Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.67.07.20
How to Cite:
Logvynenko, Y., Mazurenko, V., Sytnyk, L., & Bilyk, N. (2023). Mykola Rudenko’s poetry and prose as a platform for
popularizing the author’s alternative hypothesis of the Universe. Amazonia Investiga, 12(67), 223-231.
Mykola Rudenko’s poetry and prose as a platform for popularizing the
author’s alternative hypothesis of the Universe
Поезія та проза Миколи Руденка як платформа для популяризації авторської
альтернативної гіпотези світобудови
Received: June 5, 2023 Accepted: July 10, 2023
Written by:
Yulia Logvynenko1
Volodymyr Mazurenko2
Larysa Sytnyk3
Nadiia Bilyk4
The results of literary research of members of Sumy
Branch of Scientific Society named after Serhiy
Podolyns’kyy are presented, which reveal the
uniqueness of literary output of outstanding
Ukrainian writer Mykola Rudenko. His literary
legacy is unique because the writer used it as a
popularization platform of his scientific
hypotheses, and ideas; it saturates textual essence of
his works with scientific terminology, formulas,
mathematical, physical calculations; forms reader’s
scientific worldview and allows wide readership to
participate in writer’s scientific discoveries. The
purpose of study is to show how scientific
hypothesis of Mykola Rudenko’s Monadic world
structure was formed and how it was reflected in his
Research used general scientific (analysis,
synthesis, comparison) and literary methods
(systemic approach, hermeneutic, etc.).
The works of I. Voloshyn, H. Vivat, P. Grigorenko,
B. Pastukh, T. Trofymenko, O. Nezhivy,
V. Shevchuk allow to comprehensively
comprehend the legacy of Mykola Rudenko.
A detailed analysis of works of M. Rudenko allows
us to conclude: 1) writer used his literary works as
a platform to popularize his scientific research;
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Department of Social and Humanities, Sumy Regional Teacher Training Institute,
Sumy, Ukraine. Researcher ID: UP-8823-2023
PhD in Technology, Associate Professor at the Department of Social and Humanities, Sumy Regional Teacher Training Institute,
Sumy, Ukraine. Researcher ID: UQ-5261-2023
PhD in Technology, Associate Professor at the Department of Educational and Information Technology, Sumy Regional Teacher
Training Institute, Sumy, Ukraine. Researcher ID: IUQ-0975-2023
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, M.V. Оstrohradskyi Poltava Academy of Continuous Education, Poltava,
Ukraine. Researcher ID: AAB-8827-2022
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
2) M. Rudenko managed to create whole layer of
"scientific" poetry and prose; 3) one should not
consider his poetry and prose as an appendix to
"Energy of Progress" they are autonomous works,
especially lyrics.
Keywords: the Universe, Mykola Rudenko, the
Monad, poetry, prose.
The strategic direction of science development,
which was settled in recent years, showed that it
did not bring mankind closer to the solution of
global world problems, but, on the contrary,
exacerbated them and distanced a man from the
Nature and the Cosmos. The task of the third
millennium, with its innovations, powerful
scientific and technical development on the one
hand, and military confrontations and
aggravation of global problems on the other,
should be the defining aspiration of humanity to
build a civilization on the planet based on
humane, valuable foundations. Humanity cannot
achieve the set goal without understanding the
fundamentals. Ukrainian writer, researcher,
public figure Mykola Rudenko understood this
more than forty-five years ago and it was this
recognition that prompted him to search for the
answer to the questions how the Universe is
arranged and what is the meaning of Human’s
life. The researcher published the results of his
research in work "Gnosis and Modernity
(Architecture of the Universe)" and popularized
it in poetry and prose, which made his literary
output unique.
The subject of our research is Mykola Rudenko’s
scientific work "Gnosis and Modernity
(Architecture of the Universe)", his poetry and
prose, which reflect the writer’s alternative
hypothesis. It should be noted that poetry and
prose are not an addition to scientific research or
an illustration of writer’s scientific and
philosophical thoughts, they are completely
autonomous and self-sufficient literary texts,
especially lyrics.
