www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.67.07.23
How to Cite:
Ivaniuk, H., Antypin, Y., Venhlovska, O., Kuzemko, L., & Savchenko, Y. (2023). Practices of psychological and pedagogical
support of future teachers’ personal and professional development in the conditions of distance learning. Amazonia
Investiga, 12(67), 250-264. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.67.07.23
Practices of psychological and pedagogical support of future teachers’
personal and professional development in the conditions of distance
Практики психолого-педагогічного супроводу особистісного та професійного
розвитку майбутніх педагогів в умовах дистанційного навчання
Received: June 12, 2023 Accepted: July 24, 2023
Written by:
Hanna Ivaniuk1
Yevhen Antypin2
Olena Venhlovska3
Lesia Kuzemko4
Yurii Savchenko5
The article highlights the intermediate results of the
research "Psychological and pedagogical support of
future teachers’ personal and professional
development in the conditions of new educational
standards’ implementation in Ukraine". Various
theoretical aspects as well as adapted and original
practices are characterized. The experience of the
authors regarding the implementation of the
components - value-worldview, process-activity,
emotional-resource during the motivational-
cognitive, constructive-active, reflective-
prognostic, value-identification stages is
highlighted. Effective author's practices are
presented - adaptation trainings, portfolio of
personal and professional growth in the context of
performance of work functions; formation of end-
to-end skills of future teachers by means of digital
technologies and tools (GDocs, GMeet, Zoom,
Canva, MindMeister, Mentimeter, digital boards);
adaptation of active learning technologies in the
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Educology and Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences,
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine. Researcher ID: Q-9585-2016
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Educology and Psychological and Pedagogical
Sciences, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine. Researcher ID: Q-9564-2016
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of Educology and Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences, Borys
Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine. Researcher ID: AAI-3426-2021
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of Educology and Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences, Borys
Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine. Researcher ID: ABF-4670-2020
PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Educology and Psychological and Pedagogical
Sciences, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine. Researcher ID: JDC-9962-2023
Ivaniuk, H., Antypin, Y., Venhlovska, O., Kuzemko, L., Savchenko, Y. / Volume 12 - Issue 67: 250-264 / July, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
distance learning format (case-technologies, game,
project technologies, SWOT analysis). A complex
of technologies (role-playing games, training
technologies, art-therapy) is presented, which
contribute to the development of the emotional
intelligence of future teachers in the context of the
formation of professional competencies -
psychological, emotional-ethical, reflective,
psycho-emotional. The research was carried out in
an interdisciplinary scientific field, which requires
next stages of the scientific search for correction,
generalization of the results of psychological and
pedagogical support of future teachers’ personal
and professional development.
Keywords: psychological and pedagogical support,
components, personal and professional
development, digital tools, educational practices.
Against the background of profound social,
cultural, and economic transformations caused
by the Russian-Ukrainian war, education in
Ukraine is centered on democratic values and
performs the function of reproducing losses and
resource potential of the state. The task is to
overcome those educational losses caused by
depriving students of higher education of access
to high-quality face-to-face classroom training.
Taking into account the best experience of
Ukrainian institutions of higher education and
world heritage, the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv
University operates a digital environment. The
use of digital resources makes it possible to
overcome educational losses. Distance learning
of future teachers is carried out on the Moodle
platform. The use of digital tools (Google Meet,
Zoom, Canva, MindMeister, Mentimeter, digital
boards, etc.) makes it possible to carry out
comprehensive and systematic psychological and
pedagogical support of future teachers’ personal
and professional development. The essence of
the concept of psychological-pedagogical
support of future teachers’ personal and
professional development is the expedient
organization of ensuring the subjectivity of
students of higher education, their personal and
professional development in the context of the
future teachers' performance of labor functions
based on general (civic, cultural, leadership,
social, communicative) and professional
competencies for work (psychological,
emotional-ethical, partnership, training
throughout life, reflective, psycho-emotional).
The article highlights the materials that contain
the intermediate results (theoretical-modeling
stage) of a collective study on the topic
Psychological-pedagogical support of the future
teachers’ personal and professional development
in the conditions of the implementation of new
educational standards. The presented
educational practices of psychological and
pedagogical support of future teachers’ personal
and professional development have been tested
for effectiveness in the conditions of the distance
learning. Our efforts were aimed at identifying
and implementing an interdisciplinary resource
of psychological and pedagogical support of
future teachers’ personal and professional
development under the educational and
professional program “Preschool education”,
“Primary education” in the process of teaching
integrated educational courses: “Humanities”,
“Psychology”, “Pedagogy”. In accordance with
the objectives of the research, the components of
psychological-pedagogical support of future
teachers’ personal and professional development
were clarified and substantiated: value-
worldview, procedural-activity, emotional-
resource. The value-worldview component
forms the basis of knowledge about a person and
his values (ethnocultural, socio-civic, personal
and professional) and the formation of a
humanistic worldview of future teachers. In the
context of the research topic, the humanistic
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
worldview serves as a factor in the personal and
professional development of future teachers.
Since the subjectivity of future teachers and their
professional development can occur exclusively
in activities, priority is given to the introduction
of technologies of future teachers’ active
learning into the educational process and the
development of their comprehensive skills in
accordance with the requirements of new
educational standards. Effective practices of the
implementation of the procedural and activity
component in the conditions of distance learning
are disclosed in the "Results and Discussion"
section of the article.
We consider the emotional resource component
in the context of future teachers’ personal and
professional development in the conditions of
social upheavals and challenges of wartime in
Ukraine. Training practices for the development
of emotional intelligence of future teachers are
highlighted. A new vision of the content of the
emotional resource component is presented in the
academic disciplines: “Humanities”,
“Psychology”. The essence is 1) in the
development of content modules: techniques for
overcoming the anxiety of teachers and students
during air raids, techniques for the formation of
stress resistance of the individual in difficult life
conditions and during military operations;
2) ensuring the subjectivity of future teachers in
the educational process.
