www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.67.07.18
How to Cite:
Medynska, N., Grytsenko, S., Biriukova, D., Karlova, N., & Kotienieva, I. (2023). Intercultural and globalization factors in the
development of multilingualism. Amazonia Investiga, 12(67), 198-211. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.67.07.18
Intercultural and globalization factors in the development of
Інтеркультурні та глобалізаційні чинники розвитку мультилінгвізму
Received: June 12, 2023 Accepted: July 15, 2023
Written by:
Nataliia Medynska1
Svitlana Grytsenko2
Diana Biriukova3
Nadiia Karlova4
Iryna Kotienieva5
The aim of the study was to determine
multilingualism in Ukraine with the
identification of intercultural and globalization
factors. The study involved statistical methods
and comparative analysis. It was established that
the phenomenon of multilingualism is
characteristic of the Ukrainian people. During
the period of its establishment, Ukraine was
constantly under the socio-cultural influence of
neighbouring states, which showed elements of
chauvinistic ascendancy. However, the typical
combinations of languages that were
characteristic of multilingual groups of the
population of Ukraine are being transformed in
accordance with the current requirements. In
particular, an increased influence of the official
languages of the international community is
recorded. The phenomenon of multilingualism
for the Ukrainian people is contradictory, as it is
mostly artificial, caused by intercultural factors
of foreign countries. However, technological
development, globalization processes and
Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations form the
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Department of the Ukrainian Language and Literature, Stepan Demianchuk International University
of Economics and Humanities, Rivne, Ukraine.
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Department of General Linguistics, Classical Philology and Neohellenistic Studies, Institute of
Philology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
PhD of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Foreign Philology, Translation and Professional Language Training Department,
Faculty of Economics, Business and International Relations, University of Customs and Finance, Dnipro, Ukraine.
PhD of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Ukrainian Language, Faculty of Ukrainian Philology and
Journalism, State Institution “Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University”, Poltava, Ukraine.
PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, State Institution
“Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University”, Poltava, Ukraine.
Medynska, N., Grytsenko, S., Biriukova, D., Karlova, N., Kotienieva, I. / Volume 12 - Issue 67: 198-211 / July, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
basis for a fundamental change in attitudes
towards this phenomenon and the use of
multilingualism as an advantage of Ukrainian
society. Further research is aimed at obtaining
the concept of systemic solutions for the positive
use of the multilingualism of the Ukrainian
people, in particular through the implementation
of language combinations using languages
recognized by the international society.
Keywords: Language, bilingualism, dynamics,
forecast, globalization processes,
The study of multilingualism in Ukraine is
extremely relevant, as the country has a
multilingual context and a rich linguistic
landscape (Gazdag & Barany, 2023). The main
reasons why the study of multilingualism in
Ukraine is relevant:
1. Linguistic diversity: The study of
multilingualism can help to study and
understand the relationship between
different language groups, the dynamics of
linguistic diversity and the impact of
languages on society (Pletnyova, 2020).
2. Language policy: Research can help
establish effective mechanisms for the
preservation and development of different
language groups, promote linguistic
equality, and build an inclusive language
environment (Lanvers & Lunyova, 2023).
3. Intercultural communication: The study of
multilingualism can contribute to a better
understanding of intercultural interactions,
building a tolerant and mutually accepting
society, and the development of interethnic
dialogue (Ivanova, 2023).
4. Education and language policy in schools:
The study of multilingualism can have
practical applications in the field of
education, in particular in the development
of bilingual education programmes,
intercultural learning and support of
linguistic diversity in schools (Kolesnyk &
Biseth, 2023).
5. Linguistic rights and mindrulinguism: The
study of multilingualism contributes to the
support of language rights of citizens and the
development of mindrulinguism a
person’s ability to speak several languages
without discrimination (Klinytskyi, 2022).
These factors emphasize the importance of
conducting research on multilingualism in
Ukraine, which will contribute to the
understanding, development, and maintenance of
linguistic diversity in society.