Theoretical Framework
Since Mykola Rudenko is the author of more
than 25 poetry collections, different genres of
prose works and scientific works in the field of
cosmology and physical economy, the directions
of research of his legacy were divided into two
vectors the study of literary works, biography
of writer and the study of his scientific works.
Therefore, a wide circle of researchers are
interested in M. Rudenko’s creative heritage.
Many literary experts were interested in life path
of the writer. You can learn about his life and
activity from P. Hryhorenko’s work "Mykola
Rudenko Poet, Philosopher, Fighter", which
contains many memories of rebellious general
(Hryhorenko, 1978).
M. Slaboshpyts’kyy in the article "But there is
still God... And there is still Ukraine..."
emphasized that the reality, when the aspiring
poet M. Rudenko appeared on the literary scene,
was "much scarier than in Orwell’s Utopia
"I984"" (Slaboshpyts’kyy, 1990, p. 68) and
analyzed the terms of M. Rudenko’s formation as
a poet.
V. Shevchuk studied the economic model of
management according to M. Rudenko and the
works of representatives of Ukrainian scientific
school of physical economy; he mentioned that
"…the physical economy paradigm revived by
M. Rudenko is an example of the beginning of
unity of that segment of knowledge that outlines
economic aspect of social and general
civilizational existence" (Shevchuk, 2009).
O. Nezhyvyy confidently stated that "…his firm
and unyielding civil position as a human rights
defender is admirable, and his philosophical
poetry has become one of the best treasures of
Ukrainian literature" (Nezhyvyy, 2010).
I. Voloshyn claimed that "… on the basis of the
energy approach, M. Rudenko developed a
theoretical model of a closed economy that
Logvynenko, Y., Mazurenko, V., Sytnyk, L., Bilyk, N. / Volume 12 - Issue 67: 223-231 / July, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
operates under conditions of simple reproduction
and consists of agrarian, industrial and state
sectors" (Voloshyn, 2018, p. 50).
Researcher H. Vivat focused on the analysis of
M. Rudenko’s poetry. H. Vivat noted the analysis
of M. Rudenko’s poetry, defining scientificity as
a characteristic feature of poet’s lyrics and its
type as "poesia doctus" (Vivat, 2008, p. 4). On
occasion, we ventured to disagree with
H. Vivat’s opinion in those places where the
researcher reflects on the Matter, the Substance
and the Man. The author insists that a person
belongs to material world, but we, in agreement
with M. Rudenko, hold the opinion that a man is
a part of material world, which cannot be equated
with the concepts of "The Substance" and "The
O. Brovko focused on the study of dynamics of
M. Rudenko's poetics, which manifested at genre
level, highlighted the stages of poet's creative
development (Brovko, (2003).
B. Pastukh studied the phenomenon of
ecocriticism in M. Rudenko’s novel "Eagle
Beam". The researcher proves that the writer
showed industrialization from a different
perspective than the socialist realist writers,
which indicates the movement of writer’s
creativity "against the thematic rules of socialist
realism" (Pastukh, 2014, p. 348).
T. Trofymenko in her work "Tragedy in Three
Acts. Holodomor in Ukrainian Literature" made
an attempt to determine who was the first among
Ukrainian post-Soviet writers to boldly discuss
the subject of Holodomor, which was forbidden
by the official censorship. In two sentences, she
mentioned M. Rudenko’s poem "The Cross",
written in 1976, without resorting to deep
analysis (Trofymenko, 2011, p. 156-159).
I. Renchka found out that the writer paid great
attention to the coverage of the processes of
russification and denationalization in Ukraine
during 1930-1980, and proved that the language
issue occupies one of the central places in
thoughts of the writer-philosopher and human
rights defender Mykola Rudenko (Renchka,
2019, p. 347-352).
Nevertheless, despite the considerable number of
works devoted to M. Rudenko’s literary heritage
study, they are not exhaustive, because the
researchers focus on separate aspects of
creativity. We insist that the legacy of M.