The practices of psychological-pedagogical
support of future teachers’ personal and
professional development are highlighted in
accordance with the stages determined at the first
(analytical-statistical) stage of research, namely:
motivational-cognitive, constructive-active,
reflective-prognostic, value-identifying.
The article presents the experience of solving a
complex interdisciplinary scientific problem,
which was responsibly developed by the authors
of the study in the changing and often
unpredictable conditions of wartime. The
educational practices of psychological and
pedagogical support of future teachers’ personal
and professional development highlighted in the
article are effective in the conditions of distance
Literature Review
The solution of the scientific problem was carried
out taking into account the analyzed scientific
achievements of Ukrainian and foreign scientists
who research various aspects of distance learning
and its varieties in the conditions of the Russian-
Ukrainian war, innovative practices and
technologies of psychological and pedagogical
support for the training of teachers and their
personal and professional development.
In the context of the issues of the article, the ideas
regarding the modernization of the education
system in Ukraine based on democratic values
and digitalization serve as the basis for its
integration into the European educational space
(Kuzmenko, Matvienko, Kanova, Burenko, &
Bukliv, 2022).
We support the scientific position regarding the
relevance of the functioning of the open digital
educational environment in universities of
Ukraine and foreign countries and the
compliance of ICT content with modern
requirements, which is highlighted by the authors
Melnyk, N., Pukhovska, L., Kovtun, O.,
Biletska, I., & Ladohubets, N. in the article
“Current trends of teacher education in the
Ukraine and EU countries under conditions of
postpandemia and russian invasion” (2022)
(Melnyk, Pukhovska, Kovtun, Biletska, &
Ladohubets, 2022).
The severity of the study of the practices of
psychological and pedagogical support of future
teachers’ personal and professional development
is determined by the work of the authors’ group
in previous years. Separate results of the authors’
work on the problem of using digital tools in the
conditions of mixed and distance learning of
students are highlighted by Ivaniuk, H.,
Kuzemko, L., Venhlovska, O., Vovchok, Y., &
Antypin, Y. in the article “The use of digital tools
in interdisciplinary projects of students’ personal
and professional self-development” (2022). The
authors revealed the experience of using digital
tools in interdisciplinary projects of personal and
professional self-development of students of
pedagogical specialties in the conditions of
mixed and distance learning. However, the
article lacks an analysis of the psychological and
pedagogical support of the process of future
teachers’ personal and professional
development, which led to further research and
coverage of its results in the future (Ivaniuk,
Kuzemko, Venhlovska, Vovchok, & Antypin,
In the article Mukoviz, O.P., Kolos, K. R., &
Kolomiiets, N. A. “Distance learning of future
primary school teachers as a prerequisite of their
professional development throughout life”
(2018) the authors reveal the essential features of
distance learning as a prerequisite for the
professional development of future primary
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
school teachers throughout life. Practices of
using digital devices, information and
communication technologies with indirect
interaction synchronous with the participants of
the educational process are presented. The
essence of the concept “readiness of the future
primary school teacher for distance learning” is
revealed. Note that the content of the article
reveals the professional component of teacher
training in the conditions of distance learning. It
would be worthwhile to reveal the personal
component of teacher training in the context of
the problem of the article (Mukoviz, Kolos, &
Kolomiiets, 2018).
The collective scientific product of the study on
the problem of evaluating the readiness of future
teachers for online education (Tkachenko, V.,
Chychuk, V., Zakharevich, M., & Nenko, Y.) is
covered in the article “An evaluation of
Ukrainian future teachers’ of humanities
readiness for e-education” (2021). The authors
cite the proven fact of updating the training of
future teachers for distance learning during
training, the introduction of adequate
technologies that will contribute to the
effectiveness of this process. Despite the
interesting content of the article on the current
topic, the extensive layer of psychological and
pedagogical support of future teachers’ personal
and professional development in the conditions
of distance learning remained unnoticed by
researchers (Tkachenko, Chychuk, Zakharevich,
& Nenko, 2021).
The article by the group of authors (Meniailo, V.,
Shapran, Y., Shapran, O., Serhiichuk, O., Bahno,
Y., & Kanibolotska, O.) “Innovative Training of
Future Teachers of Higher Education Institutions
in the Conditions of Distance Learning” (2021)
presents the features of the implementation of
distance learning in higher education institutions
of Ukraine against the background of changes in
the attitude of students and teachers to this
problem after learning the “Modern Distance
Education” course. The authors’ approach to
using the electronic resources and the
development of future teachers’ personal
educational trajectory is presented. In our
opinion, the content of the article presents
interesting forms of independent work of
students, techniques and trainings, which we
consider hypothetically as means of personal
development and self-development of students
(Meniailo, Shapran, Shapran, Serhiichuk, Bahno,
& Kanibolotska, 2021).
The author Kotkova V. in the article “Blended
learning course for future primary school
teacher’s implementation” (2017) highlights the
essential features of the organization of blended
learning based on the results of researching the
problem at the theoretical and practical levels.
The achievement of the researcher is the
described practice of designing a blended
learning course according to the target,
motivational, content, activity and diagnostic
components (Kotkova, 2017).
In the context of the issues of our article, the
work of the author team (Terenko, O., &
Ogienko, O.) which is covered in the article
“How to Teach Pedagogy Courses Online at
University in COVID-19 Pandemic: Search for
Answers”, is of practical interest. The authors
provide sufficient proof of the effectiveness of
the integrated use of digital online platforms
Moodle and Prometheus, software for
conducting Zoom webinars, web servers, which
are considered in the context of didactic training
tools for students of higher education (Terenko,
& Ogienko, 2020).
