www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.67.07.15
How to Cite:
Bulakh, T., Kulykova, O., Martiukhyna, K., Karpenko, O., Putsіata, I. (2023). Main types of podcast advertising: foreign and
Ukrainian experience. Amazonia Investiga, 12(67), 162-172. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.67.07.15
Main types of podcast advertising: foreign and Ukrainian experience
Основні види реклами в подкастах: зарубіжний та український досвід
Received: May 30, 2023 Accepted: July 19, 2023
Written by:
Tetiana Bulakh1
Olena Kulykova2
Kateryna Martiukhyna3
Olena Karpenko4
Iryna Putsіata5
The article is devoted to considering podcast
advertising as a means of monetizing. The
podcast advertising types are characterized. An
analysis of the domestic experience of using
podcasts for advertising purposes was carried
out. The purpose of the article is to consider the
main types of podcast advertising and analyse
their use in the Ukrainian segment of the media
market. Podcasts of Radio NV, Suspilny, "The
Ukrainians", "Ukrainian Pravda" have been
analysed. Content analysis of podcasts was
chosen as the main research method to identify
the types of advertising used in domestic
podcasts. The main characteristics of the
classification of podcast advertisements and the
types that are distinguished within these
characteristics have been established. It was
found that Ukrainian podcasts most often use
self-promotion, but there are isolated cases of
partnership and sponsorship (usually at the end
of the podcast) and mentions that can be
identified as native advertising. It was concluded
that it is too early to talk about the monetization
of podcasts thanks to advertising as a mass
phenomenon, it is rather an exception to the rule
than a regularity. An effective way of interacting
with the audience is thematic projects and those
Doctor of Social Communication Science, Associate Professor, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
PhD in Social Communication Science, Senior Lecturer, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Lecturer, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, M. Ye. Zhukovskyi National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”, Kharkiv,
Senior Lecturer, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine.
Bulakh, T., Kulykova, O., Martiukhyna, K., Karpenko, O., Putsіata, I. / Volume 12 - Issue 67: 162-172 / July, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
ones, which are designed for a specific brand,
which is their sponsors.
Keywords: advertising, podcasts, podcast
advertising, podcast monetization.
In recent times, the Ukrainian media landscape
has seen a surge in podcasts. This rise can be
attributed to their unique form of communication
and the current epidemiological and socio-
political climate both in Ukraine and globally.
Podcasts have become a vital tool to bridge the
gap caused by reduced travel and face-to-face
interactions. With this growth, a pertinent issue
has emerged: the need for effective monetization
to ensure their sustainability. Podcast advertising
stands out as a promising avenue for this
monetization. This study delves into the extent of
podcast advertising adoption both within Ukraine
and internationally, aiming to identify the most
effective advertising strategies. The findings will
offer insights to Ukrainian podcasters on
maximizing their monetization efforts through
targeted advertising techniques.
Literature Review
The problem of studying podcast advertising is
popular among scientists around the world. In
particular, Havryliuk (2022) and Dmytrovskyi
(2015, 2017) studied signs of podcasts and their
types, as well as Shekhavtsova & Protopopova
(2019) researched using them for special
purposes, e.g. for learning languages or
improving images of organizations. So,
Havryliuk (2022) studied the thematic range and
genre variety of podcasts, presented in the
Ukrainian Internet media, and Dmitrovsky
signs and typology of Ukrainian podcasts.
Shekhavtsova & Protopopova (2019) considered
the theoretical foundation of podcasting as the
most modern interactive and communicative
technology for learning English, as well as
defining characteristics and selection criteria
from the point of view of foreign language
teaching methods. Benkivska (2017) studied the
role of podcasting as a tool for marketing
communications, and Romanenko & Semchuk
(2021) emphasized podcasts’ significance in
digital marketing in the modern world. Dosenko
(2018) paid attention to researching perspectives
of podcast journalism as a popular form of radio
broadcasting on the Internet nowadays while
Dubenska (2020) explained how to develop the
podcast market in Ukraine. In the context of
advertising podcasts’ classification works by
Bulakh (2021) devoted to online advertising
classification and Karpenko (2009) about type-
species composition of advertising publications
are of great interest too. Unfortunately, there
have not been any scientific works dedicated to
the level of using advertising podcasts.
