www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.67.07.14
How to Cite:
Zavalevskyi, Y., Khokhlina, O., Gorbenko, S., Fliarkovska, O., & Chupryna, O. (2023). Project based STEM activities as an
effective educational technology in the context of blended learning. Amazonia Investiga, 12(67), 152-161.
Project based STEM activities as an effective educational technology in the
context of blended learning
Проектна діяльність STEM як ефективна освітня технологія в контексті змішаного
Received: June 5, 2023 Accepted: July 14, 2023
Written by:
Yurii Zavalevskyi2
Olena Khokhlina3
Svitlana Gorbenko4
Olha Fliarkovska5
Olga Chupryna6
The study aims to investigate the implementation of
project-based STEM activities within a blended
learning framework in higher education. This
approach encourages students' independent creativity
and prepares them for contemporary work
environments. STEM education is positioned as a tool
to develop key competencies like multicultural
understanding, linguistic skills, and adaptability. This
innovative educational method emphasizes the real-
world application of scientific, mathematical,
technical, and engineering knowledge. The research
methodology combines theoretical analysis with
practical evaluation. Key findings underscore the
significance of independent research, interdisciplinary
integration, and skill development in a blended
learning environment. A notable outcome emphasizes
empowering students to craft scalable business
models, such as startups, vital for success in today's
Keywords: blended learning, STEM education,
project-based STEM activities, higher education
students, readiness for research activities.
Дослідження має на меті дослідити впровадження
проектних діяльностей STEM в межах комбінованої
освітньої програми у вищій освіті. Цей підхід сприяє
незалежній творчості студентів і готує їх до
сучасних робочих умов. Освіта STEM розглядається
як інструмент для розвитку ключових компетенцій,
таких як багатокультурне розуміння, мовні навички
та адаптивність. Цей інноваційний освітній метод
акцентує увагу на практичному застосуванні
наукових, математичних, технічних та інженерних
знань. Методика дослідження поєднує теоретичний
аналіз із практичною оцінкою. Основні результати
підкреслюють важливість незалежних досліджень,
інтердисциплінарної інтеграції та розвитку навичок
в комбінованому навчальному середовищі. Одним з
основних результатів є надання студентам
можливості розробляти масштабові бізнес-моделі,
такі як стартапи, які є важливими для успіху в
сучасному світі.
Ключові слова: змішане навчання, STEM-освіта,
проектна STEM-діяльність, студенти вищих
навчальних закладів, готовність до дослідницької
Project based STEM activities as an effective educational technology.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, First Deputy Director, Scientific Institution "Institute for the Modernization of the
Content of Education", Kyiv, Ukraine.
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Department of Aviation Psychology, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Aviation Psychology, National Aviation University, Kyiv,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Psychological Support and Social-Pedagogical
Work, Scientific Institution "Institute for the Modernization of the Content of Education", Kyiv, Ukraine.
Methodologist of the Higher Category, Head of the Department of Psychological Support and Social-Pedagogical Work, Scientific
Institution "Institute for the Modernization of the Content of Education", Kyiv, Ukraine.
Zavalevskyi, Y., Khokhlina, O., Gorbenko, S., Fliarkovska, O., Chupryna, O. / Volume 12 - Issue 67: 152-161 / July, 2023
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
In recent years, there has been a growing
recognition of the importance of STEM
education in preparing students for the demands
of the modern workforce. STEM, which stands
for Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics, focuses on developing critical
thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration
skills through an integrated approach to learning.
As higher education institutions strive to meet the
evolving needs of learners, they have turned to
innovative educational technologies and
pedagogical approaches to enhance the teaching
and learning experience.
One such approach that has gained significant
attention is project-based learning. Project-based
learning involves students actively participating
in real-life projects to deepen their understanding
of the subject matter and develop relevant skills.
When combined with the principles of STEM
education, project-based learning can provide a
robust framework for student engagement and
achievement. However, the effective
implementation of project-based STEM
activities requires careful consideration of the
learning environment. Blended learning, which
combines face-to-face instruction with online
learning experiences, has emerged as a promising
model for integrating project-based learning into
higher education. Blended learning offers a
flexible and dynamic approach that can
accommodate diverse learning styles and foster
independent creative work.