Unexplored issues
There are several unexplored issues that
demonstrate the need for research on the impact
of intercultural and globalization factors on the
phenomenon of multilingualism in Ukraine: the
impact of intercultural ties on multilingualism,
the impact of globalization on linguistic identity,
the policy of linguistic equality and
The aim of the study is to analyse
multilingualism in Ukraine over a 10-year period
with a view to the influence of intercultural and
globalization factors. The research is aimed at
identifying the dynamics of this phenomenon and
understanding its socio-cultural aspects, in
particular regarding multilingualism in
Ukrainian society.
Research objectives:
1. Conduct an informational and analytical
search using multilocal sources containing
relevant information about multilingualism
in Ukraine, including intercultural and
globalization factors that influence this
2. Collect statistics on the state of the language
environment of Ukraine for a ten-year
period. Analyse these specialized statistics
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to identify trends and changes in a
multilingual context.
3. Apply statistical forecasting, using the
analysis of specialized statistics, predict the
possible development of multilingualism in
the future.
4. Carry out a comparative analysis of forecast
variations, comparing different scenarios of
the development of multilingualism based
on statistics and forecasts.
Literature review
Multilingualism is the state or ability of a person
or community to speak two or more languages. It
includes the ability to understand, speak, read
and write in different languages. Multilingualism
can manifest itself at different levels, from a
basic level of proficiency in several languages to
a high level of bilingualism or multilingualism,
where an individual is proficient in several
languages and uses them in different contexts and
situations (Titone & Tiv, 2023).
Multilingualism can derive from cultural
diversity, multilingual environment, migration,
bilingual education or active learning of different
languages. It is not limited to the understanding
and use of individual languages, but also
encompasses the understanding of cultural
aspects, traditions, values and ways of thinking
that are associated with each language (Kabra et
al., 2023).
Multilingualism is an important phenomenon in
the modern world, especially in the context of
globalization and growing intercultural
interaction (Mim, 2023).
There are different prerequisites for the
emergence and development of multilingualism
underlain by the following factors:
1. Linguistic environment: one of the
prerequisites of multilingualism is a
multilingual environment where different
languages are used in everyday
communication. This may be a region where
multiple languages are official or where
different languages have spoken language
status (Zheng et al., 2023).
2. Cultural context: cultural factors also play an
important role in the development of
multilingualism. In the context of cultural
diversity and migration processes, people
often learn multiple languages to interact
with different cultures and maintain their
linguistic and cultural identity (Colantonio-
Yurko, et al., 2023).
3. Family factors: in the family environment,
multilingualism can result from different
languages spoken by parents or different
branches of the family. Children can learn
more than one language from birth, which
stimulates their multilingual competence
(Sevinç & Mirvahedi, 2023).
4. Bilingual education: educational systems
that offer the teaching of different languages
can contribute to the development of
multilingualism. Bilingual programmes,
where children receive education in two or
more languages, help them become
multilingual (Koelewijn et al., 2023).
5. Individual interest and effort: a person’s
desire to learn different languages plays an
important role in the development of
multilingualism. Multilingualism can be a
result of personal interest in other cultures,
linguistic diversity and international
communication (Ilmassafa et al., 2023).
These prerequisites can interact and influence the
formation of multilingualism in an individual or
The analysis of globalization and intercultural
factors in the development of multilingualism
gives grounds to distinguish the following
1. International communication: the spread of
global technologies and international
connections necessitates effective
communication between countries and
cultures. This stimulates interest in learning
languages that are used internationally, such
as English, French, Spanish and others
(Sokolovska, 2023).
2. Economic opportunities: globalization and
international trade create a need for the
ability to communicate effectively with
partners from different countries and
cultures. Knowing different languages can
be a competitive advantage in the labour
market, opening up new business and career
opportunities (Muindi, 2022).
3. Migration processes: the growing migration
promotes intercultural interaction and
creates a multicultural environment. People
who move to other countries are forced to
adapt to new language contexts, which
stimulates them to learn languages
(Stavrakaki & Manoli, 2023).
4. Tourism and cultural exchange: the growing
popularity of tourism and cultural exchange
promotes greater contact between people
from different countries. This necessitates
language competence to perceive,
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
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communicate and understand different
cultures (Chand et al., 2023).