In the direction of updated issues of
psychological-pedagogical support of future
teachers' personal and professional development,
the article by A. V. Trotsko, L. S. Rybalko,
O. G. Kirilenko, & G. O. Trush “Teachers’
professional self-improvement in the conditions
of distance learning implementation in higher
education institutions(2019) is of interest The
article focuses on clarifying the specifics of the
implementation of effective distance learning for
higher education students, the subjectivity of
higher education students and teachers in this
process, and the requirements for systematic self-
improvement of teachers are proven. The
presentation of the material at the theoretical
level is confirmed by the work program from the
interdisciplinary course “Introduction of
educational distance technologies into the
educational process of higher education”, which
is recommended for teachers of various training
specialties, pedagogical and non-pedagogical
education and didactic materials on information
and communication technologies (Trotsko,
Rybalko, Kіrіlenko, & Trush, 2019).
The article of Tsiuniak, O., Myhovych, I.,
Khomych, L., Noskova, M., &
Kopchuk-Kashetska, M. “Using Distance
Learning in the Process of Professional Training
in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic” is
consistent with the issue of distance learning
organization and implementation. In the content
of this work, the author's interpretation of the
category "distance learning" is presented and the
importance of organizing distance learning for
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
students of higher education, in particular
pedagogical specialties and providing conditions
for the development of competencies of future
specialists in general, is updated (Tsiuniak,
Myhovych, Khomych, Noskova &
Kopchuk-Kashetska, 2021).
To substantiate the essential features of
psychological and pedagogical support for the
personal and professional development of future
teachers, the monograph of the modern
Ukrainian researcher Kucheriavyi V. G.
“Professional and personal development of a
modern teacher” (2021) is of scientific interest.
In the monograph, the author reveals the solution
to the scientific problem of the integrity of the
acmeological development of the teacher on the
basis of a complex of positions axio-
acmeological, synergistic, axio-cultural, holistic-
systemic, personal-activity and competence.
What is valuable in the presented work is that the
author holistically and systematically
substantiated the personal, professional, and
professional-cultural components of the
development of teachers (especially future ones)
as an important determinant of their career
growth (Kucheriavyi, 2021).
According to the study of the scientific problem
of psychological and pedagogical support of
future teachers’ personal and professional
development in the conditions of distance
learning and educational changes during the war
in Ukraine, the scientific and practical value is
the ideas substantiated by modern Ukrainian
scientists Chymak, M., Khomych, L.,
Nakonechna, L., Kopchuk-Kashetska, M., &
Zadoya, S. in the article “Individual Educational
Trajectory as a Way to Reveal the Potential of a
Future Teacher” (2021). Among others, the most
important achievements are: first of all, an
emphasized opinion about the connections and
interdependence of personal and professional
components in the training of future teachers in
the educational process of a higher education
institution. The second is the idea of taking into
account the needs of society for the education of
a person of digital civilization and supporting the
personal and professional trajectory of acquiring
competences; functional modeling (IDEEO) of
the studied process (Chymak, Khomych,
Nakonechna, Kopchuk-Kashetska, & Zadoya,
Some aspects consistent with the topic stated by
us in the article are highlighted by the authors
Halian, I., Popovych, I., Nesin, Y., Zavatskyi, Y.,
Vashchenko, I., Muliar, O., & Marchenko, A in
the scientific work “Experimental Research of
the Sense-Value Regulation of Future Teachers
in Academic and Professional Activity” (2021),
in particular: support of the value-meaning
sphere, sense-value regulation of educational and
professional activities of future teachers. This
reasoning is relevant and has the right to further
development in the scientific and practical field
(Halian, Popovych, Nesin, Zavatskyi,
Vashchenko, Muliar, & Marchenko, 2021).
In the context of the purpose of the article, we
focused on some aspects of the scientific report
prepared by a group of authors, namely:
Marize Lyra Silva Passos,
Isaura Alcina Martins Nobre, &
Jaqueline Maissiat “Active learning in teacher
professional development: experiential reports”.
In view of the research problem, the experience
presented in the document on the implementation
of student-centered education in the Republic of
Finland, based on active learning and
cooperation of teachers and students, is of
interest (Passos, Nobre, & Maissiat, 2018).
In the direction of the scientific problem of
psychological-pedagogical support of future
teachers’ personal and professional
development, in particular, the implementation
of the emotional-resource component of the
formation of the emotional intelligence of future
teachers, the article of the author's team
(Carmona, SP, Duenas, CP, Fernandez, PC, &
Salas, BL.) of scientific interest is
“Competencias emocionales de las futuras
personas docentes: un estudio sobre los niveles
de inteligencia emocional y empatía” (2020). The
article presents an idea regarding the
development of social-emotional competencies
in future teachers as a factor in the growth of their
professional career and endurance in stressful
conditions. Based on the results of the study, the
authors offer a number of recommendations for
improving the content of educational and
professional programs (Carmona, Duenas,
Fernandez, & Salas, 2020).
According to the issues of the article, ideas about
the primacy of the influence of socio-cultural
dominants on the value intentions of future
teachers are useful. The authors summarize the
results of the research on the development of
value intentions in future teachers, confirmed by
statistical data of the positive dynamics of the
studied phenomenon and the correlation between
the motivation of future teachers for value-based
activities and the perceived constant value,
extrapolated to future pedagogical activities
(Ivaniuk, Oleksiuk & Vyshnevetska, 2021).
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The analyzed theoretical sources based on the
issues of the article proved the interest of
Ukrainian and foreign scientists in various
aspects that are the subject of interdisciplinary
research. A wide range of studies highlight
various issues of the organization and practices
of future teachers’ distance education, which are
current in Ukrainian and global realities. Despite
the numerous studies of Ukrainian and foreign
scientists on the problem-directed
implementation of psychological-pedagogical
support of future teachers’ personal and
professional development, the mentioned topic
has not been comprehensively covered. The
relevance of the topic is determined by the social
needs for solving a set of tasks regarding the
modernization of the practices of psychological-
pedagogical support of future teachers personal
and professional development in the conditions
of overcoming and preventing educational losses
in the conditions of distance learning of higher
education applicant’s education.