Under the circumstances of working under
martial law and the ongoing COVID-19
pandemic, higher education teachers in Ukraine
are striving to implement modern models of
organizing the educational process. Their aim is
to improve didactic methods, means, and forms
of teaching. To ensure the modernization and
high-quality implementation of the learning
process, clear and timely decisions, accessible
explanations, and the introduction of innovative
forms of education are required. This includes
the implementation of STEM education within a
blended learning model.
The blended learning model combines traditional
approaches with online learning, with a focus on
students acquiring and understanding knowledge
through independent creative work. The
fundamental principles of blended learning
include personalized learning, comprehensive
comprehension and assimilation of educational
material, purposeful learning activity, and
individual student responsibility for choosing
learning methods and achieving results
(Stolyarenko, 2015).
These principles of the blended learning model
align with the principles of STEM education,
which is currently being actively implemented in
educational institutions at all levels. STEM
education involves the practical application of
scientific, mathematical, technical, and
engineering knowledge and skills, as well as
integrated research and creative work by higher
education students to master scientific
knowledge methods (Patrykeieva et al., 2021).
Innovation in educational technologies forms the
basis of STEM education. The versatility of the
teacher's role allows for creative application and
comprehension of these technologies
(Chernomorets et al., 2019; Chernyavska &
Khokhlina, 2022). Project-based STEM
activities, in particular, are considered highly
promising educational technologies that can
enhance the effectiveness of the blended learning
model and foster the development of essential
life competencies in students, such as
multicultural, linguistic, informational, political,
and social skills (Kuzmenko & Dembytska,
The purpose of this article is to conduct a
theoretical and empirical study on the
implementation of project-based STEM
activities as an effective educational technology
within the blended learning context.
The tasks of this study are:
1. To examine the implementation and
effectiveness of project-based STEM
activities in fostering independent creative
work among students.
2. To investigate the impact of project-based
STEM activities on developing students'
readiness for active engagement in
contemporary work environments.
3. To assess the benefits and challenges of
integrating project-based STEM activities
into the educational process and propose
recommendations for their effective
implementation in higher education
Literature Review
According to Almazroui (2023) project-based
learning (PBL) is an instructional approach that
emphasizes active, inquiry-based learning
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
through the completion of authentic, real-world
projects. PBL has been widely recognized for its
ability to foster critical thinking, problem-
solving, collaboration, and communication skills
among students. Numerous studies have shown
positive outcomes in terms of student
engagement, motivation, and deep understanding
of concepts when PBL is integrated into the
educational process (Hall & Miro, 2016; Ginting,
2021; Allen et al., 2011).
STEM education focuses on integrating science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics in a
multidisciplinary approach to foster the
development of critical thinking and analytical
skills. It aims to prepare students for careers in
STEM fields and cultivate a deeper
understanding of how these disciplines are
interconnected in real-world situations. Huang et
al., (2020) state that implementation of STEM
education has been shown to enhance students'
problem-solving abilities, creativity, and
innovation skills.
Blended learning combines traditional face-to-
face instruction with online learning activities. It
offers flexibility in terms of time, pace, and place
of learning, providing students with
opportunities for independent study and
collaboration. Blended learning has been shown
to improve student engagement, motivation, and
learning outcomes when effectively
implemented (Sahni, 2019). The integration of
project-based STEM activities in blended
learning holds great potential for engaging
students in authentic, hands-on learning
experiences that connect theoretical knowledge
with practical application (Kelley & Knowles,
2016). This approach allows students to work
collaboratively, apply problem-solving skills,
and develop a deep understanding of STEM
concepts. The studies of Fini et al., (2018) and
Domenici (2022) have demonstrated the
effectiveness of project-based STEM activities in
enhancing student learning outcomes, increasing
motivation, and preparing students for future
careers in STEM fields.
Researchers also highlights the various benefits
and challenges associated with implementing
project-based STEM activities in blended
learning (Klentien & Wannasawade, 2016).