5. Supporting linguistic diversity: global
organizations and initiatives promote the
preservation and development of different
languages and cultures. This may include
support for bilingual education, language
programmes and activities aimed at
supporting language diversity (Pritam &
Singh, 2023).
These factors enrich multilingual environments
and promote the development of multilingualism
in society.
So, multilingualism is a key factor in building a
global language environment, promoting
understanding and cooperation between cultures.
Its further development requires the preservation
of linguistic diversity and the development of
effective policies that will facilitate the equal use
of languages and ensure an inclusive linguistic
environment for all.
Research design
The research design in illustrated in (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Research design.
Source: created by the author.
The sample for the study is formed based on the
specialized statistics of the relevant institutions:
CLEAR Global, EF EPI, Giessen Centre for
Eastern European Studies (GIZO), State
Statistics Service, Institute of the Ukrainian
Language, KIIS, Razumkov Centre, Slovo i Dilo,
Research methods:
1. Analysis of specialized statistics on the state
of the language environment of Ukraine in
ten-year dynamics: This method includes the
collection of statistics on the language
environment of Ukraine during a ten-year
2. Statistical forecast based on the analysis of
specialized statistics: this technique involves
statistical methods and models to create a
forecast of the development of
multilingualism in the future.
3. Comparative analysis of predictive
variations: this method involves comparing
different scenarios of the development of
multilingualism on the basis of predictive
variations obtained through statistical
Each of these research methods contributes to the
understanding of the state and development of
multilingualism in Ukraine, enabling analysis,
forecasting and modelling of the impact of
various factors on the language environment.
The analysis of specialized statistics involves the
study of the language environment in Ukraine as
a result of the establishment of Ukrainian society
under the influence of intercultural factors
Figure 2.
Step 1: Informational and analytical search
Step 2: Analysis of specilalized statistics
Step 3: Statistical prediction
Step 4: Comparative analysis of forecast variations
Step 5: Analytical conclusion
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Figure 2. Composition of the language space of Ukrainian society.
Source: created by the author based on the statistics.
According to the given data (Figure 2),
Ukrainian, Russian and Crimean Tatar languages
prevail in the linguistic environment of
Ukrainian society. This structure of the language
space is determined by a system of intercultural
factors: the localization of ethnic groups near
foreign countries (Figure 3), the multifactorial
Russian chauvinist influence, which is
manifested in the results of the migration policy
of the communist ruling party of the Soviet era
(the multi-stage deportation of ethnic Ukrainians
from the south and east of Ukraine to Russia and
settling this territory by invasive ethnic groups
with Russian socio-cultural features) (Figure 3a;
Figure 3b), as well as the artificial propagation of
Russian education and culture mainly for the
urban population of the country (Figure 3).
a) spread of the Ukrainian language
b) spread of the Russian language
c) spread of the Crimean Tatar language
d) spread of the Hungarian language
0,00% 10,00% 20,00% 30,00% 40,00% 50,00% 60,00% 70,00% 80,00%
Crimean Tatar
No language specified
Other language
Título del gráfico
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
e) spread of the Romanian and Moldavian languages
f) spread of the Bulgarian language
Figure 3. Visualization of the intercultural factor local diffuse ethnic and cultural influence of foreign
Source: created by the author based on the statistics
a) urban population
b) rural population
Figure 4. Visualization of the intercultural factor - artificial russification of the urban population of
southern and eastern Ukraine.
Source: created by the author based on the statistics.
The dynamics of bilingualism in Ukrainian
society will be studied based on the specialized
statistics using the example of the largest
competing linguistic pair: Ukrainian and Russian
languages - Figure 5.
The study of the bilingualism of Ukrainian
society in the chronological dynamics of the last
decade (Figure 5) gave grounds to conclude that
the share of Ukrainians who use both Ukrainian
and Russian languages in everyday life is
approximately stable at 23.95%. At the same
time, we observe that the situation changed
radically after February 24, 2022 (in the
projection for 2023) after the beginning of the
large-scale unprovoked armed aggression of the
Russian Federation against Ukraine: the
bilingualism of Ukrainian society decreased by
1.5 times relative to the median indicator.
