www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.67.07.19
How to Cite:
Slipetska, V., Bortun, K., Zhylin, M., Horlachova, V., & Kosharnyi, K. (2023). Structure and semantics of verbal means of
expressing states of emotional tension in english publicistic texts. Amazonia Investiga, 12(67), 212-222.
Structure and semantics of verbal means of expressing states of
emotional tension in english publicistic texts
Структура і семантика вербальних засобів вираження станів емоційного
напруження в англійських публіцистичних текстах
Received: June 1, 2023 Accepted: July 18, 2023
Written by:
Vira Slipetska1
Karina Bortun2
Mykhailo Zhylin3
Viktoriia Horlachova4
Kostiantyn Kosharnyi5
The aim of the research is to contribute to a
deeper understanding of the role and functioning
of verbal means of expressing emotional tension
in journalistic texts. Methods. The research
involves such methods as comparative analysis,
transformational analysis, contextual analysis,
pragma-semantic analysis. Statistical processing
and validation of the obtained data was carried
out using Cronbach’s alpha and mean square.
Results. The results of the study helped to
identify the linguistic features of expressing
states of emotional tension. A total of 272
interjections that reflect emotional stress were
found in the studied corpus. In general, 589
contexts of the use of modal words, which have
the colouring of emotional tension, were also
analysed. Conclusions. The study found that
emotional stress in journalistic texts is strongly
dependent on the context in which it is used.
Understanding emotional expressions requires
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of the English Language Practice and Methodology
of Teaching English, Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, Drohobych,
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Departments of Information, Library, Archival Affairs and Socio-Political
and Humanities Disciplines, Faculty of Law, Private Higher Education Establishment “European University”, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Senior Lecturer, Department of Practical Psychology, Educational and Scientific Maritime Institute of Humanities, Odessa National
Maritime University, Odesa, Ukraine.
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Chair “Business Foreign Language Communication”, Department of International Tourism
and Economics, National University “Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic”, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
Postgraduate student, Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv,
Slipetska, V., Bortun, K., Zhylin, M., Horlachova, V., Kosharnyi, K. / Volume 12 - Issue 67: 212-222 / July, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
taking into account the sociocultural context, the
goals of communication, and the relationship
between communicators. Prospects. Further
research can expand the scope and diversity of
the corpus of journalistic texts, which will enable
obtaining more representative results. Adding
different genres, time periods, and authors will
give a more complete picture of the verbal means
of expressing emotional tension.
Keywords: emotivity, linguistics,
communication, journalistic discourse, text
The research is aimed at analysing emotional
expressions from the perspective of linguistics
and communication, with the aim of clarifying
the specifics and features of their expressiveness,
which reflect states of emotional stress. This
study is intended to aid in the understanding of
the emotional dimension of speech acts and
contribute to the further development of
linguistics, communication sciences, and related
fields (Ozel, 2023; Predelli, 2020).
There are different ways of expressing emotions
in writing, determined by national, cultural,
historical, and linguistic characteristics. Despite
these differences, the verbal expression of
emotions in different languages has a number of
similar features, as a result of which emotivity
can be considered a universal category of
language (Stepanchenko, 2020).
Speakers of all languages experience such
emotions as joy, happiness, hatred, sorrow,
disappointment, anger. These emotions are
universal for most languages. However, these
emotions can manifest themselves more or less
intensely depending on the specifics of the
culture (Song, 2019).
Emotivity, in contrast to emotionality that occurs
at the psychological level, is a linguistic
category. Emotionality in this case reflects the
mental state of a person, and emotivity is the
expression of the speaker’s emotions at the
language level (Balakleiets, 2021).
The need to define the category of emotivity in
language was determined by the growing interest
of researchers in this language category and the
development of the linguistics of emotions
(Aytug et al., 2018). There is no unity of opinion
regarding its definition among linguists who
study emotivity as one of the linguistic
categories. Choosing such a definition that could
cover all the features of the category of
emotionality and express the essence of this
concept is a rather difficult linguistic task,
because the term itself contains many aspects
(Vent, 2022).