Benefits include increased student engagement,
improved problem-solving skills, and enhanced
critical thinking abilities (Murphy et al., 2018).
However, challenges may arise in terms of
curriculum design, assessment methods, and
technological infrastructure (Medeiros et al.,
2017). Successfully implementing project-based
STEM activities in blended learning
environments requires addressing these
challenges as a crucial step.
A significant contribution to the development of
the theory and practice of blended learning in
Ukraine has been made by national scholars such
as Buhaichuk (2016), Hurevych & Kademiia
(2013), Tkachuk (2018), and others. The research
of scholars Barna (2017), Buturlina et al., (2019),
Kuzmenko & Dembytska (2017), Patrykeieva et
al., (2019; 2021), Polihun et al., (2021),
Slipukhina et al. (2020), Stryzhak et al., (2017),
Chernomorets et al., (2019), Dychkivska (2015),
Dobrovolska (2020), and others have contributed
to understanding the essence of educational
technologies and their application in STEM
Historically, the blended learning model in
Ukraine started taking shape in the early 1950s.
In 1951, the Small Electronic Counting Machine,
the first computer in not only the then USSR but
also Europe, was launched in Kyiv. Prominent
computer scientists such as V. Glushkov,
B. Malynovskyi, and K. Yushchenko played a
significant role in testing and implementing
computer technology, enabling educational
institutions to actively incorporate it into the
educational process (Sobchenko, 2021).
The blended learning model is based on activity-
based and student-centered approaches to
learning, aiming to develop individuals'
readiness for active engagement and self-
realization. The success of individuals in society
relies on their ability to plan effectively,
implement plans efficiently, find means for
verifying the validity and significance of their
actions, and analyze the consequences of their
activities. These actions align with the principles
underlying project-based STEM activities, which
aim to foster critical thinking, problem-solving
skills, and research competencies (Barna, 2017).
This study aimed to investigate the
implementation of project-based STEM
activities as an effective educational technology
in blended learning, with a focus on the
formation of higher education students' readiness
for research activities. The research utilized a
combination of theoretical and empirical
research methods to gather and analyze data.
Theoretical analysis and generalization of
psychological and pedagogical practice were
conducted to provide a theoretical framework
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
and background for the study. This involved
reviewing existing literature, scholarly articles,
and reports on project-based learning, STEM
education, and blended learning.
A survey was employed as a data collection
method, using the Computer-Assisted Web
Interviewing (CAWI) technique for online
administration. The survey questionnaire was
designed to gather information from the
respondents regarding their experiences with
project-based STEM activities and their
perceived impact on their readiness for research
activities. The survey was administered to 120
participants from higher education institutions
that implemented blended learning and project-
based STEM activities during the 2021-2022
academic year. In addition to the survey, expert
evaluation was conducted to gather insights and
expert opinions on the implementation and
effectiveness of project-based STEM activities.
Experts in the field of STEM education and
blended learning were identified and invited to
participate in the evaluation process.
The longitudinal method was employed to study
the dynamics of the formation of higher
education students' readiness for research
activities. This involved collecting data at
multiple time points to track changes and
developments in their readiness for research
activities over time.
The research was conducted by the STEM
Education Department of the State Scientific
Institution "Institute for the Modernization of
Education Content" in Ukraine. The study
focused on the content and results of the
implementation of project-based STEM
activities, their impact on the formation of
students' worldview and social position, their
process of finding their place in future adult life,
and their personal self-realization in Ukraine.
The gathered data from the survey, expert
evaluations, and longitudinal study were
analyzed using appropriate statistical methods,
qualitative analysis techniques, and comparative
analysis to draw conclusions and make
recommendations based on the findings.