The purpose of the article: to highlight
effective practices of psychological and
pedagogical support of future teachers’ personal
and professional development in the conditions
of distance learning.
The specificity of the presented interdisciplinary
research includes the demand for a wide range of
methodological approaches, in accordance with
the scientific field of research into psychological
and pedagogical support of future teachers’
personal and professional development. We have
chosen a complex of methodological approaches
that make it possible to investigate the outlined
scientific problem holistically and
systematically. Among others, we single out the
synergistic approach, the name comes from the
word “synergos” (one that acts together). In the
context of the research issues, we singled out the
following feature: systems of different levels are
balanced by connections; common to all systems
is manifested in spontaneous formations at the
macro level and the emergence of new qualities
at the stage of self-organization (Kremen, 2014).
Competency approach (Rogers & Freiberg,
1994) makes it possible to consider and evaluate
the components of psychological-pedagogical
support of future teachers’ personal and
professional development in the context of their
preparation for the performance of work
functions, formation of general and professional
competencies by work action. The axiological
approach made it possible to investigate and
group values that express the subjectivity of
future teachers in the search for ways for
personal and professional development,
development and selection of adequate
educational goals (Ivaniuk, 2023). The
anthropological approach is based on the
recognition of the value of a person as a
representative of a biological species and the
right to its development and self-development in
the system of life-creating values (Anosov,
To solve the goal and tasks of the scientific
problem, a set of interrelated research methods
was used: theoretical analysis, synthesis,
systematization with the aim of clarifying the
state of research of the problem in modern
scientific discourse and clarifying the concepts;
constructive-genetic to clarify the
methodological concepts of the research of a
scientific problem; generalization, comparison,
classification for substantiation of components,
grouping of educational practices and
technologies of psychological and pedagogical
support of future teachers’ personal and
professional development; empirical
pedagogical observations, online surveys (using
the Google digital tools), questionnaires,
interviews in order to identify the state of the
problem in the practice of higher education in
Ukraine; methods of mathematical statistics for
identifying and interpreting quantitative and
qualitative research indicators. An online survey
of higher education applicants of educational and
professional programs Preschool Education and
Primary Education from three universities and
two postgraduate pedagogical institutes was
conducted. The statistical sample consisted of
674 persons, of whom 76.7% were future
teachers; 23.3% are students of professional
development courses, which made it possible to
establish proportionality regarding the impact of
psychological and pedagogical support on the
personal and professional development of
teachers in the context of their professional
functions. An online survey, pedagogical
observation, comparative analysis made it
possible to find out the quantitative indicators
that formed the basis for the interpretation and
selection of educational practices of
psychological and pedagogical support of future
teachers’ personal and professional development
in the conditions of distance learning.
Results and Discussion
The new vision of psychological-pedagogical
support of future teachers’ personal and
professional development is determined by social
needs for solving a number of tasks: 1) changing
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
educational determinants in the course of
implementing Professional Standards for the
professions “Teacher of primary classes of a
general secondary education institution,
“Teacher of a general secondary education
institution”, “Primary education teacher (with a
junior specialist diploma) (Order No. 2736-20
dated 12/23/2020, 2020), “Teacher of a
preschool education institution
(Order No. 755-21 dated October 19, 2021,
2021); 2) development of a flexible model of the
organization of the educational process using
digital technologies, in order to overcome the
educational losses that occur during military
operations in Ukraine; 3) provision of conditions
for equal access of applicants to quality
It is time to create and operate a digital
educational environment in a higher education
institution to provide technical, communication,
information and didactic conditions for distance
and combined learning of higher education
students. In particular, at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv
University, the conditions listed above for
distance learning of higher education applicants
have been created on the Moodle platform.
Modern technical support that ensures the
functioning of the university's digital hub and the
digital environment are decisive for distance
learning of higher education applicants in
accordance with the best global models. The
provision of didactic conditions consists in the
development by teachers of training e-courses
(certified in accordance with the current
Regulation on the procedure for creating training
e-courses, their certification and use in the e-
learning system of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv
University (https://kubg.edu.ua). Training e-
courses, posted on the Moodle platform, contain
working curricula of courses in accordance with
educational and professional programs, in
particular those presented above in the text; goals
and tasks, learning outcomes (general,
professional competences), content of lectures
and reflective tasks for them, tasks and
methodological recommendations for seminar,
practical and laboratory classes, current and final
assessment criteria. Such a structure of training
e-courses enables the educational process to be
carried out holistically and systematically using
e-services Google Meet, Webex Meet, Zoom
(according to the schedule of the educational
process and the schedule, which are publicly
available in the digital environment).
According to the results of a survey of Preschool
education and Primary education students of the
Faculty of Pedagogical Education Borys
Grinchenko Kyiv University (443 students of the
first (bachelor) level, 1 year of the second
(master) level of higher education) it was found
that 91.2% of respondents prefer distance
learning, and 8.8% expressed regarding the
advantages of classroom and mixed forms of
education (this group of respondents includes
mostly first (bachelor) level higher education
graduates) who do not have a sufficient level of
digital competence. In order to clarify and select
the practices of psychological and pedagogical
support of future teachers’ personal and
professional development in the conditions of
distance learning and overcoming educational
losses caused by the war in Ukraine, an online
survey of higher education applicants was
conducted regarding the use of online platforms
and services during education. The results of the
survey prove that future teachers: 1) exercise the
right of their own choice regarding online
platforms for obtaining information and
performing independent research work;
2) mostly use online platforms and applications
for communication; 3) use the latest digital tools
and programs for information search Chat GPT
(the results are presented in Table 1).
Table 1.