Each language has special groups of words to
express the emotional state of a person.
Emotivity, like many other linguistic categories,
is subject to sociocultural influence and reflects
the individual traits of individual peoples. At the
same time, there are a number of common
features that are inherent in the verbal way of
expressing emotions in different languages
(Ozel, 2023; Palacios-Martínez, 2020).
Emotionally coloured vocabulary is a constituent
part of the vocabulary of the language
represented by lexemes that describe emotional
states and processes. At the lexical level,
emotions can be expressed using the following
parts of speech: affective nouns, verbs,
adjectives, modal particles, adverbs, caressing
and swearing words (Voina et al., 2020).
The aim of the study is to determine the features
of the use of the structure and semantics of verbal
means that express emotional tension in
journalistic discourse.
1. Select the corpus of journalistic texts.
2. Identify markers of verbal means of
expressing states of emotional tension.
3. Analyse the frequency of using specified
markers in the selected corpus.
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Literature Review
Tomenchuk and Kotlyarova (2022) determined
different ways of verbalizing positive emotions
in speech. The authors studied and covered the
means that people use to express their positive
emotions, in particular, in conversational speech.
The study focused on the analysis of linguistic
characteristics accompanying positive emotional
states of a person.
Akkurt et al., (2021) identified the peculiarities
of the use of persuasive prosody in the
prosecutor’s speech, in particular in Ukrainian
and English. The researchers analysed the
prosodic characteristics used to achieve
persuasiveness in speech. This study gives
grounds for an idea about the specifics of the
persuasion prosody and its influence on
communicative effectiveness.
Khudoyberdievna (2021) studied the language
that expresses the psycho-emotional state of a
person. The author considered the linguistic
means used to express psycho-emotional states in
speech. The study focused on the role of
language in the expression and communication
of human psycho-emotional states. The author
analysed various linguistic features, such as the
use of specific lexical units, means of expression,
syntactic constructions and other elements of
language that help to express psycho-emotional
Kostusiak et al., (2022) considered the concept of
crisis in the modern media and information field.
The researchers analysed the ways of using and
perceiving the concept of crisis in media texts, in
particular in connection with military invasion.
Koch and Kaleniuk (2021) investigated the
psycholinguistic possibilities of political
concepts in the election campaign using the
example of the slogan “Army. Language. Faith”.
The research analyses the influence of political
concepts on the perception and conviction of
voters. This article reveals the psycholinguistic
aspects of political discourse and their role in the
formation of emotional attitudes to political
concepts in the election campaign.
Golovnia (2020) analysed lexical and stylistic
means of emotional impact on readers of perfume
industry texts. She covered lexical and stylistic
means used to create an emotional impact on the
Majid (2012) reviews current perspectives on
emotions in linguistics. The researcher analysed
various aspects of emotions, including their
effects on speech, language perception, and
communication. This expanded the
understanding of the role of emotions in speech
and revealed their influence on human
Bezrukov and Bohovyk (2021) studied
communicative space and textual reality through
the use of emotogenic means. The researchers
identify the role of emotions in creating a
language atmosphere and emotional mood. This
article reveals the importance of emotional
means in forming an aesthetic impression and
perception of a work.
Struhanets et al., (2021) examined the expressive
nature of national television broadcasting as a
means of psychologically influencing society.
Specific linguistic characteristics and language
tools used in television broadcasting to enhance
the emotional impact on the audience were
analysed. The study identifies the role of
expressiveness of speech in the media and its
influence on public perception and behaviour.
Tomenchuk and Kotlyarova (2022) focused on
ways of verbalizing positive human emotions in
speech. The authors considered various linguistic
means used to express positive emotions in
Depraetere (2019) provides critical assessments
of the principles of categorization of modal
meanings. The author considers various
approaches to the classification of modal
meanings and their influence on the semantics
and pragmatics of the English language. The
article contains a critical analysis of the existing
approaches to the categorization of modal
meanings, their advantages and disadvantages.