Results and Discussion
Project-based STEM activities aim to achieve a
goal through a detailed examination of a
problem, integrating scientific, technological,
engineering, and mathematical knowledge, and
culminating in a practical outcome. In this
approach, the teacher provides support and
encourages students to actively search for
information, establish project objectives and
research methods, and seek solutions to specific
educational and cognitive tasks. Students are
given the autonomy to choose the format for
presenting and defending their project results. A
fundamental aspect of project-based STEM
activities is the development of a student's
readiness for research activity in higher
education. This readiness is defined as personal
preparation encompassing a strong desire for
creative scientific knowledge and effective
engagement, along with the necessary qualities,
knowledge, skills, abilities, and a positive
motivational and value-oriented attitude towards
work (Chernyavska & Khokhlina, 2022). In
relation to readiness for research activities,
several components should be combined,
including cognitive, motivational, informational,
and activity-related elements, as well as
important professional features of mental
processes (cognitive and emotional-volitional
spheres) and professionally significant personal
traits (temperament, character, abilities)
(Khokhlina, 2014).
This article delves into how students develop
their motivation for research activities, which is
a key factor in shaping their outlook on scientific
work. The study determined the content and
levels of this motivation based on previous
research by Chernomorets et al., (2019), with a
focus on two indicators: 1) whether the attitude
towards research activities is positive or
negative, and 2) the stability and effectiveness of
that attitude. The nature of the attitude towards
research and its application can vary from
completely positive, interested, to indifferent.
Stability represents the level of interest and
emphasis on the fundamental aspects of research
activity, which can be occasional or consistent.
Effectiveness reflects positive reactions and the
inclination to apply research findings, ranging
from contemplative to productive engagement.
Based on these indicators (nature of attitude,
stability, effectiveness), the motivational
component of students' readiness for research
activities can be categorized into the following
I. High: demonstrating a positive attitude
towards research activities, independent
research, theoretical and experimental study
of phenomena and processes, substantiation
of facts, and identification of patterns using
scientific methods of knowledge.
II. Average: displaying an interested, but
passive and relatively unstable attitude
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
towards research activities, independent
research, theoretical and experimental study
of phenomena and processes, substantiation
of facts, and identification of patterns using
scientific methods of knowledge.
III. Low: exhibiting a passive, contemplative,
and occasional or persistent negative attitude
towards research activities and independent
research, theoretical and experimental study
of phenomena and processes.
The survey and longitudinal methods were
employed to investigate the levels of formation
of the motivational component of readiness for
research activities among students in higher
education. The collected data are presented in
Table 1, which provides a comparative analysis
and generalization of the data in relative values
Table 1.
Data on the levels of formation of the motivational component of readiness for research activities among
higher education students (%)
Levels of formation
of the motivational
Applicants for higher education
The beginning of the academic year
The end of the academic year
*Source: Compiled by the authors
Figure 1 illustrates the fluctuating levels of
readiness for research activities among higher education students, specifically in terms of their
motivational component.
Figure 1. Data on the levels of formation of the motivational component of readiness for research
activities of higher education students (%)
*Source: Compiled by the authors
The data presented in Table 1 and Figure 1
illustrate that at the beginning of the academic
year, the majority of both girls and boys
demonstrate an average level of the motivational
component of readiness for research. This
indicates that students hold an interested but
passive and somewhat unstable attitude towards
research activities, including independent
research, theoretical and experimental studies,
factual substantiation, and the identification of
patterns using scientific methods of knowledge.
It is worth noting that project-based STEM
activities are newly introduced at this stage.
Girls (beginning of the
academic year Girls (end of the academic
year) Boys (beginning of the
academic year) Boys (end of the academic
high level average level low level
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
By the end of the primary year, there is an
increase in the proportion of students with a high
level of formation in the motivational
component. This is evident through their
heightened interest in problem-solving, analysis
of literary sources, and factual substantiation.
Notably, girls display a greater inclination
towards experimental study of phenomena and
processes, their applied nature, and the
identification of regularities using scientific
methods of cognition. On the other hand, boys
exhibit a stronger interest in creating finished
The data suggests that the implementation of
project-based STEM activities throughout the
school year resulted in a 10% decrease in the
number of students, both girls and boys, with a
low level of the motivational component of
readiness for research.
The data obtained from teacher evaluations,
using expert evaluation and longitudinal
methods, regarding the formation levels of the
motivational component in students are
presented in Table 2 and Figure 2. To ensure
comparability and generalizability, the data is
presented as relative values (%).