Online platforms and services used by future teachers during distance learning (according to survey
results, presented in %)
Platforms for
distance learning
Online services for
video communication
Applications for
Online platforms
Moodle 93,3%
Google Meet 53,4%
E-Mail 86,7%
YouTube 45,4%
ChatGPT 22%
Zoom 30,9%
Telegram 81,9%
Canva 0,9%
Cisco Webex 1,4%
Viber 1,9%
Miro 0,2%
Facebook Messenger
Source: Ivaniuk H., Kuzemko L, 2022.
According to the stated problems, the article
reveals effective practices of psychological and pedagogical support of future teachers’ personal
and professional development. The presented
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
practices are the result of a theoretical and
practical search by a team of researchers. The
selection of practices was carried out according
to competence, dynamic, intrapersonal criteria.
These educational practices serve as a means of
developing the subjectivity of students of higher
education in the process: formation of personal
and professional qualities, ability and readiness
for development and self-development in order
to produce new ideas and methods of activity
based on acquired knowledge, development of
one's own trajectory of professional growth
(Ivaniuk, 2023). In the materials of the article, the
intermediate results of the collective research
Psychological and pedagogical support of future
teachers’ personal and professional development
in the conditions of the implementation of new
educational standards at the theoretical-
modeling stage are used, namely: components of
psychological-pedagogical support value-
worldview, procedural-activity, emotional-
resource. The specified components are
interrelated with the goal of appropriately
organized psychological and pedagogical
provision of the subjectivity of future teachers,
personal and professional growth in accordance
with standardized work functions, which are
based on general and professional competencies
in accordance with those work actions that will
be performed by primary school teachers and
preschool teachers.
We consider the value-view component of
psychological and pedagogical support of future
teachers’ personal and professional development
to be human-creating. Humanitarian knowledge
acquired by future primary school teachers and
preschool teachers in the process of studying
pedagogy, pedagogical and psychological
anthropology is a living resource for personal and
professional development. Educational practices
based on universal human values contribute to
the formation of a humanistic (human-centered)
worldview. Therefore, the basis of learning and
education of a person should be knowledge about
a person and his values freedom of choice and
activity, human life in a safe natural
environment, safety, own trajectory of
development and self-development, goodness
and benevolence. The current civilization is often
called digital due to the rapid pace of
implementation of digital technologies and AI in
all spheres of social life, in particular in
education at all levels. In order to solve the ripe
global problems of humanity, we have to make
up for the lack of value-worldview concepts for
the training of future teachers. The task consists
establishing relationships and complementing
value-enriched content from educational fields
(pedagogy, humanities, psychology) with
modern digital technologies and tools in the
distance learning process. Overcoming these
challenges is facilitated by the study of the
integrated course Humanities by future
teachers, the purpose of which is the formation of
students' holistic knowledge about human
development in biological, mental and social
contexts. Understanding the unity of human
nature, the value of its existence and the
formation of a humanistic worldview of future
teachers. In the context of future professional
activity, the content module Pedagogical
Anthropology becomes of practical importance,
which acts as an integrator of knowledge about
anatomical and physiological development, the
basics of pediatrics and psychological
anthropology and aims to study a person who
educates and is brought up. In the process of
studying the Humanities course, future
teachers consider the universality of human
nature and the peculiarities of its development in
the context of the educational environment.
Getting acquainted with the issue of the
development of culture as a space of human
existence, they consider the place and role of
education in the world of culture and learn about
the peculiarities of the formation of the national
education system, which in turn becomes the
basis for understanding the multicultural
approach to child education. Knowledge of the
patterns of cultural development provides a basis
for understanding the modern digital
environment, in particular the educational one.
Future teachers investigate issues of innovation
and perform search and creative tasks in the
process of preparing and defending the theses of
oral presentations on the following problems: Is
educational work possible in an educational
institution in the conditions of distance
education?, Distance (digital) education needs
a person, or vice versa?, What should a teacher
be like to meet modern educational challenges?
etc. In this way, not only an understanding of
general ideas about human development in all its
manifestations is achieved, but also the ability to
build a knowledge system, to use ideas for self-
expression and personal and professional
development is formed. The use of such practices
in the process of distance learning contributes to
the formation of a value system in which a person
(the value of his being) occupies a leading place,
which contributes to the personal and
professional development of the future teacher.
The procedural and activity component of the
psychological-pedagogical support of personal
and professional development is aimed at solving
the tasks of forming in future teachers the ability
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
and readiness for self-knowledge and self-
development, the development of cross-cutting
skills that are important in the performance of
work functions determined by professional
standards, and the design of one's own progress
in the profession. Note that the procedural and
operational component of the specified process is
implemented at various stages (defined in the
study) throughout the entire period of student
education. It is important that the procedural and
activity component of the psychological and
pedagogical support of personal and professional
development is carried out systematically
during the study of academic disciplines, passing
educational practices and in extracurricular
work. And also during adaptation trainings,
pedagogical workshops, trainings, webinars held
in the center of self-discovery and self-
development, which is a kind of platform where
future educators of preschool children and
primary school teachers acquire general and
professional competencies.
During the period of distance learning, the
author's team developed productive practices
aimed at solving the defined tasks of this
component. Digital technologies and tools, as
well as technologies of active learning, which are
aimed at including students in the process of
personal and professional growth during training,
help in the implementation of psychological and
pedagogical support. We will give examples of
effective practices of implementation of the
procedural and activity component of
psychological and pedagogical support of
personal and professional development of future
The goal of the motivational-cognitive stage is to
find out the leading motives for choosing a
teaching profession and the personal and
professional characteristics of a humanist
teacher, the expectations of students regarding
their own personal and professional
development, self-knowledge, the study of
personal qualities that are important for the
profession of an educator/teacher, etc. The
defined goal is realized in the process of studying
the integrated educational discipline Pedagogy
(content modules: General Pedagogy,
Pedagogical Partnership), which students
study in the first and second years. In the course
of studying, future teachers acquire knowledge
about the requirements for a teacher as a subject
of the educational process, determine the level of
formation of personal qualities and professional
competences, analyze the factors that are
decisive in professional formation. So, for
example, the task of a practical lesson on the
topic Personal and professional growth of a
future teacher is to create a self-presentation I
am a future teacher. It should be noted that the
completion of the task is preceded by a
discussion with the students of the specified issue
during the lecture, which takes place in the form
of a discussion or a round table. The priority
topics for discussion are: Portrait of a teacher of
the New Ukrainian School, Modern vectors of
activity of a primary school teacher, Factors
affecting the success of a teacher and others. In
the process of discussing current issues, future
teachers acquire the ability to express their own
point of view and accept the arguments of
opponents regarding the proposed topic,
exchange ideas regarding its solution. After
discussing the problem, students start preparing
for a practical lesson on the topic that was
mentioned above.