Foreign studies concerning the effectiveness of
advertising podcasts and consumers’ attitudes to
them are presented by Wang & Chan-Olmsted
(2023), Bezbaruah & Brahmbhatt (2023), Kim et
al., (2022), Brinson & Lemon (2022), Moe
(2021), Reilent et al., (2022), Spinelli (2019), etc.
So, the research by Wang & Chan-Olmsted
(2023) is based on a national survey to examine
how content engagement, host-audience
connection, and ad format relate to listeners'
brand attitudes. The results of the research
confirm that content engagement can play both a
positive and a negative role. At the same time,
scientists emphasize that relationships between
the host and the audience (host-audience),
including both relational perceptions and real
online interaction, as well as a host’s advertising
format, are positive prognostic factors. They also
point out that susceptibility to advertising may
reinforce or cancel some associations.
Bezbaruah & Brahmbhatt (2023) emphasize that
the effectiveness of advertising podcasts is their
growing popularity among consumers because of
their ability to offer valuable content. As a result,
brand owners are watching consumers on
podcast platforms and trying to reach them with
advertising. This is evidenced by the growth of
brand budgets spent on podcasts. However,
behavioural intentions as a result of such
interactions between brands and consumers have
not been sufficiently studied. Bezbaruah &
Brahmbhatt (2023) in the research on the
development of such concepts as advertising
value, attitudes to advertising and to the brand,
formation of purchase intention, etc., paid
attention to the moderating role of advertising
placement before, after and in the middle of the
video. The study confirmed the effectiveness of
advertising podcasts to create a relationship
between the consumer and the brand. In
particular, informative advertising was the most
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Kim et al., (2022) researched the positive and
negative impact of personalized and non-
personalized advertising on online newsreaders
in conditions of multitasking. Scientists studied
the interaction between the level of ad
personalization and media multitasking, as well
as the effect of both on the level of privacy and
ad evaluation. The results showed a negative
impact of personalized advertising on
consumers’ attitudes towards advertising and the
brand. Besides, privacy concerns caused the
personalized advertising message to have a
negative impact on ad ratings.
Based on the theory of parasocial interaction,
Brinson & Lemon (2022) analyse how trust and
relationships with podcast hosts influence
listeners' attitudes towards the brand and their
behaviour. Marketers recognize that podcast
hosts become trusted influencers with loyal
communities, which in turn provides additional
opportunities for consumer engagement and
positive reactions for brands. That is, attracting
hosts to announce information about brands
(native blocks) can be an effective way to their
Moe M. (2021) analyses listeners' attitudes
toward advertisements in podcasts and the
impact of advertisements read by the host on
consumers. Because it is the host in the process
of interaction with consumers who forms their
trust assessment and ensures the dissemination of
information. The effectiveness of podcasts as a
means of distributing marketing information has
been also investigated by Estonian scientists
Reilent et al. (2022). Researchers note the
relatively modest use of podcasts for marketing
purposes, suggesting to increase podcast revenue
by increasing podcast visibility, increasing
customer awareness of podcast advertising
opportunities, sharing podcast success stories,
and implementing ways to measure podcast
effectiveness. In this context, there was an
interesting study by Linares de Palomar & Neira
Borrajo (2017) about the experience of
broadcasting the Serial podcast, which can be
considered a successful example of attracting
advertisers. In Guide to Podcasting, n.d.-c
(QUIRK, 2015) the research was also devoted to
the study of the Serial podcast, paying attention
to podcast funding models. The purpose of this
study was to examine the changes taking place in
the podcasting space with an emphasis on the
business aspects. In particular, the author tried to
answer the questions: What business models are
effective in today's conditions, and if they are
viable/sustainable in the long run? The research
found that sponsorships, advertising,
crowdfunding, live broadcasts, and paid
subscriptions to podcast platforms are the most
common funding models for podcasts. It is
advertising that is a profitable stream that is
developing most rapidly. Other models are long-
term, trying to turn audience engagement and
loyalty into permanent cash flow.
But despite the increased attention of researchers
to the history, types and genres of podcasts
(Havryliuk (2022), Dmytrovskyi O. (2017),
methods of monetizing podcasts (QUIRK, 2015),
Linares de Palomar & Neira Borrajo (2017), the
level of personalization of podcasts (Kim et al.,
(2022), consumer attitudes towards advertising
in podcasts (Moe, 2021), Wang & Chan-Olmsted
(2023), and the effectiveness of podcasts as
marketing channels in foreign markets (Reilent et
al., (2022), Spinelli (2019), Benkivska (2017),
Romanenko & Semchuk (2021), as well as other
above-mentioned issues, podcast advertising in
the Ukrainian media space has not been studied
enough, which emphasizes the relevance of the
research. The level of using advertising
information for the monetization of Ukrainian
podcasts is of particular interest.