Rudenko must be studied comprehensively with
a multi-perspective approach, because it allows
us to reveal the multi-vector nature of interests of
Ukrainian writer, to research the cultural,
political, economic and scientific discourse of the
20th century, of which M. Rudenko was a part,
and his impact on the development of literature
and science of Ukraine in the 21st century.
Working on the study of literary and intellectual
heritage of M. Rudenko, we discovered that in
modern Ukraine, with its changes and reforms,
there has been a significant interest in rereading
the works of the writer. Of special interest today
are the works of M. Rudenko in the field of
physical economy, his views on the economic,
ecological, and humanitarian problems of
mankind. Literary experts, researching the works
of M. Rudenko, studying the literary features of
his work, emphasize the acuteness of the issues
raised by the author, which are still relevant to
this day.
To achieve the goal of our work, combination of
general and special research methods was used.
General scientific methods (analysis, synthesis,
comparison) made it possible to find out that
until now there have been no attempts to study
the prose and poetry of M. Rudenko as a platform
for the implementation and popularization of his
scientific research. First of all, a systematic
approach was applied to study writer’s literary
and intellectual heritage. A detailed study of
reflection of Monadic hypothesis of writer’s
world structure in his poetry and prose would be
impossible without the use of special literary
methods and techniques. The hermeneutic
method was applied to understand and interpret
the scientific and artistic texts of M. Rudenko and
was used for comprehensive interpretation of
author’s presentation of hypotheses and ideas in
literary works. The historical-functional method
allowed studying and predicting the place and the
role of writer’s legacy in modern historical-
literary discourse. A historical-genetic research
method was used to study the genesis of M.
Rudenko’s works of art, the prerequisites of their
ideas and radical changes in perception and
interpretation of writer’s creative heritage as a
result of changes in public consciousness and the
study of place of his works in Ukrainian literary
Results and Discussion
In order to understand M. Rudenko’s hypothesis
about the world structure and the reasons that
forced him to carry out a parallel presentation of
scientific research in literary works, one should
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at least cursory look at circumstances in which
his alternative hypothesis was born and formed.
M. Rudenko set out his view on the structure of
the Universe in a separate chapter entitled
"Gnosis and Modernity (Architecture of the
Universe)" of fundamental work "Energy of
Progress", in which, in addition to the hypothesis
about the Monadic world structure, which is the
subject of research of our work, the writer spoke
about the Ukrainian scientific school of physical
economy, among the prominent representatives
of which are the names of S. Podolyns’kyy and
V. Vernads’kyy.
"Gnosis and Modernity (Architecture of the
Universe)" is dated April-May 1976. It was later
confiscated by the KGB and was hidden in the
archives of the Committee for more than two
decades. The writer returned to it in January
1999: rewrote the fifth chapter, expanded the
tenth, and carefully edited the entire text. In May
2000, M. Rudenko added an appendix entitled
"From the author’s diary". The scientific work, to
which Ukrainian thinker dedicated the biggest
part of his life, is a synthesis of knowledge in
mathematics, physics, astronomy, philosophy,
ethics, economy, economics, and religion, which
mankind has accumulated over thousands of
years. M. Rudenko developed the science of
Monads in it. The Monad Doctrine is the most
complex, the most controversial in writer’s
intellectual legacy. The Monad is the basis of a
unique alternative model of the Universe from
the electron and the Man to the World Monad,
which is at the center of the Universe. And
although Monadology is not a new science,
because it was started by the ancient Gnostics,
the founder is considered to be the German
philosopher G. Leibniz (Leibniz, 1982), but only
Ukrainian writer managed to impose the
geocentric standards of modern physics on
concepts that had long been attributed to
metaphysics and to expand the science of
Monads, confirming his philosophical searches
with mathematical and physical calculations.
The hypothesis about the Monadic architecture
of the Universe arose from the writer’s desire to
understand the fundamentals of Genesis: "The
20th century left rather strange idea of World
Structure to posterity. Let’s start with so-called
isotropic nature of the Universe. It is about the
fact that the Universe is the same in all directions
... It is hard to believe in such a chaos at the
very top of the Universe where the Lord was
supposed to live" (Rudenko, 2008, p. 496).