Creating a self-presentation takes place during
several stages. At the first stage, students
determine the dominant motives that influenced
the choice of profession. They record the results
of their thoughts in special forms, answering the
question: why did they choose Borys Grinchenko
Kyiv to study? What guided them in choosing a
profession? What attracts them to the teaching
profession? Which teacher is a role model? At
the second stage, students use a SWOT analysis
to determine personal qualities that will help
them realize themselves in the profession,
qualities that should be developed during
training, establish the availability of appropriate
resources aimed at personal growth, and also
identify possible insecurities in their own choice
and fears that can create obstacles in professional
formation. At the third stage, the results are
summarized and the self-presentation is
prepared, which is presented either in the form of
an actual presentation (created using PowerPoint,
Canva) or as a video presentation. At the fourth
stage, students present their own achievements
during a practical session, upload them to a
training e-course or post them on their own social
network pages. It should be noted that in the
process of creating a self-presentation, the
overall skills of future teachers are also being
developed, in particular, the ability to self-assess.
This is important, because the work on which the
student worked is evaluated not only by the
teacher, but also directly by the student himself,
who participates in the evaluation of his own
result, determining at the same time what was
managed to be embodied in self-presentations,
aspects of the development of which are still
worth working on, compares his own results with
those that were at the beginning of the work,
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
singles out the factors that contributed / did not
contribute to the work.
It should be noted that the work on the
implementation of the motivational-cognitive
stage of the psychological-pedagogical support
of personal and professional development
continues during the preparation of students for
educational practice, which is carried out on the
basis of the Center for Self-Knowledge and Self-
Development. In the conditions of distance
learning at this stage, psychological and
pedagogical support of students is carried out in
the format of online meetings using the Google
Meet online service. Online communication is
carried out in the process of interaction using
active learning technologies (game and project
technologies), digital tools (digital board
Jamboard, MentiMeter for creating a cloud of
words and organizing feedback), technologies
aimed at forming self-analysis abilities.
In the course of pedagogical workshops First
steps in the profession, students exchange their
own expectations regarding the completion of
educational practice, study personal qualities that
will contribute to the performance of tasks, create
a portrait of a modern teacher and compare it
with whether the students themselves sufficiently
correspond to the image they created. With the
help of game technologies, future teachers
determine positive and negative qualities that can
help or hinder them from completing practical
tasks (I know myself, Associations, I want
and can, etc.). In turn, technology projects form
the readiness of students to create informational
educational products for participants in the
educational process. These educational products
include: information booklets for parents on
coping with war-related anxiety in children; tips
on how to calm a child while in a shelter;
selections of games for children of preschool and
primary school age, etc.
In the work of pedagogical workshops, reflection
is important, aimed at receiving feedback from
students regarding their motivation and readiness
to perform the proposed tasks, as well as
clarifying individual needs for psychological and
pedagogical support of personal and professional
At the constructive-activity stage of the
procedural-activity component of the
psychological-pedagogical support of personal
and professional development, students master
the skills of setting goals, designing a road map
of personal and professional development and
determining the ways of its implementation,
work is carried out on the development of end-
to-end skills of future teachers. Selected tasks are
solved with the help of active learning
technologies (game, project, case technologies),
execution of interdisciplinary projects, use of
digital technologies (work in joint documents, on
interactive boards, use of online services). At this
stage, psychological-pedagogical support is
carried out based on the skills and experience that
were formed and obtained by students at the
previous stage. However, the focus of the support
is focused on the fact that students, based on the
knowledge gained about themselves, design a
road map of personal and professional
development, create a portfolio of personal and
professional growth, and try on the roles
performed by modern teachers. So, for example,
during laboratory work on the topic Changing
the role of the teacher for the implementation of
partnership pedagogy (taught in the course
Pedagogy, content module Pedagogy of
partnership), future teachers practice self-
analysis and self-improvement skills, acquire the
necessary skills to perform new roles (teacher-
facilitator, teacher-tutor, teacher-coach, teacher-
moderator, teacher-researcher). At the beginning
of the lesson, with the help of diagnostic methods
(Lüscher's test, psychogeometric test of
S. Dellinger, etc.), students determine their own
inclinations towards a certain professional role of
a teacher. The obtained results are entered into
specially developed forms. The next step is to
move to the analysis of pedagogical situations
that reflect the different roles performed by the
primary school teacher and determine how this or
that role is acceptable for each individual and the
academic group as a whole. Future teachers
discuss the results of the analysis of situations in
the forum posted in the electronic training
course, or fix them on common boards, enter
them in a common Google table. Based on the
results of the work, the winners develop their
own Map of the teacher's professional role-
……” (can be created in the format of
MindMaps, presentations, booklets). In such a
map, students indicate specific steps aimed at
self-improvement of personal qualities, all-round
skills, abilities in accordance with the chosen
Note that case technologies are effective at the
stage of psychological and pedagogical support.
Such technologies provide an opportunity for
future teachers to learn practice while analyzing
specific situations. Descriptions of practical
cases are presented in the training e-course of the
integrated educational discipline Pedagogy.
Work with cases takes place in different ways:
they are worked out by students independently
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
with subsequent discussion during seminar,
practical, laboratory classes; during a group
discussion in the course of teaching a
problematic lecture held in the format of a video
conference; during preparation for practice at the
center of competences the Center for Self-
Knowledge and Self-Development.