Table 2.
Data from a teacher survey on the levels of formation of the motivational component of readiness for
research activities among higher education students (%)
Levels of formation
of the motivational
Applicants for higher education
The beginning of the academic year
The end of the academic year
*Source: Compiled by the authors
Figure 2. Data from the survey of teachers on the levels of formation of the motivational component of
readiness for research activities of higher education students (%)
*Source: Compiled by the authors
The data obtained from the expert evaluation
method reveals that teachers strongly believe in
the effectiveness of project-based STEM
activities. They attest that the majority of
students exhibit a highly positive attitude
towards research activities, actively engaging in
the solution of scientific and applied issues, and
demonstrating a keen interest in both theoretical
and practical exploration of various phenomena
and processes, even in the context of blended
learning. Notably, by the end of the academic
year, there was a 15% increase in the high level
Girls (beginning of the
academic year) Girls (end of the academic
year) Boys (beginning of the
academic year) Boys (end of the academic
high level average level low level
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
of motivational component formation among
girls and a 20% increase among boys.
The data analysis highlights project-based STEM
activities as an educational technology that
fosters students' independent learning and
cultivates their readiness to creatively acquire
knowledge within the blended learning model,
utilizing innovative educational technologies. As
a result of the theoretical and empirical study,
valuable insights were obtained regarding the
formation of students' readiness for research
activities in higher education. This was achieved
through the implementation of innovative
educational technologies, specifically project-
based STEM activities within a blended learning
model. The data analysis indicates that the
majority of higher education students possess a
positive, stable, and effective attitude towards
independent research work, which enhances the
effectiveness of distance learning and facilitates
the successful resolution of various situations
and tasks that arise during active work.
Furthermore, gender differences in the
perception and implementation of knowledge,
skills, and abilities were negligible. The learning
outcome appeared to be more influenced by the
direction and quality of external and internal
motivation for active engagement. However,
according to the survey conducted with teachers,
girls tend to demonstrate a more responsible
attitude towards research activities and exhibit
greater persistence in their learning. It is
noteworthy that by the end of the academic year,
the high level of motivational component
formation increased by 15% among girls and by
20% among boys. Thus, engaging in project-
based STEM activities offers numerous benefits,
particularly in promoting a hands-on,
experiential approach to learning. Students are
encouraged to actively participate in the learning
process by applying their knowledge and skills to
real-world problems. This fosters a sense of
autonomy and encourages them to take initiative
in their learning journey. Moreover, such
activities also promote collaboration and
teamwork among students. With the requirement
to work in groups, students learn from and
support each other, enhancing their problem-
solving abilities and nurturing their social and
communication skills. Project-based STEM
activities encourage students to think creatively,
explore various possibilities, and take risks,
thereby boosting their confidence and self-
efficacy. This mindset is essential in developing
a growth mindset that is vital for success in
today's rapidly evolving world.
In addition, project-based STEM activities are an
excellent opportunity for students to develop
their independent creative work. They foster a
love for learning, encourage critical thinking, and
equip students with the skills and mindset
necessary for lifelong learning and success in
their future careers (Murphy et al., 2018).
As students learn through project-based STEM
activities, they face real-world challenges that
require collaboration, communication, and
effective problem-solving. These activities
develop essential skills for success in modern
work environments, such as working in teams,
navigating complex tasks, and adapting to
rapidly changing situations (Samsudin et al.,
2020). By encouraging creative and innovative
thinking, students are motivated to explore new
ideas, think outside the box, and come up with
unique solutions. This cultivates an
entrepreneurial mindset and prepares them to
meet the dynamic demands of the modern
These activities often involve the use of
technology and digital tools, providing practical
experience in utilizing relevant technologies.
This familiarity with technology enhances their
digital literacy, a highly sought-after skill in
today's digital era. Ultimately, project-based
STEM activities prepare students for active
engagement in contemporary work environments
by nurturing both technical and transferable
skills necessary for success in a rapidly changing
and competitive job market.