The scientific research begins with the chapter
"Physical and Metaphysical", in which the author
combined physical and metaphysical as
necessary and sufficient requirement for the
search for fundamentals and philosophical
considerations, from where humanity originates
and what is the purpose of its development. In the
same chapter, M. Rudenko explained how he
understands the Matter, the Substance and gave
his interpretation of fundamental categories that
contradicted K. Marx. M. Rudenko insisted on
the falsity of Marxist ideology in terms of
dialectical materialism, and he considered the
attempts of Marxist ideologues to reduce world’s
processes to simple physical and chemical
reactions a gross mistake. The writer
categorically rejected K. Marx’s statement that
human life and nature are continuous chemical
processes, appealing to the works of Feuerbach,
Lenin and others. M. Rudenko included in his
hypothesis the ideas of ancient Greek
philosophers, as he was deeply convinced that
ancient scientists and their followers laid a solid
foundation of the Knowledge, in which one can
find answers to almost all philosophical
The Quantum of Space, according to M.
Rudenko, is the boundary of the transition
between physics and metaphysics. So, the unit of
measurement of material world was used by M.
Rudenko for the analysis of the Matter and the
transformation of elementary particles allowed
the writer to interpret the Matter as the Material
of the World, living flesh that is capable of
creating the material world due to vibration and
oscillation: "... light (not only a corpuscle) is a
substantial process, but not the Substance itself!
The Substance (that is, the Matter) is a spatial
field (vacuum) that can only vibrate, oscillate"
(Rudenko, 2008, p. 549). So, the material world
is a reflection of ideas, images of the World
Space, that is, the Matter. The researcher
interpreted the Matter as it was understood by
Bruno, Spinoza, and Feuerbach, but introduced a
new characteristic of it M. Rudenko spoke
about the polarity of the Matter that builds up the
Universe. The Monad creates energy spheres for
life, and the Man is the image, idea and witness
of the existence of the sphere: " the sphere
is not just an insensible geometry, but also the
Subject. And although we are given to see only
our own sphere, we, people, must believe
Pythagoras, Dante, and Skovoroda: they knew"
(Rudenko, 2008, p. 589). Working on his
hypothesis, the researcher proved the
dependence between the speed and location of
galactic mergers, expanded the boundaries of the
Universe to 1049 cm, determined trajectory of the
Milky Way Galaxy relative to the surface of the
World Monad (1035 cm) and revealed the nature
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of origin of quasars, confirming his opinion with
mathematical calculations.
The search for structure of the Universe was laid
out by M. Rudenko in the work "Gnosis and
Modernity (Architecture of the Universe)", in
poetry and prose.
The embodiment of writer’s scientific research
began to be clearly traced in his poems after
1963. Before that time the poet wrote texts in a
socialist realist style. The first note of transition
to a new worldview (different from the so-called
creative method of socialist realism imposed by
the state) is Poet’s search for his purpose in the
world: "Something will be / Something
must be. / Someone will not pass a difficult exam.
/ Someone is looking for desolation / for
redemption, / And it is nowhere to be found. //
Where to find the ends? / To eat and to drink
/ And to give birth to children / Even
sparrows can do that" (1965) (Rudenko, 2004,
p. 111) (translation here and further is made by
the authors of the article). This theme was
continued in many poems of this period: "And
what is a person? / Who is related to a titan, a
dwarf?" (1967) (Rudenko, 2004, p. 152); "And
the chill scrapes behind the skin: / Who are we
only teenagers or sages? / Have you come to
know that universal measure, / Where we are
creations not creators?" (1968) (Rudenko,
2004, p. 193). Therefore, the leading motive of
the poetry of this period is the search for the
meaning and purpose of human’s life.
Gradually, M. Rudenko discovered the Universe
for himself and shared the Knowledge with the
reader. For instance, in poem "Aliens" (2002), he
denies Darwin’s theory of evolution and
develops Skovoroda’s ideas: "It is not our nature
to die / We are inscribed in the exchange
movement. / Man is not a body, brother: / Man is
soul and Spirit" (Rudenko, 2004, p. 615-616).