The main tasks that are solved at the reflection-
prognostic stage of the implementation of the
procedural-activity component of the
psychological-pedagogical support of personal
and professional development consist in the
formation of the ability and readiness of future
teachers to determine the priority goals of
personal and professional development, plan the
ways to achieve the goals, select the necessary
resources for their implementation, and
determine the level of formation of their own
end-to-end skills. The portfolio of the student's
personal and professional growth (developed by
a group of authors) is effective at this stage. First-
year students create such a portfolio on Google
Drive while preparing for their internship. It is
important that the accumulation of practical
materials, resources and tools, which are decisive
for the future teachers’ personal and professional
development, takes place from the 1st to the 4th
grade. The materials are collected in a portfolio,
students use not only during practice, but also
during reflective meetings held on the basis of
the competence Center of Self-Knowledge and
Self-Development. In the course of reflective
meetings, future teachers reflect on how the
practice went, whether the goals were achieved,
and determine the indicators of their own
success. It is important that during reflective
online meetings, future educators of preschool
children and primary school teachers join group
discussions during which they discuss current
problems of preschool and primary education,
develop communication skills, group interaction,
and suggest ways to improve practice tasks. The
practical significance of such meetings lies in the
fact that students have the opportunity to
demonstrate the blogs they have created, which
highlight the specifics of the practice, video
essays, and share their experience. It should be
noted that during such meetings, students
identify their own victories, share plans for
personal and professional development, indicate
which skills are still worth working on and what
they would like to change in their own progress.
Future teachers not only talk about plans for the
future, but also visualize them in the form of
mental maps (MindMeister, Mindomo,
At the value-identification stage, students work
out the knowledge they have acquired, the
comprehensive skills they have developed during
practical activities. Psychological-pedagogical
support of personal and professional
development of future teachers is aimed at the
fact that in the course of educational activities,
students simulate professional situations, learn to
identify the extent to which the formed cross-
cutting skills correspond to the work functions
defined in professional standards. During
internships, they perform search and research
tasks, such as: designing the developmental
(educational) environment of a preschool or
primary school, developing game-performance
scenarios for children, planning educational
interaction with children. At this stage, students
learn to use game and project technologies,
problem situations in working with children of
preschool and primary school age, applying the
experience gained by them at the previous stages
of education.
The emotional-resource component of the
psychological-pedagogical support of future
teachers’ personal and professional development
is implemented in the process of studying the
integrated educational disciplines Psychology,
Humanities (content module Psychological
Anthropology). It is important to select effective
practices for the formation of cognitive,
emotional and behavioral spheres of personality,
which are the basis for the development of
emotional intelligence of future teachers and
touch such levels as: intrapersonal, interpersonal,
social. The implementation of the tasks defined
above in the text takes place during online
lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory
classes, which are held in a remote format using
Google Meet, using elements of training,
conversations, discussions, role-playing games,
psycho-gymnastics; body-oriented practices,
meditative techniques, associative exercises,
relaxation exercises, visualization. The purpose
of such classes is to study emotional states, the
abilities of future specialists to understand the
emotions of others and to manage their own
emotional state. In addition, it is important that
during joint work, the participants of training
classes master the ability to understand and
constructively influence the emotional
experiences of communicators, establish and
maintain effective interaction, avoid emotional
barriers in interpersonal communication, and
become familiar with the techniques of self-
regulation of emotional states in the practical
activities of a teacher.
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
At the motivational-cognitive stage, the
understanding of future teachers of the concept’
essence emotional intelligence, its essential
characteristics, structural components and
peculiarities of manifestation in the participants
of the educational process is studied. For this
purpose, during the study of the topics
Properties of a person as an individual,
Psychology of subjectivity, students are
offered tasks to learn about their own emotional
states; on the ability to freely share one's feelings:
to express emotions using non-verbal means; to
be aware of the peculiarities of one's own
emotions (mini-lectures: Emotional intelligence
as a personal component, Awareness of
emotions through bodily sensations, Verbal
and non-verbal expression of emotions;
exercises My emotion, Mimics and the human
condition, The path of my life: past, present,
future, "Mobilizing breathing; creating
collages: My mood, War of emotions).
According to the results of tasks, students master
the ability to understand expression;
understanding emotional contributions to one's
own life; awareness of inconsistencies between
verbal and non-verbal expression of emotions.
At the constructive-activity stage, future
preschool educators / primary school teachers
acquire the ability to recognize, explore,
understand, and express their own emotions;
understand, accept, influence the emotions of
others; relieve emotional tension; restore psycho-
emotional balance; provide empathic support to
others; mastering verbal and non-verbal means of
interaction (Рalamar, Savchenko, & Antypin,
2022). The specified tasks are implemented
during online practical classes held in the form of
role-playing games Colors of Emotions,
Transmission of Feelings, Compass of
Emotions. In the process of acting out role-
playing situations, participants have the
opportunity to see group members, their
performance of social roles, and receive feedback
during work. In the conditions of choice, the
participant structures the role-playing situation
(its plot, behavior, etc.). The participants of the
online training realize how their actions build
up, how difficult it is to lose them in a format
unknown to them. Thus, they learn to look for the
most optimal options for actions, solutions to
problems that arise in the process of exchanging
information, emotions, etc. Future teachers learn
constructive interaction and search for optimal
actions to solve situations given by the role-play,
and a more adequate view of the behavior of
others and their emotional reactions is formed
(Рalamar, Gruzieva, Nezhyva, Yelenskyi,
Rudenko, Khomik & Savchenko, 2022).