Despite the considerable number of studies in the
field of emotions in linguistics, there are some
questions that remain open. The influence of
different cultural contexts on the perception and
expression of emotions in speech has not been
sufficiently studied. Research into cross-cultural
differences in the expression of emotions can
help to better understand the role of cultural
factors in communication (Panasenko et al.,
Given the growing popularity of social media, it
is important to examine how emotions are
expressed and perceived in this context. The
study of language and emotional expressions in
social media can reveal the characteristics of
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
interaction and communication in the digital
Some emotions, which may be multifaceted or
complex, may require more detailed
investigations. For example, research into ways
of expressing conflicting or ambivalent emotions
can lead to new insights into language strategies
and tools used in such situations.
The first stage of the research involved two
methods component analysis and
transformational method to identify lexical
and syntactic markers of emotionality in text
fragments. Lexical markers of emotionality are
formal signals of emotions in the text.
The second stage provided for a linguistic
analysis of the texts using the following methods.
Transformational analysis was applied to
identify the syntactic characteristics of emotional
expressions, which distinguish them from other
communicative and pragmatic language units.
This analysis established syntactic similarities
and differences between emotive expressions,
which served as the basis for their structural
classification. Contextual analysis was used to
identify the specifics of emotional experience,
which is reflected in emotive expressions.
Pragma-semantic analysis revealed the place of
emotional expressions in the system of speech
The authors of the study followed the rules for
selecting the text corpus to ensure the reliability
of the obtained results. The methods of
mathematical statistics were used for this
purpose. The text corpus was selected in
accordance with the rules of forming a
representative sample, and the obtained results of
the analysis of the texts were subject to statistical
The composition of the sample was determined
using the probability sampling in order to ensure
the representativeness of the sample from the
entire collection of journalistic texts
(Washington Post, 2022; USA Today, 2022;
New York Times, 2022). This method involved
a random and equally probable selection of texts
from all units of the general population. This
approach helps to reduce systemic errors,
because random selection minimizes the
differences between the characteristics of the
sample and the general population.
Sampling based on the random selection
principles is a common approach in mass
research in mathematical linguistics. This
approach makes it possible to obtain reliable
results and ensure the objectivity of text analysis.
The data were entered and processed was carried
out using Microsoft Excel and SPSS Statistics
18.0. All data are given in relative (% of the
number of respondents) values.
Data Collection
1. Comparative analysis is a method used for
the comparative study of two or more
objects, phenomena, qualities or parameters
in order to identify their differences and
similar features. It helped to identify
negative and positive emotion markers and
revealed a quantitative preference for
emotional statements that express emotional
2. Transformational analysis was used to
identify emotional markers in the text.
Transformational analysis involved a
systemic study of text fragments in order to
identify lexical and syntactic features
indicating emotional expressions. These
were certain words, phrases, constructions
or changes in the structure of emotionally
coloured sentences.
3. Contextual analysis. This method was aimed
at revealing the specifics of emotional
experience, which is manifested in
emotional expressions.
Contextual analysis involved a detailed study of
the contexts in which emotional expressions
occurred. Such factors as the situational context,
the role of the interlocutors, the atmosphere and
other factors affecting the perception and
expression of emotions were considered. In the
process of contextual analysis, a detailed
classification and categorization of emotional
expressions was carried out depending on their
contextual meaning.
4. Pragma-semantic analysis involved
studying the interaction between the speaker
and the addressee, as well as their contextual
environment. The study was conducted to
find out how emotional expressions affect
the communicative processes between
people. The role of emotions in the
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
performance of various speech acts, such as
persuasion, warning, wish, etc., was studied.
Pragma-semantic analysis helped to
consider emotional expressions as an
important aspect of speech communication.
It revealed how emotions affect the
perception and interpretation of language
messages, as well as how they are formed
and transmitted within the communication
Analysis of Data
1. Statistical mean of the frequency of use.
2. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient
indicates the internal consistency of the test
assignments. The Cronbach’s alpha is
calculated according to the formula 1:
 󰇛
󰇜 (1)
total test score variance;
variance of i element. Values in the range
of 0.7 - 0.8 are considered satisfactory.