The Man, created by the Lord, is endowed with a
divine part, in addition to a physical shell. This
share imposes a huge responsibility on a person.
Therefore, a person is responsible for the entire
organic world on the planet, for life in the nearest
Universe, which in turn is thought of
anthropomorphically as a living spiritualized
organism: "It is as if this world has settled in a
grain, / Its lifeblood is irradiated in your brain. /
In the heart of the Galaxy, in blue horizon / You
must grow bravely with your soul. // And
responsibility before the Universe / Will
suddenly fall on your soul" (1973) (Rudenko,
2004, p. 317).
In poems from 1977 and texts of later period, we
realize that poet urges the reader not to confuse
the fundamental philosophical categories of "The
Matter" and "The Substance": "I can easily
imagine the other world: / There, worlds are
woven from the rays. // And, perhaps, that is our
great honour / The cosmic goal, the worldly
thirst! / That rough and faceless materiality / It
comes to life in our suffering" (1977) (Rudenko,
2004, p. 417). If the material world is a reflection
of the ideas, images of the Matter, then
everything that the person sees, feels, and he
himself is a reflection of ideas of the Matter as
the Subject: "So, believe me: we don’t have a
body / There is only a soul and a condensed ray.
And space is the Matter itself, / This is the magic
of possibility and skill." (1981) (Rudenko, 2004,
p. 538). It is impossible to see the Matter itself,
one can only accept its existence and strive to
unite with it: "So I flew somewhere. Flew idly /
And felt that the Cosmos is life. / I was only a
soul that wanted / To merge with the world
essence" (2001) (Rudenko, 2004, p. 595).
The vocation of the Monad is to choose a space
for the Light, where the Darkness will not have
access. As a result of this struggle, the Life was
born: "The eternal circle / Wise people have long
understood: / Life is Light. / Darkness is death
/ And so everywhere in the worlds, /
Everywhere!.." (1972) (Rudenko, 2004, p. 285).
The law of unity and struggle of opposites gives
hope that the Light will never be overcome by the
Darkness, and life in the Universe will last
forever: "Life is not a dream, / But eternal action"
(1973) (Rudenko, 2004, p. 305).
In the poems of relatively late period of M.
Rudenko’s creativity, the model of the world
structure set forth in the work "Gnosis and
Modernity (Architecture of the Universe)" is
fully reflected: " In the center He /
Who filled this carousel with the Spirit. / He
reproduces himself in people. // For him, joy
consists in / So that where there are the galaxies
everywhere / The same as Him, beings just
people / Lived with the senses of Father’s
Home" (2002) (Rudenko, 2004, p. 627).
The poet presented his complex hypothesis of the
structure of the Universe and place of the Man in
it in poetic form in the widest way possible in
"Metaphysical Poem", written in exile in
Mordovia between May 28th and June 4th, 1978.
The poet synthesized his ideas scattered in poems
of various creative periods in it. The work
consists of five small sections. In the first and
fourth, respectively titled "Nirvana" and "Exit
out of Nirvana", the poet resorts to introspection
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to understand what caused his imprisonment.
When the hero’s consciousness was ready to
open new, still unexplored horizons, he felt a
union with the Universe: "Six fiery wings caught
the soul / And carried it into the heavenly
fullness" (Rudenko, 2008, p. 662). The lines of
the poem closely echo the lines of poem "The
Prisoner’s Dream". The poet described the
moment of the meeting with the Lord simply and
casually: "It turns out, I with my astral body /
Flew away outside the biosphere" (Rudenko,
2008, p. 672). To make it easier for the reader to
perceive the scene of meeting and
communication with the Creator, the poet
departed from the traditional image of the Lord
and personified Him in the image of ancient
Greek thinker Pythagoras. In the third section of
the poem entitled "The Monad", M. Rudenko
laid out the core of his hypothesis about the
structure of the world in the form of lyrical hero’s
dialogue with Pythagoras.