At the reflexive-prognostic stage, the activity is
aimed at self-knowledge and introspection of
one's own emotional sphere, the development of
the ability to identify and understand one's own
emotions, the intentions and motives of the
emotional states of others, learning the means of
emotion correction. Art therapy
psychotechniques can be helpful in solving this
task. So, for example, during the study of the
discipline Psychology from the topic Man in
Society, students are asked to create a drawing
on a given topic. At the first stage, students
internally construct a pictorial image
(corresponds to the task set by the teacher). On
the second direct projection of an imaginary
image to the outside (a sheet of paper). On the
third stage, the drawing is presented to others
(another, in particular, the teacher) and its verbal
interpretation followed by joint analysis.
It is important that students follow the steps when
creating a picture. At the first stage, the internal
construction of the graphic image (corresponds
to the task) takes place. On the second direct
projection of an imaginary image to the outside
(sheet of paper). On the third showing the
drawing to others and its verbal interpretation
followed by joint analysis. The color used in
drawing techniques has its own psychological
characteristics and is associated with certain
experiences among students. It is this that helps
greater personal and professional self-disclosure,
and thus greater understanding of oneself. The
mental drawing promotes catharsis in students, a
personal search for an answer to solving the
problems of solving conflict situations, a vision
of the future.
At the value-identification stage, the acquisition
of practical content and the implementation of
acquired knowledge about emotional intelligence
takes place through the creation of scientific
projects of psychological and pedagogical
support of future teachers’ personal and
professional development based on the
competence centers of the Faculty of
Pedagogical Education: the Center of Self-
Knowledge and Self-Development
samorozvitky/pro-tsentr.html and the Center of
Innovative Educational Technologies (ICR-
class) https://fpo.kubg.edu.ua/struktura/inshi-
tekhnolohii-icr-klas.html within the studied
disciplines under educational programs. For
example, trainings on the development of
emotional stability in future teachers have
become traditional on the basis of the Self-
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Knowledge and Self-Development Center. In the
course of such trainings, students self-assess their
own emotional stability, using the Mentimeter
online service to create a psychological portrait
of an emotionally stable person. It is important
that during the training, which is conducted
online using the Google Meet service, students
master techniques and exercises that enable them
to stay in the resource, view and analyze thematic
videos, and engage in activities that correspond
to their values. It is important that future teachers
transfer the acquired experience regarding the
formation of emotional stability to work with
preschool children and elementary school
students during practice.
When preparing projects, students have the
opportunity to familiarize themselves with and
try out various technologies, to choose the ones
that will suit each one individually due to an
individual and personal approach. Students also
create and implement individual and group
projects for the development of emotional
intelligence. As a result of the students' work, the
interdisciplinary project Psychological hygiene
of future teachers was created, the goal of which
was to form students of the first (bachelor's) level
of higher education in specialties Preschool
education and Primary education knowledge
about psychological hygiene, its levels and
methods; future teachers' awareness of the role of
psychological hygiene in personal regulation of
emotional states in the process of professional
Work in competence centers enables students to
apply in the process of personal and professional
development: innovative teaching methods: IBL,
PBL, PrBL; integrated training and competency-
based approach when implementing STEAM
education; digital tools to support various types
of student activities; forms of work in small
groups, pair work; 5E model of research study;
educational research projects with the main
stages of research; formative assessment
technologies; the basics of questioning
technology; flipped classroom and blended
learning technologies; virtual and augmented
reality software; methods and techniques for the
formation of critical thinking, algorithmic and
computational thinking; LMS Moodle; various
digital tools for the formation of life and digital
competences, the basics of entrepreneurial
activity; educational materials and equipment for
learning the basics of robotics, media literacy, 3d
printing, and the basics of programming. While
working on projects, students go through all
stages of task performance technology, providing
management of the emotional state,
subordinating emotions to the mind, promoting
self-knowledge and self-realization through the
enrichment of emotional and social experience.
The practices of psychological and pedagogical
support of future teachers’ personal and
professional development described in the article
are the result of an interim study conducted by a
team of authors. The presented educational
practices are aimed at achieving the goals of
psychological and pedagogical support of future
teachers’ personal and professional
The article highlights the experience of
introducing digital technologies, tools and
effective practices of psychological and
pedagogical support of future teachers’ personal
and professional development in the conditions
of distance learning into the educational process
of a university. The issues raised in the article are
caused by educational changes taking place in
connection with the introduction of new
educational and professional standards and
systematic distance learning of students updated
by the demographic, social, economic, and
infrastructural changes of wartime Ukraine.
The architecture of the article is built according
to the logic of the research, and its content
contains the accumulated experience of the team
of authors in the process of teaching integrated
educational courses Humanities, Pedagogy,
Psychology in a remote format on the Moodle
platform, conducting lectures, trainings, business
and role-playing games, scientific conferences.
The content of the article is presented according
to the components separated (by competence,
dynamic, intrapersonal criteria).
Effective practices of psychological-pedagogical
support of future teachers’ personal and
professional development presented in the article
are revealed in the context of professional
training of preschool teachers and primary school
teachers. The specified topic of the article is
disclosed taking into account the organizational,
technical-network, informational, programmatic
and structural features of the functioning of the
digital environment at the Borys Grinchenko
Kyiv University, which ensures the
establishment of systematic distance learning for
students of higher education. The practices of
psychological-pedagogical support of future
teachers’ personal and professional development
highlighted in the article are the product of
creative activity of researchers. From among a
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
number of technologies that are widely used in
face-to-face and distance learning, the author's
portfolio of personal and professional growth,
which can be used to support self-evaluation and
develop a trajectory of one's own (personal)
development and self-development; conducting
lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory
classes on the basis of competence centers the
Center of Self-Knowledge and Self-
Development, the Center of Innovative
Educational Technologies (ICR-class), which
operate at the Faculty of Pedagogical Education
of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. Since the
stated problem of the article is multifaceted, it
needs further research and generalizations. The
proposed practices can be adapted to the
educational process (subject to distance learning)
in other institutions of higher education in order
to strengthen the components of psychological
and pedagogical support of future teachers’
personal and professional development.
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