Ethical criteria
Data collection from journalistic texts complied
with anonymity of sources and confidentiality
rules. The authors determined that the data of the
texts will be used for scientific purposes only and
will not be disclosed in order to violate privacy
or influence the authors of the texts. The study
was conducted in accordance with ethical
standards that require careful and objective use
of data. The authors sought to avoid any form of
data manipulation or distortion of results in order
to obtain the desired conclusion. The authors
respected copyright when using journalistic
texts. Citation and appropriate recognition of
authorship contributed to the protection of
intellectual property and ensured academic
integrity. Inviolability and immutability of the
sources of the texts were maintained during the
analysis of the texts.
Interjections occupy a special place in the
language not only because of their syntactic
properties, but also because of their semantic and
functional characteristics. Interjections have
been found to lack a subject-logical meaning and
a nominative function. At the general level, three
groups of units are distinguished depending on
their main functional and semantic level:
1) emotions and emotional assessment (the
widest group of interjections); 2) manifestation
of will; 3) etiquette. This semantic classification
gives reason to propose the nuclear status of
interjections with the meaning of emotions and
emotional assessment within the field of
expressiveness that we constructed.
A complete selection of one-word interjections
from modern journalistic texts is presented.
Vocables with the grammatical marks
“interjection” (interj) / “exclamation” in the
definition of which contained the signs emotivity
and emotional tension were subject to removal.
The analysis of dictionary entries was the basis
for making a list of units uniquely identified as
“exclamation” (Table 1).
Table 1.
A dictionary selection of interjections with the meaning of emotions and emotional tension.
1. aargh 2. ah 3. aha 4. bah 5. eek 6. eh 7. eww 8. faugh 9. fie
10.gee 11.ha 12.heh 13.hey 14.hm 15.ho-hum
16.hooray / hurrah 17.huh
18.humph 19.o 20.oh 21.oho 22.ooh 23.oops 24.ouch 25.ow 26.pah 27.pfui
28.phew 29.phooey 30.phwoar 31.pooh 32.tut (-tut) 33.ugh 34.uh-oh 35.um 36.umph 37.urgh
38.whee 39.whew 40.wow 41.yay 42.yikes 43.yippee 44.yoi 45.yuk 46.yum
Source: created by the authors of the research
Contextual analysis of expressions of emotions
and emotional assessment reveals a wide range of emotive meanings realized in utterances. We
systematize the results of the analysis in Table 2.
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 2.
The results of the statistical analysis of interjections with the meaning of emotions and emotional tension.
New York Times
USA Today (2022)
Washington Post
aargh 18
aargh 15
aargh 5
anger irritation panic confusion despair fright
ah 22
ah 28
ah 20
anxiety panic embarrassment surprise mockery inspiration sympathy pleasure
eek 2
eek 1
eek 2
fear fright
ha 0
ha 9
ha 2
mockery irony
humph 22
humph 14
humph 12
disapproval annoyance disappointment neglect doubt distrust
pah 10
pah - 7
pah 8
ugh 20
ugh 26
ugh 24
irritability disgust
Total: 272
Source: created by the authors of the research
Interjections of the English language express
different clusters of emotions and feelings, which
are interpreted as varieties of emotional
meanings in terms of linguistic realization. The
fusion of the formal side of the linguistic sign and
the emotional experience conveyed in speech is a
characteristic feature of the realization of
emotivity. Interjections manifest themselves
both as a verbal emotional tool and as a direct
realization of emotion. In the analysed contexts
emotivity is revealed more fully with
interjections than in case of other expressive
grammatical means. The emotive meanings of
expectation and forecast excitement, anxiety,
fear, despair are found.
Lexico-grammatical means of expressing
subjective modality, which form a zone of
interaction between the fields of modality and
expressiveness, deserve special attention. An
independent lexico-grammatical group of units is
often singled out, which is called “modal words”.