The probable percentage of bilingualism in
Ukrainian society in the next decade will be
determined using statistical forecasting tools -
Figure 6. According to the results of the
statistical forecast (Figure 6), a further decrease
in the typical bilingualism of Ukrainian society is
expected. This is explained by the decreasing
influence of artificial intercultural factors since
the invasion of Russian socio-cultural aspects
and the increasing level of national self-
identification of Ukrainians.
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Figure 5. Visualization of the dynamics of bilingualism in Ukraine.
Source: created by the author based on the statistics
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/ July 2023
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Figure 6. Statistical forecast of the development of bilingualism in Ukrainian society.
Source: created by the author based on the statistics
It is worth noting that the phenomenon of multilingualism of the Ukrainian
community is also influenced by globalization factors. In particular, the global
influence of the internationally recognized language of international
communication - English - is observed. The assessment of the level of
implementation of the English language by the Ukrainian society is determined by
the EF English Proficiency Index (EF EPI) - Figure 7
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035
Bilingualism 20,90% 22,80% 24,70% 30,40% 25,40% 29,20% 24,80% 24,10% 21,30% 23,50% 18,47% 15,70%
Basic forecast 15,70% 13,43% 10,53% 7,62% 4,72% 1,82% -1,09% -3,99% -6,90% -9,80% -12,70%-15,61%-18,51%
Negative forecast 15,70% 6,56% -0,03% -7,95% -16,83%-26,47%-36,77%-47,68%-59,13%-71,09%-83,53%-96,43% -109,77
Positive forecast 15,70% 20,30% 21,08% 23,20% 26,27% 30,10% 34,60% 39,69% 45,33% 51,49% 58,13% 65,22% 72,75%
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Figure 7. Chronometric dynamics of the implementation of the English language in the Ukrainian
community according to EF EPI.
Source: created by the author based on the statistics
The results of the assessment of the level of
English language proficiency in the Ukrainian
society (Figure 7) show a trend towards an
increase in the EF EPI in the decade under
research, which is due to the influence of the
following globalization factors:
social and everyday spread: the English
language has taken a leading position in the
global social and information space, because
about 1.5 billion people communicate in
English as their mother tongue or as a second
language, which is 36.4% more than Chinese
(Mandarin) language (1.1 billion users) and
2.5 times more than Hindi (602.2 million
spread in the technical content space:
according to the results of 2022, the English-
speaking sector of the Internet amounted to
57.7%, almost 11 times exceeding the
nearest competitor (5.3% - Russian-
speaking sector);
spread in the field of science and research:
English is used by the majority of
researchers and engineers;
spread in the public sector: English has the
status of a state language in 55 countries of
the world (28.5% of the total);
promising spread: the share of the English-
speaking sector of the world economic
sphere will continue to occupy a leading
position by 2050, and will increase to 34%
of the world volume (3 times greater
influence on the world economy than that of
the closest competitor Mandarin
(Chinese) language (11%)), which will
continue to let the English language occupy
a leading position and increase the number
of users to 1.65 - 2.0 million people.
The identified factors have a direct impact on the
language policy of Ukraine, a country where
Euro-Atlantic aspirations are enshrined in the
Constitution. In particular, the “Law on the Use
of the English Language in Ukraine” was
developed and implemented on the initiative of
the President of Ukraine. It gives the English
language wider rights and state support in its
implementation in the linguistic space of the
Ukrainian community. That is, the state de facto
shifts the contradictory vector of Ukrainian-
Russian bilingualism towards the Ukrainian-
English bilingualism.
Using the method of statistical forecasting, we
will evaluate the likely dynamics of EF EPI for
the Ukrainian society in the next decade - Figure
8, Figure 9.
