends in the development
of modern business. Mobility in the retail sector
is associated with the development of mobile
commerce, which has become possible due to the
proliferation of smartphones and the introduction
of mobile acquiring, which allows smartphones
to be used as payment terminals for electronic
payments. Changing consumer culture also plays
an important role in this. Localization is directly
related to the development of mobile applications
that allow to determine the geolocation of a
customer using GPS or Foursquare technologies.
Social integration in online commerce has
become possible thanks to online social
networks. Global retail leaders have a significant
number of followers on social media. Social
integration is a key element of social media
marketing and is based on Phygital technology,
which combines digital technologies with
personal communication with consumers. It
enables interaction between brands and
consumers across the physical and digital worlds
to understand and meet consumer needs and
preferences, including social and personal
relationships (Fernandez & Shaw, 2020).
The development of information technology and
the growing popularity of the Internet are
affecting the business environment, changing the
way companies and customers interact. The use
of the SoLoMo model, which includes social
integration, localization, and mobility, is
becoming a necessity to maintain business
competitiveness (Riabov & Riabova, 2021).
Phygital technology, combining digital and
physical elements, creates a unique experience of
interaction with brands. It allows combining the
benefits of digital tools, such as online sales and
personalization, with the personal
communication and emotional connection that
comes from physical interaction. This opens up
new opportunities for brands to identify and meet
consumer needs, taking into account their social
and personal aspects.
Mobility is driven by the expansion of mobile
commerce, where smartphones act as payment
terminals and provide a convenient way to make
online purchases. Localization, through mobile
applications and GPS technologies, allows
brands to customize their presence and provide
personalized solutions for local consumers.
The article explores the role of social media in
marketing and its impact on the promotion of
goods and services in the online environment of
impressions economy. The authors of the article
examine various strategies, tactics, and key
factors that influence the effectiveness of social
media marketing campaigns.
One of the main topics covered is the role of
social media as a distribution channel for
promoting products and services. They find out
how social media affects price perception,
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
consumer behavior, and competitive advantage.
The results of their research show that social
media can be an effective tool for promoting
goods and services by providing a wide audience
and the opportunity to interact with it.
The second aspect is the impact of social media
marketing on brand equity and customer loyalty.
They highlight the role of trust in the
effectiveness of social media marketing
strategies and their impact on creating positive
brand equity and consumer loyalty. Research
shows that social media can help increase brand
trust and strengthen the connection between the
brand and the consumer.
In addition, the article emphasizes the
importance of combining traditional and digital
marketing tools for the successful development
of a company. Today, successful business
development requires an integrated approach,
where social media is only one of the tools of the
marketing strategy in the conditions of
impressions economy. Traditional marketing
provides an opportunity to reach audiences
through television, radio, press, and direct mail,
which can be effective in attracting local
audiences or emphasizing a national brand.
Digital marketing, on the other hand, allows for
global reach and interaction with audiences
through websites, social media, email, and other
online tools.
It is important to note that both approaches have
their advantages and disadvantages. Traditional
marketing can be expensive and has limited
performance measurement capabilities, while
digital marketing allows you to accurately
measure results and customize your advertising
campaigns based on your budget. Both
approaches have their role in the modern
business environment and can complement each
other. The general conclusion is that social media
marketing is an essential tool for promoting
services and goods on the Internet. They allow
reaching a wide audience, attracting the attention
of consumers, and establishing communication
with them. The following research should be
aimed at comparing the effectiveness of
traditional and digital marketing tools.
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