As there is a lack of unambiguous means of
identifying modal words in English explanatory
dictionaries, the circle of these units was
determined and clarified with the help of
grammatical sources and a sample of literary
texts. This was followed by the analysis of their
semantics and functioning. We systematize the
statistics obtained as a result of the analysis in the
form of a table (Table 3).
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Table 3.
Statistical interpretation of modal words in journalistic texts.
New York Times (2022)
USA Today (2022)
Washington Post (2022)
In fact
No doubt
Source: created by the authors of the research
A total of 598 contexts of the use of modal words
were analysed. Apparently, the large corpus of
units that researchers recognize as modal words
was not involved. Functional and stylistic
marking in these units may be one of the reasons
for uneven statistics.
Besides, the frequency of use of modal words in
the analysed texts is influenced by the author’s
preference factor: the choice of lexico-
grammatical units with the meaning of modality
is determined to some extent by artistic tasks.
The analysis of the speech realization of the
selected units shows the diversity of their
functional semantics.
Modal words are non-specific (non-special)
expressive means, as they do not clearly express
the semantic dominants “emotivity” / “intensity”,
they combine several semantic functions.
Considering this, they occupy a peripheral
position in the model being built, and formally
represent the intersection of the fields of
expressiveness and subjective modality.
The category of expressiveness is revealed in the
communicative act at the sentence level. In
syntactic theory, repeated attempts were made to
build a classification of sentences based on the
principle of emotional and expressive certainty.
The sentence itself is the sphere of functional
realization of units of lower linguistic levels and
concentrates their emotional charge”. Despite
the fact that the sentence shows the accumulation
of the values of its components, the
expressiveness of this syntactic unit is not
reduced to the sum of “non-neutral”
actualizations of linguistic means. The sources
and mechanisms of expressiveness of a sentence
as an independent speech unit were identified
through the analysis of the structural and
semantic characteristics and functioning of
traditionally distinguished communicative types
of sentences in terms of emotional impact.
The functional semantic analysis of expressive
grammatical means of the English language
reveals groups of objects for which the
expression of the dominant values of “emotivity”
and “tension” is a linguistic, primarily, semantic
function. It is a combination of paradigmatic and
syntagmatic units (morphological, lexico-
grammatical and syntactic), forming two centres
of the field model of the category of
In conclusion, we note the productivity of the
analysis of expressive grammatical means of the
English language. The study confirmed the
functional activity and significance of
grammatical units and tools during the
objectification of the emotional and sensory
sphere of a person in speech communication
(Figure 1).
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 1. Functional activity and significance of grammatical units and means of expressing emotional
Source: created by the authors of the research
The “emotionality” centre is represented by
lexico-grammatical (interjections) and syntactic
units (exclamatory sentences) that express the
emotional experiences of the subject of speech,
thereby affecting the addressee. These means do
not enter into a relationship of synonymy with
neutral linguistic units and in speech
actualization represent an expressive version of
the linguistic norm.
Structuring of the category of emotional intensity
of verbal means of the English language made it
possible to consolidate different language units
and speech means of emotional influence:
morphological, lexico-grammatical, and
syntactic. As part of the study, the mechanisms
and methods of explication of the main and
secondary meanings of the category of emotional
tension by grammatical means of the English
language during their use in speech were
determined. Aytug et al., (2018) and Bezrukov
(2020) conducted similar studies. As in this
study, the above-mentioned authors determined
the frequency of using features of emotional
vocabulary in journalistic English-language
discourse. The research resulted in a broader
understanding of the lexical and grammatical
means of expression of journalistic texts.
The morphological, lexico-grammatical, and
syntactic systems of the English language have
specific units at their disposal, the semantic
functions of which are reduced to the category of
expressiveness. This is also stated in the studies
of Kots (2021) and Kuang et al., (2019). The
authors call this type of units system-linguistic
expressive grammatical units of the English
language. Predelli (2020) and Shestakova (2023)
clarified expressive means and came to the
conclusion that this issue is insufficiently studied
in the context of journalistic and scientific
English language systems also include semi-
functional units. Their expressive function is
secondary or acquired: ungrammatical intensifier
adverbs, modal words, word combinations,
imperative clause. This can be confirmed in the
works of such authors as Slavova et al., (2021)
and Song (2019). The authors define lexico-
grammatical units (grammaticalized adverbs of
measure and degree of feature), which can be
recognized as occasionally expressive, acquiring
an expressive function in contexts with
emotional and evaluative vocabulary.