A characteristic feature of poem is the
presentation of text essence in prose and poetic
stanzas and introduction of formulas into the text:
1) 𝐹
𝐺 (Rudenko, 2008, p. 675) (note that in
the work "Gnosis and Modernity (Architecture of
the Universe)" the researcher uses с4 in formula
for determining force of The Monos (in poem
"The Monad"); 2) Fmon·Rmon=Mc2 (Rudenko,
2008, p. 677); 3)
(Rudenko, 2008,
p. 678); 4)
(Rudenko, 2008,
p. 679). The force of the Monad can be
determined by the first formula; according to the
second the energy of the Monad is determined;
the third is Newton’s rewritten law of universal
gravitation (the poet rejected masses and based
his formula on forces and radii in it); the fourth
formula reveals the views of M. Rudenko on the
glow of the Sun. After learning how the Universe
is arranged, the poet did not find an answer to
only one question: "how to explain the Monad
itself so that people could finally believe in it?"
(Rudenko, 2008, p. 679).
So, we can draw an intermediate conclusion: the
poet presented his alternative hypothesis of the
Universe in his poems gradually he presented
his discoveries in a spiral way, so that it was
easier for the reader to perceive and understand
the author’s ideas. On the other hand, the analysis
of M. Rudenko’s poems allows us to see how his
model of the Universe was gradually built up.
M. Rudenko’s prose also contains the
presentation of his alternative searches from
minor details to whole novels dedicated to
author’s position highlighting. The first novel
that partially contains the ideas set forth in the
work "Gnosis and Modernity (Architecture of the
Universe)" is the science fiction novel (according
to the author cosmological extravaganza)
"Magic Boomerang". The plot of the novel is
quite simple: the main character throws a magic
boomerang and finds himself on the planet
Phaeton, whose population has outpaced
earthlings in their development (Rudenko, 1966).
The introduction of interpolated episodes in the
form of transcripts of meetings of cosmo-
historical students group into the text gave the
writer opportunity to include in the text of novel
everything that aroused his keen interest at the
time of writing the work: the age of human
civilization, the probability of paleocontact,
quotations from Plato, Solon, the myth of
Phaethon, studies by J. Kepler, Titius, Bode,
Olbers, V. Fesenkov, I. Putilin and other material
about the Cosmos and the Earth available at the
time of novel writing. In this novel, writer closely
approached definition of the Monad he
introduced the concept of One Immaterial
Substance, drew attention to the need to
understand fundamental philosophical
categories: "Materiality is that infinite depth that
leads our cognition from the surface of an object
to its Substance. And the Substance is not an
electron or a particle. This is infinity, which leads
our thought into its own depth" (Rudenko, 2002,
p. 119).
The theme of reflections on the Material and the
Substance, the nature of the Universe, was
continued by M. Rudenko in the novel "Eagle
Beam", for which the author was awarded the
Shevchenko Prize. The novel has several
storylines united around the artist Volodymyr
Taran. The reader gets to know the main
character at a turning point in artist’s life, when
he seriously thought about the meaning of
human’s life. In search of answers to eternal
philosophical questions, Volodymyr studied the
works of Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, gnostics,
physiocrats, and "our Podolyns’kyy" (Rudenko,
2002, p. 188-189). He managed to create his own
model of the world, which was different from the
worldview of the Soviet man: "The Lord.
Volodymyr did not reject this word, just as
Spinoza and Skovoroda did not deny it. ... And
the Lord manifested himself most fully in man.
... Spirit comes from within the Matter. The
Matter ... converts into an insect, a tree, a
flower. And finally becomes a man. The
primacy of Matter does not prevent the Spirit
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
from being the Creator" (Rudenko, 2013, p. 55).
The ending of the novel is quite predictable for
an unengaged artist in a totalitarian society: "If
you are a metaphysician, the Volodymyr prison
awaits you" (Rudenko, 2008, p. 518).