Therefore, the goal of the research is to consider
the main types of advertising podcasts and
analyze their use in the Ukrainian segment of the
media market.
To identify the primary advertising types in
domestic podcasts, we employed various
research methods, including descriptive analysis,
generalization, a systematic approach, and
content analysis. Among these methods, content
analysis was predominantly used to scrutinize 44
podcasts, which sum up to 1061 episodes, from
renowned Ukrainian media outlets such as Radio
NV, Suspilny, "The Ukrainians", and "Ukrainian
Pravda". To be more specific, the breakdown is
as follows: HB podcasts consist of 9 podcasts
with 346 episodes (as of April 2023),
Community podcasts have 11 podcasts with 159
episodes, "The Ukrainians" feature 7 podcasts
with 101 episodes, and "Ukrainian Truth" has 17
podcasts tallying 460 episodes (all figures are up
to April 2023).
Our analysis focused on the placement of
advertising informationwhether at the
beginning, middle, or end of the podcasts. We
also delved into the nature of advertising within
these segments, examining them based on the
ad's location within the podcast and the type of
sponsoring entity.
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
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Results and Discussion
Although the number of podcasts released in
2022 decreased compared to 2019, 2020, and
2021, according to Listen Notes (Listen Notes,
n.d.), a podcast search engine and database, it is
possible to consider podcasts as an effective
platform for the distribution of advertising
information taking into account their global total
(3,126,985 and 168,201,688 episodic June 2023)
(Riverside, 2023). There are several reasons for
this efficiency such as:
1) the popularity of podcasts and their
considerable number, as evidenced by the
above statistics;
2) the thematic and genre variety of podcasts
which allow segmenting the audience
consumers of advertising information
maximum clearly;
3) listeners’ loyal attitude to podcast
advertising. For example, Edison's report
indicates that 76% of listeners are receptive
to podcast advertising. Besides, unlike
YouTube ads, 33% of respondents “never or
rarely” skip podcast ads, due to the
integration of ads into the content of
podcasts, thanks to which they perceive
them organically, without any irritating or
denying the advertising information. This
kind of advertising causes more trust, which
has a psychological basis, because people
are inclined to trust everything they have a
favourable attitude, and they listen to
podcasts without any coercion and usually
choose them according to their own needs
and preferences;
4) podcast creators are interested in attracting
advertisers because they allow the podcast to
be monetized, and therefore to spend the
received funds on developing the resource
Listeners’ loyal attitude to podcast advertising is
also evidenced by a study by the IAB (Interactive
Advertising Bureau), according to which
listeners tend to trust podcast hosts and welcome
their personal views and jokes about a product or
service. It has become common for brands to
send hosts a sample or example of the product or
service they are promoting so that they can share
their own experiences of using them. Consumers
are more likely to respond to sincere and
authentic conversations about a product than to
pre-written texts and talking points.
Advertisements read by the host generate 55% of
the revenue.
Summarizing the results of foreign research, it
can be argued that podcast advertising can be
represented by commercial breaks in podcast
content. In this case, the host reads the
advertising text by broadcasting a pre-recorded
commercial. At the same time, ads can be
integrated into the podcast content, being a single
whole with it (native advertising), like an
interview with a certain specialist who mainly
presents his own company's services. According
to the brand needs, a separate podcast can be
created, the so-called branded/branded podcast,
etc. All presented types of advertising interaction
can be considered by the classification method.
Generalized data on existing types of podcast
advertising are presented in Table 1.
Table 1.
Classification of podcast advertising
Classification criteria
Types of advertising
According to the
method of providing
advertising information
re-recorded commercial
audio clip
the video is recorded by the host which starts
automatically before the podcast. Usually such
videos are professionally recorded, they are only
inserted into the podcast in the right place
spoken by the host
an announcement delivered by the podcast host
an invited expert
the interlocutor of the podcast who is a representative
of the company
native advertising
advertising embedded in the podcast (mentioning a
product or service in the context of the podcast topic)
mentioning the company as a sponsor/partner of the
program. The listeners' loyalty to the brand and its
recognition is increased
branded podcast/ season
podcasts are created under a separate brand, by the
brands themselves usually
advertising modules /
thematic episode
these are mini-podcasts on various topics within the
main releases, the leitmotif of which is a certain
brand. The brand can participate in the recording of
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the module and/or choose a topic that suits both the
brand and the podcast
According to the
method of ads in
podcast location
pre-roll ad
it appears at the beginning of the podcast and lasts 10-
15 seconds
mid-roll ad
it appears in the middle of the podcast and lasts 30-90
post-roll ad
it appears at the end of the podcast and lasts 15-30
According to the
method of payment for
the advertising
an agreed price is paid for advertising space in audio.
The price depends on the placement of advertising in
the podcast and the duration of the time spent on
podcasters are only paid when their promotion leads
to sales or conversions
the brand creates an image event which aims to
increase its recognition, establish interaction with
consumers and thus stimulate sales, i.e. performs an
image function.
According to the method
of insertion ads into
dynamic insertion
advertising is recorded separately
embedded advertising
recorded in the main audio file of the episode
According to the type of
podcast authors do not receive money for advertising,
because they are promoting themselves
on behalf of the
manufacturer of the
advertising is paid for by the manufacturer of the
product or service
on behalf of sales agents
advertising is paid for by the merchant
cooperative advertising
advertising is paid for jointly by the manufacturer
and the seller of the product
advertising on behalf of
private individuals
advertising is ordered by an individual for his own
All types of advertising presented in Table 1 are
actively used in foreign podcasts, scientists, as
evidenced by a review of foreign sources are
studying their effectiveness, but it is necessary to
identify their use in the Ukrainian segment of the
media market. For this, the podcasts saved on the
"NV.UA" website were selected, since the most
relevant and popular domestic podcasts are
collected on this platform.
It is important that these podcasts are not only
NV, but also, as evidenced by the own analysis
of the site and confirmed by Havryliuk (2022)
"...the podcasts presented on its platform are
republished from "Radio NV" or from the third-
party media resources: "Ukrainska Pravda",
"Media Kunsht", "Detector. Media",
"Hromadske", "Suspilne. Podkasty", various
organizations - Creative Industries Association
of Ukraine, Center of United Actions,
Politclub.Ucu, PeopleForce, Kyiv-Mohyla
Business School, individual authors Oleg
Novikov and Taras Chmut ("The right to float"),
Eduard Kovalenko (" A pair of mouths"), Vlad
Nozdrachev ("Wlad Nozdrachev"), Ivan
Horovsky ("Founders") and others. In total,
before the beginning of the full-scale invasion of
the Russian Federation on the territory of
Ukraine, 255 podcast projects were presented on
the "NV.UA" platform. With the beginning of the
war, the platform is replenished with new
podcasts, the topics of which are closely related
to Russia's military actions against our country."
It was found that in Radio NV podcasts (9
podcasts, 346 episodes, April 2023), promotional
information tended towards self-promotion
(repetition of the podcast title or tagline with that
title) at the beginning and end of the podcast.
There are usually no ads in the middle of
podcasts. There are isolated cases of partner
advertising (partner of the "pharmaceutical
company Arterium" program in the podcast
Antibiotics according to the rules.) (Fig. 1, 2).
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
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Figure 1. Radio NV. Type of advertising according to the method of ads in podcast location.
Figure 2. Radio NV. Type of advertising according to the method of providing advertising information.
The situation with advertising on Suspilny (11
podcasts, 159 episodes as of March 2023) is
almost the same as on Radio NV: mostly self-
promotion is used at the beginning (You are
listening to Suspilny podcasts), calls for
interaction (“We are waiting for your
thoughts….. "), there are no ads in the middle of
podcasts, except for rare exceptions. At the end
of most podcasts, advertising tends towards self-
promotion: no third-party ads, there are calls to
subscribe to podcasts and set favourites, as well
as announcements of upcoming episodes, which
can be considered as self-promotion too. For
example, in one of the podcasts Kyiv-Mohyla
Business School is mentioned at the end, in
another one a partner was mentioned, and at last,
Media Kunsht was called in one of podcasts.
Such mentions made by hosts can be identified
as partnerships. Therefore, Suspilny does not use
commercial advertising. However, some
mentions can be identified as native advertising.
So, for example, in the Main podcast (11
episodes), at the beginning of each episode, there
is a pre-recorded video, and an announcement of
the podcast itself (its title, summary and
participants), which can be marked as self-
promotion. In the middle of the episodes, there is
no advertising, but during the episodes from time
to time, the DSM 5 manual is mentioned, which
can be taken as a native advertisement. At the end
of the podcast, it was noted that the Kunsht media
podcast was created, which can be considered as
its advertisement. In general, the analysis of
Suspilny's podcasts has proved that advertising in
them tends to self-promotion (advertisement of
the project itself), there are isolated cases of
partners of the release, which is less an exception
than a regularity (Fig.3,4).
pre-roll mid-roll post-roll
a pre-recorded commercial clip branded podcast sponsorship presentation
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Figure 3. Suspilne. Podkasty. Type of advertising according to the method of ads in podcast location.
Figure 4. Suspilne. Podkasty. Type of advertising according to the method of providing advertising
The study of advertising information in the
podcasts of the community "The Ukrainians" (7
podcasts, 101 episodes) showed that self-
promotion prevails at the beginning of the
podcast. This is usually information about the
podcast and the host, the podcast tagline, an
invitation to join the community, etc. At the end,
hosts also often offer to join the community, rate
the podcast, favorite, add constructive criticism,
recommend to friends, and more. Ads are usually
absent in the middle of listened podcasts. (Fig. 5)
Figure 5. «The Ukrainians». Type of advertising according to the method of ads in podcast location (7
podcasts, 101 episodes)
pre-roll mid-roll post-roll absent
a pre-recorded commercial clip dynamic audio advertising partnership native advertising
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
There are isolated cases of partner advertising
(IREX, Gurgura recording studio, Zero Waste
Alliance Ukraine, etc.). For example, in the
podcast "Home" (in 11 episodes) there was
advertising of Zero Waste Alliance Ukraine as
the partner of the program. Here the partners are
mentioned at the beginning of each podcast. In
three episodes of the "Reporters" podcast, they
emphasize that the Gurgura recording studio
made the recording. In the "Life in the
Sideboard" podcast (in 6 episodes), the partner
IREX is named at the end.
According to the method of providing
advertising information in the podcasts of "The
Ukrainians" community, advertising delivered
by the host prevails (usually at the beginning or
end of the podcast), it's more self-promotional in
content. There are also pre-recorded audio clips
that invite listeners to join the community or
inform about a podcast partner, for example,
Zero Waste Alliance Ukraine in the "Home"
podcast. Therefore, there is also a presentation of
the partnership. Unfortunately, branded podcasts
were not detected within the analysed ones.
(Fig. 6)
Figure 6. «The Ukrainians». Type of advertising according to the method of providing advertising
In the podcasts of the online publication
"Ukrainian Pravda", self-promotion prevails at
the beginning of the podcast (information about
the podcast and the host, the slogan of the
podcast, and an invitation to join the community.
In the end, the hosts also often offer to join the
community, rate the podcast, set favorites, add
constructive criticism, recommend to friends etc.
The study of advertising information in the
podcasts of the "Ukrainian Pravda" community
(17 podcasts, 460 episodes) proved that self-
advertisement prevails at the beginning (27%)
and at the end (73%) of the podcast. In the middle
of the analyzed podcasts, advertising information
is usually absent (Fig. 7).
Figure 7. «Ukrainian Pravda». Type of advertising according to the method of ads in podcast location.
a pre-recorded commercial clip spoken by the host partnership/sponsorship presentation
pre-roll post-roll
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According to the method of providing
advertising information, these are pre-recorded
videos, in particular, which invite the community
to social networks. There are isolated cases of
partner advertising (program partner: OLX,
Centre for Defense Strategies, Consulate General
of Germany in Donetsk with an office in Dnipro).
Figure 8. «Ukrainian Pravda». Type of advertising according to the method of providing advertising
It was found out that advertising podcasts
(branded podcasts) are a separate phenomenon in
the Ukrainian podcast industry. These are those
podcasts that are specially created for advertising
purposes, but their leading functions are
informative and entertaining, thanks to which a
loyal attitude towards the advertiser is achieved,
and data about whom is perceived as
accompanying information that does not cause
negative emotions. A series of podcasts from
FUIB bank "Wheel of Stories" posted on the
Radio NV platform, in which the history of the
bank itself is presented in the context of the
thirty-year history of the formation of the
Ukrainian state, can be an example. The
announcement of the podcast on the website of
Radio NV says: "To mark the 30th anniversary
of Ukraine and the FUIB bank, audio plays about
the life of Ukrainians during the years of
independence were presented in 30 booths of the
Ferris wheel. The project continues to live on in
the NV podcast, presenting 11 audio plays of the
series... Through episodes from the lives of
Ukrainians, in which we can hear echoes of our
own experiences, PUMB invites us to take a spin
on the "Wheel of Stories" to remember the path
we have travelled and be inspired for new
achievements together!". By updating the
memory of certain historical moments, the
podcast stirs its own memories in the soul of
every Ukrainian, at the same time, combining the
stories of the FUIB into the history web by
emphasizing the reliability of the bank itself,
achieving the main advertising goal of the
podcast. Therefore, this experience can be called
a successful example of a branded podcast. The
podcast "Comfort Begins with Safety" is also
advertising, aimed at advertising the holding of
SHERIF security companies, but at the same
time, the content is informative and useful for
ordinary citizens, because the programs raise
issues that interest everyone.
Another type of brand presence in a podcast is a
partnership. An example of a podcast of this type
is five episodes of "Antibiotics according to the
rules", which explain the history of antibiotics,
the rules of use, debunk myths about them, that
is, the content is primarily useful for
consumption, and the pharmaceutical company
Arterium is mentioned as a partner of the
program. The short duration of the video (only 1-
2 minutes) helps to listen to them to the end.
Another podcast of this type, "Frankly about
cancer", recorded with the support of
TomoClinic, is dedicated to modern approaches
to combating this disease, the clinic's employees
answer the following questions: "Can one doctor
cure cancer on his own? "Is treatment available
in Ukraine? etc.
According to the foreign experience of recent
years, there is an obvious tendency to increase
the audience and, accordingly, the number of
loyal listeners, which means opportunities for
monetizing podcasts thanks to advertising. The
conducted research proved that commercial
advertising is almost never used in the analyzed
Ukrainian podcasts. Mentions of the program's
partners and sponsors are rather common, and
pre-recorded commercial audio clip spoken by the host
an invited expert sponsorship presentation
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
branded podcasts can be considered as a separate
niche. The most significant part of advertising
information in Ukrainian podcasts is self-
promotion. At the same time, information is often
duplicated at the beginning and end of the
program. The difference is that, according to the
method of providing advertising information, a
pre-recorded commercial clip is usually used at
the beginning of the podcast, at the end the
information is spoken by the host (sponsorship/
partnership presentation). At the same time, one
or another option prevails on different platforms.
Thus, NV prefers advertising at the beginning,
Suspilne at the end of podcasts, "Ukrainian
Pravda", and "The Ukrainians" are both at the
end and at the beginning of the podcast.
Promotional information in the middle of the
podcast is usually absent. Single cases of native
advertising have been fixed. In some cases, there
is no advertising information in podcasts at all
Figure 9. Use of advertising in Ukrainian podcasts.
According to quantitative indicators of the
diagram (Fig. 9) only 4 podcasts (9%) of 44 use
advertising only at the beginning of the program,
in the middle none, at the end of the podcast
11 podcasts (25%). Besides, there is also
advertising both at the beginning and at the end
of the program 25 (57%), at the beginning and
in the middle in 1 podcast (2%), at the
beginningin the middleat the end 1 podcast
too (2%), and absent at all in 2 podcasts (5%).
Thus, the results of the research made it possible
to conclude that the use of advertising by
Ukrainian podcasts for the purpose of
monetization is at an initial level. It requires,
firstly, familiarizing domestic entrepreneurs with
the possibilities of podcasts as a channel for the
distributing marketing information, and
secondly, disseminating the information about
the advantages of different ways of presenting
advertising information in podcasts and their
effectiveness in foreign countries. In particular, it
can be recommended for compatriots to pay
attention to use native advertising, which is
treated more loyally, advertising delivered by
presenters and advertising blocks placed in the
middle of the podcast, which were almost never
used in the analyzed podcasts.
In general, it is possible to state that podcasts are
gradually becoming a new trend in the Ukrainian
media market, providing additional opportunities
for interaction with the audience, in particular
through advertising. With a stable increase in the
audience, the options for monetizing podcasts
will also grow, in particular through advertising,
which will be facilitated by an in-depth study of
foreign experience, which is a perspective for our
further research.
Bibliographic references
Benkivska, A. (2017) Podcasting as a tool for
marketing communications. Interscience,
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