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
EF EPI Score 53,09 48,5 52,61 50,62 50,91 52,86 52,13 50,6 52,5
EF EPI Rating 27 44 34 41 47 43 49 44 40
EF EPI Rating
EF EPI Score
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
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Figure 8. Statistical forecast of the EF EPI Score for Ukrainian society
Source: created by the author based on the statistics
Figure 9. Statistical forecast of the EF EPI Rating for Ukrainian society
Source: created by the author based on the statistics
The obtained forecast results (Figure 8, Figure 9)
show a probable increase in the level of English
language proficiency in the Ukrainian society
and the formation of a new type of
multilingualism - Ukrainian-English
So, the results of the study indicate the practical
prerequisites for changing the attitude of
Ukrainian society to the phenomenon of
multilingualism. The change of the controversial
invasive artificial paradigm of Ukrainian-
Russian bilingualism formed under the influence
of multifaceted intercultural factors, by the
modern paradigm of Ukrainian-English
bilingualism, which derives from progressive
globalization processes, is recorded. Their
implementation is extremely relevant for
Ukraine, which is on the way to Euro-Atlantic
The results of the study established the following
key aspects:
multilingualism of the Ukrainian
community is a typical phenomenon that
was formed under the influence of
multifaceted intercultural factors, which
correlates with the relevant findings
(Wildemann et al., 2023; Averbuch, 2023);
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035
EF EPI Score 53,09 48,5 52,6150,6250,9152,8652,13 50,6 52,5
Basic forecast 52,5 51,9752,0652,1452,2352,3252,4152,4952,5852,6752,7552,8452,9353,0153,10
Negative forecast 52,5 49,4 49,5 49,5 49,6 49,7 49,8 49,9 50,0 50,0 50,1 50,2 50,3 50,4 50,4
Positive forecast 52,5 54,6 54,7 54,8 54,8 54,9 55,0 55,1 55,2 55,3 55,4 55,5 55,6 55,7 55,8
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035
EF EPI Rating 27 44 34 41 47 43 49 44 40
Basic forecast 40 48,0049,4050,8052,2053,6055,0056,4057,8059,2060,6062,0063,4064,8066,20
Negative forecast 40 45,6 46,9 48,3 49,6 50,9 52,3 53,6 54,9 56,2 57,6 58,9 60,2 61,6 62,9
Positive forecast 40 50,4 51,9 53,3 54,8 56,3 57,8 59,2 60,7 62,2 63,6 65,1 66,6 68,0 69,5
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
the most common multilingual phenomenon
in Ukrainian society is Ukrainian-Russian
bilingualism, which has a controversial
intercultural chauvinistic artificial invasive
origin. The researchers drew these
conclusions in publications (Csernicskó &
Máté, 2017; Hentschel & Taranenko, 2021);
significant prerequisites were formed for
replacing the toxic invasive paradigm of
Ukrainian-Russian bilingualism with
Ukrainian-English bilingualism, which is a
response to globalization challenges for the
Ukrainian community on the way to Euro-
Atlantic integration. This aspect is
confirmed in the studies (Dronova, 2023;
Soroka et al., 2023).
The last aspect regarding the global influence of
the English language is also evidenced by
specialized statistics:
According to estimates (HolonIQ, 2023) the
field of international education is confirmed
by certificates of the appropriate level of
accreditation, which is provided during the
creation and defence of attestation paper in
English. The current scope of the specified
educational services is estimated at 10 - 20
million students annually, and by 2030 this
indicator will increase to 1 billion university
graduates. This has direct economic
consequences, because international
education currently attracts investment of
$196 billion, and by 2030 it will amount to
$433 billion (with the projected average
annual growth rate of 7.4%). So, it is
necessary to have an appropriate level of
English language proficiency in order to
obtain a professional qualification of an
internationally recognized accreditation
(Adroit Market Research, 2021) estimate the
current amount of investment in direct
English language learning at $12 billion and
predict a further increase of the studied
educational sector in 2029 to $69.62 billion
(with a forecasted average annual growth
rate of 9.5%). The study Adroit Market
Research (2021) notes that the following
practical methods are most often used to
learn English: classic based on thorough
manuals, full-time course in the form of
group training and online learning.