Among the science fiction novels, M. Rudenko
most fully set forth his alternative hypothesis of
the world structure in the futuristic novel "The
Ark of the Universe" (written in Jersey City in
1990, published in Ukraine by the publishing
house "Rainbow" in 1995), aimed at children’s
audience. The writer sought to influence the
restructuring of the worldview of younger
generation from subordinate (hierarchical)
ideas to ideas about the polyphony of life,
because humanity must make the transition from
the strategy of subjugation to the strategy of
The writer brought the reader to the story about
the Galactic Monad gradually first he
introduced the thoughts of academician Mirek
Lyatoshynskyy, who chose economics and
biology as his specialty. Mr. Mirek’s thoughts are
set out in second chapter of the work entitled
"Insomnia". The academician was kept awake by
the complex problems of human civilization,
which humanity has made global today: the
depletion of the Earth’s resources, the
introduction of the labour theory of value in
understanding of K. Marx and A. Smith, the
wrong understanding of capital, the creation of
greenhouse effect, the collapse of states,
migration processes.
Only after the exposition of main fundamental
concepts, the writer introduced new heroes of the
novel academician Li Chun’ and his student
Prokip. During five hundred years of space
travel, the academician chose his only student
and taught the young man what he had
discovered during his extremely long life. We
can see that the writer constructed the plot line
related to the presentation of his alternative
hypothesis of the Universe in such a way that the
reader acts as a student and an attentive listener,
joining Li Chun’s discoveries together with the
inquisitive young man. It becomes known about
the World Monad from the dialogues of these
two researchers. Li Chun’ gradually revealed a
new understanding of the Universe to the student:
"The highest form of life should be considered
the World Monad. But it is beyond our reach. It
can be only grasped with the mind. It is, if you
like, the Lord-Father.” (Rudenko, 1995,
p. 61-62). Step by step, Li Chun’ introduced
young man to the main ideas set forth in work
"Gnosis and Modernity (Architecture of the
Universe)": the absence of "black holes" in the
centre of galaxies, a mistaken understanding of
the Sun’s glow cause, a false interpretation of the
vacuum, an error in Einstein’s theory of
relativity, incorrectness of Schwarzschild’s
postulate about gravitational acceleration, etc.
The novel repeats the basic provisions of the
work almost verbatim. The writer even
introduced three formulas from "Gnosis" into the
text of the novel: the formula F0=С4/G, by which
the force of Monos is determined (in the novel it
appears under the name "the force of the Monad
as a world constant" (Rudenko, 1995, p. 92), and
formulas determining the physical qualities of
the Monad (in the text of "Thinking Plasmas"):
R0=M0G/C2 та E=F0·R0.
If in the novel "The Ark of the Universe" Myron
Gryva appears as the author of an alternative
hypothesis of the Universe, the discovery of
which is remembered only by academician Li
Chun’, then in the novel "The Force of Monos"
(1984-1985), he is given the role of the main
character. The path of the novel "The Force of
Monos" was not easy to get to the reader: in
Miami, during the KGB search, the manuscript
was confiscated along with other texts. As a sign
of protest, the writer was forced to announce a
hunger strike. Academician A. Sakharov
informed the public about it, after 21 days of
hunger strike and publicity, confiscated property
was returned to M. Rudenko. In the memoirs
"The Greatest Miracle is Life", the writer called
his work a scientific novel (Rudenko, 2008,
p. 674), and M. Kuryk called the novel "unusual"
(Rudenko, 2008, p. 502). We are convinced: the
reason for this assessment is the significant
difference between the text of work and the array
of texts of this genre.
The novel takes place at the beginning of the 60s
of the 20th century the time of so-called
Khrushchev "thaw". The main character Myron
Hryva is a promising scientist, candidate of
philosophical sciences, the Head of the
Department of the Institute of Philosophy,
member of the party committee, married to the
beautiful Myroslava Yakivna, who was
invariably elected the Head of the District Capital
Court. Myron’s life was known in advance: the
defence of his doctoral thesis, promotion and a
cottage next door to the Master himself. In the
process of working on his doctoral thesis on the
topic "Philosophical problems of physical
singularity", Myron discovered a new
Knowledge that was radically different from
what he presented in his doctoral research. The
scientist faced a choice: to keep silent about his
discovery and live on, or to make public the
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
results of his discovery and wait for the
inevitable consequences (it was unacceptable for
scientists of the USSR to have an opinion that
differed from the official ideology).