The functional semantic field of expressiveness
is structured by outlined paradigmatic and
syntagmatic units and speech means. Zabolotna
(2023), Koperа and Rudina (2021) confirmed
that it has a polycentric structure with a distinct
core. According to the authors, this is caused by
two types of semantic functions within the
general category of expressiveness emotivity
and intensity.
Interjections Modal words Word-combinations Imperative sentences Intensifying adverbs
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
The theoretical results of the study reveal the
main structural features and semantic
characteristics of verbal means of expressing
states of emotional tension. The study revealed
that journalistic texts use a variety of lexical,
grammatical and stylistic means to convey
emotional tension. For example, intensive
adjectives, verbs, adverbs, as well as idioms,
metaphors and irony may be used.
The practical results of the research are important
for journalistic practice. Knowledge of the
structure and semantics of verbal means of
expressing states of emotional stress allows
journalists, writers and other authors to
effectively convey their emotions and create an
emotional sound of texts. The use of appropriate
lexical and grammatical constructions can
increase the intensity of the impression, which
contributes to effective communication with
readers or listeners.
Besides, the study emphasizes the importance of
context in understanding verbal means of
expressing states of emotional tension. The
understanding of semantic nuance and emotional
stress can change depending on the context, so
authors need to take into account contextual
features and adapt their choice of verbal means
of expressing states of emotional tension to a
specific text.
So, the theoretical results of the study reveal the
structure and semantics of verbal means of
expressing states of emotional tension in English
journalistic texts, and the practical results
provide useful instructions and recommendations
for writers, journalists and other authors on the
effective expression of their emotions and the
creation of emotional colouring in texts.
The study may be limited by the scope and
diversity of the sample of journalistic texts,
which may affect the generalization of the results
to a wider corpus of texts. Research can be
limited to a specific time period, specific authors
or genres of journalism. The definition and
categorization of states of emotional tension can
be subjective, as they are based on the
researcher’s perception. Different researchers
may have different ideas about emotional states,
which can affect the objectivity of the results.
The research concerns the verbal means of
expressing states of emotional tension in English
journalistic texts, which may create limitations in
the translation of the results into other languages.
Linguistic features, such as grammatical
structures, lexical nuances and phraseology, can
vary in different languages and affect the
expressiveness and effectiveness of expressing
emotional tension.
The relevance of this study is determined, on the
one hand, by the active research interest in the
human factor in language in general. On the other
hand, it is determined by insufficiently studied
functional semantic specifics of the category of
emotional tension, lack of a systematic analysis
of expressive grammatical means of the English
language. Research findings. The study confirms
the assumptions of linguists regarding the
superiority of the linguistic expression of the
semantics of “deviation from the norm”. It is
proven that English journalistic texts use a wide
range of verbal means to express states of
emotional tension. This includes expressive
vocabulary, intensive adjectives and verbs,
metaphors, rhetorical devices and other linguistic
tools. It was also confirmed that the structure of
verbal expressions interacts with their semantics
in expressing states of emotional tension. Phrasal
structure features, syntactic structures, and
semantic connections between words affect the
emotional impact of the text on the audience.
Applications. The results of the study can
contribute to the expansion of the theoretical
understanding of the semantics and structure of
verbal expressions of emotional stress. They can
also serve as a basis for further linguistic research
in the field of emotional linguistics and
journalism. Understanding the verbal means of
expressing emotional tension can be useful for
communication and media professionals. They
can use this knowledge to create effective
journalistic texts that can convey intense
emotional states and influence the audience.
Prospects for further research. Further research
may examine the effects of different contexts on
the expression of the states of emotional tension.
Understanding of the effect of different
situations, topics, and audiences on the use of
specific verbal tools can reveal new aspects of
communication and emotional impact.
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