According to Adroit Market Research
(2021), the development of digital means of
learning English is the key economic driver
of the development of English language
learning, but one of the restraining factors
listed in this marketing research. There is a
lack of a unitary approach and an effective
method of acquiring relevant skills in
The analysis of the results of the marketing
research Verified Market Research (2023c)
gives grounds to conclude that the financial
consequences of the growing influence of
the English language on educational and
professional activities will be manifested in
the increased investment in English
language proficiency tests for confirmation
of one’s level of qualification and
accreditation. It is currently $1.9 billion and
will increase to $6.2 billion by 2030 (with
the projected average annual growth rate of
14.76%). It is noted in Verified Market
Research (2023b) that The English
Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) and The
Test of English as a Foreign Language
(TOEFL) are among the test leaders.
However, the development of digital means
forms qualitatively new approaches and
changes the basic principles of the field of
accreditation, which is a direct consequence
of the increase in the number of specialized
network educational platforms (Verified
Market Research, 2023c) and the general
digitalization of the English language
learning. Investment in providing digital
English language learning services will
increase from the current $4.13 billion to
$12.82 billion in 2028 (with a projected
average annual growth rate of 15.32%)
(Verified Market Research, 2023a).
The globalization factors considered above
give grounds to conclude that the identified
trend towards the formation of Ukrainian-
English bilingualism has relevant and
essential prerequisites. This is extremely
important for Ukraine, as it Euro-Atlantic
aspirations are enshrined in the Constitution.
The relevance of the study is determined by the
need to identify potential directions of
development of the linguistic environment of
Ukrainian society on the way to the Euro-
Atlantic integration of Ukraine. This includes, in
particular, the need to replace the toxic
artificially invasive paradigm of Ukrainian-
Russian bilingualism with the globalization
concept of Ukrainian-English multilingualism,
which will contribute to the development of
international communication, the attraction of
foreign investment, increasing the country’s
competitiveness and increasing cultural
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Research findings
The results of the study confirm the following
key aspects:
Multilingualism is widespread in Ukrainian
society, which is formed under the influence
of various intercultural factors. This is
consistent with previous studies that confirm
this trend.
The most common form of multilingualism
in Ukraine is Ukrainian-Russian
bilingualism, which has a complex
intercultural nature caused by artificial and
invasive factors. This is confirmed by
relevant studies on this issue.
There are prerequisites for replacing toxic
Ukrainian-Russian bilingualism with
Ukrainian-English bilingualism, which is a
response to global challenges for the
Ukrainian community on the way to Euro-
Atlantic integration. This aspect is
confirmed by the results of studies that
emphasize the need to change language
Considering these findings, it is important to
elaborate a language policy that will promote the
development of the Ukrainian language,
maintain interest in learning English, and also
provide access to quality education in both
languages. Achieving these goals can contribute
to better understanding and communication in
the international context and promote the Euro-
Atlantic integration of Ukraine.
These conclusions can be applied in different
areas to promote the development of the
language environment and language policy in
Ukraine. We will provide several possible areas
of application: language policy, education,
cultural exchange, international relations.
Prospects for further development
Further studies can expand our understanding of
multilingualism in Ukrainian society and explore
new aspects of this phenomenon. Some possible
prospects for further research are outlined below:
1. Expanding the scope of the study: further
studies can cover a wider geographical area
of Ukraine and different social groups,
which will provide a more complete picture
of the distribution and dynamics of
2. Examining language practices: further
research could better examine language
practices and the use of different languages
in different areas of life, including
education, work environment, mass
communication, and social networks.
3. Analysis of the impact of the linguistic
environment: the studies can focus on the
impact of a multilingual environment on
individual and group identity, cultural
practices, and relationships between
different language groups.
4. Study of the language policy: further
research may assess the effectiveness and
outcomes of language policy in Ukraine,
including measures to support the Ukrainian
language, encourage English language
learning, and regulate the use of other
5. Impact of globalization: further research
may explore the impact of globalization
processes on multilingualism in Ukraine,
including the spread of English, the growth
of cultural pluralism, and changes in
language practices.
6. Comparative studies: further studies can be
conducted in comparison with other
countries where there is a similar
multilingual context, which will allow to
understand the unique aspects of Ukrainian
multilingualism and compare it with other
These areas of research can help expand our
knowledge of multilingualism in Ukraine,
develop more effective language policies, and
contribute to the development of a language
environment that meets the needs of modern
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