While researching the singularity, Myron Hryva
rejected the hypothesis of the emergence of life
from random chemical compounds and theory of
panspermia this is how the Soviet scientist-
atheist Hryva came to understanding that "before
the epistemological subject had to appear (the
subject of Knowledge that is, a person), an
ontological Subject had to exist inevitably that
is, the Subject of Creation. What we call this
Subject (the Lord, the Nature, the Matter) is a
secondary matter" (Rudenko, 2007, p. 175).
Gradually, Myron realized that it was necessary
to conduct a thorough study with mathematical
and physical calculations, which would allow
determining the physical constant, "which
contains the causes of all causes, because
precisely inside of it all the elements of Universal
Being are concentrated without exception. This
constant is the Force of Monos!.." (Rudenko,
2007, p. 181). Hryva calculated the force of
Monos using the formula: E=F0·R0, where E is
energy (Мс2), F0 is the force of Monos, and R0 is
the radius of living flesh (Rudenko, 2007,
p. 182-183).
In schematic form, the model of the Universe, in
understanding of Myron Hryva, is reduced to the
following: 1) dead flesh is space (the vacuum) as
the Matter; 2) the living flesh of Monos is the
central sphere of the heavenly body, which with
its power is able to tear apart the flesh that is "out
of Motion, out of Spirit, out of Being"; 3) the
shadow of living flesh the spheres of heavenly
bodies and material objects visible to us, which
are only a spatial and dynamic reflection of living
flesh" (Rudenko, 2007, p. 185).
Hryva avoided forced treatment in a mental
hospital (one of the most common methods of
combating dissent in the USSR), bought a ticket
to Barnaul and got a job as a ferryman on Katun.
But he did not abandon his philosophical
pursuits. In his free time he wrote notes in a thick
notebook, on the title page of which was
painstakingly written: "M. Hryva. About
physical and metaphysical".
A detailed analysis of the novels "The Magic
Boomerang" ((Rudenko, 1966), "The Eagle
Beam" (Rudenko, 2002), "The Ark of the
Universe" (Rudenko, 1995), "The Force of
Monos" (Rudenko, 2007) in order to study the
presentation of author’s model of the world
structure in M. Rudenko’s artistic texts allows us
to draw intermediate conclusions: the prose gave
the writer more scope for the presentation of his
alternative hypothesis of the structure of the
Starting from 1966, the writer includes the results
of his searches in the plots of his novels, initially
presenting them in small blocks from simple to
complex. In novels aimed at children’s audience
("The Ark of the Universe" (Rudenko, 1995) and
"The Magic Boomerang" (Rudenko, 1966)),
author’s hypothesis of the Universe is presented
in form of introducing the student to the world
knowledge during learning process. When M.
Rudenko already had considerable material for
discussions and debates, he created the novel
"The Force of Monos" (Rudenko, 2007),
completely devoted to the elucidation of his
hypothesis of the world structure, which affected
the artistic value of novel (a simple plot,
moreover, mathematical formulas and
philosophical digressions significantly
complicate text reading). Popularizing the results
of his research in prose, the writer hoped: "...
a living soul will be found for whom my feelings
will be not only understandable, but also
spiritually close" (Rudenko, 2008, p. 509).
Popularizing the results of his research in poetry
and prose, M. Rudenko sincerely believed that
his works could find supporters who would not
only accept his postulates, but also go further in
search of truth. Since the ideas of the writer ran
counter to the official ideology of the USSR
(namely, his life and work fell on this period),
they were hidden from general public for more
than 30 years. Today in Ukraine there is an
interest in literary and intellectual heritage of
researcher, writer and public figure M. Rudenko.
As a result, in some model programs of
educational subjects/integrated courses of
linguistic and literary field in 5th grade of general
secondary educational establishments, according
to the State Standard of Basic Secondary
Education, in terms of implementation of the
Concept of the "New Ukrainian School", the
author’s collectives included the works of M.
Rudenko. And thus the works of unique
Ukrainian writer gradually return to the reader.
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