The study establishes a significant relationship
between the formation of students' readiness
(motivational component) for research activities
and the integration of STEM education.
However, it should be noted that these findings
do not claim to provide an exhaustive solution to
the problem. Further research is required to
explore other structural components of students'
readiness for research work within the context of
blended learning. Besides, integrating project-
based STEM activities into the educational
process can present the following challenges:
Implementing project-based STEM
activities requires significant time
commitments from both students and
educators (Aksela & Haatainen, 2019). It
can be challenging to find adequate time
within the curriculum to allow for in-depth
project work.
Project-based STEM activities often require
access to specific resources, materials, and
equipment (Van Horne & Bell, 2017).
Volume 12 - Issue 67
/ July 2023
http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
Limited availability or inadequate funding
for these resources can hinder the effective
implementation of such activities.
Educators need to possess sufficient
knowledge and expertise in STEM fields to
effectively guide students through project-
based activities (Beswick & Fraser, 2019).
Ensuring that teachers are adequately trained
and prepared to facilitate these activities can
be a challenge.
To overcome these challenges and ensure the
effective implementation of project-based STEM
activities in higher education institutions, the
following recommendations can be considered:
1. Curriculum integration: Integrate project-
based STEM activities into the existing
curriculum to ensure alignment with
learning objectives. This can help address
time constraints by incorporating project
work into existing coursework.
2. Collaboration and partnerships: Foster
collaborations with external organizations,
industries, and community partners to access
additional resources, expertise, and real-
world contexts for projects.
3. Professional development: Provide ongoing
professional development opportunities for
educators to enhance their knowledge and
skills in STEM fields and project-based
learning methodologies.
4. Flexible learning spaces: Create flexible
learning spaces that are equipped with the
necessary resources and technology to
support project-based STEM activities. This
can include dedicated labs, makerspaces, or
access to virtual simulation tools.
5. Assessment strategies: Develop appropriate
assessment strategies to evaluate student
learning and progress in project-based
STEM activities. This may include a
combination of individual and group
assessments, portfolios, presentations, and
By addressing these challenges and
implementing these recommendations, higher
education institutions can successfully integrate
project-based STEM activities into the
educational process, fostering a more engaging
and impactful learning experience for students.
In summary, using project-based STEM
activities in blended learning has proven to be an
effective educational tool. These activities
encourage students to learn through hands-on,
inquiry-based methods that incorporate science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Furthermore, project-based STEM activities help
students develop essential skills like critical
thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and
creativity. The results of this study demonstrate
that project-based STEM activities have a
positive impact on students' readiness for
research activities and their motivation to
actively participate in scientific exploration.
Expert evaluations and student surveys indicate
that these activities are effective in promoting a
positive attitude towards research, even in a
blended learning environment.
STEM education has been recognized as a highly
effective approach that promotes
interdisciplinary learning and the practical
application of knowledge in real-world
scenarios. Nonetheless, this study seeks to delve
deeper by underscoring the importance of
project-based activities as a powerful tool to
further enhance students' research readiness and
foster their creativity and innovation skills.
STEM activities are incredibly important for
society as a whole, as they contribute to the
overall advancement and well-being of
communities. By nurturing interest and
proficiency in STEM among students, societies
can cultivate a highly skilled workforce capable
of addressing emerging challenges and driving
economic progress. Encouraging and involving
underrepresented groups, particularly women, in
STEM activities is vital for promoting equality
and diversity. By engaging individuals from
diverse backgrounds, we can harness a wider
range of perspectives and talents to foster
innovation and address societal challenges more
effectively. STEM activities promote lifelong
learning by encouraging curiosity, critical
thinking, and problem-solving skills. These skills
are not only beneficial for educational pursuits
but also for personal and professional growth in
an increasingly technology-driven society. Also,
STEM activities focus on solving global
challenges, such as climate change, energy
sustainability, healthcare advancements, and
technological advancements. By encouraging
students to think critically and creatively, STEM
fosters a problem-solving mindset to tackle these
complex issues.
Fields in STEM drive economic growth by
enhancing innovation, creating job opportunities,
and driving technological advancements.
www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322